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Traffic Secrets: Ebook Supplemental Material

Carlsbad, California • New York City
London • Sydney • New Delhi
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 0.1:
DotCom Secrets helps marketers to build their sales funnels online.
(If you don’t have the DotCom Secrets book yet, go to
DotComSecrets.com to get a free copy.)
Figure 0.2:
Expert Secrets helps marketers master the art of converting leads into dream customers.
(If you don’t have the Expert Secrets book yet, go to ExpertSecrets.com to get a free copy.)
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 0.3:
Traffic Secrets helps marketers learn the strategies
to drive consistent traffic to their funnels.
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Figure 1.1:
Each business needs to understand their dream customer
avatars better than the customers know themselves.
Figure 1.2:
People purchase products hoping to get a certain result
from one of these 3 core desires/markets.
Figure 1.3:
All humans either move away from pain or toward pleasure.
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Figure 1.4:
Exercise: Write down all the things your dream customers
are saying or thinking as they move away from pain.
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Figure 1.5:
While two people’s goals might be the same, their reasons
for accomplishing that goal might be completely different.
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Figure 1.6:
Exercise: Write down all the things your dream customers
are saying or thinking as they move toward pleasure.
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Figure 1.7:
People will either be searching for your product (left), or you will interrupt
them (right) to get their attention with your ads as they are scrolling.
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Figure 2.1:
To catch your dream customers, you simply need to throw out enough
hooks in an area where your dream customers are congregating.
Figure 2.2
If you would like to print the Dream 100 Worksheet for your own use,
go to TrafficSecrets.com/resources to download your copy.
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Figure 2.3:
Inside of the 3 Core Markets/Desires are submarkets and niches.
Figure 2.4:
To find your best Dream 100, look outside of your niche
and into your submarket for the warmest traffic.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 3.1:
Every piece of good marketing has a hook, a story, and an offer.
Figure 3.2:
Every page of your funnel needs a hook, a story, and an offer.
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Figure 4.1:
You can get traffic from your Dream 100 by working your
way in and/or buying your way in.
Figure 4.2:
To launch a movie in Hollywood, the actors and actresses show
up on various TV shows to promote their movie.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 4.3:
You can work your way in to your Dream 100 by appearing on their own shows.
Figure 4.4:
By getting interviewed on Tony’s Facebook page, I was able to get in front of his
huge audience. This one video alone has been viewed over 3.1 million times!
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Figure 4.5:
While controlled (paid) traffic usually produces a quick spike, the
traffic typically fizzles out. Earned traffic often produces a slower amount
of traffic than paid traffic at first, but usually grows over time.
Figure 4.6:
While you’re building relationships with your Dream 100,
you can still get traffic by buying it.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 4.7:
When we create multiple buying opportunities for our customers
in our funnel, we usually break even or make a small profit on
the front end. It allows us to scale without limits.
Figure 4.8:
By creating front-end offers, we’re able to acquire customers for free
(and sometimes for a profit), and then we introduce them to ClickFunnels.
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Figure 5.1:
While traffic that you earn and traffic that you control is good,
traffic that you own is the best type of traffic to have.
Figure 5.2:
With traffic I own, I can follow up with my leads and customers anytime I like.
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Figure 5.3:
My lead funnel gives away 99 marketing secrets in a free e-book.
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Figure 5.4:
My book funnel gives away a free book (with $7.95 shipping) called Expert Secrets.
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Figure 5.5:
My webinar funnel gives away a “secret funnel strategy” in a one-hour presentation.
Figure 5.6:
With all of my front-end end funnels, the goal is to break even so I can
ascend my customers up my value ladder, thereby making a profit.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 6.1:
With follow-up funnels, we were able to grow our profit from just
$1 per customer to $16.49 per customer in a 30-day period.
Figure 6.2:
If all we had was a front-end funnel, we would lose money on every lead we acquired.
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Figure 6.3:
With a follow-up funnel in place, we’re able to
continue the conversation with our leads.
Figure 6.4:
When we offer our leads the opportunity to ascend our value ladder
and buy our book, we start recouping some of our ad spend.
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Figure 6.5:
After we stack multiple funnels back-to-back in our
follow-up funnels, we make a profit.
Figure 6.6:
Whenever you close someone, make sure to include
in your message emotion, logic, and fear.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 6.7:
Every sales page we create has this same style because it addresses the
emotion, logic, and fear messages in the order required to create the sale.
Figure 6.8:
We build emotion, logic, and fear messaging into our follow-up
funnels to help our audience purchase our products.
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Figure 6.9:
After a lead has gone through your entire Soap Opera Sequences for
all your funnels, then you can send them your Daily Seinfeld Emails.
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Figure 7.1:
Find the “channel” where you can be the star, then build your show there.
Figure 7.2:
All the previous forms of communication have modern-day applications.
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Figure 7.3:
The modern-day application of direct mail is email.
Figure 7.4:
The modern-day application of newspapers is a blog.
Figure 7.5
The modern-day applications of sitcoms, talk shows, and reality
TV are respectively YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
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Figure 7.6:
The modern-day application of radio is a podcast.
Figure 7.7:
Once you have your primary show, you’ll use your distribution channels like email,
Messenger, and “swipe-ups” to notify your audience there are new episodes.
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Figure 7.8:
On your show, you can document your journey, test your material, and find hooks.
Figure 7.9:
In my podcast, I document my journey in real time.
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Figure 7.10:
To grow your show, reach out to your Dream 100
to see if you can be a guest on their show.
Figure 7.11:
As you create your own show, focus on converting traffic
that you earn and control into traffic that you own.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 8.1:
This quick sketch will help you remember the six steps
inside the “Fill Your Funnel” framework.
Figure 8.2:
These memed videos got us a ton of comments, likes, and shares.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 8.3:
We realized that quote cards like these created
a pattern interrupt for our audience.
Figure 8.4:
The goal of social networking is to invite people back to your
home and, from there, to introduce them into your funnels.
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Figure 9.1:
To get your best results for paid ads, don’t stop with prospecting ads. Continue
with retargeting ads to give your warmer audience another opportunity to buy.
Figure 9.2:
When you target overlapping sections of people, meaning you layer your
audiences and only target those who have multiple things in common,
you can bring down your ad costs and get better results.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 9.3:
Through retargeting, you can reach those who didn’t buy when they first saw your ad.
Figure 9.4:
The three types of audiences to include in your retargeting ad campaign
include: engaged audience, landed audience, and owned audience.
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Figure 10.1:
On Instagram, you have two different ways to interact with the platform:
by viewing other people’s content or by posting your own content.
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Figure 10.2:
Because I simply rotate between my JK5 categories when I post,
my followers can clearly see what I care about: family, funnels,
faith, entrepreneurship, and personal development.
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Figure 10.3:
To increase our reach, we place a few overt keywords in our post
and the majority of our covert keywords in the first comment.
Figure 10.4:
IGTV episodes are longer videos that usually answer
a question or dive more deeply into a topic.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 10.5:
Instagram Stories are short, 15-second-long videos that only stay on the platform
for 24 hours and allow your fans and followers to see behind the scenes of your life.
Figure 10.6:
Your Story Highlights allow you to keep your Stories “alive” longer than 24 hours
and are usually organized into categories that are important to you.
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Figure 10.7:
My mini perfect webinar script still follows my Hook, Story, Offer framework.
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Figure 10.8:
Use this publishing plan to see at a glance where you
should focus your efforts on Instagram.
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Figure 10.9:
You can pay influencers to do a “shout-out” and mention you on their profile.
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Figure 11.1:
When a new platform is released, they reward people for using it by giving
everyone free exposure. Over time, your free exposure lessens and you have to
buy ads in order to get as much exposure as you did for free before.
Figure 11.2:
If your profile page is set up correctly, it can convert people who
want to know more about you into people on your lists.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 11.3:
To encourage Facebook to show my post to more people, I’ll often post
my CTA link in the first comment instead of in my actual post.
Figure 11.4
We have a specific strategy for each area of the
platform, including our Facebook Fan Page.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 11.5
To grow your Messenger list, you can have Facebook automatically pop up a
Messenger window in the lower right-hand corner. When they chat with you,
they’re automatically subscribed to your Messenger list.
Figure 11.6:
You can also grow your Messenger list by adding a Messenger
checkbox to your opt-in forms. When they check the box,
they’ll be automatically subscribed to your Messenger list.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 11.7:
With Messenger, I can set up automatic conversations
to reach my followers inside Facebook.
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Figure 11.8:
Use this publishing plan to see at a glance where you
should focus your efforts on Facebook.
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Figure 11.9:
Join as many groups in your niche as you can until
you’re able to reach over 1,000,000 people.
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Figure 12.1:
Google’s original algorithm ranked a website at the top
if it had the most backlinks for a certain search keyword.
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Figure 12.2:
When you type in your dream keyword, Google will suggest other popular,
long-tail keyword phrases (left). After searching for a specific result, Google will
also show you related searches at the bottom of their search results (right).
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 12.3:
To rank for your dream keyword, find an article that is ranked high in Google for
that keyword and write a “taller skyscraper” article that Google will like better.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 12.4:
After you write your skyscraper article, you can email the website
owners of anyone who has linked to your competitor’s article and
let them know you have created a newer, better article.
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Figure 12.5:
Use this publishing plan to see at a glance where
you should focus your efforts on Google.
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Figure 12.6:
People who follow this three-step process of searching for your keyword, clicking
on one of the results, clicking on your paid ad inside that result, and landing
on your funnel are more valuable to you because they’re warmer traffic.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 13.1:
In six years, this video has received over 815,000 views, and
because it’s on YouTube, it gets more views every day.
Figure 13.2:
When people see your YouTube channel, you want them to
immediately know who you are and what you’re about.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 13.3:
Create a short channel trailer by following this simple script: introduction,
backstory, value statement, posting schedule, and CTA.
Figure 13.4:
To create a discoverable video, simply follow this five-step
script outline: hook, trailer, intro, story/content, and offer.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 13.5:
To create a video webinar, you can still follow the five-step script
from earlier, but instead of asking your subscribers to like, comment,
or subscribe, you’ll encourage them to get a lead magnet.
Figure 13.6:
When creating thumbnails, be sure to have clear hooks with
an image of your face to get more clicks.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 13.7:
Just as important as the video itself is the content about the video,
such as the keywords, title, description, and tags.
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Figure 13.8:
Use this publishing plan to see, at a glance, where
you should focus your efforts on YouTube.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 13.9:
After noticing that someone else’s video about my new company,
Vygone, was getting a lot of views, I paid the video owner so I could
place my funnel’s link inside her video description.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 14.1:
In this section, we’ll use the Fill Your Funnel framework
to show how it relates to podcasting.
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Figure 14.2:
Use this publishing plan to see at a glance where you
should focus your efforts on podcasting.
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Figure 15.1:
To create content for my entire team to repurpose,
I go live once a week to create a master show.
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Figure 15.2
Use this publishing plan to see at a glance where you should focus your
efforts in order to achieve conversation domination.
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Figure 16.1:
To get your funnel (left) accepted by PR agencies, you can create a funnel hub (right)
that has more content on it, yet it still drives people into your funnels.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 16.2:
When we create a funnel, we assume most people will
simply buy our product after seeing it.
Figure 16.3:
What actually happens is most people need convincing before
they buy, so they go through a “shadow funnel,” researching
for more information about you and your products.
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Figure 16.4:
As I was busy trying to rank for non-branded keywords, I didn’t realize that over
250,000 people were searching for brand keywords like my name. Because I hadn’t
set up funnels for these branded terms, I was losing out on tons of traffic.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 16.5:
To build your funnel hub, you can add features such as a blog,
RSS feed, social posts, and front-end funnels.
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Figure 17.1:
When you integrate your funnel into other people’s funnels or
email campaigns, you get the benefit of having additional streams
of traffic for as long as they are in business.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 18.1:
You don’t have to be good at everything. You can get an army of affiliates to promote
your products and services with their preferred method of traffic.
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Figure 18.2:
Your affiliate center is a place to give your affiliates as many assets and
as much training as possible for them to be successful.
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Figure 19.1:
Prospects are at different stages in their awareness of the problem,
solution, and product based on the temperature of the traffic.
Figure 19.2:
Often, cold traffic is only aware that their core desire
(such as health, wealth, or relationships) isn’t good.
T R AFFI C SECR E T S • eBook Supplemental Material
Figure 19.3:
There are many different opportunities all leading to
the same result (making money).
Figure 19.4:
The warmer the traffic, the smaller the pre-frame bridge needs to be.
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Figure 20.1:
To have something go viral, you need each person
to refer more than one person.
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