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Chapter 10 - Water Hydrologic Cycle and Human Use (1)

Lecture 07
Chapter 10- Water: Hydrologic Cycle and Human Use
Droughts are striking worldwide
• California, and much of the southwest United
States, is in a mega-drought—one of the worst
since AD 1000
– Decreasing water is making it hard to irrigate crops
– Water comes from far-away rivers, ancient
groundwater, desalinization, conservation, dams
• China and Australia are also suffering from
• Freshwater is liquid gold
– Finding enough water for the millions of people
being added will be a top priority
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Earth’s water
Although Earth has a lot of water, accessible freshwater makes
up only 0.77% of the total
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Humans control water
• Humans construct infrastructures to control water:
– Dams, canals, reservoirs, aqueducts, sewer
– Treatment plants, water towers, pipelines, irrigation
– Desalinization plants
– Waterborne diseases have been controlled
• Developed nations control water
– Decrease diseases, build cities in deserts, irrigate,
create electricity
• Millions in developing nations lack safe drinking
water and sanitation, and die from diseases
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Water will become more scarce
• Because of infrastructure to control water:
Seas and rivers are being lost
Reservoirs have displaced millions of people
Aquifers are being pumped dry
Tensions increase for access to water
It will be harder to feed a growing population
Cities and industries compete with agriculture
• Climate change will affect the hydrologic cycle
– Floods and droughts will devastate croplands
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Differences in water availability
Some people can luxuriate in water—others have to walk long
distances to get enough water just to survive
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Two ways to consider water issues
• Quantity: the water cycle, controlling and
managing water, policies for water use
• Quality: pollution and its consequences
• Earth’s water cycles through the hydrologic cycle
– Evaporation and transpiration: water rises to the
– Condensation and precipitation: water returns to
the land and oceans
• Green water: water in vapor form
• Blue water: water in liquid form
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The hydrologic cycle
Green arrows represent green water (water vapor), blue arrows
represent blue water (liquid)
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Animation: The Hydrologic Cycle
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Animation: Water Cycle Scramble
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Global air circulation
The equator’s two Hadley cells (a) and six cells on either side
of the equator (b), and (c) global wind patterns
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What causes a rain shadow?
• When moisture-laden trade winds encounter
mountain ranges, air is deflected and rises
– Precipitation occurs on the windward side
• Air crossing the mountains warms and picks up
moisture from the soil
– Deserts occur on the leeward sides of mountains
– Rain shadow: the dry region downwind (leeward)
of a mountain range
• The Sierra Nevada Mountains of California support
lush forests on the windward side
– Death Valley, on the other side, is extremely dry
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Rain shadow
Moisture-laden air cools as it rises over a mountain range,
causing precipitation on the windward side. The leeward side
has desert conditions.
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Global precipitation
Note the high rainfall near the equator, and regions of low
rainfall north and south
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Precipitation ends up in several places
• Precipitation can either soak into the ground
(infiltration) or run off the surface
• Infiltration-runoff ratio: the amount of water that
infiltrates compared with the amount that runs off
• Runoff flows into streams and rivers, eventually
reaching oceans or inland seas
• Watershed: all the land area contributing to a
stream or river
• Surface waters: ponds, lakes, streams, rivers,
etc. on the Earth’s surface
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Infiltrating water has two alternatives
• Capillary water: held in the soil, according to the
soil’s capacity
– Returns to the atmosphere by evaporation or
transpiration (green water flow)
– Evapotranspiration: the combination of
evaporation and transpiration
• Gravitational water: not held in the soil
– Percolation (blue water flow): trickling of water
through pores or cracks in the soil due to gravity
– Once it hits an impervious layer, it accumulates
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What happens to gravitational water?
• Groundwater: water accumulated in the earth
– It lies on top of an impervious layer of rock or clay
– Water table: the upper surface of groundwater
• Gravitational water becomes groundwater when it
reaches the water table
• Wells dug below the water table allow groundwater
to seep into the well
– Groundwater fills the well to the level of the water
– It can also seep laterally as it seeks its lowest level
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Recharge of an aquifer
• Aquifers: layers of porous material through which
groundwater moves
– It is hard to determine the location of aquifers
– Layers of porous rock are found between layers of
impervious rock
• Recharge area: the area where water enters an
– May be far away from where water leaves the
• Aquifers hold 99% of all liquid freshwater
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Underground purification
• As water percolates through the soil, debris and
bacteria are filtered out
• Water may dissolve or leach out minerals
– Most are harmless (limestone)
– Some can be dangerous (arsenic, sulfide, etc.)
• Drawn by gravity, groundwater moves through
aquifers until it finds an opening to the surface
– Seep: water flows out in a wide area
– Spring: water flows from a small opening
• Seeps and springs feed streams, lakes, and rivers
– But dry up if the water table drops
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Yearly water balance in the hydrologic cycle
This figure shows how water moves between the oceans and
the land
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Human impacts on the hydrologic cycle
• Many environmental problems stem from direct or
indirect impacts on the water cycle
• Four categories of impacts:
Changes to Earth’s surface
Changes to Earth’s climate
Atmospheric pollution
Withdrawals (diversion) for human use
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Changes to the surface of the Earth
• In natural systems, vegetation intercepts
– Water infiltrates into porous topsoil
• In cleared forests and overgrazed land, plants do
not intercept rainfall
– Water shifts from infiltration and recharge into runoff
– Causing floods and erosion, sedimentation
– Less infiltration, evapotranspiration, and
groundwater recharge result in dry, barren, lifeless
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More surface changes…
• Wetlands store and release water
– Destruction causes flooding, droughts, polluted
• Water is moved from land to rivers to the ocean
– Drainage pipes (tiles) in fields lower water tables
– Channelizing (straightening) rivers
• Roads, buildings, parking lots prevent infiltration
• Dams store water and slow movement to oceans
– No recharge of groundwater, evaporation increases
– Can cause regional water loss and serious
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Impervious surfaces
Roofs, roads, and parking lots decrease the water that goes
into the soil and recharges groundwater
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The Three Gorges Dam
• Completed in 2006, it is the world’s largest dam
– Generates an amount of electricity equal to burning
50 million tons of coal a year
– Controls flooding of the Yangtze River
• Is an example of the problems dams cause
– Displacing 1.3 million people—4 million more will be
moved to make room for the 410-mile long reservoir
– Lowering the Yangtze let saltwater into the river,
stranded ships, and accumulated pollutants
– Lower fish population, and more earthquakes
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Moving water to the ocean
• Almost all human actions increase water going to
the oceans—but less goes into groundwater
– Cultivation, impervious surfaces, wetland loss, and
so on
– Causes floods, droughts, and erosion
– Deforestation reduces the “sponge” effects of forests
• We need changes in requirements for construction
– Flood retention ponds stop floods and allow
– Protect wetlands and river vegetation
– Grow vegetation in cities (urban gardening)
– Environmentally friendly surfaces
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Flooding in the Balkans, 2014
People had to evacuate their homes when this region
experienced its heaviest rainfall in 100 years
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Climate change affects the water cycle
• The Earth is warming—the rise in greenhouse
gases is speeding up the water cycle
• Evaporation increases with a warmer climate
– A wetter atmosphere increases precipitation
and floods
– More hurricanes and droughts
– Water-stressed areas will get less water
• The greater volume of warm water, along with
melting ice and glaciers, raises sea levels
– Affecting ocean currents and 630 million people
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Atmospheric particles
• Aerosol particles form nuclei that let water
condense into droplets that form clouds
– Reduced solar radiation has a cooling effect
• Particles (sulfates, soot, dust) are increasing
– Industrial areas, tropical burning, and dust storms
• Aerosols’ smaller droplets suppress rain (even
though clouds form) and atmospheric cleansing
– Leads to dry conditions, dust, smoke, more
• Aerosols work differently from greenhouse gases
– They have local impacts and last only days
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Water: management and control
• Humans use 27% of all accessible freshwater
– Global withdrawal will increase 10% each decade
– Americans use less water than in 1980
• Nonconsumptive water uses: water may be
contaminated, but is still available to humans
– In homes, industries, and electric power production
• Consumptive uses of water: the applied water
does not return to the water resource
– It percolates into the ground or evapotranspirates
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U.S. trends in population and freshwater
Since 1980, Americans have used less water, even though the
population has increased
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What are major uses of water?
• Worldwide, the largest use is for irrigation
– Then industry and direct human use
• Use varies by region, depending on:
– Precipitation and degree of regional development
• Most increases in withdrawal are due to agriculture
– Irrigation uses 80% of freshwater in the United
• Each fracking well (for natural gas) uses 4–6
million gallons of water, which becomes
– But, shale deposits are located in arid regions!
– It takes water away from other uses
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Regional usage of water
The percentage used in each category varies with the climate
and development of the region
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Water is often polluted
• 25% of U.S. water comes from groundwater
– 75% from surface water (rivers, lakes, reservoirs)
• Rural areas in poor nations get water where they can
– Wells, rivers, lakes, rainwater
– Women often have to walk long distances to
get water
• Water in developing nations is often polluted with
wastes (animal waste, human sewage)
– 1.1 billion people use polluted water
– 1.6 million (mostly children) die each year
• One Sustainable Development Goal:
– Increase water sanitation
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Water in the developing world
In many areas of the developing world, water sources are
often contaminated with pathogens and other pollutants
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Developed nations collect, treat, and
distribute water
• Larger municipalities rely mostly on surface water
– Dams are used to generate power, and for
recreation, flood control, and irrigation
• Water used in homes, schools, industries is first
piped to a treatment plant
• Wastewater is collected by a sewage system and
treated before being released downstream
– Water is reused many times on major rivers
• Smaller public drinking-water systems depend on
groundwater, which is purified by percolation
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Municipal water use and treatment
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Is bottled water the answer?
• Half of Americans use bottled water
– 10 billion gallons sold for $12 billion in 2013
• Using bottled water has negative effects
– Bottling occurs where locals also need the water
– In 2009, the courts decided Nestle Waters, North
America, could not pump 400 gallons/minute
• Bottled water uses a lot of energy for plastic
bottles and transportation
• Bottled water may be good for emergencies
– But not as a source of drinking water generally
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Dams keep and use surface water
• Over 48,000 large dams (over 50 feet tall) exist
– They provide 19% of the world’s total electricity
• Only 31% of annual runoff is available for
– Rivers are too remote
– Navigation, flood control, hydropower also
need water
• Large dams have enormous social impacts
– Displacing 40–80 million people
– Preventing access to goods and services of the
now-buried ecosystems
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Number of dams in the United States
Each point represents a dam; the colors tell the height
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Dams have enormous impacts
• Habitats (waterfalls, rapids, fish runs) are lost
• The river downstream is deprived of water
• Fish and other aquatic organisms are impacted
– Wetlands dry up, and waterfowl and wildlife die
• Fish (e.g., salmon) cannot swim upstream to
spawn or downstream to return to the ocean
– Even with fish ladders to help them pass the dams
– Juvenile salmon suffer 95% mortality going to sea
• Decaying plants change the water chemistry
– Releasing pollutants (e.g., mercury) from the soil
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An example of a dam’s impacts
• The Glen Canyon Dam spans the Colorado River
– It stores excess water in Lake Powell (the secondlargest U.S. reservoir) and generates hydropower
• The dam had seriously damaged the downstream
ecology of the Colorado River
– Recreational resources (hiking, rafting) were hurt
• The Grand Canyon Protection Act (1992) required
“adaptive management” in rates of water release
– To improve its ecological and recreational values
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Dams gone
• People are recognizing the costs of dams
• 850 dams have been removed in the United States
– But removal is not easy
• There are legal complexities to dam removal
– Existing uses (flood control, irrigation water,
– Conflict with expected advantages (establishing
fish, restoring recreational and aesthetic uses)
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Removal of a dam
The 2014 removal of the Glines Canyon Dam on the Elwah
River in Washington State allowed salmon to spawn upstream
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Surface water is often diverted
• Small-scale diversions include ditches and canals
to irrigate fields
– Increases evaporation, water leaks out of the ditch,
mosquitoes can breed in the ditches
• Large-scale diversions move water long distances
– In China, the South-to-North Water Diversion
Project will bring water to the arid north
– They can bring pollution and affect original rivers
and lakes
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Impacts on estuaries
• Estuaries: productive ecosystems in bays and
rivers, where fresh river water mixes with seawater
– Breeding grounds for fish, shellfish, and birds
– Less fresh-water increases the water’s salinity
• In the San Francisco Bay, over 60% of freshwater
has been diverted for irrigation and municipal use
– Salt-water intrusion has devastated the bay
– Fish populations have disappeared or been
– Tidal wetlands have been reduced by 92%
– Land sinks due to compaction
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The CALFED Bay-Delta Program
• This program was supposed to develop a plan to
restore ecological health and improve water
• The program is not working
– Farmers, government agencies, environmental
groups do not agree with scientists’
• Other estuaries around the world are suffering
– The Aswan Dam prevents the Nile River from
flushing the Mediterranean Sea
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Some aquifers are nonrenewable
• 99% of all freshwater is in aquifers
• Nonrenewable groundwater: more than 75% of
aquifers have recharge rates of centuries
• Percolation replenished renewable groundwater
– Is vulnerable to variations in precipitation
• We are tapping large, but limited, natural
– Sustainability depends on balancing withdrawal
rates with recharge rates
• Most groundwater in arid regions has no recharge
– It must be considered nonrenewable, like oil
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The Ogallala aquifer
• The Ogallala aquifer supplies irrigation water to
10.4 million acres in 7 U.S. states
– 20% of the irrigated land in the United States
– It has “fossil water” that was recharged during the
last ice age
– Water is being withdrawn twice as fast as it
• Water tables have dropped 30–60 m (100–200 ft.)
– Irrigated farming has stopped in some areas
– Within 20 years, 3 million acres will be abandoned
or converted to dryland farming
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Exploitation of an aquifer
Water from the Ogallala has made the arid part of the United
States into productive farmland, using center-pivot irrigation—
but this is going to end
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Exploitation of an aquifer
Sustainably used aquifers have a withdrawal rate less than 1.
Footprints show the land needed to replace the water being
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Impacts of falling water tables
• Falling water tables indicate that groundwater
withdrawals exceed recharge rates
– Common throughout the world
– Will decrease crop production
• Falling water tables dry up wetlands, springs and
seeps, streams, rivers
• Excessive groundwater removal creates the same
results as diverting surface water
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Land subsides from removing groundwater
• Groundwater fills spaces in the ground
– Dropping water tables removes this support
• Land subsidence: settling of the land
– Causes cracked building foundations, roadways,
and sewage pipes, and flooded coastal areas
• A sinkhole: another kind of land subsidence
– Results when an underground cavern is drained of
its supporting groundwater and suddenly collapses
– Can be 300 feet across and 150 feet deep
– They’ve “consumed” buildings, livestock, highways
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Removing water drains an underground cavern and causes
the roof to collapse
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Saltwater intrusion
• In many coastal areas, springs of outflowing
groundwater lie under the ocean
• High water tables keep pressure in the aquifer
– Fresh-water flows into the ocean
– Wells near the ocean yield fresh-water
• Lowering the water table reduces pressure
– Allowing salt-water to flow into the aquifer and wells
• This is a serious problem in many European
countries along the Mediterranean coast
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Saltwater intrusion
Freshwater is maintained in an aquifer by the pressure of the
freshwater inland—until excessive water removal reduces the
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Water stewardship: supply and policy
• The water cycle can meet human needs
– But water is often not located where it is most
needed, resulting in persistent water scarcity
• The developing world lacks infrastructure
(wells, water-treatment systems, dams) for water
– Increasing populations increase water demand
– Water for food dominates demand
• We need a Blue Revolution: a radical change in
the way we use water
– Five options exist to meet future water needs
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