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Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
SITUATION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 4
Micro Environment ................................................................................................................................... 4
Consumers ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Current Strategy .................................................................................................................................... 5
SWOT..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Competitors .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Macro Environment .................................................................................................................................. 8
PESTLE ................................................................................................................................................... 8
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 9
STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Ladder of Engagement ............................................................................................................................ 12
TACTICS ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Reach....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Act ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Convert.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Engage ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
ACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 17
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 18
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 19
This digital marketing strategy presents a framework for Hyundai to use in order to improve their digital
marketing approach. The goal is to create a digital/social media campaign that positions Hyundai as a
sustainable brand while also promoting customer sustainability aspirations online. If done correctly, this
should result in increased sales through Hyundai’s website. The strategy employs the SOSTAC model to
give a complete guidance to the proposed campaign in order to be effective (Reed, 2014).
#Iamsustainable is the name of the campaign, which will be implemented across four social media
platforms and will include an email campaign, blog entries, and video content to increase reach,
engagement, and sales. The campaign should endure for six months, with frequent evaluations of its
progress to ensure that it is on course to meet its goals.
The aim of this report is to position the Hyundai brand as a manageable vehicle organization, but stay
away from the banality's and entanglements of 'green washing', where brands over-guarantee and make
a picture of accomplishing other things to safeguard the climate than they really are as well as
supporting their customer's objectives to be more maintainable The campaign plan for Hyundai will be
based on the SOSTAC strategy planning model that has 6 main parts. However this 6 step process are
dependent on each other and may also overlap. This report will aim to tie them together cohesively. The
steps are situation analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, and action control respectively (Reed, 2014).
This is the gathering and assessment of data regarding an organization's external environment, as well
as its internal resources and procedures, in order to improve its strategy (Reed, 2014). The digital
environment may be divided into two categories: the micro-environment, in which the organization
functions, and the macro-environment, which includes external factors.
Micro Environment
Consumers are the first element of the internal factors of Hyundai. Over half of all Britons want to
enhance their sustainability policies this year, indicating that customers are becoming increasingly
concerned about sustainability. Regardless of their well-meaning goals, simply 15% feel their way of life
decisions are basically as harmless to the ecosystem as they might be, deciding for a "do it tomorrow"
mindset (Chan, 2013). They are looking for help with overcoming any issues between their expectations
and their deeds. Its customer target currently are the millennial families for their BEV: Ioniq and NE
which stands for their new electric car in development (Clarke, 2021). This target group are mainly the
young people that are well educated and are earning more than average.
•Ages 25 to 40 years old
•Gender neutral
•Males: 46% while females:54%
•69% are of high education level
•39% are of low education level
•High income customers above average
•Range of 36.8k and 54.9k
•Range of 2.6 to 3.4 people
•10% ind. 151
•31.8% ind. 163
Hyundai’s customer ranges between 32 and 48 years of age but this is contrary to their growth audience
whose ages range from 25 to 40 years of age. The customer base balances out on both genders as
females are 54% while males are 46%. Hyundai targets households of 2.6 while their projected
consumer have households of 3.4. Majority of the customers are technology lovers which is a great plus
for Hyundai that should be capitalized. 19.5% are of the sample population have the capability of
influencing others. The projections for consumers with the desire to purchase vehicles is 15.7% which
can be turned into Hyundai clients by the campaign.
Current Strategy
Hyundai utilizes social and psychographic division factors to fragment the market in homogeneous
gatherings (Candelo, 2019). It is significantly in a financial fragment and is entering the superior section
through its contributions in SUV's portion and new display area arrangement for example Hyundai
Motor studio. Separated focusing on methodology is utilized by Hyundai to focus on the clients and
fulfill their necessities and needs (Rathore & Ilavarasan, 2020). Situating is the main angle that is driving
the market influences (Hill, 2020). Hyundai utilizes a blend of item and worth based situating techniques
to make an encounter for their clients as opposed to simply selling its items (Akman & Özcan, 2016).
Both the commercial center in which the association is a piece of, in addition to the inside qualities and
shortcomings of Hyundai likewise should be considered as a component of investigation of the
microenvironment. A SWOT investigation can be utilized to recognize these, but the underneath
advanced explicit SWOT not just shows the qualities, shortcomings, open doors and dangers an internet
based brand can confront, yet in addition can be utilized to produce suitable procedures (Benzaghta, et
al., 2021).
The strengths of Hyundai are:
Greatness in vehicle wellbeing and configuration demonstrated by many honors
The sixth most elevated car brand notoriety on the planet
Successful innovative work (R&D) spending bringing about new creative vehicles
Minimal expense to drive and sturdy vehicles.
Strong online presence
Hyundai’s weakness include:
Sales are down due to a poor brand portfolio.
The managerial quality of the organization is deteriorating.
Product recalls wreak havoc on a company's reputation.
The opportunities available to Hyundai are:
Further developing UK economy
Timing and recurrence of new model deliveries
Low fuel costs opening new business sectors for Hyundai
Hyundai also faces threats, namely:
Rivalry has grown.
Trade rates for the Korean Won are rising.
Extending the scope of the law might result in higher costs.
Based on the SWOT analysis above, various strategies can be formulated:
‘SO’ strategies
Use the strong online presence to create more awareness in the UK market
‘WO’ strategies
Ensure quality products to boost their market share in UK
‘ST’ strategies
Compete with rivals by bringing fourth more creative vehicles through R&D
‘WT’ strategies
Boost sales by improving brand portfolio to compete effectively
Hyundai's major rival is its 'sister' firm, Kia, in which it holds a significant share. Hyundai and Kia have
struggled for market dominance in the UK for many years, and customers typically perceive them to be
identical in terms of positioning and value. Since the presentation of inventive BEV vehicles, most as of
late the Ioniq 5, Hyundai have started to challenge premium vehicles, fabricating its image notoriety.
Buyers have changed from brands including Audi, Jaguar and Land Rover as they are looking for
inventive plan, long electric reach and super quick charging.
Both Kia and Hyundai offer a scope of electric vehicles. The Kia e-Niro and Hyundai Kona Electric, for
instance, utilize a similar electric powertrain and were both named in Auto Express' rundown of the 10
best electric vehicles in 2019 (Rachev, et al., 2019). Hyundai's most memorable electric vehicle was the
Sonata Electric Vehicle in 1991, setting them well in front of the EV game. Today, the NEXO has been
charged as the world's most productive hydrogen energy unit vehicle, with water as its just discharge.
Be that as it may, Hyundai's green certifications don't stop at their on the other hand fuelled vehicles. In
2008, the organization sent off the Hyundai Green Zone project, a five-year plan to transform 50km² of
infertile land in Inner Mongolia into meadow. This added to the company's acknowledgment by the
2016 Newsweek Green Rankings, which survey the 500 greatest public corporations all over the planet
in view of their natural responsibility.
Macro Environment
PESTLE Analysis (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) is an administration
technique by which an association can survey significant outside factors that impact its activity to turn
out to be more cutthroat on the lookout (Phan, 2021).
Political factors
Political stability of the UK.
Friendly trade relations.
Tax impositions by UK.
Friendly relations between UK and South Korea
Economical factors
Demand for vehicles.
Loss of employment by people in UK due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Alternative means of transport.
Social factors
In the UK, the number of men and women drivers is nearly equal.
Demand for electric cars by the millennial age.
Hyundai targets middle and high society individuals.
Technological factors
Use of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) technology.
Application of Artificial Intelligence.
Legal factors
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Observing the rules and regulations of the UK.
Environmental factors
Emissions regulations must be followed.
Maintain a high level of ethics in their activities.
Assuring long-term viability.
More electric and hybrid vehicles should be developed.
The aim of this campaign is to:
Position Hyundai as a feasible brand.
Urge shoppers to turn out to be more supportable in a simple manner, eliminating obstructions.
Urge shoppers to contemplate the eventual fate of practical travel and make a move.
With this aim, the following objectives have been formulated using the RACE framework:
1. REACH: Raise public awareness of Hyundai as a long-term brand through the campaign.
2. ACT: Increase online interaction with sustainability and Hyundai by making blogs and using their
social media pages to interact with consumers.
3. CONVERT: Encourage customers to produce and share information about how to be more
sustainable that incorporates the Hyundai brand and messaging.
4. ENGAGE: Through the campaign, Hyundai should work together with its consumers to meet
their sustainability goals.
The objectives above are to be achieved in a span of 6 months from its launch by Hyundai. The goals
were developed in a SMART way (Kilani, 2021).
This section will provide insight on how the objectives will be achieved successfully.
The target customers for Hyundai based on the consumer analysis are the millenials of ages 25 to 40
years. Both genders have shown great interest in the Hyundai cars thus the campaign will be gender
neutral. The customers are majorly educated working class with household size of 3.4. Furthermore,
these consumers are lovers of advanced technology. As social media communities grow in importance,
it's critical to capitalize on this notion to obtain a competitive advantage. Brands may become a part of a
society through serving its members' needs, giving information or resources, or functioning as a
gathering place for individuals (Black & Veloutsou, 2017).
In 2021, Hyundai Motor UK reached its highest ever share of the market of 4.2 percent, due to a
'maintained level of supply' in a year when many others lost ground. It attributed this to a variety of new
vehicles introduced during the year, as well as new electric and plug-in vehicle alternatives. In 2021, it
sold a total of 12,500 totally electric vehicles, including a late jump due to orders for the Ioniq 5.
To maintain this, Hyundai needs to utilize this advantage by creating awareness concerning its brand
through the digital and social media platforms (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). The primary idea is to reach as
many potential customers as possible through the hashtag #Iamsustainable. This campaign will be based
on the Hyundai’s socials namely, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Short videos about the
sustainability of Hyundai as achieving personal goals that are sustainable will be shared with the
campaign’s hashtag to reach as many consumers as possible. Articles concerning sustainability will be
employed and posted on the company’s website. The campaign will make use of bloggers to further the
awareness by providing information on the sustainability of Hyundai as well as the online interaction of
the consumers and Hyundai. Lifestyle influencers through paid partnership will also enable the
advancement of the campaign.
The campaign will also include a competition to encourage user-generated content (UGC) and
interactions with the brand (Agarwal, 2020). An email newsletter will be developed to continue the
relationship after the transaction and attract repeat sales. Due to the efficiency of email marketing,
Hyundai already has an email database, which is the first crucial step in an email campaign. It is only
natural that this be included in the campaign.
Ladder of Engagement
A ladder of engagement lays out a step-by-step plan for engaging your target audience. The lowest level
of interaction is at the bottom of the ladder, with the campaign steadily encouraging greater
participation from the audience while also giving back (Gould, 2015). The table below depicts the
engagement ladder that the campaign must pursue and how it should be accomplished.
Hyundai to promote their social media pages
Hyundai on
to attract traffic thus increased likers and
its social
media pages
Offer unique
Post short videos with the #Iamsustainable on
its socials.
Engage its customers on sustainability
Increase content on these pages to ensure
consumers are well informed
Offer unique
Through bloggers blogs, publicize the
sustainability of Hyundai as well as customers’
sustainable goals
Using the company’s website, articles
concerning the campaign should be posted to
engage the consumers.
Build a
By use of everyday influencers sharing posts
with the #Iamsustainable challenges to create
with the
traffic both online and offline. Competition for
prizes by normal users to engage the
Posts promoting the product
Customers who have purchased products from
product and
Hyundai will be receiving the newsletter as
maintain the
well emails of new products or products.
Through this, customers are able to be part of
Hyundai Lifestyle.
In order to achieve these objectives, certain tactics would need to be utilized to ensure effectiveness
within the expected time frame (Reed, 2014). The RACE marketing framework will be implemented
(Tsai, et al., 2015).
Through the campaign, new audiences will be reached in a variety of methods. Influencer marketing will
be used to reach out to people who are looking for new experiences and may not have chosen the using
Hyundai cars before. Hyundai is also likely to target younger audiences that perceive themselves as
content producers and want to participate by supporting the establishment of UGC blogs. There is
currently no dedicated forum or blog for Hyundai lovers to submit their material to solely the musicians,
which may lead customers to rivals who do, indicating a business opportunity.
6.7% of the UK populous regard the Hyundai cars based on how much they have been advertised. The
campaign will seek to invest in the short videos to advertise the products widely to attract many
customers thus increasing sales. The short videos, blogs and articles will focus on the electric cars
produced by Hyundai since 6% would purchase them. Furthermore, 59.4% of the customers prefer
innovative cars. The brands and models available will be highlighted so as to create awareness among
the consumers since only 30% are decided on the brand. Use of brand influencers to promote the
Hyundai lifestyle will attract many customers to buy the products as people would love to be associated
with what the influencers have.
Discounts on clients that would purchase products through the company’s website thus cause more
traffic on the web increasing the company’s visibility on the web. These promotions would be advertised
on the social media pages to attract many followers to visit the website. In this process, many clients
who would have ended up on websites of competitor companies find themselves on Hyundai’s website.
All social media posts will include the #Iamsustainable alongside with the company’s website to
encourage the customers to check out the products which may in the end be translated into sales.
Customers' devotion to Hyundai will be demonstrated by increased car purchases or continued
involvement with Hyundai's digital content online as a result of the campaign's engagement with them
throughout and after it. With everyday influencers who appeared in the video series selected, the
campaign will strive to enhance connection between Hyundai and its consumers. These will assure the
brand's continuous success by encouraging people to share their experiences through the creation of
blogs. Everyday influencers have the advantages of perceived credibility and low cost. Hyundai will also
create a blog dedicated to user-generated content (UGC) where fans can share their images and
experiences, allowing them to engage with Hyundai on a more personal level. The use of user-generated
content (UGC) encourages audience engagement, which strengthens the customer-brand connection.
To establish a pleasant connection with these new consumers, when they purchase things and consent
to be contacted, we will interact with them by email, telling them about upcoming products. The
advantage of employing email as a campaign follow-up is that it supports the messaging shared on social
media channels, establishing consistency and reminding customers of the brand.
The next part of SOSTAC is an action plan for implementing the tactics, specifying who does what and
when (Reed, 2014).
In feed ads
Short Videos
Blogs and articles
Product posts
Email campaign
Blogs(2) 8
In feed
Key Performance Indicators
Increased in number of followers, likers of pages, subscribers, etc.
Social media monitoring: increase in likes, shares, comments compared to
before the start of campaign
Blogs and
Website Shares, bounce rate and time spent on pages
Influencer Social
Comment and views volume, challenge participation in comparison with
previous contests.
#Iamsustainable sentiment analysis
Increased number of likes and sharing of posts by followers
Website Click through rates.
Hyundai can utilize services like SocialBakers to watch social media, MailChimp to measure email
campaign click-throughs, and Google Analytics to track data like where website traffic comes from and
bounce rates to efficiently track KPIs. Comments, for example, can provide insight into several measures
such as eWOM and engagement.
The digital and social marketing plan is likely to be faced with various obstacles which are important to
Lack of employees working as social media managers- Hyundai lacks employees specialized in
managing their social media pages so as to realize their maximum potential.
Primary research size sample- the sample size is a representation of the population and statistics
might change.
Creation of captivating videos- lack of specialized employees with skills of creating engaging
videos that resonate with the customers.
Use of influencers- there are certain drawbacks to adopting influencer marketing. Brand
presence on social media platforms appears to be more genuine and legitimate than traditional
advertising, but when it is paid for, the authenticity is compromised. This might imply that
buying power diminishes power.
The aim of the campaign is to design a digital/social media campaign that promotes consumer
sustainability ambitions while positioning Hyundai as a sustainable brand. This should result in greater
sales through Hyundai's website if done correctly. Increased impressions, more shares, a greater social
media following, and eventually a more diversified audience, both online and offline, would result from
the campaign's success.
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