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Research Writing Guidelines: Notre Dame of Midsayap College

Midsayap, Cotabato
Title (Inverted Triangle):
The title should give an indication of the specific problems(s) to be investigated. It
has to be brief, concise and clear. It should give an idea as to what the whole problem is
about. The length of the title should be 10 to 15 Substantive words. (see title page format)
Chapter 1– (bold)
(2 single spaces)
(2 single spaces)
Background of the Study
(2 single spaces)
This section must be clear and logical in describing the trends and/or problematic
issues (global, national, local) in the field, the research gap and urgency of the study. This
also contains a literature particularly in the light of the chosen variables, surfacing the
research – unexplored area as well as the conflicting areas in the literature.
The first line of every paragraph is indented one-half or 5 spaces. Maintain the
regular double space throughout the manuscript. Do not use block paragraph.
The first sentence of the paragraph is a personal view about the issue and it includes
striking statement related to the problem (dependent variable), this is followed by the
problematic issues on the dependent variable and supported by literature.
The second paragraph presents the INTERNATIONAL problematic issues on the
independent variables and supported by literature.
The third paragraph presents the INTERNATIONAL problematic issues on the
independent variable and supported by literature. Present an INTERNATIONAL RL on
the “link” between the IV and the DV as the last sentence.
The fourth paragraph presents PHILIPPINE issues and problems on your DV with
and supported by literature. Be sure to presents issues and problems on a National level,
Mindanao level, Regional level, and Local level.
The last paragraph presents statements leading to the conduct of your study.
Research gap discusses the uniqueness/peculiarity of the study or the aspect making it
different when compared to study previously done. The urgency of the study discusses the
relevance of the study as well as its social value.
The background of the study may have 1 to 2 pages.
(2 single spaces)
Statement of Problem
(2 single spaces)
This section enumerates all the general and specific question to be answered,
descriptions or compositions to be made or associations and relationships to be tested.
Research objectives are ideally formulated in question form.
The study aimed to determine the behavioral practices and work performance of
seasoned and millennial teachers in Aleosan East and West Districts.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following queries:
What are the behavioral practices of seasoned and millennial teachers in
terms of: (a) participation in school activities in the categories of academic
enhancements, extracurricular, co-curricular, faculty development, (b) teaching styles,
and (c) peer relationship?
(2 single spaces)
Significance of the Study
(2 single spaces)
This section presents the reasons for doing the work, such as the need the research
will find and why the work should be done now. It could also deal with defining the
contributions/benefits that the research findings can give to its end-users, agency,
region or even nation who are going to make use of the research.
(2 single spaces)
Scope and Limitation
(2 single spaces)
This section presents the scope and limitation of the study. For the scope, state the
objective, where is it conducted, how many respondents, the description of your
respondents. For the limitation, state the factors you encounter or experience that are
beyond your control during the conduct of your study.
This study is mainly concerned about the crisis management practices and business
performance of microenterprises in the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic particularly
in Alamada, Cotabato. This covered the seven (7) barangays of Alamada namely
Barangiran, Camansi, Dado, Kitacubong, Mirasol, Polayagan, and Rangayen. The
study was conducted in February 2021.
(2 spaces)
Definitions of Terms
(2 spaces)
Research concepts/terms/variables used in the study need to be operationally
defined. The research must find ways of translating concepts/variables into observable
events/ indicator to make it researchable. Workable definitions must be adequate and
relative to the purpose of the study. The terms are arranged alphabetically.
(3 single spaces)
Related Literature
(2 single spaces)
Side Heading
(2 single spaces)
Related Literature – letters are bold. The required number of pages for research
paper is at least 15 pages with recent references (2013 onwards). The indicators are
embedded in the paragraph with 5 spaces indention from left and ends with a period
Indicators are all italicized. The independent variable has to be discussed first followed
by the indicators. Next to be discussed is the dependent variable, followed by the
indicators. Articles, readings and the like are all summarized. All paragraphs have
references/authors with year. There should also be a through discussion on the
relationship of variables and a synthesis of the literature. Review of literature is
Suggested Sources:
Journals from these sites: Acadia.com, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Research Gate,
Thomson/Reuters, Sage, Scopus, PEER Refereed Journals and other high Impact
Books, Magazines, Conference Papers
(2 single spaces)
Theoretical Framework
(2 single spaces)
Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework aretbold, center and discussed
separately. One theory for the dependent variable and another theory for the
independent variable.
In the theoretical framework, the theories should reflect the connection or the
relationship between variables. Propositions will do, which are usually found from
readings/literature. The title of the theory or the proposition has to be introduced first
with its author and year and followed by how it is stated. This is also followed by
discussions on how the study is related to the theory.
(2 single spaces)
Conceptual Framework
(2 single spaces)
In the conceptual framework, the variables and the indicators have to be introduced
first then the next is the explanation of the relationship between and among the
variables that the researcher has to study.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the relationship of the three variables
namely: behavioral practices as the independent variable, perceived work performance as
the dependent variable and respondent’s profile as the intervening variable.
The leftmost box is the behavioral practices of the respondents in terms of (a)
participation in school activities in the categories of academic enhancement,
extracurricular, co-curricular, faculty development, ((b) teaching styles and (c) peer
relationship which were answered by both seasoned and millennial teachers through a
rating sale.
The arrow that connects the behavioral practices and work performance of the
respondents would indicate the relationship between the two variables. Specifically,
teacher’s participation in school enhancement activities can help improve the teaching and
learning process.
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study – (separate page)
(2 single spaces)
(2 single spaces)
This part lists the hypothesis/hypotheses (if applicable) of the study stated as null
HO1: There is no significant difference on the stakeholders’ leadership capabilities
and their contribution on school’s improvement whether respondents are grouped
according to their school affiliation.
HO2: There is no significant relationship between stakeholders’ leadership
capabilities and their contribution to school’s improvement.
NOTE: A Chapter page has an assigned page number although no number is written on it.
The page number of the succeeding pages must be placed on the upper right corner of the