Automated grading system for essays Tasneem Hatem November 2022 1 Motivation Essays play an important role in education, assess the learning outcomes, increase the recalling ability, and doing research. According to Philip Richardson, an English teacher at Dean Close St John’s schools, essays help high school students in broadening their minds, quiring skills for the job market, learning to better express oneself, and learning and acquiring knowledge. Adding to that, essays are essential for assessments as teachers can determine whether or not the student has digested the material. This is because writing helps them integrating their ideas in an organized way. And hence graders can identify the level of how much they have understood from their material. Accordingly, graders can identify the learning ability for each student. Not only that essays are important tool for students but for researchers, too. It helps them in publishing their ideas, and in gathering the one community of a field on one topic. It has to be organized, consistent, to the point, and full of ideas. And this makes graders, by nature, somehow subjective and may be biased in some cases. However, essays in some cases might have draw backs. It takes time in grading as it must be read all effectively. Moreover, there might be some subjective and biases in grading. Many researches claim that this is a human nature that is in many cases out of the graders’ hand. However, students don’t recognize this. Some of them comply of unfairness and unequal. So my motive is that if the automated grading system is implemented effectively, students who need more explanation to increase their curve and their ability to learn will be targeted. Furthermore, time consumed in grading will be exploited in something more useful, and all students will be graded equally with consistency in grading. 1 2 Problem Definition There are existing datasets like Essay Set on kagel. One of the common problems encountered in automated grading systems for essays is not finding pillars on which we can measure human marks. This is because grading essays depends on the perception of the grader and his intellect. Another two problems are that there are no rules for determining the best texts, and there is a lack of data collection. 3 Objectives As mentioned in the motivation (section 1) it is a human nature to be subjective. So, the objective is to create an Automated grading system for essays that is fair, human like grading, and accurate. Plus, it is important that this system saves time for graders. 4 References 1) Hari Prasad, P. v., et al. “Automated essay grading system using deep learning.” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), vol. 07, no. 03, Mar. 2020, pp. 952–954. 2) Ramalingam, V. V., et al. ”Automated essay grading using machine learning algorithm.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1000. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2018. DOI: V. V. Ramalingam et al 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1000 012030 3) Ramesh, Dadi, and Suresh Kumar Sanampudi. ”An automated essay scoring systems: a systematic literature review.” Artificial Intelligence Review (2021): 1-33. DOI: 10.1007/s10462-021-10068-2 4) Ramesh, Dadi, and Suresh Kumar Sanampudi. ”An automated essay scoring systems: a systematic literature review.” Artificial Intelligence Review (2021): 1-33. 2