Presenters: BSA 4 Instructor: JOHN CARLO PRIETO ORACION, CPA, MBA WHY, WITHIN A PARTICULAR INDUSTRY OR MARKET, DO SOME COMPANIES OUTPERFORM OTHERS? WHAT IS THE BASIS OF THEIR (SUSTAINED) COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE? DISTINCTIVE COMPETENCIES Resources refer to the assets of a company. A company’s resources can be divided into two types: tangible and intangible resources. Capabilities refer to a company’s resource -coordinating skills and productive use. Strategy, Resources, Capabilities, and Competencies COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, VALUE CREATION, AND PROFITABILITY the value customers place on the company’s products the p rice that a comp any charges for its p roducts the costs of creating those p roducts The Value Chain 5 6 1 2 7 3 4 The Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage and the Value Creation Cycle THE DURABILITY OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE What is the durability of competitive advantage given that other companies are also seeking to develop distinctive competencies that will give them a competitive advantage? Capability of Competitors Barriers to Imitation General dynamism of the industry environment Avoiding Failure and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Institute Continuous Improvement and Learning Focus on the Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage Overcome Inertia Track Best Industrial Practice and Use Benchmarking The Role of Luck STRATEGIC THINKING: THE ROLE OF PEOPLE, CULTURE, AND COMMUNICATION IN VALUE CREATION STRATEGIC THINKING Strategic thinking is a strategic capability that helps managers to understand their ability in predicting and controlling future events and distinguishing them. VALUE CREATION • Organisational value creation is interpreted in the context of a perspective where personnel, customers and financial values are perceived as interdependent and equally important for the long-term survival of the organisation . In this way non-financial aspects of organisations are formally linked to financial ones in the value creation process . • a company’s culture o f value is essential for its growth, as creating value is one o f the best ways to ensure future success . CULTURE the set of unique and rep eated organizational b ehaviors that drive the collective ab ility to make and imp lement decis ions (i.e., to adap t). ROLE OF CULTURE IN VALUE CREATION In a strong management team, value growth will be delayed if the culture is incapable of translating strategy into actions by making and implementing good decisions quickly at all levels and across functions. Values provide a framework for managers and employees to calibrate their own, and other employee’s behaviors. In particular, if they support trust -building, honesty and the free flow of information, they will help to improve the quality of decisions and speed of implementation. Making employees feel valued is important because a company’s most valuable and richest asset is its employees. Management also needs to take actions which demonstrate and signal the agreed values and desired culture. THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN VALUE CREATION 01 Integrating the corporate communication process into the strategic management, governance and value creation processes therefore pose an opportunity for communication professionals to illustrate how communication can contribute to the creation of value for organisations, and as such be of benefit to business and to society. 02 Introducing these communication approaches to value creation in the organisation requires a new responsible, integrative perspective on the role of corporate communication. THE ROLE OF PEOPLE IN VALUE CREATION Quality of experience, personalisation and direct interaction with the customer have become the keys to creating value. Good people leadership combined with a people strategy based around clarity, transparency, creating a safe environment, a strong purpose, a culture of learning, meaning, accountability, fairness and employee wellbeing can have an impact on creating sustainable value. KEY TAKEAWAYS Qu a l it y o f exp erien c e, p erso n a l isa t io n a n d direc t in t era c t io n wit h t h e c u st o mer h a v e b ec o me t h e keys t o c rea t in g v a l u e. People Culture Communic atio n can play a significant role in the value creation process of the organisatio n, considering the fact that the value of the capitals produced by the organisatio n can increase and decrease depending on what the organisatio n says and does. Do cumen tin g, co mmun icatin g, an d livin g the values is o n e o f leadership’s mo st impo rtan t co n tributio n s to shapin g culture. Communication REFERENCE Team, B. (n.d.). How Cultural Strategic Thinking Plays A Part Within An Organization | HanoverSearch US news and blogs. HanoverSearch US. 2023-8/what-part-strategic-thinking-play-within-organization