Uploaded by Aanchal Nigam

Aanchal Raghav Teaser + Highlight Video Updates

Aanchal and Raghav Teaser + Highlight
0:31-0:32 - remove second spin from right to left and continue the spin from previous scene which is from
Reception CAM-2 clip C0295
1:06-1:07 – Aanchal and Raghav holding hands during first look scene should be removed and replaced with
Mehndi CAM-1 clip PGH62515 (seconds 0:07-0:08)
1:20 – there was reception solo dance clip that was removed which should be added back as there is a gap in the
song now – the mashoor mere ishq ke scene should be added back. Only the two photoshoot scenes were to be
removed from first version of the highlight video. The second photoshoot scene (when song says kahani ho gayi)
should be replaced with Sangeet CAM-2 clip C0058 (Seconds 0:15-0:18)
1:35-1:37 - remove and replace photoshoot scene and continue previous clip of Raghav coming to Aanchal on
wedding stage. This is Wedding CAM-2 clip C0172 (Seconds 3:37-3:41)
2:01-2:02 – Remove scene of Aanchal and Raghav drinking and replace with 2:20-2:22 of colorful photoshoot outfit
from the first version of this highlight video.
2:18 – Remove Aanchal and Raghav Sangeet entrance scene and replace with girls dance (second 2:46) from first
version of the highlight video. This scene of girls dancing was not supposed to be removed.
2:19-2:20 - remove solo sister-in-law dance clip and replace with Sangeet CAM-2 clip C0151 (Seconds 1:34-1:35 Raghav and Aanchal are forming back to back pose)
2:31-2:32 - remove Aanchal and Raghav walking down stairs and replace with the second reception entrance clip of
waving hands from first version of highlight video (second 3:00). Do not take the first waving hands clip.
2:44-2:45 - remove scene of Raghav and Aanchal dancing on the dance floor being circled in Sangeet and replace
with Wedding CAM-2 clip C0216 (Seconds 0:18-0:19 - groomsmen circling)
2:57-2:58 – Clip Aanchal spins and poses with hands on Raghav’s shoulders. Take an additional second until hands
are placed on the shoulder in the end as it doesn’t look clean otherwise. This is Sangeet CAM-2 clip C0186
(Seconds 2:25-2:26)
2:59-3:00 remove spin from photoshoot outfit and replace with Sangeet CAM-2 clip C0165 (Seconds 14:28-14:29 when Raghav is spinning his finger)
3:16 - remove the scene with the dancer on the ring with Raghav and Aanchal on the right side facing each other.
The next scene from Reception CAM-1-AMISH clip PGH67334 (Seconds 0:11-0:12 - use the part when disco light
is yellow and then turns green) was to replace this.
3:21-3:22 - remove photo session scene with Aanchal getting off car and dancing. Replace with Reception CAM-1AMISH clip PGH67380 (Seconds - 0:03-0:04 - looking everyone is looking towards camera, the ‘dil lagi kudi’ part)
3:22-3:23 – removc the scene with Aanchal and Raghav dancing on dance floor with MC in the middle and replace
with 3:53-3:54 with Aanchal and boys on stage from first version of the highlight video. This scene was not to be
removed from original video.
3:38 - remove photo session scene of Aanchal and Raghav on rocks. You can take an extra second of just married
car scene which was previous scene to replace this.
Begin with introducing bride and groom after 3:40 with our wedding outfits. Use _B6A5387 for Aanchal’s Bride
picture and _B6A5067 (both of these pictures are within the selected pics folder we sent). Make sure to crop just us
out and the background is not there.
3:513:52 – Scene with all girls waving scene should be next scene (when music says Kahi Sakhai). This should be
replaced by next scene of Raghav kissing Aanchal’s head.
3:53-3:54 – Scene should be replaced with all girls waving (Kahi Sakhai) which was the previous scene.
3:55-3:56 - remove Raghav with mom and dad clip and replace with Mehndi CAM-1 clip PGH62447 (Seconds
0:06-0:07 - when mehndi is shown then camera is taken up)
4:23 – 4:59 – delete all the new haldi portion as this does not match with what the wordings are saying. Replace
back with 5:38-6:15. The only update needed here is to delete 6:11-6:13 which is clip of Aanchal and Raghav heads
are cutting off and replace with Haldi CAM-1 clip PGH63641 (4:04-4:06 - spinning scene, take when our faces are
4:59 onwards new song needs to come as all Haldi performances will be on this song - use Member for Aisha song
for ALL Haldi performances
5:15 – the Member for Aisha song should be all performancs of Haldi remove Kajrare song.
From the first version of highlight video, take performance from 8:11 - 8:17 and put as part of Member for Aisha
6:07-6:08 - remove and replace family standing clip with Sangeet CAM-1 clip PGH63053 (Seconds 0:12-0:13)
Continue the song “This is where it all Begins” for ALL Sangeet performances
6:09-6:44 – all these performances should have been of the “This is where it all begins” song. Also in between
performances add our reaction to performances – you can take 9:38-9:40 from first version of the highlight video.
Also, take Raghav’s dance entry with boys 11:43-11:46 from first version of the highlight video and add before
Aanchal and Raghav dance together (tenu leke song which needs to be removed).
6:58-7:11 – this whole Sangeet cake scene needs to be replaced with 12:40-12:58 from first version of the highlight
7:11-8:22 – these performances all should have been part of the “This is where it all begins” song. Also Aanchal’s
parents performance 7:37-7:39 needs to be replaced by 15:23-15:29 from first version of the highlight video – this
full part should be taken. Also, Aanchal’s brother and his friends dance 7:54-8:00 should be replaced with 16:5216:57.
8:28-8:29 – scene of Aanchal and Raghav wedding should be removed and replaced with a sangeet dance floor
8:34-8:35 – scene of Aanchal and Raghav walking on stage from wedding should be removed and replaced with
Sangeet CAM-2 C0211 (Seconds 0:26-0:27 - when Raghav picks up Aanchal) and 0:33-0:34
9:57-9:58 – remove scene of groomsmen and Raghav and Aanchal waving to camera and replace with 21:38 from
first version of the highlight video where Aanchal and Raghav are looking up to the camera.
9:58–9:59 – remove scene of bridesmaid watching Aanchal and Raghav and replace with 21:44-21:47 from first
version of the highlight video of Aanchal with Bridesmaids and Raghav with Groomsmen
11:56 – music has been changed here. We liked the original music from 24:11 from first version of the highlight
13:14 – scene of Raghav tying mangal sutra – delete the first second and just start mangal sutra scene when Aanchal
turns to Raghav)
15:13-15:23 – end the scene BEFORE Raghav puts Aanchal down so take until 15:20 only.
15:20-15:23 – should be the ice sculpture scene which is 27:55-27:57 from first version of the highlight video.
17:14-17:18 – clip of father daughter dance taken from far away holding one hand seems repetitive step and should
be removed. Instead remove this and replace with the steps with spin which is next scene – this is 31:00-31:12 from
the first version of the highlight video. Some parts from original video were removed and should be added back.
17:34-17:50 - take only highlights of bridesmaids dance for 4-5 seconds and the song playing should still be Stereo
19:09 – seems like a glitch in this second of groomsmen speech as scene gets cut off while same groomsmen is
speaking which was not the case in the first version of the highlight video. Need to fix this second of the speech.
20:09-20:10 – some of the seconds of the song were removed and transition does not look smooth. Please add back
the few beats of the song and you can use Reception CAM-1 clip PGH67125 (Seconds 0:20-0:25) for these added
seconds – clip where Raghav puts Aanchal down and she walks to the dancers. The missing beats of the song were
33:58-34:03 from the first version of the highlight video.
21:04 -22:01 – lot of parts we liked were removed which were not mentioned to be removed so please remove this
new version and add back 35:11-36:30 from the first version of the highlight video with the updates needed to the
first version of the video listed below:
35:25-35:26 - remove first two scenes of Aanchal and Raghav’s dance (DO NOT delete clip Aanchal dancing with
the Aunty in blue. Just remove the two scenes before this of Aanchal and Raghav). You can replace this with
Reception CAM-2 clip C0365 (Seconds 0:46-0:47 - start when Raghav is visble then camera shifts to Aanchal with
light brightened)
35:36-35:37 - remove this part with everyone holding the glow sticks and replace with Reception CAM-1-AMISH
clip PGH67373 (Seconds 0:10-0:11 - when Aanchal is looking at Raghav)
35:50-35:52 - remove this part of Aanchal and Raghav dance and replace with Reception CAM-2 clip C0369
(Seconds 3:36-3:37 - start when it music is at taki taki and end when it says rumba)
35:57-36:02 - remove part of video showing ground until Aanchal and Raghav dance but leave part when Aanchal is
looking above in the camera. You can replace this with Reception CAM-2 clip C0369 (Seconds 3:30-3:32 - when
camera shifts from left to right). For the next 3 seconds, use Reception CAM-2 clip C0370 (Seconds 0:14-0:17when Raghav and Aanchal are being held up, start when Aanchal starts to put her hand up).
36:05 - already took longer clip of this scene when Aanchal and Raghav being held up so you can replace this with
Reception CAM-2 clip C0370 (Seconds 0:28 - when Raghav is clearly shown being held up)
36:06 - take clip up until blow kiss finishes
36:17-36:19- remove mom dance and then brother and dad dance and replace with Reception CAM-1-AMISH clip
PGH67323 (Seconds 0:02-0:04 - when Raghav pulls Aanchal to dessert table and Aanchal has wow face)
36:19-36:22 - walking outside scene outside of door and then stairs scene will be moved as next scene. Replace
these seconds with Reception CAM-1-AMISH clip PGH67324 (Seconds 0:01-0:05 - start when Aanchal is looking
down at the food and then end with food in Raghav’s mouth). Feel free to use any effect as this is 4 seconds instead
of 3)
36:22-36:23 - remove this scene walking next to the railing. The previous current scene in video of walking outside
of Legacy Castle door and stairs scene should be moved here. If needed, you can also remove stairs scene inside as it
was taken earlier in the video (if it is too many seconds). Ending of Aanchal looking at Raghav looks good.
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