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ICS111 IT Workshop I Syllabus

ICS111 IT Workshop I
Course Objectives
• To extend student’s knowledge in basics of
computers and networks.
• This enables students to understand the internals of
systems, which includes hardware parts, software
and its installation procedure, basic Linux
• Students would also be getting familiar with
various networking terminologies and its
• They would be also studying to setup and develop a
dynamic web application.
Course Outcomes:
• Have a knowledge of the various hardware
• Understand Linux commands and shell
• Be aware of basic networking concepts,
devices and its functionality.
• Be aware of the basic web development
scripting languages like HTML, CSS, XML,
and JavaScript.
• Computer Hardware – Prerequisite, Computing Agents
CPU, Memory, Motherboard – Computer Peripherals - I/O
devices, Storage devices, Interface cards – Buses – Firmware
– Boot process.
• Computer System Software – Operating Systems,
Unix/Linux commands, Shell scripting.
• Computer Communications – LAN, MAN, WAN,
Client/Server networks, Peer-to-Peer networks, Topologies,
Basics of IP addresses, DNS, Routers, Internet, WWW, Web
• Web Design - Basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,
Dynamic Webpage creation, Angular JS: The basics of
AngularJS, Introduction MVC, Data Binding, Filters and
modules, Directives, Working with Forms, Validation,
Angular JS animation, Deployment considerations.
Lab - Practice
❖ Computer Hardware – Familiarization CPU Box, Mother board,
CPU & Chip-set, Interface cards, Card slots, Hard disk, Cables,
SMPS, NIC, Various ports, etc.
❖ Computer Peripherals - I/O Devices. Storage devices, Interface
cards – Buses – Firmware -Boot process - Writing/formatting
❖ Computer System Software – Operating Systems, Windows, Linux,
❖ Unix/Linux commands, Shell scripting. Client/Server networks,
Peer-to-Peer networks, LAN, WAN, MAN.
❖ Familiarization of - Basics of TCP/IP, IP addresses, DNS, Routers,
Internet, WWW, FTP, Email servers, Web servers.
❖ Web Design - Basics of HTML, CSS, XML, Java Scripting
Text Books/References
Kevin Wilson, Exploring Computer Systems: The Illustrated Guide to
Understanding Computer Systems, Hardware & Networks, Volume 6
of Exploring Tech, Elluminet Press, 2019.
Craig Zacker, John Rourke, PC Hardware: The Complete Reference,
McGraw Hill Education, 1st edition, 2017.
Shotts, W, The Linux command line: a complete introduction. 2nd Ed.,
No Starch Press, 2019
Alan Clements, Principles of Computer Hardware, Oxford University
Press India, Fourth Edition, 2013.
Robbins, J. N. (2012). Learning web design: A beginner's guide to
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web graphics. “, O’Reilly Media, Inc.".
Meloni, Julie C., Kyrnin, Jennifer. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in
One, Sams Teach Yourself. United Kingdom: Pearson Education, 2018.
Duckett, Jon. Web design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery set.
Vol. 1. IN: Wiley, 2014.
Andrew Grant, Beginning AngularJS. Apress, 2014.
Angular: Up and Running: Learning Angular, Step by Step, O′Reilly;
1st edition, 2018.
The organization of a human being.
The organization of a computer.
Introduction to Computer
A computer is an electronic device, operating
under the control of instructions stored in its
own memory that can
– accept data (input),
– process the data according to specified rules,
– produce information (output), and
– store the information for future use.
Characteristics of a Computer
• High Speed
• Computer is a very fast device.
• It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount
of data.
• The computer has units of speed in microsecond,
nanosecond, and even the picosecond.
• It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds as
compared to man who will spend many months to perform
the same task.
• In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate.
• The calculations are 100% error free.
• Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided
that the input is correct.
Storage Capability
• Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.
• A computer has much more storage capacity than human beings.
• It can store large amount of data.
• It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio, etc.
• Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, and
lack of concentration.
• It can work continuously without any error and boredom.
• It can perform repeated tasks with the same speed and accuracy.
• A computer is a very versatile machine.
• A computer is very flexible in performing the jobs to be done.
• This machine can be used to solve the problems related to various
• At one instance, it may be solving a complex scientific problem and
the very next moment it may be playing a card game.
• A computer is a reliable machine.
• Modern electronic components have long lives.
• Computers are designed to make maintenance easy.
• Computer is an automatic machine.
• Automation is the ability to perform a given task
automatically. Once the computer receives a program
– i.e., the program is stored in the computer memory, then the
program and instruction can control the program execution without
human interaction.
Reduction in Paper Work and Cost
• The use of computers for data processing in an organization
leads to reduction in paper work and results in speeding up
the process.
• As data in electronic files can be retrieved as and when
required, the problem of maintenance of large number of
paper files gets reduced.
Functionalities of A Computer
• Step 1 − Takes data as input.
• Step 2 − Stores the data/instructions in its
memory and uses them as required.
• Step 3 − Processes the data and converts it into
useful information.
• Step 4 − Generates the output.
• Step 5 − Controls all the above four steps.
Applications of Computers
• A computer has high speed of calculation,
diligence, accuracy, reliability, or versatility
which has made it an integrated part in all
business organizations.
• Computer is used in business organizations for −
Payroll calculations
Sales analysis
Financial forecasting
Managing employee database
Maintenance of stocks, etc.
• Today, banking is almost totally dependent on
• Banks provide the following facilities −
– Online accounting facility, which includes
checking current balance, making deposits and
overdrafts, checking interest charges, shares, and
trustee records.
– ATM machines which are completely automated
are making it even easier for customers to deal
with banks.
• Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-date
with the help of computers.
• Insurance companies, finance houses, and stock broking
firms are widely using computers for their concerns.
• Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all
clients with information showing −
Procedure to continue with policies
Starting date of the policies
Next due installment of a policy
Maturity date
Interests due
Survival benefits
Bonus Education
The computer helps in providing a lot
of facilities in the education system
• The computer provides a tool in the education system
known as CBE (Computer Based Education).
• CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of
• Computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of
number of computer students.
• There are a number of methods in which educational
institutions can use a computer to educate the
• It is used to prepare a database about performance of a
student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
• In marketing, uses of the computer are
following −
• Advertising −
– With computers, advertising professionals create
art and graphics, write and revise copy, and
print and disseminate ads with the goal of selling
more products.
Home Shopping −
• Home shopping has been made possible
through the use of computerized catalogues
– provide access to product information and
– permit direct entry of orders to be filled by the
• Computers have become an important part in hospitals, labs, and
• They are being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and
• It is also used in scanning and diagnosing different diseases.
• ECG, EEG, ultrasounds and CT scans, etc. are also done by
computerized machines.
• Following are some major fields of health care in which computers are
– Diagnostic System − Computers are used to collect data and identify the cause of illness.
– Lab-diagnostic System − All tests can be done and the reports are prepared by computer.
– Patient Monitoring System − These are used to check the patient's signs for abnormality
such as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG, etc.
– Pharma Information System − Computer is used to check drug labels, expiry dates,
harmful side effects, etc.
– Surgery − Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery. Engineering Design
Computers are widely used for
Engineering purpose.
• One of the major areas is CAD (Computer Aided
Design) that provides creation and modification of
images. Some of the fields are −
• Structural Engineering
– Requires stress and strain analysis for design of ships,
buildings, budgets, airplanes, etc.
• Industrial Engineering
– Computers deal with design, implementation, and
improvement of integrated systems of people, materials,
and equipment.
• Architectural Engineering
– Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings,
determining a range of buildings on a site using both 2D
and 3D drawings.
• Computers are largely used in defence.
• Modern tanks, missiles, weapons, etc.
• Military also employs computerized control
• Some military areas where a computer has been
used are
– Missile Control
– Military Communication
– Military Operation and Planning
Smart Weapons Communication
• Communication is a way to convey a
message, an idea, a picture, or speech that is
received and understood clearly and correctly
by the person for whom it is meant.
• Some main areas in this category are −
– E-mail
– Chatting
– Usenet
– Telnet
– Video-conferencing Government
• Computers play an important role in
government services. Some major fields in this
category are −
– Budgets
– Sales tax department
– Income tax department
– Computation of male/female ratio
– Computerization of voters lists
– Computerization of PAN card
Weather forecasting
• Generation in computer terminology is a
change in technology a computer is/was being
• Initially, the generation term was used to
distinguish between varying hardware
• Nowadays, generation includes both hardware
and software, which together make up an
entire computer system.
Generations of Computers
• There are five computer generations known till
Generations of Computer
• The computer has evolved from a large-sized
simple calculating machine to a smaller but much
more powerful machine.
• The evolution of computer to the current state is
defined in terms of the generations of computer.
• Each generation of computer is designed based on
a new technological development, resulting in
better, cheaper and smaller computers that are
more powerful, faster and efficient than their
Generations of Computer
• In the following subsections, we will
discuss the generations of computer
– in terms of
• the technology used by them (hardware and
• computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number
of instructions executed per second),
• physical appearance, and
• their applications.
First Generation Computers
• The first computers used vacuum tubes(a sealed glass tube
containing a near-vacuum which allows the free passage of
drums for memory.
• They were often enormous and taking up entire room.
• First generation computers relied on machine language.
• They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a
great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was
often the cause of malfunctions (defect or breakdown).
• The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of firstgeneration computing devices.
First Generation Computers
Advantages :
• It was only electronic device
• First device to hold memory
Disadvantages :
• Too bulky i.e large in size
• Vacuum tubes burn frequently
• They were producing heat
• Maintenance problems
Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)
• Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the
second generation of computers.
• Transistors is a miniature semiconductor that regulates or
controls current or voltage flow in addition amplifying and
generating these electrical signals and acting as a
switch/gate for them.
• Second-generation
cryptic binary machine language to symbolic.
• High-level programming languages were also being
developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL
• These were also the first computers that stored their
instructions in their memory.
Second Generation Computers
Advantages :
• Size reduced considerably
• The very fast
• Very much reliable
Disadvantages :
• They over heated quickly
• Maintenance problems
Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)
• The development of the integrated circuit was
the hallmark of the third generation of computers.
• Transistors were miniaturized and placed
on siliconchips, called semiconductors.
• Instead of punched cards and printouts, users
interacted with third generation computers
through keyboards and monitors and interfaced
with an operating system.
• Allowed
different applications at one time.
Third generation computers
Advantages :
• ICs are very small in size
• Improved performance
• Production cost cheap
Disadvantages :
• ICs are sophisticated
Fourth Generation Computers (1971- present)
• The microprocessor brought the fourth generation
of computers, as thousands of integrated
circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.
• The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located
all the components of the computer.
• From the central processing unit and memory to
input/output controls—on a single chip.
• . Fourth generation computers also saw the
development of GUIs, the mouse and
handheld devices.
Fourth Generation Computers
Fifth Generation Computers (present and
• Fifth generation computing devices, based
on artificial intelligence.
• Are still in development, though there are some
applications, such as voice recognition.
• The use of parallel processing and
superconductors is helping to make artificial
intelligence a reality.
• The goal of fifth-generation computing is to
develop devices that respond to natural
language input and are capable of learning and
Fifth Generation Computers
Introductio A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of
to instructions stored in its own memory that can
accept data (input),
process the data according to specified rules,
produce information (output), and
store the information for future use.
tics of a
High Speed
Storage Capability
Reduction in Paper Work and Cost
Functionalit Step 1 − Takes data as input.
ies of A Step 2 − Stores the data/instructions in its memory and uses them as
Step 3 − Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
Step 4 − Generates the output.
Step 5 − Controls all the above four steps.
of Computers
Home Shopping
Computers are widely used for Engineering purpose
Smart Weapons Communication
Weather forecasting
of Computers
in terms of the technology used by them (hardware and software),
computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number of instructions
executed per second), physical appearance, and their applications.
Vaccum tubes are used
Advantages :
• It was only electronic device
• First device to hold memory
Disadvantages :
• Too bulky i.e large in size
• Vacuum tubes burn frequently
• They were producing heat
• Maintenance problems
Transistors is used.
Advantages :
• Size reduced considerably
• The very fast
• Very much reliable
Disadvantages :
• They over heated quickly
• Maintenance problems
✓ The development of the integrated circuit was the
hallmark of the third generation of computers.
✓ Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips,
called semiconductors.
Advantages :
▪ ICs are very small in size
▪ Improved performance
▪ Production cost cheap
Disadvantages :
ICs are sophisticated
(1971- present)
The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of
computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built
onto a single silicon chip.
Fifth Generation Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial