This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. SAND2020-8681C Sandia National Laboratories Exceptional service in the national interest • . •• ••• • • • •• : .,,' ... • e 1 •••••.•l •c .I nee „ pi c 41 •• • ••• ... •• 4 •• . ...••..• SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES MICROSYSTEMS CAPABILITIES DARPA ERI Sr. Manager, Advanced Semiconductor Technologies 11 Rick McCormick • 9, • .. I . • • • • • illV •" •• •• •6 • •,•., , L. •... ••••• .• ••. ,••. : .1 I • •. el 4, i Iiill IllIlllif hill 41, „ ENERGYCN'•agA August,2020 SAN D#: • • Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. Sandia National Labora a multimission laboratory ma nd operated by Natio*. Tech nd Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a lly owned subsidiary of Hqneywell International Inc. for the U.S. Dep rtment of Energy's National urity Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. SANDIA'S MICROSYSTEM CAPABILITIES 2 MESA _ - MICROSYSTEMS ENGINEERING,SCIENCE, AND APPLICATIONS CDC COUNTERFEIT DETECTION CENTER CINT CENTER FOR INTEGRATED NANOTECHNOLOGIES IBL ION BEAM LABORATORY One of 3 DOE Nuclear Deterrence Labs (primarily "non-nuclear components") Missions: Nuclear Deterrence, Nonproliferation/Global Security, Energy & Homeland Security, and DoD and OGA support Broad, unique capabilities & facilities: Deep electronics & microsystems S&T capabilities: process technologies, materials science, reliability physics, extreme environments Facilities: MESA fabs, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), Ion Beam Lab (IBL), Radiation Testing/Modeling, High Performance Computing RAD TEST FACILITIES HERMES III ACCELERATOR Z ACCELERATOR FACILITY ANNULAR CORE RESEARCH REACTOR (ACRR) I SANDIA PARTNERING AND Tr-CHNOLOGY TRANSFER Gov't Agencies & Labs Large & Small Businesses Universities PLASMONICSI.. Raytheon InPrrred 11 THE UNIVERSITY h NEW MEXICO l'HE UNIVLRSILIY OF ATA • ^FRU". NOR774ROP GRUMMAN al.S.A111111 ! A I AT AUSTIN Cornell University Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNA .. Rockwell Coffins LOCKHEED DRAPER!, 11D COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN Tlif CITY OF NM YORK XEROX. MAHEIAI7fr „i TlyRical Sciences Inc. lJCSD THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA II • ZI__1717ZAW EIR! A "kke- TEXAS iMats.statcehuosfetts Technology Yale University communications +GENERAL ATOMICS Honeywell —"Cte NITIL ri VIRESE SEN..a TEchookryiv Rae Rows Council 11111IP Rutherford A. Ar rleton Laborator Many partners/projects for DARPA 2111 The Laboratory for Phyaictdiciences I SANDIA'S MICROSYSTEM CAPABILITIES 4 MESA Research & Development Si µSys (CMOS) 111-v µSys (HBT) MICROSYSTEMS, " ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS • Federally Funded Research & Development Center(FFRDC) with the broadest and deepest micro and nano expertise, providing what industry cannot, will not, or should not • Only source for custom trusted strategically radiation hard (TSRH) microelectronics for the Department of Energy's(DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) • Largest government owned microfabrication facility with two (Silicon and Compound)fabs Photonics (Si, Production Trusted Design — Fabrication — Packaging Heterogeneous Integration Reliability & Failure Analysis Radiation Effects Testing Qualification — Product Acceptance 0,000 Square Foot Complex, >650 Employees —300,000 parts across 44 products: • 13 Si CMOS7 ASICs • 8 III-V HBT SSICs • 1 multi-kV GaN Diode • 1 MEMS Sensor • 2 Photonic Arrays • 1 Optoelectronic Device • 2 Focal Plane Arrays • 16 RFICs 40 yrs. of Researc & Product impact • >300 Patents • Tech. Transfer • 45 R&D 100 Awards ■ Seminal contributions to radiation hardened microelectronics, MEMS, & photonics 1 SANDIA'S MICROSYSTEM CAPABILITIES 5 CINT DOE Nanoscale Science Research Center (User Facility) CENTER FOR INTEGRATED NANOTECHNOLOGY Quantum Science • Quantum Transport • Mean-field modeling for quantum materials Forefront Lithography • Atomic-Precision Lithography • Focused ion implantation (b) IN/ *Alb ,I nm GS2/? 4/ • LT 411 (c) 5 nm • User-project proposal process • 250+ projects accepted each year • No-fee for pre-competitive research • Full recovery for cost proprietary research Materials synthesis • Ultra-High Mobility MBE • Complex Oxide PLD • CVD Nanowire Growth • 2 Facilities (SNL/LANL-total 130,000 gsf) • 55 scientists/techs, 32+ postdcs/stdnts • 800+ users engaged • 300+ publications annually Nanophotonics • Semiconductor metasurfaces • Plasmonics, nanoparticles , SANDIA'S MICROSYSTEM CAPABILITIES 6 IBEC Nanolmplanter He microscope IBL ION BEAM LABORATORY • • • • • • 6 Operational nano-implant systems Spot sizes from 0.5nm to mm's Energies from 5keV to 70MeV Single ion implantation <40nm targeting resolution possible 26 ion species in use,40+ ions possible 10f1 Deam inaucea Lnar ging Ufl PIN Diode 100 keV AftD FIBWONI lon Beam Spectroscopy FIB-SEM NanoFab HVE 6 MV Tandem 35 keV Raith Velion 100 keV Zeiss Orion Plus AC-STEMs AD FECTS • Reactors, Accelerators, Z-machine • Neutron, Gamma,X-ray, EMP • Broad suite of RadFx Models/Codes https://www.sandia.vv/research/facilities/technology deployment centers/ion beam lab/ 200 keV FEI Titan G2 8200 NEUROMORPHIC SCIENCE, PROCESSORS,& APPLICATIONS R&D Basic Science: 2011-Today Memristors: HP Labs, Stan Williams Matl Sci, Rad Fx, ReRAM NVM, Neuro computing start IBL nlmplater, AC-STEM Multiscale Integration: Hardware Acceleration of Adaptive Neural Algorithms (HAANA) Grand Challenge, $15M, 3 yrs, -30 staff, 3 divisions at SNL Application engagement: Integration with Rad-hard CMOS, National security and commercial applications WSW Peselvellori 1.0x107 i M5 ele-ReRAM Bit Dell 7.5x10 Algorithms g 5.0x1e Architectures non-spiking z v, III 1 00 00 00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 Voltage (V) TaOx Ta 1 I base YSZ electrolyte Ti02 switching - - 7 1i I +1i=EV,Gu E Pasty Ti P -Substrate aa Ag (ON) Y. Li, et al., Adv. Materials Rad Effects in STT pMTJs SiO, go kit 1-r(j Nafion • (lb I" Ru Ts WIN CoFeR PPOO Thermal OxIde E LI M. Ala mdar et al., NSREC 2020 Trench Oxide Level 5 full autonomy migratio4 Pt Zr tle Buried Oxide 10 Si P. esisto POI Go spiking HOP Oeltie Interlayer Dielectric N-BUSFET 2-X 200 nm 2 Tungsten vie M1 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy _2_ MIMCapacitors M T:o I'4 t Ti •• • •••• • Electro-Chem RAM i filamentary Nquippr o0000000 2.5x10' Learning Hardware PEDOT:PSS Fuller et al., Science 2019 NP.F.EdTy1 , Ti SIN ide MULTISCALE CODESIGN FOR NEUROMORPHIC ACCELERATOR Target Algorithms 100 1-a-4 10- • 95 — Ideal - IFG = 85 — SONOS 80 — Ta0x vv,Atv-"NA, 90 an 10 • Sparse Coding Energy/Performance Model Algorithms Model performance and 10 20 30 Training Epoch Delta G ImS) Liquid State Machines . Architecture Simulation :f4 40 E=Caet 9.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Creastur Architecture Sandia L.oss-Sim: ssT Gore Intwatats iirmamaaa a.] Ctl.11•••14 Translates device - measurements and crossbar .1D Neural _limCore Parallel Willa • • • mEinzEir,i* circuits to algorithm-level performance Core 0.0 18 20 22 24 26 28 Conductance (mS) how Colurnn Values Column Onvom 41ROSS SIM 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 —0.2 • energy requirements 75 70 0 Deep Learning Circuits ON Don't Write we [Oral I= Core OV OV Write w 8.5V InCore Marinella, Agarwal et al JETCAS 2018 • = len Write Don't Write Write -1.5V -.1.5V -1AV MI 1 1- OV Don't Write W • 111 DV 0.0030 Analog characterization 0.0025 10.00zo '' 0 0015 Drift-diffusion model of transport I 0.0010 0.0005 "%ma t4gweitiw• (a) 0.0000 tan 6000 4W° 8000 101100 Devices Pulse Number(44 Pinned layer Mr IN 11 Al Al zi--ox Free layer CLK w E CMOS Metal 5 Domain wall(DW) ILD Ta Ta0x Pt In situ Characterization enodelgete current-collecia Ab lnitio Modeling Xi-i* 4. Ids source earnocieronennel drain yarn- (b) Materials 8 FulleretaL,Adtlater 201 BACKUPS 0 SEEEC (SECURE EFFICIENT EXTREME ENVIRONMENT COMPUTING) HIG PERFORMANC' HETEROGENEOUS RAD HARD ARCHITECT11D $9M, 3 yrs, -30 staff, 4 divisions at SNL Multiscale codesign a analysis framework High Perf. Commercial Tech Rad Hard by Design Lower Perf. Gov. Fab Trusted, Rad Hard by Process MISSION SIMULATION Interaction with External Environment Pr 4i ImmatmllimmEtt ,.EaV t Ea Mr- I ALGORITHM SIMULATION Algorithm Event Sequence RADAR FIX PROCESSOR (RFP) TRUSTED MASTER PROCESSOR (TM P) (CMOS8) 4.1 • si7 m 11 . '11 1611M`l tfi I MICROARCHITECTURE Discrete event sim of processor pipeline = COTS MEMORY Multiple ChipletAu Thermocompression Bonding SPECIAL PURPOSE IlLACCELERATOR GATE MODELS Gate-gate interactions, transients Power Source CIRCUIT MODELS Current-voltage, timing of circuits Analog Neural Network Accelerator DEVICE MODELS S4800 tO OW 50x SEM 1 11 Finite element models of electrical, thermal, and radiation effects 10 HETEROGENEOUS INTEGRATION CAPABILITIES Microsystem-Enabled Photovoltaics • • • • wafer-level bonding for multi-junction solar cells InGaAsP/InP and InGaP/GaAs devices on silicon dielectric interfaces with III-V substrate removal integration with collection optics Heterogenerous integration of Si and other materials Integration of LiNb03 and III-V technologies on silicon microelectronics and photonics Non-traditional materials such as A1203, epsilon-nearzero In203 and CdO, graphene Integration of CMOS with InGaAsP/InP, InGa/GaAs, silicon photonics, and other materials Optical and MEMS-based Microsensors CMOS / Silicon Photonics/ lll-V Integration d ICMOS Package/Printed Circuit Board. Tx/Rx CMOS Chip Tx/Rx Si Photonic Chip • chemical and bio sensors using MEMS and SAW devices • g-hard optical microsensors with in-house photonics • hybrid device integration with custom micro-optics • silicon photonics on high-speed silicon ASIC • independent optimization of electronics & photonics 1 • Gain and laser sources on silicon Compound Semiconductor Technologies Enable Microsystems , sielectronics(OE) 0.2 6.0 SNL has capability across full spectrum of lll-V compounds • Arsenides • Phosphides 6 — MOCVD: As, P, Sb, N • Antimonides 6 — MBE: As, P, Sb • Nitrides Production and R&D AIN Nitrides for Blue/UV Optoelectronics, High Power Microwave Electronics 5.5 GaN LED 5.0 4.5 Surface normal emitter/detectors Energy Gap (eV) 4.0 3.5 GaN 0.3 3.0 2.5 0.5 GaN HV diodes 2.0 1.5 Antimonides for Far/Mid-IR FPAs, Sensors & Thermophotovoltaics Arsenides for Near-IR Optical Sensing, Controls & Communications, Rad-hard HBT Microelectronics 1.0 Photo-conductive Semiconductor Switch Phosphides for Visible Lasers, CD-writers Phosphides for Secure Optical Communications, Rad-hard HBT Microelectronics 0.5 nSb lnAs z 5.0 00 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 66 Lattice Constant(A) Focal Plane Arrays bow Photonic circuits Hybrid Integration (HI) kin MAL lli 1=41 r , ow. • AZ IMml IMmll Mal 1E4 1=11 Integrated OE and ME microsystems SNL FPA IR Image HBT-based ICs 1=11 III-Nitride Power Transistors III-N RF Power Amplifier Digital Logic Gates for Extreme Environment Applications Extreme environment hardenin• throu•h intrinsic material properties 500 deg. C digital logic without extensive protection: Exploit ultra-wide bandgap AlGaN's superior electrical performance at elevated temperatures and high intrinsic material radiation tolerance AIGaN High Electron Mobility Transistor(HEMT) Inverter 5 10 6 r 25°C 5 Source r 106'C D-mode Drain 190'C 4 - 278'C E10° 402C _ 2DEG 491°C i 2 AIGaN Channel AIN Sapphire Substrate E-mode -10 10 -10 -5 0 Voltage (V) 5 GaN b-Ga Diamond 15.4 13.5-15.4 4.9 10.3 13.0 2.5 1.3 Interpolation 1.4 1.1 1.9-2.3 2.0 ,, -2 -1 0 1 VIN (V) 0 A 2 .. 3 4 Demonstration of Alo 45Gao 55N/A103Gao 7N Inverter Operation from 25°C to 491°C. Adjacent enhancement- and depletion-mode switches. 6.0 5.0-6.0 3.4 4.9 5.5 3.3 0• -3 Mobility (cm2/ V s) Thermal Conductivity W mK 426 -150-400 1000 180 4500-7300 1000 319 Interpolation 253 11-27 2290 370 The ultra-wide band gap and high bond strength make AIGaN HEMTs promising for applications in extreme environments. The high critical electrical field may enable higher power density for switches. Academic Partner: Georgia Tech: Sam Graham/Nick Hines Low Current I DVD Curves LORD LAnorintorn. oinEL I . REISEAdali£ CIEWELIRMIYI Predictive Reliability Qualification Confidence Manufacturing Tolerances 25 V,= 20 V E 20 15 V • g 15 10 V 5V 5 10 15 Drain Voltage (V) 0V 20 -10 -5 0 5 Gate Voltage (V) 10 ARPA-E BREAKERS DOE-VTO GaN Power Diodes 10 Anode (1j E • Striving to Improve: High-Voltage, Solid-State Switch (GaN MOSFET) n- GaN Epitaxy GaN Substrate E GaN Schottky I "' Barrier Diode (SBD) 0.2 60E-03 Cathode 0.4 0.6 0.3 Voltage(V) 2 8.0E-03 Anode GaN Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) Diode 6000 30 Vertical GaN PCSS 25 Cathode GaN Substrate DC Circuit Breaker Low leakage Turn on, 4 OE 03 2 0E-03 1.5 kV holdoff <1 V turn on 5000 5.5 kV/20+ A device 20 Non-linear operation mode (World's First) 4000 3000 15 Sub-mounted device 10 2000 1000 5 0 08.00 -2 0E-03 -1600-1400-1800-1000 -860 .600 -403 -200 Voltage (V) 200 / .222. . • o o 5 10 1 10 • , 1.5 10 *- 0 2 06 I Sandia National Laboratories 14 (A)aellon 401!ms Materials Science Materials Synthesis Modeling/Simulation Nanofabrication HV Characterization Reliability Science Radiation Effects Failure Analysis Optical image Transfer Characteristics 30 Switch Current (A) • Leveraging Expertise: I DVG — 15 Sandia's National Security Photonic Center Silicon Fab: Silicon Photonics 77 -7 - --,24 Wirt I Microfab: Compound Semiconductor Photonics MESA A-ILAi VA ptiotorlics (Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Application) 11.notechn ogy Fab PDK and 8" Multi-Project Wafers 144- mm Center for Integrated Nantrtechnoldgies(CINT) Custom Epitaxial Growth Et III-V Devices (GaAs, InP, GaSb, GaN) - 11 Growth Chambers 60+ Photonics Staff PDK and Multi-Project Wafers (InP) Device Design, Modeling, Simulation Semiconductor Device Fabrication Microsystem Fabrication Testing, Rad Effects, Cryo Reliability Microsystems and Heterogeneous Integration (Flip Chip Bonding, micro-optics, assembly, packaging) vouti tplit 17. Photonic circuits Member of 71111111 Photonic circuits Et Lasers 16 MULTI-PROJECT WAFER OPFERINGS InP Photonics 3 tier offerings at 1550nm Silicon Photonics CMOS7 MPW Device Library Multiple Engagement Models Tier I:one regrowth 20 Active,22 Passive Components Full design & implementation by customer Tier 2:2 regrowths (High Psat Amplifier) Tier 3: Full custom process Synopsis OptoDesigner 200mm SOI Platform Full design & implementation by Sandia ■ Three Deliverables Passive Passive + Active • Anywhere in between Non-Standard,custom processes AIN for resonators • Large-area graphene deposition Passive + Active + Germanium • Deep trench capacitors Ring Fiher with Heater 10 pm 4MIIIIIM/111111111111;111111 • Prototype non-volatile memory Filte wavelength stabilizatio RF-Optical Channelizing Filter 1-20 GHz RF on C-Band Light Thermal Phase Shifter On-Chip Injection Locking Enhanced Modulation > 50 GHz, C-Band 7 zz.„, Through Port Drop Port Tap • RF devices Ge Detectors MZI-DC Image of MPW run, supporting Columbia, U of AZ, UC Berkeley, UCSD & Caltech For more information: • Thick metal MPW Et CMOS Design Contact: Ann Petersen, Manager Advanced CMOS Products/Design 505-844-3160 RF PHOTONIC SIGNAL PROCESSING Optics Express 26 (18), 23728-23739, July 2018 Out Alum o ,24.(11 Photonic processing of RF signals provides significant reduction in SWAP-C for high frequency applications (>40 GHz) Applications in space and avionic platforms for electronic warfare and situational awareness Frequency up/down-conversion O Antenna remoting • RF over fiber O Wide-band channelization - Low loss RF delay lines UCSanDiego Lithium Niobate on Silicon 100+GHz Bandwidth demonstrated Optics Express 25 (6), 6320-6334, Mar. 2017 Antenna \I .lo -20 1 -30 11 Channels <1 GHz Resolution <-15 dB Optical Cross-Talk 1.1 cm2 Total Area Optical band filters ol 40 1545 02 154' • 154506 Witvelencei frrr k Laser 1st Demo of 1GHz RF Channelization in a Si Photonics Array Waveguide Grating ol 1-100 GHz Modulatol>h CM" _1)1_ Detectors 1 GHz 2 GHz 100 GHz Example integrated wide-band channelizer CHIP-SCALE OPTICAL BEAM STEERING Ent blackmore 2D Silicon Photonic Optical Beam Scanner Electronic (low-power EO phase shifter) and wavelength steering 0 field of view: 24° x I 0°; divergence angle:0.3° x 0.3° 256 independent channels with 3-1Am pitch Area:750m x 7501Am with high fill factor OW' 0 055 015 Applications Imaging and sensing Free-space communication Phase Optimization of Si Photonics 2D Electro-optic Phased Array (CLEO 2019 JTh2A.39) Digital Communications and Networks, 3(2), pp. 67-77, May 2017 SANDIA RADIATION TEST FACILITIES 19 y rays neutrons x rays EMP 11 x Surrog — Wild 4", 11 LIGHTNING: 1.6 MV, 200 kA GIF: Steady-s ate y in•ro4,14np. Mode-Stir: 220 MHz - 40 GHz EMES: EMP (1 ns)5250 kV/m RETURN CONDUCTOR N...11, vo FEEO TRANSITION 50-0 LOAD RF ABSORBER WORKING VOLUME RF AMPLIFIERS COMPUTER.CONTROL LED OATA TAKING APPARATUS