1. Network Theorems 1.1. Define following terms (a) Charge Electrons in the outer orbit of an atom can easily evacuated by application of some external force. Electrons that are forced out of their orbits can result in a lack of electrons, hence called positive charge i.e. more protons than electrons. Electrons where they come to rest can result in excess of electrons, hence called negative charge i.e. more electrons than protons. A positive or negative charge is an effect of absence or excess of electrons. The number of protons remains constant. Charge is measured in coulombs. (b) Potential Work done against the force of repulsion to bring a charge closer to the one another is called potential. Potential is measured in volt. (c) Potential difference The potential difference between two points is “One volt” when one joule of work is done to displace a unit charge of one coulomb from the point of lower potential to point of higher potential. Potential difference is measured in volt (d) Electro motive force (EMF) Emf is the potential difference that moves the electrons to flow in any conductor. Emf is measured in volt. (e) Current An amount of charge passing through the conductor in unit time is called current. It is measured in ampere. (f) Current density It is the amount of current flowing per unit cross section area of a conductor. Current density is measured in A/mm2. (g) Power Rate of change of energy with respect to time is called power. It is measured in watt. (h) Electrical energy Electrical power consumed in unit time is called electric energy. It is measured in Kwh. (i) Linear element and Nonlinear element An elements such as resistor, inductor and capacitor whose voltage vs current characteristics is linear and their resistance, inductance and capacitance do not vary with the change in applied voltage or circuit current are called linear elements. An elements such as semiconductor devices whose voltage vs current characteristics is nonlinear and their resistance, inductance and capacitance may vary with the change in applied voltage or circuit current are called nonlinear elements. (j) Active element and Passive element An element such as vacuum tube, transistor, Opams with the capacity of boosting the energy level of signal passing through it are called active elements. An element such as resistor, inductor, capacitor, thermistor that do not have capacity of Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 1 1. Network Theorems boosting the energy level of signal passing through it are called passive elements. (k) Unilateral element and Bilateral element When the amount of current passing through element is affected by the change in polarity of applied voltage then it is called unilateral element. This element offers varying impedance with the variation in current. Diode, transistors etc. are the examples of unilateral elements. When the amount of current passing through element is not affected by the change in polarity of applied voltage then it is called bilateral element. This element offers same impedance irrespective of variation in current. Resistance, inductance and capacitance are the examples of bilateral elements. (l) Lumped network and Distributed network A network in which circuit elements like resistance, inductance and capacitance are physically separable for analysis purposes, is called lumped network. Most of the electric networks are lumped in nature. A network in which circuit elements like resistance, inductance and capacitance cannot be physically separated for analysis purposes, is called distributed network. A transmission line where resistance, inductance and capacitance of a transmission line are distributed all along its length and cannot separated anywhere in the circuit. (m) Linear network and Non-linear network A network whose parameters remain constant irrespective of the change in time, voltage, temperature etc. is known as linear circuit. Ohm’s law is applicable to such network. This type of circuit can be solved using super position law. A network whose parameters change their values with the change in time, voltage, temperature etc. is known as non-linear circuit. Ohm’s law is not applicable to such network. This type of circuit does not follow super position law. (n) Unilateral network and Bilateral network A network whose characteristic dependents on the direction of current i.e. characteristics changes if direction of current is changed. Network with diode, transistors etc. that has diverse characteristics in different direction of current. A network whose characteristic is independent of the direction of current i.e. characteristics remains same if direction of current is changed. Network with only resistance has similar characteristics in different direction of current. (o) Active network and Passive network A network that contains one or more energy source such as voltage or current is called active network. A network that does not contain any energy source such as voltage or current is called passive network. (p) Ideal energy source and Particle energy source Energy sources are the devices that converts any source of energy into electrical energy. Types of sources available in the electrical network are voltage source and current Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 2 1. Network Theorems Figure 1. 1 Ideal voltage source Figure 1. 2 Practical voltage source Current Source Current Source Voltage Source Voltage Source sources. A voltage source has a driving role of emf whereas the current source has a driving job of current. Figure 1. 3 Ideal current source Figure 1. 4 Practical current source Voltage source Ideal voltage source is a two-terminal device whose voltage at any instant of time is constant and is independent of the current drawn from it. Internal resistance of ideal voltage source is zero, but practically an ideal voltage source cannot be achieved. Practical voltage source is a two-terminal device whose voltage at any instant of time changes with the current drawn from it. Due to internal resistance of voltage source, when current flows voltage drop takes place and it causes terminal voltage to fall down. Current source Ideal current source is a two-terminal device that provides constant current to any load from zero to infinity. Internal resistance of ideal current source is infinite, but practically an ideal current source cannot be achieved. Practical current source is a two-terminal device whose current at any instant of time changes. Amount off current depends upon the load. (q) Independent energy sources V + - v(t) Figure 1. 5 Independent voltage source I i(t) Figure 1. 6 Independent current source Independent voltage source is the two terminal element that provides a specific voltage across its terminal. The value of this voltage at any instant is independent of value or direction of the current that flow through it. Independent current source is the two-terminal elements that provides a specific current across its terminal. The value and direction of this current at any instant is independent of value or direction of the voltage that appears across the terminal of source. Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 3 1. Network Theorems (r) Dependent energy sources a + + Vab b μ Vab + - c Vcd - - d a Vab b Figure 1. 7 Voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS) a + i ab + r iab b - + - Figure 1. 9 Current controlled voltage source (CCVS) + c Vcd g m Vab - - d Figure 1. 8 Voltage controlled current source (VCCS) c a + d icd i ab + c β iab Vcd - Icd + b - - d Figure 1. 10 Current controlled current source (CCCS) Voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS) is the four terminal network components that establishes a voltage between two-point c and d. Value of Vcd depends upon the controlled voltage Vab and constant μ. Voltage controlled current source (VCCS) is the four terminal network components that establishes a current icd in the branch of circuit. Value of icd depends on the controlled voltage Vab and constant gm. Current controlled voltage source (CCVS) is the four terminal network components that establishes a voltage Vcd between two-point c and d. Value of Vcd depends upon the controlled current iab and constant r. Current controlled current source (CCCS) is the four terminal network components that establishes a current icd in the branch of circuit. Value of icd depends upon the controlled current iab and constant β. (s) Single port network An active or passive network with two terminals is treated as single port network. (t) Two port network An active or passive network with two pairs of terminals is treated as two port network. Where one pair of terminal is designated as input and other pair of terminal is designated as output. (u) Multi-port network An active or passive network with n- number of pairs of terminals is treated as multi-port network. Where some pair of terminals are designated as input and some pair of terminals are designated as output. Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 4 1. Network Theorems 1.2. Relation between energy (E) and power (P) for two terminal resistor element Relation between voltage and current in resistor element in terms of charge is, v Ri R dq dt Given voltage v (t) across and current i (t) through a resistor L and then associated energy e (t) is, If v (0) 0 and v (t ) V v (t ) Ri (t ) v (t ) i (t ) R t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 t v (t ) v (t )dt R 0 1 T V R 2 dt 0 V2 T R If v (0) 0,v (t ) V m sin(t ) and energy dissipated for time period T i (t ) 2 v (t ) V m sin(t ) R R t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 V m sin(t ) V m sin(t ) dt R 0 t V m2 t 2 sin (t )dt R 0 V m2 T (1 cos(2t )) dt R 0 2 V m2 T 2R Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 5 1. Network Theorems 1.3. Relation between energy (E) and power (P) for two terminal inductor element Relation between voltage and current in inductor element in terms of charge is, v d dt When there is an initial charge of ψo is stored on inductor and it is increasing linearly with time, then charge on inductor at any instant of time is, o kt d k dt Hence, it can be observed that voltage in the inductive system is independent of initial charge. t vdt t 0 vdt vdt 0 t o vdt 0 Given voltage v (t) across and current i (t) through a inductor L and then associated energy e (t) is, If i (0) 0 and i (t ) I v (t ) i (t ) d d (Li ) di (t ) L dt dt dt t 1 v (t )dt L t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 t i (t )L 0 di (t ) dt dt I L idi 0 1.4. 1 LI 2 2 Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 6 1. Network Theorems If i (0) 0, i (t ) I m sin(t ) and energy dissipated for time period T v (t ) L 2 d I m sin(t ) di (t ) L LI m cos(t ) dt dt t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 t I m sin(t )LI m cos(t ) dt 0 LI m2 t 2 2cos(t )sin(t )dt 0 LI m2 T 2 sin(2t )dt 0 0 1.5. Relation between energy (E) and power (P) for two terminal capacitor element Relation between voltage and current in capacitor element in terms of charge is, i dq dt When there is an initial charge of qo is stored on capacitor and it is increasing linearly with time, then charge on capacitor at any instant of time is, q qo kt dq k dt Hence, it can be observed that current in the capacitive system is independent of initial charge. t q idt t 0 idt idt 0 t qo idt 0 Given voltage v (t) across and current i (t) through a capacitor C and then associated energy e (t) is, Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 7 1. Network Theorems If v (0) 0 and v (t ) V i (t ) v (t ) dq (t ) d Cv (t ) dv (t ) C dt dt dt t 1 C i (t )dt t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 t C 0 dv (t ) v (t )dt dt V C vdv 0 1 Cv 2 2 If v (0) 0,v (t ) V m sin(t ) and energy dissipated for time period T i (t ) C 2 d V m sin(t ) dv (t ) C CV m cos(t ) dt dt t e (t ) p (t )dt 0 t i (t )v (t )dt 0 t CV m cos(t )V m sin(t ) dt 0 CV m2 t CV m 2 2 2 2cos(t )sin(t )dt 0 T sin(2t )dt 0 0 Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 8 1. Network Theorems 1.6. Superposition theorem Statement: In a linear circuit having several independent sources, the current or voltage of a circuit element equals the algebraic sum of the component voltages or currents produced by the independent sources acting alone. To reflect the effect of each sources alone, a voltage source that makes no contribution is replaced by a short circuit. Whereas a current source that makes no contribution is replaced by an open-circuit. The internal resistance of the source is kept as it is. For better understanding consider below circuit with two voltage sources. R2 R1 I1 I2 I3 R3 V1 I1 Current through resistanceR3 , I 3 I 3' I 3" V2 R2 Equivalent resistance, Req R1 I2 I3 R2R3 R 2 R3 Current through resistanceR1 , I 1' R3 V1 S.C. V1 Req R3 ' Current through resistanceR2 , I 2' I 1 R 2 R3 R2 ' Current through resistanceR3 , I 3' I 1 R 2 R3 Consider voltage source V2 only R2 R1 1 S.C. Current through resistanceR 2 , I 2 I 2' I 2" Consider voltage source V1 only R1 I Current through resistanceR1 , I 1 I 1' I 1" I 3 R3 Equivalent resistance, Req R 2 I R1R3 R1 R3 2 Current through resistanceR2 , I 2' V2 V2 Req R3 ' Current through resistanceR1 , I 1' I 2 R1 R3 R1 ' Current through resistanceR3 , I 3' I 2 R1 R3 Superposition theorem is applicable to linear networks i.e. time varying or time invariant with independent sources, linear dependent sources, linear passive elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors and linear transformers. Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 9 1. Network Theorems 1.7. Substitution theorem Statement: In any circuit if, current through branch or voltage across that branch is known then this branch can be replace by combination of same set of terminal voltage and current without disturbing voltages and currents in entire circuit. For better understanding consider below circuit with a branch x between node A and B having impedance Zx and current Ix. Impedance Zx can be replaced by a compensating voltage source having magnitude Vx = Ix Zx or can be replaced by current source having magnitude Ix = Vx / Zx. A A A Ix Vx Zx = Ix B Vx OR B B While applying substitution theorem, branch k should not be connected to other element i.e. neither the part of magnetically coupled circuit nor part of controlled source. This theorem is generally used for the circuits that contains single non-liner or time varying elements. Connect voltage source of magnitude E = Vx at node B and keep node A and node C at same potential. A A A=C A=C C Vx Zx B = E Zx B E Zx B E B As branch x, is in parallel with voltage source and hence it can be removed without affecting the other part of circuit i.e. branch x is replaced by independent voltage source. Similarly branch x can replaced by a current source. Let, current source of magnitude I = Ix is connected between node A and node C such that addition of current cause the current in short circuit branch zero. Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 10 1. Network Theorems Ix Vx Zx I = Ix I Ix = B A A A Zx Zx B B As branch x, is in series with current source and hence it can be removed without affecting the other part of circuit i.e. branch x is replaced by independent current source. 1.8. Compensation theorem Statement: In any linear time invariant network when the resistance of R of an uncoupled branch, carrying a current I is changed by ΔR, then currents in all the branches will change. The change in current ΔI is obtained by assuming that an ideal voltage source VC = I (ΔR) is connected in series with (R+ΔR) when all other sources in the network are replaced by their internal resistances. As it is known that voltage drop across element is replaced by ideal voltage source and current through element is replaced by ideal current source without affecting rest of circuit. But, if impedance of an element is changed then redistribution of current and voltage in entire circuit takes places. This theorem is useful to determine current and voltage change in a circuit element when value of its impedance is changed. Let suppose, circuit is supplied by Thevenin’s voltage and resistance of circuit is changed to RL+ΔR such that current changes from IL to I’L. Rth Rth Rth D IL IL IL RL Vth Vth RL RL DR DR VC=(IL)DR Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 11 1. Network Theorems Thus, change in branch current DI I L' I L Vth Vth Rth RL DR Rth R L R R R R DR L th L Vth th Rth R L DR Rth R L DR Vth Rth RL DR Rth RL Vth DR Rth R L Rth R L DR DR I L Rth R L DR I L DR Rth RL DR Vc Rth RL DR The voltage source Vc = (IL) DR is called compensation voltage source. 1.9. Thevenin's theorem Statement: Any linear bilateral network with circuit element and active source connected to the load can be replaced by single two terminal networks consisting of a single voltage source (Vth) in series with impedance (Zth). Single voltage source (Vth) is the voltage across load terminal when load ZL is removed i.e. open circuit voltage across load terminal. Series impedance Zth is the equivalent impedance of passive network viewed from load terminal when ZL is removed. Passive network means effect of sources are considered zero i.e. voltage sources are short circuited and current sources are open circuit. Thevenin's theorem is used to find current through any branch of the circuit. For better understanding consider below circuit with two voltage sources. Rth RL=R2 R1 IL V1 Shital Patel, EE Department R3 V2 IL Vth RL IL Vth Rth R L Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 12 1. Network Theorems Determination of Vth R1 Thevenin's voltage,Vth IR3 V 2 Vth V1 R3 -V 2 R R 3 1 I R3 V1 V2 Determination of Rth R1 Thevenin's resistance, Rth R1 R3 Rth R3 S.C. R1R3 R1 R3 S.C. 1.10. Norton's theorem Statement: Any linear bilateral network with circuit element and active source connected to the load can be replaced by single two terminal networks consisting of a single current source (In) in parallel with impedance (Zn). Single current source (In) is the current through load terminal when load ZL is removed and terminals are short circuited i.e. short circuit current across load terminal. Parallel impedance Zn is the equivalent impedance of passive network viewed from load terminal when ZL is removed. Passive network means effect of sources are considered zero i.e. voltage sources are short circuited and current sources are open circuit. Norton's theorem is used to find current through any branch of the circuit. For better understanding consider below circuit with two voltage sources. RL=R2 R1 IL IL V1 R3 Shital Patel, EE Department V2 In Rn RL I n R n RL I L Rn Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 13 1. Network Theorems Determination of In R1 I1 Norton's current, I n I 1 I 2 Vx I2 R3 V1 In V V V x 1 x R1 R3 V V V 2 1 2 R1 R3 V2 Determination of Rn R1 Norton's resistance, R n R1 R3 Rn R3 S.C. R1R3 R1 R3 S.C. 1.11. Reciprocity theorem Statement: In any linear, bilateral network, the current due to a single source of voltage in the network is equal to the current through that branch in which the source was originally placed when the source is again put in the branch in which the current was originally obtained. Limitations of reciprocity theorem are o Applicable to the network with only one source of excitation o Network is initially relaxed i.e. all initial condition are zero o Network must be linear and bilateral o Impedance matrix of a network must be symmetric matrix o Network with dependent or controlled sources are excluded even if it is linear For better understanding consider below circuit. R2 R1 I1 V1 I3 R3 Shital Patel, EE Department I2 RR Equivalent resistance, Req R1 2 3 R2 R3 V Current through resistance R1 , I1 1 Req R3 Current through resistance R2 , I2 I1 R2 R3 R2 Current through resistance R3 , I3 I1 R2 R3 Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 14 1. Network Theorems R2 R1 I1 I3 R3 RR Equivalent resistance, Req R2 1 3 R1 R3 V Current through resistance R2 , I2 1 Req I2 R3 Current through resistance R1 , I1 I2 R1 R3 R1 Current through resistance R3 , I3 I2 R1 R3 V1 1.12. Maximum power transfer theorem (a) Maximum power transfer theorem helps to determine value of load impedance that allows maximum power to be transferred from source to load. This theorem is generally used for telecommunication circuit i.e. small amount of power handling capacity and aim is to transfer maximum power from source to load. It is never used for power system i.e. large amount of power handling capacity and aim is to achieve maximum power transfer efficiency. For better understanding consider DC circuit and AC circuit separately. DC circuit Rth Load current, I L IL Vth RL Vth Rth RL Vth Power transferred to load, P I L R L Rth R L 2 For power to be maximum, 2 R L dP 0 dRL R R 2 1 R 2 R R th L L th L dP Vth2 4 dRL Rth RL R R 2 1 R 2 R R th L L th L 0 Vth 4 Rth RL 2 0 Rth R L 1 R L 2 Rth R L 2 0 Rth2 2Rth R L R L2 2Rth R L 2R L2 0 Rth2 R L2 RL2 Rth2 RL Rth Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 15 1. Network Theorems This shows that, in DC circuit maximum power can be transferred when load resistance is equal to the internal resistance of network. Maximum power, Pmax Vth I L RL Rth RL 2 RL Voltage across load, V L Rth RL (b) 2 Vth RL RL RL RL Vth RL RL 2 Vth2 R L 4R L Vth Vth 2 AC circuit with variable resistive load Rth Xth IL Vth RL Load current, I L Vth Z th RL Vth R th R L X th2 2 Vth2 Power transferred to load, P I L R L 2 R R X th2 L th 2 For power to be maximum, dP 0 dRL R L RL dP 2 V dRL th R R 2 X 2 th L th 2 2 Rth R L X th 1 R L 2Rth R L 0 Vth2 2 2 Rth RL X th2 0 Rth R L X th2 1 R L 2 Rth R L 2 0 Rth2 2Rth R L R L2 X th2 2Rth R L 2R L2 0 Rth2 X th2 R L2 RL2 Rth2 X th2 RL Rth2 X th2 RL Z th Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 16 1. Network Theorems (c) AC circuit with variable resistive and inductive load Rth Xth Load current, I L IL Vth Z th Z L Vth R RL X th X L 2 th RL 2 Vth2 R Power transferred to load, P I L R L 2 2 L Rth RL X th X L 2 Vth XL For power to be maximum, X L X th For power to be maximum, dP 0 dRL RL dP Vth2 R R 2 X X 2 dRL th L th L 2 2 Rth RL X th X L 1 RL 2Rth R L 0 Vth2 2 2 2 Rth RL X th X L 2 2 0 Rth RL X th X th 1 RL 2Rth R L 0 Rth2 2Rth RL RL2 2Rth RL 2RL2 0 Rth2 RL2 RL Rth So, maximum power transferred to the load when RL jX L Rth jX th Z L Z th* (d) AC circuit with fixed resistive and variable inductive load Rth Xth IL Load current, I L Vth Z th Z L Vth R th RL X th X L 2 2 RL Vth2 R Power transferred to load, P I L2RL 2 2 L Rth RL X th X L XL For power to be maximum, X L X th Vth So, maximum power transferred to the load when RL jX L Rth jX th Z L Z th* Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 17 1. Network Theorems (e) AC circuit with variable resistive and fixed inductive load Rth Xth IL RL Vth Load current, I L Vth Z th Z L Vth R RL X th X L 2 th 2 Vth2 R Power transferred to load, P I L2R L 2 2 L Rth RL X th X L XL For power to be maximum, dP 0 dRL RL dP Vth2 R R 2 X X 2 dRL th L th L 2 2 Rth RL X th X L 1 R L 2 Rth R L 0 Vth2 2 2 2 Rth RL X th X L 0 Rth RL X th X L 2 2 1 R 2 R L th RL 0 Rth2 2Rth RL RL2 X th X L 2Rth RL 2RL2 2 0 Rth2 X th X L RL2 2 RL Rth2 X th X L 2 RL Rth jX th jX L RL Z th jX L 1.13. Millman's theorem Statement: Number of voltage sources with their internal resistance are connected in parallel can be replaced by single equivalent voltage source with equivalent internal resistance connected in series. It is applicable to the circuit that contains only parallel branches with only one resistance and source in a branch. It is easier to apply theorem to a circuit if all the branches contains same type of source either voltage or current. It is not applicable to the complex mesh of parallel/series network or to the circuit where resistance elements are connected between the sources. Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 18 1. Network Theorems I1 Z1 I2 I3 I In Z1 Z2 Z3 Zn Z E1 E2 E3 En E Using source transformation technique each branch voltage source and its internal resistance is replaced with equivalent current source in parallel with internal resistance. I1 Z2 Z3 I2 Zn I3 Total current, I I 1 I 2 I 3 Z In I In E1 E2 E3 Z1 Z2 Z3 En Zn E 1Y1 E 2Y2 E 3Y3 E nYn n E iYi i 1 Total impedance, 1 Z 1 Z1 1 Z2 1 Z3 Y Y1 Y2 Y3 1 Zn Yn n Yi i 1 Equivalent source, E=IZ 1 =I Y n E iYi i 1 n Yi i 1 Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 19 1. Network Theorems 1.14. Duality of a network Sometimes statement of Kirchhoff’s current law for one network is almost similar to the statement of Kirchhoff’s voltage law of another network i.e. voltage replaced with current or mesh analysis replaced with nodal analysis. R1 v2(t) L1 v1(t) v 1 (t ) L1 G2 i2(t) C1 i1(t) di 1 1 R1i 1 i 1dt dt C1 i 2(t ) C 2 L2 C2 dv 2 1 G 2v 2 v 2dt dt L2 These two equation are identical mathematical operations, only the part of voltage and current is interchanged. Solution of first equation is the solution of second equation. The similarity between two networks is termed as duality. Two networks are said to be dual if node equation of one have the same mathematical form as mesh equations of other. The voltage and current variables are not same. Duality of network elements R and G vdt and idt L and C L i and v di dv and C dt dt 1 1 vdt and idt L C q and ψ Steps to draw dual network Place a node in each individual mesh and one reference node outside the network i.e. 1, 2, 3 node number in each mesh and 0 node number outside. C2 R1 v(t) C2 L C1 3 R1 R2 v(t) 1 C1 L 2 R2 0 Shital Patel, EE Department Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 20 1. Network Theorems Join two nodes through each elements at a time. Stay with the same procedure until all possible number of path through each element is considered. Replace each element by its dual element between two connected nodes. L2 C2 G1 3 R1 1 G1 L L1 v(t) L2 C 1 2 C1 R2 i(t) 0 i(t) Shital Patel, EE Department 3 L1 C 2 G2 G2 0 Electrical Circuits Analysis (3130906) 21