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BTBC Workbook

Better Tonality,
Bigger Commissions
How To Thrive (Not Just ‘Survive’) When Selling In Uncertain Times
DAY 1 :
3 Steps to becoming a TOP 1% earning salesperson who
knows exactly how to sell to today’s cautious, skeptical
Did you know there’s 3 little known steps that work to trigger even the most
cautious and skeptical prospects to embrace change and buy?
(Sadly, most sales methods out there aren’t aware these ‘steps’ exist.)
Day 1’s training reveals these in a way that shifts your persuasion mindset,
and lays a foundation for NEPQ sales mastery .
DAY 2 :
How to get prospects to overcome their own
objections so you can CRUSH your competitors!
You’ll learn how to use behavioral science’s ‘most persuasive’ mode of
communication – of having prospects ‘convince themselves’ and overcome
their own objections and concerns.
You’ll also pocket my easy peazy 3-step formula for objection handling, plus
what to say and how to say it, to change the game in your favor.
DAY 3 : Why your current sales framework SUCKS, is losing you
sales – and how to change ALL that today!
Ever been baffled as to why prospects no-show to appointments, or say
they’re going to buy – yet never actually do?
Truth is, it’s NOT your fault. It happens because your current script, sales
framework and tonality are packed with sales pressure and resistance!
Day 3’s training sets you on a straight and simple ‘right skills’ path with what
to say and do to FIX this foreverrr.
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3 Steps to compel and SELL to today’s skeptical buyer
All selling is, is CHANGE. Whether your prospects want something better, or are trying to escape
pain, its all about change. Only thing is, your potential customers don’t like change (even though they
say they do.) Today you’ll learn three steps to get your prospects to WANT to change. After which,
you’ll be set up to sell to even the most cautious, skeptical and sophisticated buyers.
Step #1
Become a p____________ f____________ and p____________ s____________, not a
p____________ p____________ .
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Step #2
Asking the r____________ q____________ at the r____________ t____________, in
the c________________ .
3 Forms of communication:
Era #1 form of Selling : ‘We are the least persuasive when…
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Era #2 form of Selling : We are more persuasive when…
Era #3 form of Selling :: We are the most persuasive when…
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Step #3
Eliminating S_____________ R_____________ .
It’s ALL about neutralizing hidden ________________ ________________
ABD : Always be ________________
When you ________________ yourself from the ___________________ of making
A sale, you automatically remove the _____________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ .
Prospect: “Why should we go with you? We already have a company for that.”
Instead of telling them ______________________________________________ …
Find out WHY _______________________________________________________
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Prospect: “Why should we go with you? We already have a company for that.”
NEPQ (Recession-Proof) Salesperson: ___________________________________
You (using NEPQ): __________________________________________________
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A three-second: _________________ is important…
Right after, _________________________________________________________
Also important..: ______________________________________________________
Let’s say its an A-Type hard-core personality that is just not wanting to
open up to you…
NEPQ (Recession-Proof) Salesperson: ___________________________________
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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If you’ are in a 2 or 3 call close type of sale or even a more complex selling environment
that takes multiple calls and meetings to close and you need to set up a 2 nd call demo,
Or maybe a 3rd call / meeting to go over the proposal…
There’s a way you’ve likely been trained … and then there’s the NEPQ way to handle
the end of the call and set up another appointment:
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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Eliminate sales pressure… with ________________________________________
Prospect: “We’re happy with the current vendor / company we use…”
/ “We already use someone for that. – I’m not interested.”
Or :
Prospect (early in the call): “Thanks for the call, but we are pretty happy with our
current vendor / company”
NEPQ (Recession-Proof Salesperson): ___________________________________
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Prospect and NEPQ Salesperson:
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
Remove: __________________________________________________________
Instead, say: _______________________________________________________
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How to get prospects to overcome their own objections / concerns
An objection is only a concern your prospect has. It’s not a rejection of YOU. Now is not the time to
react... but unfortunately most sales people do exactly that: REACT to an objection. Today you’re
going to learn how to avoid slipping into automatic “objection handling mode” like a robot – and
instead effectively eliminate any objections you get, the NEPQ way.
If you try to hide the objection, it will _________________________________
______________________when you try ________________________________
- which will create _________________________________________________
NEPQ Solution Awareness Question: “Walk me back… when you say they
__________________________________what ___________________________
________________________________________________________________ ?
“Walk me back” : triggers the prospect’s brain to ___________________________
_______________________about what I’m about to ask them. ]
You: “Oh, and what specific parts of those do you ___________________________
__________________________________________________________________ ?
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Prospect: “Well, they__________________________________________________
You: “Awww, Ok. And _________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: ”Yeah, I guess there were some I saw that said they were.”
Prospect: “Well, I really didn’t ___________________________________________
[ Now, most will start to view in their mind that maybe it was _______________
_________________ ! ]
You: “Ok. So support is important to you then?
What did I just do there?
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3 Step Formula To Helping Prospects / Customers Overcome
Own Concerns:
STEP #1: __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Understand exactly ________________ their ________________ is, and why they
Have that ________________ .
NEPQ Clarifying Q’s:
• _______________________________________... [repeat back what they said],
• _______________________________________... [repeat back what they said],
• Can you go back__________________________________________________
• Can you __________________________________________________ ?
• Can you __________________________________________________ ?
• Hold on. You’re on __________________________________________________
___________________________________. Can you ________________________
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______________________________ - when you said…”
• Can I ask where___________________________________________________ ?
• How did you_______________________________________________________ ?
• WOAH, you’re______________________________________________________
• Can you tell me more ________________________________________________ ?
• Can you tell me what ________________________________________________ ?
• When you say [repeat the concern]… ____________________________________ ?
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STEP #2: __ __ __ __ __ __ __
When you know what their ________________ _________________ is, and ________
they feel that way, you’ll then ________________ _____ ________________ _____
________________, _________________________________ .
STEP #3: __ __ __ __ __ __ __
You’re then going to ask them how they see themselves ____________________
_________________ is, and ________
________________ ________ ____________________ .
Examples of How to Diffuse Objections (aka: Concerns):
NEPQ Starter Phrases:
• Suppose it wasn’t ___________________________________________________
• Suppose __________________________________________________________ ?
• What if ____________________________________________________________ ?
• What if ____________________________________________________________ ?
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Stop saying :
Re-Word it to say :
If there was ___________________________________________________________
...would that help you?
THE PRICE / MONEY OBJECTION: “We don’t have money for this”
Prospect: “We like your product, but at this time we just can’t afford it.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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[If you have asked the right questions in the conversation, they will always say ___________ .]
Prospect: “Yeah, for sure.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, we like it… but we just don’t have the money for it.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
[Here you just fill in the __________________ ___________________ they said they wanted.]
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THE ‘THINK IT OVER’ OBJECTION: “I need to think about it…”
Prospect: “We really like this but we need to think it over.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
_________________________________ [repeat back what they said they wanted]?
[Then say:]
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “This sounds good, but let me think it over.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “I guess I could call you in a few days…”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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[After you book the appointment, you ask:]
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
_______________________ [a better way of saying, “What do you want to think about?”],
___________________________________________________________________ ?
THE ‘SEND ME REFERENCES’ OBJECTION: “Can you send me some references?”
Prospect: “Can you send me some references from other clients you have?”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, I want to find out from them… “
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, I would probably just call them tomorrow afternoon if that works?”
NEPQ Salesperson: ___________________________________________________
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“I saw some negative reviews about your company online…”
Prospect: “We were doing some research over the weekend and saw your company
has some bad reviews.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, there were some people saying some bad things about your company.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, I think some were clients, but not quite sure if they all were.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, not quite sure, but there were probably 10-15 or so we saw.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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___________________________________________________________________ ?
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
Prospect: “Well yeah, it sounds like you guys do great things.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Sure thing.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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THE ‘SEND ME A PROPOSAL’ OBJECTION: “Can you just send me a quote / proposal?”
Prospect: “I’m really busy right now; can you just send me a proposal? And I’ll get
back to you if we are interested.”
NEPQ Salesperson: __________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, I’m just trying to see if we have the budget for your program / XYZ product
or service.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
________________________________________________ . For example, what type of…”
[You would start by asking a few situation questions to find out their present situation.]?
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
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___________________________________________________________________ ?
THE ‘SEND ME INFO’ CONCERN: “Can you send me some information?”
Prospect: “I’m really busy today, can you just send me some information to my email
and I’ll get back to you?”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ?
Prospect: “Well, I’m looking to see how your XYZ product could… ”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
[Now you simply start going through the engagement stage with your first situation question.
It’s a very natural way to go from just sending some information to helping the prospect uncover
their problems and to start to engage with you.]
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NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
Prospect: “Can you call me back? I’m too busy right now.”
NEPQ Salesperson: __________________________________________________
My number is ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________available for you ?
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Prospect: “I can get back to you sometime later in the week probably.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
Now, if they don’t call back at the scheduled time, you wait two minutes (so it doesn’t look
like you were waiting by the phone) and you call them :
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
[Then go into asking connecting questions!]
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THE ‘I NEED TO PRAY ABOUT IT’ OBJECTION: “I need to pray about it”
Prospect: “This is a big decision for us, and we really need to pray about it.”
NEPQ Salesperson:___________________________________________________
[helps disarm the prospect]. _____________________________________________
Prospect: “I feel we just need to pray about this because it’s a lot of money and we’re
Just not sure we have the budget for it.”
NEPQ Salesperson: ___________________________________________________
[repeat back what they said they wanted.]”
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Why your current sales framework SUCKS, is losing you sales
– and how to change ALL that today!
No. I haven’t seen your sales script or framework… I’ll bet great odds though that it’s working against
human behavior, not with it. Most sales processes today don’t align with human psychology. They go
against how people are best persuaded and make decisions. They also create the very rejection
responses we hate, yet we’re told to have a thick skin because “this” IS sales!” Today ALL of this
changes. You’ll learn what actually WORKS, and the neuro-emotional persuasion questions that have
changed the game of sales for me - and thousands of NEPQ students.
What NEPQ Questions will do for you:
✓ Questions g___________, a___________ and d___________.
✓ Questions involve the o___________ p___________.
✓ Questions i___________ p___________ your prospect.
✓ Questions give you c___________ over the conversation.
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✓ Questions cause the o___________ p______________ to p_________________
✓ Questions e________________ your potential customers.
✓ Questions reveal c____________________ .
✓ Questions create v___________ in you and your p_____________ or s_____________
✓ Questions get them to b______________ o___________ to your i____________ .
You can make suggestions like:
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Introducing… The 5 Stage NEPQ Sales Structure :
#1 The Connecting Stage
C_________________ Questions
#2 The Engagement Stage
S_________________ Questions
P_________________ Awareness Questions
S_________________ Awareness Questions
C_________________ Questions
Q_________________ Questions
#3 The Transition Stage
T_________________ Questions
#4 The Presentation Stage
F_________________ | A_________________
#5 The Commitment Stage
C_________________ Questions
#1. The Connecting Stage
CONNECTING QUESTIONS: Takes the focus off you and puts it on them.
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#2. The Engagement Stage
SITUATION QUESTIONS: Find out their current situation.
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PROBLEM AWARENESS QUESTIONS: Open the emotional door to find out what their
real problems are, the root cause of the problems, and how these problems
are affecting them.
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SOLUTION AWARENESS QUESTIONS: Help your prospect see what their future will
Look like once all their problems are solved.
These questions also involve your prospect and their ideas which causes them to
attach themselves to solving their problem - and doing that with you.
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CONSEQUENCE QUESTIONS: Help your prospect question their way of thinking
– and explores the consequences of not changing their situation.
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QUALIFYING QUESTIONS: Confirm how important it is for them to change their situation
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#3. The Transition Stage
TRANSITION QUESTIONS: help you naturally transition into going over how your these
solution will help them solve their problems.
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#4. The Presentation Stage
PRESENT YOUR SOLUTION: Tell them how your solution is going to help them solve the
Specific problems they raised.
#5. The Commitment Stage “Closing”
COMMITTING QUESTIONS: Help your prospect commit and take the next step to
Purchase your solution, and do it now - not later.
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