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CORS: Увод у дељење ресурса између различитих извора

06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing
Victoria Lo
Oct 15, 2020
06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
0:00 / 3:42
In web development practice, it is common for web apps to separate their frontend from back-end services. As such, accessing resources from the back-end
requires the understanding of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS for short.
It is an essential part of understanding web infrastructure for developers.
Hello everyone! In this article, let's discuss CORS, why we need it and how we
can implement it. We'll also look at related concepts such as the Same-Origin
First, an experiment
If you are on a website (i.e. google) and then on your browser inspector, try to
send a request to, let's say, an API like so:
const response = await fetch("https://tea-api-vic-lo.herokuapp.com/tea);
What do you think will happen?
The console would return the following error message:
06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Why is this so? The answer is because of the Same-Origin Policy.
The Same-Origin Policy
There's a security policy that browsers follow. It's called the Same-Origin Policy,
which basically states only resources from the same domain, host and port can
interact with each other.
For example, example.com can retrieve data from its server at example.com
because they share the same domain. Any of its subdomains would also be
accessible (i.e. example.com/page1 or example.com/page1/page2 ).
However, resources from domains like api.example.com or google.ca would not be
accessible to example.com due to this security policy.
06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Importance of Same-Origin Policy
As you may have guessed, this policy is put in place for security purposes.
Imagine if there's no such restriction; a malicious site can simply GET any data
from any site resulting in cross-site request forgery(CSRF) attacks.
On the other hand, this policy may be too restrictive because some web apps
may need to fetch resources from several different servers. In that case, this is
where CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) comes in.
What's CORS?
As the name suggests, it enables websites to access resources from servers that
does not share its domain, host or port. The whitelisted website is usually
passed in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin request header, which will tell the
server that it is okay to send and share its data to this website.
For example, if we set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to example.com , it means that
this website can now have access to api.example.com .
An Example
06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
My Tea App, which fetches data from my Tea API needs to be whitelisted so
that the app is allowed access the API's data. Let's implement a CORS
middleware to achieve this.
Step 1: Install cors
Let's first install the npm package called cors.
npm install cors
Step 2: Import
In the server.js file, we import cors :
const cors = require("cors");
Step 3: Whitelist
Then below the app initialization, const app = express() line, add:
app.use(cors({ origin: /(.*\.)?victoria-lo.github\.io.*/ }));
This line basically tells the API that any domain with victoria-lo.github.io is
whitelisted from the Same-Origin Policy. Hence, my app, which is hosted at
victoria-lo.github.io/Hashtag-TEA is allowed to fetch and load data from my API
which is at an entirely different domain ( tea-api-vic-lo.herokuapp.com/ ).
06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
And that's the gist of what CORS is all about! Thanks for reading. Please leave a
like and share your thoughts in the comments below. I hope it has been a helpful
read. Feel free to read more about what we've discussed today in the See Also
section below. Cheers!
See Also
Images taken from: haproxy.com
About Cross-Site Request Forgery
npm cors documentation
More about CORS from MDN Docs
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06/07/23, 16:56
Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
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CORS networking Beginner Developers Web Development Tutorial
Victoria Lo
I'm a web/software developer, speaker, GitHub Star and WomenWhoCode
leader who loves to build projects and share valuable tips for new
programmers on my blog at lo-victoria.com.
Fun fact: speak 5 languages (English, Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese,
Korean). Feel free to reach out to me in any of these languages :)
Victoria Lo
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Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
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