4.2) 1824 Treaty of Friendship & Alliance (pg 60) Terms are: • hover island of Singapore British took control of w________ • Temenggong & Sultan received larger sums of money ontrol hole Treaty was significant as the British gained c_________ of the w________ f Singapore. S 5) WHAT DID BRITISH DO TO DEVELOP SINGAPORE AS A SETTLEMENT BETWEEN 1819 & 1826? (pg 61-64) Personality Major William Farquhar lst Resident Contributions • • Raffles Dr John Crawfurd 2nd Resident • Tax on selected goods only eg opium Ort Promoted Singapore as a free p______: Placed B________ O__________on St ritish Ificer John’s island to inform passing ships about free port Sold licences for g__________ to raise Diur & l_____________ ambling & sale of o________ ignor f________ for running Singapore & set up police force unas • own Drew up S______________ T_________ P_______ with help of Philip Jackson to lar ingapore allocate areas to respective ethnic groups to stay Shut down g____________ d___________ ens • • • • • Reintroduced gambling & sale of opium licences rade vee Maintained Policy of f______ t__________ treet Introduced n_____________ l___________ ightingd ewspapers & s_____________ Promoted Singapore as port viendship & A_________ liance Signed 1824 Treaty of F______________ ambling 6