DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, GREATER NOIDA CLASS IX -2022-23 FINAL TERM SYLLABUS S.No Subject Syllabus Marks Subject Distribution Teacher Reading Comprehension 1 English (20) Writing Skills 1.Descriptive Paragraph(person/event/ situation) 2.Diary Entry/Story writing (10) Grammar 1.Tenses 2.Modals 3.Subject verb concord 4.Reported speech (Commands and requests Statements Questions) 5.Determiners (10) Literature Beehive *Prose* 1. The Fun They Had 2. The Sound of Music 3. The Little Girl 4. A Truly Beautiful Mind 5. The Snake and the Mirror 6. My Childhood 7. If I were You *Poems* 1. The Road Not taken 2. Wind 3. Rain on The Roof 4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree 5. A Legend of The Northland 6. No Men Are Foreign 7. On killing a tree 8. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal (40) Ms Vandana *Moments* 1. The Lost Child 2. Iswaran the Storyteller 3. In the kingdom of fools 4.A House is not a Home 5. The Beggar 6. Adventures of Toto 2 Maths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Number System Polynomials Coordinate Geometry Linear equations in two variables Introduction to Euclid's Geometry Lines and Angles Triangles Quadrilaterals Circles Heron's Formula Surface area and volume Statistics (8) (9) (6) (10) (3) (5) (6) (7) (6) (5) (10) (5) Ms Mukta Khanna Social 3 Science History (20) CH-1 The French Revolution Ch-2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution CH-3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler CH-4 Forest Society and Colonialism CH-5 Pastorilist in the Modern World History/Pol Sc Political Science (20) CH-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy? CH-2 Constitutional Design CH-3 Electoral Politics CH-4 Working of Institutions CH-5 Democratic Rights (40) Geography CH 1 India Size and Location CH 2 Physical Features of India CH 3 Drainage CH 4 Climate CH 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife CH 6 Population (1) (2) (3) (6) (4) (4) Ms Sonia Pathania CH 1 Story of village Palampur. CH 2 People as Resources. CH 3 Poverty as a Challenge CH 4 Food Security in India. (3) (5) (5) (7) Physics CH 1 Motion CH 2 Work & Energy CH 3 Forces and Laws of motion CH 4 Gravitation CH 5 Sound (4) (5) (5) (6) (5) Chemistry Chapter 1- Matter in our surroundings Chapter 2- Is Matter Around Us Pure Chapter 3- Atoms and Molecules Chapter 4- Structure of Atom (6) (6) (7) (6) Ms Sonia Sehgal Biology Chapter 5- Cell Chapter 6-Tissues Chapter 15-Improvement in Food Resources (8) (10) (12) Ms Sonika Nandwani Economics Ms. Aparna Mishra 4 Science 1. अपठित गद्यांश -2 विकल्प रहित 2. व्यावाहारिक व्याकरण 1.शब्द व पद (विकल्प रहित) 2.अनस् ु वार अनन ु ासिक (विकल्प सहित) 3.उपसर्ग प्रत्यय (विकल्प सहित) 4.स्वर संधि (विकल्प सहित) 5.विराम चिह्न (विकल्प सहित) 6.अर्थ की दृष्टि से वाक्य-भेद (विकल्प सहित) पाठ्यपस् ु तक स्पर्श 1. काव्य पाठाधारित प्रश्न 2 . काव्य पाठाधारित पठित बोध 5 Hindi (10) (16 अंक) (2) (2) (4) (3) (3) (3) (2) (14 अंक ) (2) (5) 3. गद्य पाठाधारित प्रश्न (2) 4. पाठाधारित पठित बोध (5) खंड ‘ब’ (वर्णनात्मक प्रश्न) Mr Kapil Tyagi (40 अंक) MsBhavana पाठ्यपस् ु तक स्पर्श – 1. गद्य पाठाधारित प्रश्न (विकल्प सहित) (60 शब्द) (6) 2. पद्य पाठाधारित प्रश्न (विकल्प सहित) (60 शब्द) (6) पाठ्यपस् ु तक संचयन 1. 3 अंकीय 2 प्रश्न (विकल्प सहित) (6) रचनात्मक लेखन 1. अनच् ु छे द लेखन (विकल्प सहित) (120 शब्द) (6) 2. अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन (विकल्प सहित) (120 शब्द) (6) 4. संवाद लेखन (100 शब्द) (5) 5. चित्र वर्णन विकल्प रहित) (100 शब्द) हिंदी वार्षिक परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम पाठ्यपस् ु तक स्पर्श 1. दख ु का अधिकार (गद्य) 2. एवरे स्ट : मेरी शिखर यात्रा (गद्य) 3. तम ु कब जाओगे अतिथि (गद्य) 4. वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक ... (गद्य) 5. शक्र ु तारे के समान (गद्य) 6. रै दास के पद (पद्य) 7. रहीम के दोहे (पद्य) 8. गीत-अगीत 9. अग्निपथ (पद्य) (पद्य) 10. खश ु बू रचते हैं हाथ, नए इलाके में (पद्य) पाठ्यपस् ु तक संचयन 1. गिल्लू 2. स्मति ु तकालय 4. कल्लू कुम्हार की ृ 3. मेरा छोटा-सा निजी पस् उनाकोटी (5) अपठित-गद्यांश: - (10) रचनात्मक- लेखनम ् - (15) (औपचारिकं/अनौपचारिकंपत्रम ् (रिक्तथानपर्ति ू माध्यमेन) , चित्राधारितं वर्णनम ्, संवाद/कथापर्ति ू : लेखनम ् (रिक्तथानपर्ति ू माध्यमेन)) व्याकरणम ्- 6 Sanskrit (25) (स्वरसंधि:, व्यञ्जनसंधि:,विसर्ग संधि:,उपपदविभक्ति:, शब्दरूपाणि, धातरू ु पाणि, Mr S Mishra प्रत्यया:,अव्ययानि, संख्या: साहित्यम ् - (30) अविवेक: परमापदां पदम ्, पाथेयम ्, विद्यया भान्ति सद्गण ु ा:, कर्मणा याति संसिद्धिम ्, तत ् त्वम ् असि, तरवे नमोSस्त,ु न धर्मवद् ृ धेषु वय:समीक्ष्यते, कवयामि वयामि यामि Aula Internacional - I 15 Section - A Comprensión lectora 1)Leer el texto y marcar verdadero o falso 2)Leer el texto y responder las preguntas 15 Section B Expresión escrita 1)Escribir un ensayo o un párrafo 2)Escribir un diálogo o una carta 35 Section C Gramática 1)Los verbos regulares e irregulares 2)Los verbos reflexivos y pronominales 3)El presente continuo 4)Los pronombres personales de objeto directo e indirecto 5)El pretérito perfecto 6)El imperativo 7)Los adjetivos y pronombres indefinidos 8)Los comparativos y superlativos 9)El pretérito indefinido 10)Los números ordinales y cardinales 11)Los adjetivos posesivos y demostrativos 12)Los sustantivos y adjetivos 13)Las preposiciones 14)El vocabulario hecho en las lecciones 7 Spanish Section D 15 Mr Nishant Literatura 1)Miguel de Cervantes 2)Benito Perez Galdos 3)García Lorca 4)José María Arguedas 5)Juan Rulfo 6)Pablo Neruda 7)José Martí Cultura 1)Los eventos importantes 2)Los monumentos y festivales famosos 3)La cocina y los lugares turísticos 4)Las personas famosas 5)Los aspectos políticos y geográficos 1. Compréhension écrite 2. Expression écrite : a. Écrire une lettre. (10) b. Any 2 short of the following: (5X2=10) i. Écrire un message ii. Décrire une image iii. Écrire une recette iv. Écrire une carte postale 3. Grammaire : a. Adjectifs démonstratifs b. Trouvez la question c. Négatifs d. Pronoms (COD, COI) e. Verbes (Présent, futur simple, impératif, z 10 20 30 futur proche, passé composé, imparfait, impératif), verbes pronominaux 8 French f. Pronoms relatifs simples a. Culture et Civilisation : L – 1 to 8 20 Ms Shweta LEKTION 1: Allein zu Hause LEKTION 2: Wir kaufen nichts| 9 German LEKTION 3: Das würde ich nie tun! Ms Simmi LEKTION 4: Hamburg,wir kommen! SECTION A: LESEN 20M a) LESENVERSTEHEN (UNSEEN PASSAGES X 2) SECTION B: SCHREIBEN 10 M a) E-mail b) Dialog SECTION C: GRAMMATIK 30M a) TRENNBARE VERBS b) “ZU” + INFINITIV UND “BRAUCHEN” +”ZU + INFINITIV C) FESTE PRÄPOSITIONEN c) SATZVERBINDUNG: WEIL, WENN, UM…ZU , DAMIT,WÄHREND,BEVOR d) ARTIKEL UND NOMEN IM GENITIV e) FRAGEWORT: WO+PRÄPOSITIONEN, PRONOMEN: DA+PRÄPOSITIONEN f) KONJUNKTIV II: WURDEN+INFINITIV, MODALVERBEN, HILFSVERBEN SECTION D: KURSBUCH 20M a) WORTSCHATZ b) LESEVERSTEHEN (SEEN PASSAGE) 10 Japanese みんなのにほんご:だい1か~だい12か 1) どっかい a) どっかい1 b) どっかい2 20 Babita Bhakuni c) どっかい3 d) どっかい4 2) さくぶん a) Odd word out 20 b) さくぶん c) かいわ d) てがみ 3) ぶんぽう a) じょし b) ふくし c) ぎもんし d) けいようしのかつよう 20 e) どうしのかつよう f) ことばをならべまえます g) こそあど h) vません・vましょう i) あげます・もらいます j) わかります・あります・います k) ~から l) カウンター m) より、のほうが n) だい1か~だい12かのぶんけい 4) かんじ 「1~50」 a) ひらがな~かんじ 20 b) かんじ~ひらがな 11 IFM Ch 1 Money- What it is? Ch 2 Money the exchange system Ch 3 Money it's key characteristics Ch 4 Financial Planning Ch 5 What is Income? Ch 6 What are Expenses? Ch 7 What is a Bank? Ch 8 Why Save? Ch 9 Setting Goals Ch 10 Systematic Investment Subjective 40 Employability skills. 10 Mr R. K. Keswani Ch 11 Making a Budget Employability skills Ms Aparna 12 IT Employability Skills Unit 1 : Communication skills-I Unit 2 : Self-management skills-I Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills-I Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I Unit 5: Green Skills-I 10 Subject Specific Skills Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Unit 2 : Data entry and Keyboarding skills Unit 3 : Digital Documentation Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet Unit 5 : Digital Presentation 40 Ms Geetika 13 FP 14 AI Employability Skills Unit 1: Communication Skills-I Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I Unit 5: Green Skills-I Subject Specific Skill Unit1: Introduction to hospitality industry Unit 2: Career Opportunities Unit 3: Introduction to Kitchen Unit 4: Protective clothing & its maintenance Unit 5: Personal Hygiene Unit 6: Equipment & Kitchen tools Unit 7: Culinary History Unit 8: Kitchen Commodities Unit 9: Storage of Commodities Unit 10: Kitchen Organization Employability skills. 10 Subject specific 40 Ms Ayushi Tiwari Employability Skills Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I 10 Subject Specific Skills Unit 1 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Unit 2 : AI Project cycle 40 Ms Geetika Unit 3 : Neural networks Unit 4 : Introduction to Python UNIT-1: Definition of the following:Tala, Laya, Sam, Taali, Khali, Theka, Kayada, Rela, Palta, Tihai, Tukra and Paran. 10 UNIT-2: Basic knowledge of the structure and various parts of Tabla. 1 UNIT-3.1: Elementary knowledge of the origin of Tabla 3 UNIT-3.2: Elementary knowledge of various Gharanas of Tabla. 3 UNIT 4: Notation system of V.N. Bhatkhande 2 UNIT-5.1: Description and ability to do Tala Notation with Thah and Dugun Laya in Teentaal or Aditaal, Ektaal or Chautala 4 UNIT-5.2: Ability to write Kayada, Rela, Sadharan Tukra or 7 Sadharan Paran, Chakradaar Tukra or Chakradaar and Paran in Tala INSTRUMENT Notation system in Teentaal. 15 MUSIC Mr. Himanshu Mishra Unit -1-Detailed description -Swar,Saptak,that,Jati,Khyal Unit-2 - Short notes - Swarmalika,lakshan Alankar vadi samvadi lay tal Sam khali tali.aroh awroh pakad . Unit-3&4 Detailed description of Rag Yaman, Kafi, Alhaiya Bilawal, Detailed description of Tala Dadra ,Ektal ,Teenral ,Keherwa,along with dogun and CHAUGUN 6 6 10 8 Unit -5 Notation of drut khayal of Raga yaman Identifying Ragas from the given phrases. 16 VOCAL MUSIC Sonam Mishra