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Seminar Report: Corporate Practices & Life After College

Name: _Alessandro Martin G. Borre_____________ Course and Year: ____BS CPE - 4yr_______
Title of Seminar
Empowering Futures: Navigating
Corporate Best Practices and Life After
College - Mastering Job Interviews and
Embracing Latest Tech Trends
Date, Time and Venue October 20, 2023 at Cisco Laboratory
Engr. Louie Mike Sayat
Please answer the following questions in not more than 5 sentences each:
1. What is the part you like most about the topic discussed?
The portion of the discussion on "Effective Cross-Cultural Communication" is my favorite aspect
of a discussion since it provides wonderful insights into the importance of clear communication
and comprehension in a globalized context. Also the tips on slowing down, separating queries,
avoiding negative questions, and keeping politeness are particularly useful for establishing
stronger cross-cultural communication and partnerships.
2. What did you learn most about the topic?
What I learned the most about the main topics was the need for proactive reporting and the
formation of habits in corporate best practices. Proactive reporting not only keeps executives
informed, but it also ensures that actions are consistent with quality, cost, and delivery
objectives. The PDCA cycle highlights the need for continuous improvement and consistency in
reporting and work satisfaction.
3. Is there any topic included in the discussion which, you think, should not be included?
Although all of the points discussed are important, it might be argued that the mention of "3G
networks" is no longer as relevant in today's technological scene. The emphasis has turned to
4G and 5G networks, leaving 3G out of talks of in-demand technology. However, its inclusion
may still be significant in some circumstances.