Uploaded by stefanghinea


What is Nulled
What is Nulled
Nulled is a forum that launched back in 2015.
There are roumors about Oxide being the first Owner and
Finndev taking over the forum. But the truth is it's just
Finndevs multi
Nulled started as a cracking forum but over got bigger and
bigger over time. The forum Moderators added many new
sections as the community grew more and more.
And YOU are part of it now.
First of all this forums has some rules which you have to accept when you
register. Most people dont read these but I would recommend you read trough
Scroll down on the page and at the bottom you can find a link to the rules and
FAQ there are questions answered that you might have
( Forum Rules and FAQ )
It’s a big Forum and there are different places with own Rules
As example the Marketplace has own rules that you need to know (should)
Same with the Shoutbox and rules that you have to follow everywhere
When you join Nulled there are many sections and things to explore so I will
explain them and insert pictures below with explanations.
Zoom Pictures if you can´t see/read it or click on the imgur link below the picture.
Picture 1 : Imgur Link
1. The Website (URL)
2. You can upgrade your Account with a paid membership (Vip,Aqua,Nova )
3. You can also buy and use credits there (1 credit = 1€)
4. Search function to look for Topics or Members
5. Shows existing Awards and requirements (explained later on)
6. For some tools on Nulled you need a Auth Key which you only get if u meet
certain requirements
7. Paid Ads by someone
8. Messenger for private Messages
9. Notifications (If u receive Reputation or get a private Message for example)
10. Your Forum Profile
Shoutbox / Memebox
There are 3 Sections (general, marketplace, threads)
You need 25 posts to write in the shoutbox and it has its own Rules
Threads tab shows you every new created thread (sometimes it gets stuck tho)
In the marketplace everyone can run a free Ad message for whatever they sell
Information and Advertisement
It shows information about you like your
credits (currency) and if you have 2FA
activated (I have it disabled)
Current cryptocurrency’s Value it updates
itself and it can rise or go lower. BTC is a
cryptocurrency that is mainly used in the
Paid Ads that you can purchase
Here you can see “Infinityblack” - a combo
Top left shows the latest activities of forum Members
Top Middle show recently created threads within the Marketplace section
Top right shows given reputation in the red box you can see that Stringslave
gave me +rep :pepolove:
Below are recently created threads. Same as in
the Shoutbox Threads tab.
Home: The Main page it has a section for Support and general stuff where you
can talk about random stuff.
Leaks: You can find many things there from cracked related things such as
accounts, databases, mobile apps, eBooks (digital book) , source code (coding)
and other leaks (tutorials mostly related to porn).
Cracking: as already explained Nulled firstly was a cracking forum and it has it’s
own section regarding cracking where you can find tools, help, tutorials, proxies
and combos.
Coding: Contains programming, hacking and reverse engineering
You can ask questions there or take source codes and learn things
Money: there are Monetizing methods regarding Internet or real-life + social
engineering and e-whoring (later explained). There is a own section for Amazon.
Marketplace: People can sell products or services there are also illegal services
& products you can buy from there.
Premium: you can only open the Section when you have a paid membership!
There is a chat, premium leaks and dumps (combos & accounts).
After Discovering the many sections you may have tried to open a thread but there is a high
chance that you saw something like this :
This means you need to reply or upgrade your Account in order to see the content
There are 2 good threads about it so I rather link them here as its easier
Link 1 : “click here“
Link 2 : “click here”
These links are explaining “Leecher” and the value behind it.
Summarized: if you unlock too much content without contributing or interacting in other
sections your profile will look like this :
If your profile looks like this above (^) you are a “Leecher” to remove this you need to
contribute or write in other sections I recommend Home/Lounge or post a tutorial if you
know any. I lowered my value back then with trying to help other users or answering
questions this way you contribute and lower your Leecher Value also you might get likes.
If you are only Leeching on nulled without any kind of contribution the chance is very high
that you will get banned after some time.
Some sections as example Combos (Inside Cracking) requires 10 posts to unlock content.
There are other sections that have the same requirement such as Accounts and more.
After going through the Sections, you might see the release section if not here is a link
Release Section Link
There are many tools from Developers and most of them are Nulled exclusive such as
crackers, Giftcard generators ,Viewbots and cracked programms … overall many tools for
many things but when you download them and try to open you get a window that requires
you post a code. The code can be found here (link)
Your Auth Key if you
have the requirements
You can see the requirements. You can get the first one by just posting 25 times.
Leaking/contributing and if you leech your value will go down which means you can never get
So you need to contribute or Leech less. Last but not least you need 10 likes or more. You can
get these by again contributing to the community ( I got my first 100 by helping other Users).
Nulled can be a dangerous place full of Viruses, Trojans / Rats and Bitcoin stealer
or similar so don’t download stuff. There is a simple rule:
Don’t download stuff from grey people that have 10-20 Posts or less
Even if there is a Virustotal scan or similar as long as its not approved by a
Sometimes even bigger Members repost stuff where they don’t even know if it
contains any malware or similar.
A way to protect yourself is getting a Virtual Machine here is a link to one
But its even easier if you simple don’t download everything
You can also rate some Leaks
If there is a red Text under a Leak which says it has been reported as infected I
would highly recommend you to NOT download it.
You might think you don’t want to leech or cant contribute and unlocking
auth takes to long then there is a easy solution for you : upgrades
Click on the picture for a imgur link
Either open the link of the imgur or zoom the pdf
Its clear what you get so I won’t go into that but its good and worth as you can
learn a lot and there are many ways to get back your money
I bought VIP 2-3 times and then made money and bought Aqua from the profits
Payment methods are Bitcoin , Ethereum , Amazon Giftcard
It also shows paysafecard but its not possible you need to buy with it a AMZ GC
Some Member offer a service where they upgrade you with Paypal
If you want to pay with Amazon Giftcard you have to keep in mind that you will have to
wait for a Staff to manually upgrade you. It can take 1 Month but often it takes about 1
to 2 Weeks depending on how busy Bleach is. (the current Admin)
Benefits from Upgrading
-unlock hidden content without replying (you can call it stealth leeching)
If you are leeching or open a clickbait title thread you might get disappointed but yet
you expect something good and then later you have a red “leecher” and easiest is to
create a new account but creating dozens of accounts and email takes time and
contributing too so best and easiest way is upgrading so people cant see your leeching
and wont complain
- you can learn a lot. No matter if it’s basic knowledge or handling any program. Coding
related stuff or just talk to the community.
- people generally belive that you don’t get banned in Shoutbox if you do something
that’s against the rules IF you are a upgraded User. They name it Banshield.
- many people use their learned abilities to earn money off the website. For example
some refunders get huge income from just refunding for people. Use this to your
advantage and start a business to maybe live from Nulled.
- you are less a pleb ( low quality user )
- also you get the other stuff from the pictures above
Here I will go through the process for upgrading as written above there are
2 ways : Cryptocurrency and Giftcard ( Amazon )
I will first explain Amazon as its easier and faster
Go to a Giftcard store : Kinguin, g2a, amazon or any local store
Now buy the Giftcard keep the receipt if you can and send him the code
over the Nulled private message
Keep in mind its easier but it takes much longer
Other way is cryptocurrency in case you don’t know it’s a digital currency.
You can check the value in the mainpage (explained in page 6) the value can
rise or go lower.
To use it you need a cryptowallet you can imagine it’s like a small bank or
Paypal which you can store money in but digital money.
We will focus on Bitcoin you can also pay with Ethereum but Bitcoin is more
common so now you need to find a Wallet provider you can simply google
Btc wallet or similar.
I use the wallet from blockchain it doesn’t require ID or other verification
Only if you want to buy Btc with a Creditcard / Bank but it’s safe and you can
easily use it. Feel free to use a different one but I only had good experiences
with them
Create a account and then log into your Account and follow the screenshots
Click on Request
Choose Bitcoin
Here is your BTC addy
Copy it. People need that to
send you Money. This
Address is unique and tells
the Sender where to exactly
send the virtual money.
Above was explained how to create an account and receive money
But you need to pay money to Bleach so next will I explain how to get BTC
what I used was Cryptovoucher
It’s Giftcards for Bitcoin
(Link to cryptovoucher)
You can buy it directly buy it in some wallets or depending on your locations
there are BTC ATM´s
Paxfull there are 355 ways to buy bitcoin there I don’t know many or what
Verification they use but if you want to buy bitcoin you often hear them
Exchangers be carefull and don’t get scammed I will write later about using
the marketplace but its one way that you can use
They need your Bitcoin address so they can send you Bitcoin now as before
explained in the page before copy it and send them to it now wait until you
receive it and the exchanged money you can use to buy your desired rank
Open their shoppy or click on upgrade and buy. Choose the rank type in your
email if you have to and uid if not choose bitcoin and then you will
Click on your Profile in the top right
and the number in your link is the UID
You will see a bitcoin address and and an amount you need to send it to
I will post below here an imgur link which explains it more.
Imgur Link : (click here)
Shoppy.gg is a website created by Finndev the current Nulled owner
There are alternatives or similar websites as example selly.io / rocketr but
selly has more restrictions and is harder to use as seller and rocketr are
smaller and unknown
Shoppy is a third-party website in which you can buy products or even some
services its anonymous so the police won’t burst your door open yet use
common sense don’t sell cp or carding related things neither should you buy
such stuff
The website is beginner friendly and everyone can create a free account
You can easily create a listing. There is also feedback/reviews which can
costumer leave after they bought your Items or service.
You can accept payments in skrill and cryptocurrency or even Paypal
In case you don’t know where the Marketplace is click here or check at the
the above categories.
Marketplace Lobby – talk about the marketplace your opinion or concerns
Contest and Giveaway – Challenges and Giveaways by Staff and Members
Scam reports – incase you got or have problems you can make a thread to solve it
Premium Sellers – here you can sell ^ You can either click on premium sellers and
then click on products,accounts… or directly choose it below premium sellers
Secondary Sellers – This requires 25 posts to post here. Grey people post here as
they can’t post in premium sellers
Buyers – if you don’t find what your are looking for you can make a request there
and people that have or can offer will contact you or maybe refer to.
Graphic Marketplace – this is to buy desings for many things to your needs also
costum designs/requests
Trading Station – if you don’t have money or want to offer a product / service for x
(another product) you can post a thread here
Currency Exchange – ex. You got Paypal but want btc this is the place you can
exchange money into another currency
Service Requests – similar like “buyers” but focused on services ex. An invite for
website x or someone who can code something
Partnership & Hiring – you want someone to help you or search a partner for a
business or to make something together
Favors and Rewards – small tasks for small money
Difference between Premium and Secondary
Premium Sellers:
-More Structure
-More people will visit your Thread
-More trustworthy as you are upgraded
-Less people selling on it (compared to secondary)
-Less Chaos
-a better Average quality (compared to secondary)
-costs money
-depending on the section competition (but that’s everywhere)
-it can happen that you don’t profit as money is not guaranteed
Secondary Sellers:
-its free
-for new users good to start
-more chaos
-less structured
-much more threads
-less visibility
Summarized Premium Sellers is better but it requires an
investment of 10$ minimum never the less you should be careful
when dealing with members in both sections secondary and
Secure yourself from scams
After browsing the marketplace, you might have seen a member with a post
that you are interested and you want to buy it but now STOP
Think about how to secure yourself there are multiple ways but it depends on
the product / service
-MiddleMan you involve a neutral trustworthy person which handles the deal
and secures the deal or keeps the money until the product/service is provided
Members that have a MM Service are : Lucas , Jocker , Bleach
-Paying after delivery means if its an account as example you pay the person
after you got your product or service most will decline it but if it’s a service
for example social engineering payment after tracking should be done
-confirming over nulled private message
-check impersonator there are people impersonating which means faking
their identity and then trying to make deals (more about it on the next page)
-check unicode its so you can see if it’s the real person or somebody else
-don’t deal with new users
-wait for other people give feedback/vouches before buying
a popular way to scam is impersonating nulled is a big forum with many
persons and many are simply not aware of impersonators and how to check
for them
Lucas made a thread regarding it : (click here)
Known and easiest way to impersonate is that people switch as example L
with I as l I looks similar.
Discord and Telegram are the most used communication ways on Nulled
Telegram has profile links which makes it easier to deal but Discord doesn’t
have that and it has something called “discord nitro” which allows you to use
Unicode in your name now the problem is that Unicode can be invisible
If you got discord nitro you have the small
badge which you can’t remove this means
this user can use Unicode in his name you
can find a way to check if he is using it in
the thread of Lucas but I will post it here
Here is a link to a Unicode checker : (click here)
If its red avoid dealing with the member because it means he has invisible
Every Discord User has a unique ID you can activate it by going into the
Settings and then activating Developer Mode
Gif to activating developer mode : (click here)
Now you need a message of the person or tag with a @ and then right click
and copy ID
Gif of getting the unique ID : (click here)
So my user ID is : 198789995765432320 this is my Unique Discord ID
If you do this with a different person check if it’s the same
I added a gif how to check the id without writing you don’t need to be in a
server you can use this also in private messages
Gif : (click here)
To use this properly you need first the unique id of the real person
Another way to confirm is confirming over nulled private messages this wont
work if you got ratted and the scammer has access to the account (rip sorano)
It works this way before doing the deal you ask person x to send you a nulled
pm or you send them one and they need to confirm it
If they make an excuse like they can’t or aren’t at home simply wait or
directly cancel the deal below is a picture how a proper confirmation looks as
many users do it wrong.
The name is written where the person talked before and if he accepts
Also includes the trade value and wants an answer on this pm to confirm it
Many users simply want something as respond but this user I censored did it
right and properly
You might already saw many sales thread as you were curios or interested
and noticed sometimes people asked “vc?” or “vouch” this means they want
the product for free so they can write a review but there is a part of the
community who takes the product and then doesn’t make a proper review or
don’t give proper feedback.
To ask for vouch you need 500 likes (royal)
If it’s an account store or similar its not that bad but if its an expensive
product it’s important as a nulled member to write a “neutral vouch”
feedback” because posts like
“good and he is friendly fast great support 100/10”
Doesn’t help anybody its good for the seller as its positive but its short and
not about the product at all
Its hard/ can be hard to write reviews/vouches if you don’t know what to
write or how you shouldn’t ask in first place but that’s just my opinion
An alternative is copying a other style or checking other vouches for ideas
what you could write I will use my Reviews I have done and or how I do them
Even though you didn’t think about it there are multiple ways to ask for a
vouch copy the easiest is “vc?” / “vouch?”
You can also send the person a private message asking for vouch it’s ok if you
follow the rules or are allowed to ask
When I ask for a vouch copy, I firstly ask if its available or if I can have one
And then reasons why I should get one and reviews I have done earlier for a
quality check that I am not a vouch hunter and they have decent quality
another example
You don’t have to follow it that’s just how I like it and
prefer as this looks more professional and gives the
Seller a chance to decide if he should give a vc
I will compare vouches as I write my most vouches in the eBook section
I will compare it to another eBook vouches as it isn’t fair If I take a
account review
Click the picture for a imgur to it or simply zoom
First point its short not detailed and if you could see the thread design
he just confirms the points that the seller provided he doesn’t talk about
the eBook itself so costumers or people that are interested don’t get
information about it and can’t properly decide if its worth or not as he
writes the positive things and decorates it with x/10 x/100… I don’t like
these numbers as you can’t explain them and everyone can just decide
them randomly
Here is one of my reviews that I did recently (03.01.2019) you can directly see its
much more detailed and longer / bigger it looks completely different
As this might be hard to read click on the picture to be redirected to the thread
The review is mostly neutral I try to cover most important things or talk about
the things that are in the thread design as often its misleading.
If you don’t know what to write get ideas from other people
Many people are lacking things what to write about so I will write some topics :
-age requirement
-investment method
-seller itself
-product delivery
-addons or free stuff
-public or similar content
-how long it takes
If you write about these or more you should write a detailed review
I don’t want to post every vouch I took but I will post a couple more but without
the picture so basically only a thread or link to it as “template” or creativity
a Review for an eBook that is connected to social engineering and refunding
(click here)
a review for an eBook about a niche that is called “pod”
(click here)
A review for a bitcoin / crypto currency related method I have to be honest I
wasn’t completely neutral.
(click here)
One of my first detailed vouches its compared small to the recent ones but I am
improving myself which you can clearly see but its about a money method
(click here)
Try to get feedback regarding your vouches/review so you can improve it
Its for you good and the community as a whole
Making Money
There are many ways to make money but the main ways people focus here are
-Social Engineering
-Monetizing in the internet
I will try to explain every of these above mentioned methods.
So you get a basic understanding.
I will go over things like how legal they are and how to expand yourself.
Whats cracking?
Simply said you download an account list (combo) use a software that tries to
log into the account with your ip and if its correct it lets you know and shows
data of the account
Is it free?
You can do it free but I recommend an investment of at least 10$ to properly
Is it illegal?
yes, but don’t be scared its hard to track and not worth it as in most cases they
only have your IP except if you order stuff to you (to your address)
You need a couple of things later but its not required at the start. I will still tell
them: combo,proxies,software you can also create combos yourself but then
again you need more money to spend. But there are also free alternatives for
combo and proxies
Am I hacking accounts?
No a combo is a part of a database which saves accounts you simply load the
account list into a tool and the tool checks if you can log into the account
How to start
You need 3 things: software, combo , proxies
You can find everything in the combo section : (click here)
Download a tool but be careful there are many tools prefer downloading
Tools from trusted people. I didn’t check it but he is legendary and a known
coder so I will refer to his “toolpack” (click here)
But as it’s already in the thread use a vm/sandbox and a rdp
Many cracking tools looks different but the structure is similar which I
will explain on the next picture
This is “X-Slayer” there are multiple checkers but the structure is the same
Combo – load the Account list the number behind is how big the account list is
Proxy – Ip´s that will be used to check the account as you wont use yours
Proxy type - style of the IP (more information)
Threads – speed of the bot
Start will start the software on the right you see the the account data and how many games
/ the account content (money,games,plan,inventory)
Checked is how many accounts are checked and remaining is how many still need to be
checked good is account that are working and bad that didn’t work
You need a rdp or its very recommended because if you shutdown your pc the
software will stop to work and you need to check everything again
An rdp is a remote desktop protocol simply said it’s a virtual server/pc which you
can use like a default computer but the positive things is the server runs 24/7
which is great but now the first investment comes but one of the most
important to start these servers cost money or atleast if you want something
stable there are methods / tutorials to get free ones but I didn’t try that and I
heard they ban your server fast.
An rdp provider is rdp.sh its simple to use you decide what server you want
and then buy it and then there will be data which you can connect with
Windows has something pre installed which is called “remote desktop
connection” you enter the data and connect to it
It has already a browser and everything setup to use it defaultly you now need
to download the software and combo there and then let it run and when its
done save it somewhere
you can buy combos or a combo edit tool which makes your combo better
(private hits) or proxie which makes it possible to crack other websites as some
websites as epicgames / Netflix require good ones and you cant crack them with
free ones
The Nulled User GUTS has good tutorials regarding cracking
I recommend him or read the tutorials here (click here)
You can sell your Accounts if you don’t know what to crack go into the account
section and check whats popular as example there was another ghm event and
spotifiy got raped and you could sell ghm codes for 0.50 or the ghm itself for
Or contribute and reach contributor (250 likes) or royal (500 likes) there are
more ranks but you should aim first for them if you want
If you want to sell/buy accounts the premium section has an own section for
cracking related things:
Combo / Config : (click here)
Accounts : (click here)
I recommend to make an own shoppy so people can autobuy
(buy your accounts even when you are offline)
Social Engineering
Whats Social Engineering?
Its manipulating people simply (more information)
Is it free?
You can do it free but sometimes you need things which you need to buy
Is it illegal?
Depends on how you use it but yes it is and people already got into jail for it and
its more illegal than cracking or you can easier get caught
You need software and proof there are ways to optain it but a good thing is its
free but depends on how you use social engineering
Refunding & Warranty
Refunding is buying something and then complaining its missing or empty the
package in order to receiving your money back
Warranty is faking evidence and manipulating the costumer service so it looks
like you own the product and have trouble with it so you get a replacement (a
free product)
How to start
First I will explain some keywords
Refund – getting money back
Serial Number – a number to check warranty or product identification
Drop – a location that is not connected with you
Reship – a company that forwards your packages to you
Bill – a invoice you need to pay
Invoice – a invoice as proof
DNA – did not arrive
EB – empty box
I will explain refunding first I will keep it basic as I don’t want to explain
everything and make it 100 pages also to not saturate it heavily
Search a store and then order from there I recommend to use a low amount
Lets say 100$ on amazon order your product and after you received it you
contact the company and say the package was empty or it didn’t even came
As costumer satisfaction is important, they will simply give you the money back
but you keep the items so you manipulated them thinking it was missing and
you had trouble
Search for a company, easiest companies are food but electronic is also fine
Lets say monster energy as an example
The bottles have a code at the bottom so go into a supermarket take a bottle
and make a picture of it so you have the code (can be counted as sn)
Go to the monster energy page to contact and message them that you bought it
and later you drank it you felt strange and bad and after you went to toilet it
was black (complain that you felt strange after you drank it )
They will ask for the code you provide it to them then ask for your address and
stuff and will send you a tray 5-10 cans for free as compensation
So now you profited 10 monster energy’s
You only went to a store and took a picture/wrote down a number
This can be adapted to many food/drinks companys
Social Engineering has an own section in case you don’t know
Link: (click here)
There are many tutorials and you can find serial numbers there or buy them
Its simple just read them and try some you can also buy methods or mentoring
Join groups or communities for social engineering
I wrote an ebook about it with 70 pages if people are interested I can sell it
Its simple there are many tutorials read them get software connect to people
and try there are many methods and even more companies
Whats e-whoring?
Its taking the identity of a person and acting as her and sell nudes or other stuff
Monetizing yourself
Is it free?
You need some things but you can start with 0$
Is it illegal?
It isn’t ethical for many and its annoying to get dickpics depending on your
country it is illegal as example faking an identity
You can invest into a pack or traffic source or buy a book about it to learn things
but you don’t have to and don’t even need it as its simple
You scam people , maybe blackmail them or let them fall in love with you so you
get money there are many ways to monetize it but some religions doesn’t allow
it or its simply not good
How to start
Go to the Nulled section money and then e-whoring if you cant find it
Here is a link (click here)
There are ebooks, sources, traffic, girl packs
You need to find a girl and download her pictures and then search for a ebook
or a traffic list if you cant find one I had several ebooks about e-whoring so go to
my profile and open these and read through to it : (click here)
Alternative go to a chatroom and put pictures of you and chat with people
Depending on what your goal is act differently often its good to focus old people
as they have more money and like “young girs” and are easier to convience
There are also fetishes or sugardaddys you can be creative or use social media
or an own website your creativity decides and ideas how much you do
You might need to do it for a while as the first person wont prop give you 1000
bucks but many people did 3000$ in 1month it very much depends but ewhoring can be a goldmine
Communicate with other e-whoring people and get traffic an a own or atleast
good e-whore pack which is private and some ideas to talk or ask for money as
the “money for rent” excuse gets saturated
Monetizing Internet
What exactly can I do?
It’s a big topic and there are many methods or niches as example pod or
dropshipping or simply money methods / reselling which is kinda real life
Is it free?
Depending on what you do it can require money but you can start for free or
choose a free method
Is it illegal?
There are whitehat (legal) greyhat (half or not sure) blackhat (illegal methods)
So yes and no there is both not every method is legal / illegal
Some methods require a investment but as before you don’t have to try to get
your own tweaks to it so maybe you can make the method even better
Get Rich fast?
Something like that doesn’t exist many methods don’t work unless you invest
much time into it or add own tweaks the methods often give you ideas but if
you try to follow it you don’t get money as promised however there are good
How to start
There are many ways or multiple sections most of the information will be in the
leak or money section
Money section link:
(click here)
Ebook Guides and tutorials section link:
(click here)
Download a ebook or read a tutorial and simply try to follow it there isn’t a right
way depending on how much money you have or can invest
If you have much money to spend : reselling or counterfeits both is or can be
illegal but you can expect high profits then you could make a dropship store or a
other method maybe even buy views and sell it to others
Also depends if you are ok with doing a illegal (blackhat) method if yes you
could do scamming or something else
The ways are endless to expand yourself you can buy courses either on the
forum or other websites as knowledge is power or buy ebooks but don’t buy
everything, many ebooks are false advertised wait for vouches and compare it
or use a middleman if he allows it
Link to ebook section :
(click here)
Everyone has a profile you can either ignore it but many people look at it and
depending on how you use it or make it look it has different effects I will show
mine and explain things
Click on the picture to get a imgur link or zoom it so its bigger
My Name is Orange the color of your Name depends on your UG (Usergroup)
There are Multiple Usergroups below the “friendly soul :emoji:” is the usergroup
in my case Nova
Most of the things are self-explaining like threads or likes / reputation
Banned - a user that got banned on Nulled
Validating – that has to confirm his email
Member - a default grey user
Vip – 10€ for 1month (paid ug)
Contributor – 250 likes requirement
Aqua – 35€ lifetime rank (paid ug)
Nova – 50€ lifetime rank (paid ug)
Royal – 500 Likes
Disinfector – people who tested files and tested them for viruses
Coder – someone with outstanding coding skills
Legendary – 1500 Likes
Moderator – staff of nulled
Developer – someone with outstanding developing
Reverser – Finndev has it
Administrator – Admin of the Website
There are a more few UG but they are not listed:
Godly – 3000 Likes
– paid ug that got bought 25K and a slot 10K
Insane – paid ug that is not for sale anymore
Awards are achievements or things to show of in your profile every Award has
an own reason or can be obtained from events or through requirements like buy
10 credits or get 400 reputation
There is a link with tutorials / explanation how to get it if you don’t find it
Here is a link: (click here)
You can’t get some awards anymore as the time is simply over as example
Shoppy beta is over and Halloween 2016 award was 4 years ago
But some of the awards can be bought because there is an award marketplace
and there you can sell awards for credits
Everyone can sell awards but awards start at 6 credits (6€) you can’t sell them
lower awards go up to 200$ and much higher but in these cases, people are
often just trolling as nobody will buy an award for 3000€
Some of the awards can only be once purchased except some awards like
donator or master donator to buy them once use the marketplace for (6€)
Then you have to buy them from here : (click here)
You can’t sell every award but there are multiple that you can sell
You now heard multiple time “credits”
Credits are used as money 1 credit = 1€ you can use it to buy awards or items /
in the marketplace to pin or color your thread
you need to buy credits with crypto currencies
to buy credits go here: (click here)
You can send credits to other users if you want to buy something or trade them
To send them there is a extra page (click here)
You need the Member ID which can be found in the profile of the Member it’s
the Number and the reason but its optional
The Member ID is the number before the name in my case “2118175”
Feel free to send me credits kappa
We now talked about awards but there is also more than it there are items
You can choose from money items such as flags or icons like BTC or Money
Items doesn’t have effects and are mainly for decorations except a few
The overview of the items can be found here: (click here)
You should now see icons the items and flags doesn’t have effects and the icons
that are called special have effects
You can give reputation depending on your UG
vip (+1 / -1)
aqua (+2/-2)
nova (+3/-2)
and if you buy verified your reputation doubles (x2)
vip (+2/-2)
aqua (+4/-4)
Nova (+6/-4)
And the diamond doubles it again to buy the diamond you need verified first
The verified icon costs 600 and the diamond 600 so you need to pay 600 or 1200
Contributing is important if you want to grow on nulled
This are my current stats (05.01.2020)
Goals can be reputation, likes , connections or a usergroup
There are multiple ways to contribute
I reached my first 100 likes simply through being active and trying to help other
users as example answering questions sharing my thought and ideas sometimes
writing jokes or posting memes nulled doesn’t have to be reddit or a other place
but it isn’t bad to help other people
If you don’t know the answer you can try to google it for the person or write
what you think / your opinion as that’s what the people need often
a other way is cracking accounts (above explained) and then not sell these
accounts but post them in
teaching others or sharing your knowledge can be a very good contribution
You can code? Make tutorials how to code or even sell your knowledge to
You can make a Website? Teach it to others or offer websites or templates
You can also learn things and then show how you learned it or your thoughts as
you are learning it differently than the person before and have a different
You have tutorials or know a way to make money? Share it people will like your
post if they appreciate it / like it
but remember asking for likes isn’t allowed its not important if you say: hey give
me a like or say please give me good feedback or hit the green arrow its asking
for likes just differently so just don’t do it
people are horny or looking for porn so you can crack mega.nz accounts as
somehow many people save such videos or pictures there and you can crack
accounts and after you find something related to it you upload it on Nulled
With what should i start first?
Depending on your time and money
and what’s ethical for you there are
many ways to start just read above
I lost my rank
Try to choose your rank here
I got scammed and need help
make a thread here and follow the
How much are credits?
1 credit is 1€
How to get Royal?
No kappa
I am banned
Make a thread in the support section
What’s a glossar?
Its keywords or words that you might don’t know written and explained
Nulled – a forum that is mainly for cracking but can be also used for other things
Cracking – checking other accounts
SE/Social Engineering – manipulating people
Ehworing – taking the identity of a girl to make money
Pleb – small/unknown person
Grey – a default nulled user without upgrades or contributor or higher
Skem / bikk – other words for scam or big
Ebook – a digital book that can be read on pc or smartphone
Leecher – someone who isn’t contributing and just using the website to get free stuff
Vouch hunter – someone who got royal or higher and uses his rank to get free stuff while
not writing proper reviews
Vouch – a free copy in exchange for a detailed review
MM – Middleman a third member who handles the deal so nobody gets scammed
Impersonator – someone faking the identity of a member
Discord – software to communicate
Telegram – software to communicate
Credits – currency of the website
Imgur – a website for pictures upload and download
Gyazo – picture and gifs website for upload and download
Confirming – checking the identity of the member