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22204 poster compressed

Fog Harvesting & Moringa Purification
Abdallah Saeed Abdelhamid- ziad Abdaltawab Elsayed- Ahmed Abdelfatah Samir- Mohanad Ahmed Osman
22204- Sharkya STEM School- Grade 11- 1 semester -2021/2022
keywords: Ground water - Moringa - AWG - Purifica�on - Pel�er - Condensa�on - Untradi�onal Resources
It takes much blue to stay green" the previous proverb shows one ac�vity that mostly wastes water!
Urban conges�on, alterna�ve energies, water crisis, etc., are among the most significant challenges facing
Egypt and the world. More specifically, however, the important ques�on is how to increase clean water
sources. Water waste and harmful use of water resources cause a significant challenge, "Water Shortage."
or water crisis. Water scarcity is a serious challenge for Egypt, par�cularly following the Al Nahda Dam in
Ethiopia. It is also a severe world challenge. So, our project is how to increase the sources of clean water.
Our project consists of two systems that perform one water purifica�on process and one system for collec�ng water. The first device depends on collec�ng atmospheric water on AWG way and a purifica�on
system for Groundwater using Moringa Seeds which contains posi�vely-charged proteins called the Moringa Oleifera Ca�onic Protein (MOCP), is dissolved in Groundwater. The proteins a�ract suspended dirt
par�cles and dissolved solids, and as a result, their mass increases, and sedimenta�on takes place as they
move to the bo�om by gravity. This solu�on was selected because of its high efficiency and low cost. Following the construc�on of the prototype, we tested it in accordance with scien�fic methods. The results
were auspicious, and we had posi�ve results, pH efficiency= 67% from old pH: 6.6, new pH: 7.8. old TDS:
700, new: 407. (high efficiency of collec�ng water, the quality of produced water as it is very close to the
standard parameters, has law error). Furthermore, we found that the design requirement was met, and
the overall project objec�ve was achieved.
Egypt undergoes several grand challenges, such as increasing sources of
clean water. Water is one of the most important things in our life, so we
should save it from surviving in the future. Shortage of water is the biggest
challenge that faces the world nowadays as 3% of the world's water is fresh
that is good for self-using. There are a lot of different usages for water, as in
figure (1).In our challenge, we should find untradi�onal water resources
and recommended by (Atmospheric Water (AWG), groundwater, seawater,
and Bi product water). We searched a lot about prior solu�ons for our challenge, and we found many projects that were done in this field that helped
us choose the best one. We find a solu�on that depends on the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) that converts water vapor from the air into liquid water. This advantage: AWG does
not depend on rain or water body. That weekness is AWGs may not work in very harsh climates.
Our solu�on was about the purifica�on of underground water and making it fresh by using a good plant
called moringa that can purify the water by removal of suspended solids and disinfec�on by destroying pathogens. Pathogens can be viruses, protozoa or bacteria such as E. coli. The technique of cleaning Groundwater
using moringa seeds as a coagulant is well known. Basically, a small amount of moringa oleifera seed powder,
which contains posi�vely-charged proteins called the Moringa Oleifera Ca�onic Protein (MOCP), is dissolved
in Groundwater.. However, it precipitates the dirty things in the bo�om, so we used paper nomina�on to filter
it. And the other sie of solu�on is AWG ( atmospheric Water Genra�on ) that our device (TEC)converts the
water vapor in the air into liquid water that we can use it in agriculture or drinking.
We decided to merge the two solu�ons to help us to produce a big amount of water. The design of the prototype was a big problem for us as we needed to collect water from two different sources with each other, but
a�er searching a lot, Our prototype is designed to contain the two sources of water that help us to produce a
big amount of water that help us in our life. A�er that, we tested our prototype, and achieved the best results
based on the standard parameters. We should make design requirements that our project should achieve, the
first one is the low cost of our prototype, and our project achieve it as we used very cheap materials. The
second one is water quality as we purify the produced amount based on the standard parameters. We chose
our prototype and determined a good design as it can help us produce water with the best quality and
increase the efficiency of our project. Our prototype design helped us produce a big amount of water in a
small period, so I think it is the best design for our solu�on. Finally, we tested our project, and it achieved the
best results.
At first, we cleaned two PVC boxes and started to build their holder, which is a
structure of wood with 17 wood bars.
Next, we insert a faucet in the first box and a�ach a filtra�on paper in it to
filtrate the moringa precipita�ons and allow it to pass to the other container
A�er that, in the other box, we hold the Pel�er at the box's surface to generate
AWG water and connect it with the electric energy source.
Moringa seeds mechanism: first, we take off the crust of moringa seeds, then grind
seeds to make powder of moringa seeds, a�er that we add the powder to a cup of water to
make a solu�on of it; finally, we add solu�on to Groundwater and s�r it for 5min.
AWG: first, we s�ck the thermoelectric cooler Pel�er to the heat sink by thermal
glue. Next, we put the electric fan on the Pel�er, then connected the cables of Pel�er and
fan to the power supply. Finally, we connect the power supply to the electricity, and the
process begins.
Finally, we collect the output of two processes and test it to ensure if it follows the
average of ISO pure water standards.
The prototype was made to easily represent the real process with the exact same results
and to be testable, indica�ng whether it addresses the design requirements or not. The following table shows the design requirements and their applied tests.
Quality of water > Materials:
Waters samples, TDS-PH-temperature-conduc�vity Lab machine. As we use two different sources of
water AWG and Ground water and collect water from two sources and test it. we tested the output wastewater's pH, TDS, and other proper�es. The old process sample gave a pH of 6.6 and TDS of 700 ppm, while
the modified one was 7.8 for pH and with TDS of 407
Low cost> Materials:
Moringa seeds, woods, Lunch Boxes, electric glue gun, Pel�er kit, power adapter 12v and computer fan.
Observa�on: As we know the maximum budget 1000L.E so we work on minimize cost of materials we
needed. in AWG we decide to use power adapter 12v to support Pel�er with energy. At the beginning, we
compare between ba�ery to use it in energy source with high efficiency and low cost. Finally, we chose
power adapter 12v, ground water we will use Moringa seeds that cost 10 L.E. it’s cheaper and more efficiency than magnesium salphat or Copper.
The prototype managed to achieve the design requirement of minimizing materials and low cost.
Prototype efficiency:
We will make prototype with woods and lunch boxes, that has the two sources of water these are AWG
and the other source Ground water. In process of prototype each part of it generate amount of water, so
we collect water from two sources in one place and test the output of water due to design requirements
we chosen. In side of ground water, we put amount of water to do process of purifica�on. To test the prototype efficiency, we put 2 liters of water in the prototype and started the processes of the prototype, and
in the final stage, we measured the amount of the water and it was 2.9 ± 0.1 liters (water that was a�racted to inner faces of the prototype in the water tap). That means that there are no places of leakage in the
A�er conduc�ng several scien�fic tests on the prototype and comparing its posi�ve and nega�ve
results, we determined the extent of the project's success and its accurate sta�s�cs to present it scien�fically and clearly. The following table presents design requirements test plans and their scenarios:
12-volt Pel�er
generator with
200 gm
PVC Lunchboxes
Structure wood
12-volt power
Posi�ve results:
-pH level increased from 6.6 to 7.8,
A�er using Moringa Seeds.
-The TDS of water decreased due to the
use of Moringa seeds that killed bacteria.
- the number of bacteria and percentage
of turbidity decreased due to the purifica�on of moringa seeds.
Posi�ve results:
- There were no leaks of water in the prototype.
- Low cost and its efficiency high
Its strength is made of wooden stands
supported by nails and a piece of wood
between two perpendicular stands.
Nega�ve results:
- It is necessary to use a variety of equipment to
achieve safety and high efficiency, which
High accuracy and care.
Egypt faces many grand challenges; one of them is the Crisis and shortage of
water resources. We should focus on a dangerous challenge nowadays as 3% of
Earth's water is fresh. We should find many solu�ons for this problem to produce water from untradi�onal resources, and it is our challenge. Our chosen
solu�on depends on an atmospheric water generator (AWG) and a purifica�on
system for Groundwater, and we chose this solu�on due to its high efficiency
and low cost. A�er doing this project and construc�ng the prototype, we
tested it based on scien�fic methods. We had posi�ve results. These are (high
efficiency of the project and the quality of the produced water as it is very close to the standard parameters
and has very low error). Every project or research may have some errors or nega�ve results, and we have
one nega�ve result: (Need for electrical power in the AWG sec�on, and this may be dangerous as we deal
with water). So we need to solve this problem, and a�er searching a lot, if we
want to do the project on a large scale, we decided to use wind energy (renewable energy) to produce the electricity that we need by pu�ng turbines in the
project and transferring the electricity by some Cables, this will be a very crea�ve solu�on as it will become a closed cycle do not need to any work, it needs
to turn on the device only. We put this in the recommenda�on sec�on.
The most important thing in our project is determining where we can do the
project; a�er searching a lot, we choose the deserts like the western desert in
Egypt to do the project in as it has high moisture so the AWG can collect a big amount of water. We can
pump the Groundwater from some wells, then purify it by using the moringa seeds.
AWG depends mainly on condensing the water vapor from the air by making a difference in the temperature in its parts, the Pel�er can make that as it has two different
faces and we put it heat sinker and the fan and turning on the device by using a power
supply as shown in figure (2).
The second part of the prototype depends on purifying Groundwater by using moringa seeds powder as a natural coagulant and flocculent to clarify turbid water and an�bacterial agent to destroy pathogens like E. coli to produce clean drinking water, as
shown in graph (1). The technique of cleaning Groundwater using moringa seeds as a coagulant is well
known. Basically, a small amount of Moringa oleifera seed powder, which contains posi�vely charged proteins called the Moringa Oleifera Ca�onic Protein (MOCP), is dissolved in Groundwater. The proteins a�ract
suspended dirt par�cles and dissolved solids, and as a result, their mass increases, and sedimenta�on takes
place as they move to the bo�om by gravity. The supernatant is filtered through a fine cloth to get clear
water. Reports show its efficacy as an excellent clarifier of Groundwater, so the water has good quality and
parameters, as shown in graphs (2 and 3). Pumping the Groundwater from the underground is an important
step to do our project as if we pump much water, we can purify and produce a big amount of pure water, so
we decided to use a good pump and put it in our prototype.
As the project will be done in the desert, the Groundwater will be very far from the surface, so we need a
very strong pump. The pump's power depends on the radius of its base as when the radius increases, the
cross-sec�on area of the base increases (A=πr^2), so the collisions decrease so the water moves easily.
Hence, the power of the pump increase, so it is direct rela�on (P α Area). The second factor that affects the
power of the pump is the height of it as when the height increase, it needs more power to pump the water,
so if the pump has low height, it has good power, so it is inverse rela�on (P α 1/h).
Test Plan:
Test plan
Peeled Moringa seeds
Test Scenarios
Measuring devices were used to determine the TDS and pH level of the water
samples resul�ng from the first process (a
large amount of moringa), and a�er modified in test 2 (Appropriate Quan�ty of
moringa seeds)
AWG test: We connect all the wires of the fan and the Pel�er to the power supply and then connect it to
the electricity, a�er one hour we could collect 10ml of water, and that is a very big amount as we turned on
the device in good weather as there was much moisture that helped us to convert the big amount of water
vapor into liquid water. If we increase the power of the AWG in real 1000 �mes, we can collect 10 liters of
water per hour and 240 liters per day (10*24).
Output water Test:
We tested the water parameters before the purifica�on process. It was: PH
(6.6), TDS (700), so we began in the purifica�on process as we converted the
moringa seeds into powder (0.5 gm) and put it in 170ml water to make an aqueous
solu�on, then we added it to 2 liters of polluted underground water and let it for
2 hours, then we took it and tested its parameters again, and we found PH(7.8),
TDS (407): this shown in graph (2 and 3).
Prototype efficiency test:
We put 2 liters of Groundwater, and then we added the Groundwater to the
water produced from the AWG to calculate the efficiency as it equals the output
divided the input mul�plied by 100, giving answers in a percent: 1950ml(ground)+10ml (AWG)/2000ml
*100% = 98%
Most of the early tests failed due to the
errors and the inaccuracy in the prototype, and we fixed them un�l the test
plans went as expected and there were
no leaks.
We put 2 liters of groundwater; then we added the groundwater to the water produced from the AWG to calculate the
efficiency as it equals the output divided the input mul�plied
by 100, giving answers in a percent: 1950ml(ground)+10ml
(AWG)/2000ml *100% = 98%
The following table shows the pH and TDS amount in different water samples un�l the best mixture was determined. It was known that the pH of normal water was 7.5.
Learning Transfer
This LO helped us learn more about aqueous solu�on and their proper�es and how to measure the water quality which make the measurements of water parameters easier.
This LO helped us to know the types of water, and to know the difference between each
type like Dis�lled water that is the only pure water on earth, fresh water that is the naturally occurring water on the Earth’s surface, saline water is water that contains a significant
concentra�on of dissolved salts.
This subject helped us write our poster and por�olio as we learned how to put the links of
the research in APA format and how to write academically and write in a way that makes
the reader of the por�olio and the poster admire your wri�ng.
from this lo, we learn more about GMOs (Gene�cally Modified Organisms) and we learn
more about using them to modify planets such as rice to reduce the usage of water.
A�er our efforts on this project, all the research, and all the tes�ng for our prototype, some pros and
cons were made finish. A water source can be provided by the two men�oned sources first the ground water's bacteria filtra�on by smashing the peeled moringa seeds and mixing it with the groundwater sample,
and other by the atmospheric water genera�on by the Pel�er, which produces about 10 ml\h, and to balance the minerals to produce drinkable water, mixes 2 liters of filtride groundwater with 30 ml. of AWG
water. Moreover, the collected water has a TDS of 407 ppm and a 7.8 PH Efficiency of about 67%. With and
the project is eco-friendly, has a low cost compared to other solu�ons, and has the quality of drinkable
water. It can change the water future.
Nothing is perfect, there will always be missed points, and there is no endpoint for any
scien�fic research, A new idea is coming every day; so, there is no complicated project, so we recommend
in the real-life:
- Use wind energy on high areas instead of the adaptor to get high efficiency of the collec�ng water. A real
prototype should be a lot of Pel�er devices, and it needs more energy. So, we exploit the wind for energy
and collec�ng water.
In the prototype:
1- Use a glass box instead of the wood or plas�c boxes to decrease the amount of water lost during the
passing of water from the upper box to another.
2- Use Gela�n glue to s�ck the plas�c boxes with wooden stands, Gela�n glue is the form of transparent
brown panels, and this type of glue is the best type of natural glue.
3- use the output of water in the agriculture plus drinkable water, as we recommended students that will
work in this project to use Soil Materials (Charcoal and Pure Talcum powder) that improve soil features to
have the power to plant in it and Transform the desert sand to agricultural soil.
Literature cited
1 s2.0 S2468227620301022 Main: Scribd: December 22, 2021
2-By Dr. Mar�n L. Price: December 22, 2021: THE MORINGA TREE - CHE Network
4-AWG, we learned how AWG work:
5-Producing Safe Drinking Water Using an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) in an Urban Environment:
Among our project, we pass from hard struggles and hard �mes. Obviously, it was a group pass these
struggles alone without any help, this journey might be a big fail, so we had to show our thanks to those
who help us pass through the struggles and make our incredible journey this semester. First of all, we
have to thank DR/ Naglaa Maghawry, our school principal, for her help, as well as we have to thank MR/
Emad Ghaly Khalil, our school deputy. We also have to thank our capstone leader MR/ Mohammed
Monir, for his great work. Also, we have to show our gra�tude for MRS/ Reham Esmail. Last but not
least, we thank Mr/ Ahmed Ashour, MRS/ Reham Abdolmonem, and Mr. Ehab Said from our deep heart.
And so much thanks to Mohammed Emad (our friend) for helping us in poster.
For further information
Abdalla Saeed Abdalhamid: Abdalla.2220023@stemsharkya.moe.edu.eg
Ziadabdaltwab Elsayed: Ziad.2220017@stemsharkya.moe.edu.eg
Ahmed Abdelfa�ah: Ahmed.2220003@stemsharkya.moe.edu.eg
Mohanad Ahmed Osman: Mohanad.2220042@stemsharkya.moe.edu.eg
in this lo, we learn more about the polynomial func�on and its proper�es and we use it in
iden�fying the graph of the results and analyzing it according to polynomial func�on laws if
it has been iden�fied as a polynomial func�on