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SRS: Travel Agency Car Management Software Requirements

Software Requirements Specification Document
For Travel Agency Car Management Software
1. Introduction1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the external requirements for an automated
book-keepingsystem that keep track of various operations of a travel agency. It also
describes the interfaces for thesystem.
1.2. Scope
This document describes the requirements of the above-mentioned system. It is meant to
be used bythe developers and will be the basis for validating the final delivered system. Any
changes made to therequirements in the future will be made with the permission of the
client. The developer isresponsible for asking for clarifications, where necessary.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations
Data Flow DiagramIEEE
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1.4. Document Overview
This document contains the functional and non-functional requirements of the system
and the
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
of the system in the following pages.
1.5. References
IEEE standard 830-1998 ,Pankaj Jalote Software Engineering book.
1.6. Intended Audience
This document will be used for design purposes by the developers and the design team. It
will be thebasis for validating the final delivered system.
1.7. SRS team members
This document is written by Srayan Datta(
2. Functional Requirements2.1. Register Customers2.1.1. Collect Detail about
Customer name, customer address, phone number.Output:
Request for deposit money (Rs. 5000).
Updating entered data in customer database as temporary.Description:
Only for valid information Request is generated.
New set of information given must not match completely with an existing entry in
2.1.2. Gather Deposit Money
Confirmation of receiving deposit money,
Previously entered customer data stored temporarily in customer database.Output:
User name and password for the corresponding customer.
Converting of temporary customer data to permanent.Description:
The employees of the organization permanently store the relevant data on confirmation
ofreceiving deposit money.
2.2. Process Online Request2.2.1. Display car information
Online car request by the customer containing
the date for which travel is required, thedestination, and duration for which the vehicle is
List of all types of available cars with hourly charge and per kilometre charge.Description:
This information is automatically generated on pressing a button by accessing the car
2.2.2. Display Hired car information and estimated charge
Customer choice for a particular choice from the list generated.Output:
he number of the allotted vehicle and the driver’s mobile numbers
Estimated charge for the vehicle.
Updated the car status (
as ‘
After the journey completes change status again to ‘available’.
Estimated charge for the vehicle is calculated as per rules mentioned in part
The car status is updated as per rules mentioned in part
The cars are allotted such that no two customers are allotted same car for same time interval.
2.3. Calculate and Collect Payment
Duty slip containing necessary information such as duration of hire and the kilometres
validated by customer at the end of journey, submitted by the driver of the car hired.
Confirmation of receiving payment.Output:
Bill for the completed journey.
Updated database on confirmation of receiving payment.
Updated car status
(as ‘available’).
The amount chargeable to a customer is the maximum of per hour charge for the car timesthe
number of hours used, plus the per kilometre charge times the number of kilometres
run,subject to a minimum amount decided by the charge for
hours use of the car.
An AC vehicle of a particular category is charged
% more than a non-AC vehicle of thesame category
There is a charge of Rs.
/- for every night halt regardless of the type of the vehicle.
The car status is updated as per rules mentioned in part
On confirmation of receiving payment updating will be done in customer database against
particular customer’s name.
2.4. Edit car information
New car information.
Car statisticsOutput:
Updated new car information.
Deleted old irreparable car information.
Updated car rent.Description:
At arrival of new car, its information will be updated by the manager.
Old irreparable car information will be deleted by the manager and the car
is declaredunusable.
Car rent can be increased or decreased based on car statistics.
2.5. Update Car Status
Car status (‘rented’, ‘gone to repair’, ‘available’).
Updated car status.Description:
The default car status is ‘available’.
When a car is rented or gone to repair its status is updated.
When the car comes back, its status is again changed back to ‘available’.
2.6. Handle Statistics
Various car rent statistics stored in car database.Output:
Car-wise statistics.Description:
This functionality sorts the type of cars in order of their demand and net profit derived from
atype, which helps in predicting more profitable new car order.
3. External interface Requirements3.1. User Interfaces
This software needs the following user interfaces:i)
Registration Window:User: The customerProperties:
This window is used for entry of customer details and registering a new customerfor the
online booking system.
This window has various text fields to take the information name, address, phonenumber.
There will be a register button upon pressing which deposit money is asked for.ii)
Log in Window:User: The customer, the employees of the organisation using the software,
the manager.Properties:
This window has two fields for username and password, two buttons to log in andregister.
For correct user name and password it opens an appropriate window.
It has register button to let new customer register by redirecting to registrationwindow.iii)
Customer Homepage:User: Registered customerProperties:
This window opens when a customer logs in.
This window
is used for online booking for a car of customer’s choice for a
particular time span and it has provision to display all available cars and let thecustomer
The billing information of a completed journey will be viewed using this window.iv)
Employee Homepage:User: The employees of the organisation using the software when
logged in.Properties:
This window opens when an employee logs in.
This window takes all necessary input from the duty slip and displays thecalculated net bill
to be paid by the customer.
This window
lets the user update a car’s status (available, rented or gone to
When deposit money is collected the user updates the corresponding customerinfo into
customer database using this window.
When a payment is made ,it is updated in customer database using this window.v)
Manager Homepage :User: The managers of the organisation using the softwareProperties:
This window opens when one of the managers logs in.
This window lets the user add a new car and its specifications to the car databaseand delete
information of an old irreparable car from the database.
Car statistics will be viewed using this window.
Car rents can be changed according to car statistics.
3.2. Software Interfaces
The software runs under Linux or Windows operating system. This software uses
two differentdatabases for cars and customers. Internet using facility is must.
3.3. Hardware Interfaces
The system will run on a computer with at least
MB RAM and with internet connection. Themachine is connected to a printer for printing
bills etc.
3.4. Communication Interfaces
The software must be web browser enabled and HTTP protocol is used to transfer data.
4. Other Non-functional Requirements4.1 Performance
In every case the response time will be less than
second except for the cases where internetconnection is used.
4.2 Security
This software offers password protection so that only regular customers can book cars, only
authorizedpersonnel can edit data corresponding t0 booking, billing and car information.
5. Data Flow Diagrams5.1. Diagrams
5.2. Data Dictionary
Customer_information= Customer_name + Customer_address +
Customer_phone_numberTravel_details = date + destination +
durationAvailable_car_details= Model + AC_status + hourly_charge
+ per_kilometre_chargeAC_status= AC | Non-ACCar_status= Available |Rented | Gone to
repairHired_car_details= Car_number + Driver_mobile_numberDuty_slip= Car_number +
hourly_charge + per_kilometre_charge + hours_rented +kilometres_traveled +
Number_of_nighthaltsBill= Customer_name + Model + AC_status
+Calculated_chargeBooking_information= Customer_name +Travel_details + Estimated_
chargeBilling_information= Customer_name + BillCar_details= Car_number+ Model +
AC_status + hourly_charge + per_kilometre_charge +Driver_name
+ Driver_mobile_numberCar_statistics= Price + Average_repair_cost + Average_demand
+ revenue + fuel_consumptionChanged_car_information= Car_details +
Car_statisticsNew_car_information= Car_details + Car_statistics