COMPETITIVE REVISION PORTION GRADE 11 SYLLABUS GRADE 12, JEE(M) PORTION (30th Oct, 2023) 1. Moving charges and magnetism. 2. Magnetism and matter. PHYSICS 3. Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, 30th Oct, Devices and Simple Circuits. 4. Dual nature of radiation and matter 5. Atoms 1.Solutions. CHEMISTRY 2.Alkyl halides and aryl halides 30th Oct, 3.Alcohols, phenols and ethers. 4.Biomolecules. 1. Relations and functions MATHEMATICS 2. Inverse trigonometry 30th Oct, 3. Matrices 4. Determinants GRADE 12, JEE(M) PORTION (6th Nov, 2023) 1. Ray optics and optical instruments. PHYSICS 2. Wave optics. 6th Nov 3. Nuclei . 4. Current electricity. 1.Coordination compounds. CHEMISTRY 2. Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids 6th Nov 3. d and f-block elements 4.Amines MATHEMATICS 6th Nov 1. Continuity and differentiability 2.AOD GRADE 12, JEE(M) PORTION (15th Nov, 2023) 1. Electric charges and fields. 2. Electrostatic potential and Capacitance. PHYSICS 15th Nov 3. Electromagnetic induction. 4. Alternating current. 5. Electromagnetic waves. 1. Electrochemistry 2.Chemical kinetics. CHEMISTRY 15th Nov 3.Solids. 4.P-Block elements(group-15,16,17,18 elements ) 5.Surface chemistry. 1. Integrals MATHEMATICS 15th Nov 2. AOI 3. Vectors