lOMoARcPSD|30219397 506776056 AFAR C1 MC Answers docx Accountancy (The National Teachers College) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 PROBLEMS (STRAIGHT) I - Statutory Merger (Chapter 1) versus Stock Acquisition (Chapters 2-5) Valuation of assets and liabilities acquired, stock acquisition, goodwill, stock price contingency. Below is the condensed balance sheet of Sons, Inc. along with estimates of fair values. Pop, Inc. is planning to acquire Sons by issuing 100,000 shares of its P1 par value common stock (market value P8/share) in exchange for all the outstanding common stock of Sons, Pop also guarantees the value of its shares issued. The expected present value of this stock price contingency is P200,000. Pre-Combination Condensed Balance Sheet Book Value Fair Value Current Assets 380,000 P 350,000 Plant assets 740,000 810,000 Total assets P 1, 120,000 Liabilities Common stock P 500,000 450,000 50,000 Additional paid-in capital 170,000 Retained earnings 400,000 Total liabilities and equity P 1, 120,000 Required: 1. Statutory Merger (Chapter 1): prepare Pops' (acquirer/acquiring) entry(ies) to record the acquisition. 2. Stock Acquisition (Chapters 2-5): prepare Pops' (parent/acquirer/acquiring) entry to record the acquisition. Solution: 1. Current Assets 350,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Plant Assets 810,000 Goodwill 290,000* Liabilities 450,000 Common Stock, 1par 100 shares Additional Paid-in capital(7x100)/SPrem. APIC Stock Contingent Consideration 100,000 700,000 200,000 Common Stock ( 100k shares x 8 ) 800,000 Expected probability of PV stock price contingency 200,000 Total Consideration Transferred: 1,000,000 FV of net identifiable assets and liabilities acquired Current Assets 350,000 Plant Assets 810,000 Liabilities (450,000) (710,000) *Goodwill 290,000 2. Investment in Subsidiary(consi transferred) Common Stock, 1par 100 shares Additional Paid- in capital(7x100) APIC Stock Contingent Consideration 1,000,000 100,000 700,000 200,000 Consideration transferred: Common Stock ( 100 shares x 8 ) 800,000 PV stock price contingency 200,000 FV of Subsidiary 1,000,000 BV of Shareholders’ Equity of Subsidiary: Common Stock, 50,000 Additional Paid-in capital 170,000 Retained Earnings 400,000 (620,000) Allocated Excess 380,000 Add (Deduct): Over/Undervaluation of net assets Decrease in Current Asset(350-380) (30,000) Increase in Plant Asset(810-740) 70,000 Decrease in Liabilities(450-500) 50,000 (90,000) *Goodwill 290,000 �There is an undervaluation of assets for 90,000. Therefore 90,000 is deducted from allocated excess. Notes: When we involve contingent consideration, it will be included in the: o Liability - if paid in cash or other liabilities o Equity - if the company will be issuing additional shares III - Assets and Liabilities Acquired, Goodwill and Bargain Purchase Gain, Contingent Consideration, Changes in Contingent Consideration Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Here are the pre acquisition balance sheets of Pop Company and Sicle Company on December 31, 20x5: Pop Co. Book Value Current Assets Investments Sicle Co. Book Value P 5,000,000 P 2,000,000 Market Value P 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 Land 10,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 Building (net) 40,000,000 25,000,000 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 25,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 Total Assets P 81,000,000 P 42,500,000 Current Liabilities P 4,000,000 P 1,500,000 Long-Term Liabilities 20,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 APIC 40,000,000 20,000,000 Retained Earnings 12,000,000 10,000,000 Total Liabilities and Equity P 81,000,000 P 42,500,000 Common Stock, P10 par P 1,500,000 12,000,000 In addition to the above, Sicle Co. has identifiable intangibles with a fair value of P5.000,000, not recognized on its books but appropriately capitalized by Pop. On January 1, 20x6, Pop issues 400,000 shares of its stock, with a par value of P10/share and a market value of PlO0/share, to acquire Sicle Company's assets and liabilities. SEC registration fees are Pl1,100.000. paid in cash. Required: 1. Determine the following: (a) Total assets; (b) Total liabilities; (c) Additional paid-in capital (share premium); (d) Retained earnings (accumulated profit or loss); and Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 (e) Stockholders'/Shareholders' equity: a. Assets of Pop .(81M - 1.1M) P 79,900,000 Assets of Sicle: Current Assets P 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Initial Goodwill 5,000,000 Goodwill 22,500,000* 53,500,000 Total Assets P 133,400,000 b. Liabilities of Pop: (4M + 20M) Liabilities of Sicle: Current Liabilities P 1,500,000 Long Term Liabilities 12,000,000 Total Liabilities c. Pop: (40M + (90 X 400k) - 1.1M) Sicle: APIC (Share Premium) 13,500,000 P 37,500,000 P 74,900,000 . P 74,900,000 d. Pop: P 12,000,000 Sicle: Retained Earnings (AP/L) . P 12,000,000 e. Pop: 5M + (10 X 400k) APIC (Share Premium) - c Retained Earnings (AP/L) - d Stockholders’ Equity P 24,000,000 P 9,000,000 74,900,000 12,000,000 P 95,900,000 JOURNAL ENTRIES: Current Assets 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Identifiable Intangibles 5,000,000 Goodwill 22,500,000 Current Liabilities 1,500,000 Long Term Liabilities 12,000,000 Common Stock 4,000,000 APIC (90 x 400 shares) 36,000,000 Share Issue Cost Cash 1,100,000 1,100,000 Debited as deduction for apic Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Consideration Transferred (100 x 400 shares) Less: FV of assets and liabilities acquired Current Assets 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Identifiable Intangibles 5,000,000 Current Liabilities (1,500,000) Long Term Liabilities (12,000,000) *Goodwill 22,500,000 40,000,000 17,500,000 2. Assume Pop issued 90,000 shares of stock at a market value of P100 per share with Contingent cash consideration amounted to P500,000 that is present obligation and reliably measurable, expected present value of earnout agreement of P200,000 and probability present value of stock price contingency agreement of P300,000. The following Out-of-pocket costs in relation to acquisition are as follows: Legal fees for the contract of business combination 80,000 Broker's fee 40,000 Accountant's fee for pre-acquisition audit 100,000 Other direct cost of acquisition 70,000 Internal Secretarial, general and allocated expenses 60,000 Documentary stamp tax on the new shares 20,000 SEC registration tee of issued snores 90,000 Printing costs of share certificates 50,000 Stock exchange listing fee 30,000 Total Out of Pocket Cost 540,000 Determine the following: (a) Total assets; (b) Total liabilities: (c) Additional paid-in capital (share premium); (d) Retained earnings (accumulated profíft or loss; and (e) Stockholders'/Shareholders' equity: a. Assets of Pop.(81M - 540K) Assets of Sicle: Current Assets P 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 P 80,460,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Identifiable Goodwill 5,000,000 31,000,000 Total Assets P 111,460,000 b. Liabilities of Pop: (4M + 20M + 200k) P 24,200,000 Liabilities of Sicle: Current Liabilities P 1,500,000 Long Term Liabilities 12,000,000 13,500,000 Total Liabilities P 37,700,000 c. Pop: 40M + (90 X 90k shares) + 300k Less: Stock Issuance Cost: DS 20,000 SEC Reg fee 90,000 Printing costs SC 50,000 APIC of Pop 48,240,000 Sicle: APIC (Share Premium) P 48,400,000 160,000 . P 48,240,000 d. Pop:RE,Initial P 12,000,000 Legal fees (80,000) Broker's fee (40,000) Accountant's fee for pre-acquisition audit (100,000) Other direct cost of acquisition (70,000) Internal Secretarial, general and allocated exp (60,000) Stock exchange listing fee (30,000) Total 11,620,000 Negative Goodwill/GAIN 8,000,000* Sicle: . Retained Earnings (AP/L) P 19,620,000 f. Pop: 5M + (10 X 90k) APIC (Share Premium) - c Retained Earnings (AP/L) - d Stockholders’ Equity P 5,900,000 48,240,000 19,620,000 P 73,760,000 Consideration Transferred (100 x 90M shares) 9,000,000 PV of Cash Contingent Consideration 200,000 PV of Stock Price Contingent 300,000 Total Consideration Transferred 9,500,000 Less: FV of assets and liabilities acquired Current Assets 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Identifiable Intangibles 5,000,000 Current Liabilities (1,500,000) Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Long Term Liabilities *Negative Goodwill (12,000,000) 8,000,000 17,500,000 *Negative goodwill is added to the retained earnings 3. Now assume that Pop issues 100,000 shares for all of Sicle's shares, as in requirement (1) above, and Pop agrees to pay cash fo Salt's previous Owners if the combined earnings of Pop and Sicle exceed a certain threshold over the next two years. The expected present value of the earnings contingency is P8,000,000. Determine the amount of g00dwill (bargain purchase gain or gain on acquisition). Consideration Transferred (100 x 100M shares) Estimated Liability for Contingent Consideration Total Consideration Transferred Less: FV of assets and liabilities acquired Current Assets 1,500,000 Investment 500,000 Land 6,000,000 Building (net) 16,000,000 Equipment (net) 2,000,000 Identifiable Intangibles 5,000,000 Current Liabilities (1,500,000) Long Term Liabilities (12,000,000) Goodwill 500,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 18,000,000 17,500,000 4. Assume the same facts as in requirement (3). Before the contingency period is over, the estimated value of the earnings contingency declines to P7,800.000. Prepare Pop's entry to reflect the change in value of the earnings contingency, if (a) the value decline occurs within the measurement period, or (b) the value decline is due to events occurring subsequent to acquisition. *The measurement period is only good for 1 year. - mod.2 Journal Entries: a. Estimated Liability for contingent consideration Goodwill (8M - 7.8M) 200,000 200,000 b. Estimated Liability for contingent consideration 200,000 Gain on Acquisition(8M - 7.8M) 200,000 Gain on Acquisition Retained Earnings 200,000 200,000 MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEM : Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 1. Manet Corporation exchanges 150,000 shares of newly issued P1 par value common stock with a fair market value of P25 per share for all of the outstanding P5 par value common stock of Gardner Inc and Gardner is then dissolved. Manet paid the following costs and expenses related to the business combination: Costs of special shareholders’ meeting to vote on the merger P 13,000 Registering and issuing securities 14,000 Accounting and legal fees 9,000 Salaries of Manet’s employees assigned to the implementation of the merger 15,000 Cost of closing duplicate facilities 11,000 In the business combination of Manet and Gardner: a. all of the items listed above are treated as expenses. b. all of the items listed above except the cost of registering and issuing the securities are expensed. c. the costs of registering and issuing the securities are deducted from the fair market value of the common stock used to acquire Gardner. d. only the costs of closing duplicate facilities, the salaries of Manet's employees assigned to the merger, and the costs of the shareholders' meeting would be treated as expenses. PFRS 3, recognizes acquisition cost related as expenses in the period at which the costs incurred and the services received,with one exception, the cost to issue equity securities as recorded to ‘’debit - APIC’’. In the currency, because registering and issuing the certificates are deducted from the FV of the common stock so that would mean ‘’debit - APIC’’ 2-6: DJ pays P 5,000,000 in cash and issues 50,000 shares of stock with a par value of P10/share and fair value of P40/share to acquire Builder's assets and liabilities on January 1, 20x4. Refer to page 76 (, Dayag 2021) for the balance sheet just prior to the acquisition and other details: 2. Calculate the amount of consideration transferred: a. P 7,000,000 b. P 7,694,440 c. P 8,094,440 d. None of the above Cash - to former shareholder P 5,000,000 FV of stock - to former shareholder (50k x 40) 2,000,000 PV of cash contingent consideration (4M x .25 x .69444) 694,440 Total consideration transferred P 7,694,440 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 3. Calculate the goodwill that should be reported on this transaction: a. P 1,724,440 b. P 2,384,440 c. P 2,434,440 d. None of the above Total consideration transferred P 7,694,440 Less: FV of net identifiable assets acquired Current Assets 2,100,000 PPE 3,000,000 Identifiable Intangible Assets 7,000,000 Previously unreported Intangible: Advance Production technology 170,000 Non-competition agreements 70,000 Customer contracts 50,000 Current Liabilities (1,000,000) Long term debt (5,800,000) Prev. unreported warranty con. obli. (280,000) (5,310,000) Goodwill P 2,384,440 Pero hambl ni ma’am letter C pro ang amount ya na for letter B. 4. The total asset after the acquisition: a. P 70,400,000 b. P 71,284,440 c. P 71,574,440 d. None of the above Initial Asset DJ 62,400,000 FV of net identifiable assets acquired Current Assets 2,100,000 PPE 3,000,000 Identifiable Intangible Assets 7,000,000 Previously unreported Intangible: Advance Production technology 170,000 Non-competition agreements 70,000 Customer contracts 50,000 Goodwill 2,384,440 Direct Cost (400,000) Cost to issue (200,000) Cash consideration (5,000,000) Total Assets P 71,574,440 * Unreported Intangibles: Advance Production technology Non-competition agreements Customer contracts 170,000 70,000 50,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Cash Paid Total (290,000) 0 5. The total liabilities after the acquisition: a. P 43,300,000 b. P 44,274,440 c. P 44,554,440 d. None of the above Initial Liabilities DJ (6.5M +30M) 36,500,000 FV of net identifiable assets acquired Current Liabilities 1,000,000 Long term debt 5,800,000 Prev. unreported warranty con. obli. 280,000 694,440 PV of cash contingent consideration Total Liabilities P 44,274,440 6. The stockholders’/shareholders/equity acquisition: a. P 25,900,000 b. P 27,300,000 c. P 27,900,000 d. None of the above holders of DJ after the Common Stock (200k + 300k) P 700,000 APIC: 22M + (50k x 30=1.5)- 200k 23,300,000 RE (4M - 400k) 3,600,000 Accum. OCI 100,000 Treasury Shares (400,000) Stockholders Equity P 27,300,000 7-13: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (DPSG) acquired the assets and liabilities of Turquoise Water Inc. on September 30, 2018, in a merger. The acquisition involves the following payments: Refer to page 77 (, Dayag 2021) 7. Calculate the amount of consideration transferred: a. P 92,000,000 b. P 97,000,000 c. P 104,600,000 d. None of the above Consideration transferred: Cash paid P 85,000,000 New stock issued (100k x 50) 5,000,000 PV of Earnings contingent 2,000,000 Total consideration transferred P 92,000,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 8. Calculate the goodwill that should be reported on this transaction: a. P 86,200,000 b. P 91,200,000 c. P 92,200,000 d. None of the above Total consideration transferred Less: FV of net identifiable assets acquired Current Assets 800,000 PPE 10,000,000 Patents and trademarks 20,000,000 Previously unreported Intangible: Bottlers franchise rights 5,000,000 Customers contracts for cp 1,000,000 P 92,000,000 I’net domain names 3,000,000 Customer order backlogs 1,500,000 Employment Contracts 500,000 Reg. company names 1,000,000 Well-publicized i’net DN 2,000,000 Trade dress 1,200,000 Proprietary databases of ind.data 800,000 Trade Secrets 400,000 Current Liabilities (400,000) Long term debt (41,000,000) (5,800,000) Goodwill P86,200,000 9. The total asset in the balance sheet of DPSG on september 30, 20x5: a. P 185,800,000 b. P 190,800,000 c. P 191,800,000 d. None of the above Initial Asset DPSG 150,000,000 Cash paid for acquisition (85,000,000) Cash paid for consulting (12,000,000) Cash paid for stock registration (600,000) FV of net identifiable assets acquired Current Assets 800,000 PPE 10,000,000 Patents and trademarks 20,000,000 Previously unreported Intangible: Bottlers franchise rights 5,000,000 Customers contracts for cp 1,000,000 I’net domain names 3,000,000 Customer order backlogs 1,500,000 Employment Contracts 500,000 Reg. company names 1,000,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Well-publicized i’net DN 2,000,000 Trade dress 1,200,000 Proprietary databases of ind.data 800,000 Trade Secrets 400,000 Goodwill 86,200,000 133,400,000 Total Assets P 185,800,000 10. The total liabilities in the balance sheet of DPSG on September 30, 20x5: a. P 13,000,000 b. P 43,400,000 c. P 54,400,000 d. None of the above Initial Liabilities of DPSG (10M + 1M) 11,000,000 PV of Earnings contingency 2,000,000 Liabilities Assumed: Current Liabilities 400,000 Long term debt 41,000,000 41,400,000 Total Liabilities 54,400,000 11. The common stock in the balance sheet of DPSG on September 30, 20x5: a. P 77,200,000 b. P 77,700,000 c. P 77,250,000 d. None of the above Common Stock - DSPG 77,200,000 Issue @ par - (100k x .50) 50,000 Common stock P 77,250,000 12. The APIC in the balance sheet of DPSG on September 30, 20x5: a. P 36,200,000 b. P 40,550,000 c. P 44,700,000 d. None of the above APIC - DPSG 36,200,000 APIC for issuance 4,350,000 Total P 40,550,000 5m - 650k (6oo+50) = 4.35m Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 13. The stockholders’/shareholders/equity holders of DJ after the acquisition: a. P 131,400,000 b. P 139,000,000 c. P 161,000,000 d. None of the above Common stock P 77,250,000 APIC 40,550,000 RE -initial 8,800,000? Accum OCI 5,500,000 Treasury Stock (700,000) RE P 131,400,000 14-16: Geri acquired the net assets of Caigo Corp. on July 1,20x5. In exchange for net assets at fair market value of Caiga Co. amounting to P835,740, Geri issued 81,600 shares at a market price of P12 per share (P9 par value). Refer to page 78 (, Dayag 2021) 14. What is the amount of goodwill to be recognized in the SFP as of December 31, 20x5? a. P 0 b. P 257,040 c. P 377,460 d. P 425,640 Issued common shares(81,600 x 12) P 979,200 Contingent consideration 234,000 Total consideration 1,213,200 FV net identifiable assets and liab. Assumed (835,740) Goodwill P 377,460 15. What is the amount of expense to be recognized in the SFP as of December 31, 20x5, assuming that Geri issued 45,000 share capital on July 1, 20x5? a. P 0 b. P 257,200 c. P 377,640 d. P 620,640 Issued shares (45,000 x 12) P 540,000 Contingent consideration 234,000 Total 774,000 FV net identifiable assets and liab. Assumed (835,740) Bargain Purchase Gain P 61,740 Since the target is met ,therefore the actual payment of contingent consideration were as follows: Estimated Liability of contingent consideration 234,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Loss/Expense on contingent consideration Cash 546,000 312,000 Out-0f-Pocket: Legal Fees 42,720 Broker’s Fee 28,320 Accountant’s fee 96,000 Other direct Cost 90,000 General and allocated exp 51,600 Total 308,640 Loss/Expense on contingent consideration 312,000 Total Expense P 620,640 16. What Amount to be chargeable to operations/profit or loss (net) for the year ended December 31, 20x5, assuming that Geri issued 45,000 shares ? a. P 0 b. P 257,200 c. P 315,720 d. P 558,900 Total Expense P 620,640 Bargain Pu rchase Gain (61,740) Total P 558,900 17. Maplewood Corporation purchased the net assets of West Corporation on January 2, 20x4 from P500,000 and also paid P20,000 indirect acquisition costs. Refer to page 77 (, Dayag 2021) for West balance sheet on January 2, 20x4. The bargain purchase gain amounted to: a. None b. P 30,000 c. P 50,000 d. P 70,000 Acquisition related expenses P 20,000 Accounts Receivable 180,000 Inventory 400,000 Land 50,000 Building 60,000 Equipment 70,000 Patent 20,000 Bargain Purchase Gain 50,000 Current Liabilities 70,000 Long term debt 160,000 Cash 520,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 18-20: On January 1, 20X5, CC Co acquired the identifiable net assets of DD, Inc. On this date, the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed have fair values of P7,680,000 and P4,320,000, respectively. CC Co incurred the following acquisition cost: Refer to page 77 (, Dayag 2021) 18. How much is the goodwill (bargain purchase gain) on the business combination? a. P 667,200 b. P 720,000 c. P 1,440,000 d. None of the above Contingent consideration: Issued shares (9,600 x 500) P 4,800,000 FV net identifiable assets and liab. Assumed 7,680,000 - 4,320,000 (3,360,000) Goodwill P 1,440,000 19. How much is the total amount charged to profit or loss in relation to the transaction above? a. P 624,200 b. P 648,000 c. P 816,000 d. None of the above Acquisition related costs: Legal Fees 48,000 Allegiance Cost 480,000 Gen and Admin 96,000 Listing fees 24,000 Total 648,000 20. Ignoring the consideration and issue costs above, but instead, issued both bonds with a face value of P4,800,000 before incurring the transaction costs. Transaction Costs issuing the bonds amounted to P240,000. How much is the goodwill (gain on bargain purchase) on the business combination. a. P 667,200 b. P 720,000 c. P 1,440,000 d. None of the above Consideration transferred: FV Issued bonds P 4,800,000 FV net identifiable assets and liab. Assumed 7,680,000 - 4,320,000 (3,360,000) Goodwill P 1,440,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 21-22: Balance sheet of Hope Corporation at January 1, 20x4 as follows: Refer to page 80 (, Dayag 2021) 21. Calculate the amount of consideration transferred: a. P 2,240,000 b. P 2,251,000 c. P 2,256,000 d. Not determinable (80,000 x 28) = P 2,240,000 22. Calculate the goodwill from the business combination: a. P 475,000 b. P 520,000 c. P 531,000 d. Not determinable Consideration transferred P 2,240,000 FV net identifiable assets -Hope (2,720,000 + 200,000 - 1,200,000) (1,720,000) Goodwill P 520,000 23. Pretzel Company acquired the assets (except for cash) and assumed the liabilities of Salt Company on January 2, 20x4. Calculate any goodwill from the business combination. a. P 0 b. P 683,000 c. P 798,000 d. P 848,000 Accounts Receivable 198,000 Inventory 330,000 Land 550,000 Building and Equipment 1,144,000 Goodwill 848,000 Current Liabilities 275,000 Bonds Payable 450,000 Premiums on Bonds Payable 45,000 Preferred Stock (15k x 100) 1,500,000 Common Stock (30k x 10) 300,000 Additional Paid in Capital (30k x 15) 450,000 Cash 50,000 24. Air Philippines June 1, 20x5 balance sheet is as follows (in millions). (Page 81 Dayag,2021) Phlippine Airlines acquired Air Philippines on June 1, 20x5. Philippine Airlines accounted for the acquisition by putting Air Philippines' assets Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 and liabilities directly on its own books. Air Philippines cash and receivables, investments, and current liabilities were reported at market value. It’s maintenance supplies had a fair value of P400 million, flight equipment had a fair value of P12,000 million, and international routes were worth P500 million. Long-term debt had a fair value of P6,000 million. Air Philippines also had an unrecorded intangible, representing eases with favorable terms, worth P800 million. Philippine Airlines paid P8,000 million in cash to Air Philippines. the gain/goodwill arising from the business combination. (in millions): a. P 1,250 gain b. P 1,650 gain c. P450 goodwill d. P850 goodwill Cash 1,400 Accounts Receivable 650 Investment 1,000 Maintenance Supply 400 Flight Equipment 12,000 International Routes 500 Leases 800 Goodwill 450 Current Liabilities 3,200 Long - term debt 6,000 Cash 8,000 24. Edina Company acquired the assets (except cash) and assumed the liabilities of Burns Company on January 1, 20x4, paying P2,600,000 cash. Immediately prior to the acquisition, Bums Company's balance sheet was as follows; (Page 81 Dayag,2021) Edina Company agreed to pay Burns Company's former stockholders P200,000 cash in 20x6 if post- combination earnings or in Combined company reached P1,000,000 during 20x5. Calculate the gain on contingent consideration for Edina Company in 20x6 assuming the earnings contingency was not met: a. P 0 b. P 30,000 c. P 200,000 d. P230,000 Accounts Receivable Inventory Land Buildings Goodwill Accounts Payable Notes Payable 220,000 320,000 1,508,000 1,392,000 230,000 270,000 600,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Cash 2,600,000 Estimated contingent consideration 200,000 Consideration transferred: Cash paid P 2,600,000 Estimated contingent consideration 200,000 Total P 2,800,000 FV of net identifiable assets acquired (3,440,000 - 870,000) 2,570,000 Goodwill 230,000 Estimated liab for contingent consideration Gain on contingent consideration 200,000 200,000 25-26: On January 1, 20x5, Kim Co. acquired all of the identifiable assets and assumed all liabilities of Dorothy, Inc. by paying cash of P4,80.000. On this date, identifiable assets and liabilities assumed to have fair value of P7,680,000 and P4,320,000, respectively. Kim has estimated restructuring provisions of P960,000 representing exit cost of the acquiree's activities, termination costs of employees of Dorothy and relocation costs of the said employees. The restructuring plan is conditional until the business combination process is done. If the combination will not happen, no restructuring will happen. 25. For purposes of computing the goodwill (gain on bargain purchase), how much is the fair value of net assets to be deducted from the consideration transferred? a. P2,400,000 b. P3,360,000 c. P5,280,000 d. None of the above P7,680,000 - P4,320,000 = P3,360,000 26. How much is the goodwill (gain on bargain purchase) on the business combination: a. (P 480,000) b. P1,440,000 c. P2,400,000 d. None of the above Consideration transferred 4,800,000 Fair value of net assets (3,360,000) Goodwill P1,440,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 *Possible future costs connected with restructuring or exit activities that may be planned by the acquirer are not part of the acquisition and are expensed in future periods. *Estimated Restructuring Plan is not included in consideration transferred because it is conditional. 27. On January 1, 20x5, Drei Co. acquired all of the identifiable assets and assumed all liabilities of Cease, Inc. by paying P4,800,000. On this date, identifiable assets and liabilities assumed to have fair value of P7,680,000 and P4,320,000, respectively. Terms of the agreement are as follows: 20% of the price shall be paid on January 1, 20x5 and the balance on December 31, 20x6 (the prevailing market rate on the same date is 10%); The acquirer shall glso transfer its piece of land with book and fair value of P2,400,000 and Pl,440,000, respectively. Included in the liabilities assumed is an estimated warranty liability. The carrying amount and fair value of those warranty liability amounted to P576,000 and P468,000, respectively. The acquiree guarantees that the warranty liability would only be settled for P480.000. How much is the goodwill on the business Combination? a. P2,105,37 b. P2,201,376 c. P2,213,376 d. None of the above Consideration transferred: 20x5 - 20% x 4.8M 960,000 Land 1,440,000 Consideration payable: 20x6 - 80% x 4.8M x .8264 3,173,376 Total 5,573,376 FV warranty liability 468,000 Estimated warranty liability (480,000) Fair value of net assets: (7,680,000 - 4,320,000) (3,360,000) Goodwill P2,201,376 28-32: On January, 20x4, NT Company exchanged 15,000 shares of its common stock for all of the assets and liabilities of OTG. Inc. Each of NT's shares has a P4 par value and a P50 fair value. The fair value of the stock exchanged in the acquisition was considered equal to OTG's fair value. NT also paid P25.000 in stock registration and issuance costs in connection with the merge. Several of OTG's accounts have fair values that differ from their book values on this date: Refer to page 82 of (Dayag, 2021) Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Assume that this combination is a statutory merger so that OTG's accounts will be transferred to the records of NI. OG will be dissolved and will no longer exist as a legal entity. Immediately the business combination using the acquisition method, determine: 28. The total assets amounted to: a. P2,124,000 b. P2,547,000 c. P2,574,000 d. P2,599,000 Initial Asset NT P 1,770,000 Cash paid for stock registration and issuance cost FV of net identifiable assets acquired Cash 29,000 Receivables 63,000 Trademarks 225,000 Record music catalog 180,000 PPE 105,000 200,000 802,000 R&D Goodwill 27,000 * Total Assets P2,574,000 Consideration transferred: Shares (15k x 50) 750,000 FV identifiable assets: (802k - 79k) Goodwill 27,000* (723,000) 29. The total liabilities amounted to: a. P 84,000 b. P564,000 c. P480,000 d. P559,000 Initial Liabilities NT (110k +370k) P 480,000 FV of net identifiable assets acquired Accounts Payable 34,000 Notes Payable 45,000 79,000 Total Liabilities P559,000 30. The common stock amounted to: a. P 50,000 b. P400,000 c. P450,000 d. P460,000 Initial Common Stock NT Issue (15k x 4) Total Common Stock P 400,000 60,000 P460,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) (25,000) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 31. The additional paid-in capital amounted to: a. P 30,000 b. P695,000 c. P720,000 d. P 60,000 Initial APIC P 30,000 690,000 Issuance (15k x 46) Total P720,000 32. The retained earnings amounted to: a. P190,000 b. P835,000 c. P 860,000 d. P1,050,000 Common Stock 460,000 APIC 695,000 Retained Earnings 860,000 Total Shareholders Equity (2574-559) P2,015,000 24-30: On December 31, 20x4, PP Inc. acquired assets and liabilities of SS Company. PP will maintain SS as a wholly owned subsidiary with its own legal and accounting identity. he consideration transferred to the owner of SS included 50,000 newly issued PP common shares (P20 market value, P5 par value) and an agreement to pay an additional P130,000 cash if SS meets certain project completion goals by December 31. 20x5. PP estimates a 50 percent probability that SS will be successful in meeting these goals and uses a 4 percent discount rate to represent the time value of money. Immediately prior to the acquiSition, the following data for both firms were available: Pp. 83 of (Dayag, 2021) In addition, PP assessed a research and development project under way at SS to have a fair value of PI00.000. PP paid legal and accounting fees of P15,000 in connection with the acquisition and P9,000 in stock issue and registration costs. Use a 0.61536 present value factor where applicable. 24. The consideration transferred amounted to: a. P1,000,000 b. P1,015,000 c. P1,030,000 d. P1,062,500 Consideration transferred: Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Issued shares (50k x 20) 1,000,000 Consideration payable: 20x6 - 50% x 130k x .961538 62,500 Total P1,062,500 Fair value of net assets acquired: (1,065,000 - 180,000) ( 885,000) R&D ( 100,000) Goodwill P 77,500 25. The additional paid-in capital after combination amounted to: a. P 400,000 b. P 600,000 c. P1,141,000 d. P1,150,000 Initial APIC 400,000 Issued (50k x 15) 750,000 Total 1,135,000 Stock issue and registration cost (9,000) Total P1,141,000 26. The expenses for 20x4 amounted to: a. P 0 b. P875,000 c. P 884,000 d. P 890,000 Initial P875,000 Legal and accounting fees Total P 890,000 15,000 27. The net income for 20x4 amounted to: a. P 0 b. P310,000 c. P 316,000 d. P325,000 Initial P325,000 Legal and accounting fees Total P310,000 15,000 28. The retained earnings on December 31, 20x4 amounted to. a. P 435,000 b. P1,170,000 c. P1,185,000 d. P1,620,000 Initial 1,185,000 Legal and accounting fees (15,000) Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Retained Earnings 1,170,000 29. Assuming that on June 15, 20x5, the contingent performance obligation was revised to P75,000 due to facts and information that exists on December 31, 20x4, determine the amount of goodwill? a. P 0 b. P62,500 c. P75,000 d. P90,000 Consideration transferred: Issued shares (50k x 20) 1,000,000 contingent performance obligation 75,000 Total P1,075,000 Fair value of net assets acquired: (1,065,000 - 180,000) ( 885,000) R&D ( 100,000) Goodwill P90,000 30. In relation to No. 29, assuming that on July 31, 20x6, the contingent performance obligation was revised to P80,000 due to facts and information that exists on December 31, 20x4, determine the amount of goodwill and contingent performance obligation? a. b. c. d. Goodwill P90,000 P90,000 P95,000 P95,000 Obligation P75,000 P80,000 P75,000 P80,000 31. To induce the owners of Axel Company to sell to Ayala Corporation, an amount was included in the acquisition agreement. Ayala agrees to pay the former owners of Axel P5.00 for every peso of total Net Income before Interest and Taxes(NIBIT) earned over P20 million in the next four years. The payment would be made at the end of four years. Expected total NIBIT in the next four years is as follows: Total NIBIT (earned) P 5,000,000 15,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 P 85,000,000 Probability 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.10 What is the value of the earnout after the date of acquisition, assuming a discount rate of 12% (PV factor of 1.57351936)? a. P11,121,566 b. P11,801,395 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 c. P15,751,936 d. P17,500,000 (85M - 20M) / 4 = 16,250,000 ? 32. Raphael Company paid P20,000,000 for the net assets of Paris Corporation and Paris was then dissolved. Paris had no liabilities. ihe Tai values ol Pans' assets P2.500.000. Paris only current assets were land and equipment and fair values of P160,000 and P640,000, respectively. At what value will the equipment be recorded by Raphael? a. P640,000 b. P400,000 c. P240,000 d. P 0 Equipment is recorded at its fair value of P640,000. 33. Company Y is purchased by Company X, and the purchase price is P2,500,000 greater than the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired. One of the assets acquired is a building, originally valued at P1,000,000 at the date of the purchase. Six months after the acquisition, it was discovered that the building was really only worth P200,000 at the date of acquisition. What entry is made to reflect this new information? a. b. c. d. dr. goodwill, cr. building for P800,000. dr. loss on building, cr. building for P800,000. dr. others contributed capital, cr. building for P800,000. dr. retained earnings, cr. building for P800,000. The discovery of adjustment is within the measurement period, therefore any adjustment to the acquired building is debited directly to the goodwill. 34. Bolton Company acquires the net assets of Pamelia Company for a cash consideration of P100,000. One half is to be paid on acquisition date and one half is payable in one year's time. The appropriate discount rate is 10% p.a. The present value of the cash outflow in one year's time is? a. P45,454 b. P50,000 c. P54,545 d. P55,000 PV (100k x 50% x .90909) = P45,454 35. On October 1, 20x4, The Tingling Company acquired the net assets of the Greenbank Company when the fair value of Greenbank's net assets was P116 million and their carrying amount was P120 millon. The consideration transferred comprised P200 million in, cash transferred at Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 the acquisition date, plus another P60 million in cash to be transferred 11 months after the acquisition date if a specified profit target was met by Greenbank. At the acquisition date there was only a low probability of the profit target being met, so the fair value of the additional consideration liability was P10 million. In the event, the profit target was met and the P60 million cash was transferred. What amount should Tingling present for goodwill in its statement of consolidated financial position on December 31, 20x4, according to PFRS 3 Business combinations? a. P80 million b. P84 million c. P 94 million d. P144 million Consideration transferred: Cash 200 FV Estimated consideration liability FV of assets (116) Total P 94 million 10 36. An acquirer made the following entry to report an acquisition: Tangible assets………………………………………. 4,000 Customer Lists………………………………………. 600 Goodwill……………………………………………….. 1,000 Cash……………………………………………….. 2,000 Liabilities.……………………………………….. 3,600 Six months after the acquisition, the customer lists are determined to be worthless. How is this information reported if (1) the new information relates to the value of the customer lists as of the date of acquisition, and (2) the new information relates to changes in value since acquisition? Customer lists are written off, and a. A gain on acquisition of P600 is recorded. Goodwill decreases P600. b. Goodwill increases P600. A loss of P600 is recorded. c. A loss of P600 is recorded. Goodwill increases P600. d. Cash is reduced by P600. A loss of P600 is recorded. 37. Dosmann, Inc., acquired net assets of Lizzi Corporation on January 1, 20x4, for P700,000 in cash. This portion of the consideration transferred results in a fair-value allocation of P35,000 of equipment and goodwill of P88,000. At the acquisition date, Dosmann also agrees to pay Lizzi’s previous owners an additional P110,000 on January 1, 20x6, It Lizzi earns a 10 percent return on the fair value of its assets in 20x4 and 20x5. Lizzi's profits exceed this threshold in both years. Which of the following is true? a. the additional P110,000 payment is a reduction in retained earnings. Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 b. the fair value of the expected contingent payment increases goodwill at the acquisition date. c. Goodwill as of January 1.20x6, increases by P110,000 d. P110,000 is recorded as an expense in 20x6. 38-41:The balance sheet of Salt Company,along with market values of its assets and abilities, is as follows: Please refer to pp. 86 (Dayag, 2021) 38. Pail Company pays P100,000,000 in cash for Salt Company's assets and liabilities. Pail records goodwill of: a. P50,800,000 b. P66,800,000 c. P72,500,000 d. P77,500,000 Consideration Transferred P100,000,000 FV of identifiable assets (1.5 + 35 + 2 + 10 + 4 - 30 ) (22,500,000) Goodwill P77,500,000 39 Now assume Pail Company pays P10,000,000 in cash to acquire the assets and liabilities of Salt Company. Pail records a bargain purchase gain on acquisition of: a. Zero b. P12,500,000 c. P17,500,000 d. P28,500,000 Consideration Transferred P 10,000,000 FV of identifiable assets (1.5 + 35 + 2 + 10 + 4 - 30 ) (22,500,000) Bargain purchase gain P12,500,000 40. Pail paid P100,000,000 in cash for Salt. Three months later, Salt's patents are determined to have been worthless as of the date of acquisition. The entry to record this information includes a. a debit to loss of P2,000,000. b. a debit to patents of P2,000,000. c. A debit to goodwill of P2,000,000. d. A debit to retained earnings of P2,000,000 41. Pail paid P10,000,000 in cash for Seattle. Three months later, it is determined that Seattle's acquisition-date liabilities omitted a pending lawsuit valued at P2,000,000. The entry to record this information includes Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 a. a debit to bargain purchase gain P2,000,000. b. a debit to liabilities of P2.000,000. c. A debit to goodwill of P2.000.000. d. A debit to retained earnings of P2,000.000. on acquisition of 42 and 43: Ping Company acquires all of Sun Corp. in an asset acquisition. Ping paid P1,000,000 more than Sun's book value, and this excess was offered entirely to goodwill, as all of Sun's assets and liabilities were carried at amounts equivalent to fair value. At the time of the combination, a lawsuit was pending against Sun, which was not recorded on its books. It was felt at the time that Sun would win the lawsuit, so no provišion for it was made when Ping recorded the asset acquisition. 42. Six months after the acquisition, new information reveals that the expected value of the lawsuit at the date of acquisition was P400,000. The appropriate entry on Ping's books to record this new information. a. Retained earnings………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 b. Loss on lawsuit…..………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 c. Goodwill………..…..………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 d. No entry required. 43. Assume the same information as above, except that the value change is a result of events occurring subsequent to acquisition. The appropriate entry on Ping's books to record the new information. a. Retained earnings………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 b. Loss on lawsuit…..………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 c. Goodwill………..…..………………………………. 400,000 Estimated lawsuit liability.…………. 400,000 d. No entry required. 44 to 46: Nercom acquires all the assets of P570,000,000 and liabilities amounting to P100,000,000 of Unicom by issuing 25,000,000 shares of no-par common stock valued at P400,000,000 plus cash of P50,000,000 and records the acquisition as a statutory merger acquisition. Included in the agreement is a contingency guaranteeing the former shareholders of Unicom that Netcoms shares will be worth at least P350,000,000 after one year. if not, Unicom will issue additional snares to bring the total value of shares issued to P350,000.000. This contingency is valued at P20,000,000 at the date of acquisition. At the end of the first year following the acquisition, the 25,000,000 shares of Netcoms stock held by the former shareholders of Unicom are worth P12/share. Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 44. The Netcom's journal entry to initially record the acquisition. a. Investment in S………..…..………………………………. 470,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………………. 400,000,000 Cash………...…………………………………………. 50,000,000 PIC - Stock contingency.…………………………. 20,000,000 b. Assets……………...………..…..………………. 570,000,000 Liabilities..…..…………………….………. 400,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………. 400,000,000 Cash………...…………………………………. 50,000,000 PIC - Stock contingency.……………………. 20,000,000 c. Loss on Contingency.………..…..………………………. 470,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………………. 400,000,000 Cash………...…………………………………………. 50,000,000 PIC - Stock contingency.…………………………. 20,000,000 d. No entry required 45. How many additional shares must Netcom subsequently issue to the former shareholders of Unicom? a. 25,000,000 b. 4,166,667 c. 2,083,333 d. No additional shares Total shares to be issued (350m / 12) = 29,166,667 Shares acquired 25,000,000 Addt’l shares to be issued 4,166,667 46. the Netcom's journal entry to record the issuance of the Addt’l shares the previous number should be: a. Loss on Contingency..…..………………………………. 50,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………………. 50,000,000 b. PIC - Stock contingency.………………………………... 20,000,000 Loss on Contingency..…..………………………………. 30,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………………. 50,000,000 c. PIC - Stock contingency.………………………... 20,000,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 PIC -Others………….....…..………………………. 30,000,000 Common Stock..…..………………………. 50,000,000 e. No entry required 47. Polk issued common stock to acquire all the assets of the Sam Company on January 1, 20x5. There is a contingent share agreement, which states that if the income of the Sam Division exceeds a certain level during 20x5 and 20x6, additional shares will be issued on January 1,20x7. The impact of issuing the additional shares is to? a. increase the price assigned to fixed assets b. have no effect on asset values, but to reassign the amount designed for equity accounts c. reduce retained earnings d. record additional goodwill 48. P Corporation issued 10,000 shares of common stock with a fair value ot P25 per share for all the outstanding common stock of S Company in a business combination property accounted for as an acquisition. The fair value of S Company's net assets on that date was P220,000. P Company also agreed to issue an additional 2,000 shares of common stock with a fair value of P50,000 to the former stockholders of S Company as an earnings contingency. Assuming that the contingencý is expected to be met, the P50,000 fair value of the additional shares to be issued should be treated as a(n): a. decrease in noncurrent liabilities of S Company that were assumed by P Company. b. decrease in consolidated retained earnings. c. increase in consolidated goodwill. d. decrease in consolidated other contributed capital. 49. P Co. issued 5,000 shares of its common stock, valued at P200,000, to the former shareholders of S Company two years after S Company was acquired in an all-stock transaction. The additional shares were issued because P Company agreed to issue additional shares of common stock if the average post combination earnings over the next two years exceeded P500,000. P Company will treat the issuance of the additional shares as a (decrease in) a. b. c. d. retained earnings. Goodwill. paid-in capital. non-current liabilities of s Company assumed by P Company. 50 to 53: Bullen InC. acquired assets and liabilities of Vicker inc. on January 1, 20x4. The book value and fair value of Vickers accounts on that date (prior to creating the combination) follow, along with the book value of Bullen's accounts: Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Refer to page 88-89 of (Dayag, 2021) 50. Assume that Bullen issued 12,000 shares of common stock with a P5 par value and a P47 fair value to obtain all of Vickers outstanding stock. In this transaction how much goodwill should be recognized: a. P144,000 b. P104,000 c. P 64,000 d. P60,000 e. P 0 Consideration transferred: (12,000 shares x 47) 564,000 FV of net assets acquired: (880k - 420k) (460k,000) Goodwill P104,000 51. Assume that Bullen issued 12,000 shares of common stock with a P5 par value and a P47 fair value to obtain all of Vickers outstanding stock. What will be the Additional Paid-In Capital and Retained Earnings after the combination: a. P20,000 and P160,000 b. P20,000 and P260,000 c. P380,000 and P160,000 d. P464,000 and P160,000 e. P380,000 and P260,000 Additional Paid-In Capital Earnings Initial 20,000 160,000 Issuance of shares(12k x 37) 444,000 _______ Total P464,000 P160,000 Retained 52. Assume that Bulen issued preferred stock with a par value of P240,000 and a fair value of P500,000 for all of the net assets of Vicker in a business combination. What will be the balance in the Inventory and Land accounts after the business combination: a. P440,000, P496,000 b. P440,000, P520,000 c. P425,000, P505,000 d. P402,000, P520,000 e. P427,000, P510,000 Inventory Land Initial 230,000 280,000 FV of acquired asset of Vicker 210,000 240,000 Total P440,000 P520,000 53. Assume that Bullen paid a total of P480,000 in cash for all of the shares of Vicker. In addition, Bullen paid P35,000 to a group of attorneys Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 for their work in arranging the combination to be accounted for as an acquisition. What will be the balance in goodwill? a. P 0 b. P20,000 c. P35,000 d. P55,000 Consideration transferred: 480,000 FV of net assets acquired: (880k - 420k) (460,000) Goodwill P20,000 P35,000 paid to a group of attorneys is credited/deducted to Bullen’s account. Since this is not part of consideration transferred rather an expense to the part of Bullen. It is an acquisition related cost, credited to retained earnings account of Bullen. 54. Prior to being united in a business combination, AA, Inc., and WS Corporation had the following stockholders' equity figures: AA WS Common Stock (P1 par value) P180,000 P45,000 Additional paid- in-capital 90,000 20,000 Retained Earnings 300,000 110,000 AA issues 51,000 new shares of its common stock valued at P3 per share for all of the outstanding stock of WS. Assume that AA acquires WS immediately afterward, What a. b. c. d. are Additional Paid-In Capital and Retained Earnings. respectively? P104,000 and P300,000 P110,000 and P410,000 P192,000 and P300,000 P212,000 and P410,000 Additional Earnings Initial 90,000 Issuance of shares(51k x 2) Total P192,000 Paid-In Capital Retained 300,000 102,000 _______ P300,000 55. Pat Corporation paid P100,000 cash for the net assets of Sag Company, which consisted of the following: BV FV Current Assets P 40,000 P56,000 PPE 160,000 220,000 Liabilities assumed (40,000) (36,000) Assume Sag Company is dissolved. The plant and equipment acquired in this business Combination should be recorded at; Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 a. b. c. d. P220,000 P200,000 P183,332 P180,000 The acquired PPE is based on its fair value. 56. Balter Inc, acquired Jersey Company on January 1, 20x4, When the purchase occurred Jersey Company had the following information related to fixed assets: Land P80,000 Building 200,000 Accumulated Depreciation (100,000) Equipment 100,000 Accumulated Depreciation (50,000) The building has a 10-year remaining useful life and the equipment has a 5-year remaining useful life. The fair values of the assets on that date were: Land Building Equipment P100,000 130,000 75,000 What is the 20x4 depreciation expense Balter will record related to purchasing Jersey Company. a. P 8,000 b. P15,000 c. P28,000 d. P30,000 Building Equipment Total 130,000 /10 = 13,000 75,000/5 = 15,000 P28,000 57 and 58: North Company issued 24,000 shares of its P20 par value common stock for the net assets of Prairie Company in a business combination under which Prairie Company will be merged into North Company. On the date of the combination, North Company common stock had a fair value of P30 per share. Balance sheets for North Company and Prairie Company immediately prior to the combination were as follows: Please refer to pp 90 of (Dayag, 2021) 57. If the business combination is treated as an acquisition and Prairie Company's net assets have a fair value of P686,400, North Company's balance sheet immediately after the combination will include goodwill of: a. P30,600. b. P 38,400. Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 c. P33,600. d. P56,000. Consideration transferred: (24k x 30) Fair value of net assets acquired Goodwill P33,600 720,000 686,400 58. If the business combination is treated as an acquisition and the fair value of Prairie Company's current assets is P270,000, its plant and equipment is P726,000, and its liabilities are P168,000, North Company's financial statements immediately after the combination will include? a. Negative goodwill of P108,000 b. Plant and equipment of P2,133,000. c. Plant and equipment of P2,343,000. d. An ordinary gain of P108,000. Consideration transferred: (24k x 30) P 720,000 Fair value of net assets acquired Current assets P270,000 PPE P726,000 Liabilities (P168,000) (828,000) Negative Goodwill P108,000 59. Publics Company acquired the net assets of Citizen Company during 20x4. The purchase price was P800,000. On the date of the transaction, Citizen had no long-term investments in marketable equity securities and P400,000 in liabilities. The fair value of Citizen assets on the acquisition date was as follows: Current assets P800,000 Non Current assets P600,000 How should Publics account for the P200,000 difference between the fair value of the net assets acquired, P1,000,000, and the cost, P800,000? a. Retained earnings should be reduced by P200,000. b. Current assets should be recorded at P685,000 and noncurrent assets recorded at P515,000. c. A P200,000 gain on acquisition of business should be recognized c. A deferred credit of P200,000 should be set up and subsequently amortized for future net income over d period not to exceed 40 years. Consideration transferred: Fair value of net assets acquired Gain on Bargain of Purchase 800,000 (1,000,000) P200,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 60 and 61: During its inception, Devon Company purchased land for P100,000 and a building for P180,000. After exactly 3 years, it transferred these assets and cash of P50,000 to a newly created subsidiary, Regan Company, in exchange for 15,000 shares of Regan's P10 par value stock. Devon uses straight-line depreciation. Useful life for the building is 30 years, with zero residual value. 60. At the time of the transfer, Regan Company should record: a. Building at P180,000 and no accumulated depreciation b. Building af P162,000 and no accumulated depreciation. c. Building at P200,000 and accumulated depreciation of P24,000. d. Building at P180,000 and accumulated depreciation of P18,000. Building 180,000 - (180,000 x 3/30) = 162,000 61. Regan Company will report a. additional paid-in capital of PO b. additional paid-in capital of P150,000 c. additional paid-in capital of P162,000 d. additional paid-in capital of P180,000 The amount of Building acquired at P162,000 will credited to APIC 62. The Geek Company acquired net assets of The Okay Company for consideration transfer of P112 million. At the acquisition date the carrying amount of Okay's net assets was P100 million and their fair value was P120 milion. How should the difference between the consideration transferred and the net assets acquired be presented in Geek's financial Statements, according to PFRS 3 Business combinations? a. Gain on bargain purchase of P8 million recognized in other comprehensive income b. Gain on bargain purchase of P8 million deducted from other intangibles assets c. Gain on bargain purchase of P8 million recognized in profit or loss d. Goodwill of P12 million as an intangible asset Consideration transferred: Fair value of net assets acquired Gain on Bargain of Purchase Gain on Bargain of Purchase Retained Earnings - P/L 100 ( 120) P8 8m 8m 63. Homer Ltd. is seeking to expand its share of the widgets market and has negotiated for takeover the operations of Tan Ltd. on January 1, 20x4. The balance sheets to the two companies as of December 31, 20x4 were as follows. Refer to pp 91 - 92 of book ( Dayag, 2021). Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 The excess of fair value of net assets over cost or gain on acquisition that will be recognized immediately in the income statement is a. Nil or Zer0 b. P17,700 c. P29,700 d. P34,300 64 and 65: ACME CO. paid P110,000 for the net assets of Comb Corp. At the time of the acquisition the following information was available related to Comb's balance sheet Current Assets Building Equipment Liabilities assumed BV FV P 50,000 P50,000 80,000 100,000 40,000 50,000 (30,000) (30,000) 64. What is the amount recorded by ACME for the Building? a. P110,000 b. P 20,000 c. P 80,000 d. P100,000 Building is recorded at its fair value of P100,000. 65. What amount of gain (loss) on disposal of a business should Comb Corp, recognize? a. Gain of P30,000 b. Gain of P60,000 c. Loss of P30,000 d. Loss of P60,000 Loss on Disposal ( SP - BV) 110k - 140k = 30,000 66 to 71: TT Corporation acquired assets and assumed liabilities of A Corporation's on December 3120x4. Balance sheet data for the two companies immediately following the acquisition follow: Please refer to page 92-93 0f (Dayag, 2021) At the date of the business combination, the book values of SS's net assets and liabilities approximated fair value except for inventory, which had a fair value of P85,000, and land, which had a fair válue of P45,000. Indicate the appropriate total that should appear in the balance sheet prepared immediately after the business combination. 66. What amount of inventory will be reported? a. P70,000 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 b. P130,000 c. P200,000 d. P215,000 Initial 130,000 FV of acquired inventory Total P215,000 85,000 67. What amount of goodwill will be reported? a. P-Ob. P23,000 c. P43,000 d. P58,000 Consideration transferred: 198 Fair value of net assets acquired (440k - 265) Goodwill P 23 ( 175) 68. What amount of total assets will be reported? a. P84,400 b. P1,051,000 c. P1,109,000 d. 1,249,000 Initial Asset TT (844k - 198k) P FV of identifiable assets acquired Goodwill 23,000 Total Assets P1,109,000 646,000 440,000 69. What amount of total liabilities will be reported? a. P265,000 b. P436,500 c. P701,500 d. P1,249,000 Initial Liabilities TT (61.5k + 95k + 280k) FV of identifiable liability acquired Total Liabilities P701,500 P 436,500 265,000 70. What amount of retained earnings will be reported? a. P547,500 b. P397,500 c. P347,500 d. P257,500 The balance of Retained Earnings of TT Co. 71. What amount of total stockholders' equity will be reported? a. P407,500 b. P547,500 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 c. P844,000 d. P1,249,000 Total Assets P1,109,000 (701,500) Total Liabilities Total Stockholders' Equity P407,500 72 and 73: AA Company acquired all of BB Corporation's assets and liabilities on October 2, 20x5, in a business combination at that date. BB reported assets with a book value of P1,198,080 and liabilities of P683,520. AA noted that BB included the amount of P76,800 obsolete merchandise at the acquisition date that did not appear of any value. AA also determined that an old delivery van previously used by BB had a fair value of P230,400, but had not been recorded by BB. Except for machinery and equipment, AA determined the fair value of all other assets and liabilities reported by BB approximated the recorded amounts. In recording the transfer of assets and liabilities in its books, AA recorded a gain on acquisition of P178,560. AA paid P392,640 to acquire BB's assets and liabilities. 72.If the book value of BB's machinery and equipment was P414,720, what was their fair value? a. Nil b. P322,080 c. P394,560 d. None of the above Consideration transferred: 392,640 Fair value of net assets acquired (571,200) Gain on acquisition (P178,560) Fair value of net assets acquired 571,200 Book value of net assets acquired P1,198,080- P683,520 = Increase in net assets 56,640 Obsolete merchandise 76,800 Unrecorded van (230,400) Decrease in FV of Machinery and Equipment (96,960) BV Machinery and Equipment 619,800 FV Machinery and Equipment P522,840 (514,560) 73. Assuming that BB recorded goodwill of P482,400. AA paid P1,244,400 to acquire BB's assets and liabilities. If the book value of the machinery and equipment was P619,800, what was their FV? a. Nil b. P713,640 c. P790,320 d. None of the above Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Consideration transferred: Fair value of net assets acquired Goodwill P482,400 1,244,400 (762,000) Fair value of net assets acquired 762,000 Book value of net assets acquired P1,198,080- P683,520 = Increase in net assets 247,440 Obsolete merchandise 76,800 Unrecorded van (230,400) Increase in FV of Machinery and Equipment 93,840 BV Machinery and Equipment 619,800 FV Machinery and Equipment P713,640 (514,560) 74 to 76: On September 18, 20x5, XX Co. acquired all the YY Inc.'s P2,580,000 identifiable assets and P636,000 liabilities. Carrying amounts of the YYs assets and liabilities equal their fair value except for the overvalued furniture and fixtures. As a consideration, xx Issued its own shares with a market value of P2,058,000 and cash amounting to P450,000. Contingent consideration that was probable and reasonably estimated on the date of acquisition amounted to P177,600. The merger resulted in P776,400 goodwill. Assuming XX had P5,868,000 total assets and P3,277,200 total liabilities as prior to the combination and no additional cash payments were made, but expenses were incurred for related cost amounting to P33,600 74. Determine the amount of overvaluation of the furniture and fixtures. a. Nil b. P33,600 c. P34,800 d. None of the above Contingent consideration ( 2.058M + .45 + .1776) FV of net assets acquired: (1,909,200) Goodwill 776,400 2,685,600 FV of net assets acquired: 1,909,200 BV of net assets acquired: (2,580,000 - 636,000) (1,944,000) Decrease in net asset acquired or (P34,800) overvaluation of the furniture and fixtures 75. After the merger, how much is the combined total identifiable assets in the books of the acquirer? a. Nil b. P6,644,400 c. P7,963,200 d. None of the above Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net) lOMoARcPSD|30219397 Initial Asset (5,868k - 33.6k) P 5,834,400 FV of assets acquired 1,387,200 Overvaluation of the furniture and fixtures (34,800) Goodwill 776,400 Total Assets P7,963,200 76. After the merger, how much is the increase in liabilities in the books of the acquirer? a. Nil b. P847,200 c. P880,800 d. None of the above Initial Liabilities FV of liabilities P 3,277,200 847,200 4,074,400 Downloaded by Prensofc Xx (legdyeif@neko2.net)