i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 232 FORM ONEPHYSI CS HANDBOOK MrI saboke0705525657 Tabl eofCont ent s ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Page2 BRI EFPERSONALPROFI LE Page2 GUI DELI NESI NMYLI FE Page2 Chapt er1 I NTRODUCTI ONTOPHYSI CS Page3 Chapt er2 MEASUREMENT1 Page5 Chapt er3 FORCE Page16 Chapt er4 PRESSURE Page22 Chapt er5 PARTI CULATENATUREOFMATTER Page32 Chapt er6 THERMALEXPANSI ON Page36 Chapt er7 HEATTRANSFER Page44 Chapt er8 ELECTROSTATI CSI Page51 Chapt er9 CELLSANDSI MPLECI RCUI TS Page55 Chapt er10 RECTI LI NEARPROPAGATI ONOFLI GHT Page62 ANDREFLECTI ONATPLANESURFACES 1 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Acknowl edgement Fi r standf or emostIt hankt heAl mi ght yGodf ort hegi f tofl i f e,ener gy ,knowl edgeandski l l st o pur suet hi swor k. Li nest hati nf l uenceact i v i t i esi nmyl i f e 1.Godi sal way st her et oassi stpr ov i dedy ouaskf orHi m. 2.Ati t sbest , Phy si csel i mi nat escompl exi t ybyr ev eal i ngunder l y i ngsi mpl i ci t y . 3.Ther ei snomet hodofchangi ngy ourf at eexceptt hr oughhar dwor k. 4.Cohesi on wi t hi mmedi at e nei ghbor s and det er mi nat i on al way s bet t er sy ouri mmedi at e env i r onment . Chapt erOne 2 I NTRODUCTI ONTOPHYSI CS Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Phy si csasaSci ence Phy si csi sabr anchofsci ence Sci encei sdi v i dedi nt o3mai nbr anches: a) Phy si cs b) Chemi st r y c) Bi ol ogy Def i ni t i onofPhy si cs Rel at i onshi p bet ween Phy si cs, Ot her Subj ect s and Technol ogy 1. Phy si csAndGeogr aphy Accur at euseofweat heri nst r ument sl i ket her momet er , wi ndv ane, r ai ngaugeset c.r equi r ephy si csknowl edge. Concept sl i ke heat t r ansf er by conv ect i on whi ch expl ai nt he f or mat i on ofconv ect i onalr ai nf al land pr essur ev ar i at i oncanbebestexpl ai nedi nphy si cs. 2. Phy si csandMat hemat i cs Phy si csi sdef i nedast hest udyofmat t erandi t ’ s Manyconcept si nphy si csl i kel aws,ef f ect s,pr i nci pl es r el at i ont oener gy . et c.ar eexpr essedmat hemat i cal l y . I ti nv ol v esexpl ai ni ngphenomenasuchas: I . Thef al l i ngofbodi est owar dst hegr ound, Mat hemat i calski l l sar et her ef or ev er yi nst r ument ali n t hel eani ngofphy si cs I I . Ri si ngupofl i qui dst hr oughadr i nki ngst r aw, 3. Phy si csandChemi st r y Phy si cshashel pedi nexpl ai ni ngt henat ur eofpar t i cl es wi t hi n at oms and t her ef or e at omi c st r uct ur e of I V. A pl ast i cpenr ubbedagai nstdr yf urorhai r subst ances. pi ckssmal l pi ecesofpaper , At omi c st r uct ur e ofdi f f er ent/v ar i ous subst ances V. Acr ackl i ngsoundi shear dwhenany l oncl ot h det er mi net hei rr eact i v i t y( chemi cal r eact i ons) . i sr emov edet c. 4. Phy si csandHi st or y St udyofPhy si cs Hi st or i ans use car bon dat i ng t o est abl i sh ages of Thest udyofphy si csent ai l s: f ossi l sandt her ef or epastpat t er nsofear l i erl i f e. I I I . i . Seasonal occur r enceoft i des, Measur ement sofquant i t i esandcol l ect i onof Thi sconceptofcar bondat i ngi sexpl ai nedbet t eri n dat a. at omi cphy si cs. i i . Dr awi ng and t est i ng ofhy pot heses t hr ough 5. Phy si csandHomeSci ence exper i ment sandobser v at i on. Phy si cs knowl edge i s used i n desi gni ng and i i i . Est abl i shmentofl awsandpr i nci pl es manuf act ur e of ki t chen equi pment e. g. el ect r i c cooker s, mi cr owav eov ens, enMechani sngj i koset c. Br anchesofPhy si cs 1. Mechani cs I t deal s wi t ht he st udy of mot i on under t he i nf l uenceoff or ce. 2. El ect r i ci t yandmagnet i sm 3 6. Phy si csandTechnol ogy Machi nesusedi nt hef i el dofmedi ci nesuchasxr ay s, body scanner s and l aser s ar e al lappl i cat i ons of phy si cs. Manuf act ur e and use ofsat el l i t es and mi cr owav e Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com I tdeal swi t hr el at i onshi pbet weenel ect r i cf i el dand magnet i cf i el dandt hei rappl i cat i onsi nt hewor ki ng ofmot or , mi cr ophones, el ect r omagnet set c. 3. Ther mody nami cs di shes used i n i nf or mat i on t echnol ogy t o r el ay i nf or mat i oni sbasedonphy si csknowl edge Phy si csknowl edgei sal sousedi ndef ensei ndust r yi n t hemanuf act ur eanduseofmostmoder nandcompl ex machi nes. I tdeal swi t ht het r ansf or mat i onofheatt oandf r om ot herf or ms ofener gy and t he accompany i ng 7. Phy si csandBi ol ogy changesi npr essur e, v ol umeet c. Knowl edgeofl ensesst udi edi nphy si cshasl edt ot he 4. Geomet r i copt i cs manuf act ur eofmi cr oscopesusedi nt hest udyoft he cel l anddi seases. I tdeal swi t ht he behav i orofl i ghtasi tpasses t hr oughv ar i ousmedi a. Pr oper t i esofl i ghtl i ker ef l ect i on,r ef r act i onet c.ar e Car eerOppor t uni t i esi nPhy si cs st udi edi nt hi sbr anchofphy si cs. Acar eerr ef er st oaj oborapr of essi ont hatonehas 5. Wav es beent r ai nedf orandi nt endst odof oral ongper i odof t i me e. g. t eachi ng car eer ,medi ci ne,engi neer i ng, I tdeal swi t hpr opagat i onofener gyt hr oughspace el ect r i cal t echni ci anet c. andef f ect ssuchasr ef l ect i on,di f f r act i onofl i ght andsoundwav es. Acour ser ef er st ol essonsi npar t i cul arsubj ect 6. At omi cphy si cs Anoccupat i onr ef er st oaj oborapr of essi on. I ti sdeal swi t ht hest udyoft hebehav i orofpar t i cl es const i t ut i ngt henucl eus( cent r e)oft heat om and t hei raccompany i ngener gychanges. 4 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exampl es of cour ses of f er ed at uni v er si t yl ev el Fi r stAi dMeasur es ( degr ees)t hatr equi r ephy si csknowl edge Acci dent Possi bl e Cause of Fi r stAi dMeasur es ( a)Bachel orofeducat i on( sci ence) t heAcci dent ( b)Bachel orofSci ence( ci v i l engi neer i ng) Cut s Poorhandl i ngof Seek gl ass appar at us assi st ance t o andcut t i ngt ool s st opbl eedi ng i . e.scal pel sand I mmedi at e r azor s dr essi ngoft he wound bur ns Nakedf l ames ( c)Bachel orofmedi ci ne ( d)Bachel orofar chi t ect ur e ( e)Bachel oroft echnol ogy( pr oduct i onengi neer i ng) Exampl es ofcour ses of f er ed atcol l ege l ev elt hat r equi r ephy si csknowl edge ( a)Di pl omai nci v i l engi neer i ng ( b)Di pl omai ncomput ersci ence ( c)Di pl omai nwat ert echnol ogy ( d)Di pl omai nl abor at or yt echnol ogy TheLabor at or y Poi soni ng I nhal i ng poi sonous f umes A l abor at or yi s a speci alr oom desi gned and equi ppedconduct i ngexper i ment sandpr act i cal . Maj orsy st emsoft heLabor at or y i . Gaspi pi ngsy st em i i . El ect r i cal ener gysuppl ysy st em i i i . Wat ersy st em Basi cLabor at or yRul es Forsaf et ypur poses,t hef ol l owi ngl abor at or yr ul es must be f ol l owed and obser v ed whi l ei nt he l abor at or y : 1. Locat i ons of el ect r i cal swi t ches, f i r ef i ght i ng equi pment , f i r stai dki t , gassuppl yandwat ersuppl y sy st emsmustbenot ed. 5 I n case of a bur n caused Spl ashes of byanaci dora concent r at ed base, qui ckl y aci dsandbases r uncol dwat er ov er t he af f ect ed par t as y ou seek f or f ur t her t r eat ment Acci dent al swal l owi ng poi sonous chemi cal s Ey e damage Bi t sofsol i ds Danger ous chemi cal s Seeki ng i mmedi at e assi st ance of I n case of i r r i t at i ng chemi cal s wash y our ey eswi t hal ot ofcl eanwat er . El ect r i cal Touchi ng Put of f t he shock exposed ( naked) mai n swi t ch wi r es f i r st bef or e t r eat i ng t he Usi ng f aul t y shock el ect r i cal appl i ances Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 2. Wi ndows and door s shoul d be keptopen whi l e wor ki ngi nt hel abor at or y . 3. Anyi nst r uct i onsgi v enmustbef ol l owedcar ef ul l y . NEVERat t emptany t hi ngwhi l ei ndoubt . 4. Ther eshoul dnoeat i ng,dr i nki ngorchewi ngi nt he l abor at or y . 5. Ensur et hatal lel ect r i calswi t ches,gasandwat er t apsar et ur nedof fwhennoti nuse. 6. Whenhandl i ngel ect r i calappar at us,handsmustbe dr y . 7. Nev er pl ug i nf or ei gn mat er i al si nt o el ect r i cal socket s. 8. Shi r t sandbl ousesmustbet uckedi nandl onghai r t i edup. Rev i si onExer ci se 1) Name3br anchesofsci encesubj ecti nsecondar y school s 2) Expl ai nt hest epsi nvol vedi nsci ent i f i cappr oach. 3) Nameandbr i ef l yexpl ai nt hebr anchesofphy si cs 4) Gi vei nst anceswher ephy si csi nt er dependentwi t h agr i cul t ur e. 5) Gr oupt hef ol l owi ngf or m 1phy si cst opi csi nt ot he var i ousbr anchesofphy si cs. Topi c 2 For ce 3 Pr essur e 10.Al lappar at us mustbe cl eaned and r et ur ned t o cor r ectl ocat i onofst or ageaf t eruse. 5 Rect i l i near pr opagat i on of l i ghtandr ef l ect i onatpl ane sur f aces 12.Anywast eaf t eranexper i mentmustbedi sposedof i mmedi at el y . 13.Hands must be washed bef or e l eav i ng t he l abor at or y 6 of 1 Measur ementI 9. Keepf l oor sandwor ki ngsur f acesdr y .Anyspi l l age shoul dbewi pedof fi mmedi at el y . 11.Labor at or yequi pmentshoul dnotbet akenoutof l abor at or yunl essaut hor i zed. Br anch phy si cs 4 Par t i cul at enat ur eofmat t er 6 Ther malexpansi on 7 Heatt r ansf er 8 El ect r ost at i cs 9 Si mpl e cel l s and el ect r i c ci r cui t s Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com MEASUREMENTI Chapt erTwo I nt r oduct i on 3. Compl et et het abl ebel ow Measur ementr ef er st ot hepr ocessoff i ndi ngt hesi ze ofaphy si cal quant i t y . Basi cquant i t y SI uni t Sy mbolofuni t Der i v ed quant i t y Sci ent i st sal lov ert hewor l dhav eonei nt er nat i onal Lengt h sy st em ofuni t si . e.sy st emei nt er nat i onal edeuni t es ( SIuni t s)f orphy si cal quant i t i es. Mass El ect r i ccur r ent Reasonsf orEst abl i shi ngSIUni t s 1. Tohav ei nt er nat i onaluni f or mi t yamongsci ent i st s. 2. Toav oi dconf usi onamongsci ent i st s. Lumi nousi nt ensi t y Amount subst ance of 4. Whyi si tnecessar yt oest abl i shSIuni t s? Ty pesofPhy si cal Quant i t i es i . Ther mody nami c t emper at ur e Basi c Phy si calQuant i t i es ( Fundament alPhy si cal Quant i t i es) LENGTH Thesear equant i t i est hatcannotbeobt ai nedf r om I ti st he measur e ofdi st ance bet ween t wo poi nt s. ot herphy si cal quant i t i es. Exampl esofl engt har e: Ther e ar e sev en basi cquant i t i esaccor di ng t ot he i nt er nat i onalsy st em ofuni t s( SIuni t s) .Theyar eas showni nt het abl ebel ow: Basi c quant i t y phy si cal SIuni t Sy mbol of t heSIuni t Lengt h Met er m Mass Ki l ogr am kg Ti me Second s El ect r i ccur r ent s Amper e A Ther mody nami c t emper at ur e Kel v i n K Lumi nousi nt ensi t y Candel a 7 br eadt h di amet er hei ght Dept het c. Mul t i pl esandSubmul t i pl esoft hemet r e 1ki l omet er( 1km)=1000m 1hect omet er( 1Hm)=100m 1decamet er( 1Dm)=10m 1m =10deci met r e( dm) Cd 1m =100cent i met er( cm) Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Amountofsubst ance mol e mol 1m =1000mi l l i met er( mm) 1m =1000000mi cr omet er( µm) i i . Der i v edPhy si calQuant i t i es These ar e quant i t i es obt ai ned by mul t i pl i cat i on or di v i si onofot herphy si calquant i t i ese. g.ar ea,v ol ume, wor k, densi t y , moment um et c. Exer ci se2. 2 Conv er tt hef ol l owi ngi nt oSIuni t s a) 1000km ( answer :1000000m) b) 0. 00025mm ( answer :0. 00000025m) c) 0. 01Hm ( answer :1m) d) 25mm ( answer :0. 025m) e) 25µm Exer ci se2. 1 ( answer :0. 000025m) Measur ementofLengt h 1. I dent i f yt hemi st ake( s)i nt hef ol l owi ngSIuni t sandhence Ther ear et womet hodst hatcanbeusedi nmeasur ementof wr i t et hem cor r ect l y . ( a) Amper es( a) ( b)Candel a( cand) ( c) Met r es( M) ( d)Kal v i n ( e) Seconds ( f ) Ki l ogr ams ( g)Pascal s ( h) newt ons 2. Ther e ar et wo t y pes ofphy si calquant i t i es:basi c and der i v edquant i t i es, st at et hedi f f er encebet weent het wo. 8 l engt h: 1. Measur ementbyest i mat i on. 2. Accur at e measur ementusi ng a sui t abl e measur i ng i nst r ument . Exampl esofi nst r ument susedi nmeasur i ngl engt h I . Met err ul eandhal f met err ul e. I I . Tape measur e used t o measur er el at i v el yl ong l engt hse. g.l engt hofasoccerf i el d. I I I . Ver ni ercal i per s–usedt omeasur eshor tl engt hse. g. t hi cknessofat ext bookordi amet erofasmeasur i ng cy l i nder . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com I V. 9 Mi cr omet erscr ew gauge – used t o measur ev er y shor tl engt hse. g.di amet erofawi r e. Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Fact or sConsi der ed When Choosi ng an I nst r umentf or Measur i ngLengt hs 1. Si zeoft heobj ectt obemeasur ed. 2. Lev el ofaccur acyr equi r ed. TheMet err ul e Met er r ul es and a hal f – met er r ul es ar e gr aduat ed ( cal i br at ed)i ncent i met erandmi l l i met er 8cm,R3=25. 5cm,R4=30. 0cm,R5=3. 4 Thesmal l estdi v i si ononamet err ul escal ei s1mm R1 =77.9cm,R2=82. cm, R6=7. 0cm ( 0. 1cm or0. 001m) .Thi si st heaccur acyoft hemet er r ul e. Not e: Exer ci se I . Accur acyofameasur i ngi nst r umenti st hesmal l est Expr esst heabov er eadi ngsi n: v al ue t hatcan be accur at el y obt ai ned usi ng t he I . Mm i nst r ument . I I . The measur ement t aken usi ng a measur i ng i nst r umentmustbe expr essed t ot he numberof deci malpl acesoft heaccur acyoft hati nst r ument . ecaut i onWhenUsi ngaMet erRul e Forexampl e,anymeasur ementt akenusi ngamet er Pr r ul e shoul d be expr essed i n whol e numberi fi n Car eshoul dbet akent oav oi ddamaget ot heendsof mi l l i met er , t o1deci malpl acei fi ncent i met er sandt o met err ul es.Thi si sbecausemostoft hem donothav e 3deci malpl acesi fi nmet er s. ashor tal l owanceatt heendst ocat erf ort ear . I I . M Pr ocedur eFol l owedWhenUsi ngaMet erRul e 1. Pl acet hemet err ul ei ncont actwi t ht heobj ectwhose TapeMeasur e l engt hi st obemeasur ed. Ty pesofTapeMeasur e 2. Pl acet heendoft heobj ectagai nstt hezer ocm mar k oft hescal e. i . Tai l or ’ st apemeasur e 3. Posi t i ony ourey eper pendi cul ar l yabov et hescal e. i i . Car pent er ’ st apemeasur e i i i . Sur v ey or ’ st apemeasur eet c. Not e:Thechoi ceoft apemeasur edependsont henat ur e 10 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com andl engt hofdi st ancet obemeasur ed. Pr ecaut i onWhenUsi ngTapeMeasur e Ensur ei ti st aut( v er yst r ai ght )dur i nguse. Measur i ngCur v edLengt hs Sour cesofEr r orWhenUsi ngaMet erRul e Whenusi ngamet err ul e, aner r ormayar i sewhen: Tomeasur ecur v edl engt hssuchasr ai l sandr oadson maps,at hr eadi spl acedal ongt her equi r edl engt h.The l engt hi st hen f ound by pl aci ng t he t hr ead on a mi l l i met erscal e. Forcur v edsur f acesl i keacy l i nder ,at hr eadi scl osel y wr appedar oundt hesur f aceanumberoft i mes. I . t her ul ei snoti ncont actwi t ht heobj ect , I I . t heendoft heobj ecti snotal i gnedt ot hezer omar k oft hemet err ul escal e, I I I . i ment2. 1 t heposi t i onoft heey ei snotper pendi cul art ot he Exper scal e. Ai m/Obj ect i v e To measur et he ci r cumf er ence ofa measur i ng cy l i nder u s i n ga t h r e a d NB:Theer r ort hatoccur swhent heposi t i onoft heey e i snotper pendi cul art ot hescal ei scal l ed par al l ax Appar at us er r or . i . 10ml measur i ngcy l i nder i i . Thr ead i i i . Met err ul e Pr ocedur e 1. Cl osel ywr apat hi nt hr eadt ent i mesar oundt hecy l i nder asshownbel ow. Exampl e Whatar et her eadi ngsi ndi cat edbyar r owsR1,R2,R3,R4,R5 11 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com andR6bel ow. 2. Mar kwi t hi nkt hebegi nni ngandendoft het ur ns. 3. Remov et het hr ead. 4. Measur et hel engt hbet weent hei nkmar ksandcal l i tR1. 5. Repeatt wot i mes,r ecor di ngr eadi ngsasR2 andR3 so Resul t sandCal cul at i ons ast oensur eaccur acyofy ourmeasur ement s. Hei ghtoft het r eei sest i mat edusi ngt heexpr essi on: R1 +R2+R3 6. Fi ndt heav er agel engt has . hei ghtoft het r ee, htree l engt hofshadowoft r ee, Ltree 3 = hei gt hofr od, hrod l engt hofshadowofr od, Lrod Resul t sandCal cul at i ons R +R+R Av er agel engt hof10t ur ns, R= 1 2 3 3 R Ci r cumf er enceoft hecy l i nder= 10 Di amet eroft hecy l i nder( D)i sobt ai nedas: ci r cumf er ence D= π Exer ci se 12 Exampl e I nanexper i mentt oest i mat et hehei ghtofat r eei nNy abur ur u Gi r l s’Secondar ySchoolcompound,Gr acer ecor dedt hef ol l owi ng dat a. I . Lengt hofshadowoft het r ee=1000cm I I . Lengt hofshadowoft her od=200cm I I I . Hei ghtoft her od=100cm I V. Det er mi net hehei ghtoft het r ee Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Theor et i cal Sol ut i on 1. Al engt h550cm ofat hi nt hr eadwr apsar oundacy l i nder exact l y25 t i mes.Cal cul at et he ci r cumf er ence and t he 22 r adi usoft hecy l i nder .( Takeπ= ) . 7 hei gt hoft het r ee, x l engt hofshadowoft r ee = hei gt hoft her od l engt hofshadowofr od x 1000 = 100 200 2. Phi l i pf oundt hatt heper i met erofhi sf ar mi ngpl otwas appr oxi mat el y500st r i des.Hi sst r i dewas1. 1m l ong.What wast heper i met eroft hepl ot ? Exper i ment al x=5. 0m AREA Ar ear ef er st ot hemeasur eofsur f ace. 1. Est i mat et hewi dt hofy ourdeskbycount i ng howmanyof y ourpal ml engt hsar et her e ( TheSIuni tofar eai st hesquar emet er . m2) 2. Descr i beamet hody oucanuset oest i mat et het hi ckness wi dt hofonesheetofpaperofy ourbook. 3. Descr i be a met hod t hatcan be used t o est i mat et he t hi cknessofar azorbl ade. Est i mat i onofLengt h Exper i ment2. 2 Mul t i pl esandsubmul t i pl esoft hesquar emet r e I . 1m2=1000000mm2 I I . 1m2=10000cm2 I I I . 1km2 =1000000m2 a) Ai m/ obj ect i v e:Toest i mat et hehei ghtofat r ee Appar at us Exer ci se 1. Expr esst hef ol l owi ngi nsquar ecent i met er Ar odofl engt h2met er s a) 0. 00027km2 Amet err ul e. b) 4. 5m2 Pr ocedur e 1. Hol dt her odupr i ghtandmeasur ei t sl engt h. 2. Measur et hel engt hofi t sshadow. 3. Measur et hel engt hoft heshadow ofat r eei nt he school compound. Measur ementofAr ea 13 2. Expr esst hef ol l owi ngi nSIuni t s b) 9000cm2 c) 0. 009cm2 d) 25km2 Exampl e Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Ar eaofRegul ar l y–ShapedObj ect s Est i mat et hear eaoft hei r r egul arsur f aceshowni nt he f i gur ebel ow bycount i ngt hesmal lsquar es.Thear eaof Ar ea ofi r r egul ar shaped obj ect si s obt ai ned usi ng onecompl et esquar ei s1cm2. appr opr i at ef or mul ae. A. Rect angl e Sol ut i on Ar ea=l engt h×wi dt h o Ar ea= (numberofcompletesquares+12×numberofincompletesquares) ar eaofonesquar e B. Ci r cl e ( ) 1 o Ar ea= 4+ ×22 ×1cm2 2 o Ar ea=15cm2 2 Ar ea=πr ,wher er=r adi us Exer ci se 1) Tr acet heout l i neofy ourpal m onagr aphpaperandest i mat e t hear eaoft heshapeobt ai ned. C. Tr i angl e 2) Det er mi net hear eaoft het opofy ourdesk. 3) The di amet eroft he bor e ofa capi l l ar yt ube i s 2. 0mm. Cal cul at et he cr osssect i on ar ea oft he bor ei n cm2( t ake π=3. 142) 4) Asheetofpapermeasur es25cm by15cm.Cal cul at ei t sar ea i nmm2 14 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 1 Ar ea= ( base×per pendi cul arhei ght 2 D. Tr apezi um Vol ume Vol umer ef er st ot heamountofspaceoccupi ed by mat t er . I ti sader i v edquant i t yofl engt h. TheSIuni tofv ol umei st hecubi cmet er( m3) Mul t i pl esandSub-Mul t i pl esoft heCubi cMet r e 1 sum ofpar al l el si des) Ar ea= ( ×hei ght 2 Ar eaofI r r egul ar l y ShapedSur f aces ( a) 1m3 =1000000cm3 ( b) 1m3=1000000000mm3 ( c) 1km3=1000000000m3 ( d)1m3=1000l i t er s Ar eaofi r r egul ar l yshapedsur f acecanbeest i mat ed ( e) 1l i t er=1000ml bysubdi v i di ngt hesur f acei nt osmal lequalsquar es ( f ) 1l=1dm3 andt hear eaobt ai nedas: Exer ci se Ar ea = Conv er teachoft hef ol l owi ngv ol umest oSIuni t 1 numberofcompl et esquar es+ ×numberofi ncompl et esquar es 2 I . 1500000000cm3 ar eaofonesquar e ( ) I I . 20. 0l i t er s I I I . 1. 0ml I V. 9000000000mm3 V. 1000000l Vol umeofRegul ar–ShapedSol i ds Vol umeofr egul ar l y–shapedsol i dsi sobt ai nedby appl y i nganappr opr i at ef or mul a. 1. Cuboi d 15 Exampl es Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Vol ume=cr osssect i onar eaxhei ght Vol ume=l engt h×br eadt h×hei ght 1) Ar i m off ool scapscont ai ns500paper sandhasamassof 2kg.Thesi zei s300mm by200mm by50mm.f i nd: I . Thet hi cknessofonesheetofpaper . 200mm =0. 4mm 500paper s =0. 0004m I I . 2. Tr i angul arpr i sm Themassofonesheetofpaper . o 500paper s=2kg 2kg massof1paper= 500 o =0. 004kg I I I . Thev ol umeoft her i m. o v ol ume=L×W×h o 300mm x200mm x50mm Vol ume=cr osssect i onar eaxl engt h =3000000mm3 1 Vol ume= base×hei ght ×l engt h 2 =0. 003m3 I V. Thev ol umeofonesheetofpaper Vol umeof500paper s=0. 003m3 3. cy l i nder o 0. 003m3 v ol umeof1paper= 500 =0. 000006m3 2) Abl ockofgl assi s50cm l ong,4. 0cm t hi ckand2. 5cm hi gh. Cal cul at ei t sv ol ume v ol umeoft hegl assbl ock=l engt h×br eadt h×hei ght Vol ume=cr osssect i onar eaxhei ght =5. 0cm×4. 0cm×2. 5cm =50cm2 2 Vol ume=πr h =0. 000050m3 4. Spher ee. g.f ootbal l 3) Fi ndt hev ol umeoft hecy l i ndr i calt i nofr adi us7. 0cm and hei ght3. 0cm. 2 v ol umeoft i n= πr 22 = ×7cm×7cm×3cm 7 16 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com =462. 0cm3 =0. 0004620m3 4) Fi ndt hev ol umeofat r i angul arpr i sm i fbase=6. 0cm,hei ght =5. 0cm andl engt h=12. 0cm v ol ume=ar eaofcr osssect i on×l engt h 4 3 v ol ume= πr 3 ( ) 1 = ×6. 0cm×5. 0cm ×12. 0cm 2 =180. 0cm3 =0. 0001800m3 5) Fi ndt hev ol umeofaspher ewhoser adi usi s3. 0cm 5. Cone 4 3 v ol umeofspher e= πr 3 4 22 = × ×3. 0cm×3. 0cm×3. 0cm 3 7 =113. 14cm3 1 2 v ol ume= πr h 3 =0. 00011314m3 6) Aspher eofdi amet er6. 0mm i smol dedi nt oauni f or m wi r eof di amet er 0. 2mm. Cal cul at e t he l engt h of t he wi r e. 22 ( t akeπ= ) 7 v ol umeofspher e=v ol umeofwi r e 4 3 2 πR =πr l 3 4 22 22 × ×3. 0mm×3. 0mm×3. 0mm = ×0. 1mm×0. 1mm×l 3 7 7 36mm3=0. 01mm2l 36mm3 l= =3600mm =3. 600ml 0. 01mm2 17 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Measur ementofVol umeofLi qui ds i . Sol ut i on Vol umeof1dr op=0. 12cm3 Usi ngaCont ai nerwi t hUni f or m Cr oss-Sect i onAr ea. v ol umeof100dr ops=1000×0. 12cm3 Thel i qui di spour edi nt ot hecont ai nerandt hehei ght oft hel i qui di nt hecont ai neri smeasur ed.Thev ol ume oft hel i qui di scal cul at edusi ngt heexpr essi on: =12cm3 i ni t i al l ev el=24cm3 cm3 24+12) f i nal l ev el=( Vol umeofl i qui d=cr osssect i onar eaofcont ai ner ×hei ghtofl i qui d =36cm3 Not e: When usi ng a measur i ng v esselt he r eadi ng oft he v ol umei st akenwi t ht heey eposi t i onedi nl ev elwi t ht he bot t om of t he meni scus ( f or l i qui ds whi ch cur v e upwar ds)asi n( a)ort opoft hemeni scus( f orl i qui ds whi chcur v edownwar ds)asi n( b)bel ow. Measur i ngVol umeofI r r egul ar -ShapedSol i ds i i . Usi ngasui t abl ev ol umemeasur i ngappar at us Themet hodusedi nt hi scasei scal l eddi spl acement met hod si ncet hesol i d di spl acessomel i qui d when Thef ol l owi ngappar at usar eusedt omeasur ev ol ume i mmer sed. accur at el yofl i qui dsi nl abor at or y : a) Pi pet t e b) Bur et t e c) Vol umet r i cf l ask d) Sy r i nge Condi t i onsunderwhi chdi spl acementmet hodwor ks: Fordi spl acementmet hodt owor kbest ,t hesol i dwhose v ol umei st obedet er mi nedshoul d: ( a)notbesol ubl ei nt hel i qui dbei ngused, ( b)notr eactwi t ht hel i qui d, Pi pet t eandv ol umet r i cf l askmeasur ef i xedv ol umesof ( c)si nki nt hel i qui dand, l i qui ds. Thef ol l owi ngappar at usar eusedt o appr oxi mat el y measur ev ol umeofl i qui dsi nl abor at or y : ( d)notabsor bt hel i qui d. a) Measur i ngcy l i nder s Exper i ment s b) Gr aduat edbeaker s Ai m:Tomeasur ev ol umeofi r r egul ar l y–shapedsol i d c) Coni cal f l asks Requi r ement s:st one,t hr ead,measur i ng cy l i nder ,wat er , Eur ekacan( al socal l eddi spl acementorov er f l ow can) , f l oat erandasi nker . TheBur et t e 18 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Met hod1:Usi ngmeasur i ngcy l i nder Pr ocedur e Thescal eoft hebur et t ei smar kedsucht hatzer ocm3 mar ki satt het opandt hemaxi mum v al uemar katt he bot t om. 1. Par t l yf i l lt hemeasur i ngcy l i nderwi t hwat erandnott he v ol umeV1oft hewat er 2. Ti et hest onewi t hat hr eadandl oweri tgent l yi nt he cy l i nderunt i l i ti sf ul l ysubmer ged 3. Not et henewv ol umeofwat erV2 Resul t sandcal cul at i ons Thev ol umeoft hest onecanbecal cul at edas: v ol ume= V2V1 Exampl e Wat erl ev eli nabur et t ei s24cm3.I f100dr opsofwat erf al lf r om t hebur et t eandt heav er agev ol umeofonedr opi s0. 12cm3. Whati st hef i nal wat erl ev el i nt hebur et t e? Met hod2:Usi ngEur ekacan 19 Exampl e Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Pr ocedur e 1. Fi l l Eur ekacanwi t hwat erunt i l i tov er f l ows 1) Det er mi net hev ol umeofwat eri nt hecy l i ndershownbel ow. 2. Wai tf ort hewat ert ost opcomi ngoutoft hespout 3. Pl aceameasur i ngcy l i nderundert hespout 4. Ti et hest onewi t hat hr eadandl oweri tgent l yi nt o wat erunt i l i ti sf ul l ysubmer ged 5. Col l ectt hewat ercomi ngoutoft hespoutusi nga measur i ngcy l i nder . Sol ut i on: Vol ume=33cm3 ( Remembert hataccur acyoft hescal eshownabov ei s1cm3) 2) I fast oneofv ol ume6cm3i si nser t edt osi nki nwat eri nt he abov ecy l i nderwhatwi l lbet henewwat erl ev el ? Resul t sandcal cul at i ons Sol ut i on Thev ol umeofwat ercol l ect edi nt hemeasur i ngcy l i nderi s t hev ol umeoft hest one. Newl ev el=i ni t i al l ev el+v ol umeofst one Newl ev el=33cm3+6cm3 =39cm3 Mass Met hod 3:Measur i ng v ol ume ofan i r r egul ar shaped Massi st hequant i t yofmat t eri nanobj ect . f l oat erusi ngEur ekacan Pr ocedur e TheSIuni tofmassi st heki l ogr am ( kg) . 1. Fi l l t heEur ekacanwi t hwat erunt i l i tov er f l ows 2. Wai tf ort hewat ert ost opcomi ngoutoft hespout Mul t i pl esandSubmul t i pl esoft heki l ogr am 1kg=1000g 3. Lowert hesi nkert i edwi t hat hr eadgent l yi nt ot he can 1t onne=1000kg 4. Measur et hev ol umeV1t hatf l owsi nt ot hemeasur i ng 1g=1000mg cy l i nder 1kg=1000000mg 5. Remov et hesi nkerandt i ei tt ot hecor kasy ouf i l l 1t onne=1000000g 20 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Eur ekacanagai nandal l owi tt oov er f l ow.Thenpl ace t hemeasur i ngcy l i nderundert hespout . 1. 6. Lowert hesi nkerandcor kt i edt oget hergent l yand measur e V2t hat ov er f l ows i nt o t he measur i ng cy l i nder . Exer ci se 2. Conv er t39. 6mgi nt okg( answer :0. 0000396kg) 3. Change50t onnesi nt og( answer :50000000g) 4. 340kgi nt ot onnes( answer :0. 340t onnes) Resul t sandcal cul at i ons 5. 20gi nt okg( answer :0. 020kg) Thev ol umeoft hest onecanbecal cul at edas:Vol ume = 6. 100gi nt okg( answer:0. 100kg) V2V1 Measur ementofMass Ther ear et hr eei nst r ument st hatcanbeusedused: I . Toppanbal ance( el ect r i cal t y pe) I I . Beam bal ance( mechani cal t y pe) I I I . Lev erbal ance( mechani cal t y pe) Adv ant agesofEl ect r i calBal ance( TopPanBal ance)Ov er t heBeam Bal ance( Mechani calTy pe) 1. El ect r i cal bal ancei saccur at e. 2. I ti seasyt ouset hanbeam bal ance. 21 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com V=L×W×h =6cm×4cm×3cm V=72cm3 m 200g cm3 ρ= ; =2. 7777g/ v 72cm3 cm3=1000kg/ m3 1g/ cm3=2. m3 2. 7777g/ 777×1000kg/ m3 =2778kg/ 1. Thedensi t yofasubst ancei s15g/ cm3.Expr esst hi si nSI uni t s Densi t y I ti s def i ned as t he mass peruni tv ol ume ofa subst ance. Densi t yi sdenot edbyaGr eekl et t err ho( ρ) mass Densi t y= v ol ume m m ρ= ; v= ;m =ρ×v v ρ m3 1g1cm3=1000kgl cm3×1000kgl m3 15g/ cm3= 15gl 3 1gcm m3 =15000kg/ 2. The f i gur e al ongsi de shows a measur i ng cy l i nderwhi ch cont ai nswat eri ni t i al l yatl ev elA.Whena sol i dofmass11g i si mmer sedi nwat ert hel ev elr ai sest oB.Det er mi net he densi t yoft hesol i d. Si ncemassi smeasur edi nkgandv ol umei nm3 t hen t heSIuni tofdensi t yi st heki l ogr am percubi cmet er ( kg/ m3orkgm-3) 1g/ cm3=1000kg/ m3 Exampl es 3 3 3. Showt hat1g/ cm =1000kg/ m 1g cm = g/ 1cm3 3 0. 001kg = 0. 000001m3 22 Vol umeofsol i d= VBVA 48cm333cm3=15cm3 m ρ= v 30g g = =2. 000 3 cm 15cm3 m3 =2000kg/ Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com m3 =1000kg/ 4. Det er mi net hedensi t yi nkg/ m3 ofasol i dwhosemassi s 40gandwhosedi mensi onsi ncm ar e30×40×3 V=L×W×h Exer ci se 1. Thedi agr am bel owshowst hechangei nv ol umeofwat eri na measur i ngcy l i nderwhenani r r egul arsol i di si mmer sedi ni t . V=30×3×4=360cm3 m ρ= v 40g =0. 11111gcm3 360cm3 m3 o 1g1cm3=1000kgl cm3×1000kgl m3 0. 1111g/ cm3= 0. 1111gl 3 1gcm m3 =111. 1kg/ 5. Awoodenbl ockofmass200gi s4. 0cm wi de3. 0cm t hi ck and6. 0cm l ong.Cal cul at et hedensi t yoft hewoodenbl ock i nkg/ m3 23 Gi v ent hatt hemassoft hesol i di s56. 7gdet er mi net hedensi t yof t hesol i di ng/ cm3( gi v eanswercor r ectt o2deci malpl aces 2. Compl et et het abl e mass v ol ume Densi t y 0. 012kg 20cm3 0. 6gl cm3 200g …. …. …cm3 800kgl m3 ………. t onnes 125m3 …. …. . gl cm3 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com m V= ρ Densi t yBot t l e I ti sasmal lgl assbot t l ef i t t edwi t hgl assst opper ( madeofgr ound gl ass)whi chhasahol et hr ough whi chexcessl i qui df l owsout . 0. 080kg = m3 1000kg/ =0. 00008m3 Pr ecaut i onsWhenUsi ngaDensi t yBot t l e i ) Vol umeoft hedensi t ybot t l e Vol umeoft hedensi t ybot t l e 1. Thebot t l eshoul dbehel dbyt heneckwhenwi pi ngi t . Thi si st o pr ev enti tf r om expandi ng due t o body war mt hwhenhel dbysi desbyusi nghands. =Vol umeofwat erf i l l i ngi t . Vol umeoft hedensi t ybot t l e=0. 000008m3 2. Theout si deoft hebot t l emustbewi peddr ycar ef ul l y . 3. Ther eshoul dbenoai rbubbl eswhent hebot t l ei s i i ) f i l l edwi t hl i qui d. i i i ) Massofsol i dDi npar tb) 968g =48g =0. 088kg i v ) Densi t yofsol i dD m ρ= v N/ BDensi t ybot t l ei susedmeasur et hedensi t yofei t her l i qui dorsol i d. 0. 088kg = 0. 00008m3 m3 =1100kg/ Exampl es 1. Themassofadensi t ybot t l ei s20. 0gwhenempt y ,70. 0g whenf ul lofwat erand55. 0gwhenf ul lofasecondl i qui dx. Cal cul at et hedensi t yoft hel i qui d( t akedensi t yofwat ert o be1g/ cm3) v ) Vol umeofwat eri nc) m V= ρ 0. 030kg = m3 1000kg/ Sol ut i on Massofempt ydensi t ybot t l e =20. 0g Massofdensi t ybot t l e+ wat =70. 0g Massofwat eri ndensi t ybot t l=50. 0g m 50. 0g Vol umeofdensi t ybot t l e= = =50cm3 ρ 1g/ cm3 Massofdensi t ybot t l e+ l i qui d =55. 0g 24 =0. 000030m3 v i ) Massofsol i dDi nd) . m =ρ×v m =1100×( 0. 0000800. 000030) m =0. 055k Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Massofl i qui df i l l i ngt hebot t l e Exer ci se =55. 020. 0=35. 0g Vol umeofl i qui d=v ol umeofdensi t ybot t l e =50cm3 ρofl i qui dx= Adensi t ybot t l ehasamassof17. 5gwhenempt y .Whenf ul lof wat eri t smassi s37. 5g.Whenf ul lofl i qui dxi t smassi s35g.I f t hedensi t yofwat eri s1000kg/ m3, f i ndt hedensi t yofl i qui dx. m v 35. 0 0. 7g = = 50 cm3 3 m =700kg/ Densi t yofMi xt ur es Ami xt ur ei sobt ai nedbyput t i ngt woormor esubst ance sucht hatt heydonotr eactwi t honeanot her . 2. I nanexper i mentt odet er mi net hedensi t yofacer t ai nsol i d Thede nsi t yoft hemi xt ur el i esbet weent hedensi t i esof D,t hef ol l owi ngr eadi ngswer eobt ai nedusi ngadensi t y i t s const i t uent subst ances and depends on t hei r bot t l e pr opor t i ons. a) Massofempt ydensi t ybot t l e=8g Tot al massoft hemi xt ur e Densi t yofmi xt ur e= Tot al v ol umeofmi xt ur e b) Massofadensi t ybot t l eandsol i dD=96g c) Massofdensi t ybot t l e+30gwat er+sol i dD=132g d) Massofdensi t ybot t l e+wat er=88g Cal cul at e v i i ) Massofwat eri ndensi t ybot t l ei npar td) . 88g8g=80g =0. 080kg v i i i ) Vol umeofwat eri nd)( t akedensi t yofwat erbe 3 1000kg/ m) . Exampl e 1. Ami xt ur econsi st sof40cm3ofwat erand60cm3ofl i qui dX.i f t hedensi t i esofwat erandl i qui dXar e1. 0g/ cm3and0. 8g/ cm3 r espect i v el y , cal cul at et hedensi t yoft hemi xt ur e. Massofwat er=ρw×Vw cm3×40cm3 =1. 0g/ =40g massofl i qui dx=ρx×Vx cm3×60cm3=48g =0. 8g/ massofwat er +massofl i qui dX Densi t yofmi xt ur e= v ol umeofwat er +v ol umeofl i qui dX 25 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 40g+48g Densi t yofmi xt ur e= 40cm3+60cm3 88g cm3 Densi t yofmi xt ur e= =0. 880g/ 100cm3 Si mpl ePendul um I ti s a dev i ce t hatcan be used t o det er mi ne t i me i nt er v al s. I tmakesosci l l at i onswhendi spl acedsl i ght l y . 2. Asol ut i oncont ai ns40cm3byv ol umeofal coholand60cm3 wat er .I ft hedensi t yoft heal coholi s0. 79g/ cm3andwat eri s Anos ci l l at i oni sacompl et et oandf r omot i on. 3 1. 0g/ cm .Cal cul at et hedensi t yoft hesol ut i on. massofwat er =ρw×Vw cm3×60cm3 =60g =1g/ massofal cohol=ρa×Va cm3×40cm3 =31. =0. 79g/ 6g Densi t yofmi xt ur e Exper i ment Ai m: To det er mi ne t i me t aken t o compl et e gi v en osci l l at i ons Appar at us:Pendul um bob,t hr ead,st opwat ch,cl amp,boss andr et or tst and. massofwat er +massofal cohol = v ol umeofwat er +v ol umeofal cohol Pr ocedur e 60g+31. 6g 91. 6g Densi t yofmi xt ur e= = 60cm3+40cm3 100cm3 i ) Sety ourappar at usasshownbel ow. i ) Sl i ght l ydi spl acet hebobanddet er mi net het i me t akent omake3osci l l at i ons i i ) Repeatt hepr ocedur ef ort hef ol l owi ngnumberof osci l l at i onsandf i l l t het abl ebel ow. =0. 916g/cm3 Ti me Ti mei st hemeasur eofdur at i on. SIuni ti st hesecond( s) . Mul t i pl esandsub-mul t i pl esofsecond 1mi nut e=60second 1hour=3600second 1day=24hour s=86400second 1second=100cent second 1second=1000mi l l i second( ms) 1second=1000000mi cr osecond( µs) No. osci l l at i ons of Ti me( s) Ti me f or 1 osci l l at i on, T ( s) 2 4 Measur ementofTi me 26 6 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Ti mei smeasur edusi ngei t hert hest opwat chora st opcl ockdependi ngonl ev el ofaccur acyr equi r ed. 8 Cal cul at i ons Ti mef or1osci l l at i oncanbecal cul at edas: Adv ant agesofSt opWat chOv erSt opCl ock 1. )St op wat ch i seasyt o handl eand r ead t han st op cl ock. Ti mef ornosci l l at i ons T= n 2. )I ti smor eaccur at et hanst opcl ock. Exampl e Expr esst het i meshownont hest opwat chscr eenbel owi nSI . Revi si onExer ci se =10×60+22 1) I dent i f yt hemi st akei nt hef ol l owi ngSIuni t sandhencewr i t e t hem cor r ect l y . ( a)Amper es( a) +34×0. 01 =600+22+0. 34=622. 343seconds ( b)Candel a( cand) ( c) Met r es( M) ( d)Kal vi n ( e) Seconds ( f ) Ki l ogr ams ( g)Pascal s ( h)newt ons 2) conver tt hef ol l owi ngi nt oder i vedSIuni t s ( a)0. 01cm ( b)100cm2 ( c) 20day s ( d)3. 625g ( e) 324t onnes ( f ) 5dm3 27 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ( g)400ml 28 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 3) Est i mat et hel engt hoft hecur veshown. 4) Def i nedensi t yandgi vei t sSIuni t s. 5) Abur et t eshowsal i qui dl evelas20cm3.Tendr opsoft he I ft hei ni t i alr eadi ngwasat0cm mar k,det er mi net hevol umeof samel i qui deachofvol ume0. 5cm3 ar eadded.Cal cul at e onedr op. t henewl i qui dl evel . 6) Anempt ydensi t ybot t l ehasamassof15g.Whenf ul lof al coholofdensi t y0. 8g/ cm3, i t smassi s47g.Cal cul at e: i ) Thevol umeoft hebot t l e. i i ) I t smasswhenf ul lofwat er . i i i )I tmasswhenf ul lofmer cur yofdensi t y13. 6g/ cm3. 14.Ami xt ur ei smadeupoft womet al sXandY.Themass oft hemi xt ur ei s30gandt hev ol umeoft hemi xt ur ei s4. 5 cm3.Det er mi net hemassofmet alXi nt hemi xt ur e.( Densi t y ofmet alXi s6000Kgm-3anddensi t yofmet alYi s7900 Kgm-3) 7) A measur i ngcy l i ndercont ai ns8cm3 ofwat er .A smal l pi eceofbr assofmass24gi sl ower edcar ef ul l yi nt oa measur i ngcy l i ndersot hati ti scar ef ul l ysubmer ged,i ft he densi t yoft hebr assi s8g/ cm3,whati st henewr eadi ngof t hel evelofwat eri nt hecy l i nderi nm3. 8) A Eur ekacanofmass60gandcr osssect i onalar eaof 60cm2 i sf i l l edwi t hwat erofdensi t y1g/ cm3.Api eceof st eelofmass20ganddensi t y8g/ cm3 i sl ower edcar ef ul l y i nt ot hecanasshown . Cal cul at e; a) Thet ot almassofwat erandt heEur ekacan bef or et hemet alwasl ower ed. b) Thevol umeofwat ert hatoverf l ower ed. c) Thef i nalmassoft heeur ekacanandi t scont ent s d) I nf i ndi ngt hedensi t yofl i qui d, whyi st hemet hod 29 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ofusi ngdensi t ybot t l emor eaccur at et hant he oneofusi ngameasur i ngcy l i nder . 9) 25cm3ofal i qui dxofdensi t y1. 2g/ cm3i smi xedwi t hl i qui d 3 3 ofvol ume30cm and0. 9g/ cm wi t houtchangei nvol ume. Cal cul at et hedensi t yoft hemi xt ur e. 10)Themassofanempt ydensi t ybot t l ei s25. 0g.I t smass whenf i l l edwi t hwat eri s50. 0gandwhenf i l l edf or mal i ni t s massi s60. 0g.Cal cul at e. a) Massofwat er b) Vol umeofwat er . c) Vol umeofbot t l e. d) Massoff or mal i n. e) Vol umeoff or mal i n. f ) Densi t yoff or mal i n. 11)Abut cherhasabeam bal anceandmasses0. 5kgand2 kg.Howwoul dhemeasur e1. 5kgofmeatont hebal ance atonce? 12)Det er mi net hedensi t yi nkg/ m3ofasol i dwhosemassi s 40gandwhosedi mensi onsi ncm ar e30x4x3 13)Fi gur ebel owshowst her eadi ngonabur et t eaf t er55dr ops ofal i qui dhavebeenused. 30 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com FORCE Chapt erThr ee Def i ni t i onofFor ce For ce r ef er st o a push ora pul lt hatr esul tf r om i nt er act i onofbodi es. c) Thef i gur ebel owshowst woobj ect sofmassm1andm2 act eduponbyaf or ceF I ti st hatwhi chchangest hest at eofmot i onofabody . TheSIuni toff or cei st henewt on( N) . I dent i f yf or ceF For ce has bot h magni t ude and di r ect i on and i s av i t at i onalf or ce r epr esent edbyast r ai ghtl i newi t hanar r ow asshown Gr bel ow. 2. Cent r i pet alFor ce Thi si saf or cewhi chmai nt ai nsabodyt omov ei na ci r cul aror bi torpat h. Thel engt hoft hel i neshowst hemagni t udeoft hef or ce I ti sdi r ect edt owar dst hecent r eoft heci r cul aror bi t/ whi l et hear r owheadshowst hedi r ect i onoft hef or ce. t r ack. Ef f ect sofFor ce i . For cecanmakest at i onar yobj ectmov e. i i . I tcani ncr easespeedofmov i ngobj ect . i i i . I tcanst opamov i ngobj ect . i v . I tcandecr easespeedofmov i ngobj ect . v . I tcanchangeshapeofanobj ect( i . e.candef or m anobj ect ) . v i . I tcanmakeanobj ectt ur naboutaf i xedpoi nt ( pi v ot ) .Thi si scal l edt ur ni ngef f ectoff or ce. v i i . I tcanchanget hedi r ect i onofamov i ngobj ect . Exer ci se Whi choft heef f ect sabov ecanbecausedby : a) Apushonl y ? b) Apul lonl y ? c) Apushorapul l ? 31 Exampl esofsi t uat i onsi nwhi chcent r i pet alf or ceact s i ncl ude: Whi r l i ngast onet i edt oast r i ng. Theear t hr ev ol v i ngar oundt hesunal ongi ti sor bi t . Cent r i f ugeusedt osepar at egheef r om mi l k. Acarmov i ngr oundaci r cul art r ackorr oad( cor ner ) . 3. Magnet i cf or ce Magnet i cf or cei st hef or ceofat t r act i onorr epul si on Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com duet oamagnet . Ty pesoff or ce I ti snoncont actf or ce. Magnet i cat t r act i onoccur sbet weenamagnetanda magnet i c mat er i alorbet ween unl i ke pol es ofa I tr ef er st ot hef or ceofat t r act i onbet weenanyt wo magnetwhi l er epul si onoccur sbet weenl i kepol esof bodi ese. g.f or ceofat t r act i onbet weent heear t hand magnet . t hemoon. 1. Gr av i t at i onalFor ce Gr av i t at i onal f or cei sanoncont actf or ce. Gr av i t at i onalFor ceoft heEar t h I ti st hef or ceofat t r act i ononbodi est owar dt hecent r e oft heear t h. Fact or saf f ect i nggr av i t at i onalf or ce 4. Upt hr ustf or ce Massesoft heobj ect s-Thel ar gert hemassest he Upt hr ust i s an upwar df or ce act i ng on obj ect s st r ongert hegr av i t at i onal f or ce. i mmer sedi nf l ui ds( l i qui dsorgases) . Di st anceofsepar at i onbet weent het woobj ect s.The hr ustcanal sobedef i nedast heappar entl ossi n l onger t he di st ance of separ at i on t he weaker Upt wei ghtofabodyi mmer sedi nal i qui dorgas. gr av i t at i onal f or ce. I . I I . Exampl es a) Whatar enoncont actf or ces? Ther ear ef or ceswhi chactev eni fobj ect sar enoti ncont act wi t honeanot her . b) Expl ai nwhyabal lt hr ownupwar dsr et ur nsbackt ot he gr ound I ti sduet oat t r act i onbyear t h’ sgr av i t at i onalf or ce 32 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Upt hr ustonabody =wei ghtofbodyi nai r wei ghtofbodyi nf l ui d Upt hr usti sacont actf or ce. f ) Smoot heni ngsur f aces. g) Usi ngbal l bear i ngs. h) Ai rcushi oni ng 6. El ect r ost at i cFor ce El ect r ost at i cf or ce i st he f or ce of at t r act i on or r epul si onbet weenel ect r i cal l ychar gedbodi es. I ti s noncont actf or ce.Ther e ar et wo t y pes of el ect r i calchar ges( posi t i v eandnegat i v e) . Exampl esofsi t uat i onsi n whi ch upt hr ustf or ceact s i ncl ude: At t r act i onoccur sbet weenunl i kechar gesi . e.posi t i v e a n d n e g a t i v e w h i l e r e p u l s i o n o c c u r s b e t w e e n l i k e Bal l oonst or i si ng char ges. Swi mmer sandboat sf l oat i ng Bodi esi mmer sed i nl i qui dswei ghi ng l esst han t hei r wei ghti nai r . Numer i calExampl e Abodywei ghs100Ni nai rand80Nwhensubmer gedi nwat er . Cal cul at et heupt hr ustact i ngoni t . upt hr ust=appar entl ossi nwei ght =100N80N=20N Exampl esofsi t uat i onsi nwhi chel ect r ost at i cf or ceact s i ncl ude: a) Apl ast i cr ul erorpenr ubbedwi t hpi eceofdr ycl ot h orhai rat t r act spi ecesofpaper . 5. Fr i ct i onalFor ce b) Awi pedgl asswi ndow r api dl yat t r act sdustduet o char gesl ef tont hem dur i ngwi pi ng. Thi si saf or ce t hatopposes mot i on bet ween t wo sur f acest hatar ei ncont act . c) Pol i shedshoesr api dl yat t r actdustduet ochar ges l ef tont hem dur i ngbr ushi ng. Fr i ct i onalf or cei nf l ui ds( l i qui d and gases)i scal l ed v i scousdr ag( v i scosi t y ) . d) Any l oncl ot hpr oducescr ackl i ngsoundandst i cks ont hebodywhenbei ngr emov edet c. Fr i ct i onalf or ce i sacont actf or ce andi tact si nt he di r ect i onopposi t et ot hatofmot i onoft hebody . 7. Act i onandReact i onFor ces Act i onandr eact i onar et woequalf or cesact i ngi n opposi t edi r ect i ons. 33 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Theyar econt actf or ces. Whenabl ockofwoodi spl acedonat abl e, i t swei ght ( act i on)act sont het abl e.Ther eact i onoft het abl e ( opposi t ef or ce)act sont hebl ock. Adv ant agesofFr i ct i onalFor ce Fr i ct i onal f or cehel psi n: a) Wr i t i ng. b) Br aki ng. c) Wal ki ng. d) Er asi ng. e) Li ght i ngamat chst i cket c 8. Nucl earFor ce Di sadv ant agesofFr i ct i onalFor ce a) Causeswearandt ear . b) Hi nder smot i on. Thi si saf or cet hatbi ndspr ot onsandneut r onsi n at omi cnucl ei . Nucl earf or cei sacont actf or ce. c) Pr oducesunwant edheat . d) Pr oducesunwant edsound. Met hodsofReduci ngFr i ct i onalFor ce i ) Oi l i ngandgr easi ng. j ) Usi ngr ol l er s. k) St r eaml i ni ngbodi es. 34 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 9. Tensi onFor ce i i i ) Br i st l es ofa br ush spr ead i n wat erbutcl i ng t oget herwhent hebr ushi sr et r i ev edoutofwat er . Thecl i ngi ngt oget herofbr i st l esi sduet osur f ace t ensi onofwat eront hesur f aceofbr i st l es. i v ) Adr opofwat erf r om abur et t eorwat ert apgr ows andst r et chesoutbef or ei tf al l sof fduet osur f ace t ensi onont hesur f aceoft hedr op. I ti saf or cewhi chact sonst r et chedbodi es. Tensi oni sasar esul toft woopposi ngf or cesappl i ed oneateachendofabody . I ti sacont actf or ce. Not e:Sur f acet ensi onact sal ongt hesur f aceofal i qui dso ast or educesur f acear ea.Thi scanbei l l ust r at edbyt he f ol l owi ngobser v at i ons: 10.Sur f aceTensi on i ) Sur f acet ensi oni sdef i nedast hef or ceperuni tl engt hi n t hepl aneofal i qui dsur f aceact i ngatr i ghtangl eson ei t hersi deofani magi nar yl i nedr awni nt hatsur f ace. Whenbubbl eofsoapi sbl ownt ot hewi deendof t hef unnelandt hel ef twi t ht heupperend,t he bubbl er ecedessl owl yunt i li tf l at t enst oaf i l m.I t t her ef or emakesi t ssur f aceassmal l aspossi bl e. Mol ecul arExpl anat i onofSur f aceTensi on Amol ecul edeepi nt hel i qui di ssur r oundedbyl i qui don al lsi dessot hatt henetf or ceoni ti szer o.Amol ecul e ont hesur f acehasf ewermol ecul esont hev apoursi de andt her ef or ewi l lexper i encear esul t anti nwar df or ce, i i ) causi ngt hesur f aceoft hel i qui dt obei nt ensi on. Exampl esofsi t uat i onsi nwhi chsur f acet ensi onf or ceact s i ncl ude: i ) 35 Ast eelr azorbl adeorneedl ef l oat swhencar ef ul l y pl aced on wat eral t hough st eeli s densert han wat er . Whenaf i l m ofasoapcont ai nedi nawi r el oopi s punct ur edorpi er cedatpoi ntXasshownbel ow, t he r emai ni ng par t of t he f i l m acqui r es a mi ni mum ar ea.The t hr ead i st her ef or e pul l ed f r om onesi demaki ngaper f ectcur v e.Thi si s becauseoff or cesofsur f acet ensi onf r om one si deonl y . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com i i ) Agl assofwat ercanbef i l l edwi t hwat erabov et he Fact or sAf f ect i ngSur f aceTensi on br i m wi t houtwat erpour i ng out .Thi si s due t o i ) I mpur i t i es sur f acet ensi onont hesur f aceofwat er . I mpur i t i esr educesur f acet ensi onofal i qui d.Soap ( det er gent )weakens t he cohesi v ef or ces bet ween sur f ace l i qui d mol ecul es and t her ef or er educi ng sur f acet ensi on. i i ) Temper at ur e Temper at ur er educessur f acet ensi onoft hel i qui d because i tweakens cohesi v ef or ce ofat t r act i on bet weenl i qui dmol ecul es. 36 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exer ci se Expl ai nt hef ol l owi ngobser v at i ons: Thel ev elofmer cur yi ncapi l l ar yt ubesi sl owert han t hatofmer cur yi nt hebasi n.Bei ng l owesti nt he nar r owt ube. a) Ast eelneedl epl acedcar ef ul l yont hesur f aceofwat erdoes I nbot hcapi l l ar yt ubesmer cur ycur v esdownwar dsat notsi nk. b) Whenasmal ldr opofdet er gent si spl acedonwat er ,t he f l oat i ngneedl emov esr api dl yawayf r om i tandsi nkswhen mor edet er genti sadded t heedge( doesnotwetgl ass) .Thi si sduet ost r onger cohesi v ef or ce bet ween mer cur y mol ecul es t han adhesi v e f or ces bet ween mer cur y and gl ass mol ecul es. c) Amat chst i ckwr appedatoneendwi t hsoapst ar t smov i ng Thedownwar dcur v ei scal l edconv exmeni scus i mmedi at el yi nonedi r ect i onwhenpl acedont hesur f aceof wat er . 37 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 11.Adhesi on( adhesi v ef or ce) Wat eronCl eanandWaxedgl asssur f aces Adhesi on r ef er st ot he f or ce ofat t r act i on bet ween mol ecul es ofdi f f er entki nd e. g.f or ce ofat t r act i on bet weenwat erandgl assmol ecul es. Exampl esofsi t uat i onsi nwhi chadhesi v ef or ceact si ncl ude: 1) Li qui dwet t i nggl ass. 2) Pai ntst i cki ngonwal l . 3) I nkst i cki ngonpaper . 4) Chal kmar kst i cki ngont heboar d. 12.Cohesi on( Cohesi v eFor ce) Whenwat eri sdr oppedonacl eanpi eceofgl ass,i t spr eadsbecauseadhesi v ef or cesbet weengl assand wat ermol ecul esar est r ongert hancohesi v ef or ces bet weenwat ermol ecul es. Whenwat eri sdr oppedonwaxedgl asssur f ace,i t r ol l si nt o smal ldr opl et s.Thi si s because waxi ng r educes adhesi v ef or ce bet ween wat erand gl ass mol ecul es.Cohesi v ef or ce becomes gr eat ert han adhesi v ef or ce. Cohesi on r ef er st ot he f or ce ofat t r act i on bet ween mol ecul esofsameki nde. g.f or ceofat t r act i onbet ween MassandWei ght wat ermol ecul es. Massi sdef i nedast hequant i t yofmat t eri nabody . SomeEf f ect sofAdhesi v eandCohesi v eFor ces Wei ghti st hegr av i t at i onalpul lonabody .I ti saf or ce a) Capi l l ar yTubesDi ppedi nWat er andt her ef or ei t sSIuni ti sNewt on( N) . Thedi r ect i onofact i onofwei ghtonear t hi st owar ds t hecent r eoft heear t h Rel at i onshi pbet weenMassandWei ght Massandwei ghtar er el at edasf ol l ows: wei ght I nbot hcapi l l ar yt ubeswat ercur v esupwar dsatt he edge( wet sgl ass) . Ther i seofwat erupt het ubei sdue t oadhesi v ef or cesbet weengl assandwat ermol ecul es bei ng st r onger t han cohesi v e f or ce of at t r act i on bet weenwat ermol ecul es. Theupwar dcur v ei scal l edconcav emeni scus. b) Capi l l ar yTubesDi ppedi nMer cur y =mass×accel er at i onduet ogr av i t y ( Gr av i t at i onalf i el dst r engt h) W =Mg Def i ni t i onofaccel er at i onduet ogr av i t y( g) I ti sdef i nedast hegr av i t at i onalf or ceact i ngonauni t massatapl ace. TheSIuni tofg ( gr av i t at i onalf i el dst r engt h)i st he newt onperki l ogr am ( N/ kg) 38 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Not e:Agr aphofwei ghtv er susmassi sast r ai ghtl i ne t hr ought heor i gi nandt hesl opeoft hegr aphgi v es accel er at i onduet ogr av i t y , gi . e. 39 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com a) Ti me Di f f er encesbet weenMassandWei ght b) Temper at ur e Mass Thequant i t yofmat t er i nanobj ectbody TheSIuni tkg ( ki l ogr am) Const antev er y wher e Ascal arquant i t y Measur ed usi ng beam bal ance c) Ener gy wei ght Gr av i t at i onal pul l onan obj ect SIuni ti st henewt on d) Speed e) Ar ea Var i esf r om pl acet opl ace Av ect orquant i t y f ) Vol ume g) Lengt h a Measur edusi ngaspr i ng bal ance h) Mass i ) Di st ance. Exampl es 1) 1. St at ear easonast owhywei ghtofabodyv ar i esf r om pl acet o 2 ) Vect orQuant i t y pl aceont heear t h’ ssur f ace. A v ect orquant i t yi s one wi t h bot h magni t ude and di r ect i one. g. Gr av i t at i onalf i el dst r engt hv ar i esf r om onepl acet oanot heront he ear t h’ ssur f acebei ngst r ongatt hepol esandweakatt heequat or . i ) Wei ght i i ) For ce 2. Anobj ectwei ghs1000Nonear t h’ ssur f ace( g=10N/ kg) i i i ) Vel oci t y a) Cal cul at ei t smass. i v ) Moment um w=mg N 1000N=m×10 kg 1000N m= =100kg 10N/ kg b) I ft hesameobj ectwei ghs160Nont hemoonsur f ace, f i ndt he gr av i t at i onalf i el dst r engt hoft hemoon. W =mg 160=100×g 160 g= =1. 60N/ kg 100 40 v ) Accel er at i on v i ) Di spl acement I ft he wei ghtofa cari s 8000 N,8000 gi v es magni t ude oft he wei ght ,N i st he SIuni tand di r ect i oni st owar dst hecent r eoft heear t h. Resul t antv ect or Thi si st hesum oft woormor ev ect or st aki ngi nt o accountt hedi r ect i onoft hev ect or s. Exampl e Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 3. A massof7. 5kghasawei ghtof30N onacer t ai npl anet . Cal cul at et heaccel er at i onduet ogr av i t yont hi spl anet . Fi ndt her esul t antf or ceoft hef or cesact i ngona poi ntobj ectshownbel ow. W =mg 30=7. 5×g 30 g= =4N/ kg 7. 5 4. Amanhasamassof70kg.cal cul at e: a) Hi s wei ghton ear t h wher et he gr av i t at i onalf i el d st r engt hi s10N/ kg. ( a) Sol ut i on (+4N)+ (+ 5N)= +9N W =mg 70×10=700N b) Hi s wei ghton moon wher et he gr av i t at i onalf i el d st r engt hi s1. 7N/ kg. W =mg ( b) 70×1. 7=119N Scal arandVect orQuant i t i es 1) Scal arQuant i t y Sol ut i on ( 7N)+ ( 3N)+ (+2N)+ (+4=-4N A scal arquant i t yi sonewi t hmagni t udeonl ybutno di r ect i one. g. 41 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 11)Def i net het er ms. Exampl es 1) Thef i gur ebel owshowst wogl asst ubesofdi f f er entdi amet er di ppedi nwat er . a) Mass b) Wei ght . 12)Themassofal umpofgol di sconst antever y wher e, buti t s wei ghti snot .Expl ai nt hi s. 13) Amanhasamassof70kg.Cal cul at e: a) Hi s wei ghton ear t h,wher et he gr avi t at i onalf i el d st r engt hi s10N/ kg. Expl ai nwhyh2i sgr eat ert hanh1 i ) i i ) Adhesi v ef or cei nnar r owt ubei sgr eat ert hanadhesi v e f or cei nwi dert ube. b) Hi swei ghtont hemoon,wher et hegr avi t at i onalf i el d st r engt hi s1. 7N/ kg. 14)Amassof7. 5kghaswei ghtof30N onacer t ai npl anet . C a l c u l a t e t h e a c c e l e r a t i o nd u e t og r a v i t y o nt h i s p l a n e t . Vol umeofwat eri nbot ht ubesi st hesamehencet he col umnofwat eri nnar r owt ubeh2i sgr eat er . 15)Def i net hef ol l owi ngt er ms, gi vi ngexampl es. 2) Namet wof or cest hatdet er mi net heshapeofl i qui ddr opon t hesol i dsur f ace Cohesi v eandadhesi v ef or ces 3) Gi v ear easonwhywei ghtoft hebodyv ar i esf r om pl acet o pl ace. a) Vect orquant i t y b) Scal arquant i t y 16) ( a)Def i near esul t antvect or . ( a) Thegr av i t at i onalf i el dst r engt hv ar i esf r om pl acet opl ace. 4) A met albi nwasobser v edt of l oatont hesur f aceofpur e wat er .Howev ert he pi n sankwhen a f ew dr ops ofsoap sol ut i onwer eaddedt ot hewat er .Expl ai nt hi sobser v at i on. Fi ndt her esul t antofaf or ceof4Nandaf or ceof 8Nact i ngatt hesamepoi ntonanobj ecti f : i ) The f or ce acti nt he same di r ect i on i nt he same st r ai ghtl i ne. i i ) Thef or ceacti nt heopposi t edi r ect i onsbuti nt he samest r ai ghtl i ne. Soapsol ut i oni sani mpur i t y .Whenaddedt owat er , i tl ower st he sur f acet ensi on( bydi ssol v i ng)ofwat ermaki ngt heneedl et osi nk. 17)Show di agr ammat i cal l yhow f or cesof7N and9N canbe combi nedt ogi vear esul t antt ogi vear esul t antf or ceof : Rev i si onExer ci se ( a)16N ( b)2N 1) Byconsi der i ng act i onr eact i on f or ces,i dent i f ywhywat er r i sesupat hi ncapi l l ar yt ube. 2) Gi vet woexampl esofcont actf or ceandnoncont actf or ce. 3) Sket chhowavect orquant i t yi sr epr esent edonadi agr am. 4) Def i nef or ceandgi veSIuni t . 5) Nameal lt hef or cesact i ngont hef ol l owi ngbodi es: ( a) Aboxpl acedonat abl e ( b) Amasssuspendedf r om aspr i ngbal ance. 42 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ( c) Amovi ngcarnegot i at i ngabend. 6) Def i necohesi vef or ceandadhesi vef or ce. 7) Expl ai nwhyamanusi ngapar achut ef al l st hr oughai rsl owl y whi l east onef al lt hr oughai rver yf ast . 8) Aspr i ngst r et chesby6cm whensuppor t i ngal oadof15N. ( b) Byhow muchwoul di tst r et chwhensuppor t i nga l oadof5kg? ( c) Whatl oadwoul dmaket hespr i ngext endby25mm? 9) Expl ai n each of t he f ol l owi ng,usi ng t he behavi our of mol ecul eswher epossi bl e: ( a) Ast eelneedl epl acedcar ef ul l yont hesur f aceofwat er doesnotsi nk. ( b) Whenasmal ldr opofdet er genti spl acedonwat er ,t he needl emovesr api dl yawayf r om i tandsi nkswhenmor e det er genti sadded.(assumet hatdet er gentdoesnot af f ectt hedensi t yofwat er ) ( c) A mat ch –st i ckr ubbed atone end wi t h soap st ar t s movi ngi mmedi at el yi nonedi r ect i onwhenpl acedont he sur f aceofwat er . 10)Def i nesur f acet ensi on. a) How doest emper at ur er i seand i mpur i t i esaf f ectt he sur f acet ensi onofwat er ? b) Howwoul dt hesur f acet ensi onofwat erbei ncr eased? Chapt erFour 43 PRESSURE Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Def i ni t i onofPr essur e Pr essur er ef er st of or ceact i ngper pendi cul ar l yperuni t ar ea. Wei ght a)Mi ni mum Pr essur e= Maxi mum Ar ea 48×10 = 4×3 Si ncef or cei smeasur edi nnewt onsandar eai nsquar e met er ,t hent heSIuni tofpr essur ei st henewt onper squar emet er( N/ m2)ort hepascal( Pa) .1newt onper squar emet er( N/ m2)=1pascal( Pa) For ce Pr essur e= Ar ea F=P×A F P= A F A= P 480 m2 = =40N/ 12 Wei ght 480 b)Maxi mum Pr essur e= = Mi ni mum ar ea 2×3 m2 =80N/ 5. Anobj ectwhosear eaofcont actwi t ht hef l oori s5m2exer t sa pr essur eof900pascal .Cal cul at ei t smass F( Wei ght )=P×A Pr essur ei nSol i ds m2×5m2 Wei ght=900N/ For ceexer t edbyasol i dr est i ngonasur f acei sequalt ot he wei ghtt heobj ect . Pr essur e= For ce( wei ghtofsol i d) Ar eaofcont act w m= g 4500N = =450kg. 10N/ kg 6. Tr ackswhi chcar r yheav yl oadshav emanywheel s.Expl ai n. Maxi mum Pr essur e= Mi ni mum Pr essur e= wei ghtofsol i d Mi ni mum Ar ea wei ghtofsol i d Maxi mum Ar ea Manywheel si ncr easet hear eaofcont actwi t ht hegr ound t her ebyr educi ngpr essur eexer t edont her oad.Thi spr ev ent s damageoft her oadsbyt r acks. 7. Abl ockofcopperofdensi t y9g/ cm3 measur es5cm by3cm by2cm.Gi v ent hatgi s10N/ kg, det er mi ne: Fact or sAf f ect i ngPr essur ei nSol i ds 1. Wei ghtoft hesol i d( f or ce) I ft he ar ea ofcont actbet ween sol i d and sur f ace i s const ant , pr essur ei ncr easeswi t hwei ght . 2. Ar eaofcont actoft hesol i dwi t hsur f ace. Thesmal l ert hear ea,t hehi ghert hepr essur ei fsame f or cei sappl i ed.Ther ef or epr essur ecanber educedby i ncr easi ngt hear eaofcont act . Exampl es 44 a) Themaxi mum pr essur e Wei ght Maxi mum pr essur e= Mi ni mum ar ea ρVg Maxi mum pr essur e= Mi ni mum ar ea kg 30×10-6m3) 9000 3×( ×10N/ kg m = 2 6×10-4m m2 =4500N/ Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com b) Themi ni mum pr essur et hati tcanexer tonahor i zont al sur f ace. 1. Abl ockofasoapst oneofdi mensi on4m by2m by3m i s48kg andi smadet or estonasmoot hhor i zont alsur f ace 2. Cal cul at et hemi ni mum pr essur ei texer t sont hesur f ace. Wei ght , W Mi ni mum pr essur e= Maxi mum ar ea 2. 7N = 2 15×10-4m 3. Cal cul at et hemaxi mum pr essur ei twi l lexer tont hesur f ace 2. 7N m2 = =1800N/ 0. 0015m2 8. I ti spai nf uli fonet r i est ol i f taheav yl oadbyat hi nst r i ng. Ther ei sasmal lar eaofcont actwi t ht hef i nger swhenat hi n st r i ngi sused.Asar esul t ,mor epr essur ei sgener at edand t hi si spai nf ul . Exer ci se 2. Densi t yoft heLi qui d 1. Api ckupcar r y i ngst oneswei ghs40, 000N.Thewei ghti sev enl y Pr essur ei nl i qui dsi ncr easeswi t hdensi t yoft hel i qui d. spr eadacr osst he4t y pes.Thear eaofcont actofeacht i r ewi t h t hegr oundi s0. 05m2.Cal cul at et hepr essur eexer t edbyeach Cons i dert wo i dent i calcy l i nder sf i l l edwi t hwat er( of t i r eont hegr ound. densi t y 1000kg/ m3) and gl y cer i ne ( of densi t y 1260kg/ m3)r espect i v el y . 2. At humbi susedt opushat humbpi ni nt oapi eceofwood. Expl ai ni nt er msofpr essur ewhyt hepr essur eon wood i s Pr essur eatpoi ntBi sgr eat ert hanpr essur eatpoi ntA gr eat ert hant hepr essur eont het humb. 3. Anel ephantofmass2800kghasf eetofav er agear eaof200 cm2.Av ul t ur eofmass12kgwal ksbesi det heel ephantona muddyar ea,t heav er agear eaoft hef eetoft hev ul t ur ei s2. 0 cm2.Whi chonei sl i kel yt osi nk?Expl ai ny ouranswershowi ng anynecessar ycal cul at i ons. becausegl y cer i nei sdensert hanwat erandt her ef or e exer t smor epr essur et hanwat er . 4. Agi r lst andi ngupr i ghtexer t sapr essur eof15000N/ m2 ont he f l oor .Gi v ent hatt het ot alar eaofcont actofshoesandt hef l oor i s0. 02m2. a) Det er mi net hemassoft hegi r l . b) Det er mi net hepr essur eshewoul dexer tont hef l oori fshe st oodononef oot . 5. A bl ockofcopperofdensi t y8. 9g/ cm3 measur es10cm×6 cm×4cm.Gi v ent hatt hef or ceofgr av i t yi s10Nkg-1, det er mi ne: a) Themaxi mum pr essur e. b) Themi ni mum pr essur et hati tcanexer tonahor i zont al sur f ace. Pr essur ei nLi qui ds Fact or sAf f ect i ngPr essur ei nLi qui ds 1. Dept hoft heLi qui d 45 ToDemonst r at eVar i at i onofPr essur ewi t hDept hofLi qui ds Consi derat al lt i nwi t hhol esA,BandCequal l yspaced ononesi deal ongav er t i cal l i neasshownbel ow. Whent het i ni sf i l l edwi t hwat er , t hewat erj et soutoft he hol eswi t ht hatf r om hol eAt hr ownf ar t hestf ol l owedby t hatf r om hol eBandl ast l yf r om hol eC. Thi smeanst hatpr essur eofwat eratAi sgr eat ert han pr essur eatBandpr essur eatBi sgr eat ert hanpr essur e atC.Hence, Pr essur ei nl i qui dsi ncr easeswi t hdept h. Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Pr essur ei nl i qui dsi ncr easeswi t hdept h. Thi si st her easonast owhywal l sofadam ar et hi ckerat t hebot t om t hanatt het opasshownbel ow.Thi ckwal l s att hebot t om oft hedam wi t hst andhi ghpr essur eduet o wat eratt hebot t om. Pr essur ei ncr easi ngwi t hdept hofl i qui dexpl ai nswhya di v eratt hebot t om oft heseaexper i encesmor epr essur e duet omor ewei ghtofwat erabov ehi mt hanadi v ernear t het op/sur f aceoft hesea. To Demonst r at e Var i at i on ofPr essur e wi t h Dept h and Densi t yofLi qui ds Consi derat r anspar entgl assv esself i l l edwi t hwat er andat hi st l ef unnelconnect edt oaut ubef i l l edwi t h col or edwat ert osomel ev el di ppedi nt oi t . I ti sobser v edt hatt hedeepert hef unnelgoesbel owt he sur f aceofwat er ,t hegr eat ert hedi f f er encei nl ev el sof wat eri nt het wol i mbsoft heu-t ube,h.Thi si sduet o i ncr easei npr essur ewi t hdept h. Whengl y cer i nei susedi npl aceofwat eri ti sobser v ed Thepr essur e p,exer t edatt hebot t om ( base)oft he t hatatt he same dept ht he di f f er ence i nl ev el s,h i s cont ai nerbyt hewei ghtoft hel i qui dabov ei ti sgi v enby : gr eat ert hanwhenwat eri sused.Thi si sbecausegl y cer i n F w( wei ghtofl i qui d) i sdensert hanwat erandt her ef or ei ti spr essur eatsame P= = A A ( c r o s s s e c t i o n a r e a o f t h e cont ai ner ) dept hi shi ghert hant hatofwat er . Butw =ρAhg Wher eAh=v ol umeoft hel i qui d Ahρg ∴ P= A P=hρg.Thi si st hef l ui dpr essur ef or mul a. Fr om t hef or mul ai ti scl eart hatpr essur ei nf l ui dsdoes notdepend on cr oss-sect i on ar ea oft hecont ai ner hol di ngt hel i qui d. ToDemonst r at et hatPr essur eatEqualDept h, Act sEqual l yi n Al lDi r ect i ons Exampl es Consi derat i nwi t ht wosi mi l arhol esoni t ssi deatsame 1. ) Adi v erwor ki ngunderwat eri s15m bel owt hesur f aceoft he hei ghtasshownal ongsi de. Whent het i ni sf i l l edwi t hwat er ,i ti sobser v edt hatwat er t r av el soutoft hehol esequalhor i zont aldi st ancesf r om t hecan.Ther ef or epr essur eexer t edatequaldept hi s samei nal l di r ect i ons. 46 sea.Cal cul at et hepr essur eduet owat erexper i encedbyt he di v er( t akeg=10N/ kg)anddensi t yofseawat ert obeequalt o 1. 03g/ cm3. P=hρg Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com m3×10N/ =15m×1030kg/ kg =154500N/ m2 2. ) Thef i gur ebel owshowsal i qui di napai l . Fl ui dPr essur eFor mul a Consi deracont ai nerwi t hcr oss-sect i onar ea,A,f i l l ed wi t hal i qui dofdensi t y ,ρ,t ot hehei ght ,h,asshown al ongsi de. I ft hel i qui dhasadensi t yof0. 79g/ cm3,det er mi net hepr essur e exer t edatt hebot t om oft hepai lbyt hel i qui d. o P=hρg m3×10N/ =0. 45m×790kg/ kg m2 =3555N/ b) Suggestar easonwhypai lmanuf act ur espr ef ert heshape shownt oot hershapes To r educe t he hei ghtoft he pai lbutmai nt ai nt he capaci t y .Thi sr educes t he pr essur e exer t ed byt he l i qui datt hebot t om oft hepai l . 3. ) Cal cul at et hepr essur eexer t edby76mm col umnofmer cur y gi v ent hati t sdensi t yi s13. 6g/ cm3 o p=hρg o kg =0. 76m×13600 3×10N/ kg m o m2 =103360N/ 4. ) A col umnofgl y cer i n8. 20m hi gh,acol umnofseawat er 10. 08m hi gh,acol umnofmer cur y0. 76m hi ghandcol umnof f r eshwat er10. 34m hi ghexer tt hesamepr essur eatt he bot t om of a cont ai ner . Ar r ange t hese subst ances i n decr easi ngor deroft hei rdensi t i es. Mer cur y , gl y cer i ne, seawat er , f r eshwat er 47 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Pascal ’ sPr i nci pl e( ThePr i nci pl eofTr ansmi ssi onofPr essur e Pr essur eexer t edont hel i qui dbypi st on, Sduet of or ce, i nLi qui ds) FS,i sPS. Pascal ’ spr i nci pl est at est hatpr essur eappl i edatonepar t i nal i qui di st r ansmi t t edequal l yt oal lot herpar t soft he enl ar gedl i qui d. Demonst r at i ngPascal ’ sPr i nci pl e F PS = S AS By Pascal ’ s pr i nci pl et hi s pr essur e PS i s equalt o pr essur ePLexer t edbyl i qui donpi st on, L. Consi deral i qui dunderpr essur eduet of or ce, F, act i ngon t hepl ungerasshownbel ow. PS =PL Not e:Thehol esar eofequal di amet er . Fs FL = As AL Exampl es 48 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 1. Thef i gur ebel owshowst womassespl acedonl i ghtpi st ons. Thepi st onsar ehel dst at i onar ybyt hel i qui dwhosedensi t y 0. 8g/ cm3.Det er mi net hef or ceF. Whent hepl ungeri spushedi n,wat ersqui r t soutoft he hol es wi t h equalf or ce.Thi s shows t hat pr essur e gener at ed byt he pi st on on t he wat eri st r ansmi t t ed equal l yt oal l ot herpar t soft hel i qui d. Appl i cat i onsofPascal ’ sPr i nci pl e Pascal ’ s Pr i nci pl ei s appl i ed i nt he wor ki ng oft he hy dr aul i cmachi nes.Thesemachi nesi ncl ude: a) Hy dr aul i cpr essusedt ocompr esst ext i l epr oduct s l i kebl anket sf orpacki ng. b) Hy dr aul i cl i f tusedt ohoi stcar si ngar ages. c) Hy dr aul i cbr akesy st em usedf orbr aki ngi ncar s. Pr essur eTr ansmi ssi oni nHy dr aul i cMachi nes F F( i . e.w=mg) o hρg+ B = A AB AA o FB 60×10N kg . 8m×800 3×10N/ Kg+ 2 =1 m 0. 0008m 0. 00025m2 FB N m2+ o 750000 2 =1440N/ 0. 00025 m ( ) N N o FB = 750000 21440 2 0. 00025m2 m m =187. 14N Not et hatpr essur eatsamel ev eli nt hel i qui di st hesame asseenear l i er . eaoft hel ar gesy r i ngei nanexper i menti s18cm2 and Consi dert hehy dr aul i cmachi nebel ow consi st i ngofa 2. Thear 2 t hatoft hesmal l eronei s3. 0cm .Af or ceof2Ni sappl i edon smal lpi st on, S, andal ar gepi st on, L, ofcr oss-sect i onas t hesmal l erpi st on.Fi nd t hef or cepr oduced ont hel ar ger shownal ongsi de. pi st on. 49 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com o Fs FL = As AL Pr oper t i esoft heHy dr aul i cBr akeFl ui d FL 2N o = 0. 0003m2 0. 0018m2 2N×0. 0018m2 FL= =12N 0. 0003m2 ( a) I tshoul dnotcor r odepar t soft hesy st em ( b) I tshoul dbehi ghl yi ncompr essi bl e ( c) I tshoul dhav eal owf r eezi ngpoi ntandhi ghboi l i ng poi nt . 4. Thedi agr am bel owshowsau-t ubef i l l edt wol i qui ds, xandy .I f At mospher i cPr essur e t hedensi t yofl i qui dyi s1. 00g/ cm3,det er mi net hedensi t yof l i qui dx. Thi si st hepr essur eexer t edont heear t h’ ssur f aceby t hecol umnofai rar oundi t . ToDemonst r at eExi st enceofAt mospher i c Pr essur e( Cr ushi ngCanExper i ment ) o hxρxg=hyρyg o N kg 0. 40m×ρx×10 =0. 30m×1000 3×10N/ kg kg m o 4. 0Nm N ×ρ =3000 2 kg m x o ρx=750 Consi derat i ncont ai nerwi t hsomewat eri ni t .The cont ai neri s heat ed f orsome t i me whi l e open and cl osedaf t erwi t hdr awi ngheat i ng.Col dwat eri st hen pour edoni ti mmedi at el y . kg m3 Hy dr aul i cBr akeSy st em The hy dr aul i c br ake sy st em uses t he pr i nci pl e of t r ansmi ssi onofpr essur ei nl i qui ds( Pascal ’ spr i nci pl e)i n i t soper at i on. I ti sobser v edt hatt hecont ai nercr ushesi nwar dswhen col dwat eri spour edoni t .Thi si sbecausest eam f r om boi l i ngwat erdr i v esoutt heai ri nsi det hecont ai nerand a par t i alv acuum i s cr eat ed when t he cont ai neri s cool ed.The hi gherat mospher i c pr essur ef r om t he out si decr ushest hecont ai neri nwar ds. 50 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exampl e Aseadi v eri s18m bel owt hesur f aceofseawat er .I ft hedensi t y ofseawat eri s1. 03g/ cm3 andgi s10N/kg,det er mi net het ot al pr essur eonhi m.( Takeat mospher i cpr essur epa=103000N/ m2) . Tot al pr essur e=hρg+Pa kg N m2 =18m×1030 3×10 +103000N/ kg m m2 =288400N/ ModeofOper at i onofHy dr aul i cBr akeSy st em When asmal lf or cei sappl i ed on t he br akepedal ,i t pushest hepi st onoft hemast ercy l i nderi nwar ds.Thi s pr oducesapr essur et hati sequal l yt r ansmi t t edt ot he pi st onsi nt hesl av ecy l i nder s.Thepr essur egener at esa f or ce whi ch pushest he pi st onsoft he sl av e cy l i nder out war ds.Thepi st onst henpusht hebr akeshoesand t her ef or et he br ake l i ni ng out war ds.The br ake l i ni ng t ouchesandst opsr ot at i ngwheel dr um. The r et ur n spr i ng r et ur ns t he br ake shoes i nt ot hei r or i gi nalposi t i on af t erf or ceon br akepedalhasbeen r emov ed. Measur ementofPr essur e 1) U-TubeMonomet er I ti susedt omeasur egaspr essur e. 2) Thedi agr am bel ow show amer cur ymanomet er .Somedr y gas i s pr esenti nt he cl osed space.I ft he at mospher i c pr essur ei s105000N/ m2anddensi t yofmer cur y13600kg/ m3, det er mi nepr essur eoft hegas( t akeg=10N/ kg) . I tconsi st sofu-t ubef i l l edwi t hsui t abl el i qui dt osome l ev el . Consi derut ubemanomet erbel ow i nwhi chonel i mbi s connect edt ogassuppl y . o hρg+Pg=Pa o kg N m2 0. 25m×13600 3×10 +Pg=105000N/ kg m o m2+Pg=105000N/ m2 34000N/ o N N Pg=105000 234000 2 m m AandBar eatt hesamehor i zont all ev elandt her ef or e o pr essur eatAi sequal t opr essur eatB. 51 m2 =71000N/ Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Pr essur eatAi sduet ot hegas,pg whi l epr essur eatBi s 2) Mer cur yBar omet er duet ot hecol umnofl i qui dandat mospher i cpr essur e. I ti susedt omeasur eat mospher i cpr essur e. Pr essur eatA, PA =Pr essur eatB, PB I templ oy st hef actt hatat mospher i cpr essur esuppor t s acol umnofl i qui di nat ube. Pg=hρg+Pa Wher eρi st hedensi t yofl i qui di nt heu-t ube. Const r uct i onofMer cur yBar omet er I ti smadeofat hi ck-wal l edgl asst ubeofabout1m l ong seal edatoneend. Exampl es Thet ubei st henf i l l edcar ef ul l ywi t hmer cur yt ot het op. 1) Thehei ght ,hofawat ermanomet eri s20cm whenusedt o measur epr essur eofagas. Anybubbl esofai ri nt het ubear er emov edbycl osi ng t heopenendandi nv er t i ngt het ubesev er al l y . Thet ubei st heni nv er t edi nt oadi shf i l l edwi t hmer cur y . Mer cur yi spr ef er r edi nt heconst r uct i onofbar omet ert o ot herl i qui dsbecausei t sv er yhi ghdensi t y . a) Det er mi net hepr essur eduet ogas,I fat mospher i cpr essur ei s 103000N/ m2. o Pg=hρg+Pa o m3×10N/ m2 =0. 20m×1000kg/ kg+103000N/ o 2 m =105000N/ b) Whatwoul dbet hehei ghti ft hel i qui dusedi sgl y cer i nofdensi t y 1. 26g/ cm3 o Pg=hρg+Pa N m3×10N/ m2 o 105000 2 =h×1260kg/ kg+103000N/ m o m2=12600N/ m3×h+103000N/ m2 105000N/ o m2=12600N/ m3×h 2000N/ m2 2000N/ h= =0. 16m m3 12600N/ 52 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Usi ngMer cur yBar omet er Thehei ghth,oft hemer cur ycol umni st hemeasur eof at mospher i cpr essur e. Thecol umnofmer cur yh,atseal ev eli s76cmHg. I nSI uni ti ti s: Pa=hρg m3×10N/ m2 0. 76m×13600kg/ kg=103360N/ Si phon Si phoni susedt ot r ansf erl i qui df r om onecont ai nert o The at mospher i c pr essur e atsea l ev eli s cal l ed one anot her . at mospher eorst andar dat mospher i cpr essur e( 76cmHg or103360N/ m2) Theuseofsi phont ot r ansf erl i qui dduet opr essur e di f f er encei scal l edsi phoni ng.Consi dert hesi phoni ng Exampl es ar r angementshownbel ow. 1) Ast udenti napl acewher et hemer cur ybar omet err eads75cm want edt omakeanal coholbar omet er .I fal coholhasadensi t y of800kg/ m3, whati st hemi ni mum l engt hoft het ubet hatcoul d beused? Pa=hHgρHgg=halρalg 0. 75m×13600kg/ 10N/ kg=h ×800kg/ 10N/ kg m3× m3× al 10200 hal= =12. 75m 8000 2) Thebar omet r i chei ghti nat owni s70cm mer cur y .Gi v ent hat t hest andar dat mospher i cpr essur ei s76cm mer cur yandt he essur eatA i sequalt opr essur eatBandi ti st he densi t yofmer cur yi s13600kg/ m3,det er mi net heal t i t udeoft he Pr t own.( Densi t yofai ri s1. 25kg/ m3) . at mospher i cpr essur e, Pa ( Not e:St andar dpr essur er ef er st ot heat mospher i cpr essur eat Pr essur eatci sequalt opr essur eatBpl uspr essur e seal ev el ) . duet owat ercol umn, h, i . e.PC =PB +hρg Pdi f f er ence=P atseal ev el Patt own ( hHgslhHgtn) ×ρHg×g=hair×ρair×g ( 10N/ kg=h ×1. 25kg/ 10N/ kg 0. 760. 70)m×13600kg/ m3× m3× ai r 8160 hair= =652. 8m( Thi si st heal t i t udeoft het own) 12. 50 PB =hρg) Pr essur edi f f er encebet weenBandC( i . e.PCi s whatmakes t he l i qui dt of l ow f r om t he upper cont ai nert ot hel owerone. Condi t i onsunderwhi chSi phonWor ks a) Thet ubemustbef i l l edwi t ht hel i qui df i r st .Thi scr eat es apr essur edi f f er ence. 3) Thef i gur ebel owshowsaper sonsucki ngwat erusi ngast r aw. Expl ai nhowsucki ngi smadepossi bl e. b) Ther emustbeadi f f er encei nl ev el sofl i qui di nt het wo cont ai ner s. c) The end oft he t ube mustr emai n bel ow t he l i qui d sur f aceoft heuppercont ai ner . Exampl e i gur ebel owshowshowt oempt ywat erf r om al ar get anki nt o When one sucks pr essur ei nsi de t he st r aw r educes bel ow t he Thef owl y i ngt ankusi ngr ubbert ubi ng. at mospher i cpr essur e.Thepr essur edi f f er encecauseswat ert ogo al 53 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com i nt ot hest r awandr i seupt ot hemout h. Test i ngt heVacuum i nt heBar omet er Thev acuum i st est edbyt i l t i ngt het ube.I ft het ubei sf ul l y f i l l edt hent hespacei sav acuum buti ft het ubei snot f ul l yf i l l edt hent hespacei snotav acuum; i thassomeai r occupy i ngi tandt her ef or e, t hebar omet eri sf aul t y . 2) TheBi cy cl ePump The l eat herwasheract sasbot h av al v e and pi st on i nsi det hepumpbar r el . Whent hepumphandl ei sdr awnoutasshown, ai ri nt he b a r r e le x p a n d s a n d i t s p r e s s u r e r e d u c e s b e l o w t he a) Expl ai n whyt he t ube mustbe f i l l ed wi t h wat erbef or et he at mospher i cpr essur e.Ai rf r om out si det hepumpt hen empt y i ngpr ocessst ar t s. f l owspastt hel eat herwasheri nt ot hebar r el .Att he Tocr eat epr essur edi f f er encebet weenCandDt hi swi l ll eadt o samet i me, t hehi gherai rpr essur ei nt het y r ecl osest he cont i nuousf l owofwat erf r om t heuppert ankt ot hel owert ank. t y r ev al v e. b) Soon af t er t he t ank begi ns t o empt yt he l ower end i s Whent hepumphandl ei spushedi n,t heai ri sf or ced moment ar i l ybl ockedbypl aci ngaf i ngeratendD. i nt ot het y r et hr ought het y r ev al v ewhi chnowopens. I . Det er mi nepr essur edi f f er encebet weenpoi ntAandD. o PAD =hρg kg N o PAD =2m×1000 3×10 kg m m2 o PAD =20000N/ I I . Not e:Ther ei sani ncr easei nt emper at ur eoft hepump bar r eldur i ngpumpi ngt hi si sbecauseoft hewor kdone i ncompr essi ngai r . 3) TheLi f tPump whatwi l lbet hepr essur eexper i encedbyt hef i ngeratpoi ntD. ( t akedensi t yofwat er =1000kg/ m3andpa=100, 000N/ m2 o PD =Patm +hρg N N2 o PD =100000 2 +20000 m m o =120000Nm-2 Appl i cat i onsofPr essur ei nLi qui dsandGases 54 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 1) ASy r i nge When t hepi st on i spul l ed upwar ds( dur i ng upst r oke) , spacei scr eat edi nt hebar r elt husl ower i ngt hepr essur e i nsi de bel ow at mospher i c pr essur e. The hi gher at mospher i cpr essur eact i ngont hel i qui dpushest he l i qui di nt ot hebar r el . Tost ar tt hepump,wat eri spour edont opoft hepi st on sot hatgoodai rt i ghtseali smader oundt hepi st onand Dur i ng a down st r oke,t he pr essur ei nsi de i ncr eases i nv al v ePt hepumpi soper at edbymeansofal ev er abov eat mospher i cpr essur eandt hel i qui di sexpel l ed f r om t hebar r el . Upst r oke Whent hepl ungermov esupdur i ngt heupst r oke, v al v eR cl osesduet oi t swei ghtandpr essur eofwat erabov ei t . Att he same t i me,ai rabov ev al v e expands and i t s pr essur er educes bel ow at mospher i c pr essur e.The at mospher i cpr essur eont hewat eri nt hewel lbel ow t huspusheswat erupt opastv al v ei nt ot hebar r el . The pl ungeri s mov ed up and downhi l lt he space bet weenRandSi sf i l l edwi t hwat er . Downst r oke Dur i ngdownst r oke, v al v eScl osesduet oi t swei ghtand pr essur eofwat erabov ei t . 55 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Li mi t at i onsoft heLi f tPump Exer ci seonappl i cat i onsofpr essur e a) Thef i gur ebel owshowsal i f tpump I npr act i cal ,t hepossi bl ehei ghtofwat ert hatcanbe ( r ai sedbyt hi spumpi sl esst han10m becauseof i )Low at mospher i cpr essur ei npl aceshi gh abov eseal ev el , i i )Leakageatt hev al v esandpi st ons 4) TheFor cePump Thi spumpi susedt or ai sewat ert ohei ght sofmor et han 10m. Expl ai nwhy , whent hepi st oni s; ( b)Pul l edupwar ds, v al v eAopenswhi l ev al v eBcl oses. ( c) Pusheddownwar ds, v al v eAcl oseswhi l ev al v eBopens ( d)Af t ersev er alst r okes,wat err i sesabov et hepi st onasshown bel ow. St at ehowwat eri sr emov edf r om t hecy l i ndert hr ought hespout . Upst r oke ( e) Al i f tpumpcanl i f twat erupt oamaxi mum hei ghtof10m. det er mi net hemaxi mum hei ghtt owhi cht hepumpcanr ai se par af f i n. ( t akedensi t yofpar af f i nas800kgm-3anddensi t yof wat eras1000kgm-3) f ) St at eonef act ort hatdet er mi nest hehei ghtt owhi chaf or ce Dur i ngupst r oke,ai rabov et hev al v eFexpandsandi t s ( pumpcanl i f twat er . pr essur er educes bel ow at mospher i c pr essur e.The at mospher i cpr essur eonwat eri nt hewel lpusheswat er uppastv al v eFi nt ot hebar r el .Pr essur eabov ev al v eGi s at mospher i c.Hence,t hi sv al v edoesnotopen i nt hi s st r oke. Downst r oke Dur i ngt hedownst r oke,t hev al v eFcl oses.I ncr easei n pr essur eduet owat eri nt hebar r elopensv al v eG and f or ceswat eri nt ochamberSsot hataswat erf i l l st he chamber ,ai ri st r appedandcompr essedatt heupper par t .Dur i ngt henextupst r oke,v al v eG cl osesandt he compr essedai rexpandsensur i ngacont i nuousf l ow. Adv ant ageofFor cePumpov ert hel i f tpump a) I tenabl esacont i nuousf l owofwat er . 56 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com b) Thehei ghtt owhi chi tcanr ai sedoesnotdependon at mospher i c. Fact or sAf f ect i ngWor ki ngoft heFor cePump a) Amountoff or ceappl i eddur i ngt hedownst r oke. Abi l i t yoft hepumpandi t swor ki ngpar t st owi t hst and pr essur eoft hecol umnofwat eri nchamberc. 57 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Rev i si onExer ci se 15.Thef i gur ebel owshowsahy dr aul i cpr ess 1. Api st onwhosedi amet eri s1. 4m i spushedi nt oacy l i nder cont ai ni ngaf l ui d, I ft hepr essur epr oducedi nt hecy l i nderi s4. 0 x105pa, Cal cul at et hef or ceappl i edont hepi st on. 2. Anoct opusi sr est i ngi nt heocean.I ft heoct opusi satadept h of47m i nseawhosewat erhasadensi t yof1200kg/ m3, cal cul at et hepr essur eexper i encedbyt heoct opus( Take at mospher i cpr essur e=1. 0125x105Pa) 3. Expl ai nwhyi fai rget si nt hebr akesy st em woul dr educet he ef f i ci encyoft hebr akes.( 2mar ks) 4. Aconcr et ebl ockofmass50kgr est sont hesur f aceoft het abl e Thet wopi st onsar eofar eas10mm2and20mm2r espect i v el y .A asshownbel ow. f or ceof100Ni sappl i edont hesmal l erpi st on, f i ndt hel oadt hat canbel i f t edont hel ar gerpi st oni f : a. Thepi st onhasnegl i gi bl ewei ghtandnof r i ct i onalf or ces exi st . b. Thepi st onshav enegl i gi bl ewei ghtandf r i ct i onal 10Nand 40Nr espect i v el y . Whati st hemaxi mum pr essur et hatcanbeexer t edont he benchbyt hebl ock? Thesmal l erpi st onhast hewei ght5Nt hel ar gerpi st onhasa wei ghtof10Nandt hef r i ct i onalf or cesar enegl i gi bl e. 5. Ahol eofar ea4. 0cm²att hebot t om ofat ank5m deepi scl osed wi t hacor k.Det er mi net hef or ceont hecor kwhent het anki s f i l l edwi t hwat er .( Takeg=10msˉ ²anddensi t yofwat er= 1000kgmˉ ³ ) . 6. A measur i ngcy l i nderofhei ght25cm i sf i l l edt oahei ghtof 15cm wi t h wat erand t he r esti s occupi ed by ker osene. Det er mi net hepr essur eact i ngoni t sbase( densi t yofwat er= 1gcmˉ ³densi t y ofker osene = 0. 8gcmˉ ³and at mospher i c pr essur e=103, 000pa) . 7. St at e one adv ant age ofhy dr aul i c br akes ov ermechani cal br akes. 8. Expl ai nwhyal adywear i ngshar pheel edshoesi snotl i kel yt o ski donasl i pper ymuddyr oad. 9. Why does at mospher i c pr essur e decr ease t owar ds hi gher al t i t ude? 10. Showt hatPr essur ei nf l ui dsi sgi v enby P=hρg 11.Gi v ear easonwhynosebl eedi ngi sl i kel yt ooccuratt het opofa mount ai n. 12. Abl ockofgl assofdensi t y2. 5g/ cm3 hasdi mensi ons8cm by 10cm by15cm.I ti spl acedononeofi t sf acesonahor i zont al sur f ace.Cal cul at e: a) Thewei ghtoft hebl ock 58 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com b) Thegr eat estpr essur ei tcanexer tont hehor i zont al sur f ace. c) The l eastpr essur ei tcan exer ton t he hor i zont al sur f ace. 13.Ther eadi ngofamer cur ybar omet eri s75. 58cm att hebaseof amount ai nand66. 37cm att hesummi t .Cal cul at et hehei ghtof t hemount ai n( Densi t yofmer cur y=13. 6g/ m3 anddensi t yof ai r =1. 25kg/ m3 14.I nahy dr aul i cbr ake, t hemast erpi st onhasanar eaof 4mm2and 2 t hewheelpi st oneachhasanar eaof4cm .Fi ndt hef or ces appl i edt ot hewheelwhenaf or ceof10N i sappl i edont he mast erpi st on. 59 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Chapt erFi v e PARTI CULATENATUREOFMATTER I nt r oduct i on Mat t eri sany t hi ngt hatoccupi esspaceandhasmass. Mat t eri snotcont i nuousbuti ti smadeupofev er yt i ny par t i cl eshencepar t i ci pat enat ur eofmat t er . Par t i cul at e nat ur e of mat t er t her ef or er ef er st o t he exi st enceofmat t eri nv er yt i nypar t i cl es. Exper i mentt odemonst r at et hatMat t eri smadeupofTi ny Par t i cl es Thechal kdusti sobser v edt obei nconst antr andom mot i on.Thi si s due t ot hecont i nuouscol l i si on of c h a l kd u s t p a r t i c l e sw i t ht h ew a t e r mo l e c u l e sw hi ch Api eceofpapercanbecutcont i nuousl yunt i lwhent he a r e i nc o n t i n u o u s r a n d o m mo t i o n . smal lpi ecescannotbecuti nt opi ecesanyf ur t her .Thi s suggest st hatt hesheetofpaperi smadeoft i nypi ecesof ToDemonst r at eBr owni anmot i oni nGases( TheSmoke paper .Hencemat t eri smadeupoft i nypar t i cl es. Cel lExper i ment ) i ) UseofaPi eceofPaper Consi der t he set up bel ow f or t he smoke cel l exper i ment . i i ) Di l ut i ngPot assi um Per manganat eSol ut i on Thepr ocessofdi l ut i ngpur pl epot assi um manganese( VI I ) cancont i nueunt i l t hesol ut i onappear scol or l ess. Thi s suggest s t hat t he par t i cl es of pot assi um per manganat ear espr eadev enl yi nwat erandeachdi l ut i on pr ocessspr eadt hem f ur t her .Thi si sapr ooft hatmat t eri s madeupoft i nypar t i cl eswhi chcanbesepar at ed. Not e:Thesmokei si nt r oducedi nt ot hesmokecel lby b u r n i n gt h es t r a wa n dl e t t i n gt h es mo k ef i l l t h es mo ke Expl ai nwhyi ti spossi bl et o di ssol v esugari nwat erwi t houtany c e l l f r o m t h eo t h e r e n d . S mo k ei su s e dh e r eb e c a u s e not i ceabl ei ncr easesi nv ol umeofwat er .Thesugarpar t i cl esoccupy smokepar t i cl esar el i ghtandbr i ght . t hesmal li nt er mol ecul arspacesofwat ermol ecul es.Thi sbehav i ourof sugarsuggest st hatmat t eri smadeupofv er yt i nypar t i cl es. The conv er gi ngl ens i susedt of ocus/concent r at e conv er ge t he l i ght t o t he smoke cel lt her eby i l l umi nat i ngt hesmoke.Themi cr oscopeassi st st he Br owni anmot i onr ef er st ot her andom mov ementofl i qui d obser v erseet hei l l umi nat edsmokepar t i cl escl ear l y . andgaspar t i cl es. Thebr i ghtspecksar eobser v edmov i ngr andoml yi n ToDemonst r at eBr owni anmot i oni nLi qui ds t he smoke cel l .The br i ghtspecksar et he smoke par t i cl eswhi chscat t er/r ef l ectl i ghtshi ni ngont hem. Consi dert he set -up al ongsi de i n whi ch chal k dusti s Theymov er andoml yduet ocont i nuouscol l i si onwi t h spr i nkl edont hesur f aceofwat eri nt hebeakerandt he i nv i si bl eai rpar t i cl eswhi char ei ncont i nuousr andom beakercov er edusi ngat r anspar entl i d.Thebehav i ourof mot i on. chal kdusti st henobser v edwi t ht hehel pofahandl ensas shownbel ow. Br owni anmot i on 60 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 61 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com TheKi net i cTheor yofMat t er Exampl e ngabl ockdi agr am andcor r ectt er mi nol ogyshow how one Theabov eexper i ment sonBr owni anmot i onconst i t ut et he Usi at eofmat t erchangest ot heot herwhent het emper at ur ei s ki net i ct heor yofmat t erwhi chst at est hatmat t eri smade st c h a n g e d . D e f i n e a l l t e r mi n o l o g i e s u s e d . upoft i nypar t i cl eswhi char ei ncont i nuousr andom mot i on. Ar r angementofPar t i cl esi nMat t er Sol i ds i ) Mel t i ng-i st hepr ocessbywhi chasol i dchangest oa l i qui datf i xedt emper at ur e. i i ) Ev apor at i on -i st hepr ocessbywhi chal i qui d changest oagasatanyt emper at ur e. Par t i cl es ar e cl osel y packed t oget heri n an or gani zed i i i ) mannerandi nf i xedposi t i on. Par t i cl esi nsol i ddonotmov er andoml ybuti nst eadv i br at e v ) aboutt hei rf i xedposi t i ons( v i br at or ymot i on)becauseof i v er y st r ong i nt er mol ecul ar f or ce ( cohesi v ef or ce) . Thi s expl ai nswhysol i dshav ef i xedv ol umeanddef i ni t eshape. v) v i ) Condensat i on -i st hepr ocessbywhi chagaschanges t oal i qui datf i xedt emper at ur e. Fr eezi ng -i st hepr ocessbywhi chal i qui d changest oasol i datf i xedt emper at ur e. Subl i mat i on -i st hepr ocessbywhi chasol i dchanges t ogasdi r ect l ywi t houtpassi ngt hel i qui dst at e. Deposi t i on -i st hepr ocessbywhi chagaschanges t osol i ddi r ect l ywi t houtpassi ngt hel i qui dst at e. Di f f usi on Di f f usi on r ef er st ot he pr ocess bywhi ch par t i cl es s p r e a df r o m r e g i o no f h i g hc o n c e n t r a t i o nt oar e g i o n Li qui ds ofl owconcent r at i on.Not i ceabl edi f f usi ont akespl ace i nl i qui dsandgasesduet ot hei rcont i nuousr andom Par t i cl esi nl i qui dsar enotcl osel yf i xedasi nsol i dsbut mo t i o n . mov eaboutr andoml y( Br owni anmot i on) .Thi si sbecause t hei nt er mol ecul arf or cesi nl i qui dsar eweakert hant hose Demonst r at i ngDi f f usi oni nLi qui ds i nsol i ds. der t he set up bel ow used t oi nv est i gat e Thesamer easonexpl ai nswhyl i qui dshav enof i xedshape Consi di f f usi oni nl i qui ds.Concent r at edcopper( I I )sul phat e butassumet heshapeoft hecont ai ner . ( bl uei ncol our )i scar ef ul l yandsl owl yi nt r oducedi nt o t hebeakert hr oughaf unnel t oobt ai nt wol ay er s. Thei nt er mol ecul arf or cei nl i qui dsi sst r ongert hani ngases ar easonast owhyl i qui dshav ef i xedv ol umebutgases don’ t . Gases Par t i cl esi ngasesar ef ur t herapar tandhav eani ncr eased Af t ersomet i me, i ti sobser v edt hatt heboundar y r andom mot i oncompar edt ol i qui dpar t i cl es. bet weent het wol i qui dsdi sappear sanda homogenouspal ebl uemi xt ur ei sobt ai ned.Thi si s Thi si s because ofv er yweak i nt er mol ecul arf or ces i n becauset her ei sagr eat err at eofmov ementofwat er gasespar t i cl esascompar edt ol i qui dsandsol i ds.The par t i cl esf r om t hewat erl ay ert ocopper( I I )sul phat e samer easonexpl ai nswhygaseshav enodef i ni t eshape l ay er .Att hesamet i met her ei sgr eat ermov ementof 62 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com andv ol ume. copper( I I )sul phat epar t i cl esf r om t hecopper( I I ) sul phat el ay ert ot hewat erl ay er . Not e:I fhotl i qui dsar eused, f or mat i onoft hemi xt ur e wi l l bef ast erbecauset hepar t i cl esmov ef ast erduet o i ncr easedki net i cener gy . 63 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Demonst r at i ngDi f f usi oni nGases ( b)Ont hedi agr am, showt heobser v at i on c) I ft heexper i mentwasper f or medatahi ght emper at ur ewi l l Consi der t he setup bel ow used t o demonst r at e ( y ouexpecti tt ot akel ongerorshor t ert i met of or m whi t e di f f usi oni ngases deposi t ?Expl ai n. Shor t ert i me.Thi si sbecauseani ncr easei nt emper at ur e i ncr easest heki net i cener gyoft hepar t i cl esoft hegases andhencei ncr easedr at eofdi f f usi onoft hegases. Di f f usi ont hr oughPor ousMat er i al s Whent hecar dboar di sr emov edandt het woj ar spr essed t oget her ,i ti s obser v ed t hatahomogenouspal ebr own mi xt ur ef or msi nt het woj ar s.Thi si sbecausebr omi negas spr eadsi nt ogasj arcont ai ni ngai ratagr eat err at e.Att he samet i meai rspr eadsi nt ogasj arcont ai ni ngbr omi neata gr eat err at e. Not e:Di f f usi oni ngasesi sf ast ert hani nl i qui dsbecause: ( a)Gaseshav el owdensi t y . ( b)Gaseshav ehi ghki net i cener gy . ( c)Gasesv er yweakcohesi v ef or ces. Rat esofDi f f usi onofGases I ni t i al l y , hy dr ogengasdi f f usesi nt ot hepor ouspot sat af ast err at et hanai rdi f f usi ngout .Asar esul t ,ai r bubbl esoutofwat erasshowni nf i gur ei ) . Di f f er entgaseshav edi f f er entr at esofdi f f usi ondependi ng Whent hegassuppl yi sst oppedhy dr ogengasdi f f use ont hei rdensi t yorr el at i v emasses. outoft hepott hr ought hef i nehol esataf ast err at e t h a na i r g e t s b a c k i n t ot h e p o t . T h i s d e c r e a s e s t h e g a s A gas wi t h a hi gherdensi t yhas heav i erpar t i cl es and p r e s s u r e i n t h e p o ta n d a s a r e s u l tt h e h i g h e r t her ef or ei t sr at eofdi f f usi oni sl owert hant hegaswi t h a t mo s p h e r i cp r e s s u r ea c t i n go nt h ew a t e r s u r f a c ei n l owerdensi t y . t hebeakert opusheswat erupt het ubeasi nf i gur ei i ) . Exampl e I nt hef i gur ebel ow,ammoni agasandhy dr ochl or i caci dgasdi f f use andr eact . Not e:Thebeakeri susedt oconf i net hehy dr ogengas ar oundt hepor ouspot .I ti sobv i oust hatai ri sdenser t hanhy dr ogengas. ( a) St at eandexpl ai nt heobser v at i onmadeaf t ersomet i me. 64 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com A whi t e deposi ti sf or med near t he cot t on woolsoaked i n concent r at edi nhy dr ochl or i caci d.Theammoni agasi sl essdense andhasl i ghtpar t i cl est husi twi l ldi f f usef ast ert hant hehy dr ochl or i c gaswhi chi sdense. 65 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Rev i si onExer ci se 1. Whati smat t er ? 2. Wi t ht heai dofadi agr am, descr i beanexper i mentt haty ouwoul d uset oshowt hatmat t eri smadeupoft i nypar t i cl es. 3. Dur i ngacl assdi scussi on, Emmanuelobser v edt hatBr owni an mot i onwasonl yexhi bi t edbysmal lpar t i cl es. ( a) I st hi sobser v at i oncor r ect ? ( b)Expl ai ny ouransweri n( a)abov e. 4. St at et heki net i ct heor yofmat t er . 5. Di st i ngui shbet weent het hr eest at esofmat t eri nt er msoft he i nt er mol ecul arf or ces. 6. Whatf act ordet er mi nest hest at eofmat t er ? 7. Expl ai nwhysol i dsar enotcompr essi bl ewhi l egasesar e. 8. Def i neBr owni anmot i on. 9. Dur i ngBr owni anmot i onexper i ment , t hesmokepar t i cl esmustbe smal landl i ght .Expl ai nwhyi ti snecessar yt hatt hepar t i cl esbe l i ght . 10.Smokei si nt r oducedi nt osmokecel lwhi chi st henv i ewedundera mi cr oscope. ( a) Whatdoy ouobser v et hr ought hemi cr oscope? ( b)Whatconcl usi oncanbedr awnf r om t hi sobser v at i on? 11.Temper at ur eaf f ect sBr owni anmot i on.Expl ai n. 12.Ly copodi um powderi sl i ght l yspr i nkl edonacl eanwat ersur f ace i nal ar get r ay .Ar edhotneedl ei spl ungedi nt ot hecent r eoft he wat ersur f ace.St at eandexpl ai nwhati sobser v ed. 13. Def i nedi f f usi on. 14.Descr i beanexper i mentt odemonst r at et hepr ocessofdi f f usi on i n; ( i ) Li qui ds ( i i ) Gases. 15.Nameandexpl ai nt hef act or st hataf f ectt her at eofdi f f usi oni n gases. 66 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Chapt erSi x THERMALEXPANSI ON Def i ni t i on Ther momet r i cLi qui ds Ther malexpansi onr ef er st oi ncr easei nv ol umeofabody Theyi ncl ude: whenheat ed. a) Mer cur y Temper at ur e b) Al cohol c) Oi l ofcr eosot e Temper at ur ei st hedegr ee( ext ent )ofhot nessorcol dness Pr oper t i esofaGoodTher momet r i cLi qui d ofabodyonsomechosenscal e. tshoul dnotwetgl ass. Temper at ur ei smeasur edusi ngat her momet erandi ti sa a) I basi cquant i t ywhoseSIuni ti st heKel v i n. b) I tshoul dexpanduni f or ml y( r egul ar l y ) . 0 Degr eeCel si us(C)i sanot heruni ti nwhi cht emper at ur es c) I tshoul dbeagoodconduct orofheat . canbemeasur ed. Temper at ur ei sascal arquant i t y . d) I tshoul dbev i si bl e. Ther momet er s e) I tshoul dhav ehi ghboi l i ngpoi nt . ) I tshoul dhav el owf r eezi ngpoi nt . A t her momet er i s an i nst r ument used t o measur e f t emper at ur e.Ther ear emanyt y pesoft her momet er s,each Not e:Wat ercannotbeusedasat her momet erl i qui d desi gnedf oraspeci f i cuse. because: Li qui di nGl assTher momet er( CommonTher momet er ) The l i qui d commonl y used i nal i qui d– i n – gl ass t her momet eri smer cur y .Al coholcanal sobeused. Not e:Al i qui dusedi nt her momet eri scommonl yknownas t her momet r i cl i qui d. Feat ur esofaLi qui d–I n–Gl assTher momet er ( a)I twet sgl ass, ( b)I texpandsi r r egul ar l y( anomal ousl y ) , ( c)I ti sabadconduct orofheat , ( d)I ti si nv i si bl e( col our l ess) , ( e)I thasar el at i v el yhi ghf r eezi ngpoi nt . Compar i son bet ween Mer cur y and Al cohol as Ther momet r i cLi qui ds Mer cur y ( a) ABul b Cont ai ns t he t her momet r i cl i qui d.I ti st hi n wal l ed t o i ncr easesensi t i v i t yoft het her momet er( i . e.al l ow qui ck t r ansf erofheat ) . ( b)Capi l l ar yBor e I tal l ows t he l i qui di nt he bul bt or i se and f al lwhen t emper at ur echanges. I thasasmal ldi amet ert oi ncr easei t saccur acysot hata 67 Al cohol I thas a hi gh boi l i ng I thasal owboi l i ngpoi nt 0 0 poi nt( 357C) . ( 78C) . I thasar el at i v el yhi gher I t has a l ow mel t i ng mel t i ngpoi nt( –390C) . poi nt( 1150C) . I ti s a good t her mal I ti s a poor t her mal conduct or . conduct or . I texpandsr egul ar l y . I t sexpansi oni ssl i ght l y i r r egul ar . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com smal l changei nt emper at ur ecaneasi l ybemeasur ed. ( c)Gl assSt em I ti smadeupoft hi ckgl asst ost r engt hent het her momet er andt her ef or epr ot ectt hel i qui di nsi de. I tdoesnotwetgl ass. I twet sgl ass. I ti sopaqueandsi l v er y . I ti s t r anspar ent and t her ef or e has t o be col our ed t o make i t v i si bl e. Thi ckgl assal soact sasamagni f y i nggl asst omagni f yt he l i qui dt hr ead. Not es 68 I . Al coholt her momet eri st hebestf orusei nv er ycol d condi t i onsbecausei t sf r eezi ngpoi nti sv er yl ow ( 1150c) but cannot be used i n a v er y hi gh t emper at ur ebecausei t sboi l i ngpoi nti sr el at i v el y l ow( 780C) . I I . Mer cur y t her momet er si s bestf oruse i n hi gh t emper at ur e because ofi t s hi gh boi l i ng poi nt s ( 3570c)butcannotbeusedi nv er yl owt emper at ur e becausei thasar el at i v el yhi gh f r eezi ng poi nt( 390c) . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Cal i br at i ngLi qui di n–Gl assTher momet er At her momet erhast womai nf i xedpoi nt s: I . Theupperf i xedpoi nt( 1000c) 1) Anuncal i br at edmer cur yt her momet eri sat t achedt oacm scal ewhi chr eads14cm i npur emel t i ngi ceand30cm i n st eam.I fi tr eads10cm i nf r eezi ngmi xt ur e,whati st he t emper at ur eoft hef r eezi ngmi xt ur e? o I nmel t i ngi ce, 14cm cor r espondst o00C o r espondst o1000C I nst eam, 30cm cor Theupperf i xedpoi nti smar kedbyput t i ngt hebul boft he t her momet er i n st eam of wat er boi l i ng at st andar d at mospher i cpr essur eof76cmHg. o 00Ccor ∴ 1000Cr espondst o30cm14cm o 1000Ccor r esponds16cm l engt h Thel owerf i xedpoi nti smar kedbyput t i ngt hebul boft he t her momet eri npur emel t i ngi ce. o 1cm×1000C 250C 1cm cor r espondst o =6. 16cm I I . 0 Thel owerf i xedpoi nt(c) Ther angebet weenupperf i xedpoi ntandl owerf i xedpoi nt o Temper at ur eoft hef r eezi ngmi xt ur ei s: i ssubdi v i dedi nt oequal di v i si onsof10Ceach. 00C+( 250C=250C 10-14) ×6. The Cel si us ( Cent i gr ade) and Kel v i n ( Ther mody nami c Temper at ur e)Scal e aul t yt her momet err eads18℃ ati cepoi ntand80℃ at TheCel si usscal ehasf i xedpoi nt sat00Cand1000Cwhi l e 2) Af st eam poi nt .Det er mi net hecor r ectt emper at ur ewhen i t t heKel v i nscal ehasf i xedpoi nt sat273Kf orpur emel t i ng r eads60℃. i ceand373Kf orst eam orpur eboi l i ngwat eratst andar d at mospher i cpr essur e. 180Ccor o Ati cepoi nt , r espondst oact ual l y00C Temper at ur eonCel si usscal eandKel v i nscal ear er el at ed K)=θ( ℃)+273. by : T( Absol ut eZer oTemper at ur e Thi si st hel owestt emper at ur eonKel v i nscal ei nwhi cht he ener gyoft hepar t i cl esi namat er i al i szer o. I t sv al uei szer oKel v i n( 2730C) . o 800Ccor Atst eam poi nt , r espondst oact ual l y1000C o 800C180C)cor 1000C00C) ( r espondst oact ual l y( o 620Cf aul t ycor r espondst oact ual l y1000C o 10C×1000C 10Cf 60C aul t ycor r espondst oact ual l y =1. 620C o Cor r ectt emper at ur ewhenf aul t yoner eads600Ci s: 0℃ +( ×1. 6℃ =67. 2℃ 6018) Exer ci se 1) Af aul t ymer cur yt her momet err eads15℃ whendi ppedi nt o mel t i ngi ceand95℃ wheni nst eam atnor malat mospher i c pr essur e.Whatwoul dt hi st her momet err eadwhendi pped i nt oal i qui dat25℃ Exampl es 69 2) When mar ki ng t he f i xed poi nt s on a t her momet eri ti s obser v edt hatat0℃ t hemer cur yt hr eadi sofl engt h2cm Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 3) Conv er teachoft hef ol l owi ngf r om Cel si ust oKel v i n( Hi nt : use T( ) ℃)+273. K)=θ( a) 200C and9cm at 100℃.Whatt emper at ur ewoul dcor r espondt oa l engt hof4cm? Cl i ni calTher momet er T=20+273=253K b) 00C I ti saspeci al t y peoft her momet erusedf ormeasur i ng humanbodyt emper at ur ewhoset emper at ur er angei s about350C-430C. T=0+273=273K c) 100C T=10+273=283K d) 2730C T=273+273=0K 4) Conv er teach oft he f ol l owi ng f r om Kel v i nt o 0C ( Hi nt :use θ( 273. ) ℃)=T( K) Thet ubehasaconst r i ct i onwhi chbr eakst hemer cur y t hr eadf ort emper at ur er eadi ngt obet aken. Af t ert het her momet erhasbeenr eadt hemer cur yi s r et ur nedt obul bbyal i ght l yshaki ngt het her momet er . Met hy l at edspi r i ti susedt ost er i l i z et het her momet er af t eruse. a) 0K 2730C θ=0273=- b) 167K 1060C θ=167273=- Not e:cl i ni calt her momet ercannotbe st er i l i zed by boi l i ngwat erbecausei twi l lbr eaksi ncet heboi l i ng poi ntofwat eri sf arabov et het emper at ur er angeof t het her momet er . c) 283K θ=283273=10℃ d) 3450K θ=3450273=3177℃ 70 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Si x’ sMaxi mum andMi ni mum Ther momet er Thi st her momet err ecor dst hemaxi mum and mi ni mum t emper at ur er eachedi napl acedur i ngaspeci f i edper i odof t i me, sayaday . Obser v at i on:Whent hebal li sheat ed, i tdoesnotpass t hr ought her i ngbutwheni ti sl ef tont her i ngf or somet i mes i tpasses t hr ough.Expl anat i on:When heat ed, t hebal lexpandsandsocannotgot hr ought he r i ng.Wheni ti sl ef tont her i ngf orsomet i met he t emper at ur e of t he bal ldecr eases and t he bal l cont r act s.Att hesamet i met her i ngabsor bssome heatf r om t hebal li t st emper at ur ei ncr easesandsoi t expandsal l owi ngt hebal l t opasst hr ough. 2. TheBarandGaugeExper i ment Quest i on ModeofOper at i onoft heSi x’ sTher momet er Whent emper at ur er i ses, t heal coholi nbul bRexpandsand pushest hemer cur yupt her i ghtl i mboft heu-t ube.The mer cur ypushesi ndexYupwar ds.Thel owerendoft hi s i ndexi ndi cat est hemaxi mum t emper at ur er eacheddur i ng t hespeci f i edper i od. I nt hef i gur ebel ow,atr oom t emper at ur e,t hebarf i t si nt ot he gauge. Whent emper at ur ef al l s, t heal coholi nbul bRcont r act sand mer cur yi spul l edback,r i si ngupi nt hel ef tl i mb.Thei ndex Xi st her ef or e pushed upwar ds.Dur i ng cont r act i on of al cohol ,t hei ndexYi sl ef tbehi ndi nt heal coholbyt he f al l i ngmer cur y . Themi ni mum t emper at ur ei sr eadf r om t hel owerendofi ndexX. Tor esett het her momet er ,amagneti susedt or et ur nt he st eel i ndi cest ot hemer cur ysur f aces. Expansi onandCont r act i onofSol i ds ( a) Expl ai nwhatwoul dhappenwhent hebari sheat edandy ou t r yt of i ti ti nt hegauge. Thebardoesnotf i ti nt ot hegaugebecausei texpandswhen heat ed. When sol i dsar eheat ed t heyexpand ( i ncr easei n si ze/ ( b)Consi deracasewher et hebari ssl i ght l ybi ggert hant he v ol ume)andwhencool edt heycont r act( decr easei nsi ze/ gaugeatr oom t emper at ur e.Expl ai nwhaty ouwi l ldot o maket hebarf i ti nt ot hegauge. v ol ume) . Mass oft he sol i d doesnotchange when i t cont r act sorexpands. Heatt hegaugesot hati texpandsandt hebarwi l lf i t . Densi t yoft hesol i di ncr easeswhent hebodyi scool ed ( becausev ol umedecr eases)andi tdecr easeswhent he bodyi sheat ed( becausev ol umei ncr eases) . Compar i ngExpansi onandCont r act i onofDi f f er entMet al s 71 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exper i ment st o Demonst r at e Expansi on and Cont r act i on of Sol i ds 1. TheBal landRi ngExper i ment Quest i on Anexper i mentwassett ocompar et heexpansi onofdi f f er ent met al sasshownbel ow. Thebal l andr i ngexper i mentappar at usar easshowni nt he f i gur ebel ow.Thebal lj ustpassest hr ought her i ngatr oom t emper at ur eandpr essur e. Exampl e ( a) Expl ai nhowt heexper i mentwor ks When t he met albari s heat ed i texpands and pushes t he pi v ot edpoi nt erandt her eadi ngi st akenont hescal e.Met al bar soft hesamesi zemadeofdi f f er entmat er i al sar eat t ached t ot hecl amponeatat i meandheat edf ort hesamel engt hof t i me.Ther eadi ngsont hescal ear er ecor dedandcompar ed. o Thef i gur ebel owshowsabi met al l i cst r i patar oom t emper at ur e ( 250C) i ) Dr aw t hesamebi met al l i cst r i pwhenat900c.Expl ai n t heobser v at i on. ( b)Whatpr ecaut i onsshoul dbet akent oensur ef ai rr esul t i ) Themet al sshoul dbeofsamel engt handdi amet er . i i ) Themet al sshoul dbeheat edusi ngsamebur ner . Themet alshoul dbeheat edf orsamel engt hoft i me. When t emper at ur ei ncr eases abov er oom t emper at ur e al umi num expandsataf ast err at et hancopper . Li nearExpansi v i t y Li nearexpansi v i t yi st het endencyofamat er i alt oex pand 72 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com when heat ed.Di f f er entmat er i al s hav e di f f er entl i near expansi v i t i es meani ng t hatt hei rr at es ofexpansi on or cont r act i onar enott hesameexceptaf ewmat er i al s. i i ) Dr aw t hebi met al l i cst r i pwhenat250C.Expl ai nt he obser v at i on. Theuni tofl i nearexpansi v i t yi smeasur edi nperKel v i n.The f ol l owi ngar esomeexampl es; When t emper at ur e decr eases bel ow r oom t emper at ur e al umi num cont r act sataf ast err at et hancopper . Mat er i al Li nearExpansi v i t y( K-1) Al umi num 26x10-6 Br ass 19x10-6 Appl i cat i onsofExpansi onandCont r act i onofSol i ds Copper 16. 8x10-6 1) Expansi onj oi nt si nSt eam Pi pes I r on 12x10-6 Concr et e 11x10-6 St eel 11x10-6 Pi pes car r y i ng st eam ar e f i t t ed wi t h l oops or expansi onj oi nt st oal l owf orexpansi onwhenst eam i s passi ngt hr ought hem andcont r act i onwhent heyar e cool ed.Wi t houtt hel oopt hef or ceofexpansi onand cont r act i onwi l l causebr eakageoft hepi pes. TheBi met al l i cSt r i p Bi met al l i cst r i pi smadebyr i v et i ngt oget hert womet al sof di f f er entl i nearexpansi v i t i es.Themet al whi chexpandsata hi gherr at ewhenheat edcont r act sf ast erwhencool ed. Consi derabi met al l i cst r i pmadeofi r onandbr assatr oom t emper at ur eandpr essur ei nf i gur e( a)bel ow.Br asshasa hi gherl i nearexpansi v i t yt hani r onandt her ef or eexpandsat af ast err at et han i r on.When t hest r i pi sheat ed t oa t emper at ur e gr eat ert han r oom t emper at ur ei tbends t owar dsi r onasshowni nf i gur e( b)andwhent hest r i pi s cool ed,i tbendst owar dsbr assasshown i nf i gur e( c) bel ow. 73 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 2. Fi xi ngofRai l wayLi ne 5. I nst al l at i onofTel ephone/El ect r i cWi r es Rai l wayl i nesar econst r uct edi nsect i onswi t hexpansi on They ar el oosel yf i xed t o al l ow f or cont r act i on. gapsandt hesect i onshel dt oget herbyf i shpl at es.Thebol t Tel ephoneorel ect r i cwi r esappeart obeshor t erand hol esi nt her ai l sar e ov alt o al l ow f r eeexpansi onand t auti nt hemor ni ng.Wheni ti shot ,t hewi r esappear cont r act i onofr ai l sast hebol t smov ef r eel yi nt hehol es. l ongerandsl ackened. A moder n met hod of al l owi ng f or expansi on and cont r act i oni nr ai l way si st opl anesl antt her ai l ssot hat t heyov er l ap. 6. TheBi met al l i cMet alAppl i cat i on Oneoft hemostcommonappl i cat i onofabi met al l i c st r i pi si nt hei nt het her most at .A t her most ati sa 3. Fi xi ngofSt eelBr i dges dev i ce f ormai nt ai ni ng a st eady t emper at ur e.The t her most atshownbel ow i susedf orcont r ol l i ngt he I nbr i dgesmadeofst eelgi r der s,oneendi sf i xedandt he t emper at ur e of an i r on box.A heat er ci r cui ti s ot herendpl acedonr ol l er st oal l ow f orexpansi onand connect edt hr ought heel ect r i cal t er mi nal s. cont r act i on. 4. Ri v et s I ft hei r onboxbecomest oohott hebi met al l i cst r i p bends cur v i ng awayf r om t he l owercont act .Thi s Thi ckmet alpl at esi nshi psandot herst r uct ur esar ej oi ned br eaks t he cont act s and swi t ches of ft he heat er . t oget herbymeansofr i v et s.Ar i v eti sf i t t edwhenhotand Wheni tcool s, t hebi met al l i cst r i pbendscl osi ngupt he t henhammer edf l at .Oncool i ngi tcont r act spul l i ngt het wo gapbet weent hecont act sandt heheat eri sswi t ched pl at esf i r ml yt oget her . onagai n. I ft hei r onboxi sr equi r edt obev er yhot( i . e.hi gh t emper at ur e) , t heset t i ngknobi sadj ust edt opusht he met alKsucht hatt hecont act sar et i ghtt oget her .For 74 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com l owt emper at ur er anget headj ust i ngknobi sr el eased sot hatt heposi t i onKi sl ower ed. Ther most ati sal sousedt ocont r olt het emper at ur eof el ect r i ccooker s,el ect r i cheat er sf orwar mi ngr ooms, andf r i dges. Expansi onandCont r act i onofLi qui ds ToDemonst r at eExpansi onofLi qui ds Consi dert he f l ask bel ow f i l l ed wi t h col or ed wat eras shownbel ow. Ef f ect sofAnomal ousExpansi onofWat er 1) Suppor tAquat i cLi f ei nPol arCount r i esDur i ngWi nt er Dur i ngwi nt erwat erf r eezer si nt oi ce.I cebei ngl ess denset hanwat erf l oat sonwat er .Si ncei cei sapoor conduct orofheat , i ti nsul at est hewat erbel owagai nst heatl osst oai rabov ei t . Whent hef l aski sheat edi ti sobser v edt hatwat eri nt he gl asst ubef al l ssl i ght l yandt henst ar t sr i si ng. Thei ni t i alf al loft hewat erl ev eli nt het ubei sduet o expansi onoft hef l askwhi chget sheat edf i r st .Thewat er st ar t sexpandi ngwhenheatf i nal l yr eachesi tandi tr i sesup 2) Anomal ousexpansi onofwat erl eadst of or mat i onof t het ubesi ncel i qui dsexpandf ast ert hansol i ds. i cebagswhi chposeagr eatdangert oshi ps. 75 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Not e:Di f f er entl i qui dsexpanddi f f er ent l y( i . e.t heyhav e 3) I tcauses weat her i ng ofr ocks si nce when wat er di f f er entr at esofexpansi on) t r appedi nf r eezes; i texpandst husbr eaki ngr ocksi nt o smal lpi eces. I ft heabov eexper i mentwasr epeat edusi ngal coholand t henmet hy l at edspi r i tf ort hesamel engt hoft i meand 4) I tcausesbur st i ngofwat erpi peswhenwat erf r eezer s usi ng same heat er ,i t woul d hav e been not ed t hat i nt hem. met hy l at edspi r i texpandsmostf ol l owedbyal coholand Expansi onofGases f i nal l ywat er . Anomal ousExpansi onofWat er Exper i mentt oDemonst r at eExpansi onandCont r act i onof Gases Anomal ousexpansi onofwat eri sdef i nedast heunusual dert he setup bel ow whi ch can be used t o behav i orofwat eri nwhi chi tcont r act swhenheat edand Consi 0 d e mo n s t r a t e e x p a n s i o na n dc o n t r a c t i o no f g a s e s . expandswhencool edbet ween0and4C. Consi derheat i ngi cef r om 80C unt i li tchangest owat er andi t st emper at ur ei ncr easest o80C.A pl otofv ol ume v er sest emper at ur ef ort hewat eri sasi nf i gur e( a)whi l e densi t yv er sest emper at ur ei sasi nf i gur e( b)bel ow. 76 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com i gur ebel ow r epr esent sabi met al l i cst r i pofmet al sX Whent hef l aski swar med,i ti sobser v edt hatt hel ev elof 7) Thef a n dYa t r o o m t e mp e r a t u r e wat ercol umni nsi det hegl asst ubedr opsi ndi cat i ngt hat t heai rhasexpanded.Whent hef l aski swar medf ur t her , somebubbl esar eseenatt heendoft het ubei nwat eras ai rescapesf r om t hef l ask. Whent hef l aski scool ed,wat erl ev eli sobser v edt or i seup Thef i gur ebel owshowsi t sshapewhendi ppedi nt ocr ushedi ce t hegl asst ubebecauset heai ri nsi det hef l askcont r act st o cr eat espace. Exampl es 1) Thef i gur ebel ow showsabeam bal ancemadeoutofconcr et e andr ei nf or cedwi t hst eel Sket chadi agr am i nt hespacegi v enbel ow t oshow t heshape whent hest r i pi sheat edt oat emper at ur e abov et her oom t emper at ur e Useadi agr am t oexpl ai nt hebehav i ouroft heshapeoft hebeam whenheat edup. 8) Gi v ear easonwhyaconcr et ebeam r ei nf or cedwi t hst eel doesnotcr ackwhensubj ect edt oChangesi nt emper at ur e. Bot hconcr et eandst eelhav esamer at esofexpansi on. Thebeam expandsl i near l y .Thebeam r emai nsst r ai ghtbutl onger 6 T h e i r v a l u e o f l i n e a r e x p a n s i v i t y i s 1 1 x 1 0 K t hanbef or eheat i ng.Bot hconcr et eandst eelhav esamer at esof expansi on.Thei rv al ueofl i nearexpansi v i t yi s11x10-6K 9) Aquat i cani mal sandpl ant sar eobser v edt osur v i v ei nf r ozen p o n d s . E x p l a i nt h i s o b s e r v a t i o n . 2) St at et wol i qui dswhi char eusedi nt her momet er .Al coholand Wat erf r eezesandt hei cef or medf l oat si nwat erbecause Mer cur y . i t s d e n s i t y i s l e s s t h a nt h a t o f w a t e r , i n s u l a t i n gw at erbel ow 3) Wi t har eason,st at ewhi choft het wol i qui dsi n3( a)abov ei s i t .T e mp e r a t u r e s i n c r e a s e s d o w n t h e p o n d b e c a u s e of usedt omeasur et emper at ur ei nar easwher et emper at ur esar e: 0 a n o ma l o u s e x p a n s i o no f w a t e r . ( i )Bel ow 40C al cohol ,becausei thasal ow f r eezi ngpoi ntof –115oC. ( i i )1500C, mer cur y , becausei thasahi ghboi l i ngpoi ntof357oC, 4) Whatdoy ouunder st andbyt hest at ement‘ l owerf i xedpoi nt ’ona t emper at ur escal e? Thi si st het emper at ur eofpur emel t i ngi ceatst andar d/ nor mal at mospher i cpr essur e; 5) Name t wo adapt at i ons t hat can be made t o a mer cur y t her momet ert omakei tmor esensi t i v e. Usi ngat hi nwal l edbul b Usi ng a nar r owercapi l l ar yt ube 6) Thef i gur ebel owshowsabi met al l i cst r i pmadeofbr assandi r on. A mar bl ei spl acedatendA oft hebi met al l i cst r i passhown bel ow: - St at eandexpl ai nwhatwi l lbeobser v edwhent hebi met al l i cst r i pi s st r ongl ycool ed 77 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Oncool i ng, t hebr asscont r act smor et hani r on, hencebecomeshor t er t hani r onandf or msupwar dscur v e,maki ngt hemar bl et or ol land set t l eatt hecent r eoft hecur v e. 78 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Rev i si onExer ci se 79 Expl ai nhow r i sei nt emper at ur ecausest hepoi nt ert o mov ei nt hedi r ect i onshown. Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com nt hesetupshowni nf i gur ebel ow,i ti sobser v edt hatt he 1. Onepr oper t yofal i qui dt hati sconsi der edwhi l econst r uct i nga 9. I l ev elofwat eri ni t i al l ydr opsbef or est ar t i ngt or i se.Expl ai n. l i qui di ngl asst her momet eri st hatt hel i qui dexpandsmor et han t hegl assf ort hesamet emper at ur echange.St at eanyot hert wo pr oper t i esoft hel i qui dst hatar econsi der ed. 2. Gi v ear easonwhyaconcr et ebeam r ei nf or cedwi t hst eeldoes notcr ackwhensubj ect edt ochangei nt emper at ur e 3. Expl ai nwhyagl asscont ai nerwi t ht hi ckwal l si smor el i kel yt o cr ackt hanonewi t hat hi nwal lwhenav er yhotl i qui di spour ed i nt oi t . 4. Fi gur e bel ow shows a ci r cui t di agr am f or cont r ol l i ng t he t emper at ur eofar oom. 10.Gi v ear easonwhywat eri snotsui t abl el i qui df orusei na t her momet er . i ) St at eandexpl ai nt hepur poseoft hebi met al l i cst r i p. 11.Thet emper at ur eofwat eri nameasur i ngcy l i nderi sl ower ed f r om about200ct o00c.Sket chagr aphofv ol umeagai nst t emper at ur eassumi ngt hatwat erdoesnotf r eeze. i i ) Descr i behowt heci r cui tcont r ol st het emper at ur ewhen 12.Fi gur ebel ow showsaf l askf i l l edwi t hwat er .Thef l aski s t heswi t chSi scl osed. f i t t edwi t hacor kt hr oughwhi chat ubei si nser t ed.Whent he f l aski scool edt hewat erl ev elr i sessl i ght l yandt henf al l s 5. Fi gur ebel owshowsaf i r eal ar m ci r cui t . st eadi l y .Expl ai n. Expl ai nhowt heal ar mf unct i ons 6. Fi gur ebel owshowsabi met al l i cst r i patr oom t emper at ur e.Br ass expandsmor et hani nv arwhenheat edequal l y . 13.Acl i ni calt her momet erhasaconst r i ct i oni nt hebor ej ust abov et hebul b.St at et heuseoft hi sconst r i ct i on. Sket cht hebi met al l i cst r i paf t erbei ngcool edsev er aldegr ees bel owr oom t emper at ur e 14.Fi gur ebel ow showsanal umi num t ubet i ght l yst ucki na st eelt ube. 7. Fi gur ebel owshowsabi met al l i ct her momet er . Expl ai nhowt het wot ubescanbesepar at edbyappl y i ng at emper at ur echangeatt hesamej unct i ongi v ent hat al umi num expands mor et han st eelf ort he same t emper at ur er i se. 80 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com nanexper i mentt oi nv est i gat et heunusualexpansi onof 8. Fi gur ebel owshowsaf l atbot t omedf l askcont ai ni ngsomewat er . 15.I wat eraf i xedmassofwat erat00C washeat edunt i li t s I ti sheat eddi r ect l ywi t hav er yhotf l ame.Expl ai nwhyt hef l aski s t emper at ur er eached200C.Ont heaxi spr ov i ded,sket cha l i kel yt ocr ack. gr aphofdensi t yagai nstt emper at ur eoft hewat erf r om 00c 0 t o20C. Chapt erSev en 81 HEATTRANSFER Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Def i ni t i onofHeat Wood He ati saf or m ofener gywhi chf l owsf r om apoi ntofhi gher Ai r t emper at ur et oanot herpoi ntofl owt emper at ur e. Di f f er encesbet weenHeatandTemper at ur e HEAT TEMPERATURE For m ofener gyt hatf l ows Degr ee of hot ness or due t o t emper at ur e col dness of a body i n di f f er ence. somechosenscal e. Thef l ow ofheatcannot Can be measur ed bemeasur edpr eci sel y . accur at el y usi ng a t her momet er . SIuni tandj oul es( J) . Wat er Rubber Pl ast i c Gl ass Exampl e Thef i gur ebel owshowspi ecesofwoodandi r onofequall engt h anddi amet ermai nt ai nedi ncont actbyasheetofpaper .Af l ame i s t hen passed ov er t he paper sev er al t i mes. SIuni ti sKel v i n( k) . ModesofHeatTr ansf er St at eandexpl ai nt heobser v at i onmade: Thepaperget sbl ackedont her egi oncov er i ngt hewoodenr od. si sbecausewoodi sapoorconduct orofheatandt her ef or e The r e ar et hr ee modes ofheatt r ansf er : conduct i on, Thi doesnotconductheatf r om t hepaperandt her ef or et hepaper conv ect i onandr adi at i on. bur ns.I r oni sagoodconduct orofheatandconduct sheataway f r o m t h e p a p e r . Conduct i on or sAf f ect i ngTher malConduct i v i t y Conduct i oni st het r ansf erofheatwi t hi nanobj ectwi t hout Fact t hemov ementoft heobj ectasawhol e. 1. Nat ur eofMat er i al s Mechani smsofHeatConduct i on ( a)Vi br at i onofmol ecul es Nat ur eofmat er i al meanswhatt hemat er i al i smade of . ( b)Thr oughf r eeel ect r ons Consi dert hesetupbel ow. Cl assi f i cat i onofMat er i al sI nTer msofConduct i on Mat er i al scanbecl assi f i edasgoodorpoorconduct or si n t er msofheatconduct i on. ( a)GoodConduct or s Goodconduct or sar emat er i al st hatcanal l ow heatt opass t hr ought hem e. g. Copper Al umi ni um I ti sobser v edt hatt hewaxat t achedt ocopperdr ops f i r stf ol l owedbyt hatonal umi num, i r onl eadandt hat ofwooddi dnotdr opsi ncewoodi sapoorconduct or . Br ass Pr ecaut i ons Si l v er 82 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Mer cur y ( a)Rodsofsamedi amet ert obeused. I r on ( b)Rodsequall engt ht obeused. Zi nc ( c)Waxoft hesamesi zet obeused. Ti n Leadet c. ( b)PoorConduct or s( I nsul at or s) Thesear emat er i al swhi chdonotr eadi l yal l owheatt opass t hr ought hem e. g. 83 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 2. The Thi ckness/Di amet er /Cr oss Sect i on Ar ea oft he I ti s obser v ed t hatwax on r od B dr opped f i r st . Conduct or Ther ef or e, t her mal conduct i v i t y i ncr eases wi t h decr easei nl engt hoft heconduct or . Consi dert hesetupbel ow; Pr ecaut i ons ( a)Rodspl acedatequaldi st ancef r om heatsour ce. ( b)Rodsofsamemat er i alused. I ti sobser v edt hatt hewaxont het hi ckeri r onr oddr ops ( c)Waxoft hesamesi zeused. f i r st .Thi si sbecausemor eheatf l owst hr oughat hi cker conduct orperuni tt i me. ( d)Rodsofsamet hi cknessused. Ther ef or e,conduct i v i t y of conduct or si ncr eases wi t h Laggi ng t hi cknessoft heconduct or . Laggi ngr ef er st ot hecov er i ngofagoodconduct orof Pr ecaut i ons heatwi t hani nsul at i ngmat er i alt or educeheatl oss t hr oughsur f aceef f ect s. ( a)Equalt i meofexposur eoft her odst oheat . Consi dert hesetupbel ow; ( b)Equall engt handt y peofr odsused. ( c)Samesi zeofwaxused. ( d)Rodspl acedatequaldi st ancesf r om t heheatsour ce. 3. Temper at ur eDi f f er ence Consi dert hesetupsAandBbel ow. Pl ot soft emper at ur ev ar i at i onf r om t hehotendt ot he col dendwi t hl aggi ngandwi t houtl aggi ngonsame axeswi l l beasf ol l ows; I ti sobser v edt hatwaxi nsetupBdr oppedf i r stbecauseof gr eat ert emper at ur edi f f er entt hani nA.Ther ef or e,heati s i cat i onsofLaggi ng t r ansf er r edf ast erwhent emper at ur edi f f er encei sgr eat er . Appl Pr ecaut i ons I r onpi pescar r y i ngst eam f r om boi l er sorst eam wel l s ar ecov er edwi t ht hi ckasbest osmat er i alwhi chi san i nsul at ort or educeheatl ossf r om st eam. ( a)Ther odsofequaldi amet erused. Ther malconduct i v i t yI nLi qui ds ( b)Rodsofequall engt hused. Li qui dsar egener al l ypoorconduct or sofheat . 84 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ( c)Waxofsamesi zeused. ( d)Waxpl acedatequaldi st ancef r om oneendoft her odi n eachcase. ( e)Rodsofsamemat er i alused. 5. Lengt hoft heConduct or Consi dert hesetupbel ow; 85 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ToDemonst r at et hatWat eri saPoorConduct or Appl i cat i onsofGoodandPoorConduct or sofHeat Exper i ment1 ( a)Cooki ngut ensi l sandboi l er sar emadeofmet al st hat conductheatr api dl ywhi l et hei rhandl esar emadeof Consi dert hesetupbel owf ordemonst r at i ngt hatwat eri s i nsul at or s( poorconduct or s) . apoorconduct orofheat . ( b)Moder nbui l di ngsar emadeofdoubl ewal l swi t han i nsul at orbet ween t hewal l st o mi ni mi zeheatl oss f r om t he house and t her ef or e mai nt ai n st abl e t emper at ur e. ( c)Fi r ef i ght er sputonsui t smadeofasbest oswhi chi sa poorconduct orofheatt o keep t hem saf e whi l e put t i ngof ff i r e. ( d)Bi r dsf l apt hei rwi ngsaf t erget t i ngwett oi nt r oduceai r pocket swi t hi nt hei rf eat her st hi shel pst omi ni mi ze heatl ossf r om t hei rbodi es. Af t ersomet i mesi ti sobser v edt hatwat eratt het opoft he t ubeboi l swhi l et hei cer emai nedunmel t ed.Wat eri sapoor e)I n exper i ment si nv ol v i ng heat i ng l i qui ds i n gl ass conduct orofheat .Gl assusedf ormaki ngt estt ubei sal so ( v e s s e l . T h ev e s s e l i sp l a c e do naw i r eg a u g eb e c a u se apoorconduct orofheat . t hegaugei sagoodconduct orofheati tt her ef or e spr eadst heheatt oal ar gear eaoft hev essel . Exper i ment2 Conv ect i on ect i oni st hepr ocessbywhi chheati st r ansf er r ed Anot herex per i mentt hancanbeusedt oshowt hatwat eri s Conv t h r o u g hf l u i d s . apoorconduct orofheati sasshownbel ow. ToDemonst r at eConv ect i oni nLi qui ds Exper i ment1 Consi dert he di agr am bel ow i n whi ch pot assi um per manganat ecr y st ali sputatonecor neri nabeaker cont ai ni ngwat erandt hebeakerheat edatt hatpoi nt . I ti sobser v edt hatt hewaxcoat i ngonbeakercont ai ni ng mer cur ymel t edwhi l et hatonbeakercont ai ni ngwat erdi d notmel t .Thi si sbecausemer cur yi sagoodconduct orof heatwhi l ewat eri sapoorconduct orheat . Af t ersomet i me, i ti sobser v edt hatapur pl ecol or at i on r i ses up f r om pot assi um per manganat ef or mi ng a ci r cul arl oop.Thi si sduet ocr eat i onofconv ect i on Gasesar epoorconduct or sofheat .Thesetupbel owcan c u r r e n t s i nw a t e r . beusedt osuppor tt hi sf act . Ther malConduct i v i t yi nGases Exper i ment2 Consi dert hesetupbel ow 86 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com I ti sobser v edt hatt hemat chst i ckhel dwi t hi nt heunbur nt gasr egi ondoesnotgeti gni t edbecausegasi sapoor conduct orofheat . 87 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com I ti s obser v ed t hatt hepur pl ecol our at i onofpot assi um 2. Engi neCool i ngSy st em per manganat emov esi nt heant i -cl ockwi sedi r ect i oni nt he necool i ngi senhancedbybot hconduct i onand t ube.Thi si sduet ocr eat i onofconv ect i oncur r entbyheat Engi c o n v e c t i o np r o c e s s e s . whosedi r ect i oni sant i cl ockwi se Conv ect i oni nGases Consi dert hesetupshownbel ow. Themet alsur f aceconduct sawayheatf r om engi ne. Thi sheat supt hewat erset t i ngupconv ect i oncur r ent s whi chci r cul at esasshowni nt hedi agr am. I ti s obser v ed t hatt he smoke i s sucked i nt ot he box Thehotwat eri spumpedi nt ot her adi at orwhi chhas t hr oughchi mneyPandexi t st hr oughchi mneyQ.Thi si s t hi n copperf i ns t hatconductawayheatf r om t he duet oconv ect i oncur r ent swhi char esetupwhent heai ri n wat er . t heboxi sheat ed. Thef i nsar emadeofcopperbecausei ti st hebest APPLI CATI ONSOFCONVECTI ONI NFLUI DS conduct orofheat .Theyar epai nt edbl ackbecausea bl acksur f acei sagoodabsor berofheat . 1. Vent i l at i on Fastf l owi ng ai rpastf i ns speeds up t he cool i ng Vent i l at i onr ef er st ot hesuppl yoff r eshai rt ot her oom. pr ocess. 3. Domest i cHotWat erSy st em War m ai rexhal edbyt heoccupant soft her oom r i sesand get soutt hr oughv ent i l at or ssi ncei ti sl essdense.Fr esh col dai rf l owsi nt ot her oom t hr oughwi ndowsanddoor s. Thi swayconv ect i oncur r enti ssetupandt her ei sal way s suppl yoff r eshai r . 88 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 89 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Hotwat err i sesupbecauseoft hel ower i ngofi t sdensi t y Appl i cat i onofTher malRadi at i on whenheat ed. 1. Sol arHeat er Col dwat ermov edownf r om t hecol dwat ert ankt ot he boi l erbecausei ti sr el at i v el yheav i er . Theexpansi onpi pehasanout l etf orexcesswat ert hat coul dhav er esul t edf r om ov er heat i ng Thepi pet hatconv ey st hehotwat erandt hecy l i nderar e l aggedt omi ni mi zeheatl osses. Ther mal Radi at i on Ther malr adi at i on i st he pr ocess by whi ch heat i s t r ansf er r edt hr oughv acuum.I nt her malr adi at i ont her ef or e mat t eri snoti nv ol v edi nt r ansf erofheat I ti st hr ought hi spr ocessofr adi at i ont hatr adi antheat r eachest heear t h’ ssur f acef r om t hesun. Thehi ghert het emper at ur eofabodyt hemor et heamount oft her mal r adi at i on. Absor pt i onandEmi ssi onofRadi antHeat Agoodabsor berofr adi antheati sal soagoodemi t t erof r adi antheatwhi l eapoorabsor berofr adi antheati sal soa pooremi t t eroft heheat . Consi dert hesetupbel ow. Copperpi pei susedbecausei ti sagoodconduct orof heatandwi l lconductheati nt ot hewat eri nsi det he pi pe.I ti spai nt edbl ackcol ouri sagoodabsor berof heat . Thegl asscov eral l ow r adi antheatf r om t hesunt o passt hr oughandpr ev ent st heweakerener gyemi t t ed af t er . Thebl ackcoppercol l ect orabsor bsheatener gyand conduct si tt ocopperpi peswhi cht r ansmi ti tt ot he wat er . Thei nsul at i ngmat er i alpr ev ent sheatf r om bei ngl ost f r om t hepi pe. I ti sobser v edt hatwat erl ev eli nl i mbAr i sesupwhi l et hat i nl i mbBf al l s.Thi si sbecauseboi l i ngt ubeBr ecei v esmor e heatt hanboi l i ngt ubeAwar mi ngt heai ri nsi dei tmor e.The 90 Thecopperpi pei scoi l edsev er al l yt oi ncr easesur f ace ar eaf orabsor pt i onofheat . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ai rexpandsandt her ef or epushesdownt hewat eri nl i mbB. Asar esul twat erl ev el i nl i mbAr i ses. 91 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 2. Ther mosFl ask 6. Housesi nhotar eashav et hei rwal l sandr oof spai nt ed wi t hbr i ghtcol our st or ef l ectawayheatwhi l et hosei n col dar eashav ewal l sandr oof spai nt edsi l v er ybr i ght t or ef l ectasmuchheataspossi bl ebackt ot hehouse. 7. Ket t l e,cooki ngpansandi r onboxeshav epol i shed sur f acest or educeheatl osst hr ought her malr adi at i on Rev i si onExer ci se 1. Twosi mi l aropent i nswi t hequalamount sofwat erat 800cwer el ef tt ocool .I ft i nAi sshi nyandt i nBi s bl ackened,sket chont hesameaxest hegr aphsof t emper at ur eagai nstt i mef ort het wot i ns. 2. Thef i gur ebel owshowsaboxwi t ht wogl asst ubesA andBpr oj ect i ngf r om t het opofar ect angul arwooden Thest opperr ubberpadandr ubberr i ngpadpr ev entheat boxwi t hr emov abl egl assf r ont . l osst hr oughconduct i onsi ncer ubberi sapoorconduct or ofheat Si l v er edwal lpr ev ent sheatl osst hr oughr adi at i onsi ncet he shi nnysur f acei sapoorr adi at orandemi t t erofheat . Vacuum pr ev ent heat l oss t hr ough conduct i on and conv ect i onsi ncet het womodesofheatt r ansf err equi r e mat er i al medi um f ort r ansf erofheat . Shockabsor berpr ev ent sbr eaki ngoft hegl asswal l sduet o pr essur ef r om t heout si de. ( i ) Whatwi l lbe t he di r ect i on of t he smoke t hr ought hebox? Vacuum sealpr ev ent sai rf r om r eoccupy i ngt hev acuum.I t ( i i ) What concl usi on can be made f r om t he i st hr ought hev acuum seal t hatai rwassuckedout . obser v at i on? ( i i i ) Whyar et hev ent i l at i onsf orar oom madehi gh upt her oof ? 3. St udyt hesetup bel ow and usei tt o answert he 3. Gr eenHouseEf f ect( HeatTr ap) quest i onst hatf ol l ows: Gr een houseef f ecti sa phenomenon i n whi ch heati s al l owedt opasst hr oughat r anspar entmat er i albutdoes notpenet r at et ot heout si de.Thi swayheataccumul at esi n t hegr eenhousecont i nuousl y . Gr eenhousesar eusedt opr ov i deappr opr i at econdi t i onsi n pl ant sespeci al l yi ncol dar eas. 4. Sol arConcent r at or s ( a)Whatdoest heexper i menti l l ust r at es? ( b)Whatt wo f act or s shoul d one consi derwhen sel ect i ngt her odt obeused? ( c)St at et heobser v at i onsmadei nt hi sexper i ment . 4. Expl ai nt heGr eenhouseef f ect . 92 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 5. Namet woexampl esofgr eenhousegases. Concav er ef l ect ori susedt or ef l ectr adi antheatf r om t he sun i nt o a common poi nt( f ocus) .Temper at ur eatt hi s poi nti sv er yhi ght her ef or et heconcent r at edheatcanbe usedf orpur posesl i keheat i ngwat er . 93 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 1. Thedi agr am bel owshowst heessent i alf eat ur esofa sol arheat i ngpanel .Asmal lel ect r i cpumpci r cul at est he l i qui dt hr ought hepi pes. St at ebr i ef l ywhy : i . Thepi pesandmet alpl at esar ebl ackened. i i . Ther ei samat er i alf i br egl assont hepanel . 2. Thef i gur ebel owshowsanel ect r i ci r on. Twomet alpl at esAandBar er i v et edt of or m abi met alst r i p asusedabov e. ( i ) Whi chmet alexpandsmor e ( i i ) i son Expl ai nhowt heel ect r i ci r onwor kswhent hepower 94 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Chapt erEi ght ELECTROSTATI CSI I nt r oduct i on El ect r ost at i csi sabr anchofphy si cst hatdeal swi t hst at i c el ect r i ci t ywhi chi sanonmov i ngel ect r i cchar geont he sur f aceofanobj ect . Al lsubst ancesar emadeofat oms. At omshav et hr eesub -at omi cpar t i cl esnamel y : Pr ot ons Neut r ons El ect r ons Pr ot onshav eaposi t i v echar ge.El ect r onshav eanegat i v e char ge.Neut r onsdonothav eanychar ge( i . e.t heyar e neut r al ) . Ty pesofChar ges Posi t i v echar ge( s) .Thesechar ge( s)ar eobt ai nedwhen anat om l osesanel ect r on( s) . Negat i v echar ge( s) .Thesechar ge( s)ar eobt ai nedwhen anat om gai nsanel ect r on( s) TheSIuni tofchar gei st hecoul omb, C. Achar gedat om ( posi t i v el yornegat i v el y )i scal l edani on. Abodyt hathasnei t heranegat i v echar genoraposi t i v e char ge cont ai ns an equalnumber of pr ot ons and el ect r ons( Neut r alat om) .Whent hesechar gesar eequal i nnumber , abodyi sel ect r i cal l yneut r al . El ect r ost at i cChar gesofaMat er i al Ahar dr ubberr odgai nsmi l l i onsofel ect r onswheni ti s r ubbedwi t hawoolcl ot h.Thecl ot hl osesel ect r onst ot he r od and becomes posi t i v el y char ged. The r ubber becomesnegat i v el ychar ged. Whengl assr odi sr ubbedwi t hf ur , t hef url osesel ect r ons t ot hegl assr od.Gl assr odbecomesnegat i v el ychar ged andf urbecomesposi t i v el ychar ged. Abodyi ssai dt obeposi t i v el ychar gedi fi thasanexcess ofposi t i v echar gesori thasl ostsomeel ect r ons. Abodyi ssai dt obenegat i v el ychar gedi fi thasanexcess ofel ect r ons i . e. I fi thasgai nedsomeel ect r ons. Thef ol l owi ngmat er i al sbecomesnegat i v el ychar gedby f r i ct i onwhenr ubbed: Pol y t hene Mostpl ast i cs Eboni t e Thef ol l owi ng on t heot herhand becomesposy i t i v el y char gedwhenr ubbed: Acet at e Per spex Gl ass Fur TheBasi cLawofEl ect r ost at i cs I tst at es t hat l i ke char ges r epel ,unl i ke char ges Exer ci se 1. Twobal l oonsi nf l at edwi t hai rar et i edwi t hst r i ngsand hel d1met r eapar t .Bot hbal l oonsar er ubbedwi t hf ur . Whydot hebal l oonsmov eapar twhenbr oughtcl ose t oget her ? 2. Foreach si t uat i on bel ow st at e whet hert he f or ce bet weent hem i sr epul si v eorat t r act i v e. a) Conduct or sandI nsul at or s. Subst ances whi ch do notal l ow el ect r ons t o pass t hr ought hem ar ecal l edi nsul at or s. Subst ances whi ch al l ow el ect r ons t o pass easi l y t hr ought hem ar ecal l edconduct or s.Ther easonswhy t hey( met al s)conducteasi l yi sbecausewi t hi nany met alsomeel ect r onsar enotat t ached t o speci f i c at omsbutar ef r eet owanderabout . I fy ouwer et ohol damet alr odandr ubi twi t hwool woul di tbechar ged?NO Howev eri fy ouf i tpol y t hene handl e ont ot he met alr od i tcan be char ged by r ubbi ngi t .Weexpl ai nt hi sbysay i ngt hatt hepol y t hene i sani nsul at orandwi l lnotal l ow el ect r onst omov e t hr oughi tonal ongi t ssur f ace.Whenani nsul at ori s r ubbed,t he el ect r ons whi ch ar et r ansf er r ed come f r om at oms on t he sur f ace.The met al s become char gedbyel ect r onsf r om t hewool .Buti ft hemet al i sdi r ect l yhel d,t hese el ect r onsi mmedi at el y ‘ l eak’ awayt ot he ear t ht hr ough t he hand on t he body wher easwhent hehandl ei si nsul at ed t heyr emai non t he met albecause t hey cannotpass t hr ough t he i nsul at i nghandl e. Char gi ngMet hods Thef ol l owi ngmet hodsar eusedt ochar gemat er i al s: ( a)I nduct i on ( b)Cont act ( c)Separ at i on at t r act . 95 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ( a)I nduct i on ( b)Cont actmet hod Char gi ngpol y st y r enebal l negat i v el ybyi nduct i on Suspendt hepol y st y r enebal l coat edwi t hal umi ni um Suspendt hepol y st y r enebal lcoat edwi t hal umi ni um usi ng usi ngdr ysi l kt hr ead. dr ysi l kt hr ead. Br i ngachar gedgl assr odcl oset obutnott ouchi ng Br i ng aposi t i v el y char ged gl ass r od cl ose t o butnot t hesuspendedbal l . t ouchi ngt hesuspendedbal l . Br i ngachar gedgl assr odi ncont actwi t ht hebal l , Not e:Theposi t i v echar gesar er epel l edwhi l et henegat i v e r ol l i ngi tov ert hesur f ace. char gesar eat t r act edt ot her od. Toucht hesi deoft hebal lawayf r om t hegl assr odwi t ht he f i nger . Not e:El ect r onsf l ow f r om t heear t ht oneut r al i zet heposi t i v e char geont hebal l . Whi l ehol di ngt hegl assr odneart hebal l ,wi t hdr aw t he f i ngerandt hent hegl assr od. Wi t hdr awt hechar gedr od. Not es a) Whenaposi t i v er odi sr ol l edont hebal l ,someoft he negat i v echar gesi nducedi nt hebal lar eneut r al i zedby someposi t i v echar gesont her od. Not e: The r emai ni ng negat i v e char ges r edi st r i but e b ) Wh e n t h e r o d i s w i t h d r a w n ,t he posi t i v e char ges t hemsel v esuni f or ml yont hebal l . r edi st r i but et hemsel v esal lov ert hesur f aceoft her od. When a bodyi s char ged byi nduct i on,i tacqui r es t he c) When a body i s char ged by cont actmet hod,i t char gest hatar eopposi t et ot hei nduci ngchar ge. acqui r eschar gest hatar esi mi l art ot heonesont he char gi ngr od. Quest i on: Q u e s t i o n : E x p l ai nhowamat er i ali schar gednegat i v el yby Expl ai nbyuseofdi agr amshow t heabov emat er i alcanbe c o n t a c t me t h o d char gedposi t i v el ybyi nduct i onmet hod. ( c)Separ at i onMet hod Pl acet wospher esAandBt oget hersot hatt heyf or m asi ngl econduct or . Br i ng a char ged pol y t hene r od cl ose t o butnot t ouchi ngspher eA. 96 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 97 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com tconsi st sessent i al l yofamet alcap( br ass)andr od Mov espher eB awaysoast obr eakt hecont act ,whi l e I ( boast )atwhi chi sconnect edapi eceofv er yt hi n hol di ngt hechar gedr odi nposi t i on. met alf oi lcal l ed t he l eaf ( somet i mes gol df oi l , al umi num) suppor t ed wi t h a pi ece of i nsul at i ng mat er i al( coul d be cor k,cel l ul ose acet at e)whi ch f or mspar tofaboxwi t hgl asssl i des. Themet alcasi ngpr ot ect st hel eaff r om t heef f ectof t hedr aught . Thegl asswi ndow i st r anspar entf orobser v at i ont obe made. Ther od i ssuppor t edbyapl ugofgoodi nsul at or s Wi t hdr awt hechar gedr odandt estt het wospher esusi nga whi chst opschar gesgi v ent ot hecapf r om spr eadi ng negat i v el ychar gedr odf ort hepr esenceandt y peofchar ge t ot hecaseandhencel eaki ngaway . i neachspher e. Thecapi sci r cul art oensur euni f or m di st r i but i onof char geoni t . Ear t hi ngPr ocess ofl osi ng char ges t o orgai ni ng char ges f r om t he ear t h t hr ough a conduct or . Repr esent edbyt hesy mbol : Exer ci se Whenachar gedr odi shel dcl oset oamet alspher epl acedon ani nsul at edst and,t hechar gedi st r i but i onont hespher ei sas shownbel ow. ( a)Whati st hesi gnofchar geont her od? ( b)Descr i beasi mpl emet hodt ochar get her od. ( c)Expl ai nwhyt hef arsi deoft hemet alspher ehasa posi t i v echar ge. ( d)Whathappenst ot hechar gesont hemet alspher e,i f t hechar gedr odi smov edawayf r om t hespher e? TheGol dLeafEl ect r oscope Char gi ngaGol dLeafEl ect r oscopebyCont act Anel ect r oscopei schar gednegat i v el ybybr i ngi nga char gedpol y t henest r i pupt ot heel ect r oscopeand r ol li tov ert he el ect r oscope cap.The negat i v el y char ged pol y t hene r od r epel st he negat i v e char ge whi chspr eadsont hepl at eandt hel eaf ,maki ngt hem r epeleachot herhencel eafdi v er gence.I ft hepr ocess i sr epeat ed sev er alt i mes t he l eafdi v er gence wi l l keepsi ncr easi ngunt i li tr eachest hemaxi mum poi nt . Thi s way t he el ect r oscope i s sai dt o hav e been char gedbycont act . The met alcap,l eafand r od wi l lt her ef or er emai n di v er ged. I ndampweat her ,t hi spr ocessmaybedi f f i cul t .I ti s hel pedi far azorbl adei scel l ot apedont ot hecapso t hati tpr oj ect sov ert heedge.Ther azoredgewi l lt hen bef oundt ogat hert hechar gemor er eadi l yt hant he capal one. To char ge an el ect r oscope posi t i v el y ,a char ge cel l ul oseacet at est r i pi sr ubbedal ongt heedgeoft he cap.El ect r onsar eaccept edf r om t hecapt ot hest r i p whi chmeanst hatt hecapandl eafgai nanetposi t i v e char ge. Thel eaft her ef or edi v er gesagai n. Char gi ngaGol dLeafEl ect r oscopePosi t i v el ybyI nduct i on Toucht hecapoft heel ect r oscopewi t hy ourf i ngert o ensur et hati ti sf ul l ydi schar ged. Br i ng a char ged r od ( )cl ose t ot he cap oft he unchar gedel ect r oscope. Whi l et her odr emai nsi ni t sposi t i on, t oucht hecap. Wi t hdr awt hef i ngerandsubsequent l yr emov et her od. 98 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Obser v at i ons Whent hechar gedr od( )i sbr oughtcl oset ot hecap, t hel eafr i ses. Whent hecapi st ouchedwhi l et her odi si nposi t i on, t hel eafdi v er gencedecr eases. 99 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Whent hef i ngeri swi t hdr awnandt het hent her od, t hel eaf di v er ges. Expl anat i on Whent her odi sbr oughtcl oset ot hecap,el ect r onsar e r epel l ed t ot he pl at e and t he l eafmaki ng t he l eaft o di v er ge. When t he cap i st ouched,el ect r ons f l ow t ot he ear t h t hr ought hebody . When t he ear t h connect i on i s br oken byr emov i ng t he f i ngerandt her od,t heposi t i v echar gesr edi st r i but esont o t hel eafandt hepl at e.Thel eafasar esul tdi v er gesandt he el ect r oscopebecomesposi t i v el ychar ged. UsesofEl ect r oscope 1. Det ect i ngt hepr esenceofchar geonabody Char gedbodi esbr oughtneart hecapwi l lcauset he l eaft or i se( di v er ge) .I ft hel eafdoesn’ tdi v er get he bodyi sunchar ged. 2. Measur i ngt hei nsul at i ngpr oper t i esofanobj ect ( mat er i al ) Char get heel ect r oscopeandbr i ngt heobj ectt ot het op oft heel ect r oscopeandear t ht heel ect r oscope.The r at e atwhi ch t he l eaff al li st he measur e oft he conduct i ngabi l i t yoft heobj ect . 3.Tomeasur et hequant i t yofchar geonachar gedbody I fabodybei ngt est edhasl i t t l echar geoni tt hel eafof t heel ect r oscopewi l ldi v er geal i t t l eandi ft hebodyhas muchchar geoni tt hel eafwi l l di v er gemor e. 4.t est i ngt hesi gnofchar geonachar gedbody I fachar gedbodyi sbr oughtneart hecapofachar ged el ect r oscope,t hel eafoft heel ect r oscopewi l ldi v er ge mor ei ft hebodyandt heel ect r oscopehav esi mi l ar char gesandt hel eafdi v er gencewi l ldecr easei ft he t wohav edi f f er entchar ges. Test i ngf orchar ges a) Char ge an el ect r oscope negat i v el y .Br i ng a negat i v el y char gedpol y t henest r i pcl oset ot hecap.Not i cet hatt he l eafdi v er gesf ur t her . b) Br i ngupaposi t i v echar gecel l ul oseacet at est r i pcl oset o t hesamenegat i v el ychar gedel ect r oscope.Not i cet hatt hi s t i met hel eafcol l apses( decr easei ndi v er gence. ) c) Pl acey ourhand on anyunchar ged met alcl oset ot he char gedel ect r oscope.Not i ceagai nt hatt hel eafcol l apses. Not et hatt her esul t si nexper i ment s(b)and( c)wer et he samehencet hecol l apsi ngoft hel eafi snotev i dencef or t hepr esenceofachar gedbody .We cant her ef or e st at e t her ul ef ort est i ngachar geasf ol l ows: 1) I ft hel eafofchar geel ect r oscopedi v er gesf ur t herwhena bodybr oughtcl oset ot hecapt hent hatbodyi schar ged. 2) Thesi gnoft hechar geont hebodyi st hesameast haton t heel ect r oscope. I ncr easei ndi v er gencei st heonl ysur ewayoft est i ngt he si gnofchar geonabody .Not et hatchar gi ngbycont acti s notasur ewaybuti nduct i oni s. 100 Char ge on Char ge el ect r oscope br ought near t he cap + + + + +or Unchar ged body Ef f ectonl eaf di v er gence I ncr ease I ncr ease Decr ease Decr ease Decr ease Char gesi nAi r Ai rcanbechar gedby : Heat i ng Radi at i ons Appl i cat i onsofEl ect r ost at i cChar ges El ect r ost at i cspr eci pi t at or s Fi ngerpr i nt i ng Spr aypai nt i ng phot ocopy i ng DangerofEl ect r ost at i cs Rubbi ngl i qui dmol ecul escanbechar ged.I ft hel i qui d i si nf l ammabl e,i t can spar k and expl ode.I ti s adv i sabl et ost or ef uel si nmet alcanssot hatany char gesgener at edcont i nual l yl eakout .Thi si st he r easonbehi ndt hepr esenceofl oosechai ni nt anker s car r y i ngi nf l ammabl el i qui ds. Assi gnment 1.A ny l on dr ess st i cks on t he bodyand cr ackl eswhenr emov ed.Expl ai n. 2. You ar e gi v en a posi t i v el y char ged el ect r oscope and a char ged body .Expl ai n howy ouwi l ldet er mi net het y peoft hechar ge ont hechar gedbody . 3.You ar e pr ov i ded wi t ht he f ol l owi ng: pol y t hene r od,dust er and a unchar ged el ect r oscope.Expl ai nhowy ouwi l lchar get he el ect r oscopenegat i v el y . Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 101 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com CELLSANDSI MPLECI RCUI TS Chapt erNi ne I nt r oduct i on Not es El ect r i calener gyi susedf orl i ght i ng, Heat i ngandoper at i ng a) Aci r cui tt hatal l owschar gest omov ei nacompl et e el ect r oni cdev i cessuch asT. V,comput er s,hi gh speed pat hwhent heswi t chi scl osedi ssai dt obeacl osed t r ai nset c.Thi sener gyi scar r i edt hr oughconduct or sl i ke ci r cui t . wi r es. b) A ci r cui tt hatdoesnotal l ow char gest omov ei na El ect r i cCur r ent compl et epat hsuchaci r cui ti ssai dt obeanopen ( br okenci r cui t ) .Openci r cui tcanal sobeasar esul tof El ect r i ccur r enti st her at eoff l owofchar ge( f l owofchar ge l ooseconnect i onofwi r es. peruni tt i me) .SIuni ti st heamper e( A) c) For cl ar i t y and neat ness, sy mbol s ar e used i n Fr om t hedef i ni t i onabov e, r epr esent i nganel ect r i cal ci r cui t . Char ge, Q Cur r ent , I= Ti me, t Q I= , Q=I t t Exampl e Cal cul at et heamountofcur r entf l owi ngt hr oughabul bi f360 coul ombsofchar gef l owst hr oughi ti n3. 5mi nut es. Sol ut i on Q I= t 360 I= 3. 5x60 =1. 714A Ty pesofEl ect r i cCur r ent Dev i ce Sy mbol Ct e l lFl Di r ect i onof h e owofEl ect r i cCur r ent Conv ent i onal l y , t hef l owofcur r enti sf r om t heposi t i v e B at t er y t er mi na lt o t he negat i v et er mi naloft he cel l .I ti s opposi t et ot hedi r ect i onoff l owofel ect r ons. Swi t ch Thei nst r umentf ormeasur i ngel ect r i ccur r enti scal l ed anammet erwhi l eel ect r i ccur r entf l owi scont r ol l edby av ar i abl er esi st or . Bul b/ f i l ament l amp a) Di r ectcur r ent ( d. c)–whi chf l owsi nonedi r ect i ononl y b) Al t er nat i ngcur r ent ( a. c)–whi chr ev er sesdi r ect i onwi t ha gi v enf r equency Si mpl eEl ect r i cCi r cui t s A si mpl e el ect r i c ci r cui tconsi stofa cel l ,a bul b and connect i ngwi r es. Wi r es cr ossi ng wi t h no connect i on Wi r es cr ossi ng wi t hconnect i on Fi xedr esi st or Pot ent i al di v i der 102 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 103 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Thet abl ebel ow shows some oft he el ect r i cal sy mbol s used i n dr awi ngci r cui t s.Fuse Cel l si nPar al l el Capaci t or Whencel l sar ei npar al l elar r angementt hei re. m. f .i s t hesameast hee. m. f .ofonecel l . Rheost at Twoormor ecel l sar epl acedsi debysi de, t heposi t i v e t er mi nal sj oi nedt oget herandt henegat i v et er mi nal s al soconnect edt oget her . Cur r enti s suppl i ed f ora l ongert i me i n par al l el connect i onofcel l s. Ammet er Vol t met er Not e:Cel l sshoul d shoul d bear r anged i n par al l elonl y whent heyhav et hesamee. m. fot her wi seonewi l ldr ai n t heot her . Bul bsi nSer i esandPar al l elConnect i on Bubsi nPar al l el Gal v anomet er El ect r omot i v eFor ce( E. m. f )andPot ent i alDi f f er ence Eachbul bf unct i onsi ndependent l y .I fonegoesof f , ot her scont i nuel i ght i ng. Ther e’ sdecr easedr esi st anceast hecur r enthasmany al t er nat i v el oops( compl et epat hs)t hr oughwhi cht o f l ow. bsi npar al l elhav et hesamepot ent i aldi f f er ence El ect r omot i v ef or ce( E. m. f )r ef er st ov ol t ageacr osst he Bul b u t d i f f e r e n t a mo u n t s o f c u r r e n t . t er mi nal sofabat t er yi nanopenci r cui t( whennocur r ent f l owsi nt heci r cui t ) . Pot ent i aldi f f er ence( Pd)r ef er st ot hev ol t ageacr osst he t er mi nal sofabat t er yi nacl osedci r cui t( whencur r enti s f l owi ngi nt heci r cui t ) . Pot ent i aldi f f er enceandE. m. far emeasur edi nv ol t sbyan Bul bsi nSer i es i nst r ument cal l ed v ol t met er .A v ol t met er i s al way s connect edi npar al l el ( acr oss) . I fonebul bgoesof f , ot her sal sogoof f . Thedi f f er encebet weenPot ent i aldi f f er enceandE. m. fi s Ther e’ si ncr easedr esi st ancet hust hebul bsmi ghtnot knownasl ostv ol t age e. m. f=P. d+l ost beasbr i ghtast hosei npar al l el connect i on. v ol t age Bul bsi nser i eshav et hesamecur r entbutdi f f er ent l ostv ol t age=e. m. f P. d pot ent i al di f f er ence. Thi sv ol t agei sl ostbecauseoft heopposi t i ont ot hef l ow ofchar geswi t hi nt hecel l ( i nt er nal r esi st ance) 104 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Connect i ngCel l si nSer i esandPar al l el Cel l si nSer i es Twoormor ecel l sar econnect edsucht hatt heposi t i v e t er mi nal ofonei sj oi nedt ot henegat i v et er mi nal ofanot her one. Twoormor ecel l sconnect edi nser i esmakeabat t er y Not e: Bul bsi npar al l el ar r angementl i ghtbr i ght ert han t hosei nser i esar r angement . Not e:Connect i ngcel l si nser i esi ncr easest hee. m. fandcur r ent i nt heci r cui ti shi gher . 105 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Not e: Exampl e An el ect r i ci an i nst al l ed el ect r i c wi r i ng i n a house and 1) Mat er i al s whose el ect r i calpr oper t i es f al lbet ween connect edt hebul bsandt heswi t chesasshowni nt hebel ow. C t hoseofconduct or sandi nsul at or sar er ef er r edt oas semi conduct or se. g.si l i conandger mani um. 2) Somel i qui dssuchasdi l ut esul phur i caci d,sodi um chl or i desol ut i onand pot assi um hy dr oxi deconduct el ect r i ci t y .Theyar er ef er r edt oasel ect r ol y t es. Sour cesofEl ect r i ci t y Mai nsour ces: Chemi cal cel l s ( a) Expl ai nwhathappenswhenswi t ch: Gener at or s ( i ) S1i scl osed. Onl ybul bB1wi l ll i ght ; Sol arcel l s ( i i ) S2i scl osed. Bul bB1 andB2 l i ght sbutwi t hl essbr i ght ness Ot hersour cesi ncl ude: becauseofi ncr easei nr esi st ance. ( i i i )S3i scl osed. Ther mocoupl es Bul bB1B2andB3wi l lal ll i ghtbutwi t hmuchl essbr i ght ness compar edt oa( i i ) Pi ezoel ect r i ci t y ( b)( i )Usi ngar edr awndi agr am showt hebestposi t i ont he Chemi calCel l s bul bsshoul dbei nst al l ed. Thesear ecel l st hatpr oduceanE. m. fasar esul tofa chemi cal r eact i ons.Theyar ecat egor i zedi nt ot wo: I . Pr i mar ycel l s Thesear ecel l swhi chcannotber echar gedf oruse agai ne. g.si mpl ecel l . Si mpl eCel l ( i i )Expl ai nwhyy ouconsi dert hear r angementi n( b)( i ) abov et obet hebest . Whent hebul bsar econnect edsucht hatt heyar ei npar al l el , t he ci r cui tr ési st ance i s si gni f i cant l yr educed;and hence mor e cur r entf l ow,t hebul bl i ght swi t hequalbr i ght nesssi ncet he oper at i onv ol t agei st hesame; Conduct or sandI nsul at or s Def ect sofasi mpl ecel l Conduct or sar emat er i al st hatal l owel ect r i ccur r entt of l ow t hr ought hem e. g.copper , si l v er , gr aphi t eandal umi ni um. Pol ar i zat i on – accumul at i onofbubbl esar oundt he copperpl at e( posi t i v e pl at e) .Thi s def ectpr ov i des I nsul at or sar emat er i al st hatdonotal l ow f l ow ofel ect r i c i nsul at i on t ot hef l ow ofcur r entand al so set sup cur r entt hr ought hem e. g.pl ast i c, paperandr ubber . some“ l ocal ”cel l swi t hcopperwhoseel ect r onf l ow t endst oopposet hef l ow ofel ect r onsf r om t hezi nc 106 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com pl at e.Theov er al lef f ecti si ncr easei nt hei nt er nal r esi st ance oft he cel l ,whi ch r educes t he f l ow of cur r ent . Localact i on–t hezi ncpl at ei sdepl et ed( eat enaway ) asi tr eact swi t hdi l ut esul phur i caci d.I mpur i t i esi n zi ncpr omot el ocal act i on. 107 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Way sofcor r ect i ngPol ar i zat i ondef ect : TheDr yCel l Addi t i onofpot assi um di chr omat e( depol ar i zer ) .Ox y gen f r om t hedepol ar i zercombi neswi t ht hehy dr ogenat omst o pr oducewat er . Remov i ngcopperpl at eandbr ushi ngof ft hegasbubbl es. Way sofcor r ect i ngLocalact i ondef ect : Useofpur ezi nc. Coat i ngzi ncwi t hmer cur y( amal gamat i on) . TheLecl anche’ cel l Local act i onandPol ar i zat i onhav ebeenmi ni mi zedi nt hi scel l . I ti sr ef er r edt oasdr ycel lbecausei thasnol i qui d. Theammoni um chl or i desol ut i oni nt heLecl anche’ cel l i sr epl acedwi t ht heammoni um chl or i dej el l yorpast e whi chi susedast heel ect r ol y t e. Manganese( I V)oxi deandactast hedepol ar i zer . car bon powderi ncr eases t he sur f ace ar ea oft he posi t i v eel ect r ode( car bonRod) Thezi nccaseact i ngast henegat i v eel ect r odeget s depl et edbyt heammoni um chl or i deandchangest o zi ncchl or i de.Local act i oni sst i l l adef ecti nt hi scel l . Thecel lcannotber enewedoncet hechemi calact i on st ops.Anewdr ycel l hasane. m. fofabout1. 5V. The car bon r od ( posi t i v et er mi nal )i s sur r ounded wi t h Car ef ort hedr ycel l manganese( I V)oxi demi xedwi t hcar bonpowder . gecur r ent sshoul dnotbedr awnf r om t hedr ycel l Car bonpowderi ncr easest heef f ect i v ear eaoft hepl at es Lar w i t h i na s h o r t t i me . hencer educedr esi st ance. er mi nal sshoul dnotbeshor t ed. The manganese ( I V) oxi de act s as a depol ar i zer Thet ( depol ar i zat i oni ssl owt husl ar gecur r ent scannotbedr awn Thecel l smustbest or edi ndr ypl aces. outoft hi scel l st eadi l yf oral ongt i me) . Local act i oni sst i l l adef ecti nt hi scel l . Usesoft hedr ycel l s Dr ycel l sar eusedi nt or ches, cal cul at or sandr adi os. Thecel li susedf orpur poseswher ecur r enti snotdr awn f r om i tf ora v er yl ong t i me,l i ke oper at i ng bel l s and t el ephoneboxes.I thasal ongerl i f espant hant hesi mpl e cel l . I I . Secondar yCel l s: Thesear er echar geabl ecel l s. 108 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Theyar eal socal l edst or agecel l sast heycanst or e el ect r i cal ener gyaschemi cal ener gy . Exampl es ar et he Leadaci d accumul at orand t he Ni ckel al kal i neaccumul at or . 109 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Lead–aci daccumul at or Mai nt enanceoft heAccumul at or s ev elof t he el ect r ol y t e shoul d be checked Consi stofposi t i v eandnegat i v epl at eswhi char emadeof 1) The l r egul ar l yandmai nt ai nedabov et hepl at es.Toppi ng l eadant i monyal l oy . shoul dbedonebydi st i l l edwat er ; NOTACI D! Thepl at esar edi ppedi nsul phur i caci dsol ut i onwhi chi san 2) Theaccumul at orshoul dbechar gedwhent hee. m. fof el ect r ol y t e. t he cel ldr ops bel ow 1. 8 V and when t he r el at i v e Thecapshav esmal lv enthol eswhi ch al l ow gasest o densi t y oft he aci di sf al l s bel ow 1. 12 ( usi ng a escape( 02andH2) hy dr omet er ) . I ft hedensi t yoft heaci dbecomest ool owt heaccumul at or 3) Lar gecur r ent sshoul dnotbedr awnf r om t hebat t er y i ssai dt obedi schar ged. f oral ongt i me. I ti schar gedbyconnect i ngad. csour ceasshownbel ow. 4) Shoul dnotbel ef ti nadi schar gedcondi t i onf oral ong per i odassul phat i onmayt akepl ace.( t hel ead( I I ) sul phat edeposi t sont hepl at eshar denupandcannot beconv er t edbackt ol ead( I I )oxi deandl ead. ) 5) Shor t i ng/ov er char gi ngoft heaccumul at orshoul dbe av oi ded. 6) The t er mi nal s shoul d al way s be keptcl ean and gr eased. 7) Theaccumul at orshoul dnotbedi r ect l ypl acedont he gr ounddur i ngst or age.I tshoul dber est edonsome i nsul at orl i keawoodenbl ock. Thi si st hemostr el i abl e,l ongl ast i ngandcost ef f ect i v eof kal i neAccumul at or s: t hesecondar ycel l s.A12Vl eadaci daccumul at orhassi x Al cel l sconnect edi nser i es. The el ect r ol y t ei nt hi scasei san al kal i nesol ut i on, s u c ha s p o t a s s i u m h y d r o x i d e . Capaci t yofanAccumul at or y pesar eni ckel cadmi um andni ckel Thi si st heamountofcur r entt hatcanbedr awni nagi v en Thecommont i r onaccumul at or s. t i mef r om t hebat t er y . I ti sexpr essedi namper ehour s( Ah) . Exampl es 1. Abat t er yi sr at ed120AH.Howl ongwi l li twor ki fi tst eadi l y suppl i esacur r entof4A? capaci t y=cur r enti namper es×t i mei nhour s 120AH=4A×t i me 120AH t i me= =30hour s 4A Adv ant agesofAl kal i neAccumul at or sov erLead– Aci d Accumul at or s 1. Lar gecur r ent scanbedr awnf r om t hem ov erashor t per i odoft i me. 2.Thecur r entcapaci t yofanaccumul at ori s40Ah.Fi ndt he equi r ev er yl i t t l eat t ent i ont omai nt ai n. amountofcur r entf l owi ngi ft heaccumul at ori susedf or600 2. Theyr mi nut es. 110 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com capaci t y=cur r enti namper es×t i mei nhour s 600 40AH=I× 60 40AH I= =4A 10H 111 3. Theyar el i ght er( mor epor t abl e)t hant heLead–aci d accumul at or s. 4. Theycanbekepti nadi schar gedcondi t i onf orav er y l ongt i mebef or et hecel l sar er ui ned. Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Di sadv ant ages 1. Theyar ev er yexpensi v e. 2. Theyhav eal owere. m. fpercel l . 1. Youar epr ov i dedwi t hacarbat t er y ,aswi t chandt wo headl i ght sofacar .Dr aw apossi bl eci r cui tdi agr am f ort hear r angementt hatwi l lal l owt hedr i v ert oswi t ch ont het wol i ght ssi mul t aneousl y . 2. ( a)Dr aw awel l l abel l ed di agr am ofadr ycel land expl ai nhowi twor ks. UsesofAccumul at or s Theyar eusedi nshi ps,hospi t al sandbui l di ngswher el ar ge ( b)Whatar et hedef ect sandt her emedi esi nt he cur r ent smi ghtbeneededf oremer gency . wor ki ngofadr ycel l ? Di f f er encesbet weenpr i mar yandsecondar ycel l s Pr i mar ycel l s Secondar ycel l s Cannotber echar gedaf t er Ar er echar geabl e use Smal l cur r ent can be Lar gecur r entcanbedr awn dr awnf r om t hem f r om t hem ( c)Howar edr ycel l smai nt ai ned? 3. Ei ghtdr ycel l scanbear r angedt opr oduceat ot al e. m. fof12V, j ustl i keacarbat t er y . a. Whati se. m. fofani ndi v i dualcel l ? b. Whyi si tpossi bl et ost ar tt hecarwi t ht hel eadaci d accumul at or , butnotwi t hei ghtdr ycel l si nser i es? 4. ( a)Dr awt wosepar at edi agr amsshowi ng al eadaci d accumul at orwheni ti s: Rev i si onExer ci se 112 a) Char gi ng Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 9. I n t er ms of el ect r ons, di st i ngui sh bet ween good conduct or s, poorconduct or sofel ect r i ci t yandi nsul at or s. 10.( a)Def i necur r entandst at ei t sSIuni t . b) Di schar gi ng. ( b)Descr i bet hechangest hatcanobser v eddur i ngt het wo pr ocessesabov e. c)Whyi si tdanger oust ol i ghtaci gar et t enearachar gi ng ( b) ( i )Achar geof180coul ombsf l ow t hr oughal amp ( t er y ? ev er ymi nut e.Cal cul at et hecur r entf l owi ngt hr ought he carbat l amp. 5. ( a)Whatdoy ouunder st andbyt het er m capaci t yofa l e a d a c i da c c u mu l a t o r ? ( i i )Cal cul at et he numberofel ect r ons i nv ol v ed ( char geofel ect r oni s1. 6x10-19C) ( b) Whyi si tef f ect i v et ochar geacarbat t er yov eral ong i mewi t hav er ysmal lcur r entr at hert hanabi gcur r ent 11.Abat t er yci r cul at eschar ger oundaci r cui tf or1. 5mi nut es. t t hi nashor tt i me? I ft hecur r enti shel d at2. 5A,whatquant i t yofchar ge wi passest hewi r e? ( c)Acarbat t er yi sr at ed40Ahandi ti sexpect edt osuppl y antcur r entf or120mi nut es.Whati st hest r engt h 12.Def i neel ect r omot i v ef or ceanddi st i ngui shi tf r om pot ent i al aconst ofcur r entdel i v er ed? di f f er enceofacel l . 13.( a)Dr awaci r cui tdi agr am oft hr eecel lt or ch. ( b)Whatdoy ouunder st andby ? 6. St at eatl eastf i v epr ecaut i onst haty ouwoul dt aket o mai nt ai naccumul at or si ny ourl abor at or y . ( i )Openci r cui t ? 7. St at et headv ant ageanddi sadv ant ageofl eadaci d accumul at or sov ert heal kal i neaccumul at or s. ( i i )Cl osedci r cui t ? 8. Thef i gur ebel owshowst hesetupf orasi mpl ecel l . 14.Expl ai nwhyl i ght si nahousear ewi r edi npar al l elandnoti n ser i es. 15.( a)Gi v et hr eedi f f er encesbet weenpr i mar yandsecondar y cel l s. ( b)I nmaki ngasi mpl ecel l , t het woel ect r odesusedar e notoft hesameki nd.Expl ai n. 113 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com a)Namet heEl ect r odeAandt hesol ut i onB b)St at et wor easonswhyt hebul bgoesof faf t erashor tt i me 16.St at eoneadv ant ageofal eadaci daccumul at orov eradr y cel l 17.St at eonedef ectofasi mpl ecel landexpl ai nhowi tcanbe cor r ect ed. 18.Thedi agr am bel owshowsasi mpl ecel l : - a. Namezandsol ut i ony b. Nameandexpl ai nt hedef ectt hatoccur satpl at ez c. Gi v e one met hod ofpr ev ent i ng t he def ectt hat occur satt hecopperpl at e 19.Expl ai nwhyei ght1. 5Vcel l sar r angedi nser i est ogi v ea t ot alof12Vcannotbeusedt ost ar tacar .Butcarbat t er y of12Vst ar t sacar 20.Def i ne t he t er m t oppi ng as used i n si mpl e cel l s and ci r cui t s. 21.I )A gi r lopened up aused up dr ycel land f ound t he f ol l owi ng: a. Thezi nccasi ngwasdepl et ed b. Thecel lwaswat er y I I )Namet hecel ldef ect I I I )Thr eei dent i calbul bsar econnect edi nser i eswi t habat t er y ofdr ycel l s.Atf i r stt hebul bsshi nebr i ght l ybutgr adual l y becomedi mmer .Usi ngt hesamecel l s,expl ai nhowy ouwoul d i ncr easet hebr i l l i anceoft hebul bs 22.A carbat t er yr equi r es t oppi ng up wi t h di st i l l ed wat er occasi onal l y .Expl ai n whyt hi si s necessar yand why di st i l l edwat eri sused 23.St at eoneadv ant ageof : a. Al eadaci daccumul at i v eov eradr ycel l b. Adr ycel lov erl eadaci daccumul at or 114 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 115 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Chapt erTen RECTI LI NEARPROPAGATI ONOFLI GHT AND REFLECTI ONATPLANESURFACES I nt r oduct i on Makeasmal lhol ei neachoft het hr eecar dboar ds ensur i ngt hatal l t hehol esar eatt hesamehei ght . Opt i csi sabr anchofphy si cswhi chst udi est hebehav i our Thel ampsposi t i onedi nsuchawayt hatar ayofl i ght ofl i ghtasi tt r av er sesv ar i ousmedi a. passest hr oughal l t hehol es. Opt i cal i nst r ument s such as camer as,mi cr oscopes, Whent hecar dboar di sdi spl acedbymov i ngi tsl i ght l y per i scopesandl awsgov er ni ngt hei rwor ki ngf or m amaj or t ot heonesi de,t heey ewi l lnotseet hel amp.Thi s par toft hi sbr anchofphy si cs. showst hatl i ghtt r av el si nast r ai ghtl i ne. Li ghti saf or m ofener gy .Li ghtr egul at esy ourdai l yl i f e. Youneedl i ghtt oseet hesi ze,shapeandcol ouroft hi ngs Ray sofLi ghtandBeam ofLi ght ar oundy ou. Ar ay i s a nar r ow st r eam ofl i ghtofnegl i gi bl e t hi cknesswhi l eabeam ofl i ghti sacol l ect i onofr ay s Sour cesofLi ght ofl i ght . Ther ear et wo: l umi nous( i ncandescent )andnonl umi nous Lumi nousobj ect sar et hosewhi chpr oducet hei rownl i ght Ty pesofbeams e. g.sun, candl es, el ect r i cl amps, gl owi ngwor mset c. A beam i nwhi chr ay sar epar al l elt oeachot heri s Nonl umi nousobj ect sar et hosewhi chdon’ tgi v et hei rown cal l edpar al l elbeam. l i ghtbutr ef l ectl i ghtt hatcomesf r om al umi nousobj ect . Thesear eobj ect s.Exampl esar e: t hemoon, paper , y ouet c. Youcanseeanobj ectcl ear l yi fl i ghtf r om i tent er sy our ey es. Tr anspar ent , Tr ansl ucentandOpaqueObj ect s Tr anspar entobj ect sar et hosewhi chal l ow l i ghtt opass t hr ought hem e. g.agl asswi ndow,cl earwat er ,t heai r Abeam i nwhi cht her ay sconv er geatapoi nti scal l ed ar oundy ou.Al lt hesesubst ancesl etl i ghtpasst hr ough aconv er gentbeam. t hem. Opaqueobj ect sar et hosewhi chcannotal l owl i ghtt opass t hr ought hem e. g.wool , st eel , Br i ck. Tr ansl ucentbodi esar et hosewhi chl etl i ghtpasst hr ough t hem, butscat t eri nal ldi r ect i onse. g.l ampshades, f r ost ed gl ass, somepl ast i cet c. Rect i l i nearPr opagat i onofLi ght Thi si st hepr oper t yofl i ghtt ot r av eli nast r ai ghtl i nei na medi um ofhomogeneouspr opagat i ondensi t y . Li ghtdoesnott r av elar oundcor ner s.Thef or mat i onof Abeam i nwhi cht her ay sspr eadsoutf r om apoi nti sa shadowsshowst hatl i ghtt r av el si nast r ai ghtl i ne.When d i v e r g e n t b e a m anopaquebodyi spl acedi nabeam ofl i ght ,ashadow i s f or med. Demonst r at i ngRect i l i nearPr opagat i onofLi ght 116 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 117 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com ThePi nhol eCamer a Api nhol ecamer ai smadeusi ngasmal lr ect angul arbox wi t hapi nhol eatoneend,al ar ger ect angul arhol eatone end, al ar ger ect angul arhol eatt heot herend. Ther ect angul arhol eatt hebacki scov er edwi t hascr een ofspeci alpaperl i kegr easepr oofpaperwhi chl et ssome l i ghtpasst hr oughi t( i . e.i ti st r ansl ucent ) . ho=obj ecthei ght hi=i magehei ght Adv ant age u=obj ectdi st ance I ti sabl et of or mf ocusedi magesont hef i l m ofobj ect s v =i magedi st ancef r om pi nhol e bot hnearandf arf r om t hecamer a. Gi v ent hatmagni f i cat i oni sm, t hen hi v m = or m= andso I mageFor mat i onbyaPi nhol eCamer a ho u hi v = ho u Exampl es 1. A pi nhol ecamer aofl engt h15cm f or msani mage 3cm hi ghofamanst andi ng9m i nf r ontoft hecamer a whati st hehei ghtoft heman? hi v = ho u 0. 03m 0. 15m = ho 9m 0. 03m×9m ho= =1. 8m 0. 15m TheLengt h( Si ze)OfI mage 2. LampAofhei ght6cm st andsi nf r ontofapi nhol e Thel engt hoft hei magef or meddependson: camer aatadi st anceof24cm.Thecamer ascr eeni s a) Thedi st anceoft heobj ectf r om t hepi nhol e 8 c m f r o m t h e p i n h o l e .Wh a ti s t h e h e i g h to ft h e b) Thel engt hoft hecamer abox i mage? hi v MAGNI FI CATI ON = Thi si st her at i ooft hei magesi zet ot heobj ectsi zeort he ho u r at i ooft hei magedi st ancet ot heobj ectdi st ance. hi 0. 08m = I magesi ze 0. 06m 0. 24m Magni f i cat i on= obj ectsi ze 0. 08m hi= ×0. 06m 0. 24m i magedi st ance hi=2m Magni f i cat i on= obj ectdi st ance 118 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exer ci se ShadowFor medbyaPoi ntSour ce 1. Ani mage100mm l ongofaman2m t al li spi nnedont opof a pi nhol e camer a.The di st ance ofpi n hol ef r om t he scr eeni ft hemani sst andi ng6cm f r om t hepi nhol e. 2. Anobj ect1m t al lf or msani mage5cm t al lf r om t hescr een ofapi nhol ecamer a.Fi ndt hedi st anceoft heobj ectf r om t hepi nhol eoft heobj ecti ft hel engt hoft hecamer aboxi s 40cm. Ef f ectont heI mageFor medbyt hePi nhol eCamer aOn: ( a) Manypi nhol es ntsour ceofl i ghti sonewhi chi ssmal lenough Eachpi nhol ewi l lf or mi t si mager esul t i ngi nt obr i ght erbut Apoi f oral lt her ay sofl i ghtt ocomeef f ect i v el yf r om a bl ur r edi mage. si ngl epoi nt . ( b)Lar gepi nhol e suni f or ml yandt ot al l ydar kal l ov erand Al ar gehol ei sequi v al entt osev er alhol esandwi l lpr oduce Theshadowi i sc a l l e d u mb r a . T h eu mb r e l l as h a p ee d g e so nt he br i ght erbutbl ur r edi mage. s h a d o ws h o w s t h a t l i g h t t r a v e l s o na s t r a i g h t l i n e . Howev er ,ashar pi magecanbepr oducedwher eawi de hol eorsev er alhol eshav ebeenusedbysi mpl ypl aci nga medbyanExt endedSour ceofLi ght . conv er gi ngl ensi nf r ontoft hemanyhol esandi ncont act ShadowsFor wi t ht hebox.Theconv exl ensbr i ngsal lr ay sf r om apoi nt onobj ectt ouni quepoi ntont hescr een. Thepi nhol ecamer acanbemodi f i edasf ol l owsi nor dert o t akephot ogr aphs: Shoul d be pai nt ed bl ack on t he i nsi de t o el i mi nat e r ef l ect i onofl i ght . Tr ansl ucentscr eent ober epl acedbyl i ght t i ghtl i dwi t h phot ogr aphi cf i l mf i t t edont hei nsi de. Shoul dbecov er edwi t hat hi nbl ackcar dwhi chact sasa Anext endedsour ceofl i ghti sl ar geenoughf orr ay s shut t er . t obeseent ocomef r om manypoi nt s. Theexposur et i meofapi nhol ecamer adependson: Theshadow i sl ar gerandhasacent r aldar kr egi on Si zeoft hepi nhol e c a l l e d u mb r a s u r r o u n d e dar i n go fp a r t i a l s h a d o w Li ght i ngcondi t i ons c a l l e d p e n u mb r a . Sensi t i v i t yoft hef i l m Lengt hoft hecamer a Appl i cat i onofext endedl i ghtsour ces a ) L a mp s h a d e sa r eu s e da t h o met opr ov i deamor e Adv ant ageoft hePi nhol eCamer aov ert heLensCamer a p l e a s a n t k i n do f l i g h t n i n g . The pi nhol e camer ai s pr ef er r ed t ot he l ens camer a b) Fl uor escentt ubes ar e usual l y sur r ounded by a becausei tdoesnotpr oducedi st or t i on. f r ost eddi f f uset oscat t ert hel i ght&r educeshadow Thedi sadv ant agesofusi ngapi nhol ecamer a: shar pness. a) I tt akesal ongt i mef ori maget obef or medsi ncet he amountofl i ghtpassi ngt hr ought hehol ei ssmal l . i pses b) I tcannotbeusedt ot akephot ogr aphsofmov i ngobj ect s. Ecl Anecl i psei st het ot alorpar t i aldi sappear anceofsun r a y s a s s e e nf r o m t h e e a r t h . Shadows Ashadowi sashadecastbyanobj ectbl ocki ngdi r ectr ay s arEcl i pseorEcl i pseoft heSun ofl i ght .Thef or mat i onofshadowsdependsont hef act TheSol t hatl i ghtt r av el si nast r ai ghtl i ne Thesi zeoft heshadowf or meddependson: a) Si zeofsour cesofl i ght . b) Si zeofopaqueobj ect . c) Di st ancebet weent heobj ectandsour ceofl i ght . 119 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 120 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Thesol arecl i pseoccur swhent hemooncomesbet ween t hesunandt heear t h TheAnnul arEcl i pseoft heSun Ther ayf r om t hesour ceAOi scal l edt hei nci dentr ay . Ther ayt hatbouncesof ff r om t heMi r r orOi scal l ed t her ef l ect edr ay .ONi st henor mal . Theangl ebet ween i nci dentr ayand t henor mali s cal l edAngl eofi nci dentangl e,Ibet weent henor mal andt heRef l ect edr ayi scal l edangl eofr ef l ect i on. TheLawsofRef l ect i on 1. The angl e ofi nci dence i s equalt ot he angl e of r ef l ect i on. 2. Thei nci dentr ay ,nor malandr ef l ect edr ayatt hepoi nt ofi nci denceal l l i eont hesamepl ane. pesofRef l ect i on I toccur swhent hedi st anceofsepar at i onbet weent he Ty a ) R e g u l a r o r S p ecul arRef l ect i on ear t handt hemooni sgr eat .Theumbr aoft hemoondoes toccur swhenpar al l eli nci dentr ay sar er ef l ect edpar al l el nott ot al l ycov ert hesunedgeoft hedar kdi skoft hemoon. I t oeachot herwhenr ef l ect i ngsur f acei ssmoot h. LunarEcl i pseorEcl i pseoft heMoon b) I r r egul arorDi f f useRef l ect i on Par al l eli nci dentr ay sar er ef l ect edi ndi f f er entdi r ect i ons f or Theecl i pseoft hemoonoccur swhent heear t hcomes bet weent hesunandt hemoon. Whent hel unarecl i pseoccur s,i tl ast sl onger( about1hr ) t hant hesol arecl i psebecauset hemooni smuchsmal l er t hant heear t h. Dur i ngat ot all unarecl i psesomel i ghtr eachest hemoon duet or ef r act i onbyt heear t h’ sat mospher e&makei tl ook acopper ycol our . I mageFor mat i onbyaPl aneMi r r or . Thei mageofan obj ectseen i n a pl anemi r r ori s REFLECTI ONBYPLANEMI RRORS. f or medbyr ay sofl i ghtt r av el l i ngi nst r ai ghtl i neswhi ch Whenar ayofl i ghtmeet sapl anemi r r ori ti sr ef l ect i on. ar er ef l ect edaccor di ngt ot hel awsofr ef l ect i on. Anor di nar ymi r r ori smadebydeposi t i ngat hi nl ay erof met al , of t ensi l v erpai ntatt hebackoft hegl asswhi chact s ast her ef l ect i ngsur f ace. 121 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Exer ci se 122 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Fr om t heabov edi agr am onecanseet hatt hei magef or medi n apl anemi r r ori sal way s: a)Er ect( Upr i ght ) b)Asf arbehi ndt hemi r r orasobj ecti si nf r ontofi t . c)Vi r t ual . Av i r t uali magei sone: whi chcannotber ecei v edont hescr een whi chi sf or medbyt hei nt er sect i onofv i r t ual r ay s. c)Lat er al l yi nv er t edi . e.l ef tappear sont her i ght&v i cev er sa d)Thesamesi zeast heobj ect . I mageFor mat i oni nPar al l eli nMi r r or s 1. Fi ndt henumberofi magesf or medwhenmi r r or sar e i ncl i nedat20o 2. Fi ndt heangl ebet weent womi r r or si f35i magesar e f or med 3. Atwhatangl ewoul dt womi r r or sbei ncl i nedi ft he numberofi magesf or medar e( i )17 ( i i )29? Rot at i onofaMi r r or When a mi r r ori sr ot at ed t hr ough an angl eθt he r ef l ect edr ayt ur nst hr ough2θ. Hence,t her ef l ect edr ayal way st ur nst hr ought wi ce t heangl et hr oughwhi cht hemi r r ori sr ot at ed. Exer ci se 1. Ami r r ori sr ot at edt hr oughanangl eof15o t hr ough whatangl edoest her ef l ect edr ayt ur n? 2. A mi r r ori sr ot at edt hr oughacer t ai nangl eandt he r ef l ect edr ayt ur nedt hr ough40o whatangl ehadt he mi r r orbeent ur ned? 3. Ani nci dentr aymakesanangl eof25owi t ht henor mal . Whenanobj ecti spl acedbet weent wopar al l elmi r r or sas I ft hemi r r ori st ur nedt hr ough9oi nt heant i cl ockwi se shownabov eani nf i ni t enumberofi magesar ef or med. di r ect i onf r om t hehor i zont al ,t hr oughwhatangl ei s Eachi mageseeni nonemi r r oract sasav i r t ualobj ect t her ef l ect edr ayr ot at ed? whi chi nt ur nf or msani magei nt heot hermi r r or . The i mage becomes f ai nt er because l i ghtener gy i s Appl i cat i onofPl aneMi r r or s absor bedbyt hemi r r orateachsuccessi v er ef l ect i on. Thenumberofi magesf or medbyt womi r r or si ncl i nedat ( a)ThePer i scope anangl ei sgi v enbyt hef or mul a. 360 n= –1 ϴ Aper i scopeconsi st sofapl anemi r r or spar al l elt oone anot herandi ncl i nedatangl eof45ot ot hehor i zont al . 123 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Theyar eusedt ohel poneseeov eranobst acl e. 124 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com Per i scopesi n submar i nesusepr i smsi nst ead ofpl ane mi r r or sbecause. 1. Thesi l v erpar toft hemi r r oreasi l yget sdamaged b) Thel engt hoft hecamer ai smadel onger . c) Thesi ngl ehol ei sr epl acedbyf ourpi nhol escl ose t oget her . 2. Thi ckmi r r or spr oducemul t i pl er ef r act i ons 5. Def i net het er mr ef l ect i onofl i ght . 3. Ther ei snol at er ali nv er si onwi t hpr i sms. 6. St at et heLawsofr ef l ect i onofl i ght . ( b)Useofpl anemi r r or si ni nst r umentscal es 7. Themi r r orAB andCD ar eatr i ghtangl est oeach ot her . Pl ane mi r r or s ar e of t en used behi nd poi nt er s as i nst r ument st oi mpr ov et her eadi ngaccur acy . Whent hepoi nt eri sv i ewedatanangl ei t si magewi l lbe seent hr ought hepl anemi r r or . Thei mageseenwi l l enabl et her eadert oknowt hatr eadi ng bei ngt akenwi l lhav eaner r orduet opar al l ax.Ther eader wi l lt her ef or eposi t i ont heey ev er t i cal l ysot hatt hei mage oft hepoi nt eri snotseenandhenceacor r ectr eadi ngwi l l bet aken. Thespor t sgal v anomet erusesar ayofl i ghtasapoi nt er i nst ead. ( c)Thekal ei doscope I tappl i est hepr i nci pl eofmi r r or si ncl i nedatanangl e. I tconsi st soft womi r r or sM1 andM2 pl acedt oeachot her at600t oeachot heri nsi deat ube. Thei nst r umenti susedbydesi gner st oobt ai ni deason sy st emat i cpat t er ns. Rev i si onExer ci se a) Whati st hev al ueoft heangl eofi nci denceof t her ayPQont hemi r r orAB? b) Compl et et he di agr am t o show t he pat h t akenbyt her ayPQaf t err ef l ect i onatbot h mi r r or s. c) Det er mi ne: I . Angl eofr ef l ect i ononAB. I I . Angl ei nci denceonCD. I I I . Angl eofr ef l ect i ononCD. 8. I fagi r lwal ksawayf r om apl anemi r r orataspeedof 2m persecond, I . I nwhatdi r ect i ondoesheri magemov e? 1. ( a)Sal l ywentt oMar ysal ont ohav eherhai rdr essed.The sal onhadt wopar al l elmi r r or spl acedont hewal l swhi ch ar e3met er sapar t .Whi l ewai t i ngt obeat t endedt o, shesat I I . Wi t hwhatspeeddoesheri magemov e? atadi st anceof1met erf r om oneoft hewal l sandnot i ced t hatt her ewer emul t i pl eofheri neachmi r r or .Det er mi ne 9. Thef i gur ebel owshowsmi r r or sABandCDi ncl i nedat t hedi st ancebet weent het wonear esti magesf or medi n r i ghtangl es.A r ayPO makesanangl eof30o wi t h t het womi r r or s. mi r r orABhasasshown. ( b)Twopl anemi r r or sar epl acedatanangl eof600asshown 0 bel ow.Ar ayofl i ghtmakesanangl eof40 wi t hmi r r orm1and goest ost r i kemi r r orM2.Fi ndt heangl eofr ef l ect i onofMi r r or M2 125 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 2. Whati sr ect i l i nearpr opagat i onofl i ght ? 3. Dr awar aydi agr am t oshowhowapi nhol ecamer af or ms ani mage. 4. St at et he changes t hatwoul d occuri nt he si ze and br i ght nessoft hei magef or medi f ( i ) ( i i ) Showt hepat hoft her ayaf t err ef l ect i onf r om bot hmi r r or s. Whati st heangl eofi nci denceont hemi r r or CD? a) Theobj ectdi st ancei smadel ar ge. LATESTHI GHSCHOOLNOTES* * 0705525657*( MrI saboke) Mat hsf or m 14 Engl i shf or m 14 ki swahi l if or m 14 126 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com chemi st r yf or m 14 Bi ol ogyf or m 14 Phy si csf or m 14 Agr i cul t ur ef or m 14 Busi nessf or m 14 Cr ef or m 14 Hi st or yf or m 14 Comput erf or m 14 Geogr aphyf or m 14 Homesci encef 14 I . R. Est udi esf 14 Fr enchnot es Set booksgui des KCSETopi cal s 127 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com * CPA*t ui t i oni ng Updat ed* CPA, CI FAATD*KASNEB not es Updat ed* CPS, CI CT, ATD*KASNEB Not es Updat ed* I CT, I T, ACCA, CFA*not es For ext r adi nggui dance * CCTV*i nst al l at i on&Net wor ki ng ser v i ces Onl i neser v i ces * _ Al lt hemat er i al sar ei nsof tcopyand we' l lupdat ed Text/ cal lorWhat sApp* 0705525657t o gety ourcopy _ * * ht t ps: / / wa. me/ 254705525657* 128 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657 i sabokemi cah@gmai l . com 129 Nov el s, Updat edKASNEB, I CT, Col l ege, Hi ghSchoolNot es&Rev i si onKi t s 0705525657