Piezoelectric Ceramics Nonlinear Behavior. Application to Langevin Transducer D. Guyomar, N. Aurelle, L. Eyraud To cite this version: D. Guyomar, N. Aurelle, L. Eyraud. Piezoelectric Ceramics Nonlinear Behavior. Application to Langevin Transducer. Journal de Physique III, 1997, 7 (6), pp.1197-1208. �10.1051/jp3:1997183�. �jpa-00249641� HAL Id: jpa-00249641 https://hal.science/jpa-00249641 Submitted on 4 Feb 2008 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Phys. J. III Hance (1997) 7 Piezoelectric Ceramics Application D, Guyomar, avenue (Received #lectrique G4nie Albert 2 Einstein, July 1996, PACS.43.25.-x 43.38.-p PACS Ferrodlectricitd, et Villeurbanne 69621 revised Nonlinear 1997, PAGE 1197 (*) and L. Eyraud Aurelle N. JUNE Behavior. Nonlinear Transducer Langevin to Laboratoire 20 1197-1208 Bitiment Cedex, September1996, 30 acoustics, 504, INSA Lyon, France accepted 28 1996) November macrosonics Transduction; acoustical devices reproduction of sound for the generation and PACS.43.30.-k Abstract. ics. Drastic better A Underwater sound behavior characterization changes high under occur for excitations transducers power is then required using for PZT type of cerammaterials. piezoelectric nonlinear behaviors frequency shift with hysteresis effect such as resonance generation are observed experimentally. They result in front mass displacement saturation, drop in performances and instabilities. To interpret nonlinear such features, a approach is proposed. This resulting nonlinear model has been applied to the transducer and simulations given. The comparison between simulations numerical and experimental results are shows good agreement. Usually, observed saturation effects are interpreted as in term of viscous factor nonlinear approach gives an alternative explanation that explains also others increase, our observed phenomena. Indeed, and characteristic overtones observds des transducDes changements importants de comportement sont sur des puissance des cdramiques de type PZT; Une meilleure caractdrisation utilisant matdriaux pidzo41ectriques sous hauts s'avAre alors'ndcessalre. En effet, des ph#nombnes niveaux caractdristiques d'un lindaire tels que le ddcalage de la frdquence de rdsocomportement non hystdr4sis d'harmoniques la gdndration observds expdrimentalement. Ceci ont dtd nance avec ou traduit du de ddplacement de la face avant, limitation saturation se par des effets de niveau une des performances du systkme et un fonctionnement Afin d'interprdter de tels comporteinstable. hn6aire dtd appliqud h notre ensuite ments, une thdorie structure est proposde. Ce modkle a non de transducteur. Une comparaison simulations rdsultats expdrimentaux a permis de vaentre et lider cette approche. Les effets de saturation nouvelle observds toujours ont dt6 jusqu'h pr6sent relids h la variation coefficient d'arnortissement, dtude a permis de du ddmontrer qu'une notre explication lide aux non lin6arit6s start possible et permettait mAme temps d'expliquer autre en d'autres ph6nomAnes observ6s R4sum4. (*) @ teurs de Author for Les tditions correspondence de Physique (e-mail: 1997 naurelle@ge-serveur.insa-lyon.fr). JOURNAL 1198 PHYSIQUE DE III N°6 Introduction 1. ceramics, Piezoelectric used systems, are domains are subjected rapidly reached sufficient to interpret Actually, in a is no often in not prediction on (P189 and paper, standard the has achieved solved for power be must induced in to test we compare transducer. power structure. model for our theory nonlinear our Phenomena the a been a linear which apply to our lumped mechanical that model rather motion that nonlinearities nonlinear but a are hypothesis parameters two small problems nonlinear the model Mason Nonlinear classical given between relations present we piezoelectric theoretical a use first drives. to be valid in motions [1-4]. for this the welding or cleaning Thus, nonlinear working linear approach is no longer ultrasonic sonars, electrical assumed is piezoelectric ceramic behavior prestressed symmetrical Langevin study work materials these linearization The Experimental 2. and Finally, a simulation work with experimental results. transducer. To In propose we will mechanical large amplitude piezoelectricity has to cope with Nowadays, applications. Then for for transducers power high experimental results. problems of elasticity, the convenient more We most approach. first in to under high transducer, excitations, mechanical made of four up power we chose ceramic to rings France) and two tail masses. Experimentation has been company frequency of the transducer, consequently low electrical fields have been cf. Fig. I). A low distortion signal is generated by the HP3577A analyzer and then amplified with the NF4505. This equipment presents high rejection level. However to make sure that the nonlinearities really generated in the ceramics, we have run are experiments on pure resistive load instead of the On the pure transducer. resistive load, under driving levels equivalent to the ones used for the transducer, the harmonics to fundamental made from Quartz & Silice in air at the resonant applied to the ceramics ratio below was opposite poling, One of the first Besides, 40 dB. can be inserted observation is a in stress sensor, the middle the resonance made out of two disks of P189 thin increasing the level. An hysteresis effect excitation appears frequency is swept in increasing or decreasing mode [5,6]. when also is noticed current1 ~l Analyser HP3 577A Amplifier NF 4505 Transducer (~~~d P~~) (- voltage U ii Vibration velocity Spectrum Analyser Fig. 1 Experimental set-up ceramic with piezostack to record the stress waveform. frequency shift towards the low frequencies that of the whether the NONLINEARITIES N°6 Moreover, pears This electrical due the to power signals (cf. Figs. in the Fourier domain, to a (cf. Fig. 5). subharmonics 1199 distinct a distortion ap- 2, 3, 4) or and harmonics enough, sufficient level is excitation velocity, stress effect corresponds, current, distortion structure levels, the when the on CERAMICS PIEZOELECTRIC IN spectrum note, We (f/2). period doubling appearance transfer from the increasing the input voltage, the energy of the displacement and results in an amplitude saturation that for presents a ray excitation high sudden a When monics fundamental the to har- current. Model 3. piezoelectric ceramics, we extend up to the second the prestressed around static equations, state (To> Do)nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients [7, 8]. Then, thanks to thermointroduce Indeed new we dynamic relationships, the number of independent coefficients has been reduced, subsequently describe To the stress nonlinear the the order T and of the behavior piezoelectric constitutive induction D T To = expressed be can + cS as: ~ eE + p E2 s2 /s2 D S is the where Do = strain, E the d~2 + eS + SE + electrical field, c, e, 'ySE + e classical the (1) fISE + linear piezoelectric coefficients coupling and weakly dynamic and static states, the terms To and Do will not be considered nonlinear equations will be obtained. frequency in the air, the electrical fields applied are low. ThereAs we work at the resonant nonlinearities due to electrical fore, in the following calculations, we do not take into account the field. Our transducer be regarded as a mass-spring system in a low frequency regime (the can wavelength is such larger than the piezostack length), so we can write: and o, fl, y, d the new nonlinear ones. Afterwards, assumption the on that there is no between a2~ MM (~) -TE = ring surface and u the front mass displacement. We make piezostack and the displacement on the mass are equivalent the front consider to mass. mass as a rigid so as Substituting in this last equation the nonlinear expression of the stress T, the strain S by the ratio u Ii (I: half length of the piezostack) and adding up a damping term in I, we get the M is the where that sure nonlinear mass, E the displacement the oscillator equation: ii where w is the ceramic of the + W~U + eigenpulsation of the ( = In the remains first experimental part, consequently periodic, w~, we the £UE + «~U~ 2>W II [E> 13) = transducer: ) = noticed the that displacement > and al, u can ~'j[. = speed signal is expressed as a Fourier vibration be distorted but sum: n=+« 11(t) ~j = n=-« crier"~~, (4) JOURNAL 1200 .j PHYSIQUE DE N°6 III .[ .( ,., ",' Voltage j ....j.... I. I .I ..i ; .., 'j'' '>' 'j''t' ''j''> ..1 j'< '' ' j' "l't' >' -..I..-... i ..~ '' ', >' ~ I- .j Current I. -, Fig. 2 Voltage and signals (Transducer current P189 /40 MPa/65 Vpeak). oos ; ....I '. -,--.; Velocity ..] ,,. ,,-,). i f, ,I. I ,I (. I, t ; I-(" .., ,'4 ' , ' ' ' ,,,' ,_,j (- ' ' ,( t i I' '. i Fig. 3 Stress ~~~~~( j: ,,' .,--'--- ,-, 'S ~.%O,0i7q~a ,.( , velocity signals (Transducer and ..I." I P189 /40 MPa/65 Vpeak). $ ~~OOW .-S. .--.-..-I ; ( ; ..I 'j'"" t Fig. 4. Electrical i power i signal (Transducer i P189 i i /40 MPa/65 Vpeak). ., NONLINEARITIES N°6 CERAMICS PIEZOELECTRIC IN 1201 Mag dB ~02. Fig. Current 5. where Q is the (Transducer P189/40 MPa/75 Vpeak). spectrum variable signal pulsation, excitation E(t) where These n=+m ~j n=-m iii° This (eJ~~ = Eo is the electrical field peak value. previous expressions can be inserted Q~ equation of the holds coefficients resolution The has n~cneJ"~~+w~ I[( that made calculations same in n=+m ~j that + is to + (5) equation (3), it gives: n=+mm=+m ~j crier"~~+oi [f[ neJin-i>Qtj ~j cncmeJ("+'~~~~ n=-mm=-m frequency ha (k: positive integer), it gives the correspond to the displacement amplitudes for until the frequency 3Q (n 3). Simulation Simulations made and of have Results T > 0 and S > 0 for from I is evaluated nonlinear static coefficients regime. Then, Comparison and displacement permitted for equation induction the an current or evaluation nonlinear of the Experimental with equations, nonlinear (D). harmonics a made better with fit the around curves this described, following The damping previously coefficients. representing the initial guess is They give the frequencies, Results The compression, although not standard, was adopted. the A first transducer quality factor measurement. is and phase frequency. The modulus each = transposed be can amplitudes evolution, corresponding to the fundamental and current for different driving levels (Eo) or different driving frequencies (Q). 4. pulsation: field electrical e~J~~), n=-m crier<n+i>Qt the say for each cn, been 4kHz strain made to ver8n8 adjust have been convention: coefficient evaluation of the the in the the stress displacement JOURNAL 1202 PHYSIQUE DE N°6 III Displacement (microns) __-------~jj)~-"#18i ---'~~' __ ~,,. ,,/ ,, ,, P189 ,' , II ,/ II 4 2 6 8 10 Fig and displacement Curve: 6. dimensions whose are = have w over the with 27r = L mm, curves obtained been f(static stress). = 6.35 experimental current below # 27000 x 15 = (Pal Experimentation a large following Hz mode given are stress in then can between 6 [9]. The deduced. We be 1 N s~ m~l 0.0015 = ceramic on rods y = fl = from see -2.8 6 displayed results kg~l 101~ N m~~ kg~~ x 10~ N m~l V~l -1.55 = x 10~~ N V~~. x in stress of the ~>ariation can made simulation set: and strain Figure The parameters al = relationship 107 been has voltage. of range = The x mm E 8 x 10~~ m~ 1= 6.6 x 10~~ m M 20 x 10~~ kg Note. 16 14 12 Stress these the regime static s( compliance static that curves the s( compression the in of the function coefficient applied increases and With our sign compressive stress, or that the cl coefficient decreases. convention coefficient a has to be between nonlinear and dynamic modes, the static to keep a continuity negative to explain a decrease of the c(~ coefficient in compression. Indeed, it can be written: with the T=(c+I)S-eE-ySE First, simulation nonlinear term a allow runs that driving levels, evolution is a symmetrical (cf. Fig. 7). For low When the (cf. Fig. 7), appears. It can zone. be It consequence frequency These shown in the that an of the the AC is ~ co. part is unstable, exhibits therefore phase jumps a different In and is due the to displacement amplitude eigenfrequency (w) system the case, the the that level. equation (6) when forj frequency particular a for this shift strain at obtained solutions ~~~~~ and the located solution real ~~ amplitude with influence of low maximum three condition transducer ~the hysteresis amplitude anj C to from A to B resonant frequency( for increase with a cannot D. n = phenomenon venture in this cf. Fig. 8). As upgoing or frequency experimental resonance the shift measurement of the the driving signal. qualiti factor Qm I domain or a downgoing sweep. hysteresis high driving levels, and badly defined. for increases, frequency resonance elasticity are whose consists by the defined results nonlinearities curve the material the level excitation (fundamental frequency) describe to modifies Consequently, becomes difficult NONLINEARITIES N°6 PIEZOELECTRIC IN CERAMICS 1203 lo"~ x ' 75 O Vp~~~ -i~ ' j ' 10Vpeak * ' , 4 ' o ' ' o, , o -°- -'- 3 -' ' ,o , (i lo Q ~ i ~--$-i , 1--- -_-i--- ix 0 2 2 55 2 65 2 6 2 75 2 7 2 85 2 8 Frequencies (lIz) Fig displacement Simulated 7. x 10 ~ curves. x10~~ 4 ._ B _1_ 2 _'_ _' A D ~2 2.55 5 2.6 2 65 2.7 Frequencies Fig. Hysteresis 8. Figure 9, In from structed to of are on 75 the the observed amplitudes current Vpeak/3 ones curves. mm, x lo ~ simulation waveforms series, the of apparent (cf. Fig. 9 corresponding and current, displacement, distortion on these velocity simulated and signals stress are are recon- quite similar Figs. 2-3). frequency f (where a maximum resonant 2f of the and displacement signals to current effect for different levels (cf. Figs. 10, 11). A saturation excitation appears The displacement amplitude shows a drop of 40%, for a driving signal of with regard to the linear behavior. reached) represented these time Fourier The is phenomenon 2 8 2.75 Hz and to the the first fundamental harmonic JOURNAL 1204 j~4 ~ PHYSIQUE DE Electrical III N°6 (V/m) field 3 3 ~ io-3 Straln -'- I 08 06 L -j- ~ ~ -~- ~~ j ~ j 0 -02 .04 ~ .06 .08 -' ~ J '- L ~ ,- ~ -l Vibrations 1- ~ eed nvs i- ~ Cunent(A) 05 04 03 ~ 1- 02 _i -,_ L -----L[j~ -'- 01 0 ---1--- ~----- ~ ~> '--- ~2 ___j ' ~3 --_-----____'~~ ~4 ~5 8 jo ~ Stress 05 -' ~5 0 Fig. (50 Simulated 9. dots time period/the per 1 50 signals resonant for _'- >00 >50 working resonance frequency is around 200 c<ndition 25 '_ _' 000 Hz 250 75 for 300 Vpeak/time step highest levels). = 1/(50.25000) s amplitude: influence of the nonlinear also the term y on the displacement deformation amplitude is. Besides, the nonlinearity y in SE is, the smaller the model as the transformer electromechanical factor ~'N", defined in the Mason ratio, decreases the applied field is when electrical increased (cf. Fig. 12). This effect explains that the Computing from electromechanical has a smaller efficiency for high conversion excitations Simulations the the higher show the nonlinear mode electromechanical the conversion coefficient N shows that this coefficient is- lower at high driving conversion drops with the applied electrical field. The piezoelectric effects. amplitude, thus explains the saturation f(S) shows a different of the working in the behavior ceramic simulated plot T The mode cf. Fig. 13). The piezoelectric model chosen at the beginning compressive or extension implies a material hardening in the expansion mode and a material softening in the compressive = NONLINEARITIES N°6 x 7 PIEZOELECTRIC IN CERAMICS 1205 Displacement lo ~~ ! 6 fundamental ' harmonic ' '- -'- ' ~ f 2f -'- '- 0 20 lo 40 3lJ 60 50 80 70 Volta9e (Vpeak) Fig 10. tion. (*). Displacement amplitude (-) measurements, applied voltage for the of the function resonance working condi- simulations. (mApeak) Current 0 4 ------~- 0.35 ------)fundamental '- 03 -(...... ~ f ~- -'~ 0.25 .w ' .--'.. .'- o~ o.15 '- '- -' -' 2f harmonic ' 0.I -------i --r ~ o.05 ~ -'- -,- -[ 0 lo 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 Volta9e (Vpeak) Fig. amplitude Current 11. (*): (-): measurements, mode. We relaxes the could say elasticity, function the previous applied the that the compressive while the extension hardening [10]. It is commonly accepted that the with the driving level ill,12]. crease Indeed, of voltage for the working resonance condition. simulations. nonlinear stress stress saturation simulations Our have creates tends effect nonlinear shown to a align is dipole opening and consequently all dipoles resulting in a material related model that the to the proposes saturation losses mechanical a new is in- interpretation. linked to material 1206 JOURNAL PHYSIQUE DE III N°6 (A.s/m) N -~- 0.22 0.21 ~ - ,- 02 ~ -'- -'- j-- o19 -I -I- ---1-- ---.--- 10 20 30 50 40 60 70 80 Volta9e (Vpeak) Fig. Simulated 12. N curve x ~ io~ f(voltage) = T o -10 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 s Fig. Simulatedcurve: 13. nonlinearities. been conducted To by compare numerical x 10"~ stress=f(strain). these two possible simulations in interpretations, both cases and a signal analysis power compared after with has experimental results. The electrical all the variation power of the have damping been coefficient with by simulations. obtained the applied Nonlinear equations and the damping coefficient I adjusted for each displacement amplitudes observed experimentally. electrical field and terms have been excitation level associated the so suppressed as to in retrieve NONLINEARITIES N°6 CERAMICS PIEZOELECTRIC IN 1207 ~°~~~ 20 18 16 p~ ~ 14 __,wnablc w 12 lo ~ ~ P~ 8 6 4 Pf 2 P3f " ~ 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 lo Voltage (Vpeak) Fig Power 14. Figure . displays 14 the measured the simulated . resented the . the as Figure 14 The dots), as with obtained power damping, variable the and (rep- nonlinearities without the nonlinear with variable damping appearance of odd harmonics have terms model, nonlinear with with a damping constant coefficient lines). that shows Nonlinear obtained curves: lines), solid model explain the power (represented power simulated as different power dashed (represented data. curves leads coefficient the on considered be to approach if one to power wants with fit better a overestimates the experimental the values power and cannot signal. precisely estimate to the transducer performances. Conclusion 5. For heavy duty Langevin sources, the nonlinear It explains especially the behavior. and displacement saturation, the current ducer the model gives resonance acoustical a good interpretation frequency power shift saturation of the trans- hysteresis effects, and and the overtones generation. simulations Numerical special working conditions lead of to our nonlinear coefficients estimation that for the Boucher, for important are transducer. Acknowledgments The authors supporting are this grateful research. to the CERDSM of Toulon, and especially to Dr D. JOURNAL 1208 DE PHYSIQUE III N°6 References [1] Lifshitz E-M-, Mechanics, Course of theoretical physics, third edition, chapter V, pp. 58-95. Mechanical Meirovitch L., Elements of vibration analysis, Engineering series, 2nd edition, editions, 1986) pp. 347-407. chapter 9-10 (Mc Graw Hill International Shen Y.R., Principles of nonlinear Optics (Wiley Interscience, 1984). Bloemberger N., Nonlinear Optics (Benjamin Inc., 1965). 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