September 17th, 2023 The American University in Cairo School of Sciences and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department MENG 4778 (Fall 2023) Microcontrollers and Mechatronics Systems Laboratory 1 In this experiment, you will learn the basis of Logic gates, Boolean algebra, and the rules for the manipulation of logical expressions. You will use the logic gates and the Boolean algebra to solve problems of combinatorial logic circuits along with few applications. In addition, Student will have introductory assignment on how to use Proteus software in designing Logic circuits. Logic Gates AND Gate In this experiment the truth table of AND gate will be verified. The AND gate requires that all inputs must be high (True) to yield a high (True) output. An AND gate is composed of two or more inputs. AND Gate Symbol Top View of a TTL 74LS family 74LS08 Quad 2-input AND Gate IC Package The logical expression of AND function is, C A B AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 1 September 17th, 2023 AND Gate Truth Table: INPUTS A B LOW (0) LOW (0) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) OUTPUT AB HIGH (1) PROCEDURE: 1. Insert 7408, Quad (four in one package) 2-input AND gate IC into the Logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one AND gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet of the IC. 3. Verify the truth table of AND Gate by having all possible input combinations. OR Gate In this experiment the basic OR gate truth table will be verified. The OR gate requires that one or more inputs must be HIGH to yield a HIGH output. An OR gate is composed of two or more inputs. OR Gate Symbol: Top View of a TTL 74LS family 74LS32 Quad 2-input OR Gate IC Package AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 2 September 17th, 2023 The logical expression of OR function is, C A B OR Gate Truth Table: INPUTS A B LOW (0) LOW (0) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) OUTPUT A B PROCEDURE: 1. Insert 7432, Quad (four in one package) 2-input OR gate IC into the Logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one OR gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of OR Gate by having all possible input combinations. NOT Gate (Inverter) In the logic implementation it is often necessary to obtain the inversion (opposite state) of a signal or function. A NOT Gate (inverter) provides an output signal of opposite state from that of the input. A NOT gate is a single input gate. NOT Gate symbol: AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 3 September 17th, 2023 Top View of a TTL 74LS family 74LS04 Hex Inverter IC Package The circle (bubble) denotes inversion of output function. The logical expression of NOT function is, CA NOT Gate Truth Table: INPUT OUTPUT A A LOW (0) HIGH (1) PROCEDURE: 1. Insert a 7404 Inverter (NOT) Hex Inverter (six in one package) IC into the Logic Lab bread board. 2. Sketch and then wire the input/output of one NOT gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of NOT Gate by having all possible combination of the inputs. AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 4 September 17th, 2023 NAND Gate AND followed by INVERTER Gate The NAND gate is an inverted (negated) AND function. Each LOW output of the AND function is made HIGH and each HIGH output is made LOW. The output is LOW if and only if all inputs are HIGH. The inverted AND is called NOT-AND and is abbreviated NAND. Symbolically the NAND gate is represented by the AND symbol followed by a small circle indicating an inversion of the output. A NAND gate is composed of two or more inputs. The NAND gate is one of the universal building blocks of digital logic. It may be used to implement any logic function without the need for any other type of gates. NAND Gate Symbol: C A B Top View of a TTL 74LS family 74LS00 Quad 2-input NAND Gate IC Package NAND Gate Truth Table: INPUTS OUTPUT A B LOW (0) LOW (0) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib A B Page 5 September 17th, 2023 PROCEDURE: 1. Insert a 7400 Quad 2-inputs NAND gate IC into the logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one NAND gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of NAND Gate by having all possible input combinations. NOR Gate OR followed by INVERTER Gate The NOR gate (NOT-OR) is the equivalent of an inverted OR function and will yield a LOW output if either of the inputs is HIGH. Symbolically, the NOR is represented by the OR gate symbol followed by a small circle indicating an inversion of the output. A NOR gate is composed of two or more inputs. NOR Gate Symbol Top View of a TTL 74LS family 74LS02 Quad 2-input NOR Gate IC Package NOR Gate Truth Table: INPUTS OUTPUT A B LOW (0) LOW (0) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib A B Page 6 September 17th, 2023 The NOR gate like the NAND gate is a universal building block of digital logic because either may be used to implement any logic function. PROCEDURE: 1. Insert a 7402 Quad 2-input NOR gate IC into the logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one NOR gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of NOR Gate by having all possible input combinations. Exclusive-OR Gate (XOR) These gates are usually formed from the combination of the other logic gates already discussed. The Exclusive-OR is an "inequality" function and the output is HIGH (1) when the inputs are not equal to each other. The XOR gate may be depicted as (A B) symbolically where the circled OR operator indicates the Exclusive-OR function. XOR Gate symbol: Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ground C AB A B C A B AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 7 September 17th, 2023 XOR Gate Truth Table: INPUTS OUTPUT A B LOW (0) LOW (0) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) HIGH (1) A B Write the primitive logical expression for the output of the ExOR gate. The XOR gate function is stated as: The output will yield a HIGH if one and only one input is HIGH. If more than one input is HIGH or all inputs are LOW, the output is always LOW (HIGH output only if the inputs are different). PROCEDURE: 1. Insert a 7486 Quad 2-inputs ExOR gate IC into the logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one ExOR gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of ExOR Gate by having all possible input combinations. 4. Finally, implement the ExOR output function using the primitive gates AND, NOT and OR. Exclusive-NOR Gate (XNOR) Exclusive-NOR is an "equality" function and the output is HIGH (1) when the inputs are equal to each other. XNOR Gate symbol: AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 8 September 17th, 2023 INPUT A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 XOR XNOR OUTPUT OUTPUT PROCEDURE: 1. Insert a 7486 Quad 2-inputs ExOR gate IC and 7404 Inverter (NOT) Hex Inverter (six in one package) IC into the logic Lab breadboard. 2. Sketch and then wire the inputs/output of one ExOR gate and one Not gate following the pin configuration in the data sheet. 3. Verify the truth table of XNOR Gate by having all possible input combinations. Problems for the Report: 1. Write the NOR equivalent circuit of the following logic expression without simplifying the function, ABC A B D C ( B D A ) CB 2. Write the truth table and the equivalent logic circuit of the following logic expression without simplification the function, ( A B D ) C DBC ( B BC ) D 3. Design a logic circuit that will implement Temperature Control System With the following Inputs: High Temperature (1 if the temperature is above 30°C, 0 otherwise), LowTemp (1 if the temperature is below 15°C, 0 otherwise) Rain (1 if it's raining, 0 otherwise) WindowOpen (1 if the window is open, 0 otherwise) Output: ActivateHeater: Turns on if LowTemp is 1 and WindowOpen is 0. Turns off otherwise. Start with the necessary truth tables and then use the necessary Karnaugh Maps to get the minimized solution. Implement and test the design using Proteus. 4. Design a logic circuit that will implement Security System for a Vault AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 9 September 17th, 2023 With the following Inputs: MotionDetected (1 if motion is detected inside the vault, 0 otherwise) DoorOpen (1 if the vault door is open, 0 otherwise) SecurityBreach (1 if an unauthorized access attempt is made, 0 otherwise) NightTime (1 between 9 PM to 6 AM, 0 otherwise) Output: ActivateAlarm: Turns on if MotionDetected is 1 and DoorOpen is 0, or if SecurityBreach is 1 during NightTime. Start with the necessary truth tables and then use the necessary Karnaugh Maps to get the minimized solution. Implement and test the design using Proteus. 5. Derive the minimized logic expression and draw its logic circuit for the following list of Minterms and sketch the corresponding logic circuit. f ( x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) (1,4,6,7,89,13,14) d (0,2,5) Develop a Boolean expression for the solution of this problem using a Karnaugh map. Implement and test the design on Proteus. TTL "subfamilies": TTL chips require a fairly narrow range of supply voltage -- 5 volts, +/- 0.5V. For TTL circuits, a logic "1" is usually defined as a signal (Input/Output} of about 2.0 V/2.4 V, while logic "0" is about 0.8 V/0.4 V above ground; any signal between those values is undefined. Also, note that all unused inputs should be tied to ground. AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 10 September 17th, 2023 Bipolar TTL logic comes in many flavors (usually numbered in the "74XX" format, occasionally in "54XX" format) including 74LS/ALS types. These all require 1000s of times more power than TTL-compatible CMOS logic (like the 74HCT type, see below). Note that the 74HCT* ICs have the same logic thresholds as other TTL chips, allowing them used in a mixed circuits of TTL and HCT logic. 74LXX -- low-power TTL (1/10 the speed, 1/10 the power of "regular" TTL) 74HXX -- high-speed TTL (twice as fast, twice as much power) 74SXX -- Schottky TTL (for high-frequency uses) 74LSXX -- combination of low-power & Schottky, same speed as regular TTL, but at 1/5 the power consumption 74ASXX = advance Schottky TTL logic 74ALSXX = advance low-power Schottky TTL logic CMOS -- Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon CMOS ICs use much less power than TTL, plus they are fairly forgiving of "slop" in input voltage -- they're happy with anything between 3 (some, like 1381s, go lower) and 12 volts. CMOS, though, is much more susceptible to damage from static electricity (so get that grounding strap out!). AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 11 September 17th, 2023 CMOS comes in two flavors, with corresponding numbering schemes: "CD40XX" metal gate CMOS, and "74CXX" silicon gate CMOS (note that this second subfamily borrows its numbering scheme from TTL ICs). Metal gate CMOS (CD40XX)has a rated working voltage of 3 - 15 V but can be used down to 2V. Silicon gate CMOS (74CXX) logic has a working voltage range of 2 - 6V but can be used to less than 1V. For microwatt power applications you want to use the lowest possible voltage. AC / ACT stands for Advanced CMOS Logic (ACL for short). HC / HCT stands for High-speed CMOS Logic (HCL). The AC and ACT subfamilies are faster than the HC and HCT subfamilies, and draw some more power in some circuits. All chips in the AC* subfamily have lower output resistance than HC* and can sink and source 24 mA at logic levels and up 70 mA (typ) per gate for motor loads. As a result AC* gates can handle more than twice the current of HC* gates (50 - 70 mA vs. 24 mA). Note, though, that while most HC* chips have a 25 mA limit, the HC* driver chips such as the 74HC240 and the 74HC245 (i.e., buffers) can handle 35 mA per device, and a maximum of 75 mA per chip. Example 7400 Quad 2-Input NAND AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 12 September 17th, 2023 Pin Arrangement Electrical Characteristics Input Output N - Propagation Delay ALS AS Unit LS ALS F S AS HC HCT 1000 1000 [max] H->L 22 15 11 8 6 L->H 15 15 8 8 5.3 All High inputs Low 4.5 4.5 5 LS 40 20 20 20 20 1.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.6 All High 0.4 outputs Low 16 23 24 nS 3.5 23 24 nS Input Characteristics ALS ALS F S 1000 N N 4 3.5 AS AS 1000 Unit 50 20 20 uA 2 0.5 0.5 mA Output Characteristics ALS AS LS ALS F S AS HC HCT Unit 1000 1000 0.4 0.4 2.6 1 1 2 48 4 4 mA 8 8 24 20 20 20 48 4 4 mA You can check the electrical characteristics for other ICs. AUC_MENG 4778 Fall 2023 Prof. Maki Habib Page 13