1 Teaching Plan Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course: Instructor: Date: 2 Teaching Plan Level of instruction The Nursing Leadership in the 21st Century unit is meant for the end of program level of seniors pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing. Method/mode of delivering your teaching presentation The course will be delivered in the form of PowerPoint presentations with adequate images, written text, and explanations. A PowerPoint presentation will therefore cater to the different types of learners in an ideal class, including auditory, visual reading, writing, and kinesthetic learners. Learning objectives By the end of the nursing leadership in the 21st Century course, students should be able to 1. Discuss different leadership theories and how such theories can be applied in professional nursing practice to promote efficiency, productivity and effectiveness. 2. Examine leadership skills concepts and decision-making to create a culture of highquality and safe nursing care as members of interprofessional teams. 3. Effectively evaluate the knowledge and skills of delegation, assertiveness, networking, stress, management, and problem-solving in complex healthcare environments. 4. Be able to clearly identify the need for changing the healthcare environment while participating in systems of change and creative strategies. 5. Effectively incorporate clear communication techniques, including conflict resolution and negotiation, so as to effectively promote positive working relationships. 6. Effectively apply tools and knowledge to manage physical and human resources in healthcare environments. 3 Content Outline Course Learning Outcomes Program Learning Course Assessment Outcomes Item On the successful completion of This course helps the student The various learning the course, the student should be to develop the following outcomes in the course able to: program learning outcomes: will be assessed through the following items: Current challenges facing nursing Assignments Tutorial oral Group discussion Examine current nursing issues as well as the current setting of Nursing issues that professional nursing practice should be prioritized Current issues facing nurses in a professional setting presentations Final examination 4 Identify the reasons why nurses should Assignments collaborate Tutorial oral Group discussion Examine the nurse's collaborative role in planning and improving patient care with the Highlight presentations interdisciplinary team. interdisciplinary team members that nurses Final examination deal with on a day-today basis Highlight the importance of collaboration in improving patient care in healthcare settings Identify different theories of Assignments management and Tutorial oral Group discussion Examine the theoretical foundations of management and leadership processes that affect leadership presentations the healthcare system at all Identify qualities of Final levels. a good leader Identify qualities of a good manager examination 5 Identify the importance of leadership and management in enhancing effective healthcare systems. Identify common organizational Assignments systems in Healthcare Tutorial oral Group discussion Examine how the structure, procedures, and organizational systems affect leadership and facilities presentations management responsibilities. clearly delineates the Final Integrate management concepts roles of leaders and into the formulation of unit-based managers in budgets and resource allocation. Healthcare systems Clearly identify the roles of leaders and managers in budget and resource allocation in healthcare facilities examination 6 Indicate skills of Observations in Implement numerous problemcritical thinking, simulation problem-solving settings solving, critical-thinking, delegation, and decision-making delegation, and Assignments decision-making Tutorial oral processes utilized by nurses in management and leadership roles Exhibit skills of an presentations across a range of healthcare effective nurse leader Final organizations. examination Teaching strategies and learning activities One of the approaches I will utilize to drive my instructions and engage students is the active Learning approach. Active learning includes learning activities in which students are needed to interact and participate in the learning processes as opposed to just passing the information. According to Lamon et al. (2020), when students are given an opportunity to actively engage with the information they are learning, they comprehend better and are able to apply that information more effectively. Active learning, therefore, matches the brain and provides the brain with an extended opportunity to connect between old and new information. Active learning also helps to correct previous misconceptions among the students and also provides them with an opportunity to reconsider existing opinions and thoughts. According to Lamon et al. (2020), the main advantages of active learning include enhancing the learning of information within its context, prolonging motivation and engagement, encouraging free-thinking and creativity, learning from trial and error, and promoting and encouraging active participation among students and also enhancing collaborative learning. In contrast, the main shortcomings of active learning 7 include being time-consuming and providing an opportunity for students to develop misconceptions promoting memorization in some instances (Lamon et al., 2020). Another teaching strategy that will be utilized in the course will be case-based learning. Casebased learning, also known as the case method, is a teaching method that relies on real-life problems or hypothetical problems to supplement theoretical knowledge. In the case-based learning strategy, students are awarded various cases to research which allows for the practical application of different concepts that will be learned in class. For this course which will involve nursing leadership in the 21st Century, the students will therefore be provided with different leadership cases to help them understand various concepts. The main advantages of case-based learning are that it provides students with hands-on learning opportunities to apply and connect their theoretical understanding. Another significant advantage of case-based learning is that it facilitates collaborative learning in the classroom while also helping to build interest and motivate students to engage in active learning tasks (McLean, 2016). Case-based learning also plays a significant role in encouraging students to learn more through exploration and experimentation. Case-based learning also plays a significant role in exposing students to different thought processes and perspectives. Finally, case-based learning helps in the development of higher critical skills, cognitive skills, problem-solving, reasoning, inquiry-based learning, and introspection. One of the main disadvantages of the case-based learning approach is time-consuming assessment. Case-based learning makes it difficult for teachers to assess their students effectively. Case-based learning also relies heavily on good communication (McLean, 2016). 8 Plans for individual learning differences The learning differences of different types of students will be considered in the course, which will include the use of PowerPoint presentations that will cater to the different types of learners in the class, including auditory, visual reading, writing, and kinesthetic learners. Evaluation Process Assessment Total Marks Percentage Tests 50% Quizzes 15% Assignments 15% Presentations 10% Group work 10% Total 100% 9 The students will have to meet a pass mark in order for them to meet the highlighted outcome of the measures Rubric Criterion Below Meets Exceeds Expectations Expectations Expectations (1) (2) (3) Examines how the Examines how the Examines how the Examines how the structure, structure structure structure procedures, and procedures and procedures and procedures and organizational organizational organizational organizational systems affect systems affect systems affect systems affect leadership and leadership and leadership and leadership and management management management management responsibilities. responsibility that responsibility that responsibility that Integrate do not meet meet expectations make a submission management expectations of the for quality on this stand out as concepts into the assignment criterion. exemplary work. (Score 0 if element is absent) formulation of unit- Score 10 based budgets and resource allocation. Examines current Examines current Examines current Examines current nursing issues as nursing issues as nursing issues as nursing issues as well as the current well as the current well as the current well as the current setting of setting of setting of setting of professional nursing professional professional professional practice nursing practice nursing practice nursing practice that does not meet that meets that makes a the expectations of expectations for submission stand the assignment quality on this out as exemplary criterion. work. Examines the Examines the Examines the Examines the nurse's collaborative nurse's nurse's nurse's role in planning and collaborative role collaborative role collaborative role improving patient in planning and in planning and in planning and care with the improving patient improving patient improving patient 11 interdisciplinary care with the care with the care with the team. interdisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary team that does not team that meets team that makes a meet the expectations for submission stand expectations of the quality on this out as exemplary assignment criterion. work. Examines the Examines the Examines the Examines the theoretical theoretical theoretical theoretical foundations of foundations of foundations of foundations of management and management and management and management and leadership processes leadership leadership leadership that affect the processes that processes that processes that healthcare system at affect the affect the affect the all levels. healthcare system healthcare system healthcare system at all levels that do at all levels that at all levels that not meet the meet expectations make a submission expectations of the for quality on this stand out as assignment criterion. exemplary work. 12 TOTAL 13 References Lamon, S., Knowles, O., Hendy, A., Story, I., & Currey, J. (2020). Active Learning to Improve Student Learning Experiences in an Online Postgraduate Course. Frontiers in Education, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2020.598560 McLean, S. F. (2016). Case-Based Learning and its Application in Medical and Health-Care Fields: A Review of Worldwide Literature. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 3, JMECD.S20377. https://doi.org/10.4137/jmecd.s20377