554 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, JUNE 2018 A CMOS-Based Bidirectional Brain Machine Interface System With Integrated fdNIRS and tDCS for Closed-Loop Brain Stimulation Yun Miao , Member, IEEE and Valencia Joyner Koomson, Member, IEEE Abstract—A CMOS-based bidirectional brain machine interface system with on-chip frequency-domain near infrared spectroscopy (fdNIRS) and transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is designed to enable noninvasive closed-loop brain stimulation for neural disorders treatment and cognitive performance enhancement. The dual channel fdNIRS can continuously monitor absolute cerebral oxygenation during the entire tDCS process by measuring NIR light’s attenuation and phase shift across brain tissue. Each fdNIRS channel provides 120 dBΩ transimpedance gain at 80 MHz with a power consumption of 30 mW while tolerating up to 8 pF input capacitance. A photocurrent between 10 and 450 nA can be detected with a phase resolution down to 0.2°. A lensless system with subnanowatt sensitivity is realized by using an avalanche photodiode. The on-chip programmable voltage-controlled resistor stimulator can support a stimulation current from 0.6 to 2.2 mA with less than 1% variation, which covers the required current range of tDCS. The chip is fabricated in a standard 130-nm CMOS process and occupies an area of 2.25 mm2 . Index Terms—Brain machine interface, CMOS, frequency domain NIRS, optical sensing, tDCS. I. INTRODUCTION RANSCRANIAL direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neuro-modulation technique, which has a great potential in treating neurological diseases and enhancing motor and cognitive performance [1]. During tDCS a weak current, typically between 0.5 to 2 mA, is delivered to brain by electrodes on the scalp to facilitate or inhibit neural activities. Compared with commonly used brain stimulation methods such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which requires brain surgery or large interface coils, tDCS provides a non-invasive interface with relatively small footprint. Previously reported experimental data and clinical studies have shown the benefits of tDCS for a variety of neurological diseases and disorders such as depression, stroke, aphasia, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s [2]–[7]. The potential to enhance the performance of healthy subjects in motor and cognitive domains has also been demonstrated [8]. To T Manuscript received September 25, 2017; revised November 28, 2017 and January 16, 2018; accepted January 18, 2018. Date of publication March 1, 2018; date of current version June 5, 2018. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor M. Kalofonou. (Corresponding author: Yun Miao.) The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 USA (e-mail: yun.miao@tufts.edu; vkoomson@ece.tufts.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBCAS.2018.2798924 date most tDCS experiments and studies follow an open-loop manner, where a predefined current is applied to subjects in the same group for a predefined period. The open-loop manner does not compensate for user variabilities, such as tissue resistance, skull defects, and baseline cortical excitability [9]. As a result, a significant inter-subject variability and intra-subject variability is observed [10]–[12], which indicates a real-time, programmable stimulation strategy and dosage is desired for each user. A variety of devices utilizing closed-loop stimulation are developed to enhance the performance of tDCS; and the majority employ electroencephalogram (EEG) techniques [13], [14]. EEG devices have several advantages, including low cost and low power, however, several engineering challenges are presented. Firstly, as both EEG acquisition and tDCS operate in electrical domain the cross-coupling interference between EEG and tDCS makes real-time brain monitoring very challenging. Furthermore, for safety concerns large sized sponge electrodes are widely used in tDCS to control current density, which are not suitable for EEG acquisition and can block EEG caps at stimulation sites. In addition, tDCS sponge electrodes introduce large artifacts that prevent EEG recoding [15]. NIRS techniques enable monitoring of brain oxygenation by measuring the optical absorption and scattering properties of brain tissue. Generally, it has a better spatial resolution than EEG, a lower cost than MRI, and has been used in functional brain studies for decades [16]. As an optical sensing method NIRS can solve the incompatibility between EEG and tDCS in both time and spatial domains. As shown in Fig. 1. NIRS can continuously monitor brain oxygenation without interference with tDCS through the entire brain stimulation process. Optical fibers can reach the scalp directly through small holes on sponge electrodes giving us more flexibility in the placement of stimulation and recording sites. NIRS does have a limited penetration depth and inferior time resolution than EEG, but in our applications, they are not regarded as major disadvantages since tDCS is supposed to mainly affect the cerebral cortex in a time scale of seconds to minutes [17], [18]. Several continuous wave NIRS (cwNIRS) based devices were already reported and experimental results showed a great potential for NIRS based closed-loop brain stimulation [19], [20]. In this paper, a CMOS based bidirectional brain machine interface system with on chip fdNIRS and tDCS is described. Unlike cwNIRS, from which only the relative change of oxygenation is extracted from the amplitude of received signal, 1932-4545 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MIAO AND KOOMSON: CMOS-BASED BIDIRECTIONAL BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED FDNIRS AND TDCS Fig. 3. Fig. 1. (a) Optical fibers enable NIRS recording at stimulation sites. (b) NIRS can continuously monitor brain oxygenation during the entire tDCS process without cross-coupling interference. 555 System architecture. frequency domain NIRS measurement. After that brain hemodynamics are estimated and a customized tDCS dosage can be applied to address the variability among different users. The operation of the proposed loop can be divided into 3 domains: optical domain, analog domain, and digital domain. Modern computing systems can readily provide the computation power required for digital operations, however, most commercial devices for optical and analog operations in fdNIRS and tDCS are still based on expensive and bulky instruments or discrete electronics. The proposed system focus on the optical and analog design of fdNIRS and tDCS toward a miniaturized bidirectional brain machine interface, which can adjust tDCS dosage according to brain hemodynamics. B. System Design Fig. 2. Closed-loop brain stimulation based on fdNIRS and tDCS. fdNIRS can capture the absolute value of oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2 ), deoxy-hemoglobin (HHB), total hemoglobin (tHB), and brain tissue oxygenation (SO2 ) by measuring both amplitude and phase of the received signal [21]. The quantitative measurement will not only give us more information to address the inter-subject and intra-subject variability but also reduce the crosstalk between light absorption and scattering [22]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The system architecture is introduced in Section II. Section III describes the design consideration and implementation of each building blocks. Section IV presents the characterization and measurement results. Conclusion and design remarks are made in section V. II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE A. A CMOS-Based Bidirectional Brain Machine Interface Fig. 2 presents the structure of the fdNIRS and tDCS based brain stimulation loop. Firstly, the absorption coefficient (μa ) and reduced scattering coefficient (μ s ) of brain tissue are extracted from the amplitude and phase of the acquired signal in a Two different sensing method are widely used in fdNIRS measurement: broadband method and single tone method. The mechanism of a broadband system is very similar with a vector network analyzer. The modulation frequency is swept across a wide frequency range between tens of MHz to multi GHz [23], [24]. The absorption coefficient (μa )and reduced scattering coefficient (μs ) can be acquired in a single sweep at a fixed source-detector distance. For a single tone system, the light is modulated at a fixed frequency but measurements are performed at multiple source-detector distance [25]. The broadband method is very challenging for a low cost and compact design as it requires light sources and detectors that can work up to multi GHz; the required high performance frequency synthesizer and signal processing circuits are very complex and power hungry as well. In this paper, the single tone multi-distance method is used for cost and power concerns. The system architecture is shown in Fig. 3. NIR lights modulated at 80.001 MHz are applied to tissue with a linear spaced distance from sensor. μa and μs are extracted by feeding the slope of amplitude-distance curve (SA C ) and phase-distance curve (Sφ ) to (1) and (2) [25], where ω is the angular frequency of modulation and v is speed of light in the media. ω μa = 2v Sφ SA C − SA C Sφ (1) Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 556 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, JUNE 2018 μs = SA2 C − Sφ2 3μa (2) The quantitative oxygenation of brain tissue can be estimated by applying the above frequency domain multi-distance measurement at different wavelengths in NIR range [26]. In our design an APD with 1.77 mm2 active area (Hamamatsu S925115) is adopted as the detector. The advantage of a large area APD is that it can collect sufficient diffusive light from tissue without using any lens or other expensive optics. Both light sources and the APD are coupled to tissue with optical fibers. A fiber coupled setup will not only reduce the footprint of interface but also provide a solid galvanic isolation between tissue and APD, which is reverse biased at 200 V. The fdNIRS circuits are composed of two identical channels. One is connected to the APD for sensing; the other one is driven by a signal with arbitrary amplitude and phase as reference. The phase information is acquired by comparing the phase of sensing channel and reference channel in order to reduce the influence of temperature, process variation and other less controllable factors. In each channel the photocurrent from APD is first amplified by a wideband TIA and then filtered by a 4th order Gm-C bandpass filter to suppress out of band noises. The output of the filter is down converted to 1 kHz by a modified Gilbert mixer to alleviate the timing requirement in phase detection and limit noise bandwidth. A computer or a mobile device can be used to analyze the resulting fdNIRS signal and control the on-chip tDCS through an integrated 5-bit DAC realizing a closed-loop stimulation.’ III. CIRCUIT DESIGN A. Transimpedance Amplifier The TIA is designed to amplify an 80 MHz low level photocurrent with 100 dBΩ gain, while tolerating the APD’s 3.6 pF capacitance and other parasitics from test PCB, packages, and other off chip components. Although some designs utilizing regulated cascode input stage and inverter cascode based output stage showed a good noise and power performance [27], a resistive feedback structure is still a more practical choice to interface the large area APD for bandwidth and input capacitance concerns. For a first order approximation, a TIA’s transimpedance gain is set by the feedback resistor Rf and the bandwidth is given by (3), where A is the gain of core voltage amplifier and Ctotal is the total input capacitance. To achieve the desired gain and bandwidth the TIA is implemented with a 60 dB gain core voltage amplifier and 120 kΩ feedback resistors. f3 dB = A 2πRf Ctotal (3) Besides the gain requirement, the core amplifier needs to satisfy bandwidth requirement for stability concerns. A single stage amplifier can hardly provide enough gain and bandwidth simultaneously. As shown in Fig. 4 the core amplifier is realized by cascading 3 gain stages. Each stage provides approximate 20 dB gain with a bandwidth of around 1GHz, which ensures enough Fig. 4. Schematic of the TIA and core voltage amplifier phase margin and stability. At 2nd and 3rd stages cascode transistors M3 and M4 are inserted to reduce the Miller-capacitance for bandwidth enhancement. The 1st stage follows a simple common source topology as its Miller-capacitance can be absorbed by the TIA’s input capacitance and cascode transistors will introduce excessive noises. The main noise contributions of the proposed TIA at frequency of interest can be summarized by (4), where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the temperature, gm is the transconductance of input transistors, γ is the process dependent noise coefficient, Cin is the capacitance of the input transistors, CAPD is the capacitance of APD, and f represents the bandwidth. In2 = 4kT (2π (Cin + CAPD ))2 2 + 4kT γ f Rf gm (4) By substituting gm with 2πfT Cin we can see the equation get a minimum when Cin = CAPD [28], [29], however, this design strategy can lead to many practical problems. Our TIA needs to interface an APD with 3.6 pF capacitance. If the input transistors are sized with large width toward the 3.6 pF capacitance a very large biasing current is required to maintain a desired inversion coefficient and avoid the punishment in fT . In addition, the large input capacitance from input transistors will affect the TIA bandwidth as well. So, in our design the input transistors are sized toward a good balance between noise, power, and bandwidth by following the techniques described in [30], [31]. In 1st stage M1 and M2 are sized with W/L of 240 um/0.24 um and biased in moderate inversion region to provide optimal gm/I, while Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MIAO AND KOOMSON: CMOS-BASED BIDIRECTIONAL BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED FDNIRS AND TDCS Fig. 6. Fig. 5. (a) Schematic of bandpass Gm-C biquad. (b) Schematic of the transconductance cell. maintaining enough fT , bandwidth, linearity, and a reasonable capacitance matching. 2nd and 3rd stages are designed toward low power and high bandwidth as their noise contribution is not as significant as the 1st stage amplifier. The 3-stage core voltage amplifier’s 3 dB bandwidth is 680 MHz and consumes 7 mA current from 1.5 V supply. The TIA can provide over 100 dBΩ transimpedance gain and 180 MHz 3 dB bandwidth with up to 8 pF input √ capacitance. The simulated input referred noise is 3.2 pA/ Hz at 80 MHz. B. Filter and Mixer The TIA is followed by a bandpass filter to suppress out of band noise from the APD and wideband TIA. The filter also serves as a gain stage to further amplify the signal against the mixer’s high noise figure. A 4th order bandpass Gm-C filter is implemented by cascading 2 bandpass biquad shown in Fig. 5(a). The Gm cell is the most critical building block for a Gm-C filter. It needs to maintain a good linearity across a wide input range. A high DC gain is also desired to minimize phase errors. To achieve high DC gain and good linearity a transconductance cell with tunable negative resistance load and dynamic source degeneration is designed. As shown in Fig. 5(b) the cross coupled transistors M7 and M8 realize a negative resistance to boost the gain. M3 ∼ M6 serve as dynamic source degeneration to improve the linearity. The bandpass filter is centered at 80 MHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of around 40 MHz. The center frequency can be fine-tuned by an off-chip reference current. The simulated SFDR is greater than 50 dB with a 60 mV input 557 Schematic of the folded mixer. signal. The filter provides 10 dB gain and consumes 10 mA current from a 1.5 V power supply. In a frequency domain multi-distance measurement, the signal level changes significantly from a small to large sourcedetector distance. After passing through TIA and filter the signal’s amplitude is amplified by a factor of over 110 dB so the linearity and swing become important concerns for mixer design. To ensure good linearity and wide dynamic range a modified Gilbert mixer with folded input stage is implemented with 3.3 V I/O devices. As shown in Fig. 6 the folded input stage with source degeneration can handle the relative low common mode voltage from filter with good linearity and dynamic range. M9 ∼ M12 serve as current sink to limit the DC current through switches and load resistors. For a Gilbert mixer, the source degeneration resistor RS should be large enough to linearize the input transconductance under large input signals, while its conversion gain is proportional to RL /RS , where RL is the load resistor. In a conventional Gilbert mixer RS and RL share the same DC path. Good linearity and conversion gain can be hardly achieved simultaneously due to limited supply voltage. In this design, as the current through RL is limited by the current sink 10 kΩ load resistors can be used to achieve large conversion gain without compromise in linearity. The current sink can also reduce the flicker noise form switches, which is related to the DC current. The mixer achieved a conversion gain of 10 dB with less than 5 mW power consumption. C. Stimulator The stimulator needs to tolerate the huge variation of electrode impedance, skin impedance, electrode skin contacts and other less controllable factors across different users and conditions. An up to 2 mA full scale current is also desired to ensure the effectiveness of stimulation. The output impedance and compliance voltage are of the most important parameters to ensure an accurate dosage of stimulation current. On the contrary, the benefit of resolution and linearity can be easily diluted by the huge variation across users and interfaces, which makes them less important parameters. In addition, for most tDCS applications the stimulation current is varied in the order Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 558 Fig. 7. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, JUNE 2018 Schematic of the VCR current source. of 0.1 mA to 1 mA. Chasing unnecessary resolution and linearity will not bring us much practical benefits. In our design a voltage controlled resistor (VCR) current source is adapted from [32] toward an optimized output impedance, compliance voltage, and full scale current. Although its linearity is inferior to conventional current steering stimulators, a high output impedance and large compliance voltage range can be achieved. The schematic is shown Fig. 7 M1 works in deep linear region as a voltage controlled resistor. M2 and an error amplifier realize a feedback loop to regulate V1 to 0.15 V and boost the output impedance. Its output resistance and output current can be described by (5), (6), and (7), where Ae is the gain of the error amplifier, Gds1 is the equivalent drain-source conductance of M1, gm 2 is the transconductance of M2, and rds2 is the drain-source resistance of M2. Iout = V 1 · Gds1 Rout = Ae gm 2 rds2 Gds1 Gds1 = μn Cox W (Vtune − Vth ) L (5) (6) (7) As M1’s Vds is well regulated the output current is linearly modulated by Vtune . M3 ∼ M5 are used to compensate the reduction of Gds1 due to velocity saturation and other second order effects at high Vg s . They are biased with a resistive voltage divider connected to the 5-bit current steering DAC and turn on one by one with the increased Vtune . The error amplifier is implemented by a folded-cascode structure with 65 dB DC gain, which boosts the output impedance to MΩ level. Compared with conventional current steering stimulator with cascode output stage this stimulator can achieve a comparable output impedance with larger compliance voltage. In addition, in this topology only M1 and M2 are expected to tolerate the high voltage of tDCS. If a high voltage process is available a fully integrated solution can be realized by using only 2 high voltage LDMOS, which will result in a huge reduction in layout area and power consumption Fig. 8. Chip micrograph. compared with conventional current steering topology. In this design, the stimulator is implemented with 3.3 V I/O devices in a standard 130 nm CMOS process. An off-chip buffer FET is used to protect the chip from the high voltage of tDCS. IV. MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION A. fdNIRS Characterization and Measurements The chip micrograph is shown in Fig. 8. The fdNIRS system is highly mixed mode (optical and analog) and is supposed to sense a weak diffusive light with large dynamic range. To avoid using complex and expensive optical instruments in measurements the chip’s dynamic range and phase resolution are characterized in electrical domain. Optical measurements are operated on both a solid tissue phantom and liquid tissue phantoms to further verify its functionality and evaluate system level errors. 1) fdNIRS Dynamic Range Characterization: In the electrical test setup, an RF voltage source (Rigol DG4000) and a passive APD model composed of a 100 kΩ series resistor and a 6 pF shunt capacitor is used to mimic the behavior of the large area APD. As the TIA has a low input impedance around 100 Ω the passive APD model can reliably inject high frequency current into the chip with low errors. The output of the chip is first buffered by off-chip buffers with 3 dB voltage gain (Texas Instrument INA333) then digitized by a DAQ card (National Instrument USB6259). The acquired signal is transferred and stored in a computer for further analysis and processing. The dynamic range of the fdNIRS system was characterized by an input current versus output voltage measurement. During the measurement current modulated at 80.001 MHz was applied to the fdNIRS’ input. Mixer’s LO was set to 80 MHz resulting in a 1 kHz signal at the output. The signal was then sampled at 200 kHz with an oversampleing rate of 100 to reduce the quantization noise and minimize noise folding. Output voltage at different input current amplitude is demonstrated in Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MIAO AND KOOMSON: CMOS-BASED BIDIRECTIONAL BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED FDNIRS AND TDCS Fig. 9. 559 fdNIRS output voltage versus input current. Fig. 9. For each input current the output voltage is averaged for 0.1 second. We can see that the fdNIRS system can provide a linear transimpedacne gain over 120 dBΩ between 10 nA to 450 nA. For an input current between 5 nA and 10 nA the gain error was still below 1 dB but the degraded SNR would lead to larger phase errors, which is discussed in the following section. 2) fdNIRS Phase Characterization: To characterize the fdNIRS system’s phase resolution an input phase difference versus output phase difference measurement was performed. In the measurement, the signal’s phase in sensing channel was changed by certain steps while keeping the reference channel’s phase constant. To improve the system’s noise tolerance and alleviate the timing requirement the digitized signal was first smoothed with least-squares fit in MATLAB [24]. The phase difference was then extracted from the correlation function between sensing and reference channel. The phase measurement results with 20 nA input current are shown in Fig. 10. At each step the phase difference is averaged for 0.1 second. It shows that the chip can support 360° phase detection and a phase difference of 0.2° can be detected with a standard deviation of less than 0.15° and a DNL of less than 0.4 LSB (0.08°). The phase measurement was repeated at different input current level as well. The 0.2° phase resolution can be maintained between an input range of 20 nA to 450 nA and decreased to around 0.5° at 10 nA. For current below 10 nA the phase resolution degrades significantly due to the limited SNR. The key parameters of reported silicon based fdNIRS systems and this work are summarized in Table I. This chip demonstrated a significant improvement in sensitivity and dynamic range compared with the system reported in [29]. Although the power consumption increased due to the use of high order active filters, system level power consumption can be well compensated by the reduction of required laser power. This chip matched the sensitivity of the system based on Silicon Germanium (SiGe) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) [33]. A significant improvement in phase resolution was also demonstrated. Although SiGe HBTs have a superior performance in bandwidth, noise, and power consumptions, designs based on standard CMOS process will largely reduce the cost in mass productions. The system in [33] achieved a dynamic range Fig. 10. (a) Input phase difference versus detected phase difference, 0° ∼ 360°, 10°/step. (b) Input phase difference versus detected phase difference, 0° ∼ 2°, 0.2°/step. TABLE I PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Technology Node Dynamic Range Phase Resolution Normalized Sensitivity Power Consumption Sthalekar [29] Sthalekar [33] This Work 180 nm CMOS 130 nm BiCMOS 130 nm CMOS 27 dB 33 dB 0.1° 60 dB (programmable) 0.5° 20 nW <1 nW <1 nW 18 mW 18 mW 30 mW 0.2° of 60 dB by using a TIA with programmable loads of 100 kΩ, 10 kΩ, and 1 kΩ. Each gain mode demonstrated a dynamic range of around 23 dB. A programmable load is a very practical way to extend the dynamic range, however, as fdNIRS systems are phase sensitive very complex calibrations are required in real applications to compensate the different phase response across 3 gain modes. Furthermore, in most fdNIRS applications the power level of received diffusive light is very low. Improving Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 560 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, JUNE 2018 TABLE II MEASURED SOLID PHANTOM OPTICAL PARAMETERS μa μ s μa μ s μa μ s Fig. 11. Optical measurement setup. the dynamic range while maintaining a high gain is desired in most of the cases. The 10 kΩ and 1 kΩ modes in [33] may only be beneficial in extreme cases. 3) Solid Tissue Phantom Measurement: To verify the fdNIRS’ functionality and characterize its system level errors optical measurements were performed on a commercial solid tissue phantom (INO BIOMIMICTM optical phantom) with known μa and μs . Some primary results at a single wavelength of 785 nm was already ready reported in our previous work [34]. To further evaluate the fdNIRS’ performance we conducted additional measurements at 685 nm and 830 nm, which covered the most widely used wavelengths in NIR range. The system’s dynamic performance was also verified with liquid phantom measurements. The optical measurement setup is shown in Fig. 11. NIR light emitted from commercial laser diodes (Thorlabs, HL6750MG, L785P090, HL8338MG) was applied to the solid phantom with optical fiber (1000 um core) and coupled to a large area APD (Hamamatsu S9251-15) with another optical fiber (1000 um core). The sensor and source distance was adjusted from 2.0 cm to 2.5 cm with 0.1 cm/step by a commercial translation stage (Thorlabs, MTS50A-Z8) for a frequency domain multi-distance measurement. The optical power was set below 2.5 mW to fit the laser safety requirement and avoid errors from significant temperature changes in tissue [35]. At each distance, signals were recorded for a 0.1 second. The frequency arrangement for modulation, LO, and sampling rate were same with the ones used in electrical measurements. The results are shown in Table II. and compared with the optical parameters characterized by the manufacture with high accuracy time-resolved transmittance technique [36]. We can see that for all three wavelengths the error in μa stays below 20.35% and error in μs is less than 23%. 4) Liquid Tissue Phantom Measurement: An important merit of fdNIRS system is to capture both the baseline 685 nm 685 nm 785 nm 785 nm 830 nm 830 nm Expected (cm−1 ) Measured (cm−1 ) Error (%) σ (cm−1 ) 0.142 10.10 0.113 9.35 0.115 9.47 0.121 11.70 0.090 11.48 0.090 10.88 −14.79 16 −20.35 22.91 −20.35 12.96 0.003 0.51 0.001 0.76 0.002 0.61 information and dynamic change of tissue’s optical parameters. To further verify the system’s functionality optical measurements were performed on 2 liquid phantoms with controlled absorption and reduced scattering coefficient. In the first measurement 10L of liquid phantom composed of 4:6 parts of milk to water was prepared and put in a container with dark walls. India ink (Dr. Ph. Martin’s Black Star) was added to the phantom step by step to change its absorption coefficient. India ink is a very strong absorption media so it was pre-diluted to 10% by water to make the dosage more controllable. It was also ultrasoniced for 20 minutes to reduce the influence of large sized particles in India Ink [37]. At each step μa and μs at 830 nm was measured. Laser power was set to 2.5 mW as in the solid phantom setup but the modulation depth was reduced to avoid saturation at low ink concentration. Optical fibers were put inside the liquid phantom directly. An infinite-media approximation was used in μa and μs extraction. The rest setup was all the same as solid phantom measurement. The average results of 5 measurements at each step is shown in Fig. 12(a). Without ink the measured μa is 0.35 cm−1 , which is very close to the reported water’s μa of 0.32 cm−1 [38], and 0.29 cm−1 [39]. The measured μa increases linearly with a fitted slope of 496 cm−1 . The slope is very consistent with previous reported data of 372 cm−1 , the difference can be a result of ink variations across different brands and patches [40]. μs fluctuates within a small range, which is as expected. To make sure the fdNIRS system can work with different absorbers another liquid phantom was prepared. Fountain pen ink (Parker Super Quink Ink) was used as the absorber. The ratio of milk to water was adjusted to 3:6 to examine the system’s functionality in μs detection as well. The rest setup was all the same as previous measurement. As shown in Fig. 12(b) without ink the measured μa is around 0.33 cm−1 , which is very close to the first measurement. A linear increment in μa is observed with addition fountain pen ink and the slope is in the same order of previous reported data [33]. A slightly lower μs is also successfully detected, which is the result of lower milk concentration. 5) Error Analysis and Comparison: A comparative analysis of the presented work and other published fdNIRS systems can be found in Table III. The broadband system reported in [23], [24] have a very good accuracy of 5% and 14.48% but require either vector network analyzer or expensive discrete electronics for the frequency sweeping. High performance APD modules are also used to detect NIR lights modulated up to 1GHz.The single tone system reported in [26] achieved a 15% accuracy Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MIAO AND KOOMSON: CMOS-BASED BIDIRECTIONAL BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED FDNIRS AND TDCS 561 TABLE III COMPARISON OF FREQUENCY DOMAIN NIRS SYSTEMS Sensor Technology Node Sensing Method Frequency Light Coupling Maximum Error Fantini [26] Pham [23] No [24] Sthalekar [29] Sthalekar [33] This Work PMT Instrument Based Single Tone 120 MHz 3 mm Fiber Bundle 15% APD Module Instrument Based Broadband 10 ∼ 1000 MHz 1 mm Fiber APD Module Discrete Electronics Broadband 10 ∼ 1000 MHz Direct Coupling 14.48% APD 130 nm biCMOS Single Tone 80 MHz 1 mm Fiber and Collimator 30% APD 130 nm CMOS Single Tone 80 MHz 1 mm Fiber 5% APD 180 nm CMOS Single Tone 100 MHz 1 mm Fiber and Objective Lens 27.13% 23% reduced. The solid phantom and liquid phantom measurements showed improvements in error and linearity compared with the system in [33] as well. It should be noted that unlike the results reported in [33], where the error increases with the μa of the solid phantom, this chip exhibits less than 23% error on a solid phantom with μa of 0.12 cm−1 . The solid phantom used for experimental tests is fabricated with an absorption coefficient that is 2 to 9 times larger than previously used solid phantoms in [33] and is more consistent with the optical property of human forehead [41], [42]. A lower than expected μa and higher than expected μs is observed at all three wavelengths in solid phantom measurements. The measurement error for both coefficients is lower for the liquid phantoms compared to the solid phantom. Part of the error in solid phantom measurement is likely to be an offset from the fiber-phantom interface. In the solid phantom measurement, the fibers were attached to the phantom surface through fiber holder arms (Thorlabs, PRA-SMA), while the fibers were put into the liquid directly during liquid phantom measurements. The holder arms were supposed to keep a good contact and a constant 90° incident angle against frictions between the fiber tip and phantom surface during source-detector distance adjustment. The holder arms have a considerable foot print of around 4 cm by 7 cm, which may introduce undesired surface reflection and affect the semi-infinity media assumption. The error can be potentially reduced with the calibration technique mentioned in [24] or using a customized probe with smaller footprint and absorbent materials [26]. B. Stimulator Measurement Fig. 12. (a) Measured absorption coefficient and reduced scattering coefficient at different India ink concentration. (b) Measured absorption coefficient and reduced scattering coefficient at different fountain pen ink concentration. by utilizing a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The PMT requires a very high bias voltage and is sensitive to mechanical shock and external magnetic fields, which limited the system’s mobility and robustness. Our chip can work with a standard APD and has a comparable accuracy with systems employing bulky instruments or discrete electronics. An improvement in gain, dynamic range, phase resolution, and sensitivity is achieved compared with other integrated solutions [29], [33]. In addition, as no objective lens or collimator is used, the system’s cost is largely The I-V curve of the on-chip stimulator at different input codes was measured with a high accuracy source meter (Keithley 6430). From Fig. 13. we can see that from 0.4 V to 2.5 V for current below 1.5 mA the output impedance stays above 1 MΩ and for current between 1.5 mA and 2.2 mA the minimum impedance is still greater than 781 kΩ. For each input code the current variation form 0.4 V to 3.0V is less than 1%. Its current transfer curve with an off-chip buffer FET (Diodes Incorporated BSS138) was also measured under 20V supply and 8 kΩ resistive load to mimic the voltage and load condition of tDCS. As shown in Fig. 14. the 5-bit programmable stimulator can generate a current form 0.6 mA to 2.2 mA with a DNL less than 0.4LSB, which covers the required range of tDCS. Its linearity and resolution is inferior to the stimulator in [13] due to the mechanism of VCR current source, but the large full scale Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 562 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, JUNE 2018 dosage and strategy can be applied to users with the help of simultaneous brain monitoring and stimulation. The on-chip fdNIRS achieved a sub nW sensitivity with a large area APD. The improvement in gain, dynamic range, and phase resolution make a lensless setup possible. The solid phantom measurement showed an error less than 23%, which is comparable with instrument based prototypes. Both baseline information and dynamic change in 2 liquid phantoms were successfully captured as well. The accuracy can be potentially enhanced with calibration techniques and customized optical probes. The integrated tDCS can supply a current between 0.6 mA to 2.2 mA with a voltage down to 0.4 V. The system highly reduced the cost and size of fdNIRS and tDCS. The proposed system will benefit the use of closed-loop brain stimulation in both research and clinic applications. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Stimulator I-V curve at different input codes. Stimulator output current versus input codes. current, large compliance voltage, and high output resistance will highly improve the power efficiency and reliability of tDCS. Electrodes wrapped in saline soaked sponge are widely used in tDCS instruments. A recent study on a commercial tDCS system showed that the electrode impedance can hardly exceed 40 kΩ before stimulation and will drop to around 5 kΩ soon after the start of stimulation [43]. As a compact and robust stimulator, our VCR current source is well suited for standard tDCS applications. However, with growing interest in high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) miniaturized electrodes with higher impedance may become more popular in the future. More advanced feedback structures [44], [45] can be adopted to boost the output impedance in future designs. V. CONCLUSION This paper presents a CMOS based bidirectional brain machine interface system with integrated fdNIRS and tDCS for closed-loop brain stimulation. The combination of fdNIRS and tDCS solves the incompatibility between EEG and fdNIRS in both spatial and time domains. A real-time, programmable tDCS REFERENCES [1] M. A. Nitsche et al., “Transcranial direct current stimulation: State of the art 2008,” Brain Stimulation, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 206–223, 2008. [2] M. A. Nitsche, P. S. Boggio, F. Fregni, and A. 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She is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA. Her research interests include the design of optical and radio frequency integrated circuits for high-speed wireless communication and biomedical imaging. Dr. Koomson was the recipient of the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award in 2010. She is a member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and Solid-State Circuits Society. Authorized licensed use limited to: WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Downloaded on October 09,2023 at 03:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.