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Cell Division Card Game: Research Progress Report

Research Progress Report Presentation
a. Do you have a topic for your research? If so, please describe it.
“The topic we choose on our research is how well our “Cell Division”
card Game works as a supplementary learning tool for teaching students
about the process and functions of cell division. The researchers develop a
modified card game that assists the students or the learners to understand
much better the meiosis and mitosis topic in biology.In this Game, Each
card represents either biological terminologies, the definition and what if’s
question. The developers also includes special cards that may help or even
hinder players through out the game to make this game much more
interacting and challenging.
To be honest this topic have a strong weakness mainly about the intended
outcomes to the students. Basically, by playing this game, the players or
the learners must only need to memorize the cards in order to win the
game. Memorization doesn’t fall into the higher thinking skills, but the
researchers investigate other research and articles online that rote learning
is essential for their learning process. Study states that due to the difficult
terminology that many students feel they must learn in order to grasp the
material, many drop out of the course. Thus, efforts should be made to
lessen the overall quantity of factual material that students are required to
recall, decrease the usage of the passive lecture style, and focus more on
developing active, independent learning and problem-solving skills in
b. Do you have a research question? If so, please describe it
.Our research question are directed on what game design we will
make in order to assist students in studying Meiosis and Mitosis topic,
basically what are the mechanics and the contents of the game,. We also
include the teacher's evaluation in the classroom on implying this game,
does game-based learning is an effective supplementary tool in their
student's learning process.
And also, What will the students' assessments of the game be when
game-based learning is applied. Will the student's inquiry learning skills
improve, will their analytical skill enhance, and their attitudes and actions
in playing this game.
c. Have you done literature review for your project? Please describe the
gaps you identified.
In further investigations and research, we collected several related
studies and articles supporting the game based learning theory, but as we
noticed, most of the supplementary tool that is being used is only effective
when it is used after the lecture in the classroom. In other words most of
the game based learning technique serves as a formative assessment, the
gap between our study is that, they can play this game whenever and
wherever they want since we design a game that players can play with
their own.
d. Have you begun collecting research or data for your project? If not, and
you plan on doing so, please provide a timeline for your research or data
collection efforts. If you are working with an existing data set, please
describe it.
Although we have not began collecting data, we scheduled it as by
every week of the month, starting this 3rd week of February up until march.
We are planning to make this happen in City high together with the other
group, since all of our members doesn't have internship. And also, we have
not yet discussed or finalize our data set for data collection.
e. Do you have a working draft of your manuscript? If so, have you gotten
feedback on your draft from your research mentor?
We already have a working draft on our manuscript but still a long
working process since we have only submitted to our research mentor
once. As expected, our research advisor pointed a lots of mistakes mostly
in our conceptual framework and including the literature review.
f. What problems or concerns did you encounter in your research work?
Please describe these stumbling blocks.
First, One of our hindrance in this research is that many many
studies claims that rote learning is not enough specially in science subject,
some of the study states that science students need an actual analyzing
skills in order to increase their academic performance in science literature.
But in our study, with the help of other related studies, we can demand
that rote learning is still fundamental in student's learning process, because
we still agree that the educational system requires a type of acquisition in
order for the student's to achieve high in academic performance. Also,
terminologies in biology subject is way too many for the learners to
memorize, that's why we develop this type of game to assist them not just
memorization of terms but to analyze and justify their understanding in cell
Second, is our problem in collecting data, as I mentioned earlier, none
of our members have a internship, so we are having trouble where and
when to start our data collection.