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Artwork Analysis Worksheet

Artist Analysis
Write down the artist’s
name, date it was made
and title of the art work.
If possible write down
where you found the
image – web page, book
Does the work have a title
and does this affect the way
you interpret the artwork?
How does the colour relate
to mood?
Does the work affect you
the viewer in any way?
Does it convey feelings
about life?
What do you think the artist
was thinking when
producing the work?
Does the material selected
create connections for you?
Why do you think the artist
chose to create the image in
the way that they did? Have
they used the process
effectively to suggest a
meaning to their full
What do you know
about the artist? What
do you know about the
culture that surrounded
the artist?
What is interesting to
you about the image?
Draw some or all of the
How has the image been
made and arranged? Is
there a focal point in the
image and does it affirm
the works message?
Are there any recurring
shapes, lines, forms that
determine the design of
the artwork? Is there any
texture? Are there any
shapes joined together?
Does colour affect the
Sentence starters
I can see that the artist
has tried to show …… in
this image because ……..
I have made a sketch
showing how the artist has
used ……. in their
Sentence starters
I read that the artist
created the
When I read about the
artwork I notice that at the
time it was made
When I saw this artwork it
reminded me of my own
work because …………..
I find the work interesting
influenced my current
I studied
image by …… I noticed
that they had made the
artwork with …………
When I looked closely at
the image I could see
that ………
I can see that the artist
has used …….. and I
tried to use this
technique in my art work
I read that the artist had
experimented with ……..
What type of genre is the
artwork eg, portraiture,
landscape, abstract, still life,
surreal, memory? Was the
subject matter, observed
directly, remembered or
Does it reference any style?
Sentence starters
The subject matter is about
The style of the artwork
references ……
I like how the artist has
imagined/observed ………
The subject matter relates
to my ideas because……..
How was the artwork
made and what was it
made with?
What material, tools,
processes and techniques
did the artist use?
What stages of
manipulation has the
artwork gone through?
What skills does the artist
use to create the artwork?
Is the artwork collaged,
digitally manipulated,
assimilated, layered,
printed, drawn, painted?
Key words CONTENT Context, culture, intention, ideas, ideology, issues, abstract,
distorted, emotional, three dimensional, emotional, fantasy, figurative, impressionistic,
observational, realistic, landscape, interior, exterior, surreal, non representational,
pattern, portrait, sentimental, religious, still life, symbolic, installation, site specific,
Key words PROCESS Assemblage, collage, carving, ceramic, drawing, etching, model,
mural, painting, photograph, video, sculpture, print, coarse, flat, impasto, jagged, matt,
rough, scumble, shiny, smooth, splatter, thin, wash, layer, mechanical, handmade,
digital, ready made, appropriation.
Key words FORM Material, Line, tone, form, colour, shape, composition, texture,
foreground, proportion, background, perspective, sharp, symmetry, complex, angular,
fluent, intense, image, sculpt, decorate, natural, scale, repetition, vibrant.
Key words MOOD Atmospheric, challenging, disturbing, harmonious, delicate, cool,
depressing imposing, nostalgic, humorous, expressive, formal, awe-inspiring, sublime,
Don’t forget!
Write the title of
the art work, date
and the artist’s
Don’t forget!
Use the sentence
starters to help
your annotation to
sound personal.
Don’t forget!
To draw the
artwork to explain
your analysis.
Zoom in on
sections to explain
the process or