')t Publi3wtOittbola.lt: ' I REX Eook Stoir t6t Nic.d e.v.., Sr.Si. Ll- tlo.. 7al{9n6. t41.49.20 197tC,M,idroas^o. Tat,Nor tat -a9-5€. 7:rl -4t-57 M..il., Phililpina ' TLo book sntltl€d Loarntn! cutd6 In Ensln€6rlnr fo:r" o . lpl :r :o s o"a:t:r n ,t r r r !l€b o6 r sp r ttn6ctlrp,l/€r,; v r . , e . r . i r r , - ' p " , p " i i ! rtrd concoDts or Etrlrn6€rrng X€cbanlca ltr e vory b.!lc and rpproscn to nelp tbo itudsntt und€.!tand ;;;.,:l:j":; ,ii;li;; ,",, ,r,r uy;to!.ttc anO re"." d6v6rop rher. ofdo!ry Itllh ttro pre.€rt€d toptct, rhe u6r, wttt trave r vory cotrpran€rsrvastudy o( th6 aundr!€ntat prltrclDl€r ot li6ctatrrci,htch ar6 tppltcrbr; to v a r r. eE(nys ronre 6prrtancsr t c r l s l t u a t t o n 3 t r o r u a l l y e n c o q n t o r e; dl d 6 b! te€6 In rtrolr dr' to ddy rcttvttl€3. '*pa;a:paat* Jojo BiIrM nBsfs I4.t na'i - The rotborr stslr to {crno,led8€ lb6tr lndebtedD6ss to. ut.nael Slongco, Jettrey Bortongan, Ron.tdo Catlrdls, and noreo ld.tano tor tb€tr ".lu.ble tn prep!rlna,nd irttlnA tbe o"nuscrlpt. forulc@4'l Bor As.i.ti's f'&d[sdig_ Etlra staort rrs s:erted !o lbat ev6rythtr . tll De presented tn I vsrJ pertecrty understood, bla tn r con.ra€ tenaurge. Tbls ,tll eltDtnat€ or :l:lr :"" rrtrreu te dtddent's attltude or h.blt ot oelortzrnA ttr€ concopt rttt ou! under!trndtng. A56diai! pErpu-g..&*tr-".(Af8t.l1Hg=ffiH .f dle ftntlPiD€3 (BDAPT thililP 'f Asociatim eEPA) . " A5id ltdb6tiF PEPA!trtE atioo.l Bd& /t*i{i(G " sd'rh ao.i'ti' A.."d"d- 6PPAI ;;e-P",ts.hh|;tas iii G* ntu.n-' osEAPt lrrdl'tr5'l Arraieiim PA) 8+86P ndt'tino StPrbr4dbr n rE( Fi$ltqco4rryic s- u*i fildrt " e,,"- cl'.Tds'7r2.al4-7r2'ar4t; Pd no-?u5+12 iri . ACIC{OVLEDGEMENT ctqifu o: Ucrs e of lrirlio C}+l6rip: ncaiF4ao- Tnar6l('lb Oroglir rt : G.,-iti.!oo- Trqr6loli'r ' &-4r x5-n u*,2r3 ?t'N . vtt I l1 '; I a& lba. coii;Aar tE aoob h' -+oo cr,a<o' --:1508L@, p,- 3@;65 Ps- :e@ 4^*":P-b- . - so42 lts. Ts'.-a@ €i" ad - -257.12lb€ l\Y ,17".,s'eE cotrrr',",ntsof cdt of ftE to(€s ewvn in FigueeP-aot, congido. lho 7221blood, r,=-nz(finr) -j!@r+_tD6co'isidc,r lhc 2e,b loddt P,= aoo co. e: f-Jg@ Pg= 2@ s;n@' | l'73.2'tlbs. nb 4+€b bodl Fg- +1t (*l' is ebj@d 7dE) ltu ritorgld@' btoch ehown i Fig' P-M f t\D=Sh\Dc=6'L, lolrE loods P'1@br,tF-6@b- resolro coolt lood inlo coopr;le .conei&r ru'md \ lcgcnlirl lt,p i6oo lb lcod j sinc--L aase-+ h- +-'(16co)' t26ob' h- Ltl@o\ = S6olhc. ,&- l6';6i ' toa- 2 8 lt i'r" n.et r -AA \ -Ar xz X'1.rc<1)-12,s7(q) onounl k, posi{ion of lhe lhe Fink true6 .sh@n h R= zcb+ te+ a4o | 'aa +..n t zooa (d i@t€d dodn*o"d ) B-a39]! - P979.!b , R'- 2.ht tsoor aal |eoo r 2oo d@"-d,t L - ]4!@,,s,ta4 "t- ?9,41fr-lL_ d = .:ryL - ?49 !1, a e|*I plola 2+o) lhe shodcd oreo in tig p-z<o Tepre*nle of uniform ihichness A lole of + in diomele' hos bea coi in the plole Locote lle cenlec oasFa"ifv of lhe Plole Hini: The weiehl of ihe plole ic equtvotenl lo th€ we'ghl of lhe origrnol plofe minue lhe weiehl oflhe moi€nol cut owog Rep.eseni lhe orieinal weighi ol lhe plole bv o dowoword fo,.:a oclioq ot the center of lhe 1ox!+ in rectongle' Re mt thewe,lht of lhe mole.iol cll oway W on upwoFd lo'€e ocl,hq ol ttp @i3n of the cfule Locole lhe posi|on ol the resurtont of ihes two forces wilh 'qePeol fo fhe left edge t2 ) aMc - 14oo(5) = Toooi] lb, Rdc <uc dc = Taco/.14ro - 3-o6!!.;st.+ or i) ' 12196tl. r)g|,t of A za,) Find the lotue] of p c,)r @ thot lhs ftur fb.ces shoal] n.Fig. P-z+e pr-duce on upword resutionl of w tb oci;nq at + (1. frcm lhe En end of ihe bar zMp= -f(3) + 2cnG) + i.he) - aoo(z) r= 2oo tb (do\9n*o.n) .MF-.c'o(1) - pG)-1oo(s)- 2@(2) p- aoo ib (upword) -n ;''', (1/.rz)- rb (/.d6 - @ (k) 6 - $r(k;k) 4=!94]4:9 ""' 2az) Ihe lhr]je-'lep Pullel shown i^ fkl P-2+7 jhe to ihe s,ien couptes compuie lhe "ol'o of rciing ot lhe )he 6re p)e. A)so delonire l4 e) c- 3oR (4<b-1oo)flab - (412)R 25o.) The conlileve. lruss shown i\Fig.P-2eo cor.ies o v€rlrbal lood of 24<)c)b. Ihe lrr.:s,sle s.pponied by beoBh.Ihe rings o) A \B which exenl lhe fbrces A-,Ah,\ shown con|lule adple€ which musl hove lwo fou. forces pnevenl oppoeile momenl effecis lo movemenl oflhe lruss. Delermlne lhe nlognllude of lhe supporling foecee. rn o.der !o corelilule o couple o &:ZtpLb epwod) + ) . + 2 . . T - p t J) P-, "ro l1'<' t s) p-6 o 6.tr6lcm a/f (d@ .E ]]vc(F loo aowc ,Iri-F\vorlicol ot-r@ b lhuugh ^ ptu6 o counld.ctocxw; -frrceo qD canPv d b-f' .re .tr q'I@t€/l} lho sr9t6 -tu?F,dfte effei Aj:@.b ,bve lhol w.,ll rro. downwad a@(+) -eo r:2JL - aqtt ridri oFo t* ) RffiX fitob- 2€ if the s'/stedr reducco io o tarl_ \,.€.d rEnzdlot foi> d 3@tb lh.oir+ pdnl A pt 6 o .*t<X*t* @)dc of ra tb' n 3-t-: sqqlb Mn = r4o _r: :d. l:y lo lhe |,aft -75o =eoo(4) oy :99]E G,.,E'b bor,w o) "*t oo'nF€cs,o., membef, oa-r|s I P = a@b_ eil-uolea z n_ fmm lho orie o€ €r.own ; l6 = 4ezlelb-(ro ho rirhl) L, - ao _ ?pllfr aane o xrz6 it =-:!@'-+!l= t t1 ot o lvb'1ao(1) =-2oo ' PG) P=:o96(do*nwo'd) ZM^'-2oo -a.4 (+) -t G) ( uPword) t:29pb aa?re ot- "'o 5 xt' --:-la- (uP*qd) M-c- F, L, 2400(6) - bh(+) Bh -Ah = 3600 tb 2.e1)A vertlbo) forcc. Pol A b onolhe. ve"ti&l FotB in Fig.P-zst pr,e4"o" o reswitonl of loo lb down ol Db o 6€Ba+occlocl.wi.ee aauple c of zo<jtb-n. Find ile magniluoe \ aireolbn of lorc€€ P q F. corEisls of o cbckw€ - 2ao @5' B'-F, B"t 'Ft I i .rsLn p]',:.o 4{o r! rcrc. aicled r4 lo the nghi lha,+ trE o.-dn of, r*,Y oEs ol Ot.xt- Recto<t lhc a."en eyslco ty cn srnqre fo.ce ! canp,te lhe nlercc"t€ oi ils 3c"":bil linc of clion wilh lhe x 3y o,e.- R: l4 b dncoleA rcrlicatty LJpol A B do*n oi B. i, A tircc F4.I'-2ss-tn on eooen h-E of lhe rEmbef,. sl"ens,th of moloFtot6 il iR tz rned lho) ibe in)ennol sleeses ore delon.ined lrom lhe equ;.alen} oriol lood \ auple inio wh;ch P moy be re.E tved. Dele.m;ne lhie equi"olenl oriol lood $ couple' I f l i ' tl l li i 2s Rcpbce |Ae egolcm of foroee st'4n oqu;votenl forEe lh.oJqh OV, o coupte o ;;""jii#;,...':i',X"":;3'::"'e:::.:mi: zF, = |a1.a(rka') t 22+(46) - t61 (r/JB) wi)h lhe oadi|bn ofo poir oi oppositc oriol loode eoch equo) io zoolb )we ae\ F= 2oo lb ldowoword) c'2oo(z) - :@a]bjh cw : Pt4.Zg-b(dot!. lhe bend'hg erre6) ol porn) A. -' ; // " l' l 1". lw,st,noefrecl - 1so(?) B.nft.bn o"na'"qelocl - lso(s) = 9oo fl'llr h E?) Reptaae )he syelem of lo,r-.s ocling on ihe r.o-e in rig P-2sr by o ros"rionl ,e o) n q, o coople oc);nq ho",%"lolly lh.r'4h B eic. )o lhe nlght) 0r. lad'zoo, f@,os gj|: !L99' ol C =<Mo 3F = a61(a/r3) 6) r 3o1( s/J:t)( i r ft1 A (1/.rz)(2)- 141.4(t/E)b) - 22a (2,/.rs)(1) - 22+(t ':t")() 3F - 1AO,1 a farce P - 1@)b. Force P ie perpe|dioolor 1o lhe Plone conDeleffi:ne )he iwisling etfecl at Pon laining poinls A,B,%c t f"lDO tD : lherighl) fuaq4r!(lo try = ,+1.+(1k ) -22a(/8) - r61(./JE) €F-t =:3oo.s6 G, ^e"^e doanward ) ^ - ,/(10a.o0.+ (-300 36r zso) A ve"licol shoft nB i6 sfl long h boited loo r;qid sup' end 6.re ollached ol l i)s r.,,pper pori a) ils lowe. end A . is 2t1 long Al whrih bor Ec ihe end of C ie oppl; rizonlo) lhe €hofi .^8 \ in Fiq.p_2ss by on b) +p= 1taa1.l P: 2993 tb260.) The effecl ofo ce"loin non_concc,nreni fon:e egelem ie aofined by )he fol)owrhg data : .x - +rJorr ,<y - _6otb,ona zMo=360lbfi counla-o)ockwi6e. Dele.mine ihe potn) olw/c lhe n€sulloni rh)€.eec)6 the yo,;s. .-T'l' ,ix-ao l.r"* -so tb (6)neons do*nwo'd) R= lMa =C 6oG) -r,ch) = r(2) f - fo tb ltu'u B \C l8 oe shown zy =.F, Ly Lt - 360/90' afl belo|9o 2or.) ln o cenlo,n oon.<nocunecl loft.e b/.te!n ,t B fau^d lho) +x..so.b.?y-,teb,\zMo=aaob f, Ino oounle.c|oot. uere.h:nF the pornl o) *n(n y,* )no ree.,lonl rn T.:: lor6ects the )l o),;. L, = +ao/46o:-:4 n;ght ol on,gin t9 li' oc252) Dc\ermine comPlele)'J lhe res"llon) ol )h€ lorces '|ing in Fg. P-e62. on lhe s]eP PuIeY €hdwn @ zF,- +1a(t/.t4) t *to 'tnoo t za(?f,a) -2ao sinao - :89.79-Jp: zFr l.j.a (/rz) +26o(9'b) t24o caced -.o.Jcos6a'--g:93_E 1ft . z!,o cos.6 | 2so -: q994zb(lo lhe 'iqhl) strl3o' ' r25o 4f:r '7@ 1,*!arq(' ,6a.) Complele)y dclcrmine ]he resullonl wilh reepec) lo pi. Oof lhe ft.r,e syeiem slnm i^Fig. P- t:A. meons doMw = Gs9.e2)2 | (-37s)' e - Q5+.Ag h dorn lo riqhl '444t, - loti' 81s/oes,52 12so(<,5)-2eo625) Rd- aMo " ztu(|es) poe€* ihrq,eh lhe !4:9::4:ojs'R fis. P-263\ ___L o7* i* - ."o .t"'. t z"teqe) - zz+(e/s) = | o n' 1 257. o3//+rs.1s 9, zMo- o'le in ih€ r€sullonl of l}e 6rce sy6lem show^ t}€ r 1 v inlercePts , R " \EF7-+aF7 -'@Ai6Y I Gsri.F t!(up lo lhe .,qh)) B_-:___sst9_A ,bl R. 141.1(1/.$ )(a)t eawc<iG) + ao eina(+) + ao( - 2tto (9/'{-t. )G) lil9.19 rLtLcw d' zMo/A - J!19!p- - - 3.27ll. 44.68 ?e) Cod,pola lhc rcs"llonl of lhe llrcc ,;!e€ sh6en in Ftg p 466.l-ocale t)6 inicrecolbn wtlh lha r ts y ores. the."iqhl) :-ll9iq(]o zta - lt co3s) | 2z+(t/r) - 361t4/r.) 1F,. ao(%s) | 72.e48)+d (Eh3o) - A@r11 io lho .igh] zrr - a@(..,L) - 722(t/,Et ,:-t94! ruPwoftt) R- IEFV-IZFV :,:gOacnEdn6 t6rzrl' . - ft@-eEY '-l!.Ab -e.r-+an - ss allae.s sa.61/149.9 2 M; - : o a s ' n ' 1 2J ' 2 2" ( / n ) e ) 3 " ' G / ' r . ) ( t - -L,r,6 n 0 (- neJ.s co"")-Cw/ - 1 . 6 7f + r ) q h \ o f O 'Ly -1oo6/1+9.9 - 0.67 ft 20 below o 9, do*nwdrd) R- GF? +zrr.. .,/c1_-+rgsloEY E::4231_doq. 10 nsh+ GP io lhe 'iqhl ) Io"ev - zrt7ar, a . lon-' s1o.1/01o.11 9a:=A49' lMo = 3@(1,1a)Q) - 3so("h)G) + 122(2/r,')(4 - 3oosineo(3) =&: a4.91 j1:lb cw Lx - 1121.97 - 4LD, righT o1 O ty = 1121.q7- - 1,3en. obote O uo.47 2l ili r iii li z,;o) Delecmino ]he recu)lonl of lhe lhree 6rces oclinq on )he dorn 6hown in F;a. P-za,rtr loo.le lls inlens@lrbn wllh llle bioeeAb. Far s6>a desiqn, thie r erseolion should oc.ourw/rh lhe didd)e lhind oflle bds@. Ooes l) ? <rr. rc,ooo - 60(b c'o€to' . ago:.!a tb ( to the .iqht) -6o1co -24oOO 5t.l3o Zfyneans do*n' t 27)jA( *ord) iil i trl iil ,i; I rii iill i l ,,/66atf; 267) Ihe Ho*; .oof l..,ss sho./h in fig P-2o7 cotrie€ lhe given loods. The wind )oo& o'e pgrpendiculor to ltte inclined m€mb€Fs. Delc"mine ilre mognil:de of lhe resu)toni, iie lnolinol.ion wllh ihe horrionlol, \ whar"e li inle- u lo llo llo ltoa I zt"-zo<tot++u(1/r) ' +oo9,32 lb rca -<+d",!t) 4s"--fi-f666:--.9qf.93..b-(- mcons down*o"d) lb.z.ia)b.ldblb ^l@.seiz-tTiffii:o.)r R ! i Zr' - Rt tr , 11ot tso e/s) - o Gmea"€ lo thc lcfl ff-:lqqlg CeTaad" ) Ztt;A = -uooa0t) + poaa(b)'bo.P( = -228.cea fl lb (- meons ccw) ZM6 = aFlrb the lcfl of E \ xb - zzeao/2zoco =--€.t]tL(from nri&le hence *ilhin lhe third of.lhe bose) i zoe.)The resullon) of four^6.ces, of whbh ihreo orc ahown. in FiT.P-26e, ie ai o oouple of <€o tb-ftl clockwi€e fh €er'6e. lf i*ah sqore ie rfl. onosdo, aets-mine lhe fb""lh fo.ce €F.t . RJ, R = 2?424.02 lb.(down lol ri-qht) g, - Ion'zrt/ara - lp.,' 2n P/4a@.es +"* 2s,91' ir - lo 4 z?//zF - loa'| 1&7.oe/a@a,62 -+, - 64,2' zM^ - 4+so (1/F)G) | aeo (',/r)(1,o') | zooo (d + aao (d | 2ooo(2o) | looo(tso) - hoa87 72 O.:E .t - 16008r.z2fooo7.oa - 1!|L dqhi of A +, - 1A'278.17 lb rdodn )o lho rrghr I 22 Fr -12or 1Eo(a/s-)- o _-L ? 'rt : 29alb +o Ihe lefl +ao - -MP + faG) + 120(4> \Ar.2oo (l-lb (ccw) d = 2oo/2oo .{ . obove O 26e.) Repeol Prob. 26e f lJ.€ r'gtf onl ic aeo tb di.calca d6lm to lhd ght o1 a .slope of € lo rz passing *hrough po;^l A. Al.Eo d61eFftine the x \ y rlencopLs of tho m,bdrg 6r€e F. 4o(1%s) {E_:j6qlb F | 11oi 1eo(3,,s) (1o lho n,'ghl) Q1 ' ZYy -reo fr'F) . Fr -12o +rco (1/s) aeo Goq^wora) =t=:=:P. R-F - (60)2 + (-tso)2 i :_21-?.!?&(ddo ro nishr J +2Fr2 23 - tdr-l -ga - lE1zJr/.t, ' @l@ -+r::19- ua'€No n{*'E't"l, n{'olu)t2) l+:,fli:Di, = ao/po - Z4!L ir - @A&o' z@LL -11o(+)| rfuk) rtrt dt rtgt'l or o eo"B o ro zo) IfE ll.Ec tuEca 6l|'m i\ r's' p-27o o'v r€qt'cd = tf F A' poinf @ti.g lhrorgh .€artd't a lgia,lol ote sr6ID, &l€.niE lhc volucs of P ! r- ,tr. ' Applv UR-€'lt p. €:llF- [hR, lhcn ltn- €rac lo fi.d 1o dclc.fia 1fi'ollt -'&, (',/h) 6) Bt (./e') &)' 4 Gl R.* +gg-6+ lb.fio llE .i,|l.l ' lk {va - e*(.A-o)b) - z*,(r's)@ +t-aG) aea-.a(a) - -1 (?t-t,y.'').'6(t6)G) |;9 th.q,9h p-,1 A. lf I i. Evkr to ba 3515, canFd. the -xt(+)(a)+eat(16\4=e@) rb (da6word) 8:,iqqJ tth. -€llb .:@.+eti = r e/&>(.) - r (.ftY1) L:-Ec'?,b' P(.A.'tG)rGE5.ae)O/ra>G)-a'e.ai(h)G')'aoo.at(+) !-:!tgY Choplor 3 Equilibrnrn of Fore Syeloms The cyhM€r C ;^ fiq P-3o2 weigh' of cyl,ido. c q of rod Ab. *a) looolb D'aw o fBD ("i'"F !a) ol!& o FBDdf pullq/€ Eq D 3 of lhe bor n D €h4n rn P-.oo. nseu-s otl hinges fo be sm@ih g n€loot 3os) the uniform .od i^ Fi9.P-3d3 weglrc a?orb b hoe ilc a6l6 of 9ro"',1/ol O Dmw o FBD of lhe rod ' tlegleol the besfuoth thri:rnoes of lhe .od b o56u-e oll @^lool su'{^o€s to Tne fiv-e che*n i^ f;9. p-3aa i6 surf,orled €orb Per fl Drcw'o 3p. Eooh membor wo,ghs i^ Pivols 01 FBD ofac\' a+) th€ w6,9hl of .< "-Kv". eo€) Th€ cable q boom shdwn i^ Fig. p-tsos eupporl o tad of 6oolb. Deiern1'he lhe lcoslle Col.@ T ;n lhe cobte b, to comprEssivc ,Ale C rn the boom. r Mcthodi (usinghorizonlot\vc.ri@l ^"".) r@se' I6'n2o't - C.a6ast Cst^aE' - 6ao @ eb6l. cq r to2 t.alolo I i. tcms of T) . soo 1 6h 30' + (1 es.d/coeq.)(srn4s,) J,:!!!=?9:4 s<z) A tuotb lood is supponlod by o coble whlch rune over a pulley b G fo€le"ed lo lhe bor DE in Fig P-eos 0m* o l6D of bons Ac \DE \ of iho purlev Assunc oll hrndp. t. r,F G-@lh g heol€o{ lfe ee'9hr of eo' h c - 1BlE Go*tVe. * Melhod-I(using tulotior oies) rrw-o. cs,n -, ) ,2" '.'. l@ l 26 e. rb. S:!4.%s - -c 27 O c _ e!1.aazllL r cc6,zs' l- 6oo@6,6d . a coset + saz ea6(coeze') ztn.o: FBD of +he blooK Method I (udrg ' -E34!4-]k' r Melhodtr (u6hg Forcz l"io"gle) si^B- ii\v orce) 300 - Nsin60'- Psin+s, o P.DsL ' llao.6o' P ' tl cbs6o/c.,.1s' e 6o- @ Melhod r (u6ii9 Rololed ,a'6) 3@ - nEi^6o.- H@Edho,n *,J A cylindo" woighing aootb i. hold ogo:n€+ o sl]@lh inrod AE,n f''s.P-3oe.Det. Pqfl c.- 11- 1@. 7 lb P" 212,1a2 lb Method [ (us;"g sn.E ll.4n6o' l M"thodr (u.i"9 t{\Y o'*) t8 of aanido. b .Fn-o p -.roo 6 /-K rltdr e- @.6; + il co..o' Pc.6&'- llac.f P - dc63r.'//@.t' dsin!" @ * .oo @ P= 4@,el (6k)- scb@1.. nl) If the vdlue of P i^ rb. p-e1oi6 18o lb, d.r€rmhe iho ongtc 6dtvc il musl be i\.trhed w;lh the. Gmooth plone to hojd 3oolb b6r in equilibrium. the P'r@! _g- [N...a€ (.'",{r/@.F - ,+oo- l:3!aj6glL + n.i"aa ;.;- :;.c P = n @*/@,e' - 4e.6os(,o.a4/-. P?194 lU z.' r.l6in9 sih€ l.w j q = L B1o) ,oolb bar i6 hcld at r6i on o srpolh plo,g bt o forc,- p irclincd ot on ongle e { thc pla.'c 06 shc'$/n in Fig. P 'eto. If bv e - ?s' dcl . ltc volrc of P b lhe nomal p.s.6u€ ^t eqlcd 2a q:d <ft =or fi€ink''BoosrnTs. d - +oj,ao1 tb <fh'o: P= ri co6,rE'-ioo @ 7s. l Psins'r .,flor 66' + 41g.6os @1 60' MathoJ )[ (u5inq Fo.c€ r.io.gb) )d.\'1 -ih.Ot I P . .q - .oo .t rs' Fo,.e1i.ongte> 29 !ir). Datcdinc lhe co@!ft.i to k@P the nogniludes o' P \ F he@ssar/ p equniL'rrum 31? In sh@n in Fb For@ .r'Ia6 3oo4^@'+ P6 -1t3 P- 4' ' 2@ st^lcb' .oo6in!o. = Fsrn€- O 245 to F ' aa/2 a'E 6tS I Pcd z'; - 2@ @s 165' oa z* (cszo)- zo <'x'*' 7 '.uasao'- F - tu,87 \b. fo{Ee €v6lar e}i^g ato s1a) Fio 3€ rcpreechts tlc -^cu.Ent p k E fo m'nj6i"t of o bridge trus€ Detcmine tho voluos of to;. e{ullib.lum of thc lorcee u6ihe Rotoled !1..J !1..) lhc aoolb fon@ Ihc aoolb fol% q & thc r}h a@lb firrco sn6rn h Fig_p_s15 otE fo b6 held in cquilibriun b^/ o lhird fo.€o f <ntinq ol on unknown a.sr6e with lhe ho.izontol_ oeta"-ine thc votu€6 ofFqe Mettod Are 3e-a@@a.. I r.a;a_ @ ro .4. O @ \tn = aao coszo- +/+@6ta6d\ /. -a) 4b6l. -@- 4ao c.E o' _ co6s _ cdl6l ltoo 6'n !o' -e.- - -76.93s. 76.93s bet@ F = .roos'n3o _ aooEna. stn 26.t38 \_oai. r . 20s.315lb '@ 6ih16.+ e 6i^i/5' = ao6.'nat F - 412,439 tt) 2@@1E: P14@@"a{- { ?oo si^l v6) Dete.mlne the votqe6 €|1-fhe o.st€s o( \€. so fhot cca EhoM in Fs p.3tb w be n e4ottibttun t 3d?4;; ihe tu* I Fa'* P- 1@'44tb' :*) the fwa 10l@6 shown i^ Ra P s p"le $e "ou€e of Pt-/- ore i' equilib'ium Con- 2 Go)(14) co6ezast '4t'r 3@ str@' '46 s'n E: t FGh&' -o- - cos-' o,ezs -e'28,96'-29. F--i4633lD ZFh= o | 2@@.60' - r@ra P tad@*" &b.lilulo -€3'12€ 30 _29_ =_L volue ol f = (aao') P,@6sF'to@@e"t% P= lh€ t3@@!d' r roe:o' "n* =t"o("nzg,)l/n ll' ' 3l ir: I ll , i <F,. a dlt?a^ h Fb" P-trz e'FPg't l^ndlc' cire ./ :r7) Thc ayslcm { lavile fo'Eo i cdrc,,n' lhe indiootal $/€ighls' CtnPute tlE . P- u6hg rotiz 22z.or 6tnr.. t.todgle . -s----9---2-- -g- Et 60' 9, .i.r.d - _-L .tn$' D' &7lb n I R)A stD,g . Boo t7 - 8oo 4oo6t.e)' i l ecn.n''aoor;canat' B - 36+ .ao(stn&') I. tl l | 9..s15' A --cc66 - a<n(a"a1 t q+ra(a-1€) A ' e16.11 lb- 11. 463,6 = 4s4 tb. v -d^;i- = 914,162lb. #i. -;1_ P = 223.07Gtor, ) p'C fdtu) ot ae) lhr€c barc, hi,yez ot A\D\ a ur-linr ncoroni*r' Dolxtte in Fls. p-318,6o of P lhafwill Prevonl rDt'on' Fototcd ,tses Malhod a' do$a ltrtd* P = zo4,7t9 tb -,1, --. "" eeh ?t,rd6€ayer P ete toqcd a@u.d ^sasrtnq o 9tn6tt 6po.e. a.po6t,m 4@tb q ;"",, ".'il;r";; lwa frictto^b{s ,ou 6,s ta |\e; q h t + o t ? o o t D , \a@tb. D€re':n^: jhe oaebo\rhe nordot pro.€!,! N t4t. the o7tia. de.s \ the sm@ih raatuhtot ^urttu .d)an*' s6,'= i = 15t2rs b qb<t A tFh=o c- w.@+', A46o' 33 ca ec.:t fhc FinR l.us6 €holn in Fig P'322 iE 9"@o to lhe nordol ore loads gNen ler oi A t') o hmgeaI B llg Rolkl: B paotronc at A\ ^"^o.' Detc'd,i'e trE i-'i""o plac<.)ho loodc b.}, fh€i' reculiont 32!r) TI€ l.iir66 e,v,'*n i^ Fb. p-32. ic cuplo.'ted q o hi.sa dt A b o .olfe. dl p. A lood oF 2@lb ic oppbia ol C. Dol. ttE €oofione ol A b S. zMA- o .ona " eao(e'"eo']lat) R^.451A,Alb= a62olb, Rsv r Ra = gooosin6o' P,a< - A@o6t.6o' Re"'23o9 161A.e Ilb P-ah- 8@o ct'e' - (E<n 4)' + (4aoo)2 6e'= Rev'rRen" -t(2aas.4)' I uaq' Re Ra- 461a.e lb 4 4620 lb +o.O- - 2309,+ 4000 aoRb - 260 (@Eeo)(is) RE . 6s94,76 _ 30_ Ra.2tgg.za b * zaoo n R^\ = 2@ C46so' &\h - l7Bz,O5lb R^v = Ra- 2oao stnaa. R^i - 1199.8stb R^"- R^h. + R^.2 rs -,/ t11t4,os)x t (fq9,35)2 R^ = 2106 tb lon€--P^w,11q93s HAn 11a2.bs '6 . lorta {99,3s 1132,Os €- e R6 ",+6zotbs ot 3d" w;lh +he horizontol l4 t aa(etnza\<a) = z4,aol R^ - 2106tb down lo +te tefi al -6 " 84,7' a5 :z+) A wherl of oin rodius co..'ec o lood of rc@ lb' os 6l'6i/'l in Fiq.p-32+.(a) oele.mine the honizonlol fo.ce P opplied ol tl'c 5-h cenler which rs neceieory ta slart lhe wheel ovc' +h€ bbrK. nleo find the rcoclion ot llle bloch (b) if the fo.ce P nlcy bo inclined al ony ongle *ith fhe hodzonlol, dolermine the rnlninurn volud of p lo slod thc wheal over lhc block' I o"qlii ihai P motr,eswrfh +he horizonlol ;\ lhe reoohbn ol tsl Dol.;rn;nc t'hc o,,ount q direct,bn of Jhe smolesl forte P ftqu.tn b E,o.i lhe wh6et ^ Fb. p-3es over brock. whol i€ lhe reoclion al lhe bt@r : , the blooK casq,\y, Z M a .A p.o)p/(o)'a ,aco(a) 26t(t.ae) Pd{ .t e = o/41 - elo =ae ") "^t..,",.1.X"'l,r''riL1,l" Pcos- h.6^ F6,"\/tsq,,a (d6+) r p6hq(i.6e) . iTso (o6D P('6i"q) l 0,6+jF a"q c b . 7 1 4_ % " ,uit,. l 1.se p coe< + 1.sede 6,nq . o o. t,q. #1"**" *".", "_,.,f,",",-*. p--,7 ,439, d ' P * 1 96 a p a ^ q - r . e e p @ la4@64+izqdrq. \ d4 Zr4d'o 5P - 1o@(locos3at p' 1732.651tb Lag C@s- - a.a+p.,n-, = fod< = l€1 lI1 o,6+ ?. Pd .rs3o. -_ i32,o51 Ra = 2@Olb o,64 <-71.29'+71.3' P i6 miniduh if il will be -L to Fa hence, -q' 60' h( W 10 pnin = \oao(1o.asso,) P6\^ -- 866 tb .;1s.,1' P stnso' - "o- 1.tn n, o" ' Ro cog3o' = Prnin cos6o ps -lp^;n1nsaod/castt P = 1es4 h ot /.a" w',h Rsthsd - z.co (€D1s.r1") - laeo Gosao'l/ cos to R- 641.6lb ! 36 37 6+4 Ib o i I r l lr l l i ird) Thc c/l;ndcFs i^ Fq. P'326 hov(, the indicated weighl6 r., d;mendone. Ascuning sruolh conlocl surfoc€s ' delc^mine lhe rcoolione ol , E, c , \ D on lho cTlindors . tsro) Two wc;9hlle€6 bors p;nnod togelher os shown in Fig ps2o supporl o lood of .sotb. Delermine fhe fircc p\F octiaq r.specl'rety olong bo€ AA i! AC thoi moi^to,ns equitibrrum Io^P'lL ) p.s6.a' to.o< r j_ i o{i3s,66' {{z- o (+)fco'o< t (r) fs'ns " ..Eo(s) a F6o6 se.6dt 2 r(s,"!e.66F so(s) f - 6101 lb. erl1b41ao'.R6 a6ra@e d - P6 FeQ of Enall c-/litdc., zPs.np a aP@.p - sso(Io\ 2P(ane6.a') | 2P(caE66.t1)- zsod p= 901,39tb 0c .t6) Ft . <o asto' j 2e' E e.) Iwo c.tti^d.re n q, 6, wc&hjng lootb \ zootb ,€dpcclivcty, by o .igd r€d cu.vc, po.ollct {o fhc anoo.lh cr 7". ?'"-"r"d lnd.icol 'urface Eho\'^ in f tb. P-a2e Dalcrm,hc lhc onato" o< thol danned the poirtr'on of equiljbn;m. \e P.r.stn.d e.cd'-< P |a-f @lir,q lodl.4s< - aoot@e loocoga . .oo @(eo-a) lhe rj'ore eto*a h fig. P-327 Delernhe lhe votue ol P \F oldg @ rcoa-<-m(-so&,.".an^\ loo .G4 $(r) aAsti - 1so(6) t ae82) f - 390,15lb l]!s-i t6< - ,oo €nEo 6'rF( - rod 26a@. ts(P)snsz,+ - twg) -dha) p - - 1a7.6,4 tb (- @66 - ,o - 26'a3's,4. colnptce 10 Mrl FcG ea'l- P@6t4 zso ra (aseai) - t6.o - ( 1.'.6,)(@E6a.a) 38 - a<to . o 39 &orb-l I €s)-The .oof n I b. p * ,s 6up@.rea b./ o mlk, -1tu6s o ht gc al B Fnd the 6jues of lne rsc rrorrc -a,ltu-op ot 4 !, .{€o(a)roo(+Xe) +R, (1o)- !0066) - o Pl= Feo lbs . R1I R, = 3oo r rood4) r .oo RQ- s2o b'es) DelcFmlnc lhe reochbre R,\R, oT the be.n inta P-#3 looded;th o concentmled lood ol rdoolb &) o lood .oeling fnzn .e@ lo on inle4sil/ of 4oo lb pe. n 3a R\ = !ioo(10)1600(eo) + ea6s) R^ - 966.67 tbs. . 1M^"a 3oRe,- e<,r(1e)| 6oo6a) +soo eo) Rs" = 9f3.83 lbs. €Fh"o Rsh.o ...Rp _ 9si,39 the. beom shdn h F,s.p-sec is burft hlo a rcrl lhol ,l roale oeornet po,nl<A\L rh€ beoh i6 rz. 1,, ",n'o. ons \ h€lgh6 jootbpeFfi n concnltuted tood 6 2@a tb j6 oDottet aI the tree c'4. Comp"l€ the n@chbn€ ol ,t kS. 336) I}E cont,h'@ | 4F1r1600(a) t6R.' 16F.2 r5R, =1600(16)+ soo(a) + 1600(3) R4= 2loo lbs. r\trr -l<ooQ)V r, {t*o("W\- ea R1tRz'16c,0+SOat16aA R1 _ 19oolt\s. fo. the tlem looded c $Rr -Mo$+gQA.) 6hown h zRa.e@o(1drtua(12)(6) R 6 : r e 6 0 al b s P,^.Re-z@a-rbGz) R^ " 1s@-zaza- 12ao tP ** beo,n ,h F,o p.ra2 iq €upec.,e<)bv o roaL,,on 1'l -*. n whioh_ 6epo.ore€ ,hc upp6r k^**rowe;lb€od6.D€r"-ih€ .:: : : ,ot lhevarus of d;;i;'*" + 60(6)(6) 1dR^ -ad(14) , Faa(1) .o R, - .9.sslb6. P4i Ra-12o I eo(4) | 1149) €oor19ao=R^rFie 40 a tM?.-o loPe- 16oo(t+)- 1o@(4)'o R4 - 3a4o lb' ss) ;;'i toF,l+ 1600(4)- lo00(6) 'o R1- 1760lb z-4o oi lhe Poge @ 6c Thc lwo 12f1b@tns dl('r.n n fQ tood ho.' zo.lo / with r€ePeol hoooch olhc' 9 ;-J tiiJ ;';; a/4 (D/4) ^ yr(d/r) r p(o/4) 'NDA -w{a = PV, wA @-d) - pD/2 t' CD so ihoi oll lhrcc reoclions ," " "^" posi:t;o,, qilt P ;;;; i."r *,'r "" q n' nen bo? Ilot tor be from D? aa;a, p.edb w-3L (o'd) F . 34O' R1'R, tto)Forlhe sy€,@ of pu e),e €rfrn h Fb.p-ero, delch.inc the ratio of w ta p to rcintaia cguilibiuh llcaleot orte fnb_ I'oa L th€ weighl€ of the putlors qRB co.sn4ring th€ 'rPPc.. b€om ' zF"-o Rc -Ri rRs PG) PO) ga r. | Rc - 6ro lb 960 R6 (Y) =Pa(12) Y = 320(12) Y=6ft. - tk 62) ' 6.062) " 6a.62) . 6ao4a-) x . gFl. .. RriLR6 ie 6ft oPo.l. P,e 42 afl. ta) rf_ aah purlg €br. in Ft. p-Bro wei9h6 36 rb \w F,hd P lo ooinio.h lho cauilibriun. r,1' 2s.2b p- e6 | 262)/e l-rc- O 43 .7zol4 i!1.-- !€) Ihe *tr€el toods o^ o i@+ orc.gi'o s.r) --'* " so thot lhe reaotio" "t ,Of.* ol Elni@ oG gFAl ..e lhc Eootld h Fb P'ea of ll'e bao U- 2Rs GPe'ltcA oel5' al A rs boom AA i6 9uworled r;r o hortzontol posifirn h/ o h,.se tun6 fton C o@- o smo puite/ ol D os A x*. o cable $h,ic\ 6hown in F,ir' p-ra€ codpuJe the leo6,bn I th the cdble 1^ ihe ho.tzonlol !^ve.irbot oomp@ehls of fhe r&otion ol n. n : the.jEe o{ lhe putte/ ol D. lql .aii+ion) tsr.a= 6oaG) + 2aoGt+) - @ .5p.6- eaor +eoo RArRe ' 600t 2oo 'vA-e@ .R6'e@A 2oo(z) | rca(6) - r(s663a3')(+) I = 279.s2 lb.s. "@ Ph = r.oe63-+a" - (r7e.ez) (.663.ai') b GbVa) " e.ot) +aaa \c 2oIo s dit'g o56to"^ aa!)ihd we{ghf wof a l.o"eri"g a6ne (tn.lipPtnq 'o lhe r'gl'twh' the @^e l '^ i,t ,- "nu lo p* *nt - l"*.ttp ,r'q *t*t il;';:'il"r"";;" f*- Rirl6i^€a,+ts'-2aotrco a @,r P af 2a t''ac'.o..@^td*'ts1 -S,: ::i ,.f oo'e*rrr re#'n ine4uirr- ia^ *i* the @'imum P.! - 3oo - (21s 62)(6n6a4z) Ba - bo,a6 Lb. the taad P i' opPtied t" wfEn lhe loa zal.) R'paat pftb ea6 ir +be aabte putls {he boo,.1AB in{o o po6itb^ at whjoh il is t cl:ned ol 30' abde +he ho.,z6+at. rbe lood€ retuln verl,bol. Limilinq Condtlio's, r P.2'o \thq P'o \rh€n P'2o ) R1'o ztAq-o (*ton P-a 6tne' 4(x) = zrG) q' = r4oTon6_-O aMR,'o ($.6 P'2o) q("s).zo(.)teo(ro)- -el qi i\{sl = 22oTons 4t .1,t{z).,tet q = 2o +ons | 1&(6)@ao' Re+I6h--. = a@ r11x) R! - 3ab- 216.. (etn6d) - 6f1 Fa - 1t2.5o lbs- 45 44 - V4 lon€. - 6/4@ao" ftorc etos ".;ut " soi p'tfi B Eooh "*"* n i6 tupPot'tcd h pr''ot6 oi A \ P 4+s ;^ f b d"p"le t " ho.,zonlo! \vaticol * Rsh - soolb6. thof@'r?io:T'-ol lhe oo"poale r p@(eo) - se(^d- a@(ao) R^= toag,7t bs. {fv .O PlNrR^-6o0|12co+soo Ra? = 12j4.2e tb6, e.E- GAAiGTGAF l!.'bl) = s&Q) t4l6) 1'8'h') lit' ' 2455 67 lbs - Pa4.?etrB. .. e - 26.12' tang.;p1i.ee/eoo i. RA a12so.7stb6 up to |he tefl ol 16.12. 3Er) lha b.4m shom in. Fig!,re p-s6r i6 cuppo.te! by d hi.tg,e ot n \ a mlle on a 1la2 6lq,c ol B. De]'eaditn@lhe resufont rechbne nh . Eh =?+66.6?lbs. &r -^ao+s@r@raoao is oPPoriel on re e's ol The teuse. shryn i^ f ig.Pia conpo.'€n+6ol the reoolrorLs &-o hinge ot A solve fd. the rrg) A ft(Ra'\ - a{t<12) KB -Yflgo)' t (3oo)' Rsh - z'to lbs' q--!4 21R^ | uo(15)'dL) R^= 71o tDs' 24R6! - @(12) r uok) Beo)ComFrle lhe lolol @tioas O ol AqB Br Rol.o \ Ptuporlion, Rsh - r R$- s,(1/.) r '+46(56) - 4b62) R^ ''Lrr..-ziG'jf t6(FLw) ' +oo(i) fo. lho fruso shom ih Frgu /t /t- 1. ,,fr>E I 12@tb rU 194 ln^ 46 - Bo ,, tb6 A pulley ,+ft. h dioreF. \ sdpp. "r'^g o t@d of ,@tb :e @nled dr € on o honzonlol b6n Gtq p- e.2\ Thc bam ,6 guppor led b, o !6r) E ./ t/ | "l/ ,1,/-/ c - 335.+r lbs. 47 A-R/B(r6e,b)-#\tt #E rOD of lhe beam, 12 t&_ P , . R / B ( ' 6 e / d . t g l 1 1 s t ( s € ,-l . : a o w . 1 19 3E+JCdnprtc the fotot reoonbns ol A\B in F(t . Prn5a. on the Pc(s) = 1co(a) zF! -a R^v r Rc ' 1oolb6 P^v - 1oo- .eo = 60 rb6. . eoo- 2c6Ginao) R6- loo lb5 5fh-o: R^h'T@6&' ' 4oo @6a' P*\ R^- ' 113 eo tos ' 1ea27 tb6 @o)a t(18.2o)z lo"$ = soy'tz.to ' r'1o' ', k^= 1oo.21 lbs ot 16no'uPfolhe ngnr . sf@n in sse) The forces octing o^o r-f1 ledshl ofo dom ore on Flir' p 35j.The uptlo.d qrou^d |.@ction vo'es un;io'olY ftoh tong- -iolo - 1/4 )e-- 2o,s6o 8oq6r r ac+oG1z6,66')(1o) t2oo(1o) . e2.a/c.Ee6.s6)(6b) | 'eo(6o) | o.tu(ao)i bca(ro) R6\ - 4622.+91b6, <Fh -o ; R^h = 2c'b t 2Z4a s.2866" r 3ooir€ rbc. 1M6 -g ao p,^a - e.,.'rAo) | rc6 (6a)t z@a(ao)+ 3a,t (b) | z2ao(@s 16. ot p, b/n. at-A lap" lbA or B Delemrntp'r p"\ol''1i.n"ity | 224a{€,n "6,s6)(1a) so +heho,-,2r.'lol' re€ieldnoe to €lidrng' R4,Bionce I to 6lid,iT, F - 1oo& - 6dx @e' F= +eo3.ss lbs a 4600 ros- R= 6a6tetA3a' | 24o.. R* --2to.n(1i r axbG)- rc.|:a (6 ) -e.4 e- 9 48 lonq ' 33u-o9 € F . + a n _ 13 9 7 6 , 0 9 !ca1. *) .'. R^ = -+er7,e7 lbs up |o ihe ri9h1 ol q - j€,e6. 355) Dele.oine lhe.eocib^s al A\Son the niik +ru,ss6 h Fig. p rss Mehbers CD \ F6 arc re€peot&ety pe.pendic, _ br lo n E \BE ot thet. midpohl€ . = 0,56fl - 49 35t The unilonm rEd in F,!t. p-ae7 wc,bhs +2o rt \ of em"ib,ol d. Del+mineth. t.";-,;;;;ftX.: bo6 ,ls tione o'l lhe 6moolh_eurfooeeot A\8. aM^-O -. '> Ao BF 1617/cd A o " B F = t o , 7 5t ] . ton+ - 13/tat+'26t6' ' ts/cosze Ee' ac =sa r'lc- aa' $17 f) iX!., ^ 2Ir 440(6)- afish4o'i 6rt@€. b!l, stn lE - aosa6. 2T .r 2s2o - t6 tlstd.'. =poa(as\l ao.x)(a2e)++ao\et i T - ad@sa5. - 1260 . erish+s.- t?6o sub6l. d1z ia1, , r -dcoe.E. @ -e6a n@94s' - grlcD.+s' -7n.*16.! - 1260 fi - ?s4,sd tbs. Q^ - 536i 27 - 6360 lu€ t!)'r]" ' -""n., , ""*6ets) Rsv = 6131 67 ! 26) t <aoa(+t zs\ +oco@e6 56'(+1 6130 lb€- Rsh = .ooo s'n26 66" R^€r^3o" . 5361 27 stnaa - 4oooatn26s6' Ran = a92.Og5 lI$ 2R^ r aeo(a) - d 8ha.G) 1 n@*.f6) RA - 6dsn4s.e+o pa - s (2.+.soxsr"+s1 alo - 2!}o tb6. js in €quil;bf;um unden ihe @lton of Jhe fve Fis. P ess. Detemine p, R \-r. in Fq p-a% ; suPPricd-bv o thn Ihe c,]ntilerer 1.u36 6ho'n '.i oi A h B , .tt,r BC Determine the reoolim i; R(16)i r@se(s){ r6R 1 9T66e 6.a7. Ao ;a: - 39p9 s,.ed Q^ - 2ooalbe lP $ (6c).- Ioase) ! elco.+t 15(6@_ roo6 36.s7') 1 €.r 50 f 6ro@ R '6<b6rs,no. @sr'e)- T- 12es.7.t tbs_ R ' 6oa- (128s,7) es #.s>' R- r6nef6) - 6co(4) =Fw -o {l'""'u. o1! 4 e-B^, - -!999- ^ - +2e s7 lb6. (!p*a.!,) t@6e €6@0 + 6r€,n !6_s7- . 6o00 | 4ao(s) _ Eooo @ @ ?6t.> Referdrg - 1@ P +1.,t1+ 4'o @.r$ols't=P^@4'Gz) - "r"^1'*' -1 tuo |, ,'* NeeP lhc bo' r( r - 3fi r .r6lffii.!€ be ,rc|';€d l., the honzohtat " (!4fr!e1sct, " t-*.ffif4d) #'# ftvja b tig 34 ,-'F f = ?dttb rl is in o poerlion oFegu;librium. ez' o - <a- Gz*z)'a=s 'P ' 37,.qz tr,s (ro rltc lefi ) *",',^oii-*'i' Io tM agle €- ol wh,ch the bo. *tll o - ae.afrE A-: = 1'e 2" tE llF or as.-'who' .{o\re 'r ocrirq or '( =3fl Us"9,+brlb,tu@tn, " ,s, - n(l-,') fo. &, !-o = lof.(6)Ga) ft. 'he afd;"ales r 16@ d pl-o = D (caee + 6ns-) -x x =gGseCt_6'!9) 3- , 16@-. qR^. b Ro, -g-tzene = - lqd i'-"a,*e) .tzGne+e.\e) -\-..3pr. J = I * fdn@ fo- a+ p^. 3 = Pta at (cast st'e) horrbrtlot nl'a"*t-pL | l'l..a' & . , 1 4 A{ -tc's;79fi' caad - fr Ita-6-1'?,=4'61fl a") 1 6 61') = a@O 1 - 60'3 b€ 52 e.t i 1tl@ao - 6&e :: og+ t N-+.3e -oo=+ 24-.'rnll' -'**1 I - $q[ sa6€"- "(,..e, er"o)l .l.t^@ ] L - 27.8e - 6o(@cJ eno) 1+ aon6o = @ cGe | @ 6ne "td.6,.o 1ro"@) -@-l - 3B@€+6rlon6o) a6€fal(r [=(r - a,(@.+',na) 1r+on@ **an eo) - oo] = 6.6. = A@26279 ldtot -O- - 26.6aE'3A7' 53 (eo) tlp - '1{,a)Joiat b of lhe lruss sha-n in fis. P- ao2 ts euajecled to the 6rces ererl,ed br lhe lhrce membeoe n8.6c' \BD. M AD\DD ore in lhe some elrcighl line'but Fc ls inclined dloho.gle of+ degreeswilh thi6 slnoghf line. ghow thal the lor@ in Bc nrusl ba ze'.. Ae e.alne lhi€ r€sull 1 lh€n €how thol 1fie b. t€ obo zelo cqs ;^ mSdb€. cO'oE EF,FI,HI.,HKI,\JK Ane. At o jo'nl €uqj6t€d to the @tion of lh.e€ flembe.€ bul r€ d{ha lood, il t-o of |he menbe.s o€ corl,'1@.' the tc/ce i. the thin menber musl tJe ae) Delen;6e ,he fo.ces ir €ooh ba. of lh€ t.oss 6haah ;n Fg P-e3 . llkl: Fri.sl daiemine which bqre cd.-/ @ load oihq ChoPlor + 'Anolysie p.haiple ddeL'ped in Pnb to2. cE-cF-o ol S{ruct':rcs P - cDdn@'+ aeet 6o' 6'i!€ r CD=OE P - 2cD e t^e' co-o,577P=aE 1C CO - BD ! o,gj7 p BF = BD@s6o' bF - o.67aP coe 6o" Br * o 617P (o.s) BF-- O 2A9P -f 54 .aa+) Del€.dine #E lorc€€ 6ho.t iA Fig. P-31 the membene of lhe rooF tnusE atrEid6irg lhp rhole libur€, -tu =o I R^v + Ror'=libtfiosrnb' R^vr RE^/'160-. .O FDs - 66.6|b. Brv @pt B. zry -o @pla sa'2a9- @ Pr'A 4,. a-- bc.966tb.-. c / @ pLC R^v-oeA6-@ lF"' Ac' 0.A6 AB-@ gr,cinr.,', AB.i^N; '1oo +1e6&' o.5go t o5y'O'1cDtso po+so' ts(z) 'ta-@ F^v - o.e(.oo)= solb. <fh-a: Bo.tE,go'=/.ba6io't 1@ctag' ' &- Ao oe65(AB) bD = ^6 ric'l-*@ tfa'O: 'o,E6cje) ' E6 6lbjr @ d c AB) Id | /\b ' 4') ^6.1@b -b o,6(2F@) 9c.t.6o' -pD 6.nao,. rooo r AB sn3o. o sBOr o.g66Bcr .rc,oo+2oao(o,r) o.eaDI a.e6ac = 2ooo -. - a <Fh *o : 60 ccs3o'- Eccos5e.{ AE @s !o " 0,466ao- o.6ga + 2oaa(a,366) ___.@ q , E l i m , n o l i d nr r \ t r.a sso + o a66B. - 2@a) o,5 + ( o , e 6 6 s O - o , e a c - 1 7 9 ? )o _ € 6 6 gc - ioo. o.25 BO *+ d.rqi o,25Bo d..+€3 sc looa '+ o?s Ao o..!e3-bQ E lgoo CD6t.6v"- Pt,E|.60' I loco co- g6sfos66) +iooo cocos6o'+ Ac+ scco.6D'- CF &- 2o2o(o,a) | 17t2+ 86{'(a9) = s1ru ib -. . _ C +oz) In lhe co^lileve. l.uss €ho{o ir Fg P-a<r, coip-le foroe in m€nber6 AB,BE, \ DE. @ pl-A ,,. E,o- /.E+,loo,, 2ootb - c - ftoo eo,5o. A a = 1 1 3 2 1 b- . , - ' t ^9ana6 . ,Ac - CO ! 46,5 lb, -T @PI B 8C.100jb.,.-T .06) Th6 coniilove. l.uss in Ft4 P- 46 i6 hi.€€d ai D \e lhe fucs in oooh tnemb€r ' Find @Pt^ u6,19 F.otdt,b^ of Ax,e, i ee.rrsiro l- r 1 AS6neo' = 1dO: ^A'ao.'dtb' ' A E c o 6 s o ' <Fh-O I AC t\c - 2@.189' / c / ,.C'1-ft2lb'- l"e lL€ . 'L$7 {" bp . 1.?,12r 67 wor.en eoch nember of lhe .osJ computc ihc fonce i^ 6hdnn in Fil P-'o€ trucs DE6tr|@' , a1st R^e ' 4240 lb t so@ DE- s+94.2 v s+€otb c coneide.ing the wtd€ nborc: =ME'o t L@l1a) | R^t(n\ - e@($) @' r etd DE- 2o2o(o.e66) ai1.) DolermlrF thd ftrce in n:E]mberc,,a, /c)BD,co, qcE of tk)e coniilev€r lru€6 sho,n in. rQ.p-411.lf lhe loods were opplied oickE in€l€od ofol E\D, €peoify whioh memb€i6 *ould hove thoir internal fo.ct ahooged. ton6-- 9- @ pl. A, ZfJ aot R* = ABs|n6o' A6-A!9_ ZF .O @ pt B , r.f,l.Fa3,as'-1d) -2OOa rc' -4s11stn6d srn5'' lrc A3 ' asoT 62 < 4910 Agco6so' - Ac tc- <qto Gosao) /c' 2459lb--'T A1s;n6ci - aa@r AB - 1eo,2g lb rc.2@tb-'-'T ,, BO. /\6coe6o'r bc.a66o' 4h.o: ED +e1o(o5) r 1600(45) BD.3755lb- -C / ./\B@za.@' .eDa44.@)' AA - ao - 1eo,29 tb -. :f @pI c ta o -94? t*/*. @ p i .c lFe=O: w6n&'I caen6o'' +OOO \EDok@l r co&'06f)' aoe ''f, co = eog94 + 4O2DIb' ZFh-o: Bccoe6o'r /€ = oDao6@'ICE 2b.o(o5) r 2ass = 2o2oGs) | CE ce'1war24s5-1O1O Ce'Lr+s lb ' -T 58 PL- A: I oE'i..e4' co- aso)b-.-'l / Ce - CA.:ocsol2| /\(a - 2g)< 6s3:12 t 190 ct = 300 lb-..c 59 =Fh.O AC- Bcos r'.c- lsotb aoe) oelcrmo€, lh€ for€e in m6nbat.5 AS,BD,9E,qDE tbwe rof lruss ehown h Fb. p-4o9. of lhe A" (ao)- @o(3o)- €oo(2o)- ..o(ro) =o H"(1o)-,ro(€o)- ooo(ro) -6.()(4o) =o Hv: 9r5olb. a. A, +De - io+t/6(12o\ ... 2OJ = 12or e/s(12o) 2Da - 192 Dv-96|b.=Av lnta.tonsnq hinge k rclr6' eppo.t *tll not chonqe ltE fo'ces in cocl' ba. e,.oopt {ir Ac &' cP ac"q,te/,o(^s) = 22a tb6.r'6td\) co - B,o(s/e) = r2o b({..6€n) &-Ac .12s |b (lo^.d^) 66 - 156 16(a"p.ccaoo) 0 1D : € *- \e6-t sEsh6o'-6oo(Eh60).o BE - 600 tb (@.nprsi6) BorBE@.o. r@(@.6o) - atoo 60- rsoo rb (cepr!<,ir,) t'a) Oelermiie the liJr.e i. €och nerba. ol ih€ pro$ roof lruse ehoM o, E, 'Y /@ u5iae d* ^c, ze".o &=1s&bc-F6 ,Y' 4/ l* a lhc at-,s,rcto,6 .aS-ED=DF- asoo tb-..-C at c. E aM{-o. to,.c. €oo(e) ,6oo(ri}rad(€)t = AY(3") Aa- adttb '/, s--+ l^w Bo " i6o tb (cdnpc66'o^) &=4q-_Aq co = so(slo) -oh _,q-_es_ g .ti5 :. co= 463.3i rb-.-T DE=O 6l @ " DG Ac - 2/r-n q) t cE cF . :,64)0- 7A (ztee.az) (F = EA . 2400 tb --- T AS - +s@ lb ---C : FH AC:6H - 366tbr-T b q t ,O h ' 9 6 | b .', Co '321b (la5o'r) dt C: 2?r-O AY TDA ' BC gC ' 192 tb0€'€ion) f.d- w-.E 6hown in a1t) comPuie lhe force in eoch rn€r'be' of lhe lru6€ a'e shlfled vecticallv do" f,A.p'+to t lhe loods o{ B\o -o.a lo oaa io lhe loods dl d b E' wil\ lh€re ba on/ cho"gp o in the.€oohbne ? Whioh membsrE' if ohY' would underyp aho.gB In hte.nol, 6rce @ p l E , @ ?t. F, ' Rw' YEcF €hown in rig oonsid6.i.q DF - i@a.924 161o1b,..-a the force in eoch m€mb€. of lhe crsne lhe i?hols fi?u.e. 02 |ca - ?occ@B b. - 6. t e. - z.G>(s)c.E126. b = l3.oa- b'- - 4,o t2@r2@r eod P^w i Rry ' 1600 lb -O p,y rp'd @ pl. A, 1MF.O tn | , A" 22,Epl 9^,Y (eo) "4oa(4o:) r 14("j,o\ t ^blao) a bo=LAe, + a@(?a) ' eealt) bD6D5o'- @b61. lhe 6l]3 of R^v in 1Rt! - 1@o - ego - 12a la +eo++,/b t ac t {nGe') k1e8, a"a Bc- 7o'o+ ='7@lb - <r.,.b ^ 3. B^,-A,Bs,a -C B - 9 s 3 . e r{ 9 4 e l b <Fh-o Ac - .^a @€6s 43' - s e 6 @ 6 6 ?. 4 ' /c 4 4 o b e | ^ A t : ' t b- - 1 @ptc. tF!'o | 2oo bc'Gco 7oo \ c0 | 2oo '' -'r 5 C(,' <tn-a : /cr Gco 't F '! 1740lb - -r cE - 4ao+4G612o)' 114a:16 62 ,,,!a = 13O9A 61 - 131OOfrr -. t7 1Fh.6 ACc@2aa9'- 6 ,'\D- 1t1oo'(6e2.6q" tzo"o . o.eor(ff-e6) BC = 6c0c'26 ! Bo'=*ad - 12o23.4g tb tB = 12cbo tb_-_c/ @ P l l.* / Ca'lfeo' - tlto)b --c Bc6h.ir' o,560 - o.s66Bc '-ta BO . 9e5Z' -4e2.5 <492tb-rc = 4'.ote. l-. 62 -@-os)'t s2,.G.oaXqc.FA ,^6 -eo@s& +Bcoa6o. 12t)Ca- o.a66ao r a,aBc -a 63 + o.sac 6000lb_..?,c = rcsg2 rb ?, + lAlAAtb-:.-C AB'BD'& CD of lh€ aft) Ocfc.mine thc for€€ in mcmbcr lruss 6hown in Fig P_a14 +1s.) Solve lof th€ fo.ce trusb Ghown in F,i?.p-4rs in menbe.€ Fri, DF. s, 06 ol the atA}..', co.r6,cren ng the whote, Rav I Rhv E too 1n@ r ocro R^w*Rnv! lsoo K-, T @ "'T , 'l q' u, sblb coo lt h tuNfr6) = aao(e)r 3606€), - 6o0 lb. R^v = 15Oo-9oO 4Mq =o. A"(36) = !oo(27) t .ooQs) r @G) Fr = 1274.19 a plo tb -. . - C @ Pt. f, \k A8= Goo --"C Ag. 948.99 lb ZFr'o AC - ./& AB AC= qJotb- tr t &taao ol B, 7.r, FH - 3//.tri6DF or - A@]li) (3' tz ;e -E-c. n" oF - 9+c.6 4 947 tb_.._c @ pl. 6, l"- & $/a rst -C CD = 125 lh -- r/tio Bo - y'F ^a ) B A - 6 3 2 . 4 6l b - " c ' '/It Ae - l/.Fo Ao I ea Pa - 4.o li) - _-T 4/5D6+6tt)-9c,0 pa - 3ao (s) D 6 = 3 . 7 5t b _ . , _ r 64 @ F, /,tz FH - 16 | t/fi DF t/E h2io) - 16 r Xi baz) F6- Eee. 4 6a'tb lhe fo'ce In meddele'oi'e u6inq fho mctthod ofGsctrbns, in rl9 P-ar7' the roof lru66 6hown be.6 BD,CD' \ c€ oi ru) ..28 con6deri.9 ,l{s lhe Y'hole fiqur€ -O . F^w r FFw 360 Btu p^eG6) " ze6.) or(2o) - R6v (2o) D F- S o O J -b, - - C 9C-+47.21a++Ali'o---C cE("o) r jooo(to) r R6r (2o) " R6.,(eo) cE"4oieasfu):_ogacsl cE- 100tb-.-T ap) u6e the rethod olseclionc to dele.mire ED,co, \cE of lhe wonEn True6. F*(1D 'ao(s) bo - eob2) cohcidenilg po- $alo- -c the to.ces tfE wiEl€ in nenb.. figurc , RvF ("o) - rooo(1o) I sooo(F) r b.b(.) co - s/. Azo) C o ' 2 o o l V- - c ri ".? | \ l/a\" .,"-'ro =. e- a.66 n. - -1 cE' 3zblb 41s)rfE wofco lruss rood* -06:0::l ' i ::j-^:'":'iffi o1 A ar 1r'e n a1|(d of oe"lios' . - -^,,^. ^r r- \ -..r- rh6 {^.ce a I'nqe in lhe re-m^e w w\,5at ooosldding 1?n-o' 3o(s.66) =ooo(.)+ also (ta) BD - 32E.o/e.66 BD.37s2.e1b-..-C lhe {fEle fEu€' p-6A ' 6aa ltj 4W-O 'aobOb)1 6@ Oo.l+ 6@(0) i Paabo) P.d (a) cE - 231so/e.66 RvEas) - co(1o) - soooco) +4o00(6) cD- 412s9,4a cD-212stb-..-I - cD(e.6a)+ 31s. .s(e.e<). z.<,o(.) co = I sooo_ (:zsoo., r+) cE-2742.etb,._I CO- 2O2O.Alb .2o2a lb ---'f 67 66 lhe focce in ltt6 ndnb"rc aad Od6r'ino P'+b-' tb$,e lrure €lto'"n n fiS' of Df'06' \Eo :ir_o **r15B]o.,,t2@rU.rB F,F- fr,6 | *rten)-.,t'Idil BF- 2@tb --. -c r,|.lrEdof g.olbo , @ aM.'O|.r'.o\=a@6'2) '-c Df = 40cD|b' @ot t/to6- A@ 2r!-oi 1fh.o'. DF tu+ 3/sBD-BE t 60- *a6ao) ao= 4@tb. EF - 1]E l0+ 21@11,6O EF = a'g(,db) r 2& | 1zd): 2@ Pd. rJ6-76.Db"c -e6 r./to6 1/'4s@)'Eo E6'a<t@tt"--r .aa)ro-rherroesiEm:'q €t'€cr i-rfl'ilff,'fiff rhe r msltEd oej.ints \ ltF/' * - q+16,fE-12@'1 gF r 45OOlb -. .- c t*", b,/ llt€ se''l;orF' fir't obbin {h6 n-t ' 6 opdl. 'e meltod oc Li^.. \oloe of EE bt iftP€cr|oo whol6 f.gpc, ^,.. cotr6t,-,i,q the {.6) In lhe hiL t.rr.e nr Fir. p-a€B, lho Gb momb€r€ ct'o.d I't tF o|c F.perdirlor lo ttla irlctirFj r|lsb€.s al lhej. midp<r^!c. l,rco thc drelhod of, €ellon€ lo dst6.ainc th6 fo.€o in rcmbecDr, DE. lr C€. , R - R^Y +Rry r 2a@t14oo n^v l Rov - 3600 .-O P^. (16 - 216G) + 12@62) i^ r, c(i'v -9O'2@=1e'b BE _p@lb. -w= 24<Xtlb - -- ' 4F;v *a" aa{a(rd/+ (126) !9 ^e/2 ..:E--i6 try. f -r4'5' 68 - lrara+4.r1 -gB. F^y-F6v;4x lo_:-i- P;o' '5- EG.E )n(a.6) + t('e.s) - Fe! 6e,.) !F -S.e|!9 ryse4 Fip. _.._ c &f-o|. +lbllE | + - ,|FDFt a t1 D E = a r x J i E- . - - T 00 zilr -a - EK(rz3a) | roo(ao) ) .e(eo -LB) r 26('o'1s) t @(a.-2..6) ER - .9A,94 ? 699ltt - .-r Dr, D6, q E6 fd' }hc tb'r€' Dol€dinc +h. ft.ce in the lne4b4s R^v(,) {rl) tb'connot determine the lA Fio P-4?5 Then use force- i" Uo"s fH 6ri,\EK 6 pn6ta rF/ -o, con6id6 rhe *fde ol .s'- 2<). fiaurs, K Rr = R^v = 1Cr5 2sfuoF - E6 r 26/(t6eD6 6=.fu(6.)-ryt;@n E6 - 1io.7 7! 1t' Rrpc-.-T PNtu>ao(@)' e(d+ rfglA + 4-e+ DF(L') -c DF -161.67 +162 ktqs - p^,Ua) t NQ, * r''\' tn Fig.3 en3o'--PE D E= l o ' 'zb('br'' 3-2o\ - Fn($) + 1.t(@)t ! 'oo(4o-1') R^\ - 30+60+.&+ Dr t lkfu D6 D6- ia/Ilo, -4=o_ 3t6.+o6')J 6- r i = 1 1 o 4 l b- -c -4".^'" ^'44 *Vi "*(1.\'i aeo4 "' 6H(^E') ;,;.', r 2@G" aA' .eO'') \zqt'z1s) zs2arb 6 t 1 ' c . 1 96 . 70 '*.. -r 3a.61 =sa.., r:7s '-f <€a.) u6e lhe 'nelhod of s€oiioE AB,AD,BC,\bo lo edpu+e lh€ lor€e id of lhe lnuss .shown in Fig. P-+32. .,*o ' zw'o "! p.',!(2o)t.,b ^8(i6 = gk|e ^sQ6) e=,L l*" lr- \ . FxG4'zao&i lsor,ot [e(o)_D6d]. AB . 7o.7s = 7o.e klpe i.,_ R1v66I- a,1; ^cdel ta = 6/+ Go) C - 46-02 -i€ xip6 ....-T | .d16) eG.,). vQo) | tc(o)r tk 4@r e6ao' W r\s BD- lck @4-41@J -T EOr5oo1-Or' + 5OOOrb<Ftt-O ec - +/@ ^b + 1/s 60 Ag ! 5909.31 i 59lo lb' -c w'tr@s1o)t +h(@) !E'6a.Dtb --'c <Ms.o ; 'tlb AD6€) ! ^o(c) R^v(e) r ?g D-30@lb_ €a) lr{.c c €ME.O -T co.npdte fts fo'c6' €hown th.. FriJ'P-a!'' AB,^c,or, \oE of ihe 6'i6sa-e < t-O t2(to) e.x <@) '12'(.) 1ia(a) r 14O')t e(1o) I R^v - lox /t ^? l"' 6,/"1. ^1) /1' <{ .// lr/r' ^--6- oF (22- 2a) r y@ DF(a) Df - e3s - 42.s k?e-..-C 'lho melhod of ecclions lo compulc lhe forEe in lhc a2r) Usa desc'rbed 'n mcmbers DF,EF,\EO of lho conlilever lruss Prob.+11 q Fi9.P-/r11on Poge 92 Fv(so) - 4oo(ro) r ?ro(ro) r soo(!o) oe. ao/3 rS cEQo). 72b<a.'t cE = 1440 lb _,-.t :Mc-o (Rc&l"t"d Bo ol F) ^-;t F".@rb 7eoe4.)= z@(r,) i eoo(2a)+ a/.rsbo (ao) BD- 491,93tb --_c ZMF -o (p-@t \^S CO dIC) rMe " o (Rd6olving OF ol D) 3/rE Dr (ao/3) - rco(ao) r 2&(^o) OF 'a6o.56 lb -'- | .MA'o L ft ff 2aa(adr eoo(2a)- 1G coho) co - rn1a.a3tb ,-_c 42.) Use the helhc, of seclion. to detcnmtne lhe force ooting in members 0F. EF.8(E€ of the Howe irues dcgoribed in Fis. P-aas a^ page91. A\ (i4) - a@(4) \ xro(b) r <a1o) de = gso lf' (Resolvinq EF al E) ,Jo) | 2.to(2o\ Go) - zoo EF = 335.44 Ib - -1 rME .o (R€sotvins oF o+ H) l"(ra) = .oa(1o) + aF(en3d)(,o) DF = 1€oo tb - -c Eo (2a) - @t(ao) r qno(qo)+ ca(rc) E6 = 450 lb _"- C page a2, t\ coma22) fe. Ia ihe desor,bod pute tha fo.c-€ in me.nbe.s BD,CO, E(cE bY i" (,o) . Eo (io 1o"3o) E6 - 16+s.4s tb --*T .+2+) For.thc l.ves ?i-ry ]Y 'ne me r L cfllt d or she^ ZMH.o (cccotvinq FF al E) a$(1o) ' EF 6'.b' (2o) FF - roo lb-.,c i^ FiT.p-a2a, dd{erm,ne thc fo.€e E ihencheckrhlsrc€u[u€;ne :f io,nt HilI. lo sec'idq oppr, thc _elrod br, hsp€l,on. Ocf,a.dnc lhc fdcc in trr.c BO,C,. \DF of lh6 nocotte .rt lrui6 €ho'6 f FtO. P- 4z tMo:o At (16')- 1MG.) r ,ae(91 Aw ' zaOOlb *' &-aleAa AE ' 25oorb-'-c AC,cF =tg.o tD-"-T c"b.)| r.ID(6) " @(2a)t cw r t6oo tb. fe(ta') r/& oE ,t 1@ - &et @ oE - 512.45 tb -"-T ot Jornl D, co ol9) Zli6 -o (?.ov6g 1/ft DE60) = 3/b ez)(co) co = s@tb-''- T 4k co . r/tasD| y'{ooE BO=3@.5!5tb-..-T ,r2G) Uc6 lhc 'Ethod of ccctiorls *o aotrsrmirs +he force ir.r'nen _ b.,rc Dr, F6, 8\61.ofthe lr;ongulor flowe lrves stbw. ;. p;r. *+re llinl Fircl oobraine b/ inep.,ct,on lhc forcce in ihc rob l'Emb€.4 of the .'ight €iCe of lhe irucs . b], ;nsp@lion *cb tcnbert Jh, r, |lt, \Ho corics no lood + - lo^', rh - 26sa' €vLFo, AaC6o).2c,o62..6r.(t ') + a (@4 26 s 7) (4) - 2 (6n 2o.stX'\ - z (o)(si,n 26.e7.)+ 21.o(d | 1t@Gr). +/s sF (16) gF"2@b---c A,(zo) - 4@s26.r,.110, zo)+(E^ %,sf) (z)(er1o) + ot (1s) tW. o : 2:4.(.a') = -.(a^ *fi.Xt) 6I - o_,rseKip3_.._r - ,(5'n?,.!"Xro) i oF(6n ,..B'XEo) + <M^ " ot Fo Oo) - 2(as 26.sa)(.toI 20) z(@ e. 6, ) (b). e (@ 2E5't) (....J +(z)(d 2GE7'.)(6no) DF - 2.s Kip. -..-c 76 Ay i 2.+6 Kipg F6 - 2.24 N dclern\^c l.usc shc^tn i^ a9'P-429 0F, FH,Ft,6r, g\ ro. e+o) For tho lrono loadad o€ shofn in fg.p-44o, &lor mirE lh6 lbrizonlal \ vorjiool compcnonts of tf,ro pi" pros. 61,.Dol B. Spoc;fy di'Eotion"s(vp o" aou,t; l6fl or right)of tho lorso os il oot6 upon member co 2l G=o, s/@ or@4)- 2$'@r) \ ,.bGo) r a@Q.') oF -- 12564 lb - ar@\ - 24(e,) + ab(6) EV. 590 tt) :Mr .o N (.r) - 36G\ - 21bQ) Av = 360 lb .-T lefl of B-E at^t.'o. 5/R rr!o)=1e(4o) r 14o60)\,!t(@) + 4+c1=4<r:,<2o)&@(1t)r'.(t(.6o) -c AI='t166.67lbzF,.ot 6\ | 5/.l6iFr = /giFt f\ =2aa.27tb---C tte(go) -T F H = 1 5 6 4 6 1l b " :Mo-O ,a(a\- aso(a) gn(a) rcfl of c-c . zrt^. a : 60Fa= .k]x(6o)+a.a(ao)r 2.t <2r) f6 =.733-33lb -"-T Fig p-a3o o'€' in aeo) The lod& cn ihe Po.he. 1'u66 et)o{n in "r-lb' Delermir€ lhc lorces in menbe's Bo' ^t". O"" ^t *"r" z?! -o Av rJv ' 3o(7) Bul Av'Jv 'B00(6) 8n - t€o rb (lcn) bJ - esatb (dorn) 8r-2.gO-39O-a +<t Tho strucfuro sho,q {ho hori&ntol e^ vc.tiool is hin96d ot A &,c. Fidd of lho hinqo lbiE€ ol B8..) CE- 97.22Ki?6---1 'o <Mollhe inlc6elion of Bo \cE z?ft;-'s+or(16a)r :o(rss) = rlo(roc) ' BE = 63-gg siPs_ -T @ft of b-b :M ol lhe Inlerteolion of ooqce'o rco(a) \ $a oE , 30 ($5) =1oe8p) -C oe - rc'873 x.tq.- 1@ (ba) ' 30125)+ s/EA bvr.z ) -C BD. ,143-41 &tp.- y''rr" z,-zf 8Br = 1oo(e)+ ioo(6) BH . 125tt) j BH.AH - j75 ib At - 166-|,46 =a Av - 2OO tb <Fx-o ZFl-Ot Cd=B!=175lb 78 79 bor CE cv + EY -Dv -O Cr - 36a - 264 & = 96 tb {d@n@d Co.'cira^i.g zF\Fot ,1r .o*pr*"t. cd-40ro zf! -o: o'@\ = 240(3> Or = 90 lb bor 6D E"G) - 24o(e) Ev - 19Olb 16olo1ing bor DA Er-AJ'24O'o -24O1EY Av At = 24 tb 2ao(e)- a, G) - o O' = 360 lb =M^-o g! C6J- 240(4) & - 160lb xo9\- s!(6)'o Bv = i 20 rtr{ upwo.d - / *p.ol" u". rc] 80 ro Ac J aa5.) Thc frElne shown ln F9.p-+as iE .eupportcd byo hin96d oi E k, o rollor ot O. Computo iho f'orizonlot \vcrtiool componenisof .ll-Dhinge focce ol C os il ocis upon BD. j 42c(1\) - Er <ro) -o Ev' 26'r tV i{^za I'N1 i;pkr BH = 4€ rb to tho righl of lhe h'r4o 6.ccs ol Bg'c os.ihev ocl ,p."."-P.ry' t zN,,\-o I Bc(4) i cv(s) - cH(b), B"(z) - o BA = aoAo) +a2o(2)- (e6)(s\ tho wtPlo Gono i Av +e! -12O 'O E ' t2b'to E! = 6a lb aPA-o. e,D(3/s)-AA-o eo 4'4)AA BO= 2oo)h --'C 8&\-a '. oo(4| rc'(a) -bD(4/5)(8)=o EC- lCOtb*--T aaa) Thc f.omc etown in Fig P- +aa is suPpo'lcd b/ohingod oI A A' o rollor ol E Compu{o +he horiz'nfol \vo'rF *i1h rospedl to ^r1 "-' :[1o=o:cf(5)rc,€) r,tz) -o Cr. 2.4(2)- @> lzo(4\ " Er(4). o EA ' 12Olb aVr.g.1 l4t- At-o E$ 'Aq " 12olb oi i6olatirg bor A_6 zMa-O I A!(O)'120(4) = o Av -- 60 lD. Zt ^=oi zMe"o (6)}.v- 24o(2) AY-€Olb CA(3).7oG)t@<r) CH- 2SOlb. 8l +a6) n +hr€c-hingcd oroh i6 coflPoscd ol {*o {'uscs h,nocd looelhor ol D in Fig C-+a Co^pwio lhc comPoncnts pt tio .co"llo. ol A \ thon find tho fo'coe oolins in bo's /lB\|Ac. Hinl: Frrsl r'6ololeoocb ltu€6 o6 o frcc boaT AaOo) - Aa(b) - 24o(1o).o /*-AA.12o *@ 6q. @ &- @, A" G) - AH : rfi<) An - 32o to zF" -o Av -B!-24o-o -laLal-:4eL N G.) - .6dct - 6aoQD) 'o A!' 42o to &r. tsA_ - 132a Aw - .katb -' ".,1 44o- 24o Ba= B.a + EH2 . (m)z + (e2o)2 b - 372,+ lb .t\A-P,w-120 = 4a -124 /Ad - 32o ltr a<€) + A,A(3a) ' o A"Go)'3@bd - a@(@) - +2o(4o) Ai(t) AA - -32o tA = ;. AA 32o 10 Iha .lgl\l loro rc -;.7i ) /'\' \ A booh (ar|ig +ta loods shoM n rig p-+aa i€ lh.@ ..sma.ts t{ i€ suppo.icd rt br vee_ 7*,W* { 1tc.ctt:c,aLto s \ jo-oa 6, b.o f;cl,o^tace nrngc€ Octc rmirte iho votucg of lhc rDoc+ion6. . zFf=o a2D /\,8.\n 36 s7. -o c ,LB- lao\o zF"-o: B2o- Ac - Ae @s 36,6i- =o , 76- 326 _ 7a6,(cos za,az.) -.._1 /c_- _ 24a trj. 24o tb a+7) Two frusgos orc jo,ned os sho*n in Fig P-+a7 to {brm o +h'!o hlrgcd or€h Campulg the horrzontol kvo'ljoolco'Dpo-onts of lhe hjngo {b.oo ol B tN. }ho.' delarmino lho }/p' e, mognlludo af forca n bors BO e'BE , z(.'o ,.o.b) .n *,e c. cf r-'lo I o t-- -t) ---1 at!2@tb wl = 100(6) lofl lrusc gr lG f lR+ RaG) -.6c8 (z) R4= 3a1tb=Cv G + 24o(zc) r AA Oa) - A" (4o)' o Av(a) -AH = #ao -@ l6.loting a2 @ RzOa) = 2o.0a) i 2e&(7) 3ca@) R. - 2120lt) R3Gd - 2s.n3> + 3&(14) -4ra(4) Re= lleo tb. 83 lv'o o'd Tho bridgo sho'{n i^ Fb P'aag ocnslsts of ot ofgrovilY oonlor €oolion6, coch *oighir€ Ctn' tone 12o wo;gbihg 6, hingod ic o unifo'm A, B, E, .',\ F. .s9.) "oaa(e)rooa(6) | FN6). r, g2) Fv(s) - F{ = g2so --O tc@(s)- rcca (6)+ AtN(4) = A" (12) N(3)- AN - 22so -@ @ nanb.r co CB(1o). eooo(s) ca -1s@lb. Zl''-O:3.xA-Ca-BA-O gH = looo-1silo o" (@) - 12o(:,c') | 6oG4) Dv = 1OOtong C,Go)'tzo(tdtaa(eo) Ca= Aolo 6 i E"(@)-Qtbbo)r(a(lo) e\ = 26A *o^a zlr\E - o ' lctt(2.' ) F" (@) - zaoQ.) O,.r(i,) = Fe C4) F{ - D{ .{sootb zF =a: e4 -Bao-19ca.o Ec = i@O lb -O: -F; Fr.tr 3oOO- AH -o AA = asaatb :ME.o: N Go) - 2ca(2o) so(2a) Av = ae tong zvl^. a e.Go) - 2cp6o) t s>(1o) w = 212 lons tc o 45o) A billboord 8C woighing {ooo lb is subjccicd Fig P_aso Ncawind o.cseuro ol 3oo lb por {l os shown rn hcmbors' doiormrno locilno lho wdrqhls of lho supporiinq E( F' 16 66-penonts of ihe hingo fo'cos ot A wnd PrcEGu'E = 3oo lbl{+ . 3oo lb/${ x lO }i @ 1 , Fr i3) = e2so + 15ca Fv ' 32SQ 1t) @2. 22sA + 49cn A!(3)Ar = 22sotb. - 3OOO lo 84 85 = lsoo lb. s@ lb Ea'21A -O E'l,.21ob EaQL)-sko)-2ao6o) E! = 2sq tb Choplor - e@G) /v62)'2440) AYF5olD .nombor ' @ t.rht=o tc' c ll*cn { ot-Ho Fr icl ion DH C4) - 24(o) DH= 4€O tD zrio=o cica) = 2ao?) CA '24o)b o"G)=e<dtdL)t.p,,A2) Dv= g1OrD_ :F ;O: Dll cBH:a6O lb EFr'o 6! - so+ 610 ry Bf = 9o tb. 8a'A' Cr'56010. 86 5 87 w ,o " ,"11^if,";"jjll""l", ,05)Abtockwaiehine ie(o)gr.ore' r 3il1l,#;ir'1?:;"d"i''lioill loe.Ic) lc€E lhone thon e:(b) cq"o' lhone- ih€ bloch wirl not siide down )',l ii,i' l. aiter ihe f'rci'onol i,i.,""j li *i,, reloin ils poeil'bn be'ou6e IT'li"S jit. i:1" r ;ff ,:\'ilJl"Jl'*, ?,n,'; ta'c'l:ll^:'",11;i: iir fi.'iq n",i"ther'aro^ot, " j';* ?iii:.: T;:iJi"x',;-" fiil"[,:,"';tl:: i,"' il :.T;:il#;Tf ::;::;i,z * #.2::-i,:;^, mpc^d 'f aP" tpt tr y ta \)4w' il ;;? ,.4'"""o 5a7) Ihe eoo)b block gflown in Figore is in contocl wilh o ab' inor:ne.I\e aeffticient ol f.;cl;on is o,za C4^p"1. 11,. valuo of the tuAz.ntat fi.d-.e P ncccseonl io o) j""l s{o"{ prcvcnt molion down thc thc bloak up tha inc|ie (u)j"gl (o) Il P-aoc lb, whol ie ihe o-ounl \ dr-ecl'bn of inojine. thc J-.,ct;o^ fb.ce ? > P - COOIb 6n6o's6' ;nseq' F.n -'l*\ 1 wilt €lrll ba in o_ mation la '" 'o""u g'*i'tl':lji3'#;::L:1 5 *lrl,#,i.]:*':t io etort the molioA P = <n!2 ., P= ftatb P -- +oolb ql'a2s..s-fta4' 11 .-r N p . t c.) ^* e,+at4{P '&^" T\ b w ^ 2+:o P^:- - l10 1lb 88 . 5oottr -"-^J-"il,i"'r' *{ 4K",",J41\!\ t! A\.V P :4oa(Los15')t f r ' 70lt tb Isao\l@sao'\'o 5@.) Ihe 2oolb blook shown 'ta fiq. P-soo hoe imponding rrction up tho plone cnoced bA tte tarizonlal far:e, o{ ltD-b.Pel. lhe o:nffloienl of slalio lriolian beiwcch lhe conlac4 €u.foce6 - zfu =o:N=aao(stnno)| zoo(ar.ao N'37J.21 lb. <Fa =o: r - $o(cos.n)- zoa(snaa) F . 246.+1lb. l L - 'F' A = 2 4 6 a 1 - a 6 6 ,tJt2i P: 239'2E #*E-# P - o.,c.br) t___:g,a 5Oe,) fl,e bloak, 6hown in nA. P-@s are cnnacnled bg fldib inetlendl'to cord6 possihg ovor fi1bt'bnla6s putless. Al Al]rrcnefftoienl ot frrclton ore f. - a,oo \ fk- a,2o whils ol B Canwte +ho nog.;tudout d;rcc lhos orc f.-arc\fk'o.@. i,bn of tho friallon lorca oali"g oi each btoo".. oro) Whot weighl W G ne,coe9arlJ lo 610.l tha .essJcmof hbakc ahow^ i^ fig, P-o1a novirg lo ihe F;ghl 7 lhe cocf- 89 frbr'cnfof fiichon ie o lo, \ bo fnrolionlese el ..og. r lhe pullege are, oesumen lo FBO or $oaf, Al M ^ L ^ ', *''21'*' i*\" *rl-o !nr) trnd the leosl rolueot P rc.quir?A io cousc lhe sgs_ lcfl of blooks6how in Fig. P-sr1 to horo impendirg rraiion lo the lofl . flv <noffiopnl of fnr'clion \e o.z unao- ea>h blooh . fbo of block^ F( n^ - u*,-" ,..n', nol"9 11^.24o\b. '' r^ ' f. N^ " (o 2Xrao) I F^- 4b lb {f-o : nr- 2oo(cos6it, t16.12Otb '(o.\(11o) . F.' f,tlB Fs a6 lb. ldc -tx- , A . o . 2 .. e . t . a 1 ' W Fr,Dol ElooKJ : {Fs.o: li:roo- Psrrq = 1oo T slnrl,rf sin7r,69' r {Fx'oi Trf-Pco6a -O 62", r(..z)(w ps:,r"\)_p6q "o !!Z99l!_ - A2Pstn\- P(aE<-o 12J.O2 p= 12z.iz K".zs'a"r+cos"<)- pt e2Ib."o -s!L. P(o.acee.s6.<) ais,,- ,,-r" 'p- 124.0lo. o . 2 a N q- a h e . o o.2 E \trnq - iorq coso< , :f! 6 6 . 1 ^ 6mArd =,nrf l^' 6otb =fg -O: ll. ' JoO co6 ro' HB' O'1,6.+Jb o5Y" fFD of ElazY,CI l*l --T-- arz.) A hoingcncous -blook .w,. irvgr,r vof r wejghl t Y resi w r E D r upon uPn r l ) c inlhc Inor'ne l9tlown in Fig.P-.et2. If tho aeffioicnl of lriclion ic o3o, delerrm o lhc gleic€l p!' aletel h.,iah+ hA ol ^l *,hi-r ^ for€o c.haight whioh o porollel fo tha incline "at "pl;.a 60 {hol fhc bl6'ck wirls_ tu6 uP tho ;odt;d w/o;t lpp;,4 ove. <rj-otn FBDof BlooNb: II, 5L <Fr.or P. F+Wdo&,r7. p . (d4 (wcos!#r) + w (enaa,er) k-@1)lra4t60rt@ v: ry.!:-l!: 'Fl'o 'tt - 204.6+ lb. 80 {M^'o P(ti =w.-€ 16.01'(t)+we'^ e6/(.) oofnalh) . ,.\f 1.6y( l_ h - 9l fig P-512, lhe honagenoous cne,fftoteni of fn'alrb^ ie a 44 f E6) h focoe P ta,q"ce \ rP\l, blook we;gh6 'too lb \ I lhe n'sitr ' dcleti'na nol@n to rmPe"d <F!'D: d'soa cosrb/' = 24o tt ' r = @+)(24o)- s61b -o : sP = w 6h e6s7(4)t \\@€36a|'(a zvA sP . Pao)bn36.ef O +.,'za b1'O)) sP ' laaob !=1e!: s1+) Ihe rco tb c.Jlinder.shown in F's P 51a i6 hcld ot rcsl ftEn a 'tt'd or the .to' 'noline bg o weighf p 6uq6de<t i f s fiPPin9 i-Pends , deJe'rnr wrcWcd otaund lho alide. al fe'cl(:n na P\ the aoffiaienl e'c'' f c:oaoo' 1F^'o: Hc'oe 't+co€6o'ttta.s*' ,/t- --@999- "o6773 fBAof b, €rx-O I w6rns. &sra1..ar | 8.6n1+.o+. aoo6,ns .(Rj '8.) 6rnl+.o?. . (\+R4) . 8e1.+.ha A <F3'o I Ra a<Efi-o+ - R1.pq daf - Wco6e (qL-B') c8la.oa - 2ooco6e R4-fu ' ao6,2 c<E+ @ 1'@1: Re - o2+.4sne- -R1 > a24,16too- R1 -R1 - 2.b6,2(jo64 az4,+€ioe--2R1 - ao6.2 c.€d : tut nj. 1N;7case- 8a4,+6;ne--2(1zazote) - zo6,2c<Ee 6244 €ine- +s3 6 @4e lon e -ElEsr zo. ez' prf.b. s'6.) Reran;.s to il fha coc"tirirbnt of f.;ot,or sts, 'rs o,at V, o- =ro' what farca P apptiad lo B aoling dowrt \ panolrai Io lhe rotine wi,l e{orl rnofion i whol ic tha leneion ti the, ct t dfiaor,ed la A? <M." o q ( 1 )- F ( l ) Rl st16 p=ttl=F Z F ! - t t : t 1 6 h t aI F 6 n b ' - P ' 1 o o o..113)=1oo N(stn6a'I o sln.tBd ' ' 173'22 tb 1@Z i w\r P -l,l =(o.s11i07a'22) = loo tb s15.)BlocKA ir\ Fig.P-s1swoig'r€ 12olb' blad< B weighs 2<{jlb' cord ic po.ollel lo ihe ino|i e lf lhe coeffcic''l \tho of fri"tion lor oll eorfooee in co-tooi ie o'25, dcleirlne+he dVle 6 of the rnol,ne ai whroh molion ol' F rinpende , '12o 6h6sa+. ,1etb fu - 121 <f!'a: hzcc,saos6- z.b@.ao' r R1 R.'32311lb. 1F\-a, P. B2s;nao.a6 t fu 6tnaae6P - 1 2 6 . 6t b . s1s) JF lt1 Psto, l4o bjoo\s ore .b^^ei@ bs a sot.:d slNI oi#oc.]ed to eoch bto.t, w,ln pjo6., lrrcl;onte€s [t lt- aeffrc enr of t^,cr,b. u@e. eo.h oto..< i-L.zo \ € we6hs 2rotb\ Fhd ihe min weight d A +o preverrf Irotiort . 12A ;^r.*' . R,1 -"'^(a,'4> R1- 1237 sin (4o - e) p1 - t u,1 (sin ga'cose-- cossa'€n e-) Fl - 123.4coso- 92 93 lL.A26 :.O - la,O+' c . 2 sn$,95' 7 0 s.z+-o+' c - 201,9 lb\/r' a aOlA w^ . s98.3lrt of friot;c,^ ut\aer A to p'ucni w-.e t'42 rnolion- e-113' tF,.o: .ln4.r' C . 2 J 7 .S + l b <t"-o : r-c@624' H -4Ct t Cen.o' n- aoo | (2s7.s+) s;nzo' F -Ui1% r / - Er " 2 0 6 a 6- o- . i e / l rr o|ocr,on,.rr ihe bdl,e 6u-foe szr) r" fis e-s,o \f J.a 1 urde. both bloois \^ wo6he aoo b.rhd he. nor' *eishf of F thdl cnn te 6lo.leA oP lho irottie b9 appl)nq Io A a e's6l wo.c r'cnzoalol tcr<:z P y'.!-.o.a at b: t-a.t-. FBO z4-o : tl - +o3 I c6in3o' zJr-O: ,Ko. Ca€e6' I F stc -caeao't @,2o)(+,xt+cs'"zo') rb-.(1oj6)-C-374oztb. o- 16,7' wa . or+.a"(.'o*",i) wa = 263,7 tb g4 Vtt te+,e)(o,ca) P"@z)(712.a) r zs1.2s p- +a-7tb 's 4oo tb t":ot ";ffi rhe purb,j shown in l.*.) | ,!:.':' tl",pi,'? ie p-etenlea F.on @tdt.:rso,j o ta:: P.opdEn ly .-d cf the brotf- re,e.. rf ,he @el .:" e1oo7 I fi.112,itb. p_F + c .a6so" " :,-) A :"o",;-:t",.o-m is a.eo,del the,alweofp . ft_ r//rL= zog, iMa-o i. rcaob' P(4b)- h&\- F(B)- fioa(.to)- 2oo(a) pGi) = t+too _ p_ zcoto. r.,,re a bu.h:^g2,:^. ton2.,q,,tippez:) , e ^ t t . . a , t @ . o r 6 h & - . n F : g u - w .t h e a.e 1 ot t.ato.^ ba lhe tu6i9V lh..ad E o.iq CD^p.te o:r^ A oi *y' {.,eh, ^ @^ be pto.@ ta ptll"a\l :: :, 6|pPn9 cb'v. thc rcd ,)er,ar 1rF derqnl 95 \ ? a - 1A .,, e oI j t o r c + . , g n e e b i j ,6,q .toda6 at grc,t.t! l' 8D lfF rDrof^e bdda .. p.o.4J oga.re. .frtn a "erti 2M^'O w(L-1)t r,@) - tib)- o. al$Fl t o.2(z)M-2Y - o o , 4 -Lo A r o A - 2 - a Afr-o) N1'Nz ^ o t6) tb n a1 o l s t p p . o q 'l h' :e" :a"r-' e .,.mb b-fd_e lE I , fGt ,' .o^ -- d - ,, o - ", . ;,?""ll":,.'.::""' L--L n',t 1-o,zN=o,/tt. mo,e€on ..st. or L. y,1trJs,o,.a. u.* Y^*:' f,-yt,ir , L-ein w-- Flt F.- o.2\ (a) W= O,4 l @{. di 1b * u.Io.7s"x . -r, : aJ ,,^, , i,"-,"trl.)*; \"lz A\Z Lon v "? [^"'" .o^ '(^..o) Tanzs'\ '1t.tz . -Ion1r, r tolon.re (to'z'' tl ' 1o" to'', ' ,o .ng-ec.€ad).$a(x-s) x -sft. szs.) A uotlorn lodde. 16ft lotq V, weigaioq wlb i6 Ploc€d V one ed on fhe grcund \ the otne" hond ogo,hst o ve.trcol woll Thc orgte f footbn ol otl cnoloal s"nfoces is 20'. fthd lho mrnimum volue of lhe onglee ol wk lhe 1oC. 160x - e40 + ^ _ 5.2s 11. 52r) A. hon"gncaaG celincrer rfj. in ''*'a,, n i,.q"" i;; ,";,"_ d o";i::'";J.^l"lf* or f' n'oi G w" to. on co. t..t I eb,,o.ps cad.l ! .!',.?et6" noq^l )de ol the cowp,e pllo ' rat e1u'red dq rctolrs """.k-;";;."" "lr=4,t**t".,'S \ to td tvnro' O g.rilrb wqr'3@lb I ot cg:Jilibnun qr '.\lJ lr\R\" Jl___,., 4!l\" .ffir:= 4,t\>r4;rr I (!-L6tne)" - to. n'(a-L@ea) Ia^id r - Letno"lon2o', + ton2o't @a" r,(to to't lo^,a) "1."{; L@se+ Lst^e 27on 20' L@6o I zLqtne - L6.t (ron7a'ttoh2a') lLst e'L6the(ran ld t ron2o - -srr9 =2,39i2 a.Ion zA-L<bEetLetae Ion1a" I Ion 2a' O<M6.ow(x-5.e€-)_o +-:Po: Ton2r'!od<e1L6,ns lon 'L.o.r+ {Ma'B o ",r. (1c)r r,t.s) . B l 2 o , a ) ( 1 , s( e) to f t ) ( 1 . s ) 9t" :,x^:-T:::?, cuti^der;c^*z counte.ciockwise- t L6nt+ r-"o'- the citi' d, o6is.. D, @67s, t1,"i'c^s::". n7 .r,'co376" <rs.ot 1116t.76.|tj.6t t6..rao tl,q_e t/k,@,..\ s,",.. - 3,\, rrt,r.^*.+ I -, . -,,J t""rc.) ",,o n1=2os,7e b ... n.,tz6stb . E,at. _ 0 : : f U 6A n sr'.) l-s1tuo ,- l*,1 \n @ (!,d__h(1-a) <r:.o: Io sio'l ..t,.ph. =(to'6)(%s76) = r"tis.Gt,ts) n'77,41b. f?= zo,s tb. dFl-_d,n- lhe m,n,mud h c , r r z c n l oI ronee.liolrs ro thajefl or .i tha rh" rop t";;il;;, of rho ;-,;"""; ,:-.,:71' ' the calind- ro+oli. M 2 m 96 97 ili otrJle q al whi.h Ptrd' r;fttd. F,{}FI P(r€l = ,o 6(1{} r z6(t€I €htrng "(^ffi#:31*r.*.)." - ekt^< t 2Xor1a,@6o. + lo^q.1,46+ 1^d. g"-rrb U- Ionrs'7 @b..lt .. : n - -I@6a'(x-2Lbs") !rzL.ti< -t(tane'tr6.b,) - 2L@6q.toh6d.-21;,ft< r "ooe.o'O" o'gaa N - 9j.!9 _r " . o . X' 2Lc41fo^6o-- 2L.;n4 fo^1.. tlan6o. p{tr) = w6) pU t o t6b)- 12o(6. 6) P = 1o..o2tb o (s-g),--{:-z;) tb @2) In td fuo Fig.P-!€2 j lwo btock4 eaah wobhing t.b tb oe ca .,ae- ,itfo.r.n ho/'zoofat Loe whrch wdghs lcotb.If lhean_ gto of f.ioltb^ ie E u.dd coch btook, nid p di'l>+ea rs.ol to lhc as' i.ottio thct w)| ooueo impendlnq tution lolto |.ll. iEdoti^g ba. tho O e.1{ ../'.o.26a l l .r__J1 -s<;. _9_ c q'Ion6c7 U-o)- r6ad ('.lo) J- la.r€'7 (t-o\'-'^.d(^4) ' -Idn,f.a t ton.(it, lo^bs'7 = -1a6L')1i1ctan1d i",s\ ,Dtaooo' r (ro" oe-rton+o)- to lan ro' r.(tonzo' tlo"rc|) 'l= 2,81 < M . - o , p ( 2 , 6 1 - !-)o 2 4 14 ' O 3 . 2 +- 1 o r x ' o 83418|= 0-76tL LdngihzL i€ totol "tl ,;6.pr""K of wctsht W \ ploc.d 06 !;ra'a ia fig P szt wilh ll ends ia oonlacl w/ ii;"a'i,a do."a .Ttu orgto of f",cl'bn \c ts'. Oe|ctsioe 98 :n. tao6;n*'t rocqn+' zn.o, r" +a-;zs<)o-o-*+s. p n. 2e2,8+ tb. (o26s)(.rr.ei t o - p rii,l ,,y'a., p:Zq€A bo. .^8, wa:tsh:,as a;b 1i€ ro6tq..abe .1 lrlcr'rnlfs6 p:n- lo o aloc, *e,gr,,aq zoott as 6ha*^ h lhe . ,/a-t @ wat , I a.26a Fhte u oet t1e atocr . r.a.?o Dete.n;no tho fo...o p necica b s,rc{ nlolb,1 +a tho r;ghl. 99 a h ' O I R r c o s a s '- F , c o 6 7 s ' 0n.a2) cc &' = R. - 3e,6a tb t " r-l!_f,__ i Z F g ' a t 1 1- 2 o o I A r d. jo1.6 tb .O: P=AAIF ' 1M^'o a24(b@'6) r r. ra+E'dB a"s-L'a P- 2a64| bz)(1o1.6) -o tt.\@.+s' | (o.t6t)tt6\.b4t6'-d'\s'na6 ftg.q = O,s1gflo Na-2894lb ' " Brt Aa 116 26e'4 ' (o %6)(2Bs'4) Fa /^t15 .'.F!"o : Ar - +2+tra - so| 6 h WED6ES 53s ) A *.dge \ts . B, s,nrs &s,n4s' ws . (as64)6 n zs - (F1.r4)€jn4r' \ttb - 213.2 tb $,.) ln riqlro ,dcle"nine the votue of p Jusi .s,fficienl ro €ilorl the 1o'wedge u.de. lne 4oo-lb btoch. Ihe ongte of fr'otio^ ;s 20' fat otl aanlo;ctsufiac?,a r*s - , t€ bger'r ta .Pt t tog. 81.".!19.4b, 1. a rt e ) Iho angte ol frialla nor ' ongl'< ollho lion br}t'ean lhc \ldgL\lhdlaq,dd !::!rJ!= s38) ln Frg.sst. aelo"mino the yotue ol p oct;ng b te 2Rq.| - 'ra1-P'**' , aF'-o ' tetl rc4u;.ed to pult Iha \eadgo oul fmn urae. tE 4<>otb 61tt)'P 'i'"'*P]"e aP - ,Rtd.|ttu"4&) ! (@Y.Y+).al!a cos Y.&EQ 'st^P st'"{' cas.t/2 - et.d st "t/2 coeq Ia'/ - &1"1/' s.6) h fiqur-, delonninc lhe nrnimum wa'ghl of 9loch B lhol gloohA uP lho )'clino $ttt heeptl ol 1.,61o forco F 510116 eurfaco ol F lltc weighl al A te loalb \ lhc ongld of fttclion lbr oll surfoces in oonlooJ is ts F B oo f n iF' LJ--l I l$t 100 ,*F{' L? --EL- ' 3L '-f={- _L' -P91:L - p - zoej Ib. $s.) lf the wedse de€aribcd in llusteofton hod o wdghi of +tttb,whot votua ol p wautd b. re+ui.ed (a) I; stort lhe we/tgo uncle- ihc bjock,\(b) la pu lhe \|edge au1 f.r,m ctn<icr tho d)o*. l0l *"':+n"" #/ I 'i--)<---l vtnr. dngiE of fnbnb^ ' 19 -&- -_:99- $a L./1 V o, - +aa -;"1or -;*' wb Re- 1og.g1lb 1Fa-o P - Oos,b1)c.e't lE.4.ni p. - 91,Etb nW' R 1' 6 4 1 . 1 t 0 . !fr,. 'p- = ql's' 2t.2 P^ - ft,t Ib s+i Detornirc tho forco p rcquircd lo €'to.t thc, wcagd dron in rhurc P-eat . fhe @"4a of lni4rbn lor o svrtocos n ca,lool ie P'. A* <t'-o:B'.,1;-W5 fOD of b P - + 1 6 . 7t b tr\- a : ?nsi..' tW @ts' - o R, - :&_e::: <Fg.o, F.@6' afr.ot R..os r') -w (-€inrs. _L btoars warllri€ z@tb\Esls+o) ,4s 6hown in Fig p-'io,l-o qfoae bo P!€tve orrjl b4 a tc' oft lo i9 cr. a ton:anlol ic 1s' fo' dll ,@ioot cuFloco6 w.age' lhe ongk' ot l"ial'b" p ic rwqoirea td €to.f mov€hal o{- thc blo'k6? wroi nr"o ol t1o* woqld thie ohswr be cr'd€cd il ihe wor'ght ol oe ol fho s..) whol lorco p nuel be rypiea to thc wcages snom rigt o P- s+2 to 6lel ttE,n utu a- +t1o t',och ? lho ot.Eltc f.,,itoi for olt @^l<yl €;tf.,.rE ie tO'. ar/1y . 6't A. R, . 2aa 6€ a'4 .aol;/ Rt"t"ztv aFa.a ! zPn'sn'' 'P P. ..(n e)6,^3o' 3,:::3 e to2 / - 11,5s.1 p-g1a.+lb lo ts@tb ? V eooo R" (costs' .<i €) - sn.-t is' - R. s.|.d. tu ) RzGoss'<al€- stnrc') . zoe I soo @! E' R. (.3.a+d) * !666 R. . 7lts.4 lb. Rr(ce"'cnc'io"rc) - +oo & (o e7a)'+ao R l ' 4 1 1 . l1D . ;a.eaecd ' -R.6nni , I R46D,€'' +oo a,ryc - 8rslrl/.. htcrc*< |\erc 1 6 ' .@ &. A.coslo'-s.rb P - ed,q _f_ '_le.u-tb 103 sa3\ To adju6l tha wtbol podlion of o posllbn ot o c'rlvn^ €upportilg a 2boa lb laad . lwo s' *adgc6 oro u6cd os ef'own h figuro p-gaa . Octo.mine thc n)rco p ncc66cory lo clort thc wadqos if llE anglr, of fiichbn oi ol! surfoaee is 2a'. Ncale.l lhe (r,ol@ ot lhc FolJc.s G':,o'*'" - -..'"*\ (et ,r'@s1 , 1 + st tu'@-@b'6'aq -6'n2o'@6q j a,ee-e.q) (sDo.-G-&J o4" 6,n< . (*-"., *" Grn2o'-€ra2o' _ *) ", "_ - o+66r = a.446a c< 2s" Io^4 gS!^RE P opp)teAol Ihecra ol a Ie.6 zfl. to^g which witl €+o.t I'rling o *ebht of zbns (b) whot wtue or p wt| yc-p tE __ L.__8_ jaak tu* (a) P: !9PLLL |o.hids ? (b) r^-o.to ta^ . o.to t."o --p.z 4 6-btf -e -1a te:*) P '{l t"^ (P ' e) o ' Io'r'6;'@' y'." 4+- s+.) In itlue. P,oa $+ lf tha atgto of fniJto^ G b' ol illrel@+e o1t sa.fbces i^ @ Iac+ dolarnae tho mo,imum wclgc d.glc. \ lnor will grve lhe ^edqe o ne.^ant.al 56]'EW sas) A s;Bte lhrcodcd jootca@q hoc o piloh oF o,s t^ a meon rcdius 1.a,5 ar n. Iho creft oiaj \ of elaj( trtctbr of 0.1s,\of Alhetic f.iot,o^ ol o.1o (a) Deternine tE torcz R - 23aS.4lb fBDol B i, ..N THRE-^OEO od"anlo7e, ft"a.1e P' 0"4)(,,') u" (.,t t ".2) p,.6s lho" lh- wcrqsl w or Inc tlo-|.-. :.e,6",< l'as" P"+:Lro.(ote) n' Ge@hn\ b" (.ata.*') t<tL6).a. \) j ' sj +JbE 6a5.) tho d,Aonao bot||$ oalo61 lh.cdds o^ o ,.iple_ lhrcoac4 oou"** ie 2/.3in Tte, h€o^ Mdius i" zin, lte coemotcr,l ar ff,ot,oa o.ro wtot toad con be roised b9 eae.lirg a nonvl ol zaoo tb- ft ? - 1a&. n1.a' l'l* pilo6. €rbltllleP, taaa_ -l srPorq) 6nO,-) (s1ntu';.(6'n .''44 - f_1t '-- P en@'T ::) " qa+,s ;;G;;'4 ,,6- paa €"1&r<) -@1;6'"^) hab - @s'o.6'n<) - 2/.;^ .. Pilc\ = 2;^ I baa l" (6,^@ il j6 lnpl. 10^6. ?;Gi . o lee lr - g,a3' zFr lfl '214. r-wr 10^(4le) * ihedcd f r " l i i p r 9 r i c _ p + . hb f -aft - - a66itl 2oootb-tt- w(o.ft67rt) ton(srfie.ot 2ooo tb - Fl . w (o.o1E6e6u ^) r04 to^f . oaa f ' "'tt' 105 vb o"s;.:r c t"a ic G6o' e4 - .'eo' - 1, . 2 ut . 1"o;"-,{*"k) :-.;tu t" tb f, - 'o 1"' 1+>- 11s7 ... ri "-j1eLb. bll l.w 36t ) n ropc "."tppd twiac o.ouit a po€i {ill 6uoDonl a w;'?hl af aooo tb wh€.\ o tz.c€, o/-,so tb ;6 s*led ol ,hc o_ Pilor. . o.zEi^ (;, @ d1lbto nEadd @tliPrSbs 2) "-19j14: - o.os31 lo^e 4('.s'lr) € ' lanr (o ossr) ' o oez' I - r,t. ta^(0 ra) - 14U rgF\jf^) ro^l b.sz', " . a - ' ) " T 102,3lb-fi srn) A 6i^gt? ltuc-ded 6gua@ s.Ef t'x. zvzflraae / i'+'ie ein . The lt-.odI atanolc,- is a,6;^ \ tte ootElda d'2rt* ',c cdff'ot^l o.ra. Detcmi^e tho rp:r6l { f"iol,i'n r*,<:zset'rg io €to.t lill;ng o \"t-li.ral otl'al lod ol <o,o<n lb. wral rnor"eol ie rrrcasory lo elorl. toa;ng lt- tood ? . P-L--L P - ' D o - t' - ' ' 9 a " 2 , 6 i ^ tPr 3'si^ 1 .- . , n;n -ne .gL '/1a+ | "<e 216+) E-^.i^ 'o.u f lane " o.x€t l ony'o1 ' ' 4 ' 6 ' e- r E- w . r n ( d ' e ) . <oan n ( + *!) l "" (s.z't z.; ) Is = 6e1.82-b:fL, ' w. lan (C *e) T@o - 4<,@(1i B€LT 'f,E) I-""' nq/".ti-z.e') !h.. o d. tulu:f,;e tte aetr,otc l cf ftroljon. ongEof co^l&) : /2o. t.rorb ,"+-Jt-L^€?.t(,*.,tr") r\_-4) L^ so - | (lr.s) laat,tb I ' Jt-!! t2..7 '=> Ylo e's %,) A boot .,ert6 o pu| ol +oootb on tls hoween Vo is wtupPc.J obaul o copelen oa rhc dock n thc I.o.3o,ilo.^ no.9 lu.116 mu6l lh6 haa,sa- rckc o@.d rha o;taa @l|Dl lfp pull ol lhc olh€. doos ncl arccal srto_ Ln-\-- tp L":,4a - !t4e'_. oaa t | 1yk = e31j' .11,6t g^a.) tnL. P A loftlue of zao b,fl + t+,ot -a. 6z7.f ia6d oci6 o^ lhc = _?:EJe!r--. btukcdtuh €hcM rn ri P-s53. Jf lh? brcN. bond h in c.nta.i *ilh lhe b_Ed.._ lhrcvg^ 2sc' \ ihe coemc,al of lnctron ,s oeo Detah.,ne lrE hfta P ol tho e.d or the bmN€ tcv-. f1 - -14')L@'\ tu) L JL. e.,az .. r, , T r 3|a l FRIATIOII ,/\ repo tuttg I v+ turc orcu.d o 6rolio^o.j ho^rnloi dF.h i6 ue.a to s"rlt-l o t<rarg wcAhl. lf lhc coe(o oc''t of f",alro^ ic o.+. whol sagl.l bg a.^ bo @p+r+n -tb (bt@ c,cofi^g al tv oll* a 60 o^d of ll\c .+.? sso t(Xi ( r-r2l(rar-fR) Tr..L .q,6otb ft (o tcoo) . aa ru . 2+o tbfl - rt ,4ee.2ab il plre^- c*) . r, l?,:^ '+) p(1.333fl) . +qa.a3 (o.l/,61) ZMp'o (9T, r rz(z) @n" Pttt -5 f 2 , - 2 1 3 - 3 1 1' o P'617tb ss+) Jn F,a p -sE+ , lE acetficjtql -J,- , 2 (a a41)w a(2.ro)-o 6e 1tw - 6& w= 7047\b - t,at o..(r4u*) '' ,s (!/,t G o,2o b.-+qae^ of fnot;^ rdp? b tho fh€d drum I bo&<-n oll ed.tooea i^ conlool. oa.lc^. m'ne the minihuh t€,ghl w fo pl€lal da,v^ptdne rcirin of the ft'1A7Iz d1 'wo636,57' <r\'o: Iz -tu " w€i^36..)' 12 - (a,.) (q @ 36,6, - w a^a6.?1' 12 - o 16\tl T' 4F3-a | \2- 1o3o.@e6,6J.t i1 rl2 ' sod I rir .€rx=o 1 Ir r Fli f" ' Pao 6i^ r6ar' \ | 1t:ti t1t t1- 6aa H . . B o o t t 1 \; = 3oO 1.+2W I ot6vl t a, | 6w' 4oo - 16?t v,t.z92.qL s's.) J^ F,s. sss , o fler'ibB bctf .un6 fdm A d€^ rhe 6pe^d purlca E q booK o@ P ta o 2&-h wc,€}'t $o avff|o;6t of $tolrcd )e ,ti bciweo lho bslf \ the @apound pu$% p rhd T onoxrhurn weight w lho/ oo be eopr.fted vaal mloling tho putle4 P or etipping lhe belt on to p"|eg i !z= ut-"'"11-"t'n,'." h. 12 1" butI'.V2 I1 - 1.6+e(Y'/z) l l 108 109 €o2l Dclcminc thc mogniludo of lhc rtsrltonl, ilc point;ng, q ils dir€clion c.sincs lbr ltro following.sFtdn of n6n -ooplono.. cdcu.rcnl forros. 3oo lb ( e, -a, 6 ) ; {o lb (-?. +,-6) i @ tb(-a,5 -3t, FORCE (D) 4 logcl Di6to@(o) le -a1.4-_4!--3 a o!r"yrr!' o - ?n/3 lta/r.rI ... A. - 1ls.?4 lb. 3.4/7.e1- Al4 .'- A' - -1:.2.55tb. zao/ral - d6 .' . /e. 24.17 b. gL-,L-L" -LlAA - I1zMea.oo C.t6e' -a/R " 0,34-9 aGo, - 226'.24//46.00 6.71 :. Br' Choplcr 6 Syelome in Spoco .-119 a2 ; pr' _L"_q"_Q--L-_@ z 236.46 i Bz- -29A-06 D CGet - $2.a6/2s6. ,'a7 .'-C\. .-r1a-1s .., porhl,iq bdck@.ds, i Cr=r41-l.. iCz- -Aa.s7 <r - 115.24-118-23-113.15- -117.1+tb. { uprio.d to the left. 1t - - 1S3.CS| 234.49 | 141,41 - 226,2+lb 22' 2.a.+2 - 29e.o6 - A+.e7 - - 152.46 lb, €o1) Dolc.minc tho mognitude oflh€ rcultdn{, its pointrng , ond ib dieclioq cosines lo. lhe folto*ing s)€tem of m.-c.pto.|or, conorrenl forcos, roo rb(z.3,a) ; B.btb(-3,-a,s) ; 2/btb(a-o_a). Fd.ca 2 to gpl lo) uso ot - x'ir't _aL=^L-,aL-lq z t2 -e!=cL"SL 5,345 :.Ct'a;C./=OiCz ,'. Ar - 37.1+ : At - s5.7 i Az. 1a.2g s,,/r " Br /-/ . Bzh = 366/z.0-7 :. 6r -' rl0 z 1 2 72 , 9 OI 8 1 - - 1 6 9 - E a B z ' 2 1 2 . i 6 lll - 2e+ - 2OO - 3r.14 -127 2ge 1 0 - -9a 1E6lb - -111.02 tt1 - 7+ zB, 212 46 | ztA ' zre6 44lb. <' 4/ 1t k€aE p, e, \ F ho€ o Esu[,onl of j tb. dirc-lcd fotuord \ up to.ighl ol e, =oo',O,= 56',3", - 1r5".p.q@lc zo lb\po6s< through fhe ongin \{he poi.f (?,1,a).Tho \olue cf Q is otso uo,b \ il FDsse€ th.oueh ihe p6i^l G,2,2). Ddiomlne lhe nog.itude of lhc lhi.d force F \ the ongtes;l noke-s wi{h the reference oxes. 6at ) ftr@ oonc"@ai s" = e/)' t(.r)" r(+,)' = ( sojso)' 1 (-11a,a2)z t (aj6.aa)z . R - so7,7 tb. pa;hl;S f..*ord \doM absoa zt//F\ = gaiEg/s1z7 - afiB cosor - tr//a - 114.o7/sa7,7 - o.z2s Ii)6aa - az/e - +aaA+/s.rJ - o.s3e 6('J Dolcrdino th.omognitudeof the r.osultont, its point,nq, \ itc d,-.r-o" cosineslor the fo ow,ilq sy61eh .f ,,-,,""pt-"", concurrcrl lorces. 2ootb( 4, s, i) ; 4ootb(- 6, a A F.r. tb ( a,- 2, 3 whee p'elb., !!--L'lt-= - 4 . = 6 0 ' ,6 | - a ) ' e z . . s . : z 3! 4,5e :. px=8.r3. pf - +,37 i9z-11,ra ' (' 12 4)' q-4L.-44'_?e | ( 6 26)' tC n 6',) -9 . . q r ' 1 6 . 2 3i Q / . 6 . r s , q z - e . 7 + 1t - Fseax . s(cos6o) = 2.s <y - easo, . skoseo') " z.s zz = Rcose, - !" (@sa6') = 3.sa roge+D veeI D2. a2rr',ze L-AL"!:L..<@ ^ r z 7 0 z l ,'. A" . 113,15 t Ar - ,t.+i,44i pn - -s4,el -L= !:-, -EL - -@ z F, . 2,s - +,37 - 6.19 -a.36 tb \ - o,17 Fr. 2,5-16,23- A,73 F\ . -22,46 tb. ,'. Br = - 27s.46 ; B) - 152.4 a Bz - - 22P'05 L- -q-SLz pq Fz - a.6+,9,r+ s,ag Fz' ." ca = 222.63 t Cf - -111.32 t Cz " - 166.A5 2t - 113.15- 2t3.66 | 222,63 . 62.12 tb. 2l . 141.1++1A2.+1-111,A2- 21r,..6 tb 1 z - ' a + . e 1 - 2 2 9 , 6 5- 1 6 6 . s O = -17s,a b. R " - 4 " " + z f 2 r < 2 . = ( 6 2 . 1 2 >r"( 2 1 2 . s 6 ) . t ( - a , 7 s . q ) " R - g2r,5.B tb. Cas+, - 6212/s29,s3 - a,118 case.r - 212,s6/s2e.s3 _ a.+a2 Cosez . +a9.9/s24,se . a,gaA .'. poinl,n9 bockwo.ds, t12 \ lpwards - co€122Aa/$-6s -6" = 46.2' rj, - @s', e.a6/23.6a el - 7s 6" '+e=cos'23.67/33.66 .'. po'nl'ng bockwa.ds, \ do*nerd 1z+a 23.G7lb. 60,.) A font ol (n tb i6 di@1ed f.om A rowdrd a in the cubc 6h@n in Fiq p-.p7 Deleffiie the rcrcnl of the fole abo,+ coch of lhe aoord'no+e o.ds 1o ihe tl3 t!-' !r-" !L' 6td A fot@ { a@lb i. di.ecl€d frDm C tor.arA E in lhe Eubs ctn i" in r,6. r-aro Dclc.'r'i€ the hamen{ of }he forE€ obout ig'Y :. F| - 62.5tb i Fy'4 4\bi Fz'626 1t , . Fr (1-) - Fz (4) ,,- aa,eG) - 62.sG) tur = -62,4tb-fl. .t$ - F. (a) ' 62,t(a) Zr,4r- 2so tO.ft. a\z tb coch o[ ]he coordino]c ores. (a)-Fi(.) iMx.F ...5(4)-16?9(4) . -rz(a) -- -62.s(1) 6c.0) A foftp ol 2@lb. 16 dirccled f.pm E toword C h the cubc sho{n in Fig.p-5o7. Doterminc ihe rnomenl of ll",c force obout eooh of tho coa.driold o)las. rMr - F!O) - 1,+8.6 lb-fl. = - L8,6<4) llh--394.1lD-n. auz.-tu(r)rr'G') t -L"EL- @- - 7-+,3(i) | n1,4(4) 4M.- s1o.Slh-{\. ri - {1 i tb.:,Fz- 140.Ftb. cos) A for@ of:"oio ieai.ectea Fb- B loenc D in ihe cubo 6hown in FIi]. P-6o7. Dele.r,he tfte Frornenl of thc J?rrreobout drLh ol the a..di^olc o'es. .M'- d - a.e fl- 6s2.Altj-fl. tMt-F,<+)rFz@) - $3.a(1) t163.i(2) 1Mf , 979.0 tb-ll. {Mz . -r,(a)-Fy(r) .-t63a(4)-3 .5(e) <lY1: r - l:06.2 tb-ft. +-++-* :. Fr. 1@31b. tb. i fr. z26,sbi f.- 1fE.a 611) A h@ P,dircakn ftr6 F ta*otn I in lhe cube sho^n in Fig.p607, cov.es o momenl My - i6oolb-ft. D e l c m ; . e P q r l s m o o e n l obout lhc x hz orc€. -!L - !L.3 2 d - E,36s f'1. tq !r9.5 :.4=6aotb.ipr"4aotb. 4M*--P'a.)+ryQ) = -aoo(a)r Foo{.) M) - -.{ro rb-{l. 4tiz - -Prc+) . . -Soo(+) P/'g@tb PL- !- .., P-1o17 tb. 61.) A fot c p is d;ructed Mz. -32oo lb-fi. f.om o poinl n (a,1ia.) io€.d o poin{ S (-3,a,-r). lf il ccusesa rlomen{ Mz- 1cootb-ft, Determine the monl of P obool the tt &,y oxes. - -z.to(+) atAr -9@ tb-lI. -E-'LL'-L=4 .'. F, -o lrt- rgol6lFe-2ao16. zMr- tu (4) - r€o(a) d . 0.11fl. -La q,1 4M2 - 72Ob- fl- Z- !L- lL ... p, - 7p/s,n j Pl . 3p/s.11i pz =sp//eAr tMr- ztA,-p"(\)+WG) teoo' 7/sr\(p,+'&)pA,r 244 tb- ll P . 9'll lb. rl4 ll6 M iliii ll d fi { I I pt - 7elb i ry - aootbt p2- s@to zM,- -PzG) P' (1) 65) Thc frona$orh shown in Fl9.p-61e con€ists of thr€€ b6.€ Ab, Ac,q Ao whose tower ends o.€ in the some ho.ir6._ tol plone. horiz.tr,tot fo.@ of 1@ lb oclinq pono et id lhc x oxi6 i6 opplied ol A. Delcmine the forc6 in eoch nedbc. = -g.tO) ' 7..)(1) r1't - '17oo tb'(l - PaG),p,(1) - s@(4- 7.b(+) - -8oo lb-{I. }'4/ zttf d; 6i+) Ths sheoFleg derrich shoxn in Figp-61a suppodso \ic.tical lood of zooolb.opelied olA. Poin{e B,c,\Doc in lhesa'ne norili r.ntol plone A,0,\ D orc in lhe )(Y plone. Delermine {he in cdch menbe. of lhe dcrick. a-1r:of +<crf r (o-<-::)' a;/.3-oy..(o-f 4e"ol. *, '(o-o)" ' (5o)'* (o c'5)Y Go,,ro) da d^b - lS.7oo fl . drc" . @' o\" r ks- o)' r (o' o)' d^c'20616ll. di - Eto<-zal'*s-o)'. 'Gr)'.(6af ,@o). oN. s.a67' lcolole Right Sidc vi€w, lsolot6 F.onl Vicw, ; lsololing Top view-1@(D, rcf(3) ,o cr.62Slb. .r{oa. r. o : B/G)-1db(5),o as-, !L. c/ 't @(.t/$ AE.lll€ Ba- l2t'ooAo)Y$ aw..r- o: '!r$(1a)-ot en) - a a/,= laoo )b . L. !L' !!-"!r a Dr . 2cballl ; D.-o e"9L'L'92. AC.1!?4,s _4_ e- - AL @(z) Df-alEtb. -6IL - __9u_ Ac.76s.olb. Ao - s22.91tb. tb. i gry.5ootb. 616) Refer.ing lo Fig.p'61s.r-Jpta.nhly-looo tb jarca ta v€i,licol down*ord locd ol ea@tb. Defemine +he lorce n eoch .tE1i1*r rnda. {bis rc/isod lood,ng. tb d^a.,@Gioi4o4Y -&" d& -r'G;F ,G;f t Ga\61ArY da " e36r ll. ll6 -o,(oJ -o tt7 leololo Righl Sid€ vi&, 610)'the un6./nmel.icol contilcwe. fftrrewo.h sho.q in Fig.p-610. suppork d we ical lo(t of 17@tbol A. pdnl€ C rt- 0 oE in lhe bodo .dlicol plone whil6 g i6 3 fl. in lron{ of thi6 ptoi€. fi€ nnce in eoch @mb€.. a^s.t@-ifi6:F-,|77litr' d^c - l6al;Gzf-aB-Or (2a&-tuaoxs)-c,G) .a qk) - 2a.oe)'a d^o. DrG) - (2ab1o.,aY.3>. o . 6.vt!. - 12' "/(s'a)'I (+<)' ' (o' e))' ' e,16r' -4C-" ,9'-4L,_9L AO - D. AB- 1r1O lb-."c A O" s 2 2 , 9 l b 612) The poinle B,C,ir,,D of lhe oonliteven frolnsv?orx shown in Fig. P-617 ore olloohed lo o v6.tical wolt The aoolb toad id F|oro llel io the z oxi6r\ lhe r2oorb tood € veriicor. Compute lfe lorce d4 "446.)2 | (b o). t(4:a +)t2 - 101t o^. .,t(1o or | <a-o)?+ (+-o)2 - b.n. a ^ o . , t ( 1 e a ) 1t ( 6 o ) z + @ - o t . 1 t 6 ' Isololo F.ont Vie*, ,; t:rz ,l; c,C1o)oeG)-@(a).o lelole 1,@(e)-B\(O -e/6) "o s | (1o)t 6/@). 12..b - " -A i6 . g, - br .gt 5 Are Ftunl view, '-t\ 1W- a .d* ot/.6) - M(4) - +o.(1o\ ' o _6q -,qeq A g ; 1 6 1 5 , 5r b- . _ c to.o (4)- Lo(.o) - c, (a) . a -lL- -jL. _4aaq AO = 2382 tt)- -I --lr-- . sao AC- 53A.3 l.l8 ;. bf ' 6/68t - 5,b.,lo I e,(d) | 6/sB,G).13(a bt'Qa,tb,'.Br.12.alb ... nB "r7s5 tb,.-C \ A C - 1 2 6 0 h -- f fteG) s.16s - - 34d(.) - 0, (1o) "o T A O ' 1 9 a , 3t b - - 1 aB) €de P"d. ate tl lhe 11.,tb load i. Fig 61A oak hodzon. oulwo.d froi n ,n ihe drrealicn lrom E leoid A. Ftun Piot.'F.619 d,^a - a.i|s l+., d& = 12{1. d^o - qfts fi It9 lsololc Frb.'l Viow, leolate Top view, zrA.ro. -o,(te,) + Rf l4).-o W - 6.6./aot - -@ zMa- o, 2o@(1)- CrG\ -D' 6za) at(4)|q02.41. lsolole Riqht gidovic*, a,46)- t6{E\ r.@(t) - 3e q- btb. -_L 6 ,'. sr = 6/59r - s,B.t& 1ou + G/eg'G) - 6@ 13,6 8, AC - 120lb -- - c a6g@ - o.(1d)-a/i es.G) +1@@)' o U(to) " -5.,/c)14o(3) | E@ g-5@tb. iq-@tb: /\e- 8-/r,3 tb---I i B, -aaolb. .D= 4166 O" r21otb gL :. AO -,1,{€6.+\,. 0 i....'a) ,.. AA i Ao-6.1c'6lb-C AA -ros5,3lb- -o I Ac-@9.ollb-c in 62t) n ve.licol boa p = @tb oppl'pd lo th€ lripod showi codlp.esgrle fiq-Q-621 @u6f,s a lorcc o[ 2i5 lb in leg AB \ o cornpree.i'/e fofte ol 2@ lb le4 l\C . Deleernine lhe force h leg AD \ lhe ooordiiales ro \eo of ils l6de. cnd D. d,6 = ]|e,OO6' d^L- 6ofr (o--eiGi.F .((-t-1))'t!o4)" r <o4)' d.,b - ao.7zotfl. - (o-o)'+(io-o)' + (o-(+))' d^c . loiro3 fl. d,'' - (6a-o\2 +ka-o\' t (o-(sr' d^o. r+,i+ ft. r20 =o, Df(') - Cf (1) . O Cr = 56.-2l'1b in@, o' = ,15 G6..25) - 1$ k) = 9eo.7,t4tb. |'rO, q"8,G6hGE) , _95O.r13 ., Ac - W.2S t _Lp_- _jEL ^o 1o &fio1 10 lara aro) Thc fmnc*#tr sho{n in Fis.p-62o suPpo.'ie o €.li@l 2ooo lb. Pdnls &c,\0 oe in thc sdE ho.;zonlol plcne l.Dd of Delcrmine lhe fo.€a in ea6h nEmbec. d;- -o -@. Dr ' +/3 cr - -@ .vb.. +o@ in @, cr<+)t 4. c./(12.c6)'oc.o Ct O+.Pe\ ' ada o -.co),g,,6;r &(r) -.,o{n)=, 9' 6.,) | B"t@')'Iloo?) - o I'Go)+RrG)'6w--A /\B.Ar-8..Si f f i E s . + l$s a c < t >- t2l lsolole Righl side v,ew, lsololo Fronl View, -i' M c . Oo -0r(6-2.),@oG)-W41) -o 'aoo(6'zo')| as@- 21e6.6 -o -&-.L'@ ;8t'19e,attb _9-_q-29L lltlo - O I C, G) | 12@(2)- ot Ao, . o S./66)-qG) - 2.e - -e) subs.@ro@. q Ls). c/(., - 12(,@t . o g/ ' 6<bo -.'(t ) --@ - 2100 + 4co7o . _2001 .4 Za . 0,997' :. C-/ " 2oo1 lb 6dro:cr6'\o)-qG)- -PL " -01o.t.t, 10 ot | \999..O44-*U-O -Cr(a) - 2a<t Q@'q(a) -C/(e) - - 96@ q _ 32otb. (32o)(B) : 8/. 6@ . 36s tb. o''b$bes'Iy'o Dz' 3s,s6tb 4'+ooto q(rd'qG) -o ro . L2@.1(6U/4tb trO = '(aOf , qa' ttzs.6e.f AO - 432.7lb -.-C Io _.t' - c, - 2a3 _C" tc 1.n2 6' 1+t+2 B Cr = t6o,alb. Cz ' 12o1 lb. 24@ l l Cr+o,ta./-12@-o 3 2 O +W r & 9 - 1 2 A C , - O ' -4L= p.ea6 ,l 622.) ln Fig.p.621t tl P'12corb. \ the coordinotee cf Oarc \o-e' !.,zo-2fl, compule +he lorc€ in erch leg of lhe l.ipod d*- 6-)\ (*'d7 t7oZqY dM - 12,$6ll = d^c "(o-o)' r (1o-o)'+ (6-o)' d^a = 1+:1+2 fr= t1aifa d,a t6'14)Y d^D = i1.3s6 fl - -?L _lqcp A - 471.31bC -/\D = \.aso /'C- +sz.E tb-C 512 40 d."..[:7'TG;F,G_g do^ - 1.aw' eeY doe' 6i'tf qu.6,n7 ,G-o\\ PIi|' Cj06.6,C62 dva-"6-o."tcarc (+AoJ t22 t23 I 1 0 = s81.5 tb -C 68.) 9elcr'l'ine the nroxrmum sofe verlicol lood w fhot can be suppo.t€d by the t.!'pod 6ha'n h fiq.p-G23 Arlhoul ett:e*d _ lng o cdmp.essive l6rJ 6 2arblb in dny member. w ) r o.o= 7211 * if. M" 24eb., 2@.-L=AL-1q ,.103 2 t*a,r(s)-r'-(o).o G Aa" 229,61 tb. ., A, - 6445lb i At- 19,:+,*tOi AE.12s2.C1lb. Isolole R,ahl S,ae vi*, leolc,te ahec'. \f g > za4otb oA 73s.61 D.\ ' 2 167.25 tb. .. thiE @nndl be o@pl be@|s lbc I'mll vhich i. z{.ab. ,. sae dar. vot.e of w i. tl witl eo6ed .sigg.S lb EQutuERtuM roR ofl.coilcu^RrNT SpcEtoRcEs A'(1) -B/('>-o 192+..6G) - BaG) bf - 1539 '@ dEcrK \l Dbr24@h DB = 153q.46o Ee. 6- .'.DB- 468.561b . ./ tl dclol crd (srt N\z -G/G).o q - 2(t 4.p}t 4)- q . 1.731,e2+ tb. jf dt ct. rc >24.r.tb *pL - 1731.921tb :. qa = 241.4a trr a'211 5 "/ildoetu)c& n(4'at(A=" tif DE '2.@ | 62c) the Flole 4arn in fb.p'626 aoti$ o load c,f loootb aoptiei oJ E L) 16 supporleo i^ o ha.tz.nta. po6'r;on b/ th.c. *l,".ic"bl". ofloct€d dr A.B \C. Gopule lhe tef,,e,on:^o..h a.]bte ,&-(1i21.s246)- srds.etb t tl DC'2e t , #'+'T-+ 2 1 O o- C t B'. Ees.a tb i gt.11gc.16|At. $q...tb. o+ the nbhl 6h6 vi*, zw-o, Ay(1)- s, &) -o Ar ) t/a (17a6.rc).2232-1 tb dv:k 'f M> 24oa _w. -22122 DA - 27s+.s tb oo totl .x4t tti6 \atle bd@E il er@&s za<Dtb -Ci ^C2 ct ' 1q6,9 \b. C.'O 6l-r.L-! _-.] W.-4,4.,0o(+)rcio).o C' 4oo tbT -6G)r 1.,60{6) - B(s) = o s'-3p@\i@@ A t A I C - 1 a t A" A - 4oo 4oo A - 1<><b 627.)6oleeprob.6 if,t^ add,l,on1oihe loootb,the plo{e w€,bhsj 'U@\@t" Ue)qt)(e,/.\ +'fG)e^1qe) gr'bA.h) j " nbll. y1()4@t - 't G)a6)(61 ,/s6)+ ,/l@(d?/e.6) t =5 n . t24 125 Topviow, LVz'o O - Q(a) | G (+). o 02(.).0,(6) ut: O! o'/+ t,cr-G (D'/,')Gt- o'l.o) c,G)tc.<i'o o, ts ;i:::=-" ,i.'"/ nn6g,otal , .m 6) - c6o). o ebG)1.&o G) - @ta) - aLs) -o .V" ""{2. c' " s.2so, -@ qbs.@ b@ ,x r s 2e D' 'eoo 0' . Solb F.N@ | Ct . t.Lt<eo>. 12o tb g- g.o tb .T c . g @ l b ,- f ztr.a - ,to.fu(c.rcsl/a -A+ 12@r10.o'g&'a@ 'o A' 600 lb"l 62c., Refe. lo unsynrnetrrcol conlileve. Ac.kao0z):L/1 lc - 126blb. Go'r€wo'h dosc'ib€d in pnb.61g on poqp €6 q rep€oled heneosFl9.p_62c.lf lhew: ibal\lood of 17oolbi6 shrfle, b ool o1 lhe midpo"l ofmem- ber A9, oomptrl" the componen{sof lhe ceoclion ot I E lhe lb* oes in lhe bors tC \ nD. dn -.[.e-af,O+ef '6aY ' s,7" X a"c- .@$i6 -ofi@-of ' tzfi a^p- t6of 'Gaf ,GEiff - sftaq. I ^ c - c _ . . c r. e r a./' A c''cr/2 | C, "Ca AD . O' --9t e,.6s g '02 Relcninglo FrD.t view, zMo"o 0" b G)| s.e) - e(.o) . o ax(6)| azG). +r.. - -@ z M c "a 9 ino, .eoQ)-Be(z)"sat BxG) -62(3) - D,G6), o 9*(4) -bz9) - 600 - -@ ^oD (, L@ ar k) - b{e) - @a ' +aoo e, tn) ,2.6 . b, Go) soaa B* - 5.b lb. j ri I 6ao,) Ihe b.f,,n BE of ltle sf,fl". l% de;|cl(. €hawn i^ Fig p,6so k tuloj€d bNo.d jr' meogurcd in o honzaolot ptone lhe nrasl nb i. vc.llcrl ( ls s"pporled ino g>or3.t aI A The poinfs A, C, \ 0 orc in lhc sorle ho.iz..,lot plone. oelemine lire li.ces in the lEc Ec \BD l ii O, s@(.o) | 6, (!) - e3so br = lasa tb. l : t\ lhe.conponenlsof the beoring reootion c* Q c, = otlz 1 az'D./+ sub.@q@ lo @ (o,h 'Gh)j '(.^*o')la +a2so 6,50,+gsc^'+2eO D "r c ' . e d o - . - @ 9,6d+6/(')-ne(6-2') . a s,(a)l qb)'$3o--@ dao'dsc.tr2tg I @t , ct)e)- @, to,)(.b)| noo(z9) . o (0, . c') (i) - (., I o,)Go) { a26o - o - -19 t26 r27 R,!lh{ Side Vi.*, - p;? ,<ao-yaif a". ' u[-a",c-Y " ago ,6<',o)t'Go or i6Zo-' ' la lGolole Rqhl 6,da Vid, lsolale F.rni Vrew, aio'a, N@)-'e@t6.6)"o Cr<i) - ]6at!/l) -o c, ' 6a3lb ." E: - 99L zw-o o q(6)twG) - s.,Oaa) - o A(s) rt G) ' 4aaa b q, v/'ae --@ q 1o1's66 n e4.4. oy = t63 [) - . -A o -A,(.t r (c'* o'X.t r soo(s66)<1tt X')'o -o - @ ^" 6r , (Gr D")Gs) A,tst =(,r,7 i t1)t14 A" = 2ag7 tb oz . 6114/s_- 61 tt) Cz . 227a(s)/i= 22a2tb. . \91 i a - 4''2d9tb ZM^-o. r o @ ( i o-) E 7 ( r o ) - 0 r ( $ ) - E r ( s ) . o BUI: E4. " E,lo :- 4- 1.5Er -o i @ < 2 ) - ( \ 5 E / ) ( 2 )- o ' ( . ) ' E a E at 2 a , . e . a o - - @ Or - 193 <j: 6-PL Refc..inq to llbhl .q& V'bw, + cr G) o/5)'saaG) "o zMb:o: ^z1't(hiaj)(s) t61)(1st633(s)r la3ci) | 2w Az = - <2271 Az - 166.7 ll). n rOP6?1 63r) The boom Bc ofthe ctiff'lea de'rich 6hown rg.s-lsin i6 conto,ned in the XY ptono The mo€l AB ls "e'rtiaol \ ' o soohel ot A PoinfsA\D ore in the same horiuonlol plore the Points DkE ore in lhe.eome v€rlicol Plono Detormine foroeEin 1r'o 1o9sBE ?^ BD \.!4ryw"""ts ring reoclion oi n. <M' -o; {oo(ro) - Ay(o)- Er (s) -o A y ( 2 ) rE " . , t o o o- . - @ AAE.O D(E)ro6a(?o) ^ytu)-A,(!)-o t\r@)t A\<s) - 9,<5) - 2ao@ A,(4)iA,-O'-.t od - -@ ol Ihe bea- Zt'/^ -o . D'Oa)'E G):Ey6o)-o o/(L)'Ez'E (.).a -@ e4o '4hs ,,, Et . to/tsE/ '"6'" Dr(t- 1d$E, Er(z) =o q(r)-aoA,E/'o D, - 4o/3oE/ sub..to @ C) 2E,tDr-1do 2E | 4b/3oEr .looo B!+'4.t.bE) 2*r a,bo(1bE) - a@o +8, ?1o.o ...E,,2sob. .'. E,=(.Eo-o;)/z @&.raA ar/'a -O,ha .'. Or " o//z -.Dbs.1@ Be/@s. r5/1o .'. BE-58.4tb. 'e<'otb -@ | A"@'r, AtG) *!'rg Et "tse, . a,s12ta1 Ar (.)t A\ -Df/2 . 4.)&th El ' 375 lb - aaa!) ^t (.) ! (@;!L) N|+)t1@. w.Baao ta)Ar or ' Totb --@ -A'(Q.A,(")--B^= -{&.a t€a j_3g) 6doo usn]gq . 4944 - ao/eo Gas) Dr ' soo lb ' @/aa . , BD. 612..+ bo//@ lu. "7eo uahs@ NU)-Df Ar &) ' 7c!:4+s.22 Ar . 7@r/4 :. A-/ = t61stb U6ins Ez ' 1./16Er .4y'6(379) . 2so1b . oa'l6e(ot/za ' zso tb. rcGming 1o tujlhlside Vew I tF: =oAz'E -Dz'2. .'. Az'o t28 t29 25a =O 6bo* h 7lgp-632- k rolol€d bock 632,) Thc boor of ihe &rich 30'f.6n lhe fi rlone. Dek iniie lho {iroce in gc kBD }, {he 1.10.6,.0'. rolt.6' - b/^:6 .\n6o' - 6 /.o a.@tl. :, ft -.o$.'. 6 . ir.32 n. 1ar,@.. 1r.r/6^ .-. A . ro fl . (Ge'-$/A,.'.&.20lt. de -,GoAfi a.A:ofi6'i-Lry ".a 2t{l L, 10t a 5' - 'e '6 rt @'aoton@" 11''att' $r.2e.2. $ ae.6il6;f'('+. 3lo "2"'" 9c'816 "' L' Choplor lnE4O q . ' q l I Dt'1132 .fi32'3173nA 8o - 11e4.6a+ n A T '15444lb Coniroide \ Contors of Groviiy -'.go ' \63tr lb - Ai Ga),2db60.6c) L o ot'!91e.L9, zM^'a O c,'-trzfi@24 C',o)@- rlro(s..6) ' o Al +O, - i7z2 - -O loble Right gddview, ce .199.96tb 02 - 1t9a 6a+G1.32) Dz = g9.ec lb. P.l. lo Qbhl Etdevie : .F-'o O.-A,-Cz-O Az - 939,96 -199.96 Az'saott) <Mo-o: -382 <1rt2) | c' (21.6+)|2@Qr..1)-o Cr (.1.a4) - pegg.z4l& r30 l3l ihe ccn{fti, of lhe shod€d oreo shown i" rg. '|6 by barrdcd lbe l( d'.i€, the line x ' a q th" pd' 7o7.)Oelehine the cantroid ol lhe qu6d6nt of lh€ ellipse 6hown in f1:9 P-?o7 The eauolion of the eriipse * !fu-, * c7b"'1-\7o' G,b) k- e% - b1a ' a'.- bay'a- u- blr& d - ,t = b/aq;n-;t) n-f, aa,-fi ary*a^ ^r =f iG;,) "f,,(u.e:r)a^ t.f a' =f w.F:ta, .. slnq='/d LeJ r=o6,a dr = ocdsqdq .8"1-,^.wd"-:,l{i - Va[ h@+y,o.] Ai - !d = eEI i 7 - &/'\- ylJ7.V ac!s-..Fi:F 'chgud,)- hr e!d, A,a -f h,ll(*4) a^ ^. rt*")("-"-" ) -u"l!!;.a.,,^a^ _ .obL hL11@atd4 _o,1..1a.,_t%]: -4f"r€r3:l" 7 = 3o/s - lle + 4t 7o6) Detffiir€ lh6 (btroil P-7o6 whd6e nddius is n. 'N'r" .1. l.; ^f,\ "l " ^':ld^.('(adl {'*'"'.,".. )-h.%G'-'")-L -'l t'{i,v";l ltt of the quo.+e,' - n.' - oircle €ho,n in Fs. A- fed' -("$.+ U' _,/. ...6,^< .,,:;,". e J;"+ N '9'=b/8 p,.l$qd. ^4^ t.t!'-*?.-""e-t*":e ('" f -1-a-(fl4,-"""1a, ' o-'E J ib lrh tt'PL A - obi/ 14,tq"4 7oa) Cfivlle th6 o.eo of lhe spondrel in Fr'g. P-7os bounded by lhe x o,i6, tho tinex .b,q the cuNc g=x,n wheG n Zo.wlEt ;e locolion of lls c€hl.oic fr€m lhe line r -u ? prepo.€ tfe lobke ot o.eoc \ lo@tion of cenl.oid f6'- 6iues of n.o,1,2,ta\e. r"*=G-F -+t-''al: -+l'^'"d" #1 a'h\Yb^ ^.\1 Ai'l,"a 'hJ'!ad' ' r,(: (" ") d' - t'l'"' 41: ^i _;i," ^Zl - ".2 edx. ^--f,,(dr.f,.(#)d" ' h4^f! t" a, -hA^t#7: t'4+ai '%.f,1.Ji "%"i++-"-l-!\r --L lu--'r1 , hr."T-hil: - o'1 = rt" r =!Gd nr' A - br%r t32 - s_uZ, 133 ut l'i" r i" -tf.*a r.(oo) ;. -t-l en -' { 7oe.) Deledine Problem 7oe n5) - b(nrr) - b(nr1) b - !ltl]) Dele.fiioe the @rdinolcs oF t|€ c&t#d in Fig. P_715 with nespec+ to fhe eiven st'ovn C c ' d l- u z - , [hn.,]-l# , e] I xt x"t , y,r r't] s -Lt^Gxqora:' the s coorditule of lhe spondEl deso'ibed il ^e ' [: '/,eQd") - af' e"a' ' Y,l: h'i/b- d, ' h:i4l'L+"'-k - t/-*^ l.tl" - of ratu:<'':s) ) 2(tn t') -:b[ .t q - ".+r i^ al:'+t l/r(.\(e)(k.6)f tlkr6'O1 4-11i = h(a'l) [6, rrd r €l t . 6(rr s(4'nr) -'/"f"u'a" ^6-!:'/"eed' r r(*{:d) 5 ' 2.+a;n = -6(+) 1 e a4@s3o'r 4 ) - 3s.1ee 25 st 26.@t uf = a's,nn,/L : ' 96.41 , = 2,31 in- n6) A slendor homogeneous wire of unib6 cross sct;on ie be4f inlo ihe 6rope shown i^ Fig.p 115 0et. lhc @rdinoie6 oF ils @n- of lhe o.eo bounded bg the t ot'6 lt) 7,o) L.@fe lhe cstroid the sine cu.ve A= ognayL fiEm '=o to x:L 9'an^u - 30723 41j44 ". --t ."",'1b :!qa of fhe d€o o)(ec. i'13th ,17') L@Ie ll}f @n+K;d of lhc b€.+ *i€ €tan 'F hon|oq3h€ous q of unifo.n orc.c 6etion . t --rq!: < - 3:r-eg: in Fig. p- ti7. Thc w;.c , ae65 ; . zo,,/tu ","u'- B/e".; -t. n. 1.4ts, l, (, E^ (:4'^ 'l&.)) +2f s -[z(axzr(zo''4o)'t(.plJ A2Az! '8996 .g-=1.o36ini i-o ttE oenlrc;d of lhe shoded ol@ slEwn in d9. p-rle. v'GYq1t.f h6*4@n .6)'] [Gt@\(t)t v.(6Y.<\t | | h @G)CA.<)']+ 'E tha o@^troidof the or€o obow {hebo6l shown in F1b.p-7+.How lor L(€) r 1(6t E = [1(6)(atl, ] [1(6XosI 1+a - 4: t - 3.o7 i^ t34 t'/, G\kr(%'c)1 i26 - $2 4 'u,". a27 " l,h 6.2) ('/' 4Dl I l,/. Grdch -d1 \ f r{.)@@'. 6 !.11 t=5in. r36 t,: ,o) Dele.nr'n€d lhe ce^lrcid oF ,h€ l;es rij of fhe €foded ored i^ Fia.P-a1e thot lom the boundo- ,!) Locolc tho cenlroid o.co . tl'. r,ttt (,..tt..') . (1.d' (.t(,.4) - 1'w (4+) | 24.4a112. 4..s X - t.o+;^. ao-aeii = 251.322 F'526 tn g\&A,4rr.,(9)Vd,.fr,(WW.n) .4e.eiq'1eG),6(.>+@f 2+.1a112E - 1.*> 6) | ('h)(t.r)@(% n) 24.4a1+2 I = 63.5ee - 261,65e t -s.4 i^ of the slEd€d or€o i4 FIq p-72o ie ncquired to Oelermine lh€ dictonce b lhot will fullflll ihis lh€ shoded .'Jdt [h(.d(G\, +b@ ^ = 1r@ | I6(8Eb/4\(,/r)| W(r,/")('/E ltz,7-eo r s t.F4 +-.tr-!,-l +{nX h"z)('/tr) | 6)l 4A,3e7 t of the coordino}ee /9. P-7.a. 5'26e;n of the oonlrcid - g) +2-*G of ihe shod€t ?\- k@O-%6r&) -!ktJ' - r(eb)-ge) Q/,Grt',) - !!{ G\ -.!F @ - 49) s7-[h tbY6rlr3 d t'aGYstlty'. t4,rs3t €s.33i in' = 2inb'? bt = 42.666s n2 - hra.'s1 t . z.ra in. '41eaa1, '2^.t(.)-/e(d(dr"rt tp'6a ,21) Befe. ro the I_ 6€otion of prcb. ?t+ shown io Fiq. P-7r4. To vdlu€ 6hould the 6ir. width of ihc flonge be cl..onged so lho+ lhe cenfroid of lhc orgo i6 z,s in. obove the bo6e 7 I1(e) l b(1Yr.r) = 1(s)(ar,) | b(rxo.6) ?ora.ib-4+o.6b ' 2b -20 I 722.>t@le lE b_10n. @a+rcid of |he ehoded oreo i^ Fiq. P-122 by cuiting o €@icicle of didmeie. r frod o quonler c,rcle of '!#("-#) ll; l[|1 a = rl --i -gL 12r = 0.6.7. s' ( /,Y,'th'(-"16)(/,) o"Zj -.% - \.7ts - 16t:: str' r,%_s- 6 5#:' E'-e!]g-r- , l:!t@ - n ctuelr=ly@k)(E',\[kbtu"X% aq 12, - s7.6 r36 t - +.€fl. n i .[.h&doe/a..\ - lh a>o)& -d ,t2q - 3€ 9-3ft. zr) Locoll3 lhe lglrc;d of the cutvenl st$*^ i^Fig.p jz1 tlnl. ln tog.a{,bn ie onneceosd.g tf lho o.€,a i6 €ubdiv;dei into the eloment b be fdrnd in foble vr-1 , -'+ 1.o-rs(+Ydt,fa&)1.\')(./') [r(kJkx')t r /.it't') - e/!)(4)(1.)(ye.,\ 7/A_t o 3aer - {t) 1++s93 E . Ea,a6e J'5o€in. z26) tr:.afe lhe @l.o:td of the .sho&/ dr€o eotc\se! b9 +he cutue lhe 6frc;9hf shos l,ie in Fi9.p-1t5. HinI : ob€€Ne ]ha{ U..o' \ lhe tuNe q2. oa retot've to the y 0,,6 € of 'he @me tbFm 06 9 " ^xz wilh .esp@l to lhe I a'i6. =e?X!.,r,(IlL. X-ei:) f+ +il' .r".; -,2 #7," o.€o I 4 - i,6ft. t37 rrd wifitul usitg ;ntogef;nfhe )( o'i€,ltp li,.e 1-t2 ,i.ltg A . (qd: ^ "ii 1.^r,'/6.t/fla)a, c!.nPulc i foi lfE 6so b.u'dod o.,rl€ g'a\ t t/s-a/ao ' ,"'r +- ., A . Iz" +\i6+ rlr'1. A- ,.e) A At.€Ad' - l: (af ,'7e- ^'/e\d, 252' = 1q1s z I ' 760 @'ts ' ;. divided !.t/*.. _H,r | ,.h, r7...1" 292 ttil. rcclor5j:B |t(1\1)!j,(1\(o,) fiO r'(t), la)Ol g . 1i,|,tr...) .o, - i11 . g -o;7 in. - 1(.)(7,e\, (t\ @)O.cs) zW b/ iato two Porle E.) cuAr'e g-^r" b' il'c oe ehorn h Fb.,P-22e.u€trq #E knd$n bcoiion of t's conl'olt of lhs lo{€,^ poei A oc aivon in loble vn-l' 6t'ow ltlot ttE cenhoij of lha uppecpo"i B i. t(rolea WtB-/,iA\Eg"24^.. 6'to rhot c^ erAhbl^ -b- Two 10 in.- 15.? ti 72,+ \nl chonnolc orc werded ioge{hdn os €h@n h fu. P-7:1. F;d lhe momeniof a"ea of the upre. dhonneloboul the ho.;o"lo j @^|rc;uJaloie rroof ihe o{rro ceul,o. o@ ol roi^- E,e lb - a,ar i^' 2(aaa)6 - a.+a(e+ rrc) ' +.+rG) e.9t5.67seG1 g- ,.86 i^ *n . b(.rz)-b r^.644 FD-*lr"=br' \-E{,1 f F{s. p-72r. Rela lo Toble vl-z 0. +t? FoPe.+ies of the o.9t6s q b.-te,.!"e cntrcid ot t€ bu,n-up cal,;n /r&' \16rit/ bhni, -)L-EL 6,8 i.ft] [e(i)r r(E) t =b."!nti;?b'h. S 2(e2) #Bt'=bh("'4)-(*)D#}l 'F-5"- b##r -*ilE".W 5. , h(nrwri .. l. .2rA 138 " ale.ra1s t- &'sa'^' r-a - b\,&'-r-o 16 _ lod ,ir 7,o) A b@n hae lh6 oro€c eotion shos fia moft€nl of o'€ of ihe sked Po.tion an+rodor o'i. xo of lte *lire €e,lion. (flole t. laa i^ llot th c E€.lte €ht df -ol;ole x,itum cheonrg sr"esj. xa5 5 . €^n@!.') r (i4)t.) ..,s(.-otu) r s,sGrs) enlrcid of lhe buill -up solion €,i,bn €hadn ;r to lobb vn-? ftn lhe popo',tic* of ltc ebrcnls. l : tF''E { 4(o.'),(+)j t. B (. n.. -,..,) t..,,(a*,.^ | 6.Yo'Y6.r.) i/6dYo.') 27.7.s 5 = 462.4d - e,+e in J F9. P-%o,Cc'nFrle abo,t tha ho"iantol , tt ic e-t'o.. i' 6llqJ e n@cr'P'li'q r38 l l ri t6 rololed oboui ondxte 7e6.) A riqhi t.io.gle of sldes b\h coinoid'ng wiih €i& h lo gerP.ola o righl cl'culo' c'r€ ' I v ' ? r tt. n a - A r . k b - | A b r l 't = '/'rb'h A .,"1'\ At=Csba,)-f e"d, 'f- okG'-t)" v - ut.l", i'"1\ - b/""|d - "% , "" -"*.:+.+ =;fr"u. Yepune- st 4-A "/f, A4.bTll 4421 -,1ij""1*-*" -r-*ion6 l; the 6v.fo<,eio@ E vorumeeene€ iod b/ rololing o semic,rcle ol.odius . dboul ilq d;m'ie' n.ab "r u-or'4.^@of horro,rcre , kho u W . Ai - t"r,'a./ v '+/er"' ..L - l r"l V t o . ' 4 7 b . ' 1x ? o -. 1 - t % " _ { . { , r. + - 2t.2/k.'t. A - +r.' I _"t/b,lbr. /%l:, +r'.^,' ..J.:.th-"%id- /;-L'o. *"i:: #r: #'ft1i" iq +. j o'.n,.{+" - -i. ,,j""tt_ " - '{;t . _ ,., A ,2 ^ b h + ; . + _ + --!P rPi V f F b b d l d d= d r ' i A =Yr.li.4bh _.i t v - +ro,b at . a74[+a)1] rcht " [" .ft' ?):. -"*'F'P . o'/b'[bt-b%$'-b%] 73e) .sfbw thdl the volure of o Porcboroid i€ eq@l 10 o€-hdll {ha oiccumecn,brg oyllnden , i '. 1)a' A; ' r A.J-l4 'r\d, 1-^.,i o"/6"(t" -5") vdqre ' l',"/v'(t'':')av A=2t i L6alh of ("-e \ t'' +o'h i - 9 7ro) ,A oille of -a;,3t" t;'" 'r lhe xy pronewitb rtc oaltr oi o d,6+dn€ o obovc the x-o:is. Royolviig il oboul ih€ xoxis will gene.ole o doughnul-shope ri.q aoiea a torus, poraea o '. 96al* thon.. Coopule th€ €urlo.e a,b q votume of -*b { 2 3 't h bQ.h Delamlncd {he vdluBe of the cllipsoid of ^€"dluiion qcro€.,te (c"olote ottrpaid) mia'a'ic q l6d rolotihq oo ellip6e obout o) I b) ik olnon oxis (oblaie etlipsoid. Toke the lo.e{ s@;o'h o. d \ thu smoll+ semi-or-'s oe b. 7e.) ,7b"' ' 'Z' r>."'E f .q".G'',) 140 ,a1) A 6a' ptpe eibow ho6 on inlenot diome+.f, oa 4 in. lAe .od of cu.votu€ of ihe pipei oontrt,re ie ain. F,nd +he inlqnot wl. v.Atuo x hrrcid rd6io"* +"..*ed V = 7€.e6 ih: t4l . t(4)4- 6 _ (er' "r/.d;) 7ar.) n;d lha yol!rc of thc Ephedc,l wedqe fo.ned ,y.rlolidl lhrough oh ongle of .6' o cemici.ole of rodid r dboul ilc bos€ \/ -"rh, y?r -r v-_rc- z,+!) Tl€ oreo con.loined tEiween h^jo ocicenldc €€oioil.cte6 of roall t.s;tt q.;n. iG .ofor€d obout clrlo:,s +rn.owou,i\ porallel- lo lhe boee diooele.s oF tte eemio,ote*. Co."putJ lhe surlooe orco 1,)votvhe geoeroled bg o complole re,olul@n , A- a h . a y i . f t a 't., A- / ' Iotot Lufh6 . ^eo A'i +r." lthk' '+)f q ' u,!)tl(Q1 r/-/taYfa^.d1 16-6oat ' 1A- a.25 to,6oig - 1s.75 , 1,, \: . t-1ass;n. V - 2I . (1.+se14). 1o,6e.z @.lo.e ole 5 volude 96€^cled br rclot;ng Fg. p-7€ th.ough one bolulid. oba/l l6cx.ot; 246) Dolerdn€ lhc €u"lo@ olg B votume qe@Folcd by o cofrpt resul,bn oboul lhe r ori€ ot the €hode, oreo of ptub7is. , t- t'o,n |'fltf,*l t . "t +tt4?,4,^l+.11,q l t =!in 21.E6.9 - t32 132 4 ats'n 6 t e . 2 r . 2 ( 21.s6.) .' v . v. A - 2r. s.a1.(1,* | F;A th\+ ,t a.[flF t 'rC)(#L,4' ,@ t 2({r;t o"cs..+) a z . t \ - 1 s de 6 ! - e't'" - ,f. tP.T i: z+) 6-p"le @olullon lh. €u.jo@ ob,rl 3 ?i+) The rim of o pulle/ hos lho cros6 s@lion shdh {.ishi , ,V;e) 1 6 6 7i . t 6odoar st@t wc;\ehiry aeotbp.. - df the Flm , . 1.61i^! trc).11.. V.2T.(1 V. o,aessll' W . o.ages<asa) W = ztB lb. t42 \t .2r. E.os l+.s(dt v - 779.e2 ;n? h Fiq. p-74-l A= 2' fi. i**f--t"e }h. 14,n, (.,;1)7 4, a(a\(.L), (!+2\(+- /a) 11.e 1 . 18.5 o.e \,.i"ffi ge@rcte<) b/ o @mplete tha x or,c of lhe 6hoded ow of prco. ttt -5.oe ,i. t/z(c)h.d g. tangth ol c;N,rtvibina v@4/+l Arca A- 2v.3.erfa('N t e r. ' 6., ";l A = as2.szi.: r fo" t6elh -t". ",,, :lt " 6.-,.. J',.,rp.,.r",,5;;,( t+\l yr,.) + tt)4(6 19,Be7 E - 7e,,2s .5 =3'e+ ia. 143 : t : ) a) F/"@.(n)-t(.ft4-17- \/{.ftdlu*r.o1-[<*tGy-", 7si.) gctenmine tho crntnoid of o hemisplrerc of mdrus n' tching lhe otis of egmmetng os lhe z oxr€' . ". tlr': -rl-I---l ^r.? $''"1*f 1 ' (e*rrdre)r = r(+)(+)rs(er+@'o) 2..s4t = t4r'elo i -c.5+ in. ! 7!6) Dol..ninc tlE hciqht i of lhc cgtindc. mountcd on lhe h€mi6ph6.icol bo€e s*'6^n in hb.P-7s6.Eo lhol the conDasile Dodgw;lf be h sloblc equilihium on ils bose. flinl: y',e tong os lhe ccnlor of groJlg doos nol lio obovc the I-x plono lh6r€' will ori€f o rcslonhg couptd whon th6 dq ;6 l;ppcd . r p-76? zar) A u.ifo"o wirc is bal in'lo lha shope €ho{n in F€ The cleoishl s"4@ols lio in |ho x-z Plo(6' \ thc. e.in l4elh s"grnar.a o" o"qtce of 30' wilh the r orjs. The .enic'"culo' w''c af lhe menls is in thc x-Y Pldne Locdte tho oool€' of sE;'lv ' 1.'2-127 - ++4..2c i. -11 it. frcm opa ;r65€ag " r G\(+) e6,s6cg =32 g ' 1 2 0 +i n ' 26,s662' .(!) + e(aetn3a') 26,66.2 - 3+ z-r2ah. 7e+) tocote the ce.iol g6wiis of o st€ol .ivet hovinq o cgI'hd.icol bodg I in in d;onclo. b 2 in long wilh o hcnispr'e"riol hcod of 1 in,bdiue. Uso lhe.6url of Prob 7s1 r("/h(h/)-\trGfW4a) h' - 2b't h = r.4l+ fl. ?s,.) Fcpaol Ptub-7s6 if lho cyl;d"bol porlion of tho bodq in llq.p-t!6 G raptocadW o r,qhl .t \t:cotpo.l,o. *ilh o 2 ft rodiuG bose q oll'tude h. A, \+/ lk efh(v) - 4//0f(//@) h"A=+ h-3+64f!. 7se) sleel ball ;6 dountod o" l,,p ol o Lrnbor c,rtincre. os shovh in rig. p-zso Sleot woighs +eo b po.or n q timtc. *o,qh, 1oolb po. c, ft. D6le..mino lho pos,lion of 'ho ocnlo. ol qovi w,ra a"rrfv: r (+r",dLJf Gx "yrr"1 wti"bd" - [r (sr^, lyp^)'(ra^" Wr = tog.o9hi ae) A bodg codsi6+s of o nqht ci.oulo. aonc whoe ba6o i612 h. ;n. de.p s in. in d,bncle/h a \ who€e ollitudo i6 16 in A hole ocq a"iled fiom {ho bose lho o.is of lLe lbl" co'rcidog -/ thc o.i6 of lhe aoe. Locnle +he (gfroid of lho el volume. Uee lhe tbhf) (rc.o2+te.oa)g = rc.oz(zet/1e)t ta.6s(p x /z) 1a5.1g = 2a6.$ = 3 r.es fi frum boso tusuli of P.ob. ,{€. t45 144 *\(60 So4) D€le.mir€ lh3 rnorEnl of irE.lio of o tdlo.Bte of bose b \ olhiude h wilh rospcd bon o.i. ihrough the oper porollel to the bose. Uce the lrsneG. lcrmulo \ P(& soz. l"- bh'/$ t = 7r ' Ad' th€, rBarll€ of ilto€ . ' bh/r6 | bh/, (zbh)a ' bv?/& t 2brP/s 1 br?/4 60!) Def6.d,he the norcol of inerlio of lhe guoder onljte in FIg.P.8d9r,lh r€.p€., to th€ g,sn orc6. tt J- lp.d^ Choptor a r- f,-r(4/.di DY*']P1 . L+/'4p \, .l/r r. +/.)" +". j ' i' ri, ' r'76 r, . t.V6 1r - n../.a Momon{sof lnoilio ' 1, +1, 8od Dete.n;B lhe dorenl of in€rtio of the €ed€Fcte ,h Fig p-ooq with rB6pc.lio thd q;6n ot€c. 1. --! red{ .gfy'^"vyaoay =f, l' /o2^"+ae = 1" ./a C a.'ede [ P/* k-,ed.)]; . r./a C y. r.coe,6)do , t%re - s^,e/a: . r'/. f(l-o) - k'"ry - qho],7 I' " ar/6 I' 'I"aa .f ry.J;l:p'.nbldeal t: p'dp.e\-de. ( *+(cs.+aelJi . li ,./, (^,.*ae) - fl+ !: h,e.d de - "/o lc _aAe]l . e1e frt-ot - (qstr I/ t46 . trTo r47 - ao\1 I r €o7) Sho"v the momenl of ine'tia ofo s€nicircb of rodi'Js the dbd'etgn is orira with respecl to o ceo{roidol o)'i6 pomllel lo sla) D6{em,ne the morunt ol ine.lio \ the redius ofg7.otioa,V respe.ctto he Y ore, of the oneo cL,l f"om lhe first q"oaront b' {he curue y . +-r! where i \ y ore in in.h6 nr'-/rr-\' rc' . I' +--u-'\3{ r-. i, rAd? - --z ' o.921ra ' ir I o 26Lg4(+ i, ' o.\og76ra* ot1ra qr'roclercircle €oa) Detcdnir€ tho momenl of rnerl'b fo" lhe sho{n in Fb p-8os wilh respecl to o cenlrorldal X-oxts r-/"Cfd^ t d .rd, t = -(oa) . a rf6r"-,.4)d" \'La'(A- f/A: \ +(4t'\e-of- (,-o)'/4 - ("/^)'h ^'frd, .tr'(..")di t- 32/s -t2//e - 16o- = S*-'+ A 4+t - t'h l- rr'IJ ^ -iy<*a:t -ttl #=t"*(*f ' 8 ' s / - - -2 + ' 6 ' L A i n r + 0 . 1 1 1 4r71 01 3t-7r = oo549r+ = oo55 14 It tfc mo6€nl of iner{ro with 'especl s€e) Dele.-irE *hoee e4"olioi foc lhe o,.e.a e.eb.€d b,/ the s{iPse ,l,lecdeler-i"e the@iis ca gyrclio" "4 , + , , :.,t.1W4,V6.h)=f,6 o11.)Dele.mine ihe mmenl of nealo w/ r€sp€ol lo the x ax,s PoroLlrlo q8o shadn in Fi9.P'€11. 4.*'' - "'-l'"&7d , , - "toV1; ,'i,-Jy,d^ =J./.ardy i,. +f,f (otow ) at b= b6'r'e Y _bene e'e4 - a-'7/2 dY'b.ae€de . a b co'€- dd b".ie @/b) (b'- b'"."4) \-+f = +fh o'o " a"+<'x"ede - is (''r"a ,*n)ca\(, , cx*"")lae . ab. (t, ex.,e)da l/ - lr(-. ' .66,t de ob"Le ek - 4^'a/s1: (t ob, l"' = ob'5B./+o)-6n'?!-5nolol - "6ii-p - ""*761!" ?,.p- .. t,.t*rd, -f t'"X"*) a" > " =Y1t14"aiy.r atf t,,'(bZ)' - b/L 148 I, -{faa d^- (a-t\ar ; t -x1" *=x1r" 't/'G-"/sr')d' t -o/b'r' .a/b' . ('6v'- &'(t') ) at i,'[;;1 - "/t('%t .[2,<"-r"[+utfiuoll 1r. oF/" - ob% - "b%"(s-e) . 2ob/as . e.2) De+smt^e the I/ O. the €hadeJ pa@Wrttcotta of fig.p-o11. rf'l,.dA Ll-\t'bl4odt 'f, ott cu o, .fo/.art,y'n! - (26\o/1") (o_ o),h . z/, (b/.td)G,e) 'r./ - (E.Ydb) - 2osbl 149 8'lo) A rEologle 'e 3in. h5in. Do€nnina *tr poLcnrtrnanl of irF,r.tio\ firc mdiue of gTroiion *,lh r*gccl lo o poldr Q(i' throvgh ona dner l-f/,///) 'V,/) P 1 6i9) DaLrrnine the monE 'l of ir€plio cf lhe T- 6eolion shdM i^ Fb.p'8@ d/ (f,,rc'i +o'lc cenlddol oxi. n r,=!, rAdr t. - Iv+Ad' +.('xe)t ' ar6n1 ,|'*l rr . L(6X2r1) t .<o)<i) s7 I ---f I i' - 4Ol | ,(6X..'r'4&f ,z<ox..!). 2 I/ - qFf + 6(!)( 5F ' sa inl 1, - 2so,6, in! li.r@Ya).3an'. 82o) Oelcmine the rrc nenl 6,f irrorlio of thc oreo etrorn in - 216+9+-270in1 ^ . F 6 . - , @ f f i - 3 . 6 ai n Ar = 6(l)r{2(r)t€(r) = !oin? srz) Deteffine +hc .romcnl of ins"l,;, \ rod,us of g/rat'bn wrth reepeci too poloc ceolrodol oxrs of lhe o.gss eclion ofo l'rol_ lo, lubs who€d ou{sde dio.nols i6 6 in q ln.ide diomele' it'+1 ---f- @;f. ,.,,::;f"it* A'v+Q.'-df) .t/+(eo-+;)i J - r/2(ta-aa) *'6 -@Fn \ '!4t - 1o2i 'n.a = z s s ' ^' 1" =i r,^d' I c61.s), = 13es.a3 r\34s,93. 2730.66 ir.1 I .Ix. llr, 272.33i^+ I.^. 4G)' + 4(i?rjF ^'w' Jvn K : 6,73in. Jz " 7rttlv. = at,g +zttA "ss+,ee'n1 h 'J.-Jz - 2730,6c-5!ta,6c'21'6n1 t !9t +kE 12 l2 - rcain! e21.)F;M |te dD.nenl af, irerlio oboui lh€ irdica+ed x oric fon the shoaed orEo sho{n in Fig.p-62r. \ Ii.ixr^d? r" '+9". ' 2er,6 67 i'! 06oX5)" I'" . o,l (+la r n1+f(o' 1g))2 . oao.sz nl 2666,az- trco.6a . 90c11 in1 e24 F,nd |he <lJnlra,dol morcnls c,f ine.lia of lhe lrapczzid s'ha*n ;. Fig.P'922. r, - iZq)". e(exat=rsee33in:l r;, .- 7.-a-f * +G)u+")' = 27733n' 12 _, 6(o)(+t = r?65rthl 150 +i6)(1.o'), t,, _ ess.e inj 8rs) A hollo{ squorE o.l,€6 6a.}'on cdltsist6 oF oo 8in squarc fro.n rhich i5 Eubt.oct€a o con -nl-1.c,J,lll PlcrB cqlat'e 4inbf'+'r' F;^d llp @. na.neal of inerf ;o ,\ the @a" rodius of grrclion lhrpugh one of lho q4e'ile oomers *ilh reEpeol lo o z oi,6 Po*iig Ii, -gg!* i, =a{;)' * r2G)t'.z)a+ilgt +jgf - t/zGa'-t) A.]E,r1\n - 4z(i.)(o,e)+ 12(1)(1) | 66Jh3.r) et ^t .tut6)(6/z) - 72 na i' -lgf , 'rzcaxoxo.Sz +eg3 + 6&)(a,s)' t" = 19g ;.' l6l lil $i. ii H fii ilii 8zd thai - ds6h h.JE-(&Y i,. b(ae6bf - ru+.lo-'ba i I I i An aquiloh'ol t iongle hos ile bqso b ho''tonlol- srx ltp centcot&l rornenl cf ire"lir x'lh 'espocl tot'o'i- 12.5GP I h(i2,5J&)(6 ofL\Ir. oea) C.actprtr-lt'e n'a'srl of rls-lb *ilh reepcci roan ox;e tetqrl pascir€ fh'ough i*o opPo€ilc o?crcs cf o .q'W 6 s;de o .o-- aao/6 - G.,. e.ob/o -@cVt b-,y'2<a) tq?o Y.E:6hvh h - aL/2 t of* (ott/z)7z + ,4p;sqon,tfJ+ t oa!a/* r- dr'th 42 "'-v" \-;'f tu\$r1=ph ":."';,1,,- = 12.5h. ^'\/smi.fi' . h,/A cos 25.e7' h=c..36-sr(1J't=61n. , s@i^' 7b. ,z.sG)t r n-t(.)(a)2 l'.- 12sG)a I y. (i2"61(6t(vt.6f - 22!.i,f. t52 L - e(i. 'aa') i - a/+G.f ,l:..o/af F 'G,/+\(a..8)'I2 -"1_T- 7, =z(1' +^d') '72 - lerfut t t*,!Pt +a/ae.s)(1't$ ir ' rs-+r in_a A'+5(vd+f35(a4)'12 " 8.62s\n? o2z) Thc bull up selion ct|or,/n v\ Fig. P-s27 is conwsd ol fio Ar6ri in- dgle€ .i',elod lo o l2)r1in. web pldle. DeLmiftt the rnarEni of inc.lid vrith rospc.l to ihc cenlroidol X orie. -sj'o+ ruoezd Caipule lhe morrp-nlof ire.t;a of lhcroh.b,.l;n x rl a''.whrbh is lo oboul the torqb €t'osr n FiT.P-Bzs . sn41/sHinl: R66o[,e the ffgur€ ;nctird d 61 @sb-o hlo porl6 A,B.lq C. t 1b.6)2 - 2a7s in! - 2ar6 +22s+ g& - 3coo iri: i1 - L^ri,".7'c er25.)lt|c cross seclon strown h. Fig.P-o26 i6 thoi ofo 6t tuEf maobcr Nr'"wn os a z Eeclior,. Dctermine the yaluas " ryrtwf =+eo+''rieb+ ,'449', ui\y!x \11!\irz ib- Ar-f.(r)is(rt2+r2(.r) " 3s in: a$1 - i2ttk) rle6r0t.e)t s(1)(s,5il2 | = I.sf n. +Ad') I!.=(t =-T 1G2\t rr2(1YLsll b. I f$ax.szl'Jz ,l.r?' | 1GJ@'a1)'-l2 a1€;'c+n.1 U.ins Tobla vllFz Propc.ti6. of St.rralral Seoli.ie o'r."r' : i,- r6.aha' i -i.6E'n.i A.r3'n: i, =l39E I r.<i)Qc,)'z ,lt6.o + 11h3e)if 2 & 1' . :z.6.s,ml a29.) l*o Qnt. ra7 tb ch.I1(fili arc lallic.-d logdhc. lo forrn llE 6cclt:cr €hom i^ F;q.p-s2a. Del"-r,^ir.€ how for oporl lhc chonrefs shajd & plc,<pd a oe to more L eguol tolv fo" thc eccfri:n. (liosl6t lhc lollicc bo.s which ore rirdicalcd b/ lhe doeh€d linee.) 163 ir ir ! i Dclo.minc lho voluog of Flld Tobla vrrl_z Prqc. of slrucluEl A.olys;s GEher S,ze Areo i, L t t e'2on 6ot 12s13,9o:ro iAd' Ix'f ' i, - 19?a+lel;49-"| $A.zs\(e.tsl'f z ' - leii;I.6Gtd,.*ry,FS8, .(,)(.E)l a +ILQ]E +rax+.rl+ t, . t$tt1,tz,z-g4atlz t l<P+ B(rX,)._l,r L -(12a.tr2 1, "fes t aa@/a +ot)'f z i"=i, €a.rfal -\.[s.s +sos(d/z. o.r)'f d? 1,co tn a2s.)Del..r.'it-F-fhe dslonce d ol whrch the two s in. tsin. r€ctongr4 shown n tiqP-s2s should be spaced sol|E/, i,-T,. I,,-t'.Ad. r [39! , '<a>@)12.i, L-Lt^d. lf63t! z -i, aG)@/211,s)'f 17- *te.ee th-t U6ihgTobbv r-. P.opc.ia. of sh,,ctu.ol s&tion€ s;{'i" : A'€o . fi ,i1 ii, = 11:6 F tlr. 6s.6inaj r. 3,aEi. \i.. i.os i. | tla1.6 nG.2)Ia +k6?.25)z)lz | .ts(2.26)(s."1e)e72 t"'fit*llJla i, - 7661,ag-n! t fcect tG'r"'l+ ,E z.reOB)aU|@) i, - f*G>iJy'z 1t ' 3oz1.1in! a3?.)D€lc.miie thc cdnt.oidol homenls of iicFtio of lfre bJrll * up colurnnseclion sho{n in Fig p-6a2.Il ii cd p$d of {wo ro',r' l ptotc5 nvcled l lo f,o 121^ 2o;1tb clbn]dla. F.DrnTobte vttF? Prcpcrltc. i, . i, ; [:-<er''oj ', -[QG)"+s^@h t t|)'f\ t2o = 1B| 2a<d/2 t1,r), d'1.29 i' TIE tege 1br./2 i^. ongles orc <.nnecled aho.l of 6 b./ 83o.) fou" io sl6n. *b lo o plole P h to fo.rn thc plole 8t ongle si.doF by rho o,ue of i,. Eha6 ,n Fig P-e3o Chpdtc i'12'.. sf .l s15., e<."t<,t,sfl+ , i" ' 5/'6.k3 To.5(!.e)! r 0.6(r.5)cc.Ef la 1'-tur*;T U6hq Toblevnl-Z p'ope.iie9 of clruclutul soct'bn€ 6 t4/ t/. i A@ _ 4rE inl i , . o . a ' n ' t n i r 1 z + ' a + :t . d e e ' \ t " 1 . e ei r i, ' [e,: t+,rs(r.oo'.J+ !{'/1GGzs)')/12 i, ' zaa.as tn? €€r,) A plale x\ odglecoluhn \c conpoed ofou.ebr46/l inon9le6 w,lh lhe sho.l l€gs connccled lo o web plof€ 1ain by 1:. plu6 two flongs plo{es coch {g;n W 2r.;n.E 154 6lb*^ in Fia.p,gsi. d si.!,cluml eation6 12'-47tb ! ANo - c.o3tr'. )1,.r2s1, 1 r" 3 e i n J ' t . o q t . o T l n $d(6.s)'.f 2 7' -Q.1(2) tW+ -* '!:'""o 1^. $1o.s,n ,l<{l t, {.e,".ozO,fJz z 11 ' 9s5's7 in: siri) Fou.Z be.. eoch hovi.q ihe 6i2c \ p.opc.{i€s dclcmined ln prrb.026, o.€ nivot.d bo t2by 1in. plole to Ontr the scolion shown in FrS.p -433. Oeiemine th€ c€nlroidol mornenls of rnertio_ ' t, " (#P,ta?EE' uaG.'r(1.2g)271 , l2E{?t!X| 4.4/d(s.625)'1",1_#d 3/+(..syn)zl+ L . 12sr.3E i^l \ = .24)x tr3.slt:/a.t3| 3..(s/iG.61')zf + t ls#EJJ,!/. (*i) (+,)'1., | *ga,' I 1 l I z/1(e.sJ(612d'l+ - ir - ss1.6in: ar4.) n rcin.larlb chonncl is Yicldcd 1o lhe loP of o 14wF 34 beam oc sharzi rn Fis.p-$+.T!c *ide flohqe beom fros on a'crofl hcigh'l of r+i.. onofto ol nqt in?. \1, of 339'2 ini Conpule x oxrs ' 7 q the nodrenl of rirertio obo.,l lfr ccnlrpidal Fi@ Ioble vDr-a pEpe.hee ol s1.lEluml &cli l,r wF ro'-re,!lb h- 14rnArco.4.4zt^L ArEo'loino 1,=6c,6n1U-l./'a.1inl i Ar'1or41t - 1147ir' Far, ' 1o(1) + a +7(13 6) t'go+i^ z.a + +.+z(+ ce)t t ae2 t 1o(2a4)2 1, ar =a6.dt ;na s35) T*o {oin re.3lb chonsls o.€ @lded iogelt€r oe 6hoxn in FB. P-€3s. Cornpute tlle olucs of l' 6. o.ranqen'en+s6) \(b) Eoch ctrnnel wcb ia.6za in. lhich F.or. ToblcVlll-2 ro'_'i5,3lt) Afto ' a a''.2 )1r ' 2.na t^J, = 66.9i.a t - o.6a;^.\7 " o -zAr - 14r(2)7 - aa7(e)r a a'(e 6) N7 r 7'73\^ 1 r =6 6 . s+ 4 4 ] A . 3 ) ' + 2 3 | a a 7 ( 2 . 1 ) 2 7r ' 116'4ia 2(44a)7 = 4.4"(s) | 4.+1(a.6a) t - 7.82 \^ i, - ea.e+ +.+z(zaaz t 23 1 a +1(2 e2)2 I" = ro9 in1 o6],) gl u6ths lhe +onefer ardulo q the .cEult ol prcb.sqdetcrrnine the morcnl ol inc"iio ofo homoqencous.ighl circu lclr c-/liadcr obcut on o'i6 lhroosh on elemeni on ifs e,Jrf;ce. 'lhe cyl,nder hoc o.noss M \ o rod'ue I = ./z Mr. prob 862' g. &5) By leinq fhe lmnsfitr lormulo ihs ree,rll of dcld.minc the momenl ofincrtio ofo homogenearespherc of mos€ M \ rodius . $lh rcspeo+ lo o lo'rgeol l.firattt'da 7 ' 7/e rkL e66.)W 'JEinl tlie l.onsfc. forflulo \ the resull ol Prcb s63. dete.diie the rnomenl ofinerlio ofo rod wllh r€specl loonoli€ through lhe cenler of goviiy peependiculor 1o the .od F--- I=,hML2 t- i ! t4d2 hML'.--i 4 r,4(Lt.)z i-r]!t ase) By usinq the tronslb. lormulo h ihe resuli oa prob s6l'dcierhine ihe monenl of inerfio of {fe rectongulor ponallelepiped stlown in Fiq.a-2e wiih @cpccl lo o aedion lme oflhe z facelo.c l\c d€d'oa li.c poro.bl lo the ,i orig .' _ Mb, I cz)(r12)+M1chf = 1/12 VG' I c.) r 1/avc. = I Uz t^(b. r 4c'z) {he md"Enl of 'her'iio of the |^%tohgulor po.ellels6e) Dcle;ine o. F,9s_29 w]{h lesp€cl to o^ or,e lh@.gh eop€d chodr in Fi9.P_€6s 6e slP r.rolbl lo lhe Yoris | (c/r), r " M6, 1 Mdz = r1, M(o.i.,) t M<o/2), . u, M(o,+c"\+ Mlr@. I c/.f:]' - U, M(o"&') | M(o7a+cYa) r - % M(o'&'1) r t57 gr2) DclcFmina lh6 rno.r'cnlol inortio o{'o holbw 6t.ol cyli with rcEpert b ils georneiric orie. Tho 6yl'hde. i6 r{1 long q hoc on wlddo dioaelcr of sfl q on in6ide diomeler ol2fl. 9lccl v/ebh6 ato lb p€r fli v.r(i.!'-i')(r) - 3.e2t ll! f- Ma" =va@zgs)l@fiX sf ' <,11 'I-gznlltb-scc' s7r) By ugrng +hc melhod d,icuc.cd in pr€b. sTor delc.hii€ lhe nloli€nt of ir€rlia, with r€spsct lo lhe qeordc|c oxie , olo c./li/]d6. of mdia. R liom lhich is d.ille, o conoenl.ic hole ol radiuc r. Oer.ole lhe n a6s of the rca,l+i.g hollo./ cyliaCc. by M ' \ +he r''as€ porunil volqme by Y. \q mi for th, cvl'ndar M "I V t,r (. \ v,'rRrh - mi -brR'h .n ',.' -, ro. n r'4" Vr -lfrrh - ftr = lrr'h M-dv M-Erh(R'-.i) ' t - Yrlm,f -mcr'] : r', fErR'h(C)-Irr"h ('.'! . ,t b,rhI Ra_r.] , =Y2 Erh<R'-r'\(?'+r') ' \/|M(e'+r', rcd 6{1 long n lolcs about on o>,rg perpendic 'Ihe rod y.€i9h6!alb. C.oinpul€ z ft . lrwn oneend. rne,.tio obou{ lfrc orie of rololion. i. y'r, MLt uz(%ez z)(e') +(ao/zzz\(1ll " J +.97 ft -lb-s..' €7s.) For o houo* cost-iron sfifi. ol 2p in oulsdc dio.ncle" in inside diornete.. morr,enl of incdio q lhe 6smpule fhc \16 rodiu€ ol g./.otrbn w,lh rl:6pocl lo o drbrnct€l.. Co€l tron v.ebh6 .€o lb per cu.{l. w - aso b/lla 6iven: tr6.2O'.'. R=1oin. p; .16"... y,. g in d-Ktb. 158 - e7s) O€lc.m;ne 162 (111)(22,2 ) . R?Ztsin. lhc rronEnl ol inc.lto of lhc coct -iro.r fty*frect 5t!6^n in Frir.P-o7s wilh rqepocl lo thc oxie of mlolion. The hoe sir elliptr'oal spokc6, 3ra il |n crosg gection .,vhich mo7 be onErd6.ed os €l€Fdo. nodr. O6l iron v..rghe .tso tb pcrcu.fl. w.-Er(R!-r.)L j rim wh =Er(R.-r')! r hub Ws . drobL ; ftf, on€ epotes xf Qgla(v.-ze.) tz = tlss.ge tb. r"'a"o' \'P-" -e' K- wfr I . 6.2 f1-lb-s6c. ' w - 1924.23 lb elO A 6b.dcr toil ot o@rnt thc mor.'€.{ of F.+'+-! --,1 F .N . 4e tb/frd(tra1 ,O = rrr2,astb a2.2 | t42) J w -.9orblfl. (v) -qob4 Gs27X, r. /z M(R'rrr) . tu\*e)ltt * .l.,a" n., u'%F:9I r'tb .8gE(s2 -2a)I . .'\-aatb. w3 . G94f.(r.5X2)(23) = 56..4e lb. 1725 ij il II L = y2 rn(t . tra) - * (aaze,hz.z)[*' +zd)l*) 1. = 2a6.9 l1-v>-sa.2 Ih -12 M(e.|r.) - Y2(32ah2.z)l(s\ 2'Y 1al lh = a+29e fl-lb-seca Is-n(lrMd') "^(!/,.Mr' + Md.\ " e z(sc,. +s7tz.z)(ttTrrf+@a.+y32.zl @,e1Q' f lt^ I5 = €,n fl-lb-eeci ' 2O6.e+ o+29e1 a3,11 .I * 230.3+ fl,lb _5€c2 159 I roor) O'j a ccntoin slrctch of .trsch, tr.ihs cun oi oomoh.Hor foF boch 01-o €toppcd l.on shoutd o qo.ninq taryado ba r,tog,J lo cignol on on coming t.oin ? Assurno thot lho brakes o.o oDpliod ol once \ Etord thc lroih ot tho unilbrm rola ol'efl poreool \I' W " 2ae , to - @}EBg- eslvsc. -Ee'. -2(2)s s = 1936fl o. 0.367 mi . lhrewn vorlicoll/ upwo.d q rctums to oo.lh il ils niiiol vobolly q how high dij it qo? \o. -e.a1(10)- ee,1n/s Cl''opIar 10 Rcc{ilincor Tron€lolion -vo - -32.174(1o)= 321.14f1/s s-rrgIa = hb.s1\Qo)'- 4o6.sm. t s - '/egI' " h G2!7a)(1a)2 - $oe:t fl . rcoa.) A boll i€ d.oppcd lrorn tho top ofo lowor soft high ot somo ihsionl ihot o socond boll i€ lhmwn upwo.d i..om +ho qr€ wilh on inilbl volooltyof .aofl/scc. whon \ Whor€ cb {hcy poss, g- with whol .6lolivo v6loo+y? !. vo.t, Jrqf - aI-h(rz.a)t'.-..-O h - 6o-t6rt. - -@ 8o- Jb'r{ = aoI - y2ba,2r{" h = € 0 - { € . 1 ( 2 ) 4 . 1 5 ' 6f r c n l h o b o d o m s'= 60-15.6- 6aa fls ihe top vh = ao - 32-. (2) = - z+.< f\/"oo vf1 - 3a.2Q) - c+.+ (t/.e, Y " d4.4 - 24.+ - 1o fl/soc. 160 l6t r I rl ; l'.r,rp6d do'i| o riol \ 5d: ''Gloio' |lb 6oud A dds rG) r@ eI wt'6..' ' |f $r olottfr d soro of $E splocf ; L.rd ? *|ul j. lho d@lh d lta"/G[ bdlfPod ti = fi.c trtrbdorl3 _ i{'odtd lobo hcotdiE G. ud t^-t - Crn.=r-- d =!st Gdtd a=:F,,o(s-h)-@ a=fg6 d'h(!,''dh' \- as66& E+ rd' d d= i6r({ €er5)'- as.3l ll. of, |lb +b6h ffrT@l g.&- |6 if ftlosd'rd ErSd-L ''€ lE'd dfid' d'12 dti ' Y,(6L2)\' 6- rro(+-r.) ---@ r lor: a&4trtdt ' l@(+-ln-, - r64t ,rrao - tnzol. _ re-r lt' -b 1lF E' q.E*44i6 trq ' \= , a ..e r@ qDl \b. = zaa|@ " rd6-h = Jt (")t' n-l"er.fi h- $'a-raL' i- *' n-**t'L. i-z't;rc h. w au"lvp tw tA. lho 1.1sl@o -'"-@ z+at aa. $ta raL €6o, = sr21 3*.+. 153,2 t Ey luodtutic *.'5s6- l6s ;h=rd6o t6(5)a = @ ll. 3 e 6 . 4 . \ a ( s } s + , 4 ) , 1 61 ( e . 4 r 4 - 4 ) 2 'Ja . $e . 6e fl /eac 16,1L2 Et t = sa6+ b.. l - 2,sj6 s.a p1a) A sto.a ]E thrr*n vr.licolly up f.!n +ho gtu"nd wrlh ovolo_ o;,ly ol ta>'|/ea tlow tonq musl 6o *dtt boFo.c drcps^q o snc slono [@ ]ho lap .f o 6cr, ld*e. ,f ]ho rwo sro^oc orc ro poss ooch olhor 2oo tl fmm tho top of tho io*cr : too. Y,6a,e) Ot.na - L')" 2<n. 1.1\(n.ftb)z z(zftat) - t,"l 87 qlodbf;c ca ' n21 h' s6,411) - rc,.1(t 1)' h' 96.6t -96.6-16.1t. t 32.21-16.1 h ' M 6 . a L- M n L a , n 2 . 7- . . - @ iooe.) A bon i< shol vcriicolty rnlo tho oir oI o lataoi+y ol 1s3,2 ft wr 6@ Aflor +3cc, orciho. botl i6 6hdl yo.t,oolt/ tdto tho d1. Whol lnilrol yoloo,ty mlet |ho 2nd bdi havo ia ordo. to nool lho firEt boll i66.+ ft tlon tho grcund i h- 8 st|'X- v'(a47(r 42 h= 24'6t4t* -1&r'r6F;t-'+-'-@ *{= ae.3t-pi/. 12}.dl,!6.da 112.7= 6.'' L L - ra soa. h = +€.i (1,+) - j 6.1 (1 .a) ? h = i6-o6a fl t - Limo li)r fhc rsl boil t-a = l,mo Ln tho 2.d bolJ €/'' \-47 = 23r-6. [1d= r."tb$a)2 at on oredftdr of 16r) A slFn o'uppoa Gbn o ood;io bo$dr ic F'dl66tad 'dl;@[Y uP !.r'Xd ofaltla'€16€ ,* il L* ."*"r' g-k lf ez e' 24€ of ft Pr 6@ 116 $o nd *-$i Jc&rdi'IY rod "-*' dto' *i$ ilio6la@6s F* -fcn" \".se"6 fl F €'" g-zen^!-.' L. tioo f6. tho ict€tooo t r - !,8 fb. tL 2".t etdt h- a.3t - 12G2.2)r, h ' 1 s . Bt - { 6 . r t z , - @ dr(s ta) : rGr t t @-flrolr'rjui i.d ioo€) A stono is lh.orn vorlicolly upwo.d flh iho qmund wilh o voloc'l) of +s r fl par soc. Ono eo<.nd totd. oortor stmo ie lhro{a v6rt,@lly Dpdond wilh o v6tocit/ of e6.6 fl ponso". How fo. obovo fr6m lho grcund will €tooo bo of thosono l6vot 2 L. 1?.$e 6a. 212.. +7s6.1e s* asr, a %j I, 2 9' . D :4s56"sa sss4st,1161ti" ' 1 6 d d s / q u odmlia t 4+ rN ga\, 1,8,e66... 163 q, quodm{ic fomulo you eo{ vf - ,ao H/. b,, el - 66 4/s rea ar go+ sal1/1 86fl/,$ " ElgsC " -4j19. ' eo -ph .o11) /, Ehip boj^g louirhcd €lido€ down tho wo96 wtlh o con€ianl occolorclion .51rc lakos e €oo lo clido jho i"sl fooi. How long wi sho tok! to €lido down tho v.o'le rl th;. longth i6 62E fl., Gr-| - '/a(oa\%)(r2) I - 2aasac n 3hi^,2aeaa. c. I fl whon t. e 6-. s - '/egL< - 12ot2 t. rz a G)2 .t o- o.o.12s fl/sq: roir.) An ollomob'l sto.t,;g f"om .6i spa.ns up to aoll pcr wnh o conslont o.a.la@lta^ al atl pa. s&,, tuns al ihis €pcod o t;mo, L finol/ cdno. ld rc.si w'ith o docclorotion of sl\ por a:1 E tho latot d;sloocE{raolcd i6 loooft, fhd }hc lolol tima rcqU. oivon: vo=o soth: '::;"';:. d-.1V.2 o' Bnl' \-en/e ffi*ffiG+ vf-v, - ati o-.sft/sa -t4- 40-4\ Rrrid: tolotI;nc .. 1Ds@ q- Y,6)dq.- 26(r. ,t - s./ra _ s. . .aot, v f _ v 6' _ o t 5 --{0- -5te*+e- s!= a.l!,i v,6(6y *1eb 6ee = $oft . 9+S4iS: 2tb I s. t 16o - ter * s2. e44 €+ cao.4ot,z -+,2=16e@. Ti - ij +t"+tr -1tt,16t6=3+se. A t.oin trovot. botwooh lwo €tot,b€ th nite od.r+ i^o mlhihum iimo ofa6cc lf the trcin oc,elo^oloe !.t do&toE+o6or a fl pa. 6@" , slo.l froi rc61 oi ihc rai olalion ,\ ooming to o siop d It 2d elol;oq,wta, ;6 its morihum cpoed ;n mph / How ldng doo6 ri iroyol o1 ihi6 fop 6pc€d ? 6iven: d- ,/z h le a"ofl/.' sathl n-u/'. o1, - v1 - etr tt - al eoc ro4) Foqtl , rcr. €p6d in hfh \ distaooetm€t o.t lhi6 lop apaad ta-i. i -v{ = -6t, s'=vlta- 12@r,. Sr.S.r9e - o,5 hiie 26tu- ry', vfL.+,tt\ - t4 164 4646= rl (41-!L) 2cao = avt vt' a 10rc) nb ou.iotubile mo.ng di o coneionf vclooily of +s fl pon ccc po6€as o go6olrn€ .6lotion . 'lwo ea<.ds tqra, ohotho. oulo_ r l,i{e leavc€ }ho gosoli"" slotrbn ( occolomros ot thc congldnl naio of eft ponsocz. tlow eoon w l iho c.cond ouror,obitc do._ 6i$n I y1. +6fi/s a'6ft/s' R.4A: tina €oth: \1=d/t - 4st=d *a d-t/zo(r 2), *@ atL - ,/a(G)(n ,+rr+) tst - ta _A ta 1 9 t . + , 2+ , + L4 1si t+ -o s/ {uoarc},; t - r0,7esoc I, " Biq _z = 16,1s 6ao . 1 o ! e )l h e n o t i o n o { o p o , { , o t e , c g i v o n b / t n c c q u o l ; o ^ s . 2 t + _ 1 ' r 2l' wncr s € r. foci L t in@nd.- (,onsaa iha "or,ee of v \Go C)r6t s-2ta-L%t212 l'ze"o Roqa: vx\o s . f t 1 ]d L " v = B t r - + oL \t" 0/,6- eg: a L =o - , + t - + , 4 rat + +e) =zon/e a ' a + G ) " - z J p - + +- s e r + 7 " o to2o.)-A po.}]eb m6/c6 in o 6troigh+ hno ocoording to ihc tow 6= t" - 1oi wham .thc€ ic i. f1 &-t in 6cconae.(o)Whon t-seocs, oomputc tho volocily.(b) fdrd rhc ovo. vctoot|/ du.ing +ho ath so@ads. (c) wrE , rf,c po.i;ole 6'von: .g-t3-.tot ogain .._os to .e6t, wh;t is -,te R.qa: o)vol. b)ovo vot. ,( c) oocorcrctio^ 166 solh: !9-v dt Aa -socad6- + 1'c -t'rfe**r-ol - I ' | l E , + i= l t"c -3t'-ao = ts(5),_ao-e5ti t = t. !{4t9 }qu i_'=- b) c) 3lt v = 3 t ' z- , + o o = slz - 40 4!=o'6t ot r=€"+ --6G65') ' 21s|fl/sc'c2 c" =&'-g)" c"=l@-r" |=36s1sd) nrc $22) Chc.A tho ore{oFG to lll!6 Prob io18 b/ the followrng bv ouccoesi'c thod rr';,le on clprccsion rclol;nq ' b-'J'$ -ao^/Jfle + aifforcntiotion"n". ,n"v '1u' x|tfiFiV v- oa h.'t^7,!1,57r3 conpu+evBe- oa frth rhosor€lohonc lon Fr-- -'t6/./^ .ginc. vs ts doMwond Vs = -v^{on+ xo+ho=zo ; | ={'z;f + h_Y @ .=v"("a+h"\ $ 1 z ,4 t \, - 4 t dI -dr =vB d:,=v^ =v" ip1e.-o" r" .tl * ##"& ri$ .iffi'/{(Hh{rtxd^ t h"Va,? '.F1iz .{G1na" '/e-ts 6dYf4*e" = 6t1/. o" = le (iyJ-+,a' ,[ o" (o'\'/('tT,,x)" = 6c7tt/s2 'd?iJ lllo rccllllnoo- ,'t:t'o" ol o pait'c'o F at'aqb/ -''te-e ro, seo\v'3 whd'o s G in Fot *.v in foct P." €c.rhd. V\4pn t fl por *r Flnd lho s-t,v-t, 9\ o-t sr9-v- t=o;s'o ;v'3 FEgrdI s-t, v-[,qo-t + !'=.lsre * a-k _n9 $-ti) Th6.4[ln of o Fr{rclo-re .!cfr6d hv l+6 '!nati.t! o-4t. *}{,.a o is h fI ptq>a h t h 6.cor*- nl G Frse l*8t s-rll \ v= z'pd"..c *ho t t €6t' D6lctrlr|o +/r'Dtulolirs*s bofrrc..r {\i"s\t,Yr-6 s,= zl3 +_L +3s=atrz+r .9-| V-' t-t RoqA : Y-i, 6 i, v-< s)tk: 6{/4L - 4 ',t=4:,c''L2ta tL'1 c=oril '!=21-' = 3 us =c(r9(tf .s= +'t r(.v)3 1r x{- 35$!L+t }rf -L-{i}G (ts-r).{r -s=2f+c - *e:s,!e aE - z6,oo'e de 167 166 ella =t dorota Th6 .,olocilt ofo pd*kJa $odg olo'rq lt|o t 0'66 is -13; v'16 $*Eo p6.6€6dtd r f@l \t( fii*d i"r=tt-+'2+6x x:zfl' $tEd vd,6 ooc'lcralm4 of lho li|o Cs'p,Xo fcol+ 6(.) s.ilir: ,t=ei'-44ff d.a'. f-r"-4'+6r ,t= +Ftlw r=a vdv = adr Fsid: o o =ydt/at dYdr-3"-ar+6 1=z!):+c s==lo.s - z d{y'at__ o =+<z) = a ftfe. - y<\./;6.+r,aB6r) q6= t v & = d e-aE .te = v{ 1026)-lhaholio. of q po"licle'r. g6vax'ad t't tho oquotic.,o'-s+' {hcro o i6in f@l Ftsa>" ksiEinfcot.Yv}ant=rsco,s-afl t\ t=a11 pa'acc. Dolodninolho rclol;on botwc€nv\t,G\t,v\s. \- 4/- - nt6i"on- o'- e7s" lo93) rron +hc v't cu.v6 in f ig- p-1.E3. dctarninc lhe d\€lotyo l.olalad in a 6ock, olso la66cc. Aleo skolch ihe o-l &, 6-i curvo6 opproximolely lo .scalo. Vr' _14+60 S,- ,et72 | at &, s . - & . 4 a t , .+ 40=-5G)'t6o(+)+c2 cr - -12O s. . -5Lz,6o1,-1?b L! 1.C.4,v-4 Rcid : ! r, s-1,,Y-., !,olh,, ods =,tdv \dv - - s/szds 'r4l - ::As\ +c rc +t - 29Y "'/' (*)'/" 'c += y . - 1 5 s - .+ c 1l s-.+ kv.2 .: c =o at = 2h s'e t(-1h) 12t-2c!4-+ Qt' = 2 (t%)e/'1 -a P T = Q A - + s _ ta/]. s.hG)(.o),4oll s. Y'<.)(.o). ,a{1. 1o27.)Iho ^al;o^ ofo porltolo'Eljtaa bya=avvz,*no<coieinll por ecc" k v ic h ft po.6oc Whcn t j6 za.o, €=6 (y -o. F,hd lh€ rololioo! batwcon v kt, s&, t, v\s- dtia . eL2e-9l'+c RqA. I I,s-L r-s s o t n t d % L= 6 ' t ' / " du/clv - dt air,y,. " aat ' a ' , t v- z6 t t o if t.o\v-o-'. c.o zvrt - al , f c ' 6 r < t - -o . ' . c . 6 =:t3re 5=+|:+a n -.'(rl')" ,e s={ya"c E@ gs = vea +s+ v.5t g.st% tct q 'sL'/t p3a,) Thonolion of o po.liato elortine fron rr^sl ic Aovornod bf lha o-L cu.1o ehownin Ftb.p-1.Ba.5r{o16hlho v-t. &,s+ c1.tvcd. Dalc,nni^o lhc dEploccmonl 6l L.g6cc. c.'-e \4. -tlbl2 | 2ot - 6a t, . '1!/a 1o2b) tha rnaliatl al o porlplo i6 qoranad b7 lho "clolia", a.+1". '16 in 6€0. Whon I\.zcro,\"211./s !^s=afccf. whor\o a r,€in fl/e, i( t ftho lhc "ot"cc of v q\q whon I ?ecc 2-48:&-a-e:.v=t\lt2 3 v= ah(e)1'2 = p.zt fL/s .'.s=4t+Zetzt14 R e q i r : vk s w h o nt . ? dshL=+tZ+2 s-+rhz+2Itc S o t aI d u / d L .+ t 2 e-ae)%eree)++ \/= +t7. rc if L.o\E.4; c=4 168 tl t..O t\l.o ,.. Ct-ta Y1'L' =62'36fl/s Y.'+/6t'raoLrc. 9. b./3tq;\| s1.o t\ 1.o...a.o s1 - L'A =@f/s- 72 fl . B6 - -+/. (.)'r ea(6 t c4 169 \h - 2/314 | 2oL- 60 s.= -z/st + 242i. ,@a t C. gr-q- 72 rt, l=6 72 = - ./s (.)' | 10<6)' - 60(6> t c2 eL "-t/oL, | 1oL'- col | 12o e.= -t/s(qt'| 1oA)'1-@(e) tr2o 9' 22o n luo) An obja:l ofloins o valocit of r6fl Ft's<t W llr.lixt in d stroighl lne y{ilh oh oc.€L,rolion wrrich varice unifrrty {roa zoa b a ll paeea' ia e+c. Ctt .q'ta fle irnlial wlocity { tulanol A*c l\o danqa in dieptacz:inonl durinq ]tu a a (tlcr}\E. uaioq br n{tlon cuNcc \ .}Eok 6 st& AE = Y(L i,) + Ln@" \ -T" = -6 (c-o) +fJ,.,)/'7('a-.) ro.a) nn oblolo. woighinq s22olb 6ia-ls G6m.?sl \ ocouirDs on Lrpword\cloc,t of 6oofl por min in o d,slonco of zon. if tho occcloroiron i€ oonslonl.Whoii. lho lonsron in tho ololofc. aoble? Eolh: lr (,n/6o), = poAo) f\, a'2..fi/e' | , llr w7e(o) | | ll r uv s.2o(l 1 ' i+1o h @4€.) n mon waithing 161lb is in on otdolo. moving upword V 6r occolorolion of 8ft pcr d.'. (o) Whol prossum doos ro oxcri on ll., floo. of lho olovoloc ?(b) Wul wilt lho prc.ecuro bo 'rl' lho olovoto. i6 dc,scondinq with {ho cono o.<bla.oIic ? a. qfl/e' Roqii : o) prcE€uro ho 6rcFi b) p.oesulE iF cldd.lc. is d'x@'Jing V lhe Gomo a) Tr w - V/9 (d) I - 161 = 1a/s.4 (B) T=401h. b) |-* - -Yq@) I -161=-(1'/a2.i)(4) 1 = 1 2 1l b 1ot) Thoblock in Flg pr1oa3rooohoeo vooolv of go fl po- eca in €o{1,slor'ling l?omrtsl. Conp,,lol1-ooofitijoni ol Kholio f^io{on botweon lh6 blooK h lhe ground. C =- 6 \o. - snlE \bn. fhc oar. 6 od otjlaol d&.6!as ettoraV fro.a €R gz. scc' lo a.o i^ 6 e,c al !/o lift, n yotc.tf k lall Fsa:. Yrd lll' initiol volacrly tq t|lo chonga in dl.plo..nanl d,'!ioq lte 6 @, inloryol. gcl"o b"1"s'rrq moliotr cuR€s \.,lla6k bt alc^Aws Y--./2t'tol-11 if v-v. \ !-o v. " -ftFIs As = v{r.-[t * i'Eo z-{ . r. - i&-o) | oh GJ(4' . 6) L. = 12t1. i f Y - @\ 1 . 6 lhorcfar€ -c- -ra Boq'd' cocfl,dBntof hie1,; fr,;1,;n ' ' t 2- L o s - a a ' . - 2o&,a) o- 6 tl/e' P-r =no * 60- 164(lL) .1.14e" 6) y'L =012422 1o47)Dolomirno tho forco p thal will g;vo tho bc,Jt io Fig_p,.to+t on oc.olctul,br of 6fi porecc. Ihc oolloionl of h,nol,'o l-.icllrl ,so? 6i!a^ | o=Gfr/szli.-de @)h, r-(222-P./)a,2 = (322 - 3/!p) cz p/ r-- -- 2" t'*!r. 4/sp -(ve 1kp)o.L -re4y'e22 (6' 4/sP -G4.4+o4/eP -ho " = " :"". .^ .2>v,,7|'7+2- l?o t7l a rc.r€) A tugnolio Po.liclc vdqhinq 3'G gmm€ i€ p'rllod lhough ooloroid wilh on occolom{ron ol o nrolo.ePonsco' Compu'lolho 6rco '4s496m6 \1h '2'atcii in pdlrdc dolinq on tho porliclo llo{e: l b 1 z A O - 1 . 3 7 1 Q- 2 d y 3 2 . 2 O ' . pa1e2 2 tA rco I a lrcd @b6|tulo. 6io^l \l- 3'6g - 7s2s3rtri3lb - 7.*z95r1o''- 6s.flt) --Ezn 2 tD,i t,u(rcarstto\-otto 2AO 117 - 4,261a - C.21A no - 19,c9flk' d- 6 nlsa - 236.22in/s2 F ' o'o0443tb Fea: Fd<F *i,) f* lbaLt A t-B anr r€looe€d Fo' rosl o" o 30'holino llD, o'r,'ofl oporl. Iho cooffioic.'t ot f"iclbn undor lhd wPor blocL^ i6 o,2 \ lini undor tha laio. blook B i6 a+ Compulo lho olopecd timc unlil lho block louoh. , |a5+) O' 6.4, 11/6..' $-B in f6. P ros4 o,o lwo bod'es 'Ihoi..olion ecpoelod b./o (;pri.g. down tholnolino iE ros'6lod b"/ a lorca P = "a)lb lf'a @om;,cnt of Kjnolicf.rollon is o30 undo. A !.. o,1oundo. 8. Do lcmlno thc lorco in tho firng. A^'a z t\fz'a7 R.qZ : I'lho lo clapcod unlil golulion I B6ine' - o,+8ut4' *'o bLrks talch - e22.4 at qB - a.% f)/s' a,2 A ctbts - if..2 A6i.e' <t^ a^ , @,n fr/ee 3-'/aaat2',Y2(1 ss)I" 5or9 -'/ea^L"' k (Io$ta) sa! 217512-5.2asL2 1 4 23 s''' of lho bodic.e in rig.P1os2 il ltho occobroibn @e2.) Doio.mlno grnoolh \ n is hoovior thon F' tho fi'xcd dtum is .' su64. 2 to1 w^-r =w^(o/e)--A^ -<) 1-\\b -N6(4/s\ T.w€ tws(4/9) w^-r't6-vae/d '\'/^(qs) awA-w6)q - o \t^rw6 ro.e) Rofiedng lo Fig P- 1oea,ossu'nc A woighs aoorbd B woighs 1oolb pol. lhooo.rlomiionof lho bodicsrf lho @fnbio"+ of tu.otic fnotion ie o,to bol. th,coablos- thaniod drum W^- 4oolb J.o10 r^Aa" "fr .,(.r) rt/ta . e 1 t . 1 , a 1 1 g- 2oo- f^ - 2.144.. (o) - O Is - 1oo- tooAa,2G) - @ O l J^'o,so 5a'o"to o+A. -,@ | "A@o) - a/.6.n)(o a)ts ='i.%2.eo -s6rs.^242a -"4 018, 3/E(6dr) s - +/s @).Xoi) - aehc,2 a zte -s - B.ezq --.9 a. e.e4l7/s. |g = 1se.4 tb. s - 1e"42(6,24) cAofli.ianl &8.) lta of Fnolb f.iolion Dfttar bto.k^ in Fig.P-tost i6 o,3ol\ undor blo'k I ie o,2a. Ftadlho ocolorolion oftha eyslon t( {lr lonsronn c<[i ctard,. al ct at, -12 = at/82e ot --O (o.2) ^l O, 1^-11-2e 6tn3o'-2e @6@" c ' a'gtze a 1n-tn-ta1.c+-c,zto -- @ atA. 1i - 14 c'.e' 1e.zt4. (oe). pfu _tl _7s 90 = 3,110 -\ 1./s.gA+3,11a sltgl. h lb@ ,14 -\ E 9e+ 6 ,11d) - 14,.+ - c,21 A 1 2 - 2 1 a , 6 , 2. 9 . 8 2 6 - - . . Q t72 i1 12+2o146 f r c t r ,1 . € 312- 12,42o -86 =1s,63.a sub6Liulo 16 2, 296 - il O9A t73 -o ea I l le- 2tdc2l9,a2a gubet,luio lo 1 I,aza = 3oa/4iea z& - 410,621 99.39 " 146+a a. +,e tt/sa : 11. 1s.sbr 3'11(1'c) - 9o.s1lb 12 - 210.62I 9,t2 (4'b) ' zas 3c b. I] , il1l I Choplc'^ Crrwilinoor il 11 Iil Trd'glolbn ll il j u i li ii ii iii l 174 ,75 ii{i ti d 60 to tho slono is thrown froa o hill ol on onglc of {o2.) horjzonlol wilh on inihol vclocil/ of'po{1 por sco Aflor hi}ting lcycl around ot tho boso of lho hill lhc slono hos oovorod a to'i.onlol ai"to"o" of uoofl. Ho* hiqh ie +hohilli --98". -I- , '.'l r =v6c.eet 'I y -,!o 6,^et - y2gl2 - "@ s'"6c;60) - Y262 2)(1o)? / - za3,s7 f7 - o. 2a3,97{1. sholl tcafts o 6a.lar */ a nruzzlc vctoo'lv ol sooll/x': n@.) upwo.d dl 6o'wilh lho ho.izo4tol Dotornih6 tho Pos;lton dirEotcd How high of lf|] sholl \ it€ r€sulloftl volocily 2o€oc oflo. fi.ing il rj 4 t - sa ,xa'G") | _ 422o,2st1. . -soocasrn" =o -v" -9f * zsol|/. vr v-vo '1/ - sdst e' = -3..(.a) 9 " 21o,esfi/s [;qQo.rr. b - v,is,"ls - 1=na3.9Ata4791a.sh2 \100a.9x- 447914,<a-A x 1338.s3 tt. "t - rsa.c - 1s3.2sm3dI - lz G2.2\ L2 /.f - 2 s 7 , c- 9 c . 6 1 - 1 6 , 1 I e t. = Ssoc . =vo 1932 coeso'(B) = j338.s3 fl coset X pob.1104 11tx) Ror:pl if iho pmjocl,lc ts I,'rod downwo,n ot&" hor.i.ontol tho to so\t\: '/ = ro6iet I '/29+. 2sa6 - 16r.2 eB.j t I tk (az.z)t2 xst,l - 96,cLr 1a,1lz srluodmlio -I \h91'z .t =\a6tral =s'ast u; &o) -Y, Gr'L)(,a)z | v =J*';f *.(&*.".) = 2(1sa.2)'?c6623a' soo'sda6o' - 2911,5 ll R-ffie(^F,t""e) Io.P-s1, y2gIt o-voEt^et 'to6t4 = hgt * \. =Yo(ce(.'tostne\ | = Yoastr'zo --T ' ' s ol('/e,h);t 't,/2 J noa.) n pajoctilo i6 f i"od with o" iniljol \otocilf d 1w'2l1/s6o' uP{oid ol od onqlc ofro' to }hc haizoniol G€mo po;r} 257-6fl abovoo tovcl ploio Whol honzonlol di6lonco will 1l coron boforo co6(=t/( R=.lE-;t- 176 x =!. c(lseL = O3,2 (.620. (z) x = 33+ 63 t}. 1106:)A p.oictclilo is fircd wjth on lnit;ot volo6i{y ol\o ftpo. e66 up{o.d ai an onglc ol a' w,th tho horizontol Find }ho honzonlol dislonoo corcrtd bafdt lhe projcclilo rotr:rrr to lis origlnol lovol. n lso doio.minc lho lr|]^rmurm hoighl o oit)@ b/ lf'o prejociilo &s,d) - 3,.1e i/s. 29 it cl.ltos Jho lo\&l ploia ? Fo"murd rr=v"."e _,hr(ya;41 fav"ere s,nzg _ vo,s,n16 h - v'o-z T --{ h =-voi-erq:q ta 177 2,to 6ihe I .roz) Tho oo. shorn ln f!g.p-11o1 is lrrl to cloon tho wqtoi-o{T volocitv v" fillod gop. Find tho lok6 -f .\to etno-l -t/.g|. €blht h -r/a 3/ - r -..O h=Vo€'not- l/.91r ' O at 2 -',tost^tdt ' Y.(tt'2)It &za =vo.t"to'l I - za/to subcl;lulo ctol. -zz.a - $snto (n7g ,( = Vo cAg Ct -f - 1@ !,intc,b7I - 1a,1f _7=61,zcL-rctle_ @ ^ = 1@@6tO,O7I -. -@ - 16.1(4ok)e ,t'a\ot '6440 \o " 11,14ll/66 o,* 11oO) bon i6 hro.,r' Eo lhat il iusi olcor6 o aoll fat$a 6oft o*o". tf il toft tho hond .tfl aboio tho grourd u-ot o a'gla of oo' io tho horizonlol, whol wos lho iniliot vclocrrtvollho bo f t=tz6ct-.@ yo - a0,+ll /sac. rlos) oolc.mino lho drsto.co s o{ v.hioh o boll lh'own (o \6loalfyYooC rcofl p6.6a6 ola onqloA-ton-r3la willsl.ikc lho hclino .ehown h F&Z.P'11@. ailont uo .16flls -e . la^'' 5/1 n ' 3A,A1' RtqA; distonoos r?8 s= t@za6f {@ 'tl\t, el - 77,66t -2s,991^.@ s, +st.z fl . )'l 11io)In Fig-p-t1og, o ball thnxrn down lho holinoetnk6; .ilal d di€.la^@s- 2s+.5{l- If +hobolt ni€ca lo o .no)(imumhdrghl h-o+afl. obovclhc pci'olof rolcaso,oqnp,rtcils i.iliot voloctly Yd\ anolination +. 6rvcnr h-6+.{fl. ta: sinp -A/s 6.aei.sfl.'/n.rl/qs+,s -{-Ao..efl. R4d 1 vd t\l @l = x/o 3A:a x/ag,s - \-241,1.+f7. _so,s=yosno[ _/zgLa_. _O t41 11 ' \o (rcE61 - -@ 64,4 " f6:-g!1&- tvoitae L9 5{]b6lilulo €di, h - vo ,tn€l - t/29I' \o-e - uo Lt^a(l,aho) - 16.1(trg/,r.)' go,g Y.t . zat1Etlo 2\'1, - a6,gsX . 6 ?-14l - r6i ( tr = s'el 6<,0 t - 726. (s,4) = 449.ll. '/ . 48,s6(8,61) i4.,sz 1. -61.4 @ -8o,9 = 64,4t - 16,11. t _ s6cc 2n41 - ,to cb6e (s) Yo @6e - 4a ,469 v9€ma . Ton€r. e4,+/+B,t,A -o--satzz, yo.,xe \o stnsa,137= 64,+ * u. - O6,s f.l/s fltlJ Rofor lo Fig P ilfr r+. find "( lo ..,-ea lho W.jc<'tio lo polnl 8 ih oretty a soc. \'vtrot is.|ho dielodco^ ? n -u- I at - la'q1=-ro -e66hq((4) -x,1 G) { stA4 - 0,404167 4 : 24.a. x.voco6qt . casaa,z.(a) 6 x 3sot7 fl. t7s I 1r1s)n portlclo ho6 suoh o cu.v;linco. molLbn ihot' ils x cco. _ dino+cis dofinod b/ x =st3 iost whcrc x G in inch€Es\ t in,ec coid6- whon | = zeac, Ihc ioloJ occolcl.dirb. ie zs n pcr Eccl lf thc y conponenl ofaccole.ofibn is conslonl t\ lhc po.+i €to.ls f.oo rcsl 01 ihc o.igin \^?hont.o, dclc.m,nc ihc lolol x= v; co3s,t= a.1 . s66cose(6) \clod+f |\han | "a6d.. 6ivcn I x..str-ro5t I- 2saa. a'?s ink: €-'33-08' r:29!!!g ' h.Vo.snet - '/z(s2'2)t t-, '7s' =60'iarz a -J n T i a V ar 4s ia/s,y,. h " 9 6 , 66 ' i e a s 6 ' ( 5 ) 1 61 ( 5 ) 2 h - -133.25 Fl. grocn flf.) Ji iE desi€d i6 piioh o golf boll odrDssa 1mp lo o volocrty iniliol rcofl owoy. Whoi is t;o besl olLrbto uso il lha dcod ofbollsloPs lho thol p€rsca: nss'rmc of lho U"U i" 6ofi point tho lobcl os 1,o.st.;hinq iho groon, which ison tho€omo sroPos hovo Iiorn whioh tho boll i6 si.uck nssumo lhc clurJs qroduoloo ol rntccolq ot 6'so thol o no 1 rron hoe o locc In"4-' cl' davn loo cltnci ol f{s' io thc grouno ihc tio 2 iron 01 Ho.s irgn inolincd ol32' X - vo'srnzd I e'cast^24 E22(@\ 31,72' rl.€c llo.9 rrrr\ F 111a)n €iono hos on iniliol vclocrty of 1oofl Poreoo uP io thc riqhl ai so'wllh lho horizo"tol Tho compononls al oc'a)c-.u+'a (jon' -2a tlPo's'<: o.i cc",stont aI a^- +f1rrr scoa a\og= rEoohos pufo tho hodaonlol disionco covcn'cdunlil tho €iono o poinl 6, f] balow ilc oflginol olovoiron 6i!c^ | va - (n lt /€ r, -roco.eI I Y2al' +-3a', ox. -afi/s'. x. @ocasaa(6)I VzCa)G\2 at=-zot\/s",y-aoll t = +47.62 fr Roqil r ho.izd.lol d€ton c '/2 gth: y = Vostne'l Al' -Eo . rcocF za | - t/a(2o)L2 6/ Quo.ltu1i. )o" gcl tfr Y o t u co f t . 6 € c c . 'tt -- 1s(+)2- ios 13s in/6 Vf - arl - 45(4. fto in/e , , / r 2r Y f 2 ,i r.,-.16; n18-) no.rul occaloftI;a^ af o rr,.ticto on tho rim ofo puttcy _Tho @fl in diomcta. ic con6tont ot socofl pc.€co2.0oio.minc thc€_ tE d af lhc pullcy in rpm. 6tvenI d=1o{t o^ - a'.rt n/€2 Rcoil spccd ;n .pm =rd o" =-vl - eooo ,t -2@ fI /s v - nori 2oo =l Go)n tt = 6,+ rps (60) - 3e2 .pm nig,) nl lhr boflom ofo loop lhc spcod of e,d'rpnna is ao.tnph Thi€cou<oso mrrml o€,al.rcIio(, ol sgfipa.€,C. Dc{crmrhothc rcdius of tho loop. t6 a. = v'/. an-sq /Ee s b2. e)r- Fa x szsot 1/s661' r - flal.64ll. r8l 180 1120)A rxrrlala mo\ra 6' o ai.s)tor poth of Zo fi mdiu€ co tha{ its orc diclo.co fiorn o fi;od Poi'nt on tho Polh ic aivcn t'l '6.+tt - rct whora s ir in lho fool r. I in €c€ond€. Otnpulo tfr' tolal occolcrolion ol lho and of 2s@ sotht !E. 1zt' - 10 "t 6i"a" . r. zofl at ',t= pG)' - 10 - Ba {1/M, s-4t.-1ol Acjd I o 4= 241-ot 01 or= 2+G).a,fi/e a, -va/r - @a)'/eo o^ - 72'2 Il/sa aa.6t1. toh' - (46)' i O..2)4 o - a6.7 fl /6ca' 1l?1.) A porliolo i€ trro"/inqolong a cur"Ed polh nl o c6'iotn in6ton+ whan tho .6lopo of ihc polh is o.75, ov =a fl pot a'. t'o1 - 10 ll par se,' . Cohpulo lhc !0l!106 of ob \ on ol lhls rnslonl K €Ko1ohhow +ho polh curt69. solir I o. =otcdea - o'6'no 6t:f!^: O,-6t1/6' O^ . 10@sta,67' - 6 stn ac,ez" o7 . ,tofl/s" slopo - o,?5 6" _ a.+ $/ca ' . q =G;167 ' .[d'-1F =ar..2 o- lon'' o.rs sl ez o. - Qta t Qaa RoqA : or qq. . (11,.o2)'. aLa| (+.+)' qt = I 1o'8 fl/s2 lze) A stono'ie lhruwr wilh on lnilial volodly ofloofl po^6c. up{o.d dl @' lo lho horiro"lol. Compulo thd todius of currl]lu.€ of il€ poth ot lhc p.int who.clt is sofl hori?ontolly frorn $e iniliol posilion. Y9-1oo6n5o'-322<1) Ai\e..lo=1e'f11. \r = s+.a fl/s P.60'. 4'safl " B as fl/s v..l-so-:;46;T Rc<i4 r.d"& of ' 1 <9e = qA/so Oi.\l?furv lone '\'//\/* -o'.+2,4"t' E'olh:o,.g"e2,2fl/6' -et si.b -\o.ospt .Orcos€ a On .so; rooco660'[ a. . 32,2o)s+7.4",'.21i9 fr /e1 Or"v'/. I-i6c< t '8t.gq)74ts \\ -tr,.as6d - o v! '5o fl/E a - 2so,64n. taz {.r) n slono lrcs on rniliot velocily of 4@llp(,. {i,r'. Lplo. lho right ol o slopo of ,i lo3. Tho conponont€of occclomlion aa. cor,slo l al o'' -r2 flpor€c6'\ 09. -zofl po.soc1 Compulo tho ftdiB of cltnolu.i ot lho stort ta ol thc top of lho Porn 6t:vct1tVo.aeft/s d, - -lefys", o, - -.o fils' R.qA. rodtu. of auNllv.e soli: tt -vo's'"'/ ---ed;- - k1r\'(a/d' - 6aon. 4(-f 11"to€,'^lI - ya,atl' -6a..b(./s)t- hQo)t' a4o. taoL-1olz -, $t. _ 16otr! 640 . o t' - lcL I 64 - o - (t-6Xt-6)-o "' t "a4<! .t,- r.@(./s) - -12(.) on ' oy co6t-, o, ch+ - a O . F O- 1 4 6 t d o Y\'z4fl/. q@(4/E) .b(e) vt = a. - aoft/s' ,tr.o , !-zlfl/s = z+/26 -r o" :v/" . - zO,6Il po.ticlc novds on o cir€lo in occordonco with tho oql.roli?s) tion s " t.-ab who.o s i€ fh6 di€ptoaamanl in loot mccslr.bd olong lh6 oiroulo. polh B, t i€ in ooconds. Two eocords oflor Elonling froin rdel lho lolot ocaatarclion ol lho ponliob ie 48trT ll por *" Compulo tho mdiue ol lho oirolo . 6Ncnt s- I+- Bt , L.aet. o '46.1vl+k2 Rqa | rcd;ue of lha OiElo s .t+-8t 6tir vt..+fl)'-s' 40. = (21)r-1211. 46lys. OL=1e(4)'= o.- AL.rOna (roJ?)'-&O'ia'" ot' 46ll/e' l89 t l o ) ' e - 2 . +f 1 / e 'trzz.\ Sot"a lllus Prcb 1146 usrirq lho ff : dolo: W-loolb j V 'r':aB L=tsin. u ' v c n L l e i n" . l l w =loolbr v=8.b3f]/s solh tone =vu/a. " -r:9- -t @4?er 8 o3act69 -1 =a + B/q{,od.olic at.2L1.5) \2 t = 2rlr/d-1a.d 1 - 2 t -o co6F,= as348 ,e, -, s-1,67' 1".s,.< r ' 2/zz.zIoazo' 1€o) ln FiS.p-nso,thc 2o-tb bal is fd.evJ lo rcIole oround ihe €.n oth i^ei& su.foco of o conin I sholl oj tho "olc ofono rcvolul;o^ int/1Ee. Assunl;d9ld g= 22 fl/6@a, frird thc tonsion in ltx ood q lho fo.co on fhc conicol 6h6ll. Al whal epa€d in no'n will lhc forvo o.r lho 6boll bc.od,o :orv? o q43 6ac tw) A tud qtl. bnq rololos in o ho.izontol ptoho obo'rl o vort'@ ari€ lhrough ils c€.'ion. Al ooah da of lta rv3 is fcsloncd o €ord3ft. long. Eoclr cord suppoele o woighl w. Ccinpulo lho 6lbod of roiotio.r n,ii rP'n lo rnol;ne €ooh cond ol 3o' w'lh lhe t-n/1sacj 912filsz RcdC I lcn6ion \ Fotuc L-sPocd who. Fs-O n - sa,2alb r -39t!]99!d = .t Einso'-2t1 n rtcyrl4 - 4h rps ! =2afn = 2\(2)(4h) v - 16ll/6 far n.0 , da6cl -9.54 - 20 I - A3'1tb. - 2ov',/2G2) a.sl i qt&n = c,6(,31) o.avsYz fEi^so rn<.6{'- w"7qr .o -@ -o,st|=2o \.1* o GI o,sr +o.s.€ti- ao66Y3e@) E2fion1, 1 -(zat o.sr,)/o,B6c - g01ko) n = 22 rPm. t84 - s7B tb. 2. Tcae3o'-n6inro'-w= o*@ x =i,5{1. f . t.5r2 -3.511. Io^e = lYgr 'tonzo' ' ,ra/3zzG s) | - 8.a7 n/5 - 27k,5)n V-zlrn - 8js621 \ = 2.q6rvs . o,so1d/s r =o.an fl - rco - Ta.cs1 61' I '187lt) - r261sll f - tst.]e = rs(st sz61) = etf.t-fi" Ione ' \2/6r +onad ' 'r/32,2(o)+11) Solh: *.Icb6e t ' zt ['79t""e tho \€rlicol Aira . l-1sc!: - u/qY"'"6' st 29- - va.ite+/gL voasa . o t aca+ 3L c o z o o, t " a e e gL ,2s) A waighl ca.@^ltrtlad at llt a,\d ol o cotd fo..n o.o nrbol Fondulum O. wh1ch tho po.iod i6 1 6c€ tolo.ri,nc iho voloo-,lyY of tho wcght if lhc oord rolotcs rncl,nod ol 3d'V o , b ( 2 o r o , 6 n ) , d o 6 6 1 1- A O t l , s s + O , 2 g 9 l 1 rO t e 6 6 r-1 g a r85 ,t -6,o7s lI /s \l -4\an o.ofi "le\k) n7f o n'29r'pm- l l il l t*g) Whol colrnlorwoighl wwiu moinloin tho Corlics go,cli'o. in lho posilior' .show ;i f'b. P- tt:.5 ol q mfiorrolspaod n-rzo rpm. fr'ch plybollwoighs 16.1lb.NcAlcol'|howoight al tho olhor I'hks. w r'6616 o.1lho smoolh Inclinod sur's|'"*,' ,11.) 'fJ n';-ilbody of tciqhl io I is p- 1'a1A ws o\l&heA ta^ f--o \c'tic'r of"'.-" tho bodv fo rofolc V.il oboul lho i'' tho iil-t--" lho spccd in rpm ol whrch lho lcnsion .il i.f."-t." ard \e qual to lhc worlhl of lho bcd) n,wrp^ <Fv-o; lsi.t,it rlsin6o'=w r-<a#o'G) ara'o laa&!; -t1<.'6o' 'W! O l=w ' w n3in60' wsinio'r ll - w- o,5W - 0,9774 W o.ga6 subel ulo to t -o 511arf ./Js6o' = v{r732'G)6e /@sa.; ,1- 8.stz ft/s \=ztfti - 0,912' zr Pca'ao)n/co n - 19.19Om a 20 ryd w^orqhs6a'aD fi32) Tho hamricr 6f on rrnpool ldsling moohlno i, ot*roa io rhoond of o I'i?hlrod ; i;;;-;i'o"t ;-;; o'ie ot A (alwhol is lhc+n L9 ',v'i"l'le p''aoa bo horizonfol c', lho pi'ol on,^stonl aflor boinq nolcoecdttrn il*.'-".';o. jroocl;on l'd boJo'6i'nil l'rf [u.o"', ot *hol rE lhe b€cnrnq e 9 fl p*t " if f r,. veboilt of lhc to.nrncr iq thcn ' Io'6ccr -w solir: a) Tc6ea r.4fl. \ 6eto ' 44"+ T-7+,36ll'*R bl T- w twv'Zr ' c+ + tlc++(s o)"J,/szz(t) =R' T=81'8lb lha a$cA 4a2o rc5).To aha€k ihc mdius of o 'oilroad. "Fvo' qt'la susts)dd lb wo,bhr is obcarycd laLJn 2a7 6n o sp'iag .frclfl' al aodph of o. e/pcnocnlol @' 'ou'di^g the curyc tro Jf Whol is tho rod,irc of +hc cuwc 7 @s6'' 2o/ao1 Aie.'. v . a. ./lpt,'€,86 n/s ',\N.2alb a" 14 9+a' I . zo,7tb t?r=oi16;^6=*n'7sr'2a:7sn1+'sta' RaaA: rcd;is ' 2o'7s'o t4'Q13' lut<o' w,teo)1/az'zr son ' zr1"o r +a,s fl. Tcoso -w i ot'o "t(b) 186 Sol,n: str''D'- d/10 - 6i€n: d=s" v-orn.zr(o,r$N ( . Ett G' ,- -."o,e' k " Y"jIl.'/lD\'' ncqd:wlzn.lhs\\.#-*ffi .;;;il' (6)ABgh76' l'c'.an/s - 3€,.r66'n6o'(ro) - r6,r AB - 45.1 lb. Aa@s+iIAE@...j-w +s.rco€'as'(c)'w w - 63,-rg1lo. -Tho sico .od ol tha onqirc i^ fis p-11"6 i6 en lonq \$/oighs rcd aro of longh'l ..rsin. \ rolalo ol3oo {olb. Ihc omnKs AD\Bc rprh. Ddo.m'hc iho rio,imum bonding momcnl M in lhc rod if M . wys,whc.o \( i€ tho +otol dieln bulod lood\L ic lho lonqhl ol lho rvd. colh: 6ivco:w'r.?lb (,"fi--1.71 .--j "',*.o^ tl.v!-Fa@)'l/o . , r si r \ L - s l l M. rootb-l{. Rcqa,M rc7) Thc€camonlof rood possrhgo"on thc cr6sl of ohill ;c dofii b/ tLE poEbolic o'r"c y ' 11, # A .o. ntsh;Fg 32e tb l..olds oloiq tho n od ol o con€lonl 6p-d of 3(>fl po" ecc Whol ic iho Frc€suroon lho *hccle of tho cor whc, il i6 o1tho crasl oflho hill whc.o y "afl ? ,t thc whot 6poodwill lhoMd proseurobc zao.2 (d//di'l* fiht: tho .od luEot cuFrol".o br yp "Gt/d"Yh oivcti: f +fi. ; v-3olve Rcqa: prtcauroR \ 6pcod {hon i =# -# - +7ro-ztza/noo Food e"t'", + - g-r1 Yp ' 2/too - /'sotl. 3+ ,a"7s( =w a - zzzo -fazu bo\a)/ez.z(so) t' - +o, t +oo- o .'. (x- zo)(,- za). o 187 if R.o tri ur"'4- & 6ivon: Wp- 1sorb - 32,2(sa) -$16 v - aa,12rl/s 9. rar.) A loy running d fool mco rounds o fiol cu'w ofsdft r€d './ lhc wniicol wll if ho runs ol tf'o roio of rs mpn, ol whol onqlo ho inoliho his body 3 ("o) tu^e -\/s. "[a tszaoftfi'/zz z eiNcn i n-sofl l I ilI .' i li I l I +a.e - 0'3@6 -e =$73' v-rsmph Rcaar€- 1142\ A dorcdaril drkes o lnolQrorcloon ond o orrculo.Vo'lr_ i€col worl l@ fl in diamaloeIho f uol liroe \wall ls 060 whol ? woll lho mlnimumspccd{}nt will proYoni hl6 elidioo davn +ho Al whol ooglo wlll lho nroloroyclc bo inohirod lo lho ho';zonlol whot ls tho ;lfool of 1ro'cli"q al o groola'epcnd? solhj 6;@-,.. d-@ofl. €* - lon 1o,o * ts1' f - 0.6 'zzzGa) 'oevz to^d'qthz n.ial v.i"t+ ,t,s.b tvs " s1.bf3cao/5zoo-l'ss.a -p6 lrock is thc numbcr ct r1a3.) Tho gupc{.clovolianfogiltea p'evcnl sldo ihrust on il rorlg€d 16 lo inotlo( lhot iho J6rdo roil (ic sPaad- Oalonn,no whcol {longcc ofcors roundinq lho o,.!c oI ol lho euporotvolrtn o ftrolrqok boeng o qouqa of afl8'/2in a@o (1. r',dittsv"o rolo.spcod of 60 mPh. Whol ie tho flongc proesrr6 p on lhc ,l{h€ol6 of o too,ooolb co. +hol rounds lho cu.vc ol u nph? 6iecn: r=1ottuft tane =f/qr +fl 8.5in - 56,9 n Rst6: lho eofr.rdqol'on e for o ltwcK ' 'feo'::q'"^: 32 e ( 4oc4) lo-|e = o 1202 -o- " 6,86 lane = a/t o,1zoz - e/sa.a e 6 tqin t+t) An a,'plono malo o l"m in o honzontol plono wilhoul su.o doaE ho o'6d a)r, hie '@l 7 Solh: V' 40O dPh lohe '2.g2 t. = 71.ol, n = ftso';4t\- 32,2 Cs280) = z,qz('r.o) - +3oA. 3f = 46a.gi tb !aE) A ca. ratOhing 3220 lb rliv.de o aud6 ct 2oo ft rodios b, nt€d ol on ongla af eo'. Fhd ltD ftt:clioa farcc aaltag on lha |i.o6 whcn lho co. ie lmvolling ol 60 mph. lho cooffioionl ol f.;o|irl bolwcco tho tr-roe\ lhc raad i6 o.so. .golh r 6lvan. W'32eo tb f -"oofl;+.30' - 3872 tb x!1-j3.1gof39]%;t 3' a2.2 (2oo) !"6onph /,-o,go RcqlJi fnirfion Fdrco lo"f -o,9 l-<z' R -/6dddfi6ei4. sinE = f/k - scss.so tb. +s6a2' = f/sors.ss F - 336a,s7 tb. ra6) Ftid lha onqlo of bonkng fcr o highwoy cur.vcol ea mdius 66siqn64 lo a.x:a,iodola cors lmvoling ol roo mptr,il iho ooffibr's'+ of liolion bclwcan lho tircs q t. @oa i6 0,6o. Whol 16+l-cmtod epccdof ll,o cu,,a? ONc^ | f =9@fI. A.a,6o Rqa robd .wd solh I IonP - 0.6 q . e.sc" ton(.EI e) - uU lo (ao.ec+o) .Lto"!239,_"d_ 32,2 Goo) 3.,96 | e - 65-82. + 'e4 66" 16,6 o = u.%. (3@) h^s+,u'- 'r.7ea.2 'tr4 " s2,t (r@)+o^ 3+.A6' \t - 82,02+11/6 \f " 82,024\@/96 = s€nph. 188 189 ,l '1112)Iha rclca spocd of o hiqhwaY curyo of 2en rcdiag ts iomph. lf lhc coofliciont o[ fric{ion bolwoon tho lirDs \ tho ie lho dorimum Epocd al whrch o concon f t o d ' , 6 a . 6 o .* t o l comd lho oonvo wilhout eK'bding ? 6oli1l 6Na^: t,2@fl a-o.6 ,t.- eanpr' Rcqii: moximumspcod roa1- YTqr tone -lso t saw,/aecQ/zz,z (zoal lono ' o'3o1 'O ' 1673' t o a ! ' oe Q' "a'se' loa(Qte)'uYgc ' ia" (.o oa'lrc,,e) v/ea z (coo) y . e+11l1/3 't - 04i1 (6o/06) = ,ez3s ftph . of firolia b€l tho rood \ lho lircs of lhc 1144)lha ./,affbianl in P-1111i. Fig a@.lho cd. woi*'s 32?olb ll G '?,Jco. €hown rodi,rs ol irurihum srcod Whot is lho rdidg lho ardo of .5q $ votucof lho fnct,Jr"i fo.co ooling undcncoch whcol i how high otrluo lta rood m,,'sl tho conlon of 4-ovily bc fo limil {hie noi';um .epe€d t'/ t|,A +.,.ncncr to o,onlu.n,' ' , +6749,44 an 3d(2 411)r i1sg,ab ctae(3) - r2ao €t s2'(3) 11,- 4963.|b n ./^rl - 0,6(4963)= 2S7z8lb at thoouioF*itc€lc fow high - 322)oxa?atl o/ : 11.(+.643) AAa SolA (2'a1) +sezostaao'G) | s1sg.166n34 +onl 0.6 E7sg,+6 cogeo'(3) $. ao.oe' lle'726.46 tb hn(l|o\-'t'b 'vlez.e (soo) f. "/afi"' ae (126 a4 -a's.satb toa(ao,os'+zo') 'r-ito,2g fl/6 | lhc dirlo. '!hool6 322a(io 2sY . stgq. +8tb la eo96' 241.667/h nr' . -idz7i{ 4- fl.rs.)RopoqlW.i1tu'[ 06 eho{n n Fr'g-P-lr4r. lho nrod ie bonliod af r =.9oofl w - 3220 RcqA: Ff".6i \h blhl b^q'0'6 O- 3o,a6. " 't"/gr ($to) lon (3o,e6 | lol ), v/aoz(ao) \ta- 19a$,aefl7c, w'7gr - zzu (teass.+q) 3e'2 (66a ) - tsgfo.1 tb 1M^-o, 111(+.N$) =S2aacaceo(z,qt) t esto.t snza (z,at) t aato,z cnszo(a) -azzo cnza(e) fl1- 3824,611b Ft'O,a(3sz4,et) . 2294.b tb dl oiar fhcals <trla - O i. (a,ttsa)' 32eo.zba(e,q1)| 3a7o,7 sto20(z,4iz)t zzzo e,azo(s) '39m7 @< 2o'(3) ll4 559,81 lb ' F4' 6.sg,O7(a6) s36.92 tb tmc^ whacls l1n 3a,e6 - 2,a11h h ' 4 0 2 1 8{ l ' h.<.ozr6si lJAa.o dlQ,6333)- Bazocosad@,+t1) 190 t9r 6va^: d.61.1. .1- 4 .p^/scc. o - , r"/rid*,, 2rr"9 Pl <. o,+Zmd,/s(f, < - or/r aaz(1o\. ur Choploi rz Rotolion = t(+ z)2 - 62,e2glrt at "F< = E(aaz) Or = 1.26fl/s2 6=6@fl. solh: c. 26/12 s-f9 yn =rtrJ, ,"u 1a2.2a)'. .za (zto) 4- 600 - (2,aa3)e O - 26b.od e. zOAtEd| 1rcy'anind O. +5.aa ray. (qo\ha/6a).2.a6bv: { - 4e.2+tod/s tn 193 -3jo md/saca r src'd/s ra6.) Whon l-lc o.}Llo^ dac"tl ofo rfi o'omolo' pullu 'a'' Dcla^mF lha lalol Br-Dptoltan .Jta po'l on rle .im is 3o 0 Pc' no lho onryla. ac'ela.<^Itb^oflhc pulleyol lhi6 inelont: Rcqa' < 6i'Ent d-.+t1. I " t8o I]. ?cq'atL^- ? S.'? whons^..a. fl . a.30f1/s2 a^-r6" - 2Gf aa.18f1/sz b)+^- z-f,.1zoMa at = 24 fI /62 Ol - r"( 2a'z< * q=12ft,a/€z 1206)Oolorff'ic tho honbnlal ! r'c'"fioal oompoic'rls of Ile oq'ela'6 loroiion of poinl 8 on tho rim oflho flYwhool shr"Nr ln Fb At tho qworLposrlion,ur'+ 'ud Por€€o\o(=rz 'aC pr ecc'' bolh .-3fl P.,tA' nofiao+ol Y of aL-r,^ - 3 (12)' 3,s F!/s2 an. ",r.a - 3(a)a . ab l\/a.a +ibb - 20^ 1j^ = qoftd so " /z (t)t^. \ 19 in. Roqd, dtonale,. rc" 'ed' \ 6a" too - gt2 t w" "o-"r7,. - zll d-1lI 194 -eo - tzx"r" - /z () (zzs), - .3 (.o) - 16o fi. vas,1 r., rco; ol pJ|.t B (,d:(rr,ngcd ta3.n. b) +)^" s^/. - ,L/Gah.) a) u-,a" - 2<.. <^. 2.67 Ma/sa s^ - | s^ "t 1oO= zylrt^ a- 1afr/c' + pa = y!(a)t L' 7.76€d.. -&o'@Md S^=18ofl ta \so whon&-zro' o =..Fl"'o""- ya, 'a" 12a,)A pulloy hds a cdnsla"l onqular ooa\oral*z' ol a'ad par*:' \vh€n thoonqulo. rol.'i)j ts 2rod ?1r"x>' +hal lolaloatda'd'an ofo point o. lhe rrir of tho Pullov i' ro{ porea>' c;onPla lho dtonat.' al tr pull., - r(a)'. =ar s.olh a.'rda Ot'r"("r(3) =3r 6Na^: .<=itoc,/c" af -erca/s ol - af ! aaz o"/2.<lz G=nOD t"r)-Orr*'Proa ( "4, \:r' c<- 12 rd)/€, vo.t'ita I c@pdionld 6<^.2(2).+tud/s' 9^'rO^ tla - Yr"\ctz ' 12k)k.4e), so = r€o sD. 3(71,91) g^"'/z<L: '::,.) e^"'/2"<^1. si = t/2(2,6alz rala:. t o: M 4 t a f o , at a auic, .. dct,n"6 6, ,L , .a, an s.zt,. mc.,.ur.o n.oa,r.sj t n,eaLo.de Gnp-lc a' qr'o' /'o ,l s orct-to- occc e"ol o, or ,he .ng ,: l::,.fu-" : t:* 4 , . . f, " 7o).t. p@a onqu,o- ,cto<t,t , anouta, 616,4.o_,.on 195 sotht de/dL' ur' sLa'6aI [_ be)a-6oLa) =2i2t d/s ,)d/dL'a'2at"'60 a<- 2a(a)2 -60 = 321tod/s ts gota'ncn 6/ tho cquol;on ur121a.)Tho reloiron ofo flYwhocl 'n ccconds e' ?od wk ".,f ," "h rod'onE pc'gocond \ I le '1qon{ wh'n t 3€c( lhe volucao[€ co. ol I'e ,i' r*. *"*o €blhI rr.4Jt t 6r\€n ur=.+Jl de/d'lr'4{, de ' 4L't' dl o ' 4 Lahe/r)lc if t'u rod Dhc. t'l€co' 2 . a G \ ' . ( 2 l e i)c Rc4a1€\c{ e. c=-0647 = ah!* -0667 8/a@)''out e "F.2rcd t' - -'/: ^'rt/)dl ?),: ' 4 ,' n. nr"t'''' < - 1 , 1 s 4 7r c a / e a o( - 2t ' whc{'€ c( rzt) A body alqilos o.cad'og lo lho nolouan = por sc.ond \ i l" i'" 6oc.Mc d + ;d po' scc \ ; ; ;# 'ts ins a ztttu *ha. l6 2c.o ADputo lhovoluss of ur \O ot iht oni ohon t -26od' SolhI o('?t 6kcn. o.'2t e16.))elcrnino tho number of.ovotuirb,6 th.oagh qca putloy will rolalo licrn rcsl if i1s ongDta. ad:.cltaraltonie incnaeod unilormly fam zcft lo 1e nd por scc'du" n .qa.s€c \ lhcn uni6rmly decftosed lo + rod pt ea! during lhc rtrl :s Eec r t.* -,r,-= '.,r\^' swc ' !.!' 6/" tz ' als l. 1 34,t.-Ar1^e r q - 0 I+ 6 s < ' : 9 !)1t r6- c! c 3 L l "[ a I "5," if rdo\t'o.'c'o ut;' 3/4tM= le9b 4-sht trt.aL"krc 'than +,od/s il lr +=(oztc o-+ 'f l '28c.. u:,I't1 ur ' 2t 1+ - arod/6at I - L3/et 4L \f Jt" 2eca d a / d t- D r . l " t 4 g - r'/z ++(a) ;f ej -e4 \r.4 3 k @ 3 . 6 s h @e. f u 6 ) ' *, . ' t l o t + c ft,.e/6 . Gtopc E+--1 dtf/dl - a-I f-bL-L"hrc f-aa t a.6 a2 - B(d- 67a ra c'12 tt.oti t.o tt - 6I -l'/, r 12 de/& - 6t -1'z/2+12 A.4'-t"/e +eL tc if o=o 1,\t.o .'. c "o o.7 il.6 4 - +(e')- 161"/e +pQ\ &'194rcd +.1bot )4i + : I1h+at tc t l t . a 9 < t = a. . o = a 196 c:6o'++z rz e/.a13-16,33t | 6a.4<e " 5 e / 3-t \ l a l "t c &=:\t-l 11,.t[j t\1"4 O,.6ek(7),-Blb(1f a9sG) t 6a4n3 l?t . eeTst+t- e1c4+1' &. - 146.a2rctd -a5,33 -O.144,a2.tdr:lL c" - 23,2rir _ zf rdd\ tli ' 6Bht - ek( - $,33 1217)Ihc ongulor accalo@Iion of a flywheEl dec.coses uni&rmly fi.om 8 roa pcrsc.2 in 6 sac al y/hich limc ils anguto. va le.ily ib a2 tud Fs sc:. Coopvle lhc ntliat oogulor ,lelo.ily or \ lhc numbo.of rEyoiuiions modo duflrig the 6scc in{ee"ot. dtn/dr- n' 2t RcqA: u/( F "a. ot ' 3!' o. -t,c C ^ r rl q ce ''do o r' 0 ' ! \ rt ' oo , 6aht, a/61, 4s.33 dt/dt o a - 6 e / . 1 ! - e / B f - a & . 3 3 tl c t97 - za,6s(.v. a.o6,)Whol for€o p witl qivo tho.yslch ol bodics s,hoqn;nfiap_ A6 o .alo.i+f of 30 fl Wr lcc allor n|oti^q zo ft lron rcsl ? a " .o'/2(a.) =22,6(1/s' i p,3e9,ea - so(o,2). so(rz.s) goa)-[a(az.zl/ez,z 27,, 1,- rp6 P - 4.'4,2o tb Choplor Worh \ {4 Enorgy ,a- 6s,o6r 2@.a&'(ae) r aoosiag -[uo Qz,afl/alz It- t99,2+ lbt<t) Fhd ll€ wbd'|.1 of Lod/ A in Fqp-rot oflar'i hos nolcd to0 fiom esl isunE lt putbrt tobo {,crghllcsc&\ fr;ct,a,tc€c. , (td - 12.42a\\). e@t sae a^ a@- 24.940,\ - 3e +g,32o^ ^trt l'@ 1@.31,ft5a^ O^ - 2.a3 fl/c? \- a'3aar/az.z A +-:ry+3'o^ - It v|'$!ae)@\ v^. 7,csfl/s I r/ I to.,24^ I i N-1,\*r;= o sr,1 -l! t29t m-1, {?n/3e,4h.) It - 20b - 6,2106 '14. zd -6,.1(2a^) l.- t@ -1L4zO^ - .-@ 198 \rF lb= ze/+ 199 Irl I il ir in laoa) Th.ouqhwhal dislanco wlll bod/ A in Fril P- 1ao0 ma/o chonqing iis "doailv f"on a ll pa" ee la 1a-ll wt'e'' 411= 1.'c +4,66A^ - -@ 2(2oO- 6.210^) .31. | 4 66 O^ 4oo- 12t+2o^.3oot4,cGA^ .L J I J l@ 160'17,OOA^ S l-e-@ l , zn -t, -(a/to zt o^ \- o^;sa6fl/s" v|" -u^i - zas^ 2 o o ' 6 . 2 1 a ^- - @ 4 | ll\4 \{. s^ - 9.8 [1 21\-1, l1e b_aaa.&%,.,)o6 @ h-.Lnral'a6. k- 3oar e,32(o^/t) 2I..e4rf,44a^ . {-Qq ',i Afru l,.zr, - -6 tl . ro,, ') 12'Ma. 24o1oo(o p" .2(^aa)€^ S^ = 3a,a1{1. j Xla\ttE(td) L- 24 - I,a2Aa +(tPt,/ f4.2.4 - oB2 (rd\) -.-<q fa.20+-rc,a41^ 1411.)bat ^ slol6 tm,n rc€l ;n lhc pasilrbn shon in fb p rarl 0ot.''ts "atoo'|t offar il hoe ^awa $fl oto q i.c {n.r,o.,6aa un foca '| \2 Subslilule Y6 lo \t laoa - 3,11(0)' | 4,66y^a Y^ '17 .. FI/s 2L-3d4,12.+2O^-':+ z(2o+'b 6+a^) . ea4 t 1..42 oA +2 o^ 4aa 3a2aa' 3'|'1112 'o4 +s.i ci S"< .)Q(.scd) rr6dlr i) o^. zosfr/< Y^2 - 2ac T. 32n(o,L)- 24o -6oo/1..2)a^ '!^ . 11'a4 rr,+2o^ - .-o 06 ?o. ^ .,X T,'?r. - -@ \1 [rdalfr4) y^, zooll/s -rI4 %i."at*) ,&&'4' -O '\)a{ 4 \3 )S'i'c'-l 2(2oa fl ao,)' re t,? a2a\ vsa.,t h s2o(6,2) + 2ao 4co,37,20a^. Bo.4! 12,42 <a@ht.e)a^ \ e^ It ' zo4 r v.az o^ - 'O b4 - 4a.7.7^ o.' 2a^ ,. + a^. z.oo{t/<' t22 6' ' 2(5 as)s^ P^''11'a^'zae v fo.) ln whoi dl;loocc will bloak A,of Fiqp-nas dtoi^ a eeloirty of tz (l paree, elonlinq frDm16€17 2".!E*{ . n' 4. pia" - 6' 2.az/at . 2^dr/dt p:N - 10/4g (y',\/"2) 2aa G/, - a) = zoo/61.avs' ! atb/.4,4u^z 14@ . s,r1\/8.+ 4.6V^, -.. O 1t12,)Fi:ndlh. \clo.ttr of boar AinFiq.p,1a1of1e. ll hrs |rolad, 6lartirs i.am .asl ot thogNon ryvitior,, lor gltdong lho lnollonlos€ su.la.c 6hrwn t"a-no(p,) v=Pa/et a\aa 1a'|da-9e2ae 200 201 Rw - z*/ag ('t'-\"') " 2d(0-10) = td/6++v; b & - 1 , 5 c ' \ t ^1t t , 3 3 V s 2 , - @ 1 lo I, suh6lllla e e b(). t Gave"/r.) |,.3.,ra. ',t6 " 1g,ea l|/q fir,/.) A soiq, | ;s a aPad] lrcna poei''on )uet atn"a, brl nd @rching, a 6pinq. thow tl.a hnrrmum dcbrnoltbn p.odrrood will bc cpnry, f*rco lhat rf fho samo worght iE g@iualtr lowd4u/n,ll'. | 1'o/c+aY^ 6' 'tuv40)'- -@ ' 4'66v^' frcn'l, l,+@ 3.1.1'1.'| 6ab.$lvla2lo1' " t 4,eevt rroo " 2.11(6v"/rc)4,ro| o,tA'la' '/ekt, ., 9. v^ - 16,66ll/€ +cat t*o "t;a"*',cc,^"d'li V"Vt'+' tiqP lho fn.l;oalo66 quidcs sna,m In i;,i;";" .'in 'isid link 1ofl ldng' nalc-i^ 143 Daicrntnc ltr- \ctel bcro{A 'r p 'r'"" lrdm'c€l whcnr'c'lrcorrt = qwc ''eo lb Ascoflo W^-We 10, lb @o -- \..GU^' I l,SavAz1oJ7CVt' ' -@ sao. l,rEV^4, 4 e1ve2 s@ " 1,66 (36'.^/61) + 2 33'/ e' Yl'.125fl/e. ak,.Ava4/0,6"" 6 - 26" waighiflg 46,6tb is dto$d lron o hcighi of afl. whosc modulus is loo lb po. in Whot volecilywill tho blook hovo oi tho instcnl lho spnnq ie dolormd + in.? 6lvaa: 50thi T=W- 96,6lb h -,+fl. ^. 1& lbln t_ 6" +in PoAA!'btoc;ly /' 8tl | 2fdrhro 2rd/y'dt 6v6 " - av^ u^,,1ev./e)., _0 ''RN - 2tt/t4 (!'-,k') ' ta (.ct .i) r soe\ @lac + t,' ',44tv| 'sn/"aavj 'o z/dt/dL t 2ldr /dL *(wb)-lz*t! " wv'/zq 96,6(a I a/12) - t/2(.rttz)(+/z)n - so.a/6a,+f ! - 1s.32{1/s. i41g) A 6e tb dcak stidcadaffi an incl;na having o stopc of z '!arIi<:allo4 hartzonlal. 11sloris lrom.csl \ ofra. noi.q af@I, ElrikoEo spri.g whoso modutuEie ioo tb po-fl tt lhe aalficinl oi i.rnelic iricl on i6 o,lD, ltnd tho morimum \ctaalf of tha btocK. 6i"cn: 14la) Ropcal Pr,b i1E whon r'6fl ' f. 6f1 f ' . 1 b ' -b ' -U v""(oYate)''a.) *N - z\!/2g Q" w)t3a-4r 60@)=1d/c41\^' r@16+a\{'W, _-H_ g' d.4fl RcaA' [w?/s) w(4/sYa.r))kl I -'/zxs' =wvfq 6cb?t6)P/s vs@,iil- iu)/1E "(at/64.1v. 26a6| tus6-soog - g,z2v" s@= t.ssv,'t t.ssre': g!::A 202 203 i diffcrEnl;ofo voloc,ly wrlh rcstr..l b 5, %a-@s's'uktd 6 - z.e+fl (6 aat. vatoaily) 6@(4r 2,64)l./s - 1/s@41- 5o(2.a)' " sa2'r' y . tr"2a fl/e . 4n) thrcugh lnd dillon:, 'l'u61 l a .'a lb block of P'ob la1e slido frDm;t boforE loochinq thc sfnnq if ils'laloailf ic bM ol lho inrlont lha spnnq tc dat nn d 3fl f As.umc lhc gprinq conslon! i. ahongaatu s blh t2r) Nagl.El friclion of lrrc ao-tb collo. ogainsl ii€ yorticotqutdo \ cohputo lho volo'lly ol thc ,:o|o. oft., I t6l. fottcn z fl , sl;d . ing frum rc.ei n tha posilion chown in Ft p-1a23.Jhc unsl^:lched lcng1haf lhc ep",nqic :f1. | . Fi? 6.- 4,243-3- 1,24217. aG') r t/,G,12) (1,2at)z-(aa/6aAJy2 \/ - 16,26sfl/s r"Gr;t."ri. 62- s-e - 2fi. ao(a)- lz(sx2)(r), .(ao/6iA\(v: -16,.6s,) u2" - 332.21fl7s, a"to1f/ z' ?Jrra-"-t ux,"l @,')-po Y.10ll/6 6 .3ll K' aatb/in lea*dl,/s+,+ v'.1b.2ill/e. h2a.) P.pcal d - 6 . 6 7{ 1 . (Ftq Pw1) A waigl\l of w lb \6 se€pondct f.cd o vc.licol cPihs z1l *ho!r'. n.i,ulus i6 K lb pd. fl. Ihe *oiqhl ia pvtlod doa s fl. fnomile cquil;bcru4posil,bn\ thon rcl.a.ad. OclamJr.(,il7 latocity whcnil |"d1urd6lo tho oquilibn,umposition. S F. r22) utt\6' = rayrq "S" \ 's J r'0fu Iha rtqid ho.i:o.l;l sha.o tn ftA P1422 i€ suPTrlc4 \ 2 €prings.A 3oolb wciqhl i6 lha plocod uPn lte bor ai a. A uddan btc,. priaots tho woighl la{o.d A wilh on inif;al wlooilt of 6ll/c' vvholi. rle /cloct/ *hcl rl .coaha< A? ttagtcLt{r,cl,o"\]t*c sht of lho bor 3oor rcaG)0,) - so(1,)6 6 - o.5ft {sn/6+,40;-6'\ +1q1,r)(a.f ' ub/rlz)Cos)" \t2 - 4.161l1 /s 204 'a.2aell : uat.rjV Rc,2d p'?b.fz3 if thc unslrrlc*n long|l. of lbd sprtnqis 2fi. L. Fl* = a.2+3f!. 6.- a.A3 -2 - 2,2a8ll_ a@) +,/,(s,.2)(2.2a3)'=("4/at.4)yo Y - 2o,88s fl/s 6' -s-2 - 3ll. aot+\ . ,/, (s^12)(z)2-(co/e+.+)(v,^- zo.ses") Yt2 . 299,1 \z = 16,1fi/s '423) lll, .or in FtA.P (2e i€ noetne lokord lho bunpor spring \ hos o klncli: oncrgy of 1@,ot in.tb Tho rrr'n bmpcr.Ehicld (9o) 1s .rnncclcd lo lho flbin sp.,ns, whrzh tr/€ a noa)tus oflooo lbpor in. lho.lyiooq'riia./ bohpen 6hrold6(b) ora 12n. *Aina aat^ ca. a.<xrndaa/ spi\ngi, @ch ol whbh tr.s o nadutue oi ?,fio.h? 9 5ooll po. in. wlai lle otr ie broughl io no€l,whol will hovo bccll lla gralael n6tomcnl oo ? 't1:rnric.co^tooc ol thceeaw has oD.orlw W thc .tvt^ 6pnnq ' PcqA:s e\l 206 l e - outpjt /tnp,f o,9 " hp/3e,73 hp/iaeatrla - 3s.rs hp. y2(ooo)(er6)2 r'/.(2)(@) 6' = 1@'o@ s@ 64' | 246r b2')r sd)6" ' ta,ao 1@06"I a2o&6 -26cxa.o 6't126-28'o 6 ' -:ztJ€dliEzet- - zin' S L 3 1 1 ?- 2 t 1 2 = 1 4n . KEs'Y4k(12rE)" KEs 'h1o@\(tz1z)' " sEot)o . KA^E . s^a1o/ooooa 'ss'/ /" t+2s.)A l,oin watghing1@lans 1. baingWtEn up lo 21,gndo ha lnoin €.sielonco\c cona+onlaI lolbp$ +ao. 1la sx.d of the lmin k tra,.aeca tran afr per6cc toaflparecc in oaistoncaof tcnafl. fina lho mo,'mum lo.sc .o|\cr ddclopaJ 9olh: 2 .s - w/ra &'-ua"j -.ao -We rco(iuol1o,46afl 7- lolb/+ooe lr -lr,bo>s- 4bof1. . Kcqo fr {ch In nP. ', , " F - 9 , 7 2 6 . 7 1 | b Gafl/sso Hp.7v-le,zze,r fr) walc.n""" ln ,n^'l *!ii"nt". aab.a* u'ndcn ohood ofa@fl 1odd'a a l"$:1ne. Thc iurbine is @1, offdeal v.,k co""a l.d la a sonc@la. \y'c \e sa'/, eficie.l. rvhol ls lhc pa.?ana.r+pul i in Kilowo+is A.qa | tu||t ollpul Sa)i. P.'c. . 8Qh ' Fv o 9+ ' hP/3s.1s h p . 3 3 . 6 rh p p.r!o. Onlpot . a3"61(01+6 Kw) ' zs,1 t<w. 14.1) \Nolar e^+crs a hydrcult:c .cacl,:o^ lu*;no w/ a \at<itff of 12 f\ pa" 6& q, barcs il 3n bwor wi.th a lato.ily of a fl F.rcd.. If M.t&ab olwolar lloa lhrclgh +la +u,$.tneo&h,*co.d,.ahwtc th6 ho.sopowdndulpul Aseunc th6 lu.b;nc ie w,/, effii,cnl . Oi"cn : vt-uft/s v,'1fl/s c - aol. h - 3l+. R.qa' Lp orlp"l st6 . u7,s = Y'Vq+b+n -afuoz,\ r 3 t,, tp).ftGra) .H- 4,9a76f{. - +ggtex,o. fr-lV Hp.*"" ' trH - too,to"(+,setu) asa.rcry3.N, Hp' thp . go6.Unp. -rsd I+-!! e - p-tp,tt /c;r"+ a.B- p@to,t/so6,bahp P u t p " 1' 7 2 5 s t r p L -b27[nC^t)'t ) L o o a =l t t e t . o t b ""/zq . aca - 16o,6nls r . tr/bzr)G<n) hp = fv - [F6,1x6(16a't/ssa hp = 3e,7ts 206 207 $ 1e..:') A Boo tb bfoch i.s in contoul wilh a tavel plci c lrho so cooff;oroal of hrhelrb fi^iction is o.to. Jf lhc btocy,is aclrjd upo^ W o ho.izbnlal .forEo ofsolb,whol limo will olopgo b€ forD lho block tuochcg o vato;tfy of 4g,3 ft pc. €ec, s+o. - i I l ling f.om rs6l? lf lho.eo-tbfauie ltwo ncmovcd,how much \ongorwill lho blook anlinua Io nyxo? {r t, Aivon: ; w-:oclb, F-.eolb y'L.o,1,',r=4e3 fl/e, QcqA: tnno t i ChaP+or 15 lmpulec \ lt46monlum goth: Zr, =o lso-3do(o,1t t - 3oo/32.2Gs.z) t 225sc. z.t(o1) | - 3oo/32,a (4eB) | - 19eac $aa) horlzanlol fora of zoolb puchos o 2aa,tb btocK up ,A on lndlno whoso stcpo is 3 ve.loal lo horiz.nlo!. lf {*=o,2, dalarninj +ha linc roqurcA lo inorcoso |ha "atocily ai Ihc block f.orn 1otu50 fi porcco. 6iton: soth: -t | .3o.tb. N= 2oota m-/+:/ "-o.z u1=toft/s'h-sofi/s p.c4d| tr"tma . .<11,.2- st*yff,e4; lzoatza , uo(oa\] t = zaAzz (scto) 1161 - 246,4s t .1,60aa. . $$) AircoI contml tmpocl acans bal. a ro,lb body rrcli^S 1othc rlght ol slt pc. ad. v, a aadl ol *dtqnj i ..'oin;,o rno rctr ol 3 pc- ,,cL lhc traLcrcol ol rcslil"Iion a_ o,s. ,aDo:,| thc 1oab tbdy rcbounds io t^o tofl at 2 fl/6at I\,n U^el.,rn're l'. \\c'ghl N ol lha olnor bool oNon gdlh: \^-.511/s.yi' 2ft /s .W^V{rWrVEi W^V^TWBVA 1@(b)-3w = 1&(-z)t wve wE .w , vs - .e{l/s RcqA: \Noighl 7 O O= 3 W + W V 6 ' - . . - @ e. vs' vx/v^ va o,E-',/s're/s-L<) "/d - 2(1/< 208 20s slhsliluto Vi 10 aqu<rliot\ 1, /oo =3wf w(a) W-laolb !5aa),Thc sgslom shown i.) l-q p 'l..ir ts Lscd to.lelccm|nc.rhoc@filcront ol resf,l,lron ll bott/1 ;e 12lsoroo 1*^ rast.\ boll D s,*ings.lhrorgh0. ss,i aftac A";"9 ,tr""n, Ll Eao.JA qolf ool E dropwd ft.ma hcghl ol 2ofl vPon a horaon&. slco ptola thc cocfftcienl of rcslilui'on is oee frind lta hoiahl td which lho boll rcboundson lha lr€1, 2nd, Solh: cos60- hio (o,adi'6i.ne v^'.t2qh'trzo2.21(s - t?,s+Ms h4 - 12,7e{7 (o,asa)"(he) -h3 h - z o t l, a =a , e 9 4 Reqa:h1,h,\ hs solh j C'8 4,s-att! vs - F@4Gd) -A,3s#/s W^V^ .W^V^ I W9VA' 3o67.9a')- 3ov^ r 2o(&,re, ui " 8.37fl/. = e &s'-v^')^/^ -vB) - (+.ts - s,zt)/<tt,o+,o) o ' 0'333 ts+2..), A bo is lhrown ot on ahglo e wih jhe narmot lo o s_ os chowo in f ,b p vsz ,L .et:ouno. ot on oo,xte -mlll,w:ll h3'1.,21 {'1. .jb/* .J-tu/r " =.F,,i, h ' ' + , sl l b " 10-s .511 ) 8\ lhird bouncos. 6kcn t erss,,1' . h./g h="ft o osl ' ft/zo .- hr=losofi ts.ls) Ih; bollsA&,s 'n Fiq p 1516orc allochad +osli(f of ncgligibla wotghL Boll n G rolodgod fr-omr€sl &. allo$€d 1on1.166B lf tho cooino,cnfof roslliution ic 0'6, dalarnina tho ongloe lhnoughwhich boll B will o*inq ll tho rmpool lrr.ls lar a,ot saq. alsa ft:nd lha a.oruEo inpd fotx *lli l: nornol. sho6 thattt acflnetl 1 axPwsecd by o= Io e/bns'. ,f .*,r",;;;: . _yi cose/,r1coge tromt.V " \.s,.e /1r€ e,Cy,:s,:9(:9,e_) . taneo,t e stno \ l h =€fl .; b - 1o's =,efi v^ -{-4h -F66G . n's+rik \^(^V^.wAVi lWsv€' ' 3a(i.sa) = 3al^1 | z'Jv s342.30V^ t 2A"/a' o.e .(,r/ v' ),/6t. a1 o) to,1/- vz v^ fra.. 2, v^'. 16' tu,7) ) h- I-c c - 4,61 h' 6-4,61 - 3,49f|. cos+ - 3 aq/B -0,4237s 1/ - 65" '@ s36,2 - 3a('/a -1a,7)) I 2oVB' 5 3A2 = SAVa' 323,1 1 2ayB 861,3 =saVB' * vc.se Ys'='Fgo 11,226 {4?44 c . ron)/Lono $as) A boll is lhrown . . , _ . . w,lh ^ ..-,^-.r.. *,,. u " a o c t t / o l c o l t p o r s c . t : .d t i a : , , t.A A L^.- ,._,, * t\ thchor uatta, .r"; :1 thc !tatl!.ie rat.,a.cd (rom p6si,on a6, ";:":7":r:t* of rcalilul,on bolwocnbartb\wa| i6 a,6, Ho* far gem t6o woll M tn" b"tt elriNe lh". qrcund 2 : '1:.,u whcn thobo,r st! ta. thc arouno ys'- 17,226{l/s 2LO ; :;;;'' t,cta".t a,o,^i;, ;"",,"l; ;:.,;",''rT.J""rii""J"l,1!,ii, s 2rl i $.4,) ns shown in Fb.p-16ag, o ao-tb bo| movng hor;zonlolty to lho.nighl wilh.o vcto.'., g fi pd.ec, ca id.L obt;quatf w/ .ol o^30 )o barl.^movinqup_to lhc lcfl ot 4' to tta tori:I/oiol ol ro lt F,r sc. tl co6ltr.,ont Of rE6l,tu'ioD ic 0,6, &t.'|rlioc lha .lho. I I I I \ d,.€ct,bn6 tta wtoc\lyof qch bo| a,i" t ini,ai .9:Y t6por_ ,'/tgtl 7 -iosnPt statt c.l | 161l' 34,07 - 11,1 ii 1 6 , 1 1| r8 2 1 - a 4 d 1 'o &Vr rm,{r ..riv;, r m,Vr', .. i' il i i li I f -vo snet - h ot' - '/, G,'2)(1 6)' f - Ea s'"6o(1 d f-2so7fi 1.6r28,07.3.',07f|. x -\o c.sft '1 \f - (sa@s6o)' = a @e 28,6b (4 222) x - 18.a11. g \vt - vor" 2o, 01) ,r' -(so!,'"Go)'.,hG2,2)(28 \ry - s'2 fl/s = 26:1 l!/e ,,tr,t.,Fai6,z' ,x'- lon-1b,2tt'zs- 18,16' :' I i I i il I j e - taer/'t.1^ 0 . 6 - \ t 6 2^ / 2 6 . 3 1 t L E t s . L ' I 24,51st ',t6,1e-- v6zf 'ft2f " s,2fl/s vs, ' [G-ia 2" /- I I I ton1b!/:s I , +v,i, +*a{t 14(d - *(1ocd$ 60t2 - ao\tli + suL _..-@ c -(\h; -\;)/!,,_w^ a6 .&; - yrt)/ s, $cas' to =vri v,,, -..,@ m,rb rnuq/ - r{il + r',rrv,'y ..flv| 6(tos^ztt *u.; -6n/6 fro,nz, u,; -roirr' .u*. r0, 6o,a- aov,', teo(ao+v.i) 60,2- 4oy,ilere\i -239,0 - dv.i =-e,+aIfl/s vti l/9 \^ =8.4a Yt'-Y+a . 3 aa fl/s to that'fl .10t (-3.a3) - .,5.rt1/s f.oa:L]r; v..JY,'+v,i' ' u, .vs.F-a,s. . o,zen/" e -Ian-1vtth.l - ka-t s/s,57 t" 3227, Ye " &26 fl/s qlo righ+ oI 31 2r' \4/ lnr b\zo^+ol --!- i M, ) fM.)- l!- M,VrMrV - M,va' lMrV.' K4 - th Mtli + '/, M2v2. I I 212 l I 2t3 r.t.. t/ruN;'I t/l^.ya'' c ' 't2'-V' r) A rigid bor CASDs'Jpporlcd 06 shdwn .,n Fig.g is c,cloct upon by lwo cquol horizonlol foroesp qppti€dot c \o OalOulolg lhc r€octions lhol. $,ill be inducod a'l thc poinl6 ofuru1'.rft, o.3{t, b. 2fl Pport.AqEU.ne An€. Rb " -Ro . o,zgP PROBLEMs 2) Owinq to thc wcight W of the locomoliva 6hov{n in Ftg. E, I I roacibn6 ol *'e lwo pdinlc of 6uppo.l A\B wi[ eochb,eeq@l lo w/,. wt'cn tkE locomotivc 16pulling o lro:,n{ th€ drrh^,bo.pull p h ju6l cquol.lo the lolot friclion ol fie pls. c,foontoolA \ ts,deto mine lhc mognlludes of lhe vcrlicol r € @ l i o n sR ot AR b . A n € R o " , + - g r ,Rb.+r#. i 214 216 s) A boql i6 movcd unilormv olrf\g o aoft)\ bv lwo ho__ p'?oo lb hQ '24olb ocling und€' se6 pullinq with firrrs o^ onqtc a'@' (Fis ,\) Dclermine lh6 oogrirludc of lhe r€€ullon{ p'rll on lhc bool t .' lhe ongle p \-Y oGchown In '27'' nr€ R=3s2lb ip'3a'i1 the f'gu.e. +) For lhe porticulor poirlion srwwn in Fig C +hc cat\'*E{ioq Fod RA of on Gnginc eqrls o f6.c P" 9oolb on lha 'lhis fa.ct inlo lwo rgal(''p,vla' cofi' cronkFi'n ol A. Re6ol!c opling hori:.nlolly L' venlicallv, ol A' ronenl6 th -,-FL, ' nns. Ph=4fslb i P"'1rrlb' .t f\ vcrticol loo.l P j€ cuppo.icd trl o t.iongutor rrrack { os shown in F9.6 F;^d lh€ lo.ccs +.!nshi+tcd io thc boltg n \6. nsGume thot lhe boll B flts loosely i. o vc.liool610l in lhc plotc. nns. Ro.1.2spi Rb .O.7sP Choplcr 3; i) A w6ightl€€6 ba. Ag tc a%d-led :n o vcrticot ptono t o hingo of A ,r o lie boir 9C, o6, g]hon . Dotedn,no, gmphicollT, llr€ otbl l6tt S 'n&Jcad in lho lie bor b, thc ocltirn c,f o .t€liool lood P alpl:€d o+ R. S = 2P (t(,|€an) : l 216 217 *c ohl q' eoo lb i6 lo be PUF = 2) A rorlsr of rcdio. ' t2 t^ \ p op' of helght h 6 in b't' o Y\orlt4n{ol fcrtc ,.a' *.' o ** j"i"q w"'"a oround lhdci@-fc€ncc *" "- of o o':.i, ' reqi'rca +o 6lo''t the .f thc rorrer' F,hd rhe moqn'tude at A^E P " 260 tb rorrer .!€r tf€ curb hor,3t:l 3) A bol of wd,qhiw rc6r upo.o sdath *T^-a posso i.- 'r, cr^\ar \*o elr;'s< \s t* Ao Yeh''h i1.""1".i" r"d'^p '":' "J fi.*tr.'.* purbroal 6 tr-c tl. -'ry t\eo::'::'1" qe '* ti rt'e .ri"g A6 'q ho'-'zorlor'F"d Et'rris ;; .o-" *''n rho Fb'rzontorwhe4rhe be{*c€n R A16of''d rhe P"€s"e .r i"t,;".i,. ' lhe boll 0,, lhe- ' Plonc. K=Pr f,r" dosn-P/qtA-w ;;. ;" ;" il";,nJ;;,"" ; ; ;; i;" 2ta a) oatcmi,ne ttrc o>bt lcrcra q &- Sa induocd i. tho borc AC la Ec in lho Fiqvr. doe +o lhc oclioo of the hori:a^lot oppl\ed load ol C. Tho bor€ orc hing€d togolhcr ol 6 & to lhc d n n ebcl.io 'liqht fiitu.c of wcighl q-.orb 's supporled os 6ho{n. DcieFminelhe }ensile lc.cedq -riq in the wi.es BA & BC if lh€ii ongles of rncl'nol|onor€ o€ €hown Ans 5, '2s€16 ; 52 = 2a7 lb 2ts tu^,J-a 1l oEduc lhc rcoclio^ ol A \ th€ force S h ltre bor :I8ffff; srowrt oe ro ir'c oct,onof lf'" Uods P t'! oppl'edlo lhecrone' q -",gr'r of lhc crone ( osEurncidcol hinsesol A' n-JJir. q e. a+'"-' thot P'.5ool::1'.1:-.o.:s:ir aJ A plor€ fiqure-f€ur liorne nBoE i. @pporred on on Inor,necr plone E\ looded os 6hown. Colculolc lhe ot;ol lore indoccd in Ans. Sbd " .106.7rb, tension = lb i S 1ei95tb comprc€ion -o--.1 Anc. Ro 11'{o o'f ihc plonc ,) O€la.mir€ ttE oriol 6.€c6 in o bor€ 1'2'3'4'L' q'-P;92'+Pi Ans Llood"d ot sho'n "r"**ra i** 9,t- -oiaP i 94' o142P -O'333P ,9e - joined ioq€1h6r bro hingc B,o,€ 6upF€r,s) Two b@6s AB\BC, ,cd bt to!- bot.. h,ngod ol rfE,. ends Dete.;,ne lhe 10(6 p,oduced in eooh ol lhd6e borE due lo if€ octio^ of lhe toocr p = soolb. dime.eio^ o{ ihc €l.ucturc orc os €hclM. Ans. Sa' 1oo lb.codp.; ga"s.'26e lb,Cbflpe.erofti gic=62rb. tenston. lfp Plonc true€ lood_ d Det "niie th. &.ce s in lhe bo' As of Atc s = o+3P cd \ slppo.ldd 05 efrM t Whot i€ the neccesorycocmiccnf of ld:.i6n bclwccn tirc6 k rEodwoyio enoblethe lbo. wl"€!l drive o! tohobjle lo c|tinb o 30 7. 220 22r 2) lrc bloc( hov'rg weqhlr w' !' wz o'c <h€lcd bv o €lFng \ l[ lhe onere ol l';cho^ for pL*" "' "-*" *", ." n- -"t, lt'c leosl t.9, F'.d ihe roe'i'lude t. o'"eclion of "".io'."' ;ndJcc al'drnq wirl i.,* p "op',ed to tl'e uopc' brocn thol (wi rw') srn{ P-i" An6 I i F) A sor,d .qhl cirarlo co€ ot otilude h - r, h. k md,u6 d: bo6e .=t'n. hae its c€nterofsr.ov v Co^it6 E€otrctrio ari6oll di€lonce h/a - 3 in. obovc thc bose . Thic conc r€sts on oo |ncrIned plone n g, whah mor,eson ongte of 30. wrih ihe ho.izonfol qfo. which ihecoeffic,enl of fFiciion isA=op.AhoF:.ntot Force p ie opplied lo the ye.iex O of th€ conc &obi6 in lhe verliool ptone ol lhe fraLle es rhc*.. F,hd ihe morimumt(rrlioimirm votuesol P consisfenl with eqrJtlibrturnof ll-rc ooire tf the wehrrt wAns. P*, - a.61tb ; Pm,n= o,sgs lb. l tudue r 16 supPd'r ) A emoolh c,rculo. c/l,.der of waqht Q 8i. lhe qdme rodius ' (we'qi.a u, *o e"*;,'.c"ro' c.'rin&r eoch of ffp 'r *e coefiaienl of oiolic f iciion b€tween i'iOi", "" .i^g€mici'culo' c/li'rcers &' fhe.norizonlol flone-or flof locee of tL" lhem-"t ls + =/2 L. fncfion bet*€en t'c c'lrinderE ;;il;.r diEt'nce b belwcen !;et ee E neg\e.lcA, &lermine lhe molihunl will be po6eibl€qoui the ce.le.s B 8(6 fo. which equilibnum plone lhe middle cyli.de. iouching {he ho'izonlol t' nna b@* - 2 e3' 1) ln thc coseolthe t.ipod €hown iherc is no f.iclion bclween thc ends of the less E'^the ftoor on which {hey.est ro pre,,en} slipp;ngof the lcgs lheir end6 ore connecled t gtrings otong the li.es AB,BC, \AC Derermine then +he ren€ite lor€€ S in edch oflhe6e st.i.gs PG o "e.ltaol lo.ta iFeoch teq mofcE 30. w;lh lhe ve.l;coj i i I arc os fola) Ref'rine !o lhe fiburc ' the coefficiehb of flic tlon Find o* "ritu froo., o 3 o+ the woll,!( o 2 belween blook€ 6, p opplied {o thc lowe' fhe minidun ',olue ofa horizontol for€e nn€ p-in = 81'2lb block thol will hold ihe o/slem in eqlilibriud 2) Deiermlne ihe lorces prcdlced in |he bors 1 fo6,itlctusiye. ol Ire spoce tru€6 ch@n, owing io the oction of lour ve-i,cat loods p opplied 06 eho*n . ACpD ?\ A'C,B-p, one lwo Gquores wilh porc lel sides of te.91h6 o E! 20. .€6p€clrve,y, u<^ lhe il ,i 222 223 O A pJlle/ A of mdrirs o is guppo.led fnom lhe Foce ofo \€.trcol woll b/ +wo brocca nB&AC logalhcr wi+h o fre ba. a6 6hown. A flelible cord EAF i6 losl€ncd to {he woitot E,prqs_ ses ove. thc pullq/, &- c.die6 ol ila erd Fa r@d q. Find the la1!;le fo.pe S pradu@A ri1 the +,e bo. AD lf e, botb,a=6ir b.1l\ c-z'/2fl. An6 s.r3rb Chopier 7 j r) n ho.nogeneousslende. wi.e 12in. tong ,e benl in lwo.ri, gnt ongle-s os shown Det€.minc 1tlecoordinoleG of ilsoen_ 224 225 z) A stccl st€fl oi c,rculor croee €edlio. ho€o cirEular sleol hub prc66cd onlo if os shown Fo. tho di.hcns;on€ ebown in ttc flqure, dcle.mine tho di6lonc? xc fron ih€ lefl cnd of the shofl 10 lhe cenle. of grotti l c of lhe compogrle body. Ans N.- 624 i^ 5) Delcrmine the coordinote yc of the c€oier of gft,vily of o stel rilel hoving fhe d;hcnGions shorn in Fig.H. As€umc lhe beod of lhe rivei to be hemiephsc;"o| 3) A hohogcneouE body consisls of o ciccular cvlind.icol Po.llon of mdius r olloche-d io o heoispheriaol Portion ol rodiug r oE sha{n Deie.minc the heiqhl h of the c/lindFical po.tion lf lhe oenler ol grovily of the composlte body lieo ol ihe cenlc. C ot fhe citculor p..lopelice of thc hemispherc. Ad6. h'r/,{t T a) A honrogcneous body co€lgls ofo righl ci.culo. conicol portion oliocfled to o hemlsphe.icdl portron of rodius r o6 6ho.,n Delermine the oltllvde h of lhe cone l| the aenle" ol 9o"i1y of ihe compoeife tlod/ cc;no'ijes w,th lh€ oentc.C of ih€ aroulor roso ol lhe cone chopter A i r) Fr.d th€ poto. momenl of inerl;o of on ,soscetes +.,or.,,te hovioq boso ir h\ ott;lude h d'lh rcspe.l lo iis oper A Ans Ja bh3/a t hbT+e %r /i\,l K-i.jfi- --w 226 227 d Coloulote lho momonl o{- incrlio of l|,c orEo of lhc onol! €&tion hohng llle dimcnsiong €fEwn in Fig.A wilh r€.6p6cl lo o ccnltoidol ol.ic po.ollcl lo lhc x oxiE nne. Ir . s,r6 ina of o cirtulo' !) Frid thc polac morrrnl of incr^tio of lhc onco +o i{s o( ragp€cl wllh Ecclor of rodiuG. b- cenl'ol onglc ' o.r'/+. Ans. Jo Choptc|.10l r) A bodr storls lo rnovc, vcr+icollyupwond urdo. ihc inflr5ncc of gmvily with or ririfiol vclooily i. = .ofps. Fird (o) Itp moimum he'qht to vvhich il will rteo C\ (b) tE ti rcq'.rinodfor''t lo roium lo ilc iniliol po6ilion.ToF! thc atrol ting point os tho ongin so {hoi )b.O \ ncalocl o;. rc6is* Als . (o) )lrcr - 6.2Cl; (b) t . 1.246co. a) Calculole lhe mor"enl ofincriio FiC.B wilh fcsPecl lo lhe l-oxr€- 228 of the shoded n r€o Ans. Ir = 26 e3 in.+ 225 2) A {'oin is ho;€ down o slope of oocra with o vclocitY ol o ccrioin inElont thc engince. opP|b€ lhe bmFcs :oolph. Al 1t p.oduceg o iolol r€.6i5toncelo tolpn eq.nl lo onc-{enih of the weighf of the lmin . WhoJ disionce x witl lhe t.o;n Ans. X'32711tmvel beforc slopping? a) lhe troin tr^ovolie liom sjalion A to stojion B which ls 1 Km opoFl ;n e minimum lime of onc minulc. If thc lmin slo.ls frbm rcel af Gtolion A,&. occcler.oics at 2.8 n/s&,, contlnu6s ol co e+anl spepd h. decelarslee al 2.s 6/." u^til lt 61op ot stolion B, f,hd lhe moyimum seeed in rni/nr How long d;d lf lrovcl oi.lhis 1op speed. i A^e. s - 6a.76^m/h. ) t.763gs e) rhc nof;o^ of o porliale is g ven by +he eqvalio^ s- aLa -31' i5i r O wher€ s r€ ro {1. &, L ic in s€c. Conpulc Jhe voluec of v l^ o whcn i, - 16ec. An6.v=inls;a=rcfl/sz 2gl 'l'l : Choolcr 1') A rnolorcyclc & ridee of tolot wcighl w: sc)dlb tr6?el in o vc.licol plone wilh c.or'etonl spocd v= 49 mPh olong ' iha circulor 6r:rve AB of mdil/s r 1ooofl' os 6hown Frr'd lhc rcoclion R exe.icd on lhe molorc/cle bY tllc hocK os il po66c6 lhe cresl C of lhc ouruc' nn6 R=492lb' -r)-.f n fig,.rrc bclorry. o hoorrcr ol wcqht w - 2 rb siqls leom rE6r ol n &. slid€s do*^ o rcal for which thc caff;;t cr rf-rcr'on $ l- o.2 Ftdd lhc disloncc I to thc pcinf , whcrc tt hils the gcound a) In whol p.oporlion wilt thc moximum rorge ol o prqjec'irl(a<l€,cdlile &, incjrcoad if lhe iniliot vctocily i6 b, 1o F eal ? Ads 21 p<jr ccdl I l l l i l 2) Thc cocfficicnf of frrclton bclwccn {cl ocpt|oll \ the ti.cs of on oulomobile i6 folrnd lo hdvc lhc Yoluc,ra - o2r. Al whol conclonl 6p€cd v can flE oulornobilc iros\;ddi.tq 1f vcl orourB a cu.!e of (odivs F eoofl /out : Ymr 49 mPh. nnsthe rood ]E lc.,ol ? 1l s) fn lh€ f'gurE. ikrc pitol ofon sieptone ftyng hontzonlotv wf rn con€lonl spccd 't 3oo nph ol o^ cle@lon h.2@oI oboye o lcvel ploin wishee 1o bornb o lorgol B on the 916und. nl whol onglee below +h; horizrntot shoutd hc sce thc torget 01 thc inslont of rcleasing lhc bomb rlnorder lo sco.e o hil ? Noglecl oie r"";n1o,o" A7,s.e - 22.12, -- r--&A.i^ -I 232 \ \ 233 t Choptcr 12; r) lfro ormo|.rnoof on oloclnic molon hos on onqulor spcod n= laoo rpm ol illo lnstonl whcn iho powo. i6 clrt off. (o) lf 'l comos lo rosl in 6 6oc, coloulote Iho @.qulo. dacalarol\an c< oesuming thot lt'rs constonl (b) How rr,o- i A slcndor b'rl .igid €ornicirculor wirc o{-rEJius r ic guppoilod in il6 own vorlicol Plono by c} hingo ol O & o smoolh pog A 06 shov.n. lf tho pca 610.l€ frorn o &, rnovos {ilh conslonl sped'to o\ong lho horr'zontolr oxls, lrnd lhc onaulor volocily 6 of iho wi.o ot tho inslonl when e .60'. Ane.4=vo/c. mol'ir du'ing ^y cohplcilo rEvDlutlons oocs lhf orrnoluni = (b) (o) so rcv d scc-'. 1or I nns lhre porjrod ? l +) For {ho fiSurc shoen wAigivd/G i o(^= -1,5 rodls' 't! 2scc6. Fird thc voloclly \ occalololio of blocK c. nns. vc= 125mm/s i Ac = 3zs mm/sz l L t li i I j , Consido.ing ihe syglcm in tho fr'guro, dotormlno fho vol,.,,oof & for which lhc ncgolivo ongulor occolorolio^ Ans. +'30' O of lho bor OA hos llE moximum voluo !i i I '1 g=6n. Ho.r losl s) For tho figur€ chown, c( = 6o@a/sa y6- r+t m/s lho blocK C is rising i ii l :i 244 236 1l I 3) Whon o ball of woighl w rcst on o spring of oonsloni K. it producos o stotio dofloclion of t ln. How much will lllc €ofro botl compro66 tho6p.in9 if 11lG droppcd fiorno l-aiq An6. 6 = 6 in. h " 1 fl? Ncaloct lho mae6 of tho spl^ing f I l l ,i a) A qrnoll block of wcighl w=lotb is givon on inifial volocily vo-ro fpe down tho inclincd plono shovn in Figr-ro.If lho cooffioiont oC friction botwoon tho plonc \ lho blocK 'tc = ,tL o3, F6d {h6 vclocily v of lho blocK ctl B oflc. rf hos lrpvclcd o d€toncod x.,5ofl. A n 6 .v = 2 9 , 9 l p s . l z) oclcroino lho aynomiool dcflootion 5 lhot wll bo prod,uccd oi'lho c,slor of o 6i'nply slrppoilod boom by ollowi.g o .+oootb woighl lo drop onlo il fro'n o hoighl of ain. Whon q.odually opplid, lto .ga'io locd prodv@€ o slclic dcnoclion of o.1in. Noglcof tho rno.6 of lho boom. A n s . 6 ' 1 ' @i n . 256 237 s) lf lho 6y6tomin Figt.E iE roloo6od fra,mrocf in lho confrgurutrbn srown by solid lhoE, fi''d lho rnorimumdie{onco h lhot fho v{ciqht p will bll Nogloc+lriolion \ os!6umo lhol lho pr.tllcysA t\g oro very smoll. A^6. h - 4PQt/(4s2 -P2). !) A no. wolgh;ng 15olb .!ns h jump6 from o plor into o boot with o horizonlol volocily vr = 10fp6. Asgumir€ thol lho impoci is cnlir€iy plo.slic, fiilcllho volocily wilh which tho mon Eq bool y?ill movc owoy flo- lho pioc lf lho bool wci nns. v -.4.3lps Chople. 151 d A locrooliv€ wbigtrirg eo to"s hqs o wlocily of 10mph4 bocke inlo o froilht cor woighing 10lons thol.iE ot ft151on o lrvol lroc(. Aflpr couptrig is modo. w ilh what "olocrly v will tho onliro systcrr' aolinua lo rano? Noglccl oll lriclion. Ans. v = 8.52mph. +) A golf boll droppod from roe'r onlo o comoni 6idowolk rcbo,Jnagcighl-lonlhs of tlle hcqhl lt-mugh whrch ll loll. Nesicctlng oie rasistancc, dalarn;nc lhe arffbionl of I 2.) A wood blocK woighinq glb roEts on o smoolh ho.iz.n lol s',.iicc. A .cvolvo. bullot wcrilhing lz o. ie sl:ol t.it z:,nlolly inlo tho .Eido of tho block. If lhc blocK olloins o ealaailf of rcfps whoi woe lhc rnuzzlo lalaat lof l|)c bullol? An9. v '1610 lp6. 238 I 239 5) ln +hc fis,rro shoY?n, o smoll oor of woighf w 6ta'ts oo inclinod from .sst oi A \10116 without friotion obng w wolght blooR of olio to B whc.€ rl i6 sl.lKcs o olorc 'u. lhc B' 6l rn,tiolly ol rE€l ndgum;ng o Plastrc rmpocl tf tho will movo f.om 6IaC oG a^e pontclc co. &. bl; iq,''{' blorK \ Plono coeff,Zieni of fnrblron bctwcen lhc tla,6alcwlolc iho dretonce x to Poroit who'o tlio bodrc6 *l^ r'+ A^s x=^42(1' 1,fl