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Parasite Detox: The Ultimate Guide to Cleansing

The Ultimate Guide
to Parasite Detox
Copyright © 2023 · Jonathan Otto and Health Secret, LLC
NOTICE OF RIGHTS: All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of the author.
DISCLAIMER: The Author and Publisher have strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While
all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility
for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or
organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results. Readers are
cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly. This book is an educational
guide that provides general health information. The materials are “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied.
The book’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the protocols (including
products and services) mentioned in the book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or
healthcare provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other
advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. While every effort has been made to
ensure accuracy, these contents should not be construed as medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any
other individual, and are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care or treatment.
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: What is Parasite?............................................................................................................................. 2
Parasites and their common types...........................................................................................................................3
Dr. Bryan Ardis.....................................................................................................................................................5
How do parasites enter our body?...........................................................................................................................7
Health risks associated with parasites......................................................................................................................8
Dr. Bryan Ardis.....................................................................................................................................................9
Dr. Lee Merrit.....................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2: Signs and Symptoms of Parasitic Infections.................................................................................... 11
Dr. Bryan Ardis...................................................................................................................................................12
Common symptoms of parasitic infections............................................................................................................13
How to Test For Parasites?......................................................................................................................................14
Chapter 3: Where Do You Begin Parasite Detox?............................................................................................. 15
Dr. Daniel Nuzum:..............................................................................................................................................16
Purpose of Parasite Detox.......................................................................................................................................17
Dr. Bryan Ardis:..................................................................................................................................................17
Advantages of Parasite Detox.................................................................................................................................18
How to do Parasite Detox?......................................................................................................................................19
Dr. Daniel Nuzum...............................................................................................................................................19
Dr. Edward Group...............................................................................................................................................20
Chapter 4: Detox Diet for Parasite Cleansing................................................................................................... 21
Role of nutrition in the detox process....................................................................................................................22
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger.......................................................................................................................................22
Basic dietary guidelines and sample meal ideas....................................................................................................23
Dietary Guidelines...................................................................................................................................................23
Sample Meal Ideas..................................................................................................................................................24
Chapter 5: Herbal Remedies and Protocols..................................................................................................... 25
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger:......................................................................................................................................26
Specific herbs known for their anti-parasitic properties........................................................................................27
Chapter 6: Effective Detox Supplement........................................................................................................... 29
ParaPurify with Mimosa Pudica Seeds | Well Of Life™..........................................................................................30
Chapter 7: Maintaining a Healthy, Parasite-Free Lifestyle................................................................................ 31
Guidance on post-detox maintenance....................................................................................................................32
Prevention strategies to reduce the risk of re-infection.........................................................................................33
Chapter 8: Real-Time Success Stories.............................................................................................................. 34
Lori Otto...................................................................................................................................................................35
Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................... 38
About Jonathan Otto...................................................................................................................................... 39
Parasites are EVERYWHERE, and not just in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, like we have been told. We see people
suffering from autoimmune conditions, chronic diseases, neurological disorders, and much more, it is all related
to the parasites that we have in our body.
Dr. Lee Merritt: “We are riddled with parasites, but we don’t know that, then they can release those parasites like
a time bomb. And they can do that by damaging our immune system. The way parasites work in the body is we all
get them. And we were told unfortunately, in American medical schools that we didn’t need to deal with. Those
were 3rd world country problems.
But that’s not true.
One of the factoids I remember from medical school is that you’re more at risk of having MS if you had a dog
before, a lap dog before the age of 5 and I remembered it because I thought that’s such a funny fact. Why would
that have anything to do with a neurologic disease having a dog when you were 4 years old? Well, it’s because
look at little kids, they get licked on the face by the dogs, and dogs have parasites, but they never treat in America
today, we used to, but not, we don’t treat children for parasites.”
Parasite infection is not the small thing as we are told, it can disturb your mental health and even make you
suicidal along with all the other awful things.
You may experience symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, depression, and other mood disorders for a number
of reasons. However, many studies have linked parasitic infections to these symptoms. A study published by
Michigan State University looked at the link between toxoplasma gondii parasitic infections and suicide attempts.
The study found that if you are positive for the parasite, you are seven times more likely to attempt suicide.
Researchers also found the link between brain inflammation and suicide attempts.
The study concludes that inflammation, possibly from an infection or a parasite, likely causes changes in the
brain’s chemistry, leading to depression and, in some cases, thoughts of suicide.
A very interesting article posted by Frontiers in Psychology examines the way parasites alter mental functioning
in their hosts. One of the concepts they outline is that some parasitic fungi and worms manipulate their host’s
navigational system in strange ways. Such manipulation ends with the suicide of the host.
This leads us to ask why parasitic infections have been neglected, especially in first-world countries. The first
thing to consider is that Big Pharma promotes the myth that a course of antibiotics is enough to clear a parasite
It is also very common for people to go on these antibiotics frequently. When antibiotics are used to get rid of the
parasites, most will grow back with eggs if you do not follow the proper procedures.
We often want a magic pill that will sort the problem out quickly, but when it comes to parasite infections we
need to follow a holistic approach and practice patience. One reason our experts recommend using this approach
is that, as parasites die, they give off noxious fumes that could cause you to feel horrible. Sometimes our bodies
can’t deal with the toxic overload of all these harmful substances being released in such a short span of time.
Western doctors and Big Pharma usually give medications that kill parasites within a day or two. This could lead
to horrible side effects. Additionally, as we mentioned earlier, anti-parasitic drugs promoted by pharmaceutical
industries work by preventing the worms from absorbing the sugars they need for survival. They kill the worms
but not the eggs.
What happens then is the eggs lead to reinfestation. This is why using an ongoing approach works better compared
to a one-day kill cure.
We need to work on promoting an anti-parasitic environment in our bodies, avoid common risk factors, and follow
the correct parasite cleansing protocols for the recommended amount of time.
In this ebook, we will walk you through the Parasite Paradigm. The eBook “The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox:
Reclaim Your Health Naturally” focuses on helping you learn everything about Parasites, from what is it, how it
enters your body and health risks associated with it to the necessity of parasite detox and how to get started.
Top medical experts will help you through the journey and reveal information from the information that been kept
hidden from you. Join me as we embark on a journey towards the parasite-free lifestyle and reclaim your health
What is Parasite?
A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism, known as the host to survive and spread. Parasites
can vary greatly in size and complexity, ranging from tiny single-celled organisms to larger multicellular animals.
They can be found in virtually every ecosystem on Earth, and not just the Third-World Countries.
Parasites and their common types.
There are different types of parasites, including:
1. Endoparasites: These parasites live inside the host’s body. Examples include tapeworms and certain types
of bacteria.
2. Ectoparasites: These parasites live on the external surface of the host’s body. Examples include fleas, ticks,
and lice.
3. Protozoa: Single-celled parasites such as Plasmodium (which causes malaria) and Giardia (which causes
giardiasis) are examples of protozoan parasites.
4. Helminths: These are parasitic worms, including flatworms (like tapeworms and flukes) and roundworms
(like pinworms and hookworms).
5. Parasitic Plants: Some plants are also parasitic, deriving nutrients from other plants. Mistletoe is a wellknown example.
Parasites that affect human health can be categorized into three main groups: protozoa, helminths, and
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that usually live in bodies of water and soil however, some are parasitic,
which means they live in other plants and animals including humans, where they cause disease. Plasmodium, for
example, causes malaria.
While not all protozoa species are able to infect and harm humans, there are other types that cause infections
that range from asymptomatic to life-threatening, depending on the species and strain of the parasite and the
resistance of the host.
Next, we will discuss helminths- parasitic worms- which we know well because they are common. These parasites
feed on a living host to gain nourishment and protection while causing poor nutrient absorption, weakness, and
disease in the host. These worms and larvae live in the small bowel and are referred to as intestinal parasites.
Lastly, ectoparasites are parasites that - as “ecto” suggests - live outside of their host.
For example, ticks are ectoparasites. It is important to note that most ectoparasites do not carry disease-causing
agents; they are, instead, the direct cause of disease.
A study that investigated the effects of ectoparasites on animals, including horses, has shown that ectoparasites
such as ticks and lice can cause anemia, as well as weight loss, which can even be fatal if parasite burdens are
particularly high.
Furthermore, arthropod ectoparasites not only cause direct harm to humans by sucking blood but, moreover, are
important vectors of infectious diseases affecting our species.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: “There’s actually a lot of published information about fungus, fungicides, and the gasses parasite
emits, similar to mycotoxins, that even in the human body are endocrine disruptors. And anything that imbalances
or creates imbalances in your endocrine system, and the word endocrine, don’t let that get you confused. Endocrine
means hormone glands.
Your emotional experience every day is dictated upon your hormonal balance. So for example, anything that affects
your hormones, and if a parasite gets inside your hormone glands like your thyroid, adrenals, your pituitary, your
ovaries, your testes, these all create hormones. The lining of your intestines secrete hormones like serotonin.
If there’s parasites in there and toxic bacteria or toxic fungi like we’re mentioning here, absolutely it will throw
off, simply explained, your serotonin levels and the ability of your body to produce healthy amounts of serotonin.
Serotonin, that hormone, is what makes you feel safe, what makes you feel happy, what makes you feel fulfilled in
life. And when you destroy serotonin, you become depressed.
In fact, that’s what all SSRIs or antidepressants are designed to do – block your body’s ability to absorb serotonin.
So the levels of serotonin you make are actually just sitting in your tissues instead of being absorbed. That’s what
they’re doing. They’re called serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
So I just want you to understand, any impact on your hormones, including, let’s just say you got parasites in your
testes for a man, or parasites inside your ovaries if you’re a female, 90% of all of your testosterone for both of you
is made in those two organs, ovaries and testes. Well, if parasites are in there, you’ll actually reduce the amount
of testosterone your body releases. Why? They’re damaging the cells of your ovaries and your testes that produce
these hormones.
Well, what does testosterone do for a male and a female? It drives their sex drive. It also is what produces, for
all males and females, these terms: motivation and goal-setting. So if you’re not someone who’s setting goals or
someone who was ambitious before was self-motivated just internally, and then all of a sudden you see you’re
not motivated anymore and you’re depressed and you have no goals you’re setting for yourself anymore, and you
have no libido at all, no sex drive, parasites could be implicated, and this impacts you emotionally. Your entire life
is impacted that way.
So these are just examples of the ways that they play on our emotions. And they can absolutely directly impact
our entire life, physically and emotionally. And the emotional impact can even be as simple as affecting your
melatonin hormone production, which is gonna not allow you to sleep if they’re injuring the parts of the brain that
produce melatonin. And we all know what happens to us emotionally when we can’t sleep and when we suffer
from insomnia. And this could be a very real cause for the massive amounts of insomnia going on around the world
right now.
And then there’s also the impact of the possibility of parasites getting inside your kidneys or inside the sheath
that surrounds your kidneys that also houses your adrenal glands. Your adrenals are responsible for adrenaline to
produce energy and vitality and strength and endurance, and also they’re responsible for releasing cortisol.
What does cortisol do? It makes you feel panicked, anxious, scared, makes you want to run away. That fight or
flight mode could be absolutely created by the inability to manage how much cortisol you’re releasing if there’s
damage or stress on your adrenals, even from parasites.
Your emotions are not only explained, the changes, by what the parasites are secreting, but what they’re also
damaging. And if they’re inside the tissues of your body in damaging, eating cells, they love eating red blood
cells, so you can become anemic. They’ll become very fatigued, very tired and experienced brain fog from the
deprivation of oxygen because there’s no longer iron-rich red blood cells to bind oxygen to, and that’s what they
love to destroy. That’s what the worm parasites like tapeworms and roundworms are for, and what they do, what
they love to feed on.
But any other tissues they eat on, as soon as they damage the cell of any organ, that cell, your body is going to
produce antibodies against the cellular material coming from these damaged cells that the body’s picking up on
are now in the bloodstream because they don’t belong there.
Usually, you have cells in your body that are eating up the entirety of a diseased cell on its own. When parasites
are ravaging or damaging cells, there’s no complete absorption of all the tissues of those cells. They’re eating on
cells. So as you eat and crumbs come out of your mouth, so it happens with the parasites.
There’s damaging cells, and the cellular material, mitochondria, the nucleus, everything that’s inside that cell
is now spilling out into your bloodstream. Your body’s going to pick up on that being foreign material and start
producing antibodies to tear those down and destroy them.
And then it will start seeking for any other tissue that has similar genetic makeup. And that makeup comes from
the organ the parasites are actually eating off of or living inside of or hosting their egg sacs inside of. And your
body’s immune system is going to start attacking the cells of that organ as soon as it figures out that’s the organ
it’s coming from.
So if there’s a parasite in your pancreas, it’s damaging cells of your pancreas, you’re gonna start producing
antibodies against your pancreas, which is why diabetes is an autoimmune disease. So you better kill off the
parasites so you can actually reduce your immune’s response to the pancreas. You got to give it some relief.”
How do parasites enter our body?
Parasites have evolved various mechanisms to adapt to their hosts and extract what they need. It can enter the
body through various routes.
The Iowa Department of Health recently reported an outbreak of Cyclospora — a filthy little parasite found in
fresh vegetables. They reported that some people were sick for almost 2 months. They suffered from severe
stomach problems, loss of appetite, nausea, and fatigue.
Let’s look at some of the common ways in which parasites enter our body:
1. Through Mouth
Many parasites enter the body through the mouth when contaminated food, water, or objects are consumed.
This is a common route for parasitic infections like those caused by protozoa (e.g., Giardia) and helminths (e.g.,
tapeworms, roundworms). Contaminated food or water may contain parasite cysts, eggs, or larvae that, when
ingested, can develop into mature parasites in the digestive tract.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: “We have poisons in our air, water, in our food that we eat, drink, and breathe in. There’s lotions,
creams, cosmetics that we put in our skin and our skin absorbs everything that we put on it. Everything we eat will
have an impact. If there’s fertilizers in those or not or parasites in the food, you’re going to get them.
“Let’s talk about non-GMO foods or organic foods. Organic foods would be those that don’t have any fertilizer used
in them or herbicides, pesticides and insecticides. And if that’s the case and it’s all organically grown, without those
fertilizers, those chemicals, you’re going to have what’s called organic farming. Are there side effects to organic
farming? You better believe it.
“The primary fertilizer for organic foods is manure. Well, what do animals shed in their feces? Parasites, particularly
the cyst and eggs of parasites that are unwanted in the body. And as you mix those in the soil of your organic farm,
guess what gets drawn up into your organic eggplant and tomatoes. You have parasites in there, man, you’re
going to eat them. And these parasites are going to hatch in your body. The likelihood of getting parasites with
organics foods is way higher.”
2. Through Nose
In some cases, parasitic infections can occur when parasite cysts or spores are inhaled. This is less common but
can happen with certain parasites like Toxoplasma gondii, which can be found in contaminated soil or cat feces.
Inhaling airborne particles containing these parasites can lead to infection.
3. Skin Contact
Certain parasites, such as parasitic worms (e.g., hookworms) and some protozoa (e.g., Leishmania), can enter the
body through the skin. This typically occurs when individuals come into contact with contaminated soil, water, or
surfaces. The parasites can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream.
4. Insect Bites
Vector-borne parasites, such as those that cause malaria (Plasmodium species) and certain filarial worms (e.g.,
Wuchereria bancrofti), are transmitted to humans through the bite of infected insects. The parasites reproduce in
the insect vector and are then injected into the human host’s bloodstream during the insect’s feeding.
5. Animal-to-Human Transmission
Some parasites can be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonotic parasites). This can occur through direct
contact with infected animals (even your pets), consumption of animal products, or exposure to contaminated
Health risks associated with parasites
We have always been told that parasites are a problem in developing countries. But it’s important to understand
that parasites are everywhere, in every corner of the world, including the USA. And there are 15+ serious health
risks that are associated with parasites:
1. Anemia
2. Insomnia
3. Skin issues
4. Puncture intestinal walls (leading to or worsening leaky gut)
5. Connected to thyroid issues, like Hashimoto’s and Graves
6. Fatigue
7. IBS symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, pain
8. Food sensitivities
9. Respiratory problems (cough, shortness of breath)
10. Vitamin deficiency
11. Nausea
12. Damage to T-cells (affecting immune response)
13. Loss of appetite
14. Mood swings
15. Anxiety
16. Depression
17. Damage liver
18. Intestinal blockage
19. Cysts that can lodge anywhere, including in the spine and brain
20. Affect eyesight
21. Infections that can lead to more serious health problems, including blindness, seizures, heart failure,
pregnancy complications, and even death
Dr. Bryan Ardis: “The most often diagnosed and seen are those that involve the GI tract. So, bowel issues and
autoimmune diseases of the bowels would include things like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, any of the IBS, CDMs,
any of those. They’re currently over a hundred autoimmune diseases that are actually currently diagnosable.
And of all of these, any of them can actually be caused by parasites. And we’re going to talk about psoriasis, for
example, which is an autoimmune disease defined. You’ve got MS, which is a neurological disease. This is caused
by roundworm parasites in your brain and in your cerebral spinal fluid where your spinal column and your brain
exist. That has been confirmed over and over and over.
“We’ve seen Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s-like scenarios and symptoms, cardiovascular issues, strokes. You can get
heartworms like dogs and cats do if you have a pet. So you can see congestive heart failure, cardiomegaly.
“There are other scenarios like systemic lupus erythematosus, which is an autoimmune disease that causes
inflammatory pain in all of your joints. You usually will have skin reactions that include a butterfly rash. It looks like
a big rash on both of your cheeks.
“The actual precursor to lupus’ diagnosis is actually rosacea. Individuals who have rosacea or lupus, you have
parasites in your spleen and that’s another organ that can be involved. If parasites are in your pancreas, they can
destroy beta cells that release insulin. You can develop Type 1 diabetes, you can develop Type 2 diabetes from
parasites. If they get into your liver, you can develop enlargement of your liver. Hepatitis is what that is called.
Hepatitis by definition just means enlargement of the liver. If they get into your kidneys, you’ll develop anything
from kidney stones, kidney sludge, acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure.
“It really just depends on which organs the parasites get into and they can get into any organ in your entire body.
They can create systemic topical issues. They can contribute to goiters in your thyroid. In fact, goiters sometimes
are actually just parasites thriving in your thyroid tissue, or parasitic egg sacs in your thyroid are diagnosed as
goiters incorrectly.
“And they can move inside of a female’s ovaries and that can cause polycystic ovarian syndrome. You can see
parasites in the uterine lining that lead to uterine fibroids. Actually they are uterine fibroids. You’ll hear people
often get colonoscopies, and a gastroenterologist will say, “We saw some polyps and we need to do a biopsy to
determine if they’re precancerous or cancerous.”
Those polyps are often parasites inside the intestinal lining. And often though, more often than not, they’ll do the
biopsies and then tell you that it’s precancerous.
“Now the problem with that is you were born precancerous. So anything after the fact you were born, anything
between that period, you are precancerous. So, even me sitting here right now, I am pre-prostate cancer because
I don’t have prostate cancer and I anticipate not.
“So, any of these scenarios can actually be created, autoimmune diseases, any of them can be created by
parasites. And there’s four major types: tapeworms, roundworms, protozoas and flukes. The most problematic
for Americans–but these are not the only ones in America–just the most problematic are protozoas, microscopic
unicellular parasites. And those can get in any tissues of your body.”
Dr. Lee Merrit: “I think there’s something about parasites and here’s the other thing is, think about the people that
are having cancer break out all over after they take these injections, right? We know it dumbs down the immune
“Here’s the other dirty little secret, people with cancer have parasites. I’ve heard a doctor say a 100% have parasites.
MS, recent study, they did an MS- they did autopsies on 10 patients that died of MS, 100% of them had parasites
in the brain. A lot of things we think of that are one disease, even maybe cancer, those masses you break out with
could be parasite egg sacs. And there’s some evidence for that, I think a lot of evidence for that.
“So, maybe what’s happening is you take the couple of possibilities. You take the vaccine, it damages your immune
system. Now it can no longer keep these parasites in check and the egg sac start growing and we called cancer.
Because it’s not normal cancer that we’re seeing. We’re seeing these things that are multifocal all over the place,
young people.
“Okay. So then, the other thing is, what’s the other thing is? The neurologic diseases - again, people just suddenly
go downhill with this thing. And now we’re finding out that much of the neurologic disease could be parasites. So,
I think that everybody is benefited by treating themselves for parasites. Your doctor doesn’t know how to do it.
“If you’re Egyptian or you’re European, you can find somebody that knows how to do it. I can guarantee you that
most middle class people and above are treated regularly for parasites in Egypt. Egypt, the parasitologists are like
on the top of the academic. They’re known for parasitology over there. But we were always told, “Oh no, that’s a
Third World problem.” It’s not, if you have to worm your dogs, you have to worm you.”
Signs and
Symptoms of
Parasitic Infections
Parasites can be deadly to an extent you can’t imagine, they can make you feel pain, have hallucinations, and even
drive you to be suicidal.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: “How a parasite prepares itself to be given to the
next host organism. And so if you haven’t seen this yet, go look up
the videos on praying mantis parasites. Have you seen these? They
actually take these praying mantises and they’ll like put them on
the ground and they’ll stomp on them. And then these worms that
will come out of their body, even if you just put the praying mantis,
they’ll put them in a bucket of water and the parasite can’t breathe
that’s inside the belly of the praying mantis. And these worms
come out of the body into the water that are like a foot long. And
the praying mantis is only like this big. But this foot long parasite
comes out of them.
“And what these parasites do eventually is when the animal or the insect, like you mentioned mice earlier, when
an insect like a praying mantis, which can only allow for so much space for this roundworm parasite to grow or
tapeworm-type parasite to grow, it will feed on it and grow as big as the belly of that animal will hold it. And then
it releases an enzyme. The parasite does. It releases a chemical that tells the praying mantis to go kill itself by
drowning itself in water. So it will be driven to go find water. It’s not unlike the rodent poison we use for rats and
mice in our homes. It makes them really thirsty and they have to go drink, and they’ll drink themselves to death or
“But these parasites tell animals to commit suicide by drowning themselves, very, very often. So what they do is the
praying mantis will wander over to a creek, a river, a lake, and drown itself. And then guess what happens? There’s
now a floating praying mantis on the water.
“Guess what’s going to come by?
“Either a fish or a bird is going to come and eat the praying mantis, swallow it, and when the praying mantis is
digested by the stomach juices of the fish or by the bird, the big old worm parasite comes out and latches itself into
the intestines of the animal that ate it.
“And there is a great book written by Dr. Frank Springob out of Washington state, the book is called Bugs in My
Brain, and it’s all about parasites that get inside the brain and the chemicals they do release that can create
delusions, hallucinations, suicidal and homicidal behavior and actions. They absolutely are published to do that.
“The side effects emotionally of parasites in the human body are identical to every antidepressant and antipsychotic drug’s side effects, which include heightened suicidal ideations where you start thinking of ways to kill
yourself or remove yourself from this planet, or then suicidal actions or behaviors, and actually homicidal actions
also too, which is ridiculous and awful.”
Common symptoms of parasitic infections
Parasitic infections can manifest with a wide range of symptoms, and the specific symptoms can vary depending
on the type of parasite, the affected organ or system, the severity of the infection, and the individual’s overall
health. Common symptoms of parasitic infections include:
1. Digestive Symptoms
Bloating and gas
Abdominal pain or cramps
Weight loss (unintentional)
Nausea and vomiting
2. Gastrointestinal Disturbances
Persistent hunger (parasites may consume some of the host’s nutrients)
Malabsorption of nutrients, leading to malnutrition
3. Fatigue and Weakness
Feeling tired or lethargic
General weakness
4. Fever and Chills
Some parasitic infections can cause fever and flu-like symptoms.
5. Skin Problems
Itching (pruritus)
Skin rashes or hives
Sores or ulcers
6. Neurological Symptoms
Seizures or cognitive changes
Brain fog
Sleep deprivation
7. Allergies and Sensitivities
Increased sensitivity to certain foods or substances
Allergic reactions
8. Muscle and Joint Pain
Muscle aches and pains
Joint pain and inflammation
9. Autoimmune response
Some parasites can lead to autoimmune responses due to nutrient absorption issues.
10. Respiratory Symptoms
Shortness of breath
Wheezing (in cases of lung parasites)
11. Genital and Urinary Symptoms
Genital itching or discharge (in cases of sexually transmitted parasites)
Painful or frequent urination
Blood in urine
12. Swelling
Swelling of lymph nodes or other body parts may occur in response to the infection.
13. Eye Problems
Eye redness,
Itching, or vision changes.
Parasites are foreign to the body. This means that the body recognizes that they should not be there and
inflammation levels increase. Inflammation caused by a parasitic infection can send the immune system into
overdrive. Healthy individuals may have no symptoms at all but those with genetic predisposition, along with
other risk factors such as poor diet, are likely to experience an autoimmune response or one that is worsened by
the presence of parasites.
How to Test For Parasites?
Testing can be done in the following ways:
Stool samples before taking any treatments
The “Scotch tape” test
For more severe infections, the doctor may do x-rays with a barium solution
Where Do You Begin
Parasite Detox?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: “Parasites are an environmental issue, and I’m not talking about external environment, I’m
talking about the environment inside your body, okay? Parasites only show up when they have something to eat,
all right? If you give them food, it’s given you’re going to be exposed, okay? You can’t be clean enough to not get
A majority, and I’m talking 80% or more, of the parasites that will ever enter your body are going to enter your body
through your respiratory system. Not through your food, not through your water, but through your respiratory
system. You’re going to inhale those little, they’re called cysts, the eggs of parasites. 80% or more of all parasitic
infections come from our respiratory system, we actually inhale them. They’re in dust, they’re in the particulates, in
the air in your house. And especially when you go outside or anytime you go around any public area, you’re going
to get exposed to these things.
So avoiding this isn’t a possibility, is what I’m trying to tell you, okay? You have been, and you always will be exposed
to a parasitic threat, we’ll call it, okay? That threat is insignificant if you have a healthy internal environment. It
gets in your system and flows right out. It doesn’t take up residence unless you have accumulated waste in your
system for it to feed on, okay? That’s why detoxification’s so important.
You go back, I studied Indigenous medicine extensively to the point of I have a PhD in Indigenous Medicine, and
every culture, even Western culture, up until about two, maybe three generations back, every culture, including
Western culture, would purge their systems every spring and every fall. It was just like clockwork, you just do it.
Why? If you don’t, you’re going to get really sick, all right? Why? Because they would accumulate parasites and
there’s, ridiculous, all kinds of ways that they would purge themselves, some herbal, some chemical, some things
that I can’t imagine people actually survived.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, it was a turpentine remedy that they would use. It was super popular here, and I
can’t even possibly imagine taking turpentine at all, but it was a popular thing here 100 years ago, and it worked.
People, they did get sick from it, but it worked. Just because it works, doesn’t mean it’s right. There are better ways,
Most cultures did some herbal cleanse combined with fasting. Then, when you combine the herbs with the fasting,
the parasites run out of things to eat, and when you are sending the herbs into the system that both raise your
immunity and detoxify you, while at the same time being toxic to the parasites, they leave and they leave quick.
So my approach is, yeah, I include parasite cleansing as part of detoxification, it’s just part of detoxification. And if
you have parasites and you’re passing parasites and you do parasite cleanses and you keep passing parasites, you
missed something, okay? They should diminish to the point that they stop coming out.
You shouldn’t be producing parasites over and over and over again. If that’s the case, you have the right environment
to grow parasites and parasite cleansing isn’t going to fix that. You have to change the environment of your body,
okay? You have to cleanse your whole system if you want to get rid of these parasites, okay? So if you’re in a
perpetual parasite cleanse, you’re missing the boat.”
Purpose of Parasite Detox
Dr. Bryan Ardis: “When you’re actually removing parasites or any toxins from the body, they have to come out.
Typically people have parasites or heavy metals inside of them, and you have just been enduring what it feels like to
be normal now, being either full of toxins or riddled with infection. That new normal is going to change the moment
that the actual parasites start to die off. And you will experience emotions as a result of the die-off of the parasites.
“You actually will experience the emotions of the organism as they die off. And I used to warn patients, when we
start doing this parasite cleanse, as they die, these are living creatures by the way, they will actually have moments
of terror, they will have moments of threat of death. And you yourself may have emotional upheaval occur inside
of you as a reaction to their emotional release of their fear, panic and torture as they’re dying.
“So that occurs. And then there’s actually the process of actually degrading or tearing down the parasites as your
body tries to eliminate those. And they’re often full of bacteria, they’re often full of other toxins. And you will feel
symptoms of toxicity, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, you name it, rashes. There’s only so many ways that God created
the human body to eliminate things that are poisonous, toxic, or infectious to it.
“Now, your body’s either going to eliminate it through your bowels, through your urinary tract, through your skin,
through your lungs, through breathing or coughing or mucus. And then in females, it’s going to be through the
uterine lining, bleeding it directly out.
“You’re gonna see changes in any of those systems as your body is eliminating toxins or parasites of any kind. So we
just prepare patients to expect to see some of those moments occur where you’re going to feel symptoms. I mean,
the only reason why you even get body aches and chills and joint pain and muscle and body pain when you have
a flu is because that’s what your body feels like as it’s eliminating something that is infectious inside the body or
toxic to the body. So those are the symptoms as you’re eliminating the actual toxin or poison. And you just have to
get through that and then you come out on the other side and you’ll feel great.”
Advantages of Parasite Detox
There are a number of potential advantages to parasite detox, including:
Improved digestion and gut health
Parasites can damage the gut lining and disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. By removing parasites,
a detox can help to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients and reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas,
and diarrhea.
Increased energy levels
Parasites can steal nutrients from the body, which can lead to fatigue and low energy levels. A detox can help to
boost energy levels by removing parasites and allowing the body to better absorb nutrients.
Reduced inflammation
Parasites can trigger inflammation in the body, which can lead to a variety of health problems, including allergies,
autoimmune diseases, and chronic pain. A detox can help to reduce inflammation by removing parasites and
allowing the body to heal.
Improved mental health
Studies have shown that parasites can also affect mental health, causing symptoms such as anxiety, depression,
and mood swings. A detox may help to improve mental health by removing parasites and reducing inflammation
in the brain.
Weight loss
Some parasites can cause weight gain, so removing them may lead to weight loss.
Improved skin health
Some parasites can cause skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. A detox may help to improve skin
health by removing parasites and reducing inflammation in the skin.
Reduced muscle aches and pains
Some parasites can cause muscle aches and pains. A detox may help to reduce these symptoms by removing
parasites and reducing inflammation in the body.
How to do Parasite Detox?
Parasites love to clog up the liver bile duct. Bugs and pathogens in general love to cause stagnation of the body
fluids because it gives them an environment in which they can thrive. A lot of great natural products are available
that can really change lives and help people with parasites.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: “There are things I did for about 10 years to make sure that we as a family, me, my wife, 5 kids
every month for the last 10 years. We actually take one dose of ivermectin every month and have been doing that
for 10 years just to make sure we’re detoxing from parasites that may be hatching in our body from our food, the
water we’re drinking, or if we’re at the lake or at an ocean in the water.
“All of us have the potential to be exposed through soil, food, water, parasites, and in the air actually. And that’s
not a fault hood for Americans. Go to the CDC.gov’s website in the search engine type parasites or Google cdc.gov
and parasites. They have tons of pages of parasites and they talk about parasites infecting Americans around the
entire country.
“In fact, I think it states 90 million Americans right now. Americans are struggling with parasites. That’s almost a
third of our country. So it’s a bigger deal than the medical profession admits. So, parasites, I would, there’s a whole
bunch of things you can do for parasites. I always prefer natural means for treatment. I said I used one dose of
ivermectin monthly.
“We do that with our animals, our pets like our dog. Put it in their dog bowl. Let them drink it. For those of you
who give your animals Heartgard or make them wear a necklace, that’s Heartgard. Just look at it. Heartgard is
ivermectin. So they’re just treating all your animals with ivermectin. You too would benefit from the transferring of
parasites from your animals to you. If you have pets in your home, you for sure have parasites.
“If you have pets outside and you pet them, love them, let them kiss on you, you kiss on them, you have parasites
too. So I would be looking at trying to make sure on a parasitic basis, every six months or so, especially if you have
pets, you deal with daily or animals like horses or cattle every month or every day, please make sure you do a
parasite test or parasite cleanse at least every 6 months or each year at minimum, at least every year, if not every
6 months. So that’s what I would do.
“I mentioned ivermectin, which most of the world knows about now because of COVID. But ivermectin has the
same mechanism of action as wormwood, which is a plant. And you can supplement wormwood and do the same
thing as with ivermectin.
“Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-parasitic drug, and I know a lot of people with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid
arthritis or osteoarthritis have been prescribed hydroxychloroquine, including lupus patients. they’ll be put on
Plaquenil, which is hydroxychloroquine.
“Well, hydroxychloroquine was actually developed in a lab from quercetin which is a flavonoid found in the fruit
rinds or peels of different fruits, the skin of different fruits. So Quercetin is an absolute natural alternative to using
hydroxychloroquine, which is a prescription medication for parasites.
“So is wormwood, a substitute for ivermectin, and also dandelion root extract. And some of those are a part of
the Freedom Cleanse Restore supplement kits that we use to help address parasites to help people detox every 6
months or a year. So those are a few of the examples of ways we detox.
“Wormwood is fantastic. Wormwood and black walnut. Another one, that’s right up there is chaparral, the herb
chaparral. Not many people know about chaparral. And the other one is pau d’ arco. Pau d’arco is a mold and
fungus resistant wood from the Amazon. And interesting enough, when you take it, it gets rid of fungus and mold
in your system.”
Dr. Edward Group: “When we define parasites, that means, like I said earlier, any harmful organism living inside
your system. So what we do for parasites, there’s lots of different things out there that we do to clean all the
parasites out of the body. We use a product called Paratrex.
“Oregano oil works on some parasites. Silver works, a colloidal silver
works, on a range of parasites. Iodine is extremely effective at parasites.
Methylene blue is extremely effective at parasites, Ivermectin. Now,
I would’ve never ever in my career recommended Ivermectin up until
two years ago. And after doing a massive amount of research on it
and understanding that Ivermectin is a natural product. It was actually
developed and it’s harvested from soil-based microorganisms that are
made by God.
“So I mean, Ivermectin, even though people might say it’s a pharmaceutical,
and even though it was patented, and the pharmaceutical companies
do own it and produce it, and yes, there might be some fillers or some
excipients or something like that in there, I have found and looked at the
research to find it extremely, extremely safe and beneficial to use as an
anti-parasitical compound.
“That’s what we use in conjunction with supercharged C60 sometimes for eliminating and getting rid of all of the
harmful organisms inside the system. And I say supercharged C60 and iodine because these new parasites, these
synthetic manmade parasites, are a little bit more difficult. Those are the nanobots.
“Those are the technologies of the big organizations that are pushing for a transhumanism agenda. Basically,
what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to make us into half man, half machine. And when they do that, they can
control us, and they’re injecting us and they’re putting these nanoparticles that are self-replicating, that they can
control into, potentially, the water supply, the air, the food and injections.”
Detox Diet for
Parasite Cleansing
Role of nutrition in the detox process
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger: “Why does my body have parasites?” you would ask. Well, because if your immune system
is compromised, there has a higher chance of it being sick, being ill, and being invaded by all these microbes such
as parasites.
“So it’s really important for us to understand that your immune system is 80% in your gut, in your microbiome. So
what you want to do is that you really want to fortify your body. First, you want to detoxify it. Make sure you are
able to find something that’s able to support your gut microbiome by preventing those parasitic invasions. What
can you do?
“Make sure that that particular product has black walnut in there, Mimosa pudica, wormwood, clove, and neem.
Those are really, really important to safeguard your body from these parasitic invasions. And what it does is that
it helps to heal your gut lining from the inside out. So what we want to do is that first we want to detoxify your
body, so you have to take action in order for you to really support your microbiome with the right kind of nutrients.
“So what you want to do is that you want to be able to nutrify your body. The things that I find that really helps to
really reline that intestinal wall is slippery elm, marshmallow root, L-glutamine. Also, what we want to do is that
we want to have the right type of aloe in order for you to move your bowels. It’s so important for you to rebuild that
gut. So a really good formulation for a gut rebuilder is so important because that’s the second step.
“That second step is really, really critical. You already got rid of those toxins. Let’s go ahead and put all the good
food back into your body so your body, your intestinal tract, can heal from the inside out. So make sure you take
action and really start somewhere instead of sitting there being so confused and not know what to do because that
autoimmune process is happening right now. So you have to take control and really balance that gut flora.
“So what I really love about this gut rebuilder is that it really helps to seal that gut junction. It reduces that
inflammation process that’s happening inside your gut lining. One great thing about the gut rebuilder is that it’s
able to really help to stop that cellular process from attacking your glands. So what you want to do is that you want
to take control of your health because you live in it.
“So take action and just try that gut rebuilder because it really helps you and it heals your body from the inside out,
by nourishing your body with the right ingredients that helps your body heal from the inside.So don’t forget 80%
of your immune system is actually in your gut. So we have the solutions for you.
“These ingredients that actually really help to fortify your body in order for that tight junction not to break loose
where it creates this inflammatory process where it starts attacking you at a cellular level. So what’s the next step?
It’s going to attack your glands.
“So take action. You live in your body, you know your body best, so you know that there’s something going on in
there, so be proactive and really fortify your body by putting the right nutrients back in.
“And the gut rebuilder is such a great product, and I love the fact that Jonathan is so passionate in what he’s doing,
and all the formulations, all the ingredients are placed together to provide the solution that you actually need in
order for your intestinal mucosa membrane, that permeability, in order for that to really be healthy again, you
have to address all of this.
“So what I want you to do is take action, take control of your health, and really change your life because in order
for you to heal, it has to be from within.”
Basic dietary guidelines and sample meal ideas.
When considering a dietary approach to support parasite
detoxification, it’s important to focus on foods that promote
digestive health, support the immune system, and create an
environment less favorable for parasites.
Here are some basic dietary guidelines:
Dietary Guidelines
Fiber-Rich Foods
Include plenty of fiber in your diet to support regular bowel
movements and overall gut health. Whole grains, legumes,
fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary fiber.
Anti-Parasitic Foods
Incorporate foods known for their potential anti-parasitic properties, such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, pumpkin
seeds, and papaya.
Probiotic-Rich Foods
Consume fermented foods like vegan yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha to introduce beneficial
probiotics to your gut.
Drink plenty of clean, filtered water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated and support digestion.
Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods
Minimize or eliminate sugary foods and processed items from your diet, as they can disrupt gut health.
Sample Meal Ideas
Smoothie Bowl: Blend spinach, kale, frozen berries, banana, chia seeds, and almond milk. Top with pumpkin
seeds and a sprinkle of turmeric.
Oatmeal: Cook steel-cut oats with almond milk, add sliced papaya, and sprinkle with ground flaxseed and
a touch of cinnamon.
Quinoa Salad: Combine cooked quinoa with chickpeas, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, and a lemontahini dressing. Garnish with fresh parsley and a dash of cayenne pepper.
Veggie Wrap: Fill whole-grain tortillas with hummus, spinach, roasted red pepper, shredded carrots, and
avocado slices.
Fresh Fruit: Enjoy a mid-afternoon snack of fresh pineapple or papaya.
Cucumber and Kimchi: Slice cucumbers and serve with vegan kimchi for a tangy, probiotic-rich snack.
Stir-Fried Vegetables: Sauté a mix of colorful bell peppers, broccoli, and snap peas in a ginger-garlic sauce.
Serve over brown rice or quinoa.
Vegan Chili: Prepare a hearty chili with kidney beans, black beans, tomatoes, chili powder, and garlic. Top
with avocado slices and cilantro.
Chia Pudding: Make a chia seed pudding using almond milk, chia seeds, and a touch of maple syrup. Top
with fresh berries.
Fruit Salad: Create a refreshing fruit salad with watermelon, cantaloupe, and mint leaves.
Herbal Tea: Enjoy herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, or chamomile, which can support digestion.
Lemon Water: Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water to help alkalize the body.
Herbal Remedies
and Protocols
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger: “These are the tools and these are the solutions that you can actually take charge before all
this stuff happens. Number one, detoxify. How do you detoxify? Simply, get rid of those parasites. Research shows
that black walnut actually helps to get rid of these little creeps, and also Mimosa Pudica is another ingredient that
really helps to fight these little parasites. What we want to do is that we want to also add in the right minerals.
Fulvic acid is shown that it has about 71 different kinds of minerals, and it’s kind of like what’s on our periodic table.
“Your body has all the stuff it needs in order for it to heal itself, so if you’re able to put those nutrients back in
your body, your body has the ability to heal from the inside out so your intestinal lining, so that tight junction,
can actually be nice and tight, and not loose again, to prevent your body from cascading to autoimmune disease
number two, autoimmune disease number three. Once, when you’re diagnosed with one autoimmune disease,
your chance of having multiple types of autoimmune disease just goes on a rampage because that immune system
is so overworked and it is so tired. Make sure you’re able to detoxify, get rid of the parasites, lay a really good lining
in your digestive tract so then you’re able to nutrify, fortify, and use a positive mindset to reset everything.
“Another one that I absolutely love is wormwood.
That’s another great parasitic detoxifier. What
that does is that it actually kills those eggs.
These parasites, they have hatchlings, they keep
hatching. That’s why it’s so important for you
to go through it. When you go to your doctor
and your doctor places you on the antibiotics,
what does the doctor say? “Make sure you take
your antibiotics for 21 days or 30 days.” Why?
Because it’s trying to kill all that ... Well, they
think it’s trying to kill all that microbes. That
same analogy can go to parasites. However,
antibiotics means anti the good biome. So a
patient that goes through a round of antibiotics,
I would always tell them ‘Make sure you detoxify
your body and put all that good microbiome and
balance that microbiome again.’
“The next thing that I usually love to help the body to get rid of parasites and support your body from the inside
out is clove. Clove is one of the highest antioxidants, it’s actually an antioxidant, and it’s also an herb that it’s
able to actually try to get rid of these parasites. So it supports your microbiome and balances that intestinal
mucosal membrane so your body can heal properly. Another great ingredient that we usually love when it comes
to supporting your intestinal tract to prevent your body from having these parasitic infections or even parasites,
is what we call neem. In ancient history, people always used neem as one of their antibiotics. It’s like a natural
antibiotic. And, of course, you heard of neem leaf, or sometimes you find it in toothpaste instead of fluoride, they
used neem for that. And that really helps to safeguard your microbiome by having these parasites invade it.”
Specific herbs known for their anti-parasitic properties
Several herbs are known for their potential anti-parasitic properties and have been used traditionally in herbal
medicine. Here are some herbs with anti-parasitic properties:
(Artemisia annua and Artemisia absinthium)
Wormwood contains compounds like artemisinin, which are believed to have anti-parasitic properties. It is often
used in parasite cleanse protocols.
Black Walnut
(Juglans nigra)
Black walnut hulls are commonly used in herbal remedies for their potential anti-parasitic effects. They contain
compounds like juglone that may help eliminate parasites.
(Syzygium aromaticum)
Cloves contain eugenol, a compound with potential anti-parasitic properties. They are often used in combination
with other herbs for parasite cleansing.
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid is a natural compound derived from humus (organic matter in soil) and is known for its potential to
enhance nutrient absorption and support the immune system. Some individuals use fulvic acid as part of parasite
detox programs.
(Hydrastis canadensis)
Goldenseal is believed to have antimicrobial properties, and some herbalists recommend it for addressing certain
types of parasites.
Berberine-Containing Herbs
Berberine is a compound found in various plants and herbs, including goldenseal, Oregon grape (Mahonia
aquifolium), and barberry (Berberis vulgaris). Berberine is known for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects,
and it is often included in anti-parasitic formulas.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in cucurbitacin, which may have anti-parasitic properties. They are often used in traditional
medicine for addressing intestinal parasites.
(Azadirachta indica)
Neem is known for its potential anti-parasitic and antimicrobial properties. It is used in various forms, including
neem oil and neem leaf extracts.
Mimosa Pudica
Mimosa pudica, also known as the “sensitive plant” or “touch-me-not,” has a long history of use in traditional
medicine for its potential anti-parasitic properties. The seeds and leaves of the plant are often used in herbal
parasite cleanse protocols.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is believed to have antimicrobial properties, and it is sometimes used as part of parasite
cleanse protocols.
(Allium sativum)
Garlic contains allicin, which is known for its potential antimicrobial properties. Some people use garlic as a natural
remedy for parasites.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil contains compounds like carvacrol and thymol, which are believed to have anti-parasitic and
antimicrobial effects.
(Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is sometimes included in parasite cleanse protocols due to its potential antimicrobial properties and its
ability to support digestion.
(Curcuma longa)
Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and potential antimicrobial properties. It may support
overall health during a parasite cleanse.
Triphala Powder
Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal formula consisting of three fruits: Amla (Indian gooseberry), Haritaki, and Bibhitaki.
While it is primarily used for digestive health and detoxification, some people believe that Triphala may have antiparasitic effects due to its ability to support overall gastrointestinal health.
Effective Detox
ParaPurify with Mimosa Pudica Seeds | Well Of Life™
ParaPurify helps eliminate parasites from your body
naturally. It supports digestive, colon, immune, and liver
health, promotes a balanced inflammatory response and
detoxification, and provides antioxidant support. It contains
potent anti-parasitic natural Ingredients, including:
Organic Mimosa Pudica
Works its way through the intestinal walls, pulling out
parasites, toxins, heavy metals, biofilms, and other unwanted
elements to provide immune and digestive support.
Organic Black Walnut Hull Powder
Black walnut contains juglone, which has been shown
effective at expelling parasites from the body.
Fulvic Mineral Powder
This nutrient-rich soil-based compound supports
detoxification, parasite removal, digestive health, and
immune health.
Humic Acid Powder
This mineral-rich substance made from humus supports intestinal health and detoxification.
Organic Triphala Powder
This staple of Ayurvedic healing nourishes the digestive tract, supports colon cleansing and detoxification, supports
a healthy inflammatory response, and provides antioxidant benefits.
Organic Neem Leaf Powder
Another Ayurvedic healing nutrient that supports parasite removal, detoxification, immune function,
gastrointestinal health, and liver and skin health.
Organic Wormwood Herb Powder
A natural herb containing compounds such as artemisinin, that help cleanse the body of harmful organisms such
as parasites. Also supports liver and digestive health.
a Healthy,
After successfully detoxing from parasites, you’ve taken the first step toward reclaiming your health. However, the
journey doesn’t end with the cleanse. To remain parasite-free and sustain your well-being, you need to maintain a
mindful approach to what you put into your body. And it will make all the difference. In this chapter, we’ll provide
you with guidance on post-detox maintenance and share prevention strategies to reduce the risk of re-infection.
Guidance on post-detox maintenance
You’ve completed your parasite detox, and now it’s
time to transition into a phase of maintaining your
newfound health. Here’s some guidance to help you
on your post-detox journey:
1. Nutrient-Rich Diet
Continue to nourish your body with a nutrient-rich,
plant-based diet. This will not only support your overall
health but also make your body a less hospitable host
for parasites. Focus on a variety of fruits, vegetables,
legumes, nuts, and seeds.
2. Probiotic Foods
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that can
help keep your gut healthy and balanced. Incorporate
probiotic-rich foods like vegan yogurt, kimchi,
sauerkraut, and kombucha into your diet to support
your gut microbiome.
3. Hydration
Staying well-hydrated is essential. Proper hydration supports digestion and overall well-being. Opt for clean,
filtered water and herbal teas throughout the day.
4. Regular Exercise
Physical activity not only keeps your body strong but also supports your immune system. Engage in regular exercise,
whether it’s brisk walking, dancing, or another activity you enjoy.
5. Mindful Eating
Continue the practice of mindful eating. Chew your food thoroughly, eat in a relaxed environment, and savor the
flavors of your meals.
Prevention strategies to reduce the risk of re-infection
Preventing re-infection is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy, parasite-free lifestyle. Here are some strategies
to help you reduce the risk of encountering parasites in the future:
1. Hygiene and Cleanliness
Practicing good personal hygiene and maintaining a clean living environment are your first lines of defense against
parasites. Regular handwashing, especially before eating, and keeping your surroundings clean are essential habits.
2. Safe Food Handling
Be vigilant about the safety of the foods you consume. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and ensure that
your food is cooked to the recommended temperatures. Be cautious when eating at restaurants and choose
trusted, clean establishments.
3. Avoid Exposure
Parasites can be present in soil and water. Minimize direct contact with potentially contaminated sources, such as
walking barefoot in areas with poor sanitation or swimming in untreated bodies of water.
4. Pet Care
If you have pets, maintain their hygiene and administer regular deworming treatments as recommended by your
veterinarian. Be mindful when handling pet waste.
5. Personal Space
Be cautious about personal contact in situations where parasite transmission is possible. Safe practices are
essential for your well-being.
Success Stories
I will share two stories that will inspire you to do the parasite detox and cleansing. One is of my lovely wife Lori
Otto and another one is a mother who wanted to live her life happily again – Nataliya Voloshin.
Lori Otto
“I was dying inside, I was breaking and I was so-I felt so broken. I’m just like, “When am I gonna get my break?
When am I going to see the light at the end of the tunnel?” My family looks at us and my friends or the people that
know our lives to a certain extent, and “She always seems sick. She always seems depressed. She always seems
angry, can’t control herself.”
All I wanted to do was be better. All I wanted to do was impact positively. I just felt like I couldn’t do that. I felt like
at the same time, I felt like my husband, the person that was the closest to me couldn’t see me either in the midst
of it. I just wanted to tell people, I don’t know, what’s going on. I just get angry, just be angry and bitter and tired. I
think the underlying feeling underneath was just tired. I was exhausted of fighting and not feeling like I was getting
anywhere forward. I wanted to follow my dreams and impact the world and be better at time management, be
better at this and that and always reading, and always-just felt like things were just not getting anywhere. Good
news and partially not good news.
I got to the point where I was like, I don’t like the fact that my brain is becoming dependent on these heavy
antidepressant, anti-anxiety meds. I felt like a zombie and I just got really convicted to that. I need to get off of
them. It’s not making my situation any better. Long story short, I researched and slowly but surely weaned myself
off and that’s where I learned the power of Omega-3s and Vitamin B for de-stressing and all that stuff. That was
my beginning journey of learning about my brain. But I was able to get off of those.
However, I was still dealing with depression and anxiety. So they started treating me for, working on my migraines.
Of course, my test results showed that I had low iron, low blood sugar. I was known to have hypoglycemia and
definitely at this point was showing signs of anemia as well. So, that was that.
Around that time, we were able-we wanted to confide into my really good friend Jay Davidson, Dr. Jay Davidson,
and we went to them to ask him and his wife to see what we could do about falling pregnant. I brought my test
results with me, and I didn’t think what would come out of that would be hope. But we got there, showed Dr. J the
test results, and he basically said, “These look like red flags for parasites.” I got so offended and I was like, “No,
there’s no way we’re talking about this. This is not like, what do you mean, I have parasites?”
He started explaining it. Long story short put me on a parasite detox. I was dreading the day that those pills would
arrive at home. I was literally shaking, just dreading. I’m like, “I don’t wanna deal with that”. But I was desperate,
if this was gonna be something good. I was trying everything, anything and everything. We had tried so much
money. I started getting rid of those food allergies. I could actually eat leafy greens and broccoli and cauliflower
and all these things that would make me feel sick to my stomach. I could actually eat it and I could actually feel
energy from it. Within 3 months, all of my health issues that I ever experienced, even from the point I was 13, went
I had no more symptoms of anemia, no more symptoms of hypoglycemia, no more symptoms of irritable bowel
syndrome, digestive issues. I could eat for the first time in years, whatever I wanted. Really, it was freeing. It was
really amazing. I still kept passing parasites 3 months after. Before I even finished my detox, I fell pregnant. Now
we have our beautiful baby boy, Asher. The first word I can think of is FREEDOM.”
Nataliya Voloshin
“I had some problem in family with my mom and I was under terrible stress for about two years, I guess is when
it started. But at this time I just didn’t realize yet because I still, my body’s still working. Then we went to Peru for
vacation and it was a one week vacation and there I got infection. I got stomach infection from raw fish, from
ceviche, it’s really tasty. But I guess other people also got it, but not all got sick, like I did.
Because maybe already my immune system was very weak to this point because of stress, two years’ stress. And
after that, when I came back, I started to feel a little bit better, but for short time. After that, it started, UTI. I took
antibiotics for two weeks. Then another UTI and the whole summer. So I was there in May and whole summer, I
was kind of not very sick, not very healthy, like one problem and then another problem. And then by end of August,
I remember, like it was yesterday. I just prepare every single evening for my work next day, lunch and everything,
and clothes. And then in the morning, I couldn’t even, not even stand, I couldn’t even turn my head. It was so
terrible, pain in muscles. It just, it’s difficult to explain. So, but you can’t even sit, you can’t do anything. Yeah. So,
and of course, I went to doctor and they didn’t know what it is, and it was very strange.
So I understood that there’s something wrong, really wrong. And I went to doctors, they don’t know what is. They
run different tests. And they gave me, they gave me steroids and a big amount of steroids by special schema. And
in one week of steroids, pain gone. I didn’t feel very well, but pain disappeared. But when I stopped it, it was much,
much worse, but now joints were involved as well. So I practically was... I was not able to work. So I just, it was very
difficult because it’s... I went from one doctor to another doctor.
Finally, I had an appointment with rheumatologists and they told me... They did a lot of tests, bunch of different
tests. And they told me that you have rheumatoid arthritis. But marker was okay, it was normal. But still they told
me my symptoms is rheumatoid arthritis because all joints were involved. And x-ray already shows this, that it’s
already damaged, damage in spine, damage in actually each joint. And it was pretty, pretty bad.
It’s inflammation, my spine was so inflamed. This is why muscle, yeah. I had muscle pain because it was inflammation
in spine. And they told me, “You only have one choice, big amount of steroids, big amount of chemo, that’s it.” And
I ask, “How long?” They told me, “Until the end of your life.” They gave me brochure. When I read this brochure, I
was absolutely terrified. There was 15% of kidney cancer or failure of kidney. And they just cheerfully told me, “At
that point we will do dialysis, if you fail.” It absolutely was not good answer for me.
I changed my rheumatologist because I just didn’t like attitude of first doctor who told me, “Don’t worry, we’ll do
dialysis.” Or he told me, “It doesn’t matter what you eat. You can eat everything, it doesn’t matter.” So I change
So I went to another one and she told me is that you are in really bad condition, is so bad condition. And this
moment they also found that, by just chance, there was practically was no pulse in my legs. They couldn’t hear it.
They sent me to test and the first ultrasounds and they did a CT scan, and they found that my vessels, they feel,
they saw that just just maybe some clots. They just, “ Maybe just we’ll do surgery and do put stents there and it
will be fine.”
But then they realize that this whole arteries became almost collapsed, whole, not the one part, just completely
whole arteries in legs. And after that, they told me, “Okay, now we know. It was vasculitis, it’s inflammation of
arteries and inflammation of vascular system.” And now it’s like, really, right now, talk about this. “If you would
not take, right now, chemo and steroids, we give you maximum two weeks. More than two weeks, you will not
survive.” We will need, if you will be on time, we will... You should amputate your legs, because practically almost
no blood goes to your legs, so.”
Plus I went to also to gastroenterologist. I asked maybe I have some gut issue, maybe some worms? They did many
tests and they couldn’t find anything. Now I understand that I had this, I had parasites, but they just couldn’t find
them. Maybe this is where type of parasites that they don’t have tests for them. I have no idea.
But it’s, I had candida as well, so I have everything. So this test shows this, but how to treat it? This was big, big
difference. They try many things. I spent so much money for this. I spent actually fortune for this. So first year I
spent 40,000. Next year, even more, and so on. Just practically, I spent all my savings, just to find way. And then I
realized that it’s... they also couldn’t help. Then, my friend in New York, she had cancer. And she also was looking
for... She was very aggressive cancer. And they told her the same, that she would not do chemo and radiation and
she had surgery. But after that, she needs to do chemo and radiation. And they told if you would not do this, we
give you only three months to live.
And she decided to go to also alternative method and she decided to try it. And she found on internet, this program.
Right now she’s using this product, is also after I started. But she point me to this program. And right now I point
other people to this program because in my opinion, it is the best now. It is just the best, because it’s just, it’s so big
difference. It just no comparison. So, I started last summer. Actually, it’s exactly a year ago. No, a little bit more than
a year ago. In the beginning, I didn’t feel a big difference. I started to feel a difference maybe in a couple months,
because I was able to decrease a little bit, amount of steroids, and without flare-up. Before when I tried, it always
was flare-up.
Here, I was able to a little bit decrease, without new flare-up, but still was not like ... I just watch - when I watch this
- serious, so I just saw that people tell, “Oh, in two weeks, in one month, I just was a different person.” I thought,
“Okay, so already two months, and I’m still practically the same, three months, I don’t see a very big difference,”
but I understand that my case was really difficult, so it’s maybe more difficult than other cases.
When I started to feel much better, in five months. In five months of detox, in five months, I started to decrease the
amount of steroids, and even decrease the amount of chemo a little bit. It was very good. It was very good, and a
feel no flare-up.
In seven months, everything changed. When I started to see these parasites, it was a relief, immediate. It just was
like day and night. You just yesterday was one person, and today was another person. It was, you feel just much
better, almost normal. It was like this, and I was very glad, and I decided I would continue to decrease amounts of
chemo and see what’s happened. Then I got sick. I got, in February, I got terrible flu, or maybe Corona.
I have no idea what I got, but I was in emergency and they told me, “If you will take this methotrexate ... “ They
ask me, if you did this shot, because this was a day for my shot. I told no, because I was not able. I just physically
couldn’t see it, and they told me, “Oh my God, I’m so glad, because if you would do it, we would not talk to you, in
this condition, to have this medication. You will not survive. Doesn’t matter what your rheumatologist will tell you,
I just tell you. You should not take this medicine before you recover completely.” I was sick a few weeks, very sick,
few weeks. After that, I just stopped taking, so, cold turkey, practically. Stopped to take this, methotrexate, but I
continue these supplements.
And now, I am very happy. Now, I understand that actually, I’m a happy person. That is my normal condition, to be
happy. I feel normal person. I feel normal. I can live normal life. I can do what, everything, what I want to do. It is
so amazing. Actually, it’s everything that normal, everybody takes as granted, but I got, it’s a lot less granted. It’s
kind of, it’s earned, and you feel it’s much better.
You’re kind of born again, because you just feel like, again, your life. Before, you felt like it’s end of life, that’s it.
Nothing good in front of me, but now it’s a totally different future.”
Parasites are small, filthy, and deadly things that can drive their hosts mad to such an extent that they consider
suicide as the only way out. These parasites can latch on to any living being from praying mantis to human beings.
And till today, we have been lied about the situation.
Currently, we are seeing an outbreak of these parasites and you can LITERALLY fing them on your fresh vegetables.
We are experiencing this due to the neglect of our government and Big Pharma. We have always been guided to
take medications even for the things that conventional medicines doesn’t know how to cure.
However, it’s high time we put an end to this parasitic life and reclaim our health naturally. In this eBook, “The
Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox: Reclaim Your Health Naturally” we learned from our experts about the parasite
detox and how to get started.
Detoxing is our bodies way to keep us safe from the unknown and harmful substances including metals, molds,
fungus, and even parasites. All you need to do is opt for the right method of detoxing. Also, once you successfully
complete your parasite detox and cleanse, remember it’s not the END. You will always need to be careful of what
you inhale and ingest, in order to live a healthy and PARASITE-FREE life.
about jonathan otto
Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural health
researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian.
In addition to serving as a producer for The Truth
About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines, Jonathan
has created several highly-acclaimed, groundbreaking
docuseries — Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets,
Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets,
and Autoimmune Answers — covering innovative,
effective natural remedies for autoimmune disease,
neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer, and
heart disease.
These docuseries — watched by millions around the
world — represent Jonathan’s unceasing quest to
discover the root causes of debilitating diseases by
interviewing over 120 world-renowned natural medicine
doctors, scientists, natural health experts, and patients.
In response to this life-saving knowledge, Jonathan created Well of Life, a line of doctor-formulated,
100% natural supplements specially designed to detox and fortify the body.
When the global elite took away the human and medical rights of people around the world — and
coerced billions into taking the toxic, experimental COVID “vaccines” — Jonathan was determined
to get the truth out, despite being repeatedly censored and deplatformed.
He interviewed the world’s top medical doctors, health experts, and legal experts on vaccine
injuries who risked their own careers to expose the lies behind the deadly COVID “vaccines” —
which have caused deaths and injuries to millions of people — to create his newest docuseries,
Vaccine Secrets, COVID Secrets, and Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives have
literally been saved with the protocols he developed.
His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news, and radio
broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of
the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he
continues to support.
Jonathan and his wife, Lori, welcomed their first son, Asher, in January 2019 and their second son,
Arthur, in May 2021.