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Personal Essay on Satisfaction and Aspirations

Name: Cueto, Erika Moira, D.
Program: BSE English 1-A
The constant pursuit of satisfaction
The anecdote taught me that living in the present moment is about embracing the here
and now and being immersed in the beauty of each passing second. More importantly, success is
a personal journey, where happiness and satisfaction take center stage.
Everyday, I grapple with the doubt of whether my chosen program truly aligns with my
aspirations. Witnessing my blockmates find genuine joy in their coursework makes me yearn to
understand what it's like to pursue something that brings contentment and to live in the moment,
free from the weight of an uncertain future. In such a way, I relate to the businessman in the
story. Like him, I tend to complicate things more than what it should be.
And my parents, observant of my changing demeanor, offered advice - "Don't overthink,
just enjoy, and keep it simple." But the art of simplicity and contentment is precisely where I'm
challenged. But I am trying. And maybe with time, I'll fall in love with the profession I'm
working towards. Nevertheless, if not, I'm open to a redirection, even if it means a delay. The
journey toward what brings me tranquility will undoubtedly be worth it.