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SIMOPs Procedure: Simultaneous Operations Safety

Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Amendment Sheet :
Rev No
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
Description of Change
Contents :
Roles and Responsibility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..2
3.1 Person In-charge (PIC)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
3.2 HSE Departments…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
3.3 PTW Coordinator…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
3.4 Line Management………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
5.1. SIMOPs Definations……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………5
5.2 SIMOPs Organizations and management……………………………..………………………………………………6
5.3 SIMOPs Identification….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
5.4 SIMOPs Scope of Work……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………8
5.5 SIMOPs Work Specific Plan….…………………………………………………………………………………………..….9
5.6 SIMOPs Matrix………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………..9
5.7 SIMOPs Assessment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
5.8 SIMOPs Interface Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………12
5.9 SIMOPS Preparation……………………………..……………………………………………………………………………12
5.10 Coordination Meetings……..……………………………………………………………………………………………….13
5.11 SIMOPs Log Sheet……..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
5.12 Close Out Meeting……….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
5.13 HSE Monitoring……………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………13
5.14 Training…………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………...14
5.15 Emergency Drill………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
L&T HEIC - MRU - Simulteneous Operations (SIMOPs) Procedure
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure for Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
& specify the limitations under which various operations can be carried out simultaneously such as
to ensure the safe control of operations.
Simultaneous operations should be thoroughly analysed and planned with the objective of limiting
additional risk imposed by multiple activities and operations being undertaken at the same place
or in the vicinity at the same time as opposed to the risk associated with the execution of these
individually. Risk assessment studies should form the basis for deciding upon simultaneous
The purpose of this procedure is to identify SIMOPS meetings, Work Specific Plan, Interface
documentation etc. as given in flow chart and possible hazards associated with while performing
2 or more operations concurrently at the same location and at same time on equipment, module
or place of work.
The objectives of this procedure are,
• To assist decision making by competent personnel controlling the operations.
• Ensure safety of personnel and facilities and prevent harm to the environment
during simultaneous operations
• Ensure complete interfacing and good communications between various departments
(viz.Planning, Projects, O&M etc.) / different contractors while simultaneous jobs
are being undertaken
The procedure shall be followed applicable to all employees and contractor’s employee of LT HEIC
- MRU.
This procedure is applicable to all the activities involving simultaneous operation with high or
medium risks of L&T Heavy Engineering - MRU.
Roles & Responsibilities:
3.1 Person In-charge (PIC)
Each site / facility that deals with the simultaneous operation shall nominate a Person In-charge to
ensure that:
• To organize SIMOPS start up meeting to decide strategy for work execution.
• To Identifying potential unwanted scenarios as a result of SIMOPS activities.
• Controlling the number of SIMOPS activities.
• Device preventative measures to implement prior to starting SIMOPS activities.
L&T HEIC - MRU - Simulteneous Operations (SIMOPs) Procedure
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
Identify control measures to implement during SIMOPS activities.
To ensure proper coordination and compatibility of SIMOPS activities.
Ensure implementation of risk-reducing measures as mentioned by HIRA
To ensure that all personnel involved with SIMOPS have received the appropriate safety
training in the use of the Permit to Work system / Isolations / LOTO / other related
• To organize site SIMOPS Management and other related Management HSE Meetings.
3.2 HSE Department
The facility/site HSE In-charge is responsible for advising on the implementation of the procedure
and includes:
To support all SIMOPS activities / matters.
To ensure SIMOPS Training program are in place and implemented.
To ensure Emergency Response Plan for SIMOPS activities.
To ensure security and access control is provided and implemented for SIMOPS areas.
To ensure PTW systems are implemented and complied with.
To carry out periodic SIMOPS audits, surveillance and checks.
To monitor & ensure SIMOPS requirements & controls are in place.
To check safety, work equipment preparedness, completeness and availability
3.3 PTW Coordinator
• To organize the daily SIMOPs PTW meeting to inform the work permits issued that day and
forecast for the next day.
• To identify areas of high density and potential clash of activities and to advise on the
operation of the PTW system as a whole.
• To ensure that PTW issuers are informed of all information applicable to SIMOPS activities.
• To ensure the overall smooth operation the PTW system and perform periodic checks and
audits of the PTW system.
• To report any items needed to be improved and events which were happen in related
SIMOPS operation to SIMOPS Coordinator.
• Maintain a plot plan to identify the SIMOPs activities
3.4 Line management
Line management is responsible to implement this procedure.
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
Each site / facility that deals with the simultaneous operations shall implement a procedure for
the safety of its employees and equipment and ensure that:
• Rules and specifications of Permit to Work system and Procedures are adhered to by all
personnel working at facility / site.
• To ensure compliance with risk-reducing policies and procedures.
• To ensure proper coordination and compatibility of SIMOPS activities.
• Implement risk-reducing measures as required by the situation and HIRA
• To ensure that all personnel involved with SIMOPS have received the appropriate safety &
skill training.
• To organize safety and evacuation drills at facilities / sites.
Identify, manage, approve and ensure that mitigation measures are properly enforced.
To organize and attend site SIMOPS Management and other related Management
HSE Meetings.
To ensure that all involved parties are suitably and adequately trained in the use of the
Permit to Work system, Isolations / LOTO & other related procedures.
Identify type, location and road closer equipment needed at appropriate places.
Identify personal to play role in any emergency situation that may occur during SIMOPS
activities as dictated by emergency response
Periodically organize Tool Box Talks to ensure each member of team clearly understood
about the activities undertaken, PTW, likely emergences, escape routes, emergency
alarms & emergency reporting and adequate control measures.
Acceptable Risk.
A risk that is adequately safeguarded as viewed by the local risk assessment team and the local
statutory requirements.
Competent person.
A person who is appointed having a combination of training, education experience, acquired
knowledge and skills enabling him with the capability to perform specified tasks to a predetermined quality, which may be assessed against defined criteria.
Simultaneous Operations, hereafter referred to as SIMOPS,
Means two or more potentially conflicting activities occurring at the same time and at the same or
adjacent location.
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
SIMOPS Participant:
Each of the parties involved in the SIMOPS scope of work
Site or facility:
An individual or collection of one or more L&T owned units.
It means the moving of any equipment from one place to another.
Applied to these activities, a measure of adverse outcome to human health and safety environment
and property that considers the likelihood of an event and the consequences of it.
Risk Management.
The process of assessing these risks and implementing risk-reduction measures appropriate to the
risk level, in a way that applies resources to address the risks on a priority basis.
5.1 SIMOPS Definition
SIMOPS is the performance of potentially conflicting activities at the same time, in the same or
adjacent location. All tasks may be done safely, but without coordination, one act could have a
dangerous consequence to another.
For example:
• Production / Construction (fabrication and erection operations).
• Hot work being carried out in association with other hazardous work, such as the
proximity between several potential sources of flammable materials / substances
and activities having potential ignition sources.
• The coexistence of people who might be unaware of the risks inherent to
activities they are not familiar with.
The risk of physical interference such as heavy lifting, barges, anchorage, transportation, material
handling etc. i.e. interference between construction / fabrication operations
5.2 SIMOPs Organization and Management:
SIMOPs procedure shall be followed, when two or more than two activities e.g Confined space
entry, welding, gas cutting, grinding, crane operation, painting, working at height,
L&T HEIC - MRU - Simulteneous Operations (SIMOPs) Procedure
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
lifting, lowering, radiography, commissioning, etc. are being undertaken at the same place
& time or in the same vicinity.
During SIMOPs, all the hazards related to both the activities shall be identified and Risk
assessment shall be carried out for the combined activity, then appropriate control measures
needs to be defined. Person In-Charge (PIC) shall be nominated by Project Manager/Yard
Head who is competent to manage the SIMOPs risk.
Prior to carry out any SIMOPs, a meeting of the departments involved and HSE representative
should be held to agree and confirm the program and preparatory activities.
Prior to undertaking SIMOPS, job study as well as site specific risk assessment should be arranged
by the PIC for SIMOPS with all agencies (department/Contractors) associated with SIMOPS, to
ensure that all the hazards related to the proposed operations/activities are identified,
assessed and determined to have the risk as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). The SIMOPs
shall be carried out as per the planned procedure with all the controls determined.
5.3 SIMOPS Identification:
While carrying out any activity if it is observed that any other activity is being done parallel
then immediately SIMPOs matrix shall be referred to check the compatibility of the activities.
Accordingly decision shall be made to continue the job or not. The conditions for carrying out such
activities as mentioned in the SIMOPs matrix shall be followed.
Line Management and HSE representative shall be present at the SIMOPs site and monitor
the activities before the start up, during execution.
Flow chart for carrying out SIMOPS is given at Fig1
Figure 1. L&T HEIC - MRU SIMOPS Process
• Multidisciplinary Work
• Conflicting Work at same /
adjacent location
L&T HEIC - MRU - Simulteneous
(SIMOPs) Procedure
• ConflictingOperations
Work Timetable
• Site Zone Work Interfaces
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
SIMOPs Scope Of
Specific Plan
SIMOPs Matrix
Start-up Meeting
Prepare Work Specific
Plan based on all participants’
work-specific information
Review Risk Mitigation Measures
Create a Hierarchy of Controls
SIMOPs Interface
Purpose and Scope Glossary of
terms Overall Incharge + Reporting
lines Scope of Work description
Procedures and controls
Risks and Mitigation Contingency
plans PTW (Authorization to
proceed) Communication plan
SIMOPs Preparation
Conduct SIMOPs
Roles & Responsibilities Validate
Meeting Schedule Communication
Authorized PTW
Change Control
YES / No
SIMOPs Close Out
5.4 SIMOPS Scope of Work
When a SIMOPS has been identified, a start-up meeting must be organized for all the participants
in the SIMOPS to establish the scope of work for the activity. This will ascertain all of the tasks to
L&T HEIC - MRU - Simulteneous Operations (SIMOPs) Procedure
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
be done. Once established, a risk assessment, using the HIRA methodology, shall be carried out so
that each participant can formulate a plan of their individual activities in the SIMOPS.
5.4.1 Start-up Meeting
Prior to the start of SIMOPS the PIC will organize a start-up meeting with all of the responsible
parties involved, to demonstrate an integrated approach to the management and awareness of
SIMOPS issues.
During this meeting line management shall:
• Present the overall methodology.
• Confirm compliance with all SIMOPS and related rules/procedures for the facilities and
identify any areas of discussion.
• Present the work execution plan.
• Present and discuss:✓ The roles and responsibilities of the parties involved
✓ The specific work procedures, rules and standards put in place for the
actions taken resulting from the HIRA exercise
✓ The Permit to Work system requirements
✓ HSE procedures and other provisions
5.4.2 SIMOPS Planning
All phases of SIMOPS activities shall be defined with the purpose of:
• Identifying the hazards present in each of these identified phases, ensuring all
advanced mitigating actions/devices and barriers/road blocks are identified.
• Identifying the critical activities that need to be performed concurrently and the
areas affected.
• SIMOPS activities shall be updated regularly to keep abreast of current site conditions.
The following action shall be followed which includes
• Schedule the coordination meetings and close out meeting so that SIMOPS activities
is planned, discussed and agreed and any changes required are incorporated accordingly.
• Risk assessment shall be conducted and appropriate rescue plans and the
essential resources are available.
• Ensure that the personnel acting in roles associated with SIMOPS are trained to perform
the activities.
• A single Permit To Work to control SIMOPs
5.5 SIMOPS Work Specific Plan
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
Once the scope of work have been completed, the work specific plan shall be developed, using all
of the information from each participant’s involvement in order for a systematic assessment of
the SIMOPS to be carried out.
Line Management shall prepare individual plan, which include the following information:
• Organization chart with role and responsibilities
• Main hazards associated with the work and established risk mitigation strategies
with an accompanying risk register.
• A step by step procedure of the work to be done with the agreed mitigation measures.
• What human resources are to be used and how
• Equipment and machinery to be used
Schedule of work
• Communications methodology to be used during the SIMOPS
• Contingency plans to safely cease work during the SIMOPS if the possibility of
danger is identified or the SIMOPS is threatened by unexpected occurrences.
• Escape routes in the event of emergency.
• Emergency response plan and resources.
5.6 SIMOPS Matrix
The SIMOPS categories are identified in a matrix, please refer L&T HEIC - MRU SIMOPS Matrix
The matrix is a planning aid to avoid conflict in simultaneous operations as far as practicable.
Categorization of SIMOPS Matrix
SIMOPS matrix helps us to take decision in the situation of SIMOPS as follows:• Yes -‘Y’ means, SIMOPS can proceed safely without additional control measures.
• Not permitted - ‘X’ means SIMOPS cannot proceed. One or more of the activities to be
Suspended / deferred.
• Control Measures required - ‘C’ means SIMOPS may proceed with additional control
Not Applicable- ‘NA’ means SIMOPS is not applicable
5.7 SIMOPS Assessment
Risk Management is to cover the concurrent activities that would result in hazardous situations.
The exercise is to be supported by a work specific Risk matrix. This matrix will help in
identifying the hazards that are acceptable, not acceptable or those that are acceptable
with room however for further mitigation (enhancement by lowering the risk).
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
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A Risk matrix might demonstrate that the hazard has a low ‘Frequency’ of occurrence
and/or a negligible Severity of impact. This situation would not warrant further actions to
be taken as the hazard category would be in the ALARP Region.
If there is a direct impact on neighbouring area an additional risk assessment (HIRA) shall be
prepared by the team by consider the effects of the other SIMOPs activities.
At this point in the assessment, the SIMOPS Team may well be satisfied and accept the
situation without any further action to be taken. Otherwise, the team may so wish to address
lowering the hazard’s ALARP to a more reliable and safer situation.
RISK Management is achieved as follows:
• Identify existing Safety Controls.
• Recommend staggering of the hazardous simultaneous activities if no Safety Controls
are identified;
• Recommend provision of Safety Controls if Staggering is not acceptable or possible. If
Safety Controls are not available, it is prudent to have at least two or three barriers in
place for each of the identified risks.
Risk assessment matrix:
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
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Authorized by
Hierarchy of Controls
All key participants involved in the SIMOPS shall establish a hierarchy of controls for each of their
specific SIMOPS activities, as well as for the overall controls of the SIMOPS. These controls shall
cover adequate lines of reporting during the SIMOPS and be effective during both normal and
emergency situations and during each phase of the activity.
Review Assessment
All key participants involved in the SIMOPS shall hold a review of collectively identified risks
associated with the SIMOPS and agree the overall mitigation measures to be employed before the
SIMOPS is given the go-ahead. Mitigation measures will be formulated using the HIRA
methodology in association with the known conflicts connected with each participant’s scope of
Controls agreed shall address individual hazards and be used in the following order of
effectiveness, as appropriate:
• Eliminate the hazards.
• Reduce the risks to an acceptable level.
• Proper signage & barricades must be setup in the workplace identifying that SIMOPS are
being conducted.
• Use PPE.
5.8 SIMOPS Interface Documentation
SIMOPS Interface document(s) shall be prepared for the SIMOPS activity. The documentation shall
clearly identify all SIMOPS activities, applicable to all participants’ respective operations and
contain the following information:
• A SIMOPS Matrix to determine which activities are permissible simultaneously
• A validation exercise to be conducted alongside the original SIMOPS assessment to ensure
that all mitigation measures remain current and valid.
• The purpose and scope of the SIMOPS, with definitions
• Person in overall charge (PIC) of the SIMOPS, reporting lines and roles and responsibilities.
• Scope of work to be covered by the various documents in the SIMOPS (e.g. daily log sheet,
tool box talk, etc.)
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
Relevant procedures and controls
Risks and mitigation.
Contingency plans.
Change control requests and approvals (Details of the MOC process to be used.)
PTW Authorization.
Communication plan – both during normal work and emergencies
5.8.1 Permit to Work System
All activities performed under SIMOPS shall follow the relevant documents (incl. drawings), PTW
All personnel involved in SIMOPS will be trained to familiarize with the PTW system.
All line management permit signatories will receive training and an assessment on the PTW
system operation. The PTW authorizing authority shall have to agree on additional control
measures and the additional control measures agreed on shall have to be implemented by PTW
receivers/holders. The PIC & PTW coordinator/HSE personnel shall monitor the implementation
of additional control measures.
5.9 SIMOPS Preparation
PIC shall check and ensure that all participants are aware of the SIMOPS terms and conditions and
completely understand their roles and responsibilities. It is also the last opportunity to validate
the agreed SIMOPS process prior to final authorization to conduct the SIMOPS. It is important that
prior to conducting SIMOPS, all possible controls shall be applied to prevent personal exposure to
potential hazards and to maintain safe conditions.
5.9.1 Conduct SIMOPS
• The SIMOPS shall be coordinated through the PIC and managed by a single PTW
administered by the PIC.
A daily meeting shall be held between all SIMOPS participants, led by the PIC, to check the work
progress to date, ensure that plans are progressing safely using the provisions of the interface
documentation and to take account of any deviations that may be necessary
5.10 Coordination Meeting
This meeting the overall progress and management of SIMOPS activities will be reviewed as well
as reviewing all forthcoming high risk activities to establish / resolve work priorities.
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
This meeting shall promote the transfer of information and concerns for new and ongoing
activities and shall address all Permit to Work matters.
The meeting will review area conditions in light of changing activities.
This review will establish which of the existing PTW’s can be sanctioned for continuing work.
New applications for PTW issue shall be reviewed and discussed to determine any special
precautions that may be required over the PTW measures specified.
5.11 SIMOPS Log sheet
• The overall progress and management of SIMOPS activities will be reviewed daily and
recorded in log sheet.
• Such recording will promote the transfer of information and concerns for new and ongoing
activities and shall address all Permit to Work matters & deviation.
• The log sheet will review area conditions in light of changing activities & scenarios.
New applications for PTW issue shall be reviewed and discussed to determine any
special precautions that may be required over the PTW measures specified.
5.12 Close out meetings
Upon completion of the SIMOPS, a close-out meeting to be arranged by the PIC to reflect on the
SIMOPS and get feedback from the SIMOPS participants to identify lessons learned during the
5.13 HSE Monitoring
During SIMOPS, all personnel are empowered to stop the works if they believe the integrity of safe
controls may be compromised or any unsafe act is being committed.
The HSE responsibilities are:
• To carry out surveillance of work Areas
• To help in failure or abnormal situation detection, and consequently to
allow for early reporting and action
• To ensure full compliance of work activities with the permit to work
• Assist in safe and orderly evacuations of area if required.
• To use the first active protection means in case of occurrence of abnormal situations
• To follow up and monitor works having additional potential risks, such as hot works
• To suspend a PTW if requested or if it is believed the terms and conditions are not being
followed / correctly implemented
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs)
Document No :
Modification Revamp & Upgrade
Page No : 01 of 14
Date :
Rev : 00
Dept : MRU
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Authorized by
5.14 Training
All site personnel involved in SIMOPS activities shall take part in a SIMOPS awareness
training session. The SIMOPS Awareness training session is required to:
Identify to all personnel the hazards associated with SIMOPS activities,
Identify alarms and actions required (alarm types, muster locations, escape routes)
Identify SIMOPS basic rules applicable to all personnel on site (access control, etc…)
Identify basic SIMOPS protective measures (appropriate PPE, etc…).
Overview of the PTW system
SIMOPS informative signs / posters, do’s & don’ts, Alarms and actions
Updated plans of the area and access routes, location of access control points
Site notice boards to be posted:
5.15 Emergency Drills
• Emergency Drills shall be held in accordance with the Site Emergency Response Plan.
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