Uploaded by Awanish Pratap Singh (अवनीश प्रताप सिंह)

FFT Difference & Magnitude-Squared Coherence Explained

Normalized FFT Difference
The Normalized FFT Difference between two signals provides a point-wise difference between the normalized magnitudes of the Fourier Transforms of the
signals. It allows us to visually compare how the frequency content of the signals differs.
1. Compute FFT:
• The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is computed for both signals to
translate them from the time domain to the frequency domain.
2. Magnitude Calculation:
• The magnitude of the FFT is calculated, which gives the amplitude
of each frequency component in the signal.
3. Normalization:
• The magnitude of the FFT is normalized by dividing it by its maximum value. This brings the values of the magnitude within the range
[0, 1].
4. Difference Calculation:
• The difference between the normalized FFT magnitudes of the two
signals is then calculated at each frequency point.
Mathematical Representation:
If F F T1 (f ) and F F T2 (f ) are the FFTs of signal 1 and signal 2, respectively,
then the normalized FFT difference, F F Tdif f (f ), at frequency f is given by:
F F Tdif f (f ) =
|F F T1 (f )|
|F F T2 (f )|
max(|F F T1 (f )|) max(|F F T2 (f )|)
• The Normalized FFT Difference is plotted against the frequency.
• This plot helps in identifying the frequencies at which the signals differ
the most.
• If F F Tdif f (f ) > 0 at a certain frequency, it means that signal 1 has a
higher magnitude at that frequency than signal 2.
• If F F Tdif f (f ) < 0 at a certain frequency, it means that signal 2 has a
higher magnitude at that frequency than signal 1.
• If F F Tdif f (f ) = 0 at a certain frequency, it means that both signals have
the same magnitude at that frequency.
• The Normalized FFT Difference is useful in scenarios where we are interested in analyzing how the frequency content of two signals differs.
• It can help in identifying any additional or missing frequency components
in one signal compared to the other.
• It is particularly useful when the signals are expected to be similar, and we
are interested in identifying deviations or anomalies at specific frequencies.
Magnitude-Squared Coherence
Magnitude-Squared Coherence provides a frequency-domain measure between 0
and 1 that indicates the linear dependency of two signals at each frequency. It
is used to assess the linear relationship between the two signals in the frequency
1. Compute Cross Power Spectral Density:
• The Cross Power Spectral Density (CPSD) between the two signals
is computed, which provides a measure of the linear relationship between the two signals in the frequency domain.
2. Compute Auto Power Spectral Densities:
• The Auto Power Spectral Densities (PSD) of the individual signals
are also computed to normalize the CPSD.
3. Compute Coherence:
• The Coherence is then computed using the CPSD and PSDs.
Mathematical Representation:
The Magnitude-Squared Coherence, Cxy (f ), between two signals x(t) and y(t)
at frequency f is given by:
Cxy (f ) =
|Pxy (f )|2
Pxx (f ) · Pyy (f )
• Pxy (f ) is the Cross Power Spectral Density between signals x(t) and y(t)
at frequency f .
• Pxx (f ) and Pyy (f ) are the Auto Power Spectral Densities of signals x(t)
and y(t) respectively at frequency f .
• The Magnitude-Squared Coherence is plotted against the frequency.
• This plot helps in identifying the frequencies at which the signals are
linearly dependent.
• If Cxy (f ) = 1, it implies perfect linear dependency between the two signals
at frequency f .
• If Cxy (f ) = 0, it implies no linear dependency between the two signals at
frequency f .
• Values between 0 and 1 indicate the degree of linear dependency between
the signals at frequency f .
• Magnitude-Squared Coherence is useful in scenarios where we are interested in analyzing how the frequency content of two signals is linearly
• It can help in identifying the frequencies where the signals share common
power, implying a possible linear relationship between them.