C Group ASME A112.18.1-2012/ !3-% ! CSA B125.1-12 #3! " 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--SETTING THE S TA•N.D•A•12•D-•-•• • •-•-•.•-• Legal Notice Legal Notice for for Harmonized Harmonized Standard Standard JointlyDeveloped Developedby byASME ASME and and CSA CSA Jointly )NTELLECTUAL RIGHTS and AND ownership OWNERSHIP Intellectual PROPERTY property rights As between American Society Society of Engineers (’’ASME’’) and Canadian Canadian Standards Standards Association As between American of Mechanical Mechanical Engineers ("ASME") and Association(’’CSA‘‘) ("CSA") (collectively (collectively ‘‘ASME "ASME and and CSA’’) and be in in printed printedor orelectronic electronicform), form),ASME ASME and and CSA CSA are owners of of all all works works CSA") and the the users usersof of this this document document (whether (whether it it be are the the joint joint owners contained herein are protected by copyright, copyright, all all trade-marks trade-marks (except (except as contrary), and and all all inventions inventions and and contained herein that that are protected by as otherwise otherwise noted noted to to the the contrary), trade secrets secrets that whether or or not notsuch such inventions inventions and and trade trade secrets secrets are patents and trade that may may be be contained contained in in this this document, document, whether are protected protected by by patents and applications for applications for patents. patents. 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A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 $ECEMBER December 2012 4ITLE Plumbing 0LUMBING SUPPLY Title: supply FITTINGS fittings 0AGINATION 65 pages PAGES (xvi (xvi preliminary preliminary and and 49 49 text), text), each each dated $ECEMBER Pagination: dated December 2012 To register any updates To register for for e-mail e-mail notification notification about about any updates to to this this publication publication •• go to go to SHOPCSACA shop.csa.ca •• click on #3! 5PDATE 3ERVICE click on CSA Update Service The List ,IST )$ you will will need need to to register register for for updates updates to this publication is 2422033. . The ID that that you to this publication is If you you require requireassistance, assistance, please please e-mail TECHSUPPORT CSAGROUPORG or or call call 416-747-2233. If e-mail techsupport@csagroup.org 416-747-2233. Visit CSA CSAGROUPORGLEGAL to find out out how how we we protect protect your your Visit CSA Group’s Group's policy policy on on privacy privacy at at csagroup.org/legal to find personal information. information. personal ASME !#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 !3-% 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings SETTING THE STANDARD Alli de l CSA Group TM operating as "CSA Group" milt trade-mark of the Canadian Standards Association, 0UBLISHED IN $ECEMBER BY CSA #3! Group 'ROUP Published in December 2012 by ! NOTFORPROFIT PRIVATE sector SECTOR ORGANIZATION A not-for-profit private organization Spectrum 3PECTRUM Way, 7AY 3UITE -ISSISSAUGA /NTARIO 5060 Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario, #ANADA Canada ,7 L4W . 5N6 s• 416-747-4044 1-800-463-6727 6ISIT OUR Visit our /NLINE Online 3TORE Store AT at SHOPCSACA shop.csa.ca #OMMITMENT for FOR Amendments !MENDMENTS Commitment This Standard American Society Society of of Mechanical MechanicalEngineers Engineers (ASME) (ASME) and This Standard is is issued issuedjointly jointly by by the the American and CSA CSA Group. Group. Amendments to to this this Standard Standard will be made made only only after after processing processing according Standards writing Amendments will be according to to the the Standards writing procedures of both bothASME ASME and and CSA. CSA. procedures of The American The American Society Society of of Mechanical Mechanical Engineers Engineers (ASME) (ASME) Three Avenue Three Park Park Avenue New York, York, NY New NY 10016-5990 10016-5990 USA USA 1-800-843-2763 1-800-843-2763 www.asme.org www.asme.org Visit ASME ASME Online Visit Online Store Store at at http://www.asme.org/kb/standards http://www.asme.org/kb/standards Published in by CSA CSA Group Published in December December 2012 2012 by Group A not-for-profit private sector sector organization organization A not-for-profit private 5060 Spectrum Spectrum Way, Way, Suite 5060 Suite 100 100 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6 L4W 5N6 1-800-463-6727 •• 416-747-4044 416-747-4044 1-800-463-6727 Visit the CSA Online Visit the CSA Online Store Store at at SHOPCSACA shop.csa.ca ISBN 978-0-7918-6864-5 ISBN 978-0-7918-6864-5 © 2012 CSA CSA Group © 2012 Group © 2012 © Copyright Copyright 2012 All rights All rights reserved. reserved. No No part part of of this this publication publication may any form whatsoever may be be reproduced reproduced in in any form whatsoever without the without the prior priorpermission permission of of the the publisher. publisher. The 2012 edition of of this this Standard Standard is is The 2012 edition being issued with addenda being issued with an an automatic automatic addenda subscription service. service. The The use subscription use of of addenda addenda allows revisions response to revisions made allows made in in response to public review comments public review comments of of committee committee actions to to be be published publishedas asnecessary. necessary. actions ISBN 978-1-77139-020-0 ISBN 978-1-77139-020-0 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings #ONTENTS Contents ASME A112Standards StandardsCommittee Committee on on Plumbing Plumbing Materials Materials and and Equipment Equipment VI vi ASME A112 ASME A112.18.1 Project Project Team Team on on Plumbing Plumbing Fixture viii ASME A112.18.1 Fixture Fittings Fittings VIII Technical Committee on Plumbing Plumbing Fittings Fittings XI Technical Committee on xi ASME/CSA Joint Fittings XIV ASME/CSA JointHarmonization HarmonizationTask TaskGroup Groupon on Plumbing Plumbing Fittings xiv Preface Preface XV xv 3COPE 1 1 Scope Reference 2EFERENCE publications PUBLICATIONS 2 2 $EFINITIONS and AND abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS 3 Definitions 4 3.1 Definitions 3.1 Definitions 4 Abbreviations 7 3.2 3.2 Abbreviations 4 Design $ESIGN requirements REQUIREMENTS 7 4.1 Supply 4.1 Supplyfittings fittings 7 4.1.1 Rated 4.1.1 Ratedpressure pressure 7 4.1.2 Rated Rated temperatures temperatures 4.1.2 7 4.1.3 Seating Seatingmembers members 4.1.3 8 4.2 Servicing 4.2 8 Servicing 4.3 Installation 4.3 Installation 8 4.4 Threaded connections 4.4 Threaded connections 8 4.5 Connections 4.5 Connectionsother otherthan thanthreaded threadedconnections connections 9 4.6 Accessible designs 4.6 Accessible designs 9 4.7 Backflow 10 4.7 Backflow prevention prevention Cover 4.8 Cover plates plates and and escutcheons escutcheons 10 4.8 4.9 Toxicity and 4.9 Toxicity and lead lead content content 10 4.10 Frost-proof 4.10 Frost-proof faucets faucets and and hydrants hydrants 10 4.11 Shower sprays, and showers 4.11 Shower heads, heads, body body sprays, and hand-held hand-held showers 10 4.11.1 General General 4.11.1 10 4.11.2 High-efficiency High-efficiency shower shower heads hand-held showers showers 4.11.2 heads and and hand-held 10 4.12 Cross-flow Cross-flow 4.12 11 4.13 Fittings electrical features 4.13 Fittings incorporating incorporating electrical features 11 General 4.13.1 General 4.13.1 11 4.13.2 Testing Testing 4.13.2 11 4.14 Materials Materials 4.14 12 4.15 Automatic Automatic compensatingvalve valvetemperature temperature control control 4.15 compensating 12 4.16 Lawn 4.16 Lawn faucets faucets 12 4.17 Flexible 4.17 Flexiblewater water connectors connectors 12 PROCEDURES S 0ERFORMANCE Performance REQUIREMENTS requirements AND and TEST test procedures 12 5.1 General 5.1 12 General 5.1.1 Preconditioning 5.1.1 Preconditioning 12 5.1.2 Installation for for testing testing 12 5.1.2 Installation 5.1.3 Testconditions conditions 12 5.1.3 Test Orderof of tests tests 5.1.4 5.1.4 Order 12 5.2 Coatings 5.2 12 Coatings December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- iii III !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 5.2.1 General General 12 5.2.1 5.2.2 Corrosion Corrosion(all (allsubstrates substrates and and coatings) coatings) 5.2.2 12 5.2.3 Adhesion Adhesion 5.2.3 13 5.2.4 Decorative Decorativeorganic organic coatings coatings 5.2.4 14 5.3 Pressure 5.3 Pressure and and temperature temperature 15 5.3.1 dynamic seals seals 5.3.1 Static Static and and dynamic 15 5.3.2 Burstpressure pressure 5.3.2 Burst 15 5.3.3 Cross-flowcheck checkvalves valves 15 5.3.3 Cross-flow 5.3.4 Hoseassemblies assemblies 5.3.4 Hose 16 5.3.5 5.3.5 Ball Ball joints joints 16 5.3.6 Diverters 5.3.6 Diverters 16 endpoint pointdevices devices 5.3.7 Aerators Aeratorsand andother otherend 17 5.3.7 5.4 Flow 5.4 Flow rate rate 17 5.4.1 Supply 5.4.1 Supply fittings fittings 17 5.4.2 Test Testprocedure procedure 5.4.2 17 5.5 Operating requirements 18 5.5 Operating requirements 5.6 Life Life cycle cycle 5.6 19 5.6.1 5.6.1 Performance Performance requirements requirements 19 5.6.2 Testprocedures procedures 5.6.2 Test 20 5.6.3 Fittingsand andother othercontrol controldevices devices 21 5.6.3 Fittings 5.7 Resistance 23 5.7 Resistance to to installation installation loading loading 5.7.1 Bending Bending strength strength 23 5.7.1 Threadtorque torquestrength strength 5.7.2 Thread 5.7.2 23 24 5.8 Resistance 5.8 Resistance to to use use loading loading 24 5.8.1 Operatingcontrols controls 5.8.1 Operating 5.8.2 Maintenanceofofinstalled installedposition position 24 5.8.2 Maintenance 5.8.3 Swingspout spoutstrength strength 24 5.8.3 Swing 5.9 Backflow 25 5.9 Backflow prevention prevention 5.9.1 General 5.9.1 General 25 5.9.2 Fittingswith withplain plain outlets outlets 5.9.2 Fittings 25 outlets 5.9.3 Fittingswith withsubmersible submersible outlets 26 5.9.3 Fittings 5.10 Lawnfaucets faucets 5.10 Lawn 28 5.10.1 Performance requirements requirements 5.10.1 Performance 28 5.10.2 Test procedure procedure 5.10.2 Test 28 5.11 5.11 Alternative materials Alternative materials test test 29 5.11.1 Performance requirements requirements 5.11.1 Performance 29 5.11.2 Test procedure procedure 5.11.2 Test 29 5.12 5.12 High-efficiency High-efficiencyshower showerheads headsand and hand-held hand-held showers showers 29 5.12.1 General 5.12.1 General 29 5.12.2 5.12.2 Flow Flow rate rate 29 5.12.3 Spray Spray force force 5.12.3 30 Spray coverage coverage 5.12.4 Spray 5.12.4 31 Markings, -ARKINGS packaging, PACKAGING and AND installation INSTALLATION instructions INSTRUCTIONS 6 32 32 6.1 General 6.1 General 6.2 Temperature identification identification 6.2 Temperature 32 32 6.3 Packaging 6.3 Packaging 6.4 6.4 High-efficiency High-efficiencyshower showerheads headsand andhand-held hand-heldshowers showers 33 !NNEXES Annexes A (informative) — and rounding ! (informative) — Unit Unit conversion conversion and rounding criteria criteria 47 B (normative) " —Tests Testsby by fitting fitting type type (normative) — 48 Iv IV December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings 4ABLES Tables maximum flow flow rates 1 — — Minimum Minimum and and maximum rates 34 — Operating 2 — Operating requirements requirements 35 — Life 3 — Lifecycle cycletest test 35 — — Thread Thread torque 4 torquestrength strength 36 &IGURES Figures 1 — — Deck-mounted Deck-mounted lavatory lavatoryand and sink sinksupply supplyfittings fittings 36 — Dimensions 2 — Dimensionsfor for1/2-14 1/2-14NPSM NPSMshanks shanks 37 — Discharge 3 — Discharge capacity capacity test test schematics schematics 38 — 4 — Bending Bending loads loadson onsupply supplyfittings fittings 39 Set-up for for back hidden check check valve valve test S — — Set-up back siphonage siphonage and and hidden test 40 — for check valve leakage 6 — Set-up Set-up for check valve leakage test test 41 fixture 7 — — Spray Spray force-balance force-balance test test fixture 42 — 8 — Spray Spray force force test test fixture fixture set-up set-up 43 — fixture 44 9 — Spray Spray coverage coverage test test fixture — Spray fixture set-up ring 10 — Spray coverage coverage test test fixture set-up ring 45 — Spray fixture set-up 11 — Spray coverage coverage test test fixture set-up 46 December 2012 $ECEMBER VV !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% ! ASME A1123TANDARDS Standards #OMMITTEE Committee ON on 0LUMBING Plumbing -ATERIALS Materials AND and %QUIPMENT Equipment $7 Viola 6IOLA D.W. IAPMO, IAPMO, Mokena, Illinois, USA USA Mokena, Illinois, 2( !CKROYD R.H. Ackroyd Rand Technical Rand Technical Consulting, Consulting, Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA USA Newburyport, Massachusetts, 2+ !DLER R.K. Adler City ofSan San Jose, Jose, City of San USA San Jose, Jose, California, California, USA *! "ALLANCO J.A. Ballanco JB PC, JBEngineering Engineering& & Code Code Consulting, Consulting, PC, Munster, Indiana, USA USA Munster, Indiana, J.E. Bertrand *% "ERTRAND Moen Incorporated, Incorporated, Moen North Olmsted, Olmsted, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA North M.N. Burgess -. "URGESS Burgess Group Burgess Group Incorporated, Incorporated, California, USA USA San San Diego, Diego, California, - Campos #AMPOS M. ICC Evaluation Evaluation Service, Service, LLC, LLC, ICC Whittier, California, California, USA USA Whittier, 3, S.L. #AVANAUGH Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Consulting, Consulting, Santa USA Santa Fe, Fe, New New Mexico, Mexico, USA W.E. 7% Chapin #HAPIN Webstone, Webstone, Worcester, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, USA USA Worcester, P.V. DeMarco 06 $E-ARCO IAPMO, IAPMO, Dayton, NewJersey, Jersey, USA USA Dayton, New N.E. Dickey .% $ICKEY CSA CSA Group, Group, Cleveland, USA Cleveland, Ohio, Ohio, USA '3 G.S. $UREN Duren Code Code Compliance, Compliance, Inc., Inc., Hudson, Florida, USA USA Hudson, Florida, 4 %BERHARDY T. Eberhardy Bradley Bradley Fixtures Fixtures Corporation, Corporation, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Menomonee Falls, R. Emmerson 2 %MMERSON Mundelein, Illinois, Mundelein, Illinois, USA USA 2, 'EORGE R.L. George Plumb-Tech Design and and Consulting ConsultingServices Services L.L.C, L.L.C, Plumb-Tech Design Newport, Michigan, Newport, Michigan, USA USA G.W. Harrison '7 (ARRISON Wayne Harrison Consulting, Consulting, Wayne Harrison Edmond, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA USA Edmond, VI VI #HAIR Chair December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 3$ (AZZARD S.D. Hazzard American Society American Society of of Sanitary Sanitary Engineering, Engineering, Westlake, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA Westlake, , (IMMELBLAU L. Himmelblau Chicago Faucet, Chicago Faucet, Des Plaines, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA Des Plaines, * +ENDZEL J. Kendzel American Society of of Plumbing Plumbing Engineers, American Society Engineers, Des Plaines, Des Plaines, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA *- +OELLER J.M. Koeller Koeller Koeller and and Co., Co., Yorba Linda, Linda, California, California, USA USA Yorba .- Kummerlen +UMMERLEN N.M. Lorain, Ohio, USA USA Lorain, Ohio, #* ,AGAN C.J. Lagan American Standard, American Standard, New Jeresy, Jeresy, USA USA Piscataway, Piscataway, New *7 ,AUER J.W. Lauer Sloan Sloan Valve Valve Company, Company, Huntington Beach,California, California,USA USA Huntington Beach, 7( Levan ,EVAN W.H. Cast Iron Soil Soil Pipe Cast Iron Pipe Institute, Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia,USA USA Atlanta, 3 2AWALPINDIWALA S. Rawalpindiwala Kohler Kohler Co., Co., Kohler, Wisconsin, Kohler, Wisconsin, USA USA 3! S.A. 2EMEDIOS Remedios Remedios ConsultingLLC, LLC, Remedios Consulting Noblesville, Indiana, USA USA Noblesville, Indiana, ', 3IMMONS G.L. Simmons Charlotte Pipe & & Foundry, Foundry, Charlotte Pipe Charlotte, NorthCarolina, Carolina,USA USA Charlotte, North ,* 3WATKOWSKI *R L.J. Swatkowski Jr. Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), (PMI), Plumbing Manufacturers International Rolling Meadows, Meadows, Illinois, Rolling Illinois, USA USA *# 7ATSON J.C. Watson Elkay, El kay, Broadview, Illinois, Broadview, Illinois, USA USA 7# 7HITEHEAD W.C. Whitehead Whitehead Consulting Consulting Services, Services, Whitehead Peabody, Massachusetts,USA USA Peabody, Massachusetts, A.L. Guzman !, 'UZMAN ASME International, ASME International, New York, New New York, York, USA USA New York, December 2012 $ECEMBER 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings 3ECRETARY Secretary VII VII !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% ! ASME A112.18.1 0ROJECT Project 4EAM Team ON on 0LUMBING Fixture &IXTURE &ITTINGS Plumbing Fittings - Malatesta -ALATESTA M. American Standard Standard Inc., American Inc., Piscataway, New NewJersey, Jersey, USA USA Piscataway, Chair #HAIR A.R. !2 Emmerson %MMERSON Mundelein, Illinois, Mundelein, Illinois, USA USA Vice-Chair 6ICE#HAIR 3 2AWALPINDIWALA S. Rawalpindiwala Kohler Co., Kohler Co., Kohler, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Kohler, 3ECRETARY Secretary ,+ !CKER L.K. Acker ACT, Inc. Systems, ACT, Inc. Metlund Metlund Systems, Costa USA Costa Mesa, Mesa, California, California, USA 2( !CKROYD R.H. Ackroyd Rand Technical Rand Technical Consulting, Consulting, Newburyport,Massachusetts, Massachusetts, USA USA Newburyport, S.F. Aridi 3& !RIDI NSF International, International, NSF Ann Ann Arbor, Arbor, Michigan, Michigan, USA USA "ERGE $2 Berge D.R. 5D Infusion Infusion Canada Canada Inc., 5D Inc., Iberville, Quebec Québec Iberville, J.E. Bertrand *% "ERTRAND Moen Inc., Moen Inc., North Olmsted, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA North Olmsted, - Campos #AMPOS M. ICC Evaluation Evaluation Service, Service, LLC, LLC, ICC Whittier, California, California, USA USA Whittier, 3, #AVANAUGH S.L. Cavanaugh C&S Professional C&S Professional Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Consulting, Consulting, Santa USA Santa Fe, Fe, New New Mexico, Mexico, USA W.E. 7% Chapin #HAPIN Webstone, Webstone, Worcester, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, USA USA Worcester, N.E. Dickey .% $ICKEY CSA CSA Group, Group, Ohio, USA USA Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, 4 Eberhardy %BERHARDY T. Bradley Fixtures Bradley Fixtures Corporation, Corporation, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Menomonee Falls, F. Fernandez & &ERNANDEZ Toto USA USA Inc., Toto Inc., Ontario, California, Ontario, California, USA USA D. $ Gleiberman 'LEIBERMAN Sloan Sloan Valve Valve Co., Co., Huntington HuntingtonBeach, Beach, California, California, USA USA '$ Goodson 'OODSON G.D. Conbraco Con braco Industries, Industries, Pageland, South Carolina, USA USA Pageland, South Carolina, # 'RAHAM C. Graham Martech Enterprises, Martech Enterprises, Thousand Oaks, Oaks, California, California, USA USA Thousand VIII VIII December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © #! (ERNANDEZ C.A. Hernandez Spears SpearsManufacturing, Manufacturing, Bolingbrook, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA Bolingbrook, % (O E. Ho IAPMO R&T, IAPMO R&T, Inc., Inc., Markham, Markham, Ontario Ontario D.E. Holloway $% (OLLOWAY IAPMO R&T R&T Lab., Lab., IAPMO Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA USA Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, 2- Hutslar (UTSLAR R.M. Laing Thermotech, Laing Thermotech, Chula Vista, California, California, USA USA Chula Vista, - Joedicke *OEDICKE M. Grohe Grohe Water Water Technology Technology AG AG & & Co., Co., Menden, Germany Menden, Germany *- +OELLER J.M. Koeller Koeller and Koeller and Co., Co., Yorba Linda, California, USA Yorba Linda, California, USA .- Kummerlen +UMMERLEN N.M. Lorain, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA Lorain, *7 ,AUER J.W. Lauer Sloan Valve Sloan Valve Company, Company, HuntingtonBeach, Beach, California, California, USA USA Huntington F.L. Luedke &, ,UEDKE Neoperl Neoperl Inc., Inc., Waterbury, Connecticut, Connecticut, USA USA Waterbury, A. ! Lunt ,UNT Spears Manufacturing, Spears Manufacturing, Sylmar, California, Sylmar, California, USA USA 3% -ARTIN S.E. Martin Plumbing, Mechanical Mechanical & &Fuel Fuel Gas Gas (PMG), (PMG), Plumbing, Whittier, California, California, USA USA Whittier, L.A. Mercer ,! -ERCER Moen Incorporated, Incorporated, Moen North Olmsted, Olmsted, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA North R.J. Mowris, 2* -OWRIS Verified Inc., Verified Inc., Olympic Valley, Olympic Valley, California, California, USA USA !) -URRA A.I. Murra IAPMO Research Research & IAPMO & Testing, Testing, Ontario, California, USA USA Ontario, California, 3! 2EMEDIOS S.A. Remedios Remedios Consulting LLC, Remedios Consulting LLC, Noblesville, Indiana, Indiana, USA USA Noblesville, 0 Saeed 3AEED P. Powers (a Powers (a division division of of Watts Watts Water Water Technologies, Technologies, Inc.), Inc.), Buffalo Buffalo Grove, Grove, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA ,* 3WATKOWSKI *R L.J. Swatkowski Jr. (PMI), Plumbing Manufacturers Manufacturers International Plumbing International (PMI), Rolling Rolling Meadows, Meadows, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA D. $ Viola 6IOLA IAPMO, IAPMO, Mokena, Mokena, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA E.T. Wangsgaard %4 7ANGSGAARD Testing International, Testing Engineers Engineers International, Salt Utah, USA USA Salt Lake Lake City, City, Utah, December 2012 $ECEMBER IX IX !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 *# 7ATSON J.C. Watson Elkay, Illinois, USA USA Broadview, Illinois, + 7IJAYA K. Wijaya Diamond Diamond Bar, Bar, California, California, USA USA X X © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings #3! CSA 4ECHNICAL Technical#OMMITTEE Committee ON on 0LUMBING Fittings &ITTINGS Plumbing + Ernst %RNST K. Oakville Oakville Stamping Stamping & & Bending Bending Limited, Limited, Oakville, Oakville, Ontario Ontario #HAIR Chair " ,AGUEUX B. Lagueux Saint-Nicolas, Saint-Nicolas, Québec Quebec Vice-Chair 6ICE#HAIR W. 7 Ball "ALL Woodford Manufacturing Manufacturing Company, Company, Woodford Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, USA USA Colorado Springs, !SSOCIATE Associate * "ERTRAND J. Bertrand Moen Moen Incorporated Incorporated North, North, Olmsted, Ohio, USA USA Olmsted, Ohio, 2 "RATSCH"LUNDEL R. Bratsch-Blundel George George Brown Brown College, College, Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario 3 S. "REDA Breda Breda Assoc. Ltd., Breda & & Assoc. Ltd., Downsview, Ontario Downsview, Ontario - Campos #AMPOS M. Code Council, International Code International Council, Whittier, California, California, USA USA Whittier, 3 #AVANAUGH S. Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Consulting, Consulting, Santa USA Santa Fe, Fe, New New Mexico, Mexico, USA ) Chang #HANG I. Intertek Testing Services Services NA I ntertek Testing NA Ltd., Ltd., Coquitlam, British Columbia Columbia Coquitlam, British !SSOCIATE Associate 7 Chapin #HAPIN W. Reliance Worldwide, Reliance Worldwide, Cullman, Alabama, USA USA Cullman, Alabama, !SSOCIATE Associate 2 #HAUHAN R. Chauhan Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Ontario G. Darnowski ' $ARNOWSKI Watts Water Water Technologies Technologies (Canada) Watts (Canada) Inc., Inc., Burlington, Ontario Burlington, Ontario - Dennis $ENNIS M. Moen Incorporated, Incorporated, Moen Oakville, Oakville, Ontario Ontario . Dickey $ICKEY N. CSA CSA Group, Group, Independence, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA Independence, J. Drumm * $RUMM City of Peterborough, Peterborough, City of Peterborough, Ontario Peterborough, Ontario Y. Duchesne 9 $UCHESNE Régie du Québec, Regie du bâtiment batiment du du Quebec, Québec, Québec Quebec, Quebec 4 Eberhardy %BERHARDY T. Bradley Bradley Corporation, Corporation, Falls, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Menomonee Menomonee Falls, --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- " $ECEMBER "Deeembef 2012 !SSOCIATE Associate !SSOCIATE Associate !SSOCIATE Associate !SSOCIATE Associate XI XI !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 7 Falcomer &ALCOMER W. The Corporation The Corporation of of the the City City of of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Ontario D. $ Green 'REEN National Research Research Council Canada, National Council Canada, Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Ontario , (IMMELBLAU L. Himmelblau Chicago Chicago Faucets FaucetsGeberit GeberitManufacturing Manufacturing Division, Division, Des Plaines, USA Des Plaines, Ilinois, Ilinois, USA % Ho (O E. IAPMO Research Research & IAPMO & Testing Testing Inc., Inc., Markham, Markham, Ontario Ontario + (UI K. Hui Ontario Ministry Ontario Ministry of of Municipal Municipal Affairs Affairs and and Housing, Housing, Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario ! Knapp +NAPP A. A. Knapp Knapp & Associates, A. & Associates, Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario * +NAPTON J. Knapton SAIT SAIT Polytechnic Polytechnic School Schoolof of Construction, Construction, Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Alberta N. Kummerlen . +UMMERLEN Lorain, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA Lorain, & ,EMIEUX F. Lemieux Health Canada, Canada, Health Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Ontario - Malatesta -ALATESTA M. American Standard Standard Brands, Brands, d/b/a AS America, American d/b/a AS America, Inc., Inc., Piscataway, New NewJersey, Jersey, USA USA Piscataway, !SSOCIATE Associate $ -ARBRY D. Marbry Fluidmaster Inc., Fluidmaster Inc., USA San San Juan Juan Capistrano, Capistrano, California, California, USA !SSOCIATE Associate 3 -ARTIN S. Martin International Code Code Council, International Council, Huntersville, North North Carolina, Carolina, USA USA Huntersville, !SSOCIATE Associate D. $ McNamara -C.AMARA Franke Kindred Franke Kindred Canada Canada Limited, Limited, Midland, Ontario Midland, Ontario !SSOCIATE Associate 3 S. /.EILL O'Neill Mohawk College of of Applied Applied Arts Arts and Technology, Mohawk College and Technology, Stoney Stoney Creek, Creek, Ontario Ontario $ /RTON D. Orton NSF NSF International, International, Ann Ann Arbor, Arbor, Michigan, Michigan, USA USA !SSOCIATE Associate 0 0ARÏ P. Pare Masco Masco Canada Canada Limited, Limited, St. St. Thomas, Thomas, Ontario Ontario !SSOCIATE Associate 3 2AWALPINDIWALA S. Rawalpindiwala Kohler Co. Plumbing Plumbing Division, Kohler Co. Division, Kohler, Kohler, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA 3 2EMEDIOS S. Remedios Remedios Consulting LLC, Remedios Consulting LLC, Noblesville, Indiana, USA USA Noblesville, Indiana, 0 Saeed 3AEED P. Powers (a Powers (a division division of of Watts Watts Water Water Technologies, Technologies, Inc.), Inc.), Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove, Ilinois, Ilinois, USA USA xii XII --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- !SSOCIATE Associate !SSOCIATE Associate December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 4 Stessman 3TESSMAN T. Kohler Co. Division, Kohler Co. Plumbing Plumbing Division, Kohler, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Kohler, !SSOCIATE Associate # 4RENDELMAN C. Trendelman Delta Faucet Faucet Company, Delta Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, Indiana, USA USA Indianapolis, !SSOCIATE Associate # 7RIGHT C. Wright Ontario Pipe Trades, Trades, Ontario Pipe Dundalk, Ontario Dundalk, Ontario , 0ILLA L. Pilla CSA CSA Group, Group, Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario Ontario December 2012 $ECEMBER 0ROJECT -ANAGER Project Manager XIII !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-%#3! *OINT ASME/CSA Joint(ARMONIZATION Harmonization 4ASK Task 'ROUP Group ON on 0LUMBING Plumbing &ITTINGS Fittings 0 Pare 0ARÏ P. Masco Canada Masco Canada Limited, Limited, St. Thomas, St. Thomas, Ontario Ontario #O#HAIR Co-Chair 3! 2EMEDIOS S.A. Remedios Remedios Consulting LLC, Remedios Consulting LLC, Noblesville, Indiana, Indiana, USA USA Noblesville, #O#HAIR Co-Chair )7 Chang #HANG I.W. Intertek Testing Testing Services Services NA Intertek NA Ltd., Ltd., Coquitlam, British Columbia Columbia Coquitlam, British + Ernst %RNST K. Oakville Bending Limited, Oakville Stamping Stamping & & Bending Limited, Oakville, Oakville, Ontario Ontario L. , Himmelblau (IMMELBLAU Chicago Faucets Geberit Chicago Faucets Geberit Manufacturing Manufacturing Division, Division, Des Plaines, Illinois, Illinois, USA Des Plaines, USA E. Ho % (O IAPMO Research Research & IAPMO & Testing Testing Inc., Inc., Markham, Ontario Ontario Markham, +NAPP ! Knapp A. A. Knapp Knapp & Associates, A. & Associates, Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario N.M. .- Kummerlen +UMMERLEN Lorain, Ohio, Ohio, USA USA Lorain, B. " Lagueux ,AGUEUX Saint-Nicolas, Saint-Nicolas, Québec Quebec & ,EMIEUX F. Lemieux Health Canada, Canada, Health Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Ontario 3% S.E. -ARTIN Martin International Code Code Council, International Council, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA USA D. $ McNamara -C.AMARA Franke Kindred Franke Kindred Canada Canada Limited, Limited, Midland, Ontario Midland, Ontario $ /RTON D. Orton NSF International, International, NSF USA Ann Ann Arbor, Arbor, Michigan, Michigan, USA 3 2AWALPINDIWALA S. Rawalpindiwala Kohler Co. Plumbing Plumbing Division, Kohler Co. Division, Kohler, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA USA Kohler, 0 Saeed 3AEED P. Powers (a Powers (a division division of of Watts Watts Water Water Technologies, Technologies, Inc.), Inc.), Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Illinois, USA USA L. Pilla , 0ILLA CSA CSA Group, Group, Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario Ontario xlv XIV 0ROJECT -ANAGER Project Manager December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING supply SUPPLY FITTINGS Plumbing fittings 0REFACE Preface This is edition of ofASME ASME A112.18.1/CSA A112.18.1/CSA B125.1, 0LUMBING SUPPLY It supersedes supersedes the This is the the third third edition B125.1, Plumbing supply FITTINGS. fittings. It the previous previous editions, editions, published published in in 2011 2011 and and 2005. 2005. Together with ASME A112.18.2/CSA 0LUMBING WASTE 0LUMBING FITTINGS, Together with ASME Al 12.18.2/CSA B125.2, B125.2, Plumbing waste FITTINGS fittings, CSA CSA B125.3-10, B125.3-10, Plumbing fittings, and ASME ASME A112.18.6/CSA &LEXIBLE WATER CONNECTORS this Standard forms forms aa series series to and Al 12.18.6/CSA B125.6 B125.6, Flexible water connectors, this Standard to cover cover plumbing fittings. plumbing fittings. This Standard assessment within This Standard is is considered considered suitable suitable for for use usefor for conformity conformity assessment within the the stated stated scope scope of of the the Standard. Standard. ASME/CSA Joint This Standard the ASME/CSA This Standard was was prepared prepared by by the JointHarmonization Harmonization Task TaskGroup Groupon on Plumbing Plumbing Fittings, Fittings, under the the jurisdiction jurisdiction of of the the ASME ASME Standards under Standards Committee Committee on on Plumbing Plumbing Materials Materials and and Equipment Equipment and and the the CSA Fittings. The The CSA CSA Technical CSA Technical TechnicalCommittee Committee on on Plumbing Plumbing Fittings. TechnicalCommittee Committee operates operates under under the the on Water Water Management Management Products, and jurisdiction of the the CSA CSA Strategic Products, Materials, Materials, and jurisdiction of Strategic Steering Steering Committee Committee on Systems. the ASME ASME Standards and the the CSA CSA Systems. This ThisStandard Standardhas hasbeen beenformally formally approved approved by by the Standards Committee Committee and Technical Committee. This Standard American Technical Committee. This Standard was was approved approved as as an an American American National National Standard Standard by by the the American National Standards Institute National Standards Institute on on November November 30, 30, 2012. 2012. !3-% .OTES ASME Notes: This 4HIS STANDARD WAS developed DEVELOPED UNDER (1) standard was under PROCEDURES procedures ACCREDITED accreditedAS asMEETING meetingTHE theCRITERIA criteria FOR for !MERICAN American .ATIONAL National 3TANDARDS Standards AND and IS an AN American !MERICAN .ATIONAL 3TANDARD The 4HE Standards 3TANDARDS #OMMITTEE APPROVED the THE code CODE OR WAS BALANCED itIT is National Standard. Committee THAT that approved or STANDARD standard was balanced TO to ASSURE THAT COMPETENT and AND concerned CONCERNED INTERESTS TO participate. PARTICIPATE The 4HE proposed PROPOSED assure that INDIVIDUALS individuals FROM from competent interests HAVE have HAD had AN an OPPORTUNITY opportunity to 3TANDARD WAS Standard was MADE made AVAILABLE available FOR for PUBLIC public REVIEW reviewAND andCOMMENT commentTHAT that PROVIDES providesAN anOPPORTUNITY opportunity FOR for ADDITIONAL additional PUBLIC public INPUT input FROM industry, INDUSTRY academia, ACADEMIA regulatory REGULATORY agencies, AGENCIES AND from and THE the PUBLICATLARGE public-at-large. ASME !3-% DOES OR "endorse" hENDORSEv any ANY item, ITEMconstruction, CONSTRUCTION proprietary PROPRIETARY device, DEVICE or OR activity. ACTIVITY (2) doesNOT nothAPPROVEv "approve," hRATEv "rate," or ASME !3-% DOES RIGHTS asserted ASSERTED IN ANY items ITEMS (3) doesNOT notTAKE takeANY anyPOSITION positionWITH with RESPECT respectTO toTHE the VALIDITY validity OF of ANY any PATENT patent rights in CONNECTION connection WITH with any MENTIONED IN THIS document, DOCUMENT AND DOES NOT FOR mentioned in this and does not UNDERTAKE undertake TO to INSURE insure ANYONE anyoneUTILIZING utilizing Aa STANDARD standard AGAINST against LIABILITY liability for INFRINGEMENT of OF any ANYapplicable APPLICABLEletters LETTERSpatent, PATENTnor NORassume ASSUMEany ANYsuch SUCHliability. LIABILITYUsers 5SERS of OF aAstandard STANDARDare AREexpressly EXPRESSLY advised ADVISED infringement THAT determination DETERMINATION of OF the THE validity VALIDITYof OFany ANYsuch SUCH patent PATENT rights, RIGHTSand ANDthe THErisk RISK of OF infringement INFRINGEMENTof OFsuch SUCH rights, RIGHTS is IS entirely ENTIRELY their THEIR that OWN responsibility. RESPONSIBILITY own Participation 0ARTICIPATION by BY federal FEDERAL agency AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES IS NOT TO be BE interpreted INTERPRETED as AS (4) representative(s) OR or PERSONS person(s)AFFILIATED affiliated WITH with INDUSTRY industry is not to GOVERNMENT or OR industry INDUSTRY endorsement ENDORSEMENT OF government of THIS this STANDARD standard. ASME !3-% ACCEPTS ISSUED IN THE established ESTABLISHED (5) acceptsRESPONSIBILITY responsibilityFOR forONLY onlyTHOSE thoseINTERPRETATIONS interpretations OF of THIS this DOCUMENT document issued in ACCORDANCE accordance WITH with the !3-% PROCEDURES ASME proceduresAND andPOLICIES policies,WHICH which PRECLUDES precludesTHE theISSUANCE issuanceOFofINTERPRETATIONS interpretations BY by INDIVIDUALS individuals. ASME !3-% ISSUES ASPECTS OF !LL inquiries INQUIRIES (6) issuesWRITTEN writtenREPLIES repliesTOtoINQUIRIES inquiriesCONCERNING concerningINTERPRETATION interpretation OF of TECHNICAL technical aspects of THIS this 3TANDARD Standard. All REGARDING this THIS Standard, 3TANDARD including INCLUDINGrequests REQUESTS for FOR interpretations, INTERPRETATIONSshould SHOULD be BE addressed ADDRESSED TO regarding to: 3ECRETARY ! Secretary, A112 3TANDARDS Standards #OMMITTEE Committee 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY OF -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS The of Mechanical Three 4HREE Park 0ARK Avenue !VENUE .EW York, 9ORK .9 New NY 10016-5990 ! REQUEST SHOULD be BE clear CLEAR and AND unambiguous. UNAMBIGUOUS The 4HE request REQUEST should SHOULD A request FOR for INTERPRETATION interpretation should CITE THE 3TANDARD for FOR which WHICH the THE interpretation INTERPRETATIONisIS being BEING requested. REQUESTED •s cite the APPLICABLE applicable EDITION edition OF of THE the Standard OF aA specific SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT •s PHRASE phrase THE the QUESTION question AS as Aa REQUEST request FOR for AN an INTERPRETATION interpretation of requirement SUITABLE suitable FOR for GENERAL general UNDERSTANDING understanding AND use, USE NOT AS A PROPRIETARY design DESIGN OR SITUATION The 4HE inquirer INQUIRER may MAY also ALSO include INCLUDE any ANY plans PLANS and not as a REQUEST request FOR for AN an APPROVAL approval OF of A a proprietary or situation. OR drawings, DRAWINGS which WHICH are ARE necessary NECESSARY TO PROPRIETARY names NAMES or OR or to EXPLAIN explain THE the QUESTION question; HOWEVER however, THEY they SHOULD should NOT not CONTAIN contain proprietary INFORMATION information. !3-% PROCEDURES AFFECT ASME proceduresPROVIDE provideFOR forRECONSIDERATION reconsiderationOFofANY anyINTERPRETATION interpretationWHEN whenORorIF ifADDITIONAL additionalINFORMATION information THAT that MIGHT might affect AN interpretation INTERPRETATION isIS available. AVAILABLE Further, &URTHER persons PERSONS AGGRIEVED MAY appeal APPEAL to TO the THE cognizant COGNIZANTASME !3-% an aggrieved BY by AN an INTERPRETATION interpretation may #OMMITTEE Committee. )NTERPRETATIONS are ARE published PUBLISHED on ON the THE ASME !3-% 7EB Interpretations Web SITE siteUNDER underTHE the#OMMITTEE Committee0AGES PagesATatHTTPWWWASMEORGCODES http://www.asme.org/codes/ AS as THEY they ARE are ISSUED issued. #3! .OTES CSA Notes: Use 5SE OF DOES NOT EXCLUDE THE PLURAL (and AND vice VICE versa) VERSA when WHEN the THE sense SENSE ALLOWS (1) of THE the SINGULAR singular does not exclude the plural allows. Although !LTHOUGH the THE intended INTENDED primary PRIMARY application APPLICATION of OF this THIS Standard 3TANDARD is IS STATED REMAINS (2) stated IN in ITS its 3COPE Scope,ITit ISisIMPORTANT important TO to NOTE note THAT that itIT remains THE responsibility RESPONSIBILITY OF USERS OF PARTICULAR purpose. PURPOSE the of THE the users of THE the 3TANDARD Standard TO to JUDGE judge ITS its SUITABILITY suitability FOR for THEIR their particular December 2012 $ECEMBER XV XV !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 4HIS Standard 3TANDARD was WAS developed DEVELOPED by BY consensus, CONSENSUS WHICH IS DEFINED CSA Policy (3) This which is defined BY by CSA Policygoverning governing standardization standardization — — Code Code of of good practice practice for for standardization standardization as AS hSUBSTANTIAL AGREEMENT Consensus #ONSENSUS IMPLIES good "substantial agreement. implies MUCH much MORE more THAN than A a SIMPLE simple MAJORITY majority, BUT NOT necessarily NECESSARILY UNANIMITYv CONSISTENT with WITH this THIS definition DEFINITION that THATaAmember MEMBERmay MAYbe BEincluded INCLUDED in INthe THETechnical 4ECHNICAL but not unanimity". It)T isIS consistent #OMMITTEE LIST YET not NOT be BE in IN full FULL agreement AGREEMENT with WITH all ALLclauses CLAUSES OF Committee list AND and yet of THIS this 3TANDARD Standard. 4O SUBMIT THIS Standard, 3TANDARD please PLEASE SEND (4) To submit Aa REQUEST request FOR for INTERPRETATION interpretation OF of this sendTHE theFOLLOWING following INFORMATION information TO to INQUIRIES CSAGROUPORG and AND include INCLUDE h2EQUEST IN the THE subject SUBJECT line: LINE inquiries@csagroup.org "Request FOR for INTERPRETATIONv interpretation" in A define DEFINE THE PROBLEM making MAKING reference REFERENCE TO THE specific SPECIFIC CLAUSE INCLUDE an AN illustrative ILLUSTRATIVE sketch; SKETCH (a) the problem, to the clause, AND and, WHERE where APPROPRIATE appropriate, include B provide PROVIDE AN OF circumstances CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING (b) an EXPLANATION explanation of surrounding THE the ACTUAL actual FIELD field CONDITION condition; AND and C where WHERE possible, POSSIBLE PHRASE ANSWERwill WILLaddress ADDRESS the THE issue. ISSUE (c) phraseTHE the REQUEST requestINinSUCH suchAaWAY wayTHAT that Aa SPECIFIC specifichYESv "yes" OR or hNOv "no" answer #OMMITTEE interpretations INTERPRETATIONS are ARE processed PROCESSED IN CSA Directives Committee in ACCORDANCE accordance WITH with THE the CSA Directives and and guidelines guidelines governing governing standardization AND ARE AVAILABLE Current Standards Standards Activities Activities page PAGE AT STANDARDSACTIVITIESCSACA standardization and are available ON on THE the Current at standardsactivities.csa.ca. This 4HISStandard 3TANDARDisISsubject SUBJECTtoTOperiodic PERIODICreview, REVIEW and AND suggestions SUGGESTIONS FOR BE referred REFERRED TO (5) for ITS its IMPROVEMENT improvement WILL will be to THE the APPROPRIATE appropriate AND COMMITTEE To 4O SUBMIT PROPOSAL FOR INQUIRIES CSAGROUPORG and committee. submit A a proposal for CHANGE change, PLEASE pleaseSEND sendTHE theFOLLOWING following INFORMATION information TO to inquiries@csagroup.org INCLUDE h0ROPOSAL IN the THE subject SUBJECT line: LINE include "Proposal FOR for CHANGEv change" in A Standard 3TANDARD designation DESIGNATION NUMBER (a) (number); B relevant RELEVANT clause, CLAUSE TABLE FIGURE number; NUMBER (b) table, ANDOR and/or figure (c) C wording WORDING of OF the THE proposed PROPOSED change; CHANGE AND and D rationale RATIONALE for FOR the THE change. CHANGE (d) xvI XVI --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings !3-% ASME !#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings 1 Scope 1 Scope 1.1 1.1 This Standard fittings and and accessories accessories located This Standard covers coversplumbing plumbing supply supply fittings located between between the the supply supply stop stop and and the the terminal fitting, follows: terminal fitting,inclusive, inclusive, as as follows: (a) automatic automatic compensating compensating valves valves for wall-mountedshowering showeringsystems; systems; (a) for individual individual wall-mounted (b) bath and shower shower supply (b) bath and supply fittings; fittings; (c) bidet supply fittings; (c) bidet supply fittings; (d) clothes clothes washer washer supply supply fittings; fittings; (d) (e) drinking fountain fittings; (e) drinking fountain supply supply fittings; (f) (f) humidifier supply stops; stops; humidifier supply (g) kitchen, sink, and (g) kitchen, sink, and lavatory lavatory supply supply fittings; fittings; (h) laundry supply fittings; (h) laundry tub tub supply fittings; (i) lawn and sediment sediment faucets; faucets; (i) lawn and (j) metering and self-closing self-closing supply (j) metering and supply fittings; fittings; (k) shower shower heads, heads, hand-held showers, and body sprays; sprays; and (k) hand-held showers, and body and supply stops. stops. (l) supply (I) 1.2 1.2 This Standard cover This Standard does does not not cover (a) plumbing waste fittings, fittings,which whichare arecovered coveredby byASME ASME A112.18.2/CSA A112.18.2/CSA B125.2; B125.2; (a) plumbing waste (b) other other devices devices (e.g., in-line mixing mixingvalves), valves), which whichare are covered covered by byCSA CSA B125.3 B125.3 (b) (e.g., temperature-actuated temperature-actuated in-line or other other plumbing plumbing product productStandards; Standards; and and or (c) flexible flexible water water connectors connectors under under continuous continuouspressure, pressure, which which are are covered covered by by ASME ASME A112.18.6/ (c) A112.18.6/ CSA B125.6. CSA B125.6. 1.3 1.3 Except for this Standard Standard does Except for push-fit push-fit fittings, fittings, this does not not cover cover pipes pipes and and tubes tubes or or pipe pipe and and tube tube fittings. fittings. 1.4 1.4 In this this Standard, Standard, "shall" “shall” is is used used to to express express aa requirement, the user user is is obliged to satisfy satisfy In requirement, i.e., i.e., aa provision provision that that the obliged to in order order to to comply comply with withthe thestandard; standard; "should" “should”isisused used to toexpress express aa recommendation which is is in recommendation or or that that which advised but required; "may" “may”isis used used to to express express an is permissible advised but not not required; anoption option or or that that which which is permissible within within the the limits limits of the the standard; standard; and and "can" “can”isis used used to to express express possibility capability. of possibility or or capability. Notes clauses do the purpose purpose of of aa Notes accompanying accompanying clauses do not not include include requirements requirements or or alternative alternative requirements; requirements; the note accompanying aa clause clause isisto note accompanying to separate separatefrom fromthe thetext text explanatory explanatory or or informative informative material. material. as Notes tables and Notes to to tables and figures figures are are considered consideredpart part of of the the table table or or figure figure and and may may be be written written as requirements. requirements. Annexes are Annexes aredesignated designatednormative normative(mandatory) (mandatory)or orinformative informative (non-mandatory) (non-mandatory) to to define define their their application. application. 1.5 1.5 SI units are are shown shown in in parentheses. parentheses. SI units units are are the the units units of of record record in in Canada. Canada. In In this this Standard, Standard, the the inch/pound inch/pound units The values however, each each system system is The values stated stated in in each each measurement measurement system system are areequivalent equivalent in in application; application; however, is to to be values from the two twomeasurement measurementsystems systems can can result be used used independently. independently. Combining Combining values from the result in in non-conformance this Standard. Standard. non-conformance with with this December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1 !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © All references U.S. gallons. All references to to gallons gallons are are to to U.S. gallons. For conversion criteria criteria used used in in this this Standard, Standard, see see Annex Annex A. A. For information information on on the the conversion 2 Reference publications 2 Reference publications This Standard This Standard refers refers to to the the following following publications, publications, and and where where such such reference reference is is made, made, it it shall shall be be to to the the edition edition listed listed below, below, including including all allamendments amendments published published thereto. thereto. !33%!3-%#3! 'ROUP !MERICAN 3OCIETY ASSE/ASME/CSA Group (American SocietyOFof3ANITARY Sanitary%NGINEERING4HE Engineering/The !MERICAN American 3OCIETY Society OF of -ECHANICAL Mechanical %NGINEERS Engineers) ASSE 1016-2011/ASME ASSE 1016-2011/ASMEA112.1016-2011/CSA A112.1016-2011/CSA B125.16-11 B125.16-11 0ERFORMANCE PerformanceREQUIREMENTS requirementsFOR forAUTOMATIC automatic COMPENSATING compensating VALVES valves FOR for INDIVIDUAL individualSHOWERS showersAND andTUBSHOWER tub/shower COMBINATIONS combinations !3-%#3! 'ROUP ASME/CSA Group4HE (The!MERICAN American3OCIETY SocietyOF of -ECHANICAL Mechanical %NGINEERS Engineers) ASME A112.18.2-2011/CSA B125.2-11 B125.2-11 ASME A112.18.2-2011/CSA 0LUMBING Plumbing WASTE waste FITTINGS fittings ASME A112.18.6-2009/CSA B125.6-09 B125.6-09 ASME A112.18.6-2009/CSA &LEXIBLE flexible WATER water CONNECTORS connectors ASME (The!MERICAN American3OCIETY Society OF of -ECHANICAL Mechanical %NGINEERS Engineers) !3-% 4HE Al 12.1.2-2004 A112.1.2-2004 !IR &OR 0LUMBING 2ECEPTORS Air 'APS Gaps IN in 0LUMBING Plumbing 3YSTEMS Systems (For Plumbing &IXTURES FixturesAND and 7ATER#ONNECTED Water-Connected Receptors) A112.18.3-2002 (R2008) Al 12.18.3-2002 (R2008) 0ERFORMANCE FOR Backflow "ACKFLOW 0ROTECTION 3YSTEMS in IN Plumbing 0LUMBINGFixture &IXTURE Fittings &ITTINGS Performance 2EQUIREMENTS Requirements for Protection $EVICES Devices AND and Systems B1.20.1-1983 (R2006) B1.20.1-1983 (R2006) 0IPE Pipe 4HREADS Threads, 'ENERAL General 0URPOSE Purpose, )NCH Inch B1.20.7-1991 (R2008) B1.20.7-1991 (R2008) (OSE Hose #OUPLING Coupling 3CREW Screw 4HREADS Threads, )NCH Inch B16.18-2001 (R2005) B16.18-2001 (R2005) #AST #OPPER Alloy !LLOY Solder 3OLDER Joint *OINT Pressure 0RESSURE &ITTINGS Cast Copper Fittings B16.22-2001 (R2005.) B16.22-2001 (R2005.) 7ROUGHT #OPPER and ANDCopper #OPPERAlloy !LLOY Solder 3OLDER Joint *OINT Pressure 0RESSURE Fittings &ITTINGS Wrought Copper B16.26-2006 B16.26-2006 #AST #OPPER Alloy !LLOY Fittings &ITTINGS FOR Cast Copper for &LARED Flared #OPPER Copper 4UBES Tubes PTC (R2004) PTC19.2-1987 19.2-1987 (R2004) 0RESSURE Pressure-EASUREMENT Measurement PTC PTC19.5-2004 19.5-2004 Row MEASUREMENT &LOW measurement #3! 'ROUP CSA Group CAN/CSA-B64 CAN/CSA-B64 Series-07 Series-07 "ACKFLOW BREAKERS Backflow PREVENTERS preventers AND and VACUUM vacuum breakers 2 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING supply SUPPLY FITTINGS Plumbing fittings B125.3-11 B125.3-11 0LUMBING FITTINGS Plumbing fittings !33% !MERICAN ASSE (American 3OCIETY SocietyOF of 3ANITARY Sanitary %NGINEERING Engineering) 1019-2004 1019-2004 6ACUUM Breaker "REAKER 7ALL &REEZE 2ESISTANT 4YPE Vacuum Wall (YDRANTS Hydrants, Freeze Resistant,!UTOMATIC Automatic $RAINING Draining Type 1061-2006 1061-2006 2EMOVABLE .ON2EMOVABLE Push-Fit 0USH&IT &ITTINGS Removable & Non-Removable Fittings !34- )NTERNATIONAL !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY FOR ASTM International (American for 4ESTING Testing AND and -ATERIALS Materials) B117-07a B117-07a 3TANDARD Practice 0RACTICE FOR /PERATING Salt 3ALT Spray 3PRAY (Fog) &OG !PPARATUS Standard for Operating Apparatus B368-97(2003)e1 B368-97(2003)e1 3TANDARD Method -ETHODfor FORCopper-Accelerated #OPPER!CCELERATEDAcetic !CETICAcid-Salt !CID3ALTSpray 3PRAY(Fog) &OGTesting 4ESTING(CASS #!33 Test) 4EST Standard B380-97(2008)e1 B380-97(2008)e1 3TANDARD Test 4EST -ETHOD OF Corrosion #ORROSION Testing 4ESTING of OF Decorative $ECORATIVE Electrodeposited %LECTRODEPOSITED #OATINGS BY the THE Corrodkote #ORRODKOTE Procedure 0ROCEDURE Standard Method of Coatings by B571-97(2008)e1 B571-97(2008)e1 3TANDARD Practice 0RACTICE FOR !DHESION Testing 4ESTING OF #OATINGS Standard for 1UALITATIVE Qualitative Adhesion of -ETALLIC Metallic Coatings D968-05e1 D968-05e1 3TANDARD Test 4EST -ETHODS FOR Abrasion !BRASION Resistance 2ESISTANCE OF #OATINGS by BY Falling &ALLING Abrasive !BRASIVE Standard Methods for of /RGANIC Organic Coatings D3359-09e2 D3359-09e2 3TANDARD Test 4EST -ETHODS FOR Measuring -EASURINGAdhesion !DHESION by BYTape 4APE Test 4EST Standard Methods for E29-08 E29-08 3TANDARD Practice 0RACTICE FOR IN Test 4EST $ATA TO Determine $ETERMINE Conformance #ONFORMANCE with WITH Specifications 3PECIFICATIONS Standard for 5SING Using 3IGNIFICANT Significant $IGITS Digits in Data to G85-02e1 G85-02e1 3TANDARD Practice 0RACTICE for FOR Modified -ODIFIED Salt 3ALT Spray 3PRAY (Fog) &OG Testing 4ESTING Standard )3! )NSTRUMENTATION 3YSTEMS AND 3OCIETY ISA (Instrumentation, Systems, and !UTOMATION Automation Society) ANSI/ISA-75.02-2008 ANSI/ISA-75.02-2008 #ONTROL Valve 6ALVE Capacity #APACITYTest 4EST Procedures 0ROCEDURES Control MC96.1-1982 MC96.1-1982 4EMPERATURE Measurement -EASUREMENT Thermocouples 4HERMOCOUPLES Temperature )3/ )NTERNATIONAL 3TANDARDIZATION ISO (International /RGANIZATION Organization FOR for Standardization) 228-1:2000 228-1:2000 0IPE THREADS THE threads THREADS — Part 0ART I:) Dimensions, $IMENSIONS tolerances TOLERANCES AND Pipe threads WHERE where PRESSURETIGHT pressure-tight JOINTS joints ARE are NOT not MADE made ON on the and DESIGNATION designation NSF International .3& )NTERNATIONAL NSF/ANSI 61-2007a NSF/ANSI 61-2007a $RINKING Water 7ATER System 3YSTEM Components #OMPONENTS — Health (EALTH Effects %FFECTS Drinking NSF/ANSI 372-2010 NSF/ANSI 372-2010 $RINKING Water 7ATER System 3YSTEM Components #OMPONENTS ,EAD CONTENT Drinking — Lead content December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 3 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 3!% )NTERNATIONAL 3OCIETY OF !UTOMOTIVE Engineers) %NGINEERS SAE International (Society of Automotive J512 (1997) J512 (1997) !UTOMOTIVE Tube 4UBE Fittings &ITTINGS Automotive 3 Definitions and and abbreviations abbreviations 3 Definitions 3.1 Definitions 3.1 Definitions The following definitions shall shall apply apply in in this this Standard: Standard: The following definitions !CCESSIBLE — — readily serviceable or replaceable. Accessible readily serviceable or readily readily replaceable. !CCESSIBLE DESIGN —a a design approach for for making makingdevices devices accessible accessible to persons with physical, sensory, sensory, Accessible design — design approach to persons with physical, or cognitive cognitive disabilities. disabilities. or .OTE Accessible !CCESSIBLE DESIGNS DESIGNS Note: designsWERE wereFORMERLY formerly CALLED called BARRIERFREE barrier-free designs. !CCESSORY — a component that can, can, at at the the discretion discretion of of the theuser, user, be be readily readily added, added, removed, removed, or or replaced replaced Accessory —a component that and that, its primary and that, when when removed, removed, will will not not prevent prevent the the fitting fitting from from fulfilling fulfilling its primary function. function. .OTE Examples %XAMPLES INCLUDE Note: include AERATORS aerators, HANDHELD hand-held SHOWER shower ASSEMBLIES assemblies,SHOWER showerHEADS heads,AND and INLINE in-line FLOW flow CONTROLS controls. !IR gap GAP — — the unobstructed vertical vertical distance, air, between of aa water water supply supply Air the unobstructed distance, through through air, between the the lowest lowest point point of outlet and and the deck of outlet the mounting mounting deck of the the fitting. fitting. !UTOMATIC compensating COMPENSATING valve VALVE — —a a water-mixing valve that and cold cold water water and and Automatic water-mixing valve that is is supplied supplied with with hot hot and that provides aa means water temperature temperature selected selected for that provides means of of automatically automatically maintaining maintaining the the water for an an outlet. outlet. .OTE Automatic !UTOMATIC compensating COMPENSATING valves VALVES are ARE used USED TO REDUCE THE SHOCK Note: to reduce the RISK risk OF of SCALDING scalding AND and THERMAL thermal shock. "ACKFLOW — —a a flowing back or or reversal reversal of flowing back of the the normal normal direction direction of of flow. flow. Backflow .OTE Back "ACK SIPHONAGE BACK pressure PRESSURE ARE Note: siphonage AND and back are TYPES types OF of BACKFLOW backflow. "ACKFLOW prevention PREVENTION device DEVICE — —a a mechanical Backflow mechanical device, device,whether whether used usedsingly singlyor orinincombination combination with with other other devices, prevents reversal reversal of flow in in aa water water system system due due to to back back pressure pressure or back devices, that that automatically automatically prevents of water water flow or back siphonage. siphonage. "ACK pressure PRESSURE — — pressure a water Back pressurehigher higher at at the the downstream downstream or or outlet outlet end end of of a water system system than than at at aa point point upstream. upstream. "ACK SIPHONAGE — backflow caused by pressure in water system. system. Back siphonage — backflow caused by below-atmospheric below-atmospheric pressure in the the water "ODY spray SPRAY — —a a shower overhead position. Body shower device device for for spraying sprayingwater wateronto onto aa bather bather other other than than from from the the overhead position. .OTE An !N EXAMPLE Note: example IS is Aa DEVICE deviceMOUNTED mountedON onAaWALL wallBELOW belowTHE theBATHERS bather'sHEAD headTHAT that SPRAYS spraysWATER water IN in AN an APPROXIMATELY approximately HORIZONTAL horizontal DIRECTION and AND can CAN be BE FIXED direction fixed OR or ALLOWED allowed TO to SWIVEL swivel ON on Aa BALL ball JOINT joint. #RITICAL level LEVEL (CL) #, — — the lowest water at which which back back siphonage siphonage will not occur. occur. Critical the lowest water level level in in aa fitting fitting at will not #ROSSFLOW — — the Cross-flow the exchange exchange of of water water from from one onesupply supplyto tothe theother otherwithout without water water flowing flowing through through the the mixing valve outlet(s). mixing valve outlet(s). $EFECT — — Defect "LISTER — —a a dome-shaped from loss loss of adhesion between layers or Blister dome-shaped defect defect resulting resulting from of adhesion between layers or between between one one or or more layers layers and substrate. more and the the substrate. #RACK AS — Crack (as APPLIED applied IN in COATINGS coatings EVALUATION evaluation) — a separation the next next layer layer or or to to the the substrate substrate in in aa a separation in in aa coating coating layer layer that that extends extends down down to to the coating that has has lost lost its its adhesion; adhesion; or coating that or (a) (a) 4 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings (b) any anyindication indicationofofa acrack crack(e.g., (e.g.,white whitedeposits depositsor orcorrosion) corrosion)that thatresults results from from performance performance tests, tests, (b) allows penetration plating layer, layer, and and did did not not appear appear on on the the surface surface or before allows penetration through through aa plating or part part before performance performance testing. testing. .OTE STRETCH marks, MARKS flow FLOW LINES Note: #OATING Coating SURFACE surface DEFORMATIONS deformations THAT that APPEAR appear AFTER after PERFORMANCE performance TESTING testing EG (e.g., stretch lines UNDER under THE the COATING OR DEFORMATIONS SEPARATE peel, PEEL or OR COME LOOSE ARE coating, or deformations CAUSED caused BY by STRESS stress RELIEVING relievingOFofTHE the SUBSTRATE substrate) AND and DO do NOT not separate, come loose are NOT not CONSIDERED CRACKS considered cracks. 0IT —a a small Pit — small depression depression or or cavity. cavity. 3URFACE DEFECT —a a pit, blister, crack, crack, peeling, corrosion, or or exposure exposure of of the the substrate substrate Surface defect — pit, blister, peeling, wrinkling, wrinkling, corrosion, visible to the unaided unaided eye eye at reading distance. distance. visible to the at normal normal reading .OTE EYEv includes INCLUDES vision VISION ASSISTED CORRECTIVE LENSES DEVICE for FOR Note: h5NAIDED "Unaided eye" assisted BY by corrective lenses NORMALLY normally WORN worn BY by THE the PERSON person INSPECTING inspecting aA device SURFACE surface DEFECTS defects. $IVERTER —a a device is integral a fitting fittingor orthat thatfunctions functionsas asan anaccessory accessory and Diverter — device that that is integral to to a and is is used used to to direct direct the the flow of of water water from from aa primary primary outlet outlet to toone one or ormore more secondary secondary outlets. outlets. flow &AUCET —a a terminal terminal fitting. fitting. Faucet — ,AWN —a a faucet Lawn FAUCET faucet — faucet designed designed to to be be installed installedhorizontally horizontallyon on the the outside outsidewall wallof ofaabuilding building with with male female IPS male or or female IPSthreads threadsor orcopper coppersolder solderconnections connectionson onthe the inlet inlet and and hose hose threads threadson on the the outlet. outlet. .OTES Notes: BE frostproof. FROSTPROOF (1) ,AWN Lawn FAUCETS faucets CAN can be (2) 4HE The OUTLET outlet IS is USUALLY usuallyANGLED angledª 45° FROM from THE the HORIZONTAL horizontal. ,AWN LawnFAUCETS faucetsINCLUDE includeAaFLANGE flangeTHAT thatMOUNTS mounts FLUSH flush WITH with THE the wall. WALL 3EDIMENT faucet FAUCET — —a a horizontal faucet with with male male or orfemale female IPS IPS threads inlet side side and male Sediment horizontal faucet threads on on the the inlet and male hose hose threads threads at at the the outlet outlet spout. spout. .OTES Notes: BE angled ANGLED approximately APPROXIMATELY perpendicularly PERPENDICULARLY TO (1) 4HE The OUTLET outlet CAN can be to THE the INLET inlet OR or ANGLED angled OUTWARD outward. FAUCETS were WERE formerly FORMERLY called CALLED BOILER (2) 3EDIMENT Sediment faucets boiler DRAINS drains BECAUSE because THEY they WERE were ORIGINALLY originally DESIGNED designed TO to DRAIN drain WATER water FROM from BOILERS 4ODAY THEY ARE ALSO boilers AND and RELEASE releaseANY any ACCUMULATED accumulated SEDIMENT sediment. Today they are also USED used IN in LAUNDRY laundry ROOMS rooms AS as HOOKUPS hook-ups FOR for washing MACHINES machines. WASHING 3ELFCLOSING faucet FAUCET — —a a faucet closes itself mechanism is is Self-closing faucet that that closes itself after after the the actuation actuation or or control control mechanism deactivated. deactivated. .OTE OR control CONTROL MECHANISM CAN be BE mechanical MECHANICAL or OR electronic. ELECTRONIC. Note: 4HE The ACTUATION actuation or mechanism can &ITTING a device of water. water. Fitting — —a device that that controls controls and and guides guides the the flow flow of .OTE Note: &ITTINGS Fittings INCLUDE includeFAUCETS faucets AND and VALVES valves. #OMBINATION FITTING —a a fitting with more more than than one one supply supply inlet inlet delivering delivering water water through through aa single single Combination fitting — fitting with spout. spout. #ONCEALED FITTING —a a fitting with its its body body mounted mountedbeneath beneath or or behind behindaa fixture, fixture, wall, wall, or or surface. surface. Concealed fitting — fitting with $ECKMOUNTED —a a fitting that is is mounted mounted on on top topof ofaa horizontal horizontal surface. surface. Deck-mounted FITTING fitting — fitting that %XPOSED —a a fitting whose body body is is mounted mounted above above or or in in front front of of aa fixture's fixture’s deck deck or or shelf. shelf. Exposed FITTING fitting — fitting whose Line FITTING fitting — ,INE —a a fitting that does does not not discharge discharge to to atmosphere. atmosphere. fitting that 0UBLIC —a a fitting intended to tobe be installed installed in in non-residential non-residential bathrooms bathrooms that that are are Public LAVATORY lavatory FITTING fitting — fitting intended exposed exposed to to walk-in walk-in traffic. traffic. Supply FITTING fitting — the flow flow of of water 3UPPLY — aa fitting that controls controls and and guides guides the water in inaa supply supply system. system. fitting that 4ERMINAL FITTING —a a fitting withan an open open or or atmospheric atmospheric discharge. discharge. Terminal fitting — fitting with &IXTURE — aa device receives water both, and and directs directs these these substances substances into a Fixture — device that that receives water or or waste waste matter, matter, or or both, into a drainage system. drainage system. December 2012 $ECEMBER S !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 'RASP — — to firmly hold hold and and seize seize an Grasp to firmly an object object by by wrapping wrapping the the fingers fingers and and thumb thumb around around it. it. /PERATING control CONTROL — —a a part of a a supply or accessory accessory that Operating part of supply fitting fitting or that manually manually controls controls the the temperature, temperature, direction, or flow flow rate rate of of water water or orthat thatcloses closes and and opens opens the the water water supply. supply. direction, or /UTLET — — Outlet 0RIMARY OUTLET — the from aa supply supply fitting fitting on onthe thedischarge discharge side side of Primary outlet — the outlet outlet from of a a valve valve through through which which water will will discharge discharge unless unless diverted a secondary water diverted to to a secondary outlet. outlet. 3ECONDARY OUTLET — an an outlet from aa supply supply fitting fittingon onthe thedischarge discharge side side of of aa valve, Secondary outlet — outlet from valve, other other than than the the primary through which whichwater watercan can be be discharged. discharged. primary outlet, outlet, through 0ERMANENT mark MARK or OR label LABEL — —a a mark Permanent mark or or label label that that is is intended intended to to remain remain in in place place for for the the lifetime lifetime of of the the fitting under under conditions conditions of of normal normal use. use. fitting 0HYSICAL VAPOUR —a a family of coating coating processes processes in which the the surface surface layer layer is is Physical vapour DEPOSITION deposition 06$ (PVD) — family of in which formed by by the the deposition deposition of of individual individual atoms atoms or or molecules. molecules. formed .OTE In )N PVD 06$ Aa MATERIAL IS vaporized VAPORIZED from FROM aA solid SOLID or OR liquid LIQUID source, SOURCE transported TRANSPORTED through THROUGHaAlow-pressure LOWPRESSURE gaseous GASEOUS OR PLASMA Note: material is or plasma ENVIRONMENT and AND condensed CONDENSED on ON aA substrate SUBSTRATE surface. SURFACE environment, 0OTABLE WATER — water water that that is is satisfactory satisfactory for and for for culinary culinary and and domestic domestic purposes. purposes. Potable water — for drinking drinking and .OTE Potable 0OTABLE WATER JURISDICTION Note: water MEETS meets THE the REQUIREMENTS requirementsOF ofTHE theHEALTH health AUTHORITY authority HAVING having jurisdiction. 0RESSURE — — Pressure Flowing &LOWING pressure PRESSURE — — the pressure in upstream of of an an open open fitting fittingor oraccessory. accessory. the pressure in the the piping piping upstream 3UPPLY pressure PRESSURE — — the static water Supply the static water pressure pressureininthe thefitting fitting supply supply piping. piping. 0RESSURE ENVELOPE — the outside part a supply that withstands withstands and and contains contains the Pressure envelope — the outside part of of a supply fitting fitting that the water water pressure. pressure. 0USHFIT FITTING —a a mechanical thatjoins joinspipes pipes or ortubes tubesand andachieves achieves a a seal Push-fit fitting — mechanical fitting fitting that seal by by pushing pushing by by hand hand the mating the mating pipe pipe or or tube tube into into the the fitting. fitting. .OTE The 4HE FITTING CAN be BE removable REMOVABLE OR Note: fitting can or NONREMOVABLE non-removable. 2IGID WATERWAY —a a cross-section of aa Rigid waterway — cross-sectionof ofaawaterway waterwaythat that can cantransmit transmit aabending bending load load to to the the body body of fitting. fitting. 3EAL — a component or other other portion portion of of aa fitting fittingthat thatprevents prevents water water leakage. leakage. Seal —a component or 3EAT disc DISC — —a a disc joint when whencompressed compressed against against the the seat. seat. Seat disc or or washer washer that that provides provides aa watertight watertight joint 3ERVICE CONDITIONS 3# — — the coated surfaces surfaces of concealed parts Service conditions 1 (SC-1) the coated of concealed concealed fittings fittings and and concealed parts of of exposed fittings. exposed fittings. 3ERVICE CONDITIONS 3# — — the coated significant significant surfaces surfaces of exposed parts Service conditions 2 (SC-2) the coated of exposed exposed fittings fittings and and exposed parts of of concealed fittings. concealed fittings. 3HANK — — the threaded portion portion of of aa supply supply fitting fittingthat thatextends extends below below the the mounting mountingsurface surface and and has has Shank the rigid rigid threaded a means a means for for connecting connecting to to the the supply supply piping. piping. 3HOWER head HEAD — — an an accessory an Shower accessoryto toaasupply supplyfitting fitting for for spraying spraying water water onto onto aa bather, bather, typically typically from from an overhead position. overhead position. 3IGNIFICANT SURFACE — — an an exposed exposed surface blemished, spoils spoils the appearance or affects the Significant surface surface that, that, if if blemished, the appearance or affects the performance performance of of aa fitting. fitting. 6 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 3TANDARD tools TOOLS — — tools tools that are normally that are normally carried carried by by plumbers plumbers for for installing installing and andmaintaining maintaining plumbing. plumbing. Standard .OTE Examples %XAMPLES INCLUDE PLIERS Note: include SCREWDRIVERS screwdrivers, KEY keyWRENCHES wrenches,FLATJAWED flat-jawed WRENCHES wrenches, AND and pliers. 3UBSTRATE — — the base material Substrate the base material and and all all of of the the layers layersof ofcoating coating under under the the final final coating. coating. 3UPPLY STOP —a a valve Supply stop — valve that that is is placed placedimmediately immediatelyupstream upstreamof ofaaterminal terminalfitting fitting to to shut shut off off the the water water supply to the terminal terminal fitting fittingso so that thatititcan canbe beserviced serviced or or replaced. replaced. supply to the 6ALVE — —a a fitting withaa movable movable part partthat thatregulates Valve regulates the the flow flowof ofwater waterthrough throughone oneorormore morepassages. passages. fitting with #YCLING MIXING VALVE — —a a supply withaa single single handle handle that that can can rotate rotate from from the the closed closed Cycling mixing valve supply fitting fitting with position, cold to to hot, hot,and andininthe thereverse reverse direction direction back back to to the the closed closed position. position, through through cold position. 3INGLECONTROL VALVE — —a a supply with aa single single handle handle that turns water Single-control MIXING mixing valve supply fitting fitting with that turns water on on and and off off and changes changes water and water volume volume and and temperature. temperature. 3INGLEHANDLE VALVE — —a a supply with aa single single handle handle for for changing changing the the discharge discharge Single-handle MIXING mixing valve supply fitting fitting with water is supplied hot and and cold cold water. water. water temperature temperature when when the the fitting fitting is supplied with with both both hot Two-handle mixing 4WOHANDLE MIXING valve VALVE — — aa supply withseparate separate hot hot and and cold cold water water control control valves. valves. supply fitting fitting with 3.2 Abbreviations 3.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply apply in in this this Standard: Standard: The following abbreviations CL — level — critical critical level CL IPS — Iron Pipe Pipe Size Size IPS — Iron NPS NominalPipe PipeSize Size NPS ——Nominal NPSM Pipe Straight NPSM — — National National Pipe Straight Mechanical Mechanical NPT NationalPipe PipeTapered Tapered NPT ——National PTC — Performance test PTC — Performance test code code PVD PVD — — physical physical vapour vapour deposition deposition SC-1 —service service conditions conditions 1 1 SC-1 — SC-2 —service service conditions conditions 2 2 SC-2 — 4 Design Design requirements requirements 4 4.1 fittings 4.1 Supply Supply fittings 4.1.1 Rated Rated pressure pressure 4.1.1 Supply shall be be designed designed for for aa rated rated supply supply pressure pressure of 690 kPa kPa (100 Supply fittings fittings shall of 690 (100 psi). psi). Supply shall be be designed designed to functionat ataa supply supply pressure pressure between between 140 140 and and 860 860 kPa kPa Supply fittings fittings shall to function (20 and and 125 125 psi). psi). (20 4.1.2 Rated Rated temperatures temperatures 4.1.2 Supply shall be 71 °C °C (40 to 160°F). 160°F). Supply fittings fittings shall be designed designed for for rated rated supply supply temperatures temperatures from from 55 to to 71 (40 to December2,012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 7 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 4.1.3 Seating Seating members members 4.1.3 The following fittingsshall shallhave havereplaceable replaceable seats: seats: The following fittings (a) supply supply valves valves for except concealed concealed stops; stops; (a) for bath bath and and shower shower fittings, fittings, except (b) combination combination lavatory lavatory fittings; (b) fittings; (c) combination combination kitchen kitchen sink sink fittings; (c) fittings; (d) bidet (d) bidet fittings; fittings; (e) single single lavatory faucets; and (e) lavatory faucets; and valve-type bath bath and and shower shower fittings. fittings. (f) exposed exposed valve-type (f) Seat Seat disc disc arrangements arrangements shall shall be be replaceable. replaceable. Seat service. When device is Seat disc disc arrangements arrangements shall shall not not vibrate vibrate in in service. When aa threaded threaded device is used used to to secure secure the the disc, disc, itit shall remain secure after shall remain secure after the the disc disc has has been been removed removed and and replaced replaced five five times. times. In lieu lieu of of aa replaceable replaceable seat, In seat, as asrequired required in in Clauses Clauses4.1.3.1 and4.1.3.2,, aa replaceable replaceablecartridge cartridge that that includes both both seat seat and and seal seal may be used. used. includes may be The solenoid of water water shall shall be be replaceable. replaceable. The solenoid valve valve used used to to open open and and close close the the flow flow of 4.2 4.2 Servicing Servicing Supply excluding supply supply stops, stops, shall shall be be designed designed so wearing parts parts can can be be Supply fittings, fittings, excluding so that that replacement replacement of of wearing accomplished accomplished (a) without removing the the fitting fittingfrom fromthe thesupply supply system; system; (a) without removing (b) without removing the the piping from the the body; body; (b) without removing piping from (c) without disturbing the the finished finished wall; wall; and and (c) without disturbing (d) using (d) using standard standard tools tools or or manufacturer-provided manufacturer-provided tools. tools. Swing body shall shall be be Swing spouts spouts designed designed to to use useadjustable adjustablepacking packingin inthe thejoint joint between between the the spout spout and and the the body constructed constructed so so that that the the adjustments adjustments can can be bemade madewithout without removing removing the the spout. spout. 4.3 Installation Installation 4.3 A method of sealing sealing between and the the fixture fixture to towhich whichititisisfastened fastened shall shall be A method of between the the fitting fitting and be provided. provided. 4.4 Threaded Threaded connections 4.4 connections 4.4.1 4.4.1 Pipe threads ASME B1.20.1. Pipe threads shall shall comply comply with with ASME B1.20.1. 4.4.2 4.4.2 Hose threads ASME B1.20.7. Hose threads shall shall comply comply with with ASME B1.20.7. 4.4.3 4.4.3 Aerators and devices with Aerators and other other end end point point devices with standard standard threads threadsshall shallbe becompatible compatiblewith with one one of of the the following following thread designations: thread designations: 15/16-27 UNS-2A, or 55/64-27 55/64-27 UNS-2B; or (a) 13/16-27 13/16-27 UNS-2A, UNS-2A, 3/4-27 3/4-27 UNS-2B, UNS-2B, 15/16-27 UNS-2A, or UNS-2B; or (a) (b) M18X1-6g, M16X1-6H, M24X1-6g, M22X1-6H, M22X1-6H, or or M28X1-6g. M28X1-6g. (b) M18X1-6g, M16X1-6H, M24X1-6g, 8 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings Fittings point devices devices may Fittings with withnon-standard non-standard threads threads for for aerators aerators or or other other end end point may be be used. used. 4.4.4 4.4.4 Hand-held connection threads threadsshall shall be be 1/2-14 1/2-14NPSM NPSM or or ISO ISO 228-G 228-G 1/2 1/2 B B (see (see ISO ISO 228-1). Hand-held shower shower connection 228-1). 4.4.5 4.4.5 The dimensions dimensions of of supply supply flare flare connections connectionsshall shallbe beas asspecified specifiedininASME ASME B16.26. The B16.26. 4.4.6 4.4.6 The dimensions of supply supply compression compression connections connectionsshall shall be becompatible compatiblewith withSAE SAE J512. J512. The dimensions of 4.4.7 4.4.7 The dimensions inlets and shank lengths lengths of of 1/2-14 1/2-14 NPSM NPSM rigid rigid shanks lavatory The dimensions for for the the inlets and shank shanks of of deck-mounted deck-mounted lavatory and sink sink supply 1/2 NPSM NPSM coupling tailpiece or and supply fittings fittingsdesigned designed to to mate mate with with aa standard standard 1/2 coupling nut nut and and tailpiece or 1/2 1/2 nominal shall be as shown in Figures Figures 11 and nominal size size copper copper water water tube tube shall be as shown in and 2. 2. connections. Inlets Inlets and and shanks shanksmay maybe bedesigned designed to to mate mate with with other other common common connections. .OTE Note: ,ONGER LongerSHANK shank LENGTHS lengths ARE are SOMETIMES sometimes NECESSARY necessary ON on ACCOUNT account OF of FITTING fitting ORIENTATIONS orientations AND and COUNTERTOP countertop THICKNESS thickness OR or MATERIALS materials. 4.4.8 4.4.8 Alternative end-threaded connections for for flexible flexible hoses flexible components shall comply Alternative end-threaded connections hoses and and flexible components shall comply with with the the performance of this performance requirements requirements of this Standard. Standard. 4.4.9 4.4.9 Shower 1/2 NPT NPT Shower heads heads for for installation installationon on standard standard shower shower arms arms shall shallbe be capable capable of of being being connected connected to to aa 1/2 male male thread. thread. 4.5 Connections Connections other other than than threaded threaded connections 4.5 connections 4.5.1 4.5.1 The lengths lengths and anddiameters diametersofofsolder-joint solder-jointsockets socketsshall shallbebeasasspecified specifiedininASME ASMEB16.18 B16.18or orASME ASME B16.22 for The B16.22 for connections to copper copper tubes. tubes. This This requirement requirement shall shall not apply to to factory-assembled factory-assembled parts. connections to not apply parts. 4.5.2 4.5.2 Connections achieved by by push-fit push-fit fittings, for use under continuous continuous pressure, pressure, shall shall comply comply with with Connections achieved fittings, intended intended for use under ASSE 1061. ASSE 1061. 4.5.3 4.5.3 Alternative end for flexible Alternative end connections connections for flexible hoses hoses and and flexible flexiblecomponents components shall shall comply comply with with the the performance performance requirements of this requirements of this Standard. Standard. 4.5.4 4.5.4 Fittings devices may Fittings with with proprietary proprietary connections connections for foraerators aerators or or other other end end point point devices may be be used. used. 4.6 Accessible Accessible designs designs 4.6 Operating controls intended intendedfor foruse usein inaccessible accessible designs designs shall shall Operating controls (a) automatically controlled; (a) be be automatically controlled; or or (b) the following following requirements: (b) meet meet the requirements: (i) (i) be be operable operable with with one one hand; hand; (ii) require tight grasping, pinching, pinching, or or twisting twisting of of the the wrist; wrist; and (ii) not not require tight grasping, and greater than than that thatspecified specified in in Clause Clause 5.5.2. (iii) (iii) require require an an operating operating force force not not greater 5.5.2. ..,.,,. $ECEMBER December-2012,--- --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 9 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 4.7 4.7 Backflow Backflow prevention prevention Fittings shall due to to backflow backflow by by aa Fittings shall be be designed designedto to protect protect the the potable potable water water supply supply from from contamination contamination due means meets the applicable requirements requirements of of Clause Clause 5.9. means that that meets the applicable 5.9. Diverting and and anti-siphoning anti-siphoning devices devices incorporated into aa fitting fittingshall shall be be removable removable for for cleaning, cleaning, repair, repair, Diverting incorporated into and replacement. replacement. and 4.8 Cover Cover plates plates and and escutcheons escutcheons 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.1 The cover shall have The cover plates plates of of deck-mounted deck-mounted lavatory lavatory and and sink sink supply supply fittings fittings shall have the the dimensions dimensions indicated indicated in in Figure 1, except as as specified Clause 4.8.2. Figure 1, except specified in in Clause 4.8.2. .OTE Refer 2EFER TO MOUNTINGsurface SURFACE dimensions. DIMENSIONS Note: to THE the APPROPRIATE appropriate FIXTURE fixture STANDARDS standards FOR for THE the MINIMUM minimum mounting 4.8.2 4.8.2 Concealed supply fitting fittingbodies bodiesor ortheir theirescutcheons escutcheons shall shall be be capable capable of of concealing concealing aa Concealed and and deck-mounted deck-mounted supply circular area circular area with with aa diameter diameter of of not not less lessthan than44 44 mm mm (1.73 (1.73 in). in). 4.9 Toxicity Toxicity and and lead lead content 4.9 content 4.9.1 4.9.1 Fittings covered covered by Standard shall the applicable applicable requirements requirements of of NSF/ANSI NSF/ANSI 61. Fittings by this this Standard shall comply comply with with the 61. 4.9.2 4.9.2 Solders water shall shall not exceed, by Solders and and fluxes fluxesin incontact contact with with potable potable water not exceed, by mass, mass, 0.2% 0.2% lead lead content. content. Metal Metal alloys in potable water water shall shall not exceed 8% alloys in contact contact with with potable not exceed 8% lead lead content. content. 4.9.3 4.9.3 Fittings intended to convey convey or dispense water or cooking cooking shall shall Fittings intended to or dispense waterfor for human human consumption consumption through through drinking drinking or not contain aa weighted weighted average average lead lead content in excess excess of not contain content in of 0.25% 0.25% when when evaluated evaluated in in accordance accordance with with the the test specified in in NSF/ANSI NSF/ANSI 372. test method method specified 372. 4.10 Frost-proof Frost-proof faucets 4.10 faucets and and hydrants hydrants Frost-proof faucets performance requirements requirements of of this this Standard. Standard. Frost-proof faucets and and hydrants hydrants shall shallcomply comply with with the the performance Devices with integral backflow backflow protection protectionshall shallcomply complywith withCAN/CSA-B64 CAN/CSA-B64Series Seriesor orASSE ASSE 1019. Devices with integral 1019. 4.11 Shower Shower heads, heads, body body sprays, sprays, and and hand-held hand-held showers showers 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.1 General General When used used as part of of aa shower shower head, head, body body spray, spray, or or hand-held hand-held shower shower assembly, assembly, the When as aa component component part the flow-restricting inserts inserts shall shall be of manufacture. manufacture. For For the purpose of this flow-restricting be mechanically mechanically retained retained at at the the point point of the purpose of this requirement, term "mechanically “mechanically retained" retained” shall shall mean mean that a force lbf) or or more more is is requirement, the the term that a force of of 36 36 N N (8.0 (8.0 lbf) required remove the the flow-restricting flow-restricting insert. insert. This This requirement shall not apply to to shower shower heads heads that required to to remove requirement shall not apply that insert would cause cause water leak significantly areas other would water to to leak significantly from from areas other than than the the spray spray face faceifif the the flow-restricting flow-restricting insert were removed. were removed. 4.11.2 4.11.2 High-efficiency High-efficiency shower shower heads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers .OTE Water 7ATER conserving CONSERVING SHOWER NECESSARILY HAVE THE high-efficiency HIGHEFFICIENCY requirements REQUIREMENTS specified SPECIFIED IN Note: shower HEADS heads DO do NOT not necessarily have TO to COMPLY comply WITH with the in #LAUSE THEY are ARE not NOT designated DESIGNATED as AS high-efficiency HIGHEFFICIENCY shower SHOWER heads. HEADS Clause 5.12 ifIF they 10 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings If the the high-efficiency high-efficiency shower shower head head or hand-held shower shower has If or hand-held has more more than than one one mode, mode, (a) all all modes the maximum maximum flow flowrate raterequirements requirements specified specified in in Clause Clause; (a) modes shall shall comply comply with with the; (b) all all modes the minimum minimum flow flowrate raterequirements requirements specified specified in in Clause Clause; (b) modes shall shall comply comply with with the; and and (c) at at least least one the requirements requirements specified specified in in Clauses Clauses, (c) one of of the the modes modes shall shall comply comply with with the, 5.12.3, 5.12.3, and 5.12.4 5.12.4 for for high-efficiency. high-efficiency. The The manufacturer is to be tested tested for and manufacturer shall shall indicate indicate which which mode mode is to be for high-efficiency. high-efficiency. See shower heads heads and See Clause Clause6.4 6.4for foradditional additional marking marking requirements requirements for for high-efficiency high-efficiency shower and hand-held hand-held showers. showers. 4.12 4.12 Cross-flow Cross-flow 4.12.1 4.12.1 Except as Except asotherwise otherwiseallowed allowedby by Clause Clause4.12.2, 4.12.2,aaflow-control flow-control device deviceshall shallnot notcompletely completely shut shut off off the the flow flow of water water downstream downstream of of the the primary primary shut-off shut-off valve valve when of when (a) fitted fitted to to aa faucet faucet or (a) or fitting; fitting; or or (b) fitted fitted to, to, or or integral integralwith, with,aashower shower head head or or hand-held hand-held shower. shower. (b) 4.12.2 4.12.2 Faucets or devices downstream primary shut-off shut-off valves valves that Faucets orfittings fittings that that have have integral integral flow-control flow-control devices downstream of of the the primary that completely shut shut off off the the flow flow of of water water or orthat thathave have devices devices upstream upstream of the primary primary shut-off shut-off valves valves that completely of the that might allowcross-flow cross-flow shall shall have have check check valves toprevent preventcross-flow. cross-flow. These These might allow valves installed installed in in the the faucet faucet or or fitting fitting to check valves Clause 5.3.3. check valves shall shallcomply comply with with Clause 5.3.3. 4.13 Fittings Fittings incorporating incorporating electrical electrical features features 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.1 General General Electrical power 42.2 V V Electrical power to to low-voltage low-voltage circuits circuits involving involving aa peak peakopen-circuit open-circuit potential potential of of not not more more than than 42.2 shall be by aa shall be supplied supplied by (a) primary battery supply; supply; (a) primary battery (b) suitable suitable Class withthe theapplicable applicableCSA CSA or or UL UL electrical electrical (b) Class22low-voltage low-voltage transformer transformer complying complying with Standards; Standards; or or transformer and and fixed fixed impedance impedance that, that, as as aa unit, (c) combination of aa transformer (c) combination of unit, complies complies with with the the requirements requirements for for a Class a Class22transformer transformer specified specifiedin in Item Item (b). (b). Fittings incorporating electrical features features other the applicable applicable Fittings incorporating electrical other than than low-voltage low-voltage circuits circuits shall shall comply comply with with the CSA CSA or or UL UL electrical electrical Standards. Standards. 4.13.2 Testing Testing 4.13.2 When used fitting,electrical electrical plumbing plumbingcontrols, controls,including includingsolenoid solenoidvalves, valves, shall shall When used with with a a plumbing plumbing fitting, (a) be (a) be considered consideredcomponents componentsof ofthe theplumbing plumbing fitting; fitting; (b) be and (b) be tested tested with with the the fitting; fitting; and (c) comply with Clause Clause 5.6. (c) comply with 5.6. considered aa Replacement of the life life cycle cycle testing testing specified specified in in Clause Clause 5.6 5.6 shall shall not be considered Replacement of aa battery battery during during the not be failure. failure. December 2012 $ECEMBER 11 !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA" 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 4.14 4.14 Materials Materials Coupling nuts shall shall be from Coupling nuts, nuts, locknuts, locknuts, and and spout-holding spout-holding nuts be made made from (a) alloys with of 56%; (a) copper copper alloys with aa minimum minimum copper copper content content of 56%; (b) stainless steel or 400 400 Series; Series; (b) stainless steel alloys alloys of of the the 300 300 or (c) (c) plastics; plastics; or or (d) comply with (d) materials materials that that comply with Clause Clause 5.11. 5.11. 4.15 Automatic Automatic compensating compensating valve valve temperature temperature control 4.15 control Automatic compensating compensatingvalves valvesshall shallcomply complywith withASSE ASSE 1016/ASME 1016/ASME A112.1016/CSA Automatic A112.1016/CSA B125.16. B125.16. 4.16 4.16 Lawn Lawn faucets faucets Lawn frost-proof lawn lawn faucets) faucets) shall shall comply Lawn faucets faucets (other (other than than frost-proof comply with with Clause Clause 5.10. 5.10. 4.17 Flexible Flexible water water connectors connectors 4.17 Flexible for use continuous pressure pressure shall shall comply comply with with Flexiblewater waterconnectors connectors intended intended for use under under continuous ASME A112.18.6/CSA ASME A112.18.6/CSA B125.6. B125.6. 5 Performance requirements requirements and and test test procedures procedures 5 Performance 5.1 General 5.1 General 5.1.1 Preconditioning 5.1.1 Preconditioning Before Beforetesting, testing, specimens specimens shall shallbe beconditioned conditioned at at ambient ambient laboratory laboratory conditions conditions for for not not less less than than 12 12 h. h. 5.1.2 Installation for for testing 5.1.2 Installation testing For instructions. For test test purposes, purposes, specimens specimens shall shall be be installed installed in in accordance accordance with with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer's instructions. 5.1.3 Test conditions 5.1.3 Test conditions Unless Unlessotherwise otherwisespecified specifiedininthis thisStandard, Standard,tests testsshall shallbe beconducted conducted at at ambient ambient laboratory laboratory conditions. conditions. 5.1.4 Order of 5.1.4 Order of tests tests It the tests tests in in aa particular particular order, order, unless unless aa sequence sequenceisis specified specified in in this this It shall shall not not be be necessary necessary to to conduct conduct the Standard. Standard. .OTE OF the THE applicable APPLICABLE TESTS BY fitting FITTING type, TYPE is IS provided PROVIDED in IN Table 4ABLE " Note: !A SUMMARY summary of tests, by 8.1. 5.2 Coatings 5.2 Coatings 5.2.1 General 5.2.1 General The fittings The fittings selected selected for for testing testing shall shall be be as as received receivedfrom fromthe the manufacturer manufacturer and and shall shall not not have have been been subjected to to any any other other test. test.The The significant significant surfaces surfaces of componentsshall shall be be free free of of surface surface subjected of the the coated coated components defects areas and and shall shall not stained. defects and and uncoated uncoated areas not be be stained. 5.2.2 Corrosion (all substrates and 5.2.2 Corrosion (all substrates and coatings) coatings) Performance requirements requirements Performance After undergoing applicable test specified in After undergoing the the applicable test specified in Clause Clause5.,, coatings coatings shall shallnot not show show more more than than one one (1.0 in2) in2) area area of of the significant surface surface defects surface defect surface defect in in any any 650 650 mm mm22 (1.0 the significant surface or or up up to to three three surface defects on on aa 25 mm defects shall shallbe be not not larger larger than than 0.8 0.8 mm mm (0.03 any 25 mm (1.0 (1.0 in) in) length length of of parting parting line. line. The The surface surface defects (0.03 in) in) in in any dimension. dimension. 12 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings If widely widely scattered scattered surface surface defects defects are are observed observed after after testing testing (as (as occasionally occasionally occurs), occurs), such such defects defects shall shall If not significantly deface deface or not significantly or adversely adverselyaffect affectthe thefunction function of of the the coated coated part. part. Test procedure procedure Test The coated the performance performance requirements requirements of of Clause Clause after being being subjected subjected The coated parts parts shall shall comply comply with with the after to one of of the the following following corrosion corrosion tests: tests: to one (a) ASTM ASTM G85 — acetic acetic acid): acid): the the test test duration durationshall shall be be 88 hh for for service service conditions (SC-1) and (a) G85 (Annex (Annex A1 Al — conditions 11 (SC-1) and 24 h for for service service conditions 2 (SC-2). (SC-2). 24 h conditions 2 (b) ASTM ASTM B117 salt): this this test test shall shall be applicable to to SC-2 SC-2 devices devices and (b) B117 (neutral (neutral salt): be applicable and shall shall have have aa duration duration of 24 of 24 h. h. ASTM B368 (c) ASTM (c) B368 (CASS): (CASS):this thistest test shall shallbe beapplicable applicable to to SC-2 SC-2 devices devicesand andshall shallhave haveaaduration duration of of 4 4 h. h. (d) ASTM ASTM B380 this test test shall shall be be applicable applicable to to SC-2 SC-2 devices devices and (d) B380 (Corrodkote): (Corrodkote): this and shall shall have have aa duration duration of 4 of 4 h. h. .OTE If)F more MORE than THAN one ONE test TEST method METHODisISspecified, SPECIFIED the THE manufacturer MANUFACTURERmay MAYspecify SPECIFY which WHICHmethod METHODisIStoTObe BEused. USEDSC-1 3# and AND SC-2 3# Note: ARE DEFINED #LAUSE . are defined IN in Clause 3.1. An SC-1 SC-1 specimen passes the An specimen that that passes the SC-2 SC-2test testshall shallbe beconsidered consideredto tohave havemet met the the requirements requirements of of Clause Clause 5.2.3 Adhesion 5.2.3 Adhesion Performance requirements requirements Performance The coating and the the separate separate layers The coating and layers of of multi-layer multi-layer coatings coatings shall shall be be sufficiently sufficiently adherent adherent to to each each other other and and to the base base material comply with withone one of ofthe theadhesion adhesion tests tests specified specified in to the material to to comply in Clause Clause,,,, or or, as applicable., as applicable. Electrodeposited and and PVD PVD coatings Electrodeposited coatings on on metals metals Specimens following adhesion adhesion tests tests specified specified in Specimens shall shallbe betested testedininaccordance accordanceand andcomply complywith with one one of of the the following in ASTM B571: ASTM B571: (a) Paragraph Paragraph 4: test; (a) 4: burnish burnish test; (b) Paragraph Paragraph 7: (b) 7: file file test; test; (c) Paragraph Paragraph 8: (c) 8: grind-saw grind-saw test; test; or or (d) Paragraph Paragraph 9: (d) 9: heat-quench heat-quench test. test. Electrodeposited and and PVD PVD coatings Electrodeposited coatings on on plastics plastics Performance requirements requirements Performance Fittings or component parts parts of of fittings fittingsthat thathave haveelectrodeposited electrodeposited coatings coatings on on plastic plastic bases, bases, including Fittings or component including those additional organic organic coatings, coatings, shall following requirements requirements when when tested tested in those with with additional shall comply comply with with the the following in accordance with Clause accordance with Clause (a) No No surface surface defects defects shall significant surfaces. surfaces. (a) shall be be present present on on significant (b) Non-significant surfaces, gates, Non-significant surfaces, (b) gates,and andparting parting lines lines may may have haveminor minor cracks cracksnot notlonger longer than than 66 mm mm (0.25 in), in), provided provided that thatthere thereisis no noloss loss of of adhesion adhesion between between the the base base material (0.25 material and and the the coating. coating. 2 shall be be acceptable acceptablewithin within 66 mm mm (0.25 (0.25 in) in) of (0.01 in ) in in area area shall of an an (c) Blisters Blisters not (c) not exceeding exceeding 66 mm mm22 (0.01 in2) injection injection point. point. IfIf an an injection injection point pointisis within within66mm mm(0.25 (0.25in) in)ofofaasignificant significantsurface, surface, Item Item (a) (a) shall shall apply. apply. (d) Warpage Warpage shall (d) shall be be considered consideredacceptable acceptableonly onlywhere whereititdoes doesnot notaffect affectthe theperformance performanceof ofthe the fitting fitting or component. or component. the procedure procedure specified specified in in Clause Clause The adhesion The adhesion of of organic organic coatings coatings shall shall be be evaluated evaluated following following the and shall shall not be evaluated evaluated during the test test specified specified in in Clause Clause and not be during the $ECEMBER 2012 December --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 13 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS O © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP O Thermal cycling cycling procedure procedure Thermal Before the parts of of fittings fittings shall shall be be examined examined and and Before the thermal thermal cycling cycling test test begins, begins, the the fittings fittings or or component component parts surface imperfections small mould imperfections)shall shall be be noted. noted.These These surface surface imperfections shall surface imperfections (e.g., (e.g., small mould imperfections) imperfections shall not be considered considered failures failures after thermal cycling cycling test test unless unless they they develop develop into into surface surface defects. defects. not be after the the thermal thespecimens complete cycles cycles of Under dry dry conditions, conditions, the specimens shall shall be Under be subjected subjected consecutively consecutively to to four four complete of temperatures, each complete order: temperatures, with with each complete cycle cycle consisting consistingof of the the following following steps steps in in the the following following order: (a) –—40 40 ±±22°C (a) °C(–40 (-40 ±± 4°F) 4°F)for for 20 20 min min to to 1 1 h; h; (b) 20 20 ± ±5 5 °C °C (68 (b) (68 ± ± 9°F) 9°F) for for aaminimum minimum of of 20 20 min; min; (c) 75 and (c) 75 ± ±2 2 °C °C (167 (167 ± ± 4°F) 4°F) for for 20 20 min min to to 1 1 h; h; and (d) 20 20 ± ±5 5 °C °C (68 (d) (68 ± ± 9°F) 9°F) for for aaminimum minimum of of 20 20 min. min. The temperatures The temperatures specified specified in in Items Items (a) (a)to to (d) (d) shall shallbe bemeasured measuredwithin within 50 50 mm mm (2 (2 in) in) of of the the centre centre of of the the location of of the the specimens. specimens. Temperature Temperature ramping may be be used used for achieving the the temperatures temperatures specified specified in location ramping may for achieving in Items (a) (d). For For the steps specified any) plus Items (a) to to (d). the steps specifiedin inItems Items(a) (a)and and(c), (c),the thetemperature temperature ramping ramping time time (if (if any) plus the the time during which which the thespecimen specimen is is at at the the specified specified temperature of 20 20 min) min) shall shall not not exceed exceed time during temperature (a (a minimum minimum of 1 h. 1 h. During testing, testing, there thereshall shall be be free free circulation circulation of of air air around aroundthe thespecimens specimens and and most most of of their theirsurface surface area area During container. shall not with other other specimens specimens or shall not be be in in contact contact with or the the holding holding container. Organic coatings Organic coatings The adhesion A of of ASTM ASTM D3359. The The adhesion of of organic organic coatings coatings shall shall be be tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Method Method A D3359. The organic coating coating shall shall have have an organic an adhesion adhesion rating rating of of 3A 3A or or better. better. 5.2.4 Decorative organic organic coatings 5.2.4 Decorative coatings Performance requirements requirements Performance In addition addition to to complying complyingwith withthe theadhesion adhesiontesting testingspecified specifiedin inClause Clause,, decorative decorative organic organic coatings coatings In shall show shall show no no surface surface defects defects when when they they are are tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clauses Clauses5.2.4.2 and and,, and and their finish shall shall not erode in in such such a a way the surface surface directly beneath the the organic organic coating coating is is exposed exposed their finish not erode way that that the directly beneath when they they are are tested tested in accordance with Clause when in accordance with Clause Water degradation Water degradation Specimens h in in aa Specimens shall shallbe beimmersed immersedinindistilled distilledwater water maintained maintained at at 38 38 ± ±1 1 °C °C (100 (100 ± ± 2°F) 2°F) for for 24 24 ± ± 0.5 0.5 h corrosion-proof container container and and then then removed removed and and examined. examined. corrosion-proof Soap and and cleaner cleaner effects Soap effects Two drops of each each of solutions shall shall be Two drops (0.10 (0.10 mL mL total) total) of of the the following following solutions be applied applied to to the the organic organic coating coating (preferably on a flat surface) and (preferably on a flat surface) and allowed allowed to to remain remain there there for for 16 16 h: h: (a) ammonium ammonium hydroxide hydroxide (6N); (a) (6N); (b) sodium sodium hydroxide (b) hydroxide (6N); (6N); (c) methanol (100%); and and (c) methanol (100%); (d) surfactant surfactant (100% (d) (100% polyethylene polyethylene oxyethanol). oxyethanol). At the the end end of of the the 16 16 hh period, period, the the excess excess liquid At liquid shall shall be be removed removed by by rinsing rinsing with with water, water, and and the the coating coating shall be shall be dried dried and and examined. examined. .OTE Non-ionic .ONIONIC surfactants SURFACTANTS complying COMPLYING with WITHItem )TEM(d) Dinclude INCLUDEGAF '!&Igepal )GEPALCO, #/ GAF '!& Igepal )GEPAL CA, #! AND Note: and 3HELL Shell 4RITON Triton 8 X-100. Abrasion resistance resistance Abrasion Specimens A of of ASTM ASTM D968 using 12 12 LL (3.2 (3.2 gal) gal) of of silica silica sand sand Specimens shall shallbe betested testedin in accordance accordancewith with Method Method A D968 using on aa relatively relatively flat flat surface surface of specimen. on of the the specimen. 14 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings 5.3 Pressure and and temperature temperature 5.3 Pressure 5.3.1 Static and and dynamic dynamic seals seals 5.3.1 Static Failure criteria Failure criteria Seals compensating valves valves (see (see Seals of of plumbing plumbing supply supply fittings fittings and and accessories, accessories, except except those those of of automatic automatic compensating Clause Clause 4.15), 4.15), shall shall not not leak leak or or otherwise otherwise fail failwhen whentested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clauses Clauses5.3.1.2 to to Procedure with the valve valve closed closed Procedure with the The specimen The specimen shall shallbe betested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause,, after after which which itit shall shallbe be subjected subjected to to the the supply pressures with the the valve valve closed. supply pressures specified specified in in Clause Clause,, for for 55 min min each, each, with closed. Procedure with the outlet(s) outlet(s) blocked blocked Procedure with the The specimen with Clause The specimen shall shall be be tested tested in in accordance accordance with Clause,, after after which which it it shall shallbe be subjected subjected to to the the supply pressures outlet(s) blocked. blocked. supply pressures specified specified in in Clause Clause5.3.1.4,, for for 55 min min each, each, with with the the outlet(s) Where the the outlet(s) outlet(s) is is difficult difficult to the pressures pressures specified specified Where to block, block, the the flowing flowing pressure pressure shall shall be be increased increased to to the shall be checked for for leakages. leakages. in for 5 min each. each. The The joints joints of of the the fittings fittings shall in Clause Clause,, for 5 min be checked Test temperatures temperatures and and pressures pressures Test The test shall be in an an ambient ambientenvironment environmentof of20 20±±55°C °C(68 (68±±9°F). 9°F). The The specimen specimen shall shall be The test shall be conducted conducted in be brought to equilibrium equilibrium test it. brought to test temperatures temperatures by by running running water water through through it. The test temperatures and andpressures pressuresshall shall be be as as follows: follows: The test temperatures (a) 140 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and and 10 10 ±± 66 °C °C (20 (20 ± ± 22 psi psi and and 50 50 ±± 10°F); 10°F); (a) 140 (b) ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 10 ±± 66 °C °C (125 (125 ± ± 22 psi psi and and 50 50 ±± 10°F); 10°F); (b) 860 860 ± and 10 (c) 140 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 66 ±± 66 °C °C (20 (20 ± ±2 2 psi psi and and 150 150 ±± 10°F); 10°F); and (c) 140 and 66 and (d) ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 66 ± ± 66 °C °C (125 (125 ± ±2 2 psi psi and and 150 150 ±± 10°F). 10°F). (d) 860 860 ± and 66 Devices Devicesintended intended only only for for cold cold water water applications applications shall shallbe betested tested in in accordance accordance with with Items Items (a) (a) and and (b) (b) only. only. 5.3.2 Burst pressure pressure 5.3.2 Burst Failure criteria Failure criteria Fittings the pressures pressures specified specified in Fittings shall shallwithstand withstand aa hydrostatic hydrostatic burst burst pressure pressure test test at at the in Clause Clause or or, without without permanent permanentdistortion distortion or or failure failure of of the pressure envelope. envelope., the pressure Terminal fittings Terminal fittings Terminal fittings of 3450 kPa (500 (500 psi) psi) for for 1 1 min. min. The The pressure pressure shall shall Terminal fittings shall shallwithstand withstand aa hydrostatic hydrostatic pressure pressure of 3450 kPa be applied to to the the inlet inlet with with the thevalve(s) valve(s) closed. closed. Fittings Fittings may of the the pressure-relieving pressure-relieving type, provided be applied may be be of type, provided that the relief relief occurs occurs at pressure above above 1030 1030 kPa kPa (150 (150 psi) psi) and and the the relief relief discharge discharge is is into the fixture. fixture. that the at aa pressure into the Line fittings Line fittings Line kPa (500 psi) for The pressure shall be Line fittings fittingsshall shallwithstand withstand aa hydrostatic hydrostatic pressure pressure of of 3450 3450 kPa (500 psi) for 1 1 min. min. The pressure shall be applied to the inlet inlet with with the outlet blocked blocked and the valve valve open. applied to the the outlet and the open. 5.3.3 Cross-flow check check valves valves 5.3.3 Cross-flow .OTE FOR additional ADDITIONAL cross-flow CROSSFLOW REQUIREMENTS Note: 3EE See #LAUSE Clause 4.12 for requirements. December 2012 $ECEMBER IS © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 Performance requirements requirements Performance When tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clauses Clauses and and5.3.3.3,,cross-flow cross-flowcheck check valves valves shall shall not leak more When not leak more than 35 mL/min mL/min (0.01 (0.01 gpm) gpm) out outof of one onesupply supplyinlet inlet when whenthe theopposite oppositesupply supplyinlet inletisis pressurized. pressurized. This This test than 35 test shall be before and and after after the thelife life cycle cycle test test specified specified in in Clause shall be run run before Clause 5.6. 5.6. Set-up Set-up Faucets integral flow-control flow-control devices of the the primary primary shut-off shut-off valves valves that Faucets or or fittings fittings that that have have integral devices downstream downstream of that completely off the flow of with the the primary primary shut-off shut-off valves valves open all outlets completely shut shut off the flow of water water shall shall be be tested tested with open and and all outlets blocked. blocked. Faucets devices upstream of the the primary primary shut-off shut-off valves valves that might allow allow cross-flow cross-flow Faucets or or fittings fittings that that have have devices upstream of that might with the theprimary primary shut-off shut-off valves valves closed. closed. shall be shall be tested tested with Test procedure procedure Test The cross-flow as follows: follows: The cross-flow check check valve valve leak leaktest test shall shallbe be conducted conducted as (a) ±6 6 °C °C (50 ± 10°F) (a) Pressurize Pressurizeone one supply supply inlet inlet to to 35 35 kPa kPa (5 (5 psi) psi) with with water water at at 10 10 ± (50 ± 10°F) for for 11 min min with with the the primary primary shut-off shut-off valves valvesopen open and and all all outlets outlets blocked. blocked. (b) opposite supply supply inlet inlet for for leakage. leakage. (b) Observe Observe the the opposite (c) supply inlet. inlet. (c) Repeat Repeat Items Items (a) (a) and and (b) (b) for for the the opposite opposite supply 5.3.4 Hose assemblies assemblies 5.3.4 Hose Failure criteria Failure criteria Hose Hose assemblies assembliesshall shallnot notfail failororleak leakwhen whentested testedin inaccordance accordance with with Clauses Clauses5.3.4.2 and and Torque Torque The threaded connections of of hose hose assemblies assemblies shall shall be as specified specified in The threaded connections be tested tested as in Clause Clause with with the the threaded connections tightened threaded connections tightened to to (a) torque required required to to affect affect the the seal; seal; and and (a) the the torque (b) 150% of of the torque required required by by Item Item (a). (a). (b) 150% the torque Burst pressure pressure Burst Hose kPa (100 psi) for Hose assemblies assemblies shall shallbe betested tested at at aa hydrostatic hydrostatic pressure pressure of of 690 690 kPa (100 psi) for 11 h, h, followed followed by by aa burst burst pressure of 2000 kPa (290 psi) for for 1 using water water at at 10 10 ±± 66 °C °C (50 (50 ±± 10°F). 10°F). pressure test test of 2000 kPa (290 psi) 1 min min using 5.3.5 Ball joints joints 5.3.5 Ball Shower body spray, spray, and and hand-held hand-heldshower showerassembly assembly ball ball joints joints shall shall not leak in Shower head, head, body not leak in any any position position more more than 35 mL/min mL/min (0.01 (0.01 gpm) gpm) measured measured over over 55 min min when when tested testedatataaflowing flowing pressure pressure of of 345 345 ±± 35 35 kPa kPa than 35 (50 ±5 psi) and temperature of of 38 38±± 66 °C °C (100 (100 ±± 10°F). 10°F). (50 ± 5 psi) and aa temperature 5.3.6 Diverters 5.3.6 Diverters Bath and and shower shower Bath When tested in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause, the rate rate of of the the leakage leakage from from aa primary primary outlet outlet when when flow flow When tested in, the is secondary outlet shall not mL/min (0.1 is through through the the secondary outlet shall not exceed exceed 400 400 mL/min (0.1 gpm). gpm). Bath diverters shall for rate rate of of leakage leakage at at 69 69 kPa kPa (10 psi) flowing Bath and and shower shower diverters shall be be tested tested for (10 psi) flowing pressure, pressure, measured measured between the diverter diverter and the secondary secondary outlet outlet at at 300 300 mm mm (12 (12 in) in) from from the the diverter, diverter, with between the and the with water water at at 38 ±6 °C (100 min after after the the diverter diverter is is 38 ± 6 °C (100 ± ± 10°F). 10°F). Measurements Measurements shall shallbe be taken taken for for 55 min, min, beginning beginning 1 1 min activated. activated. 16 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS O © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings Kitchen and and lavatory Kitchen lavatory When tested in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause, rate of of leakage leakage out of the spout of of kitchen kitchen and and When tested in, the the rate out of the spout lavatory lavatory side side spray spray diverters divertersshall shallnot notexceed exceed 400 400 mL/min mL/min (0.1 (0.1 gpm). gpm). Kitchen Kitchen and and lavatory lavatory side side spray spraydiverters divertersshall shallbe betested testedfor forrate rateof ofleakage leakageout out of ofthe the spout spout at at 140 ± ± 77 kPa kPa (20 ±1 690 ± ±7 7 kPa kPa (100 ±1 140 (20 ± 1 psi) psi) and and 690 (100 ± 1 psi) psi) flowing flowing pressure pressure with with water water diverted diverted to to the the side spray at 10 10 ±± 66 °C °C (50 (50 ±± 10°F) 10°F) and 38 ±± 66 °C °C (100 (100 ± ± 10°F). 10°F). Measurements shall be taken side spray using using water water at and 38 Measurements shall be taken diverter is is activated. for 5 min, min, beginning beginning 1 activated. for 5 1 min min after after the the diverter 5.3.7 Aerators and devices 5.3.7 Aerators and other other end end point point devices Aerators and end point pointdevices devices shall shall maintain maintain their their installed installed position position without without leakage, leakage, stripping stripping of of Aerators and other other end threads, or loosening loosening when tested for for 5 5 min min with with water threads, or when tested water flowing flowing at at the the pressures pressures and and temperatures temperatures specified in specified in Items Items (b) (b) and and (d) (d) of of Clause Clause .OTE POINT devices DEVICES include INCLUDE STREAM STRAIGHTENERS laminar LAMINAR flow FLOW devices, DEVICES BARB AND point-of-use POINTOFUSE filters. FILTERS Note: /THER Other END end point stream straighteners, barb FITTINGS fittings, and 5.4 Flow 5.4 Flow rate rate 5.4.1 Supply fittings 5.4.1 Supply fittings Fittings maximum flow flow rate rate requirements requirements specified specified in in Fittings and and accessories accessories shall shallmeet meet the the minimum minimum and and maximum Table 1, temperatures and andflowing flowing pressures pressures specified specified in in Clause These requirements shall be Table 1, at at the the temperatures Clause These requirements shall be met before and and after after the thelife life cycle cycle tests tests specified specified in in Clause met before Clause 5.6. 5.6. 5.4.2 Test procedure procedure 5.4.2 Test Specimen Specimen The specimen specimen shall shall The (a) thoroughly flushed flushed before before the the flow flow rate is measured; (a) be be thoroughly rate is measured; (b) to aa smooth-interior smooth-interior pipe pipe or or tubing tubing with with aa length length equal equal to to at at least least 20 20 times times the the inside inside (b) be be connected connected to diameter of the the inlet(s) inlet(s) of specimen; diameter of of the the specimen; (c) of the length specified specified in to the the outlet outlet of of the the specimen specimen if if (c) have have aa pipe pipe or or tubing tubing of the length in Item Item (b) (b) connected connected to discharge to the specimen does the specimen does not not discharge to the the atmosphere; atmosphere; (d) to aa pipe pipe or or tubing tubing of of the the same same nominal nominal size size as as the specimen connections; connections; (d) be be connected connected to the specimen (e) accessories installed, maximum flow flow rates (e) have have its its standard standard accessories installed, when when tested tested for for compliance compliance with with the the maximum rates and and the minimum flow flow rates rates for for high-efficiency high-efficiency devices devices specified specified in in Table Table 1; the minimum 1; and and for compliance compliance with with the minimum flow flow rates (f) (f) have have its its standard standard accessories accessories removed, removed, when when tested tested for the minimum rates specified in in Table Table 1. specified 1. If as separate separate devices devices using using commercially commercially If the the accessories accessories are are supplied supplied separately, separately, they they shall shall be be tested tested as available pipe available pipe or or tubing. tubing. The test set-up shall shall be as shown shown in in Figure Figure 3. The test set-up be as 3. Flow Flow rate rate Other flow rate test conditions conditions shall shall be be as as follows: follows: Other flow rate test (a) upstream pressure pressure tap(s) tap(s) and and downstream downstreampressure pressure tap tap(if (if required) required) shall shall be be located located as as shown shown in in (a) the the upstream Figure Figure 3; 3; (b) tap size size and and configuration configurationshall shallcomply complywith withASME ASME PTC PTC 19.2 ANSI/ISA-75.02; (b) pressure pressure tap 19.2 or or ANSI/ISA-75.02; rate,the theinstallation installationshall shallbe beasasspecified specifiedininASME ASME PTC PTC 19.5; (c) to measure measureflow flow rate, 19.5; (c) if if aa fluid fluid meter meter is is used used to and and (d) if is used, used, the the container containershall shall be be of of sufficient sufficient size (d) if the the time/volume time/volume method method is size to to hold hold the the collected collected water water for at least 1 min. for at least 1 min. December 2012 $ECEMBER 17 !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA" 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © Procedure Procedure Fittings flow setting, and cold cold water water valves valves Fittings shall shallbe betested tested at at the the maximum maximum flow setting, if if adjustable, adjustable, with with both both hot hot and fully open fittings. fully open on on combination combination fittings. The flow 5 and and 71 71 °C °C (40 (40 and and 160°F) 160°F) in The flow rate rate test test shall shallbe be conducted conducted with with water water between between 5 in accordance accordance with the intended end end use use of of the the fitting fitting and and under under the thefollowing following conditions: conditions: with the intended minimum flow: flow: at ±7 7 kPa kPa (20 inlet when when water water is is flowing; flowing; and (a) for for minimum (a) at 140 140 ± (20 ± ±1 1 psi) psi) at at the the inlet and (b) for maximum flow for ±7 kPa (60 inlet when when water water is is flowing. flowing. (b) for maximum flow for faucets: faucets: at at 410 410 ± 7 kPa (60 ± ±1 1 psi) psi) at at the the inlet Flow Flowrate rate tests tests for forshower showerheads, heads, body body sprays, sprays,and and hand hand showers showers shall shallbe be conducted conducted with with water water at at 38 ±6 °C (100 flow maintained for at least 1 1 min. min. The The flow flow rate for 38 ± 6 °C (100 ± ± 10°F) 10°F) and and the the flow maintained for at least rate test test for (a) at 550 550 ±± 14 14 kPa kPa (80 (80 ± ± 22 psi); psi); (a) maximum maximum flow flow for for shower shower heads heads shall shall be be conducted conducted at at 310 310 ±± 14 14 kPa kPa (45 (45 ± ±2 2 psi). psi). (b) (b) minimum minimum flow flow for forshower showerheads heads and and hand hand showers showers shall shall be be conducted conducted at If one mode, mode, the the minimum minimum flow flow rate rate shall shall be If the the shower shower head head or or hand-held hand-held shower shower has has more more than than one be determined at aaflowing flowing pressure pressure of of 310 310 ±± 77 kPa kPa (45 (45 ±± 11 psi) psi) in in all all modes. Pause or or trickle trickle modes determined at modes. Pause modes L/min (0.5 kPa (80 (80 psi) psi) shall shall be designed to flow flow at less than 1.9 L/min at 550 550 kPa designed to at less than 1.9 (0.5 gpm) gpm) at be excluded excluded from from the the minimum minimum flow flow requirements; requirements; and and .OTE OF Item )TEM (b) B is IS to TO aid AID in IN THE SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE AUTOMATIC VALVE Note: 4HE The INTENT intent of the selection of AN an appropriate automatic COMPENSATING compensating valve. (c) with (c) high-efficiency high-efficiencyshower showerheads headsand and hand-held hand-held showers showers shall shallbe be conducted conducted in in accordance accordance with Clause Clause 5.12.2. 5.12.2. 5.5 Operating requirements requirements 5.5 Operating 5.5.1 5.5.1 Except force required Except for foraccessible accessibledesigns designsand andtub-to-shower tub-to-showerand andtub tub spout spout diverters, diverters, the the torque torque or or force required to to open, operate, and andclose close aa manually manually activated activated valve valve or control shall shall not the applicable applicable open, operate, or operating operating control not exceed exceed the operating torque torqueor orlinear linear force force specified specified in valve or operating in Table Table 22 when when the the manually manually operated operated valve or operating operating control the temperatures temperatures and andpressures pressures specified specified in in Clause Clause control is is tested tested at at the 5.5.2 5.5.2 Accessible design Before and after the the life life Accessible design devices devicesshall shallbe betested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause Before and after cycle linear force operate, and andclose close aa manually manually activated activated valve valve or cycle test, test, the the linear force required required to to open, open, operate, or operating operating control shall not control shall not exceed exceed (a) 22 22NN(5 (5lbf) lbf) when when tested tested at (a) at (i) (i) 140 140 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and and 10 10 ±± 66 °C °C (20 (20 ± ± 22 psi psi and and 50 50 ±± 10°F); 10°F); (ii) 550 550 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 10 ±± 66 °C °C (80 (80 ± ± 22 psi psi and and 50 50 ±± 10°F); 10°F); (ii) and 10 (iii) (iii) 140 140 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 66 ±± 66 °C °C (20 (20 ± ±2 2 psi psi and and 150 150 ±± 10°F); 10°F); and and 66 and 550 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa and 66 ±± 66 °C °C (80 (80 ± ±2 2 psi psi and and 150 150 ±± 10°F); 10°F); and (iv) 550 (iv) and 66 and (b) 45NN(10 (10lbf) lbf)when whentested testedininaccordance accordancewith withItems Items (b) (b) and and (d) (d) of of Clause Clause (b) 45 5.5.3 5.5.3 Swing with pullout pullout spouts, spouts, shall shall be tested at at aa flowing flowing pressure pressure of of 860 860 ±± 14 14 kPa kPa Swing spouts, spouts, including including those those with be tested (125 ±2 2 psi), psi), with at 10 10 ± ± 66 °C °C (50 (50 ± ± 10°F). 10°F). The shall not exceed (125 ± with water water at The force forcerequired requiredto to turn turn the the spouts spouts shall not exceed 45 N N (10 45 (10 lbf) lbf) measured measured at at the the end end of of the the spout. spout. 5.5.4 5.5.4 At aa flowing ±6 6 °C °C (100 ± 10°F), 10°F), shower At flowing pressure pressure of of 860 860 ± ± 14 14 kPa kPa (125 (125 ±± 22 psi), psi), with with water water at at 38 38 ± (100 ± shower head, head, body shower assembly assembly ball ball joints 45 N N body spray, spray, and and hand-held hand-held shower joints shall shallnot not require require aa moving moving force force greater greater than than 45 (10 lbf) at farthest point point from from the the ball ball joint. joint. (10 lbf) at the the farthest 18 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 5.6 Life cycle cycle 5.6 Life 5.6.1 Performance requirements requirements 5.6.1 Performance General General Fittings incorporating movingparts parts or or parts parts subject subject to to wear wear shall shall be be tested tested in accordance with Fittings incorporating moving in accordance with Clauses of cycles cycles specified Clauses5.6.2 5.6.2and and 5.6.3 5.6.3 for for the the number number of specified in in Table Table3, 3,except except for for automatic automatic compensating compensating valves valves (see (see Clause Clause 4.15). 4.15). The specimens The specimens shall shallbe beinstalled installedin in accordance accordancewith with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer's instructions. instructions. During and and after after the the test, test, the the specimens specimens shall During shallcontinue continueto to function function as asthey theydid did at at the the beginning beginning of of the the test could adversely adversely affect or serviceability. serviceability. test and and shall shall not not develop develop defects defects that that could affect their their functionality functionality or In addition addition to tothe therequirements requirementsspecified specifiedin inClauses Clauses and,,valves, valves, swing swing spouts, spouts, shower shower In and heads, sprays, hand-held shower assemblies, assemblies, diverters, devices shall shall heads, body body sprays, hand-held shower diverters, aerators, aerators,and and other other end end point point devices comply with the theapplicable applicable requirements requirements specified specified in in Clauses Clauses after the the life life cycle cycle test comply with to to after test specified in Clause 5.6.2. specified in Clause 5.6.2. Valves or Valves or controls controls Manually activated activated valves valves or Manually or controls controls (a) shall shall open, does not specified in (a) open, operate, operate, and and close closewith with aa torque torque or or force force that that does not exceed exceed 120% 120% of of that that specified in Table 22 when tested in in accordance accordance with withClause Clause 5.5 5.5 (except (exceptfor foraccessible accessible design design valves, valves, which shall Table when tested which shall not exceed the the force force specified specified in in Clause Clause 5.5.2); not exceed 5.5.2); and and once during during the the test test to to stop stop leakage leakage along along the the stem. stem. (b) may (b) may have have the the packing packing nut nut tightened tightened once Swing spouts spouts Swing Swing spouts, Swing spouts, spouts, except except those those with with pullout pullout spouts, (a) shall shall not when tested tested in in accordance accordance with Clause; (a) not leak leak at at the the spout spout joint joint when with Clause; (b) may once during during the the test test to to stop stop leakage; leakage; and and (b) may have have the the spout spout nut nut tightened tightened once (c) shall shall not (c) not require require aa turning turning force force greater greaterthan than 45 45 N N (10 (10 lbf) lbf) at at the the end end of of the the spout spout when when the the flowing flowing is 10 °C (50 ± 10°F). 10°F). pressure pressure isis860 860 kPa kPa(125 (125psi) psi)and andthe the water water temperature temperature is 10 ± ±6 6 °C (50 ± Swing spouts shall Swing spouts spouts with with pullout pullout spouts shall not not require require aa turning turning force force greater greater than than 45 45 N N (10 (10 lbf) lbf) at at the the end end of of the spout. the spout. Shower heads, heads, body body sprays, sprays, and and hand-held hand-held shower shower assemblies assemblies Shower Shower heads, body sprays, and hand-held shower shower assemblies assemblies Shower heads, body sprays, and hand-held (a) shall shall not at the the ball ball joint joint in in any any position position when when tested tested in (a) not leak leak more more than than 35 35 mL/min mL/min (0.01 (0.01 gpm) gpm) at in accordance with Clause 5.3.5; accordance with Clause 5.3.5; and (b) may tightened once once during duringthe thetest test to toreduce reduce leakage; leakage; and (b) may have have the the ball ball joint joint packing packing nut nut tightened (c) shall shall not (c) not require require aa moving moving force force greater greaterthan than45 45NN(10 (10 lbf) lbf) at at the the farthest farthestpoint point from from the the ball ball joint joint when the the flowing flowingpressure pressure is is 860 ± 14 14 kPa kPa (125 temperature is is 38 ±6 6 °C °C when 860 ± (125 ± ±2 2 psi) psi) and and the the water water temperature 38 ± (100 (100 ± ± 10°F). 10°F). December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 19 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © Diverters Diverters Diverters shall shall Diverters (a) operate operate with torque or or force force that that does does not not exceed exceed 120% 120% of of the the torque torqueor orforce forcespecified specified in in Table Table 2 (a) with aa torque 2 when tested tested in accordance with Clause 5.5 spout diverters); diverters); when in accordance with Clause 5.5 (except (except for for tub-to-shower tub-to-shower and and tub tub spout a primary (b) (if (if they they are are bath (b) bath or or shower shower diverters) diverters)not not leak leakmore morethan than800 800mL/min mL/min (0.2 (0.2 gpm) gpm) from from a primary throughthe thesecondary secondary outlet outlet when whentested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause; outlet when when flow flow is is through outlet; and and (c) (if (if they they are are kitchen (c) kitchen or or lavatory lavatory side side spray spraydiverters) diverters)not notleak leakmore morethan than800 800mL/min mL/min(0.2 (0.2gpm) gpm) out out of of in accordance accordance with the spout when when tested tested in Clause the spout with Clause In addition addition to tothe therequirements requirementsspecified specified in in Clause Clause, a bath and shower shower automatic automatic reset reset diverter In, a bath and diverter shall be shall be considered considered to to have have failed failedthis thistest testififitit does doesnot not remain remain functional functional and and reset reset itself itselfto to the the tub tub position. position. Aerators and devices Aerators and other other end end point point devices Aerators and devices shall the performance performance requirements requirements specified specified in Aerators and other other end end point point devices shall comply comply with with the in Clause Clause 5.3.7. 5.3.7. 5.6.2 Test procedures procedures 5.6.2 Test Set-up Set-up The specimen its The specimen shall shall be be positioned positioned so so that that the the life life cycle cycle test test apparatus apparatus can can operate operate the the specimen specimen through through its normal operating range range without without imposing imposingforces forces inconsistent inconsistent with with its its normal normal operation. operation. The The specimen specimen normal operating shall shall be be installed installed as asititwould would be be in in its its intended intended application. application. General parameters parameters General The speed The speed of of the the life life cycle cycle test test apparatus apparatus shall shallbe beadjusted adjustedto to 1500 1500 ±± 150 150 cycles cyclesof of operation operation per per hour hour unless otherwise unless otherwise specified specified in in this this Standard Standard or or by by the the manufacturer. manufacturer. Water at a flowing pressure of of 345 345 ±± 35 35 kPa kPa (50 (50 ±± 55 psi) psi) and and aa supply supply pressure pressure of 550 kPa kPa (80 Water at a flowing pressure of 550 (80 psi) psi) maximum (valve closed) closed) shall test. maximum (valve shall be besupplied suppliedto to the the specimen specimenthroughout throughout the the test. Hot water water shall shall be be at at 66 66 ± ± 66 °C °C (150 (150 ±± 10°F), 10°F), and and cold cold water water shall shall be be at at 10 10 ± ± 66 °C °C (50 (50 ±± 10°F). 10°F). Hot For devices at 345 345 ±± 35 35 kPa kPa (50 ±5 5 psi) psi) flowing pressure, the For devicesthat that flow flow in in excess excessof of15 15L/min L/min (4.0 (4.0 gpm) gpm) at (50 ± flowing pressure, the outlet may may be be restricted restricted to the test. test. outlet to aa flow flow rate rate of of not not less lessthan than15 15L/min L/min (4.0 (4.0 gpm) gpm) during during the Fittings or water shall shall be Fittings or valves valvesin in fittings fittings that that are are intended intended to to be be used used only only with with cold cold water be tested tested only only with with cold cold water. water. Fittings or hot water water shall shall be Fittings or valves valvesin in fittings fittings that that are are intended intended to to be be used used only only with with hot be tested tested to to the the temperature cycles specified Clause temperature cycles specified in in Clause 20 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings Cycling Cycling Unless otherwise Unless otherwisespecified specifiedininthis thisStandard, Standard,fittings fittings shall shallbe betemperature-cycled temperature-cycledby bysupplying supplying hot hot water water to both supplies supplies and and then then supplying supplying cold cold water water to to both bothsupplies supplies every every 1000 1000 volume-control volume-control cycles cycles to both (closed-open-closed). (closed-open-closed). .OTE The 4HE TEST AS LONG AS THE Note: test SPECIFIED specifiedIN in THIS this #LAUSE ClauseMAY mayBE beSTARTED startedWITH withCOLD coldWATER water AND and THEN then SWITCHED switched TO to HOT hot WATER water as long as the SPECIFIED SEQUENCES specified sequencesARE areMAINTAINED maintained. Test loads loads Test The test The test apparatus apparatus shall shallapply applyaatorque torqueor orforce forcesufficient sufficientto tooperate operatethe thespecimen specimenthroughout throughout the the test test but but not exceeding 120% 120% of of the the applicable applicable torque torque or orforce force specified specified in in Table Table 2. not exceeding 2. 5.6.3 Fittings and and other other control control devices devices 5.6.3 Fittings Mixing valves valves Mixing .OTES Notes: The 4HE TESTS POSITION as AS long LONG as AS (1) tests SPECIFIED specifiedINinTHIS this #LAUSE ClauseMAY mayBE beSTARTED startedINinTHE theCOLD coldPOSITION positionAND and THEN then SWITCHED switched TO to THE the HOT hot position THE specified SPECIFIED SEQUENCES the sequencesARE areMAINTAINED maintained. The 4HE TEMPERATURE CYCLE FROM OPEN to TO the THE cold COLD open OPEN and AND back BACK to TO the THE hot HOTopen OPENposition POSITIONisIScounted COUNTEDas AS one ONE cycle. CYCLE (2) temperature cycle from THE the HOT hot open For fittings withaa rotary rotaryaction actionvalve, valve, the theapparatus apparatus shall shall be be adjusted adjusted to to turn turnthe thevalve valveand andany anyassociated associated For fittings with handle handle mechanism mechanism from from the the fully fully closed closed position position to to aa position position between between 37% 37% and and 75% 75% of of the the fully fully open open position, not exceeding exceeding 360°. 360°. This This test position, but but not test shall shallsimulate simulatethe theintended intendedoperating operatingmotion motion of of the the fitting fitting without making contact contactwith withthe theend endstops, stops,except exceptas as agreed agreed to by the the manufacturer. manufacturer. without making to by For single-control valves or valves with separate volume For single-control mixing mixing valves or mixing mixing valves with separate volume and and temperature temperature controls, controls, the the apparatus shall operate the the valve valve as as follows: apparatus shall be be adjusted adjusted to to operate follows: (a) For For the (a) the volume volume cycle, cycle, the the volume volume control control shall shall be be moved moved from from the the fully fully closed closed position position to to 80% 80% theend (minimum) of of the the fully fully open open position, position, without without making making contact contact with withthe endstops stops and and back back to (minimum) to the the fully closed closed position. fully position. (b) For For the the range range (b) the temperature temperature cycle, cycle, the the temperature temperature control control shall shall be be moved moved aaminimum minimum of of 80% 80% of of the between between the the full full hot hot position position to to the the full full cold cold position, position, and and back backto to the the full full hot hot position, position, without without making contact with with the theend endstops, stops, except except as as agreed the manufacturer. manufacturer. making contact agreed to to by by the The total (c) The number of of cycles cycles specified (c) total number specified in in Table Table33shall shallbe becalculated calculatedby byadding addingtogether together the the following: following: (i) the total volume volume control control cycles cycles (open-closed-open) (i) the total (open-closed-open) in in the the hot hot position; position; (ii) the total volume volume control control cycles cycles (open-closed-open) and (ii) the total (open-closed-open) in in the the cold cold position; position; and (iii) the number of of temperature temperature control control cycles cycles (full open cold (iii) the total total number (full open open hot hot position position to to full full open cold position position and back and back to to full full open open hot hot position). position). The sequence The sequence shall shallbe beseven sevenopen-closed-open open-closed-opencycles cyclesininthe thehot hotposition, position,then then aaswitch switch to to the the cold cold position, then seven seven open-closed-open position, then open-closed-open cycles cyclesininthe thecold cold position, position, and and then then aa switch switch back back from from the the cold cold position the hot hot position, position, for for aa total total of of 15 15 cycles. cycles. position to to the both supplies supplies and For single-control valves, hot and cold cold water water shall shall be For single-control mixing mixing valves, hot and be supplied supplied alternately alternately to to both and then switched every every 1000 1000 cycles. cycles. then switched For single-handle valves of type, the the apparatus apparatus shall shall be For single-handle cycling cycling mixing mixing valves of the the cycling cycling type, be adjusted adjusted to to operate operate the the specimen from range between specimen from closed closedto to 80% 80% (minimum) (minimum) of of the the range between the the cold cold position position and and the the hot hot position, position, and back making contact contact with withthe theend endstops, stops, except except as as agreed agreed to by the the manufacturer. manufacturer. and back to to closed, closed, without without making to by For two-handle mixingvalves, valves, the the hot hotand andcold coldwater watervalves valves shall shall be be opened opened and and closed closed simultaneously. simultaneously. For two-handle mixing December 2012 $ECEMBER 21 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © Metering and and self-closing self-closing faucets Metering faucets Metering faucets faucets shall shall close the next next cycle. cycle. Adjustable Adjustable metering metering faucets faucets shall shall be be set set Metering close before before reactivation reactivation of of the to run for for approximately approximately 55 ss after after actuation. actuation. Non-adjustable Non-adjustable metering metering faucets faucets shall shall be to run be operated operated at at their their maximum maximum run run duration. duration. Self-closing shall be applicable extent specified in Self-closing faucets, faucets,not not including including metering, metering, shall be opened opened to to the the applicable extent specified in Clause to close close at Clause and and allowed allowed to at a a rate rate specified specified by by the the manufacturer. manufacturer. Other devices devices Other The following devices shall The following devices shall be be tested tested at at aa flowing flowing pressure pressureof of345 345 ±± 35 35 kPa kPa(50 (50±±55psi) psi)flowing flowing through through the device outlet with the thehighest highestflow flowrate, rate,with withtheir theirstandard standardaccessories accessories installed: installed: the device outlet with (a) bidet diverters; (a) bidet diverters; (b) multi-function aerators; (b) multi-function aerators; (c) shampoo shampoo diverters; diverters; (c) (d) shower shower head mechanisms; (d) head adjustment adjustment mechanisms; shower head controls; and and (e) shower (e) head flow flow or or function function controls; (f) side side spray (f) sprayflow flow or or function function controls. controls. The following devices shall The following devices shall be be tested tested at at aa flowing flowing pressure pressure of of 345 345 ±± 35 35 kPa kPa(50 (50±±55 psi) psi)at at9.5 9.5 ±± 0.4 0.4 L/min L/min (2.5 ± ± 0.1 0.1 gpm) gpm) through throughaafixed fixedoutlet outletororwith withtheir theirstandard standardaccessories accessories installed, installed, when when installed installed at at aa (2.5 maximum distance of of the the diverter: diverter: maximum distance of 2.0 2.0 m m (78 (78 in) in) from from the the outlet outlet of (a) in-line in-line flow-control flow-controldevices devices in in showers; showers; (a) diverters; (b) shower-to-shower shower-to-shower diverters; (b) (c) tub spout diverters; diverters; and and (c) tub spout (d) tub-to-shower diverters. (d) tub-to-shower diverters. For tub-to-shower diverters and and tub-spout tub-spout diverters, diverters, the the specimen specimen shall shall be For tub-to-shower diverters be mechanically mechanically activated activated to to deliver through the the outlet. outlet.The The flow flow of of water water shall shall be be shut deliver full full flow flow through shut off off by by aa bath bath or or shower shower supply supplyfitting fitting or or control valve installed installed upstream the specimen. specimen. Diverters mechanically control valve upstream of of the Diverters shall shall be be reset resetto to the the tub tub position position mechanically except for automatic diverters, diverters, which which are are intended intended to to reset reset themselves themselves to position. The The test test except for automatic to the the tub tub position. apparatus for diverters may may relieve relieve the shower head head flowing pressure while simultaneously apparatus for automatic automatic diverters the shower flowing pressure while simultaneously shutting off off the thesupply supplyvalve valve to to accelerate accelerate the the life life cycle cycle test. test. shutting One cycle for One complete complete cycle for a a device device shall shallconsist consistofofswitching switchingthe the device devicefrom from one oneposition position to to the the other other and and back original position. position. In In the the case case of devices with adjustable positions, positions, one one complete complete cycle cycle back to to the the original of devices with multiple multiple adjustable shall consist shall consistof ofswitching switching from from one one extreme extreme position, position, through through all all the the intermediate intermediate positions, positions, to to the the other other extreme position extreme position and and back back to to the the original original position. position. For shower spray, and shower assembly assembly ball one complete complete cycle cycle shall shall consist consist For shower head, head, body body spray, and hand-held hand-held shower ball joints, joints, one of moving moving the the device device horizontally horizontally from from an an initial initial full-side full-side position position to to the the opposite opposite full-side full-side position position and and of back making contact contact with withsurfaces surfaces at at the the extreme extreme ends back to to the the initial-side initial-side position position without without making ends of of the the path. path. 22 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings Swing spouts spouts Swing The life swing spouts spouts shall shall be as follows: The life cycle cycle test test for for swing be conducted conducted as follows: (a) Mount Mount the the specimen specimen on on the the life life cycle cycle test test apparatus axis about spout turns turns (a) apparatus with with the the axis about which which the the spout mounted vertically and and in in line line with with the the axis axis of of the the drive drive spindle. spindle. mounted vertically (b) Fit Fit the drive adapter adapter loosely freely move (b) the forked forked end end of of the the drive loosely over over the the spout spout and and allow allow the the spout spout tip tip to to freely move vertically. vertically. (c) Attach Attach a a weight with aa mass mass of (c) weight with of 0.18 0.18 kg kg (0.40 (0.40 lb) Ib) to to the the spout spout outlet outlet connection. connection. (d) Adjust Adjust the apparatus to the spout spout through through an an equal equal arc arc on on each each side (d) the apparatus to turn turn the side of of the the centre centre through through 90% 90% of path and and not not more more than than 90°. 90°. of the the total total path (e) do not not exceed exceed (e) Establish Establish and andmaintain maintainsufficient sufficientforce forceto torotate rotatethe thespout spoutthroughout throughout the the test, test, but but do 45 N N (10 (10 lbf) lbf) applied applied at at the the end end of of the the spout. spout. 45 (f) Alternate Alternate cold water every every 1000 cycles, starting (f) cold and and hot hot water 1000 cycles, starting with with cold. cold. The hot and cold cold water water temperatures temperatures and andthe thewater waterpressures pressures shall shall be be those those specified The hot and specified in in Clause Clause Shower hoses, hoses, pullout pullout spout spout hoses, hoses, and and side side spray spray hoses hoses Shower Hoses shall Hoses shallbe besubjected subjectedtotoaa67 67NN(15 (15lbf) lbf) tension tension test test for for 10 10 000 000 cycles, cycles, with with the the force force applied applied gradually gradually at the the end end of of the the hose hose connector. at connector. The end hoses shall when an an axial axial force force is The end connections connections of of hoses shallnot not pull pull out out when is applied applied and and increased increased to to 334 334 N N (75 lbf) lbf) by by extending extending the the hose hose at and then maintained for (75 at aa rate rate not not faster fasterthan than127 127cm/min cm/min (50 (50 in/min) in/min) and then maintained for 15 s. s. 15 Following completion completion of of the thetest testspecified specified in in Clause Clause, the hose hose shall Following, the shall be be bent bent for for one one complete complete turn around aa mandrel mandrel 50 50 mm mm (2.0 (2.0 in) in)inindiameter. diameter.The The end end connections connections of of the the hose hose shall shall then turn around then be be pulled pulled until aa force force of (15 lbf) lbf) is is applied the hose hose comes the mandrel, mandrel, until of 67 67 N N (15 applied or or until until the comes fully fully into into contact contact with with the whichever occurs first. whichever occurs first. The The hose hose and and the the end end connections connections shall shall not not leak leak when when tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause 5.7 Resistance to 5.7 Resistance to installation installation loading loading 5.7.1 Bending 5.7.1 Bending strength strength Performance requirements requirements Performance No cross-section cross-section of the pressure pressure side or on on both bothsides sides of of aa No of aa rigid rigid waterway waterway on on the sideof ofaaterminal terminal supply supply fitting fitting or non-terminal supply fitting fittingshall shall be be damaged damaged when whentested tested in inaccordance accordance with withClause Clause This This non-terminal supply requirement shall not waterways through a solder requirement shall not apply apply to to waterways through a solder joint. joint. Test procedure procedure Test The force The force shall shall be be applied applied to to the the cross-section cross-sectionbeing being tested testedbetween between two two and and three three times times the the major major diameter of that that section. section. The The bending bending moment momentshall shallbe beas as specified specified in Figure 4. diameter of in Figure 4. 5.7.2 Thread torque 5.7.2 Thread torque strength strength Metal tapered tapered pipe pipe size size threaded Metal threaded connections connections shall shallwithstand withstand the the torque torque load load specified specified in in Table Table44without without evidence of has aa maximum evidence of cracking cracking or or separation. separation. The Thetorque torque shall shallbe beapplied appliedwith with aa torque torque wrench wrench that that has maximum allowable inaccuracy inaccuracy of of the the full-scale full-scale reading. reading. This This test NPT supply allowable of 3% 3% of test shall shall apply apply to to NPT supply connections connections only. only. December 2012 $ECEMBER 23 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © Threaded connections to seal seal water Threaded connections intended intended to water shall shall not not crack, crack, strip, strip, or or leak leak when when tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause5.3.1.3 with with the the threaded threaded connections connections tightened tightened to to (a) the torque required required to to affect affect the the seal; seal; and and (a) the torque (b) 150% 150% of of the the torque torque required required by by Item Item (a). (a). (b) In addition addition to to complying complyingwith withthe therequirements requirementsspecified specifiedin inClause Clause,, threaded threaded supply supply connections connections In shall comply Clause 5.3.2. shall comply with with Clause 5.3.2. Clauses to factory-assembled factory-assembled connections. Clauses5.7.2.1 to to shall shall not not apply apply to connections. 5.8 Resistance to use loading 5.8 Resistance to use loading 5.8.1 Operating controls 5.8.1 Operating controls Operating controls that that close close or water supply supply shall Operating controls or open open the the water shall withstand withstand aa torque torque or or force, force, applied applied in in the the manner required to to close close or or open open the the valve, valve, three three times times greater greater than than that that specified specified in in Table Table 2. 2. Fracture Fracture of manner required of the handle or or stem stem shall shall constitute failure. the handle constitute failure. Wall-mounted bath bath or or shower shower operating operating controls controls that that can can be be grasped grasped shall subjected to Wall-mounted shall not not pull pull off off when when subjected to an axial an axial force force of of 445 445 N N (100 (100 lbf). lbf). Operating controls other other than than those those specified specified in Clause subjected to an Operating controls in Clause shall shallnot not pull pull off off when when subjected to an axial force axial force of of 45 45 N N (10 (10 lbf). lbf). 5.8.2 Maintenance of 5.8.2 Maintenance of installed installed position position Hand-held showers showers provided a lug or other other device device to to hang hang the the hand-held hand-held shower shower shall shall be be installed installed in Hand-held provided with with a lug or in their mounted position position and and shall shall have their mounted have aa force forceof of67 67 N N (15 (15 lbf) lbf) applied applied at at the the centre centre of of the the hand hand grip grip for for 1 min. min. There There shall its 1 shall be be no no damage damage that that would would prevent prevent the the hand-held hand-held shower shower from from being being re-hung re-hung in in its intended position. intended position. 5.8.3 Swing spout spout strength strength 5.8.3 Swing Performance requirements requirements Performance When tested tested in in accordance accordance with Clause, swing spouts spouts shall a mass When with Clause, swing shall withstand withstand a mass of of 6.4 6.4 kg kg (14 (14 lb) Ib) attached at spout outlet outlet and and the the angle angle at at the the spout spout outlet outlet shall shall not not change change by by more more than than 15°. 15°. This This test test attached at the the spout shall spouts. shall not not apply apply to to pullout pullout spouts. Test procedure procedure Test The swing strength test test shall shall be as follows: The swing spout spout strength be conducted conducted as follows: (a) Mount the faucet faucet in in accordance accordance with the manufacturer's manufacturer’s instructions. instructions. (a) Mount the with the (b) Measure vertical. (b) Measure the the spout spout outlet outlet angle angle from from the the vertical. (c) Suspend (c) Suspend the the mass massfrom fromthe thecentreline centrelineof ofthe thespout spoutoutlet outlet for for 33 min min and and then then remove remove it. it. angle. (d) After After 30 30 min, min, measure measure the (d) the spout spout outlet outlet angle. 24 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 5.9 Backflow 5.9 Backflow prevention prevention 5.9.1 General 5.9.1 General Fittings shall shall be accordance with the applicable applicable tests tests specified specified in in Clauses Clauses 5.9.2 Fittings be tested tested in in accordance with the 5.9.2 and and 5.9.3 5.9.3 and and then retested within 48 to to96 96hhof ofcompleting completingallallapplicable applicablelife lifecycle cycletests testsspecified specified in in Clause Clause 5.6. then retested within 48 5.6. 5.9.2 Fittings with plain outlets outlets 5.9.2 Fittings with plain Air gaps gaps Air Fittings with plain outlets outlets shall shall be be protected protected by by an an air air gap gap in inaccordance accordance with withASME ASME A112.1.2. A112.1.2. For For Fittings with plain deck-mounted fittings, the theair air gap gapshall shall be be measured measured as as the deck-mounted fittings, the vertical vertical distance distance from from the the plane plane of of the the mounting surface of to the the lowest lowest point point of of the the outlet. outlet. Where Where the the fittings fittings incorporate incorporate threads threads to mounting surface of the the fitting fitting to to accept an an aerator aerator or or similar similar device device accept aerator or or similar similar device, device, this this measurement measurement shall shall be be taken taken with with the the aerator installed (see (see Figure installed Figure 1). 1). A critical level mark the fittings fittingsmay maybe beused used as as an an alternative to the the air air gap. gap. The The critical critical level level shall shall be A critical level mark on on the alternative to be confirmed by the the test test method method specified specified in in Clause Clause confirmed by Test procedure procedure Test The specimen shall be as follows: The specimen shall be set set up up as follows: (a) Remove Remove all (a) all checking checking members members or or open open them them fully. fully. (b) Install Install the over a a container (b) the specimen specimen as asrecommended recommendedby bythe the manufacturer manufacturerby by mounting mounting it it over container mountingsurface surface is measuring 150 mm mm (15 (15 x×10 10x×66in). in).Ensure Ensure that that the the mounting is measuring approximately approximately 380 380 ×x 250 250 × x 150 the water water surface surface in in the the container. container. plumb or level level with with the plumb or (c) Allow Allow the the outlet outletof ofthe thespecimen specimento tohave haveaafree free area area at at least least four (c) four times times the the area area of of its its effective effective opening opening between between the the container container and and the the outlet. outlet. The critical with plain plain outlets outlets shall shall be be conducted conducted as as follows: follows: The critical air air gap gap test test for for fittings fittings with (a) Connect the inlet(s) inlet(s) of of the the specimen specimen to to aa vacuum vacuum source. source. (a) Connect the (b) Measure the specimen. specimen. (b) Measure the the vacuum vacuum at at the the inlet(s) inlet(s) of of the (c) Provide Provide aa means of the the specimen. specimen. (c) meansto to change changethe the water water level levelin in the the container, container, relative relativeto to the the outlet outlet of the water water level level at at the the mounting mountingsurface surface level. level. (d) Start (d) Start the the test test with with the (e) (e) With With the the specimen specimen fully open from from the the inlet(s) inlet(s) to to the theplace place of of discharge discharge to to the the atmosphere, atmosphere, apply apply aa fully open vacuum of 85 kPa kPa (12 vacuum of 85 (12 psi) psi) to to the the inlet(s). inlet(s). (f) (f) Hold Hold for for 11 min. min.Back Back siphonage siphonage at at this this time time shall shall be be aa cause cause for for rejection. rejection. (g) Slowly the water water level level closer closer to the level level at at which which back back siphonage siphonage (g) Slowly bring bring the to the the discharge discharge outlet outlet until until the occurs is is reached. occurs reached. (h) At At the the level level specified measure and (h) specified in in Item Item (g), (g), measure and record record the the distance distancebetween betweenthe the lowest lowest point point of of the the outlet of of the the specimen specimen and and the the water water surface. surface. outlet (i) Return Return the specimen to atmospheric pressure. pressure. (i) the specimen to atmospheric (j) vacuum of of 85 85 kPa kPa (j) Starting with the the water water level level higher higher than thanwhere whereback back siphonage siphonage occurred, occurred, apply apply aa vacuum Starting with (12 psi) psi) to the inlet(s). inlet(s). (12 to the (k) (k) Slowly the water water level level until untilback backsiphonage siphonageceases. ceases. Slowly lower lower the (I) (l) Maintain Maintain the the vacuum vacuum for 1 min min to to ensure ensure that water is into the the discharge discharge outlet. for 1 that water is not not being being drawn drawn into outlet. (m) At Atthe thelevel levelspecified specified in in Item Item (k), (k), measure measure and (m) and record record the the distance distance between between the the lowest lowest point point of of the the outlet of of the the specimen specimen and and the the water water surface. surface. outlet The greater The greater of of the the distances distancesdetermined determinedin in Items Items(h) (h) and and (m) (m) shall shallbe bethe thecritical criticalair airgap gapof ofthe the fitting. fitting. The critical the critical critical air air gap gap measurement. measurement. The critical air air gap gap test test shall shall be be repeated repeatedtwice twice to to confirm confirm the fittings (see (see Clause The critical The critical level level mark mark on on the the fittings Clause shall shall be be at at or or below below the the critical critical air air gap gap determined by by this this test. test. determined .OTE 85 85 kPa kPa (12 psi) PSI is IS equivalent EQUIVALENT TO in) IN of OF mercury. MERCURY Note: to 638 638 mm mm (25 December 2012 $ECEMBER 25 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 5.9.3 Fittings with with submersible submersible outlets 5.9.3 Fittings outlets General General Fittings where where the the outlets outlets are are submersible submersible shall shall Fittings (a) have applicable requirements (a) have aa backflow backflow prevention prevention device(s) device(s) that that complies complies with with the the applicable requirements of of the the CAN/CSA-B64 CAN/CSA-B64 Series Series or or ASME ASMEA112.18.3; A112.18.3; or or (b) comply with the theapplicable applicable requirements requirements specified specified in in Clause Clause (b) comply with or or Single-outlet fittings with aa submersible submersible outlet Single-outlet fittings with outlet General General Single-outlet fittings with withaa submersible submersible outlet outlet shall shall comply comply with withClause Clause and and shall shall have have an an Single-outlet fittings atmospheric vent vent between between two two check check valves. valves. The atmospheric The atmospheric atmospheric vent vent shall shall be be located located downstream downstream of of the the last valve and level of device shall last control control valve and the the critical critical level of the the device shall be be at at least least25 25mm mm (1 (1 in) in) above above the the plane plane of of the the mounting surface of mounting surface of the the fitting. fitting. Test to determine the the presence presence of hidden check check valves valves Test to determine of hidden General General Fittings incorporating incorporatingcheck check valves valves shall Clause Fittings shall be be tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clause When the the test test is is performed as specified When performed as specified in in Clause Clause5.,,water water shall shallbe bedrawn drawninto into the the sight sight tube, tube, demonstrating thatall allcheck check valves valves are and that that there there are are no no hidden hiddencheck check valves. valves. demonstrating that are fouled fouled open open and Settings Settings The procedure for testing testing the the settings settings shall shall be be as as follows: The procedure for follows: (a) Connect a leak-proof of the the specimen. specimen. (a) Connect aa sight sight tube tube in in a leak-proof manner manner to to the the outlet outlet of (b) Seal (b) Seal all all atmospheric atmospheric vents. vents. (c) Foul Foul all check valves valves open. (c) all check open. (d) Install Install the specimen in Clause (d) the specimen in accordance accordance with with Clause (e) Conduct the test test in in accordance accordance with Clause (e) Conduct the with Clause (f) Once the test. test. (f) Once water water is is drawn drawn into into the the sight sight tube, tube, terminate terminate the Mounting Mounting The specimen in accordance accordance with the manufacturer's manufacturer’s The specimen shall shallbe bemounted mounted in in its its normal normal operating operating position position in with the instructions and and using using the the test test set-up set-up shown in Figure Figure 5. instructions shown in 5. The The inlet inlet pipe(s) pipe(s) shall shall be be connected connected collectively collectively to to (a) a a water specimen at (a) water supply supply that that can can deliver deliver water water through through the the specimen at normal normal flow; flow; (b) a a vacuum 85 kPa kPa (0 psi) vacuum; vacuum; and and (b) vacuum system system that that can can maintain maintain aa 0 0 to to 85 (0 to to 12 12 psi) (c) the atmosphere. (c) the atmosphere. The coloured-water reservoir shown surface level level of The coloured-water reservoir shown in in Figure Figure 5 5 shall shall be be located located below below the the mounting mounting surface of the the surface level. level. specimen. The the reservoir reservoir shall specimen. The coloured coloured water water in in the shall be be at at the the mounting mounting surface The terminal sight tube tube shall shall be below the the mounting mountingsurface surface level level The terminal end end of of the the sight be immersed immersed 13 13 mm mm (0.5 (0.5 in) in) below of the the coloured coloured water water in in the thereservoir. reservoir. The The sight sight tube tube shall shall be be transparent transparent and and have have an of an inside inside diameter diameter of of 13 ± 1.5 1.5 mm mm (1/2 (1/2 ± ± 1/16 1/16 in). in). 13 ± Test procedure procedure Test The test determine the the presence presence of check valves with aa submersible submersible The test to to determine of hidden hidden check valves in in single-outlet single-outlet fittings fittings with outlet shall shall be be conducted conductedas as follows follows (see (see Figure Figure 5): outlet 5): (a) Mount the specimen specimen in in accordance accordance with Clause (a) Mount the with Clause (b) Open Valve 3. (b) Open Valve 3. (c) Apply Apply and and hold hold aa vacuum vacuum of of 85 85 kPa kPa (12 (c) (12 psi) psi) for for 55 min. min. specimen (d) Close (d) Close Valve Valve3, 3,gradually gradually open open Valve Valve2, 2,and and allow allow the the pressure pressure on on the the supply supply side side of of the the specimen device atmospheric. device to to gradually gradually return return to to atmospheric. 26 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings (e) Close Valve 3. (e) Close Valve Valve22 and and gradually gradually open open Valve 3. (f) Gradually (f) Gradually raise raisethe the vacuum vacuumtest testload loadfrom from 00 to to 85 85 kPa kPa (0 (0 to to 12 12 psi) psi) and and then then gradually gradually reduce reduce itit to kPa (0 to 00 kPa (0 psi). psi). (g) Create and closing closing Valves Valves 22 and (g) Create aa surge surge effect effect by by quickly quickly opening opening and and 33 at at least least five five times. times. During During the the kPa (12 test, applied vacuum vacuum load load shall shall start start at at 00 kPa kPa (0 test, the the applied (0 psi), psi), be be increased increased to to 85 85 kPa (12 psi), psi), and and then then be be decreased to kPa (0 decreased to 0 0 kPa (0 psi). psi). .OTE 85 85 kPa kPa (12 psi) PSI is IS equivalent EQUIVALENT TO in) IN of OF mercury. MERCURY Note: to 638 638 mm mm (25 Check valve Check valve leakage leakage General General Fittings incorporating incorporatingcheck check valves valves shall Fittings shall be be tested tested in in accordance accordance with with Clauses Clauses5. and and to determine their theirresistance resistance to to leakage. leakage. to determine Performance requirements requirements Performance There shall period of of the the test test specified specified in There shallbe beno nodrop drop in in the the pressure pressureapplied appliedto tothe theoutlet outlet within within the the 5 5 min min period in Clause Clause Upstream check check valves valves Upstream The check submersible outlet shall be be conducted conducted as as The check valve valve leakage leakagetest testfor forsingle-outlet single-outlet fittings fittings with with aa submersible outlet shall follows: follows: (a) Block Block open or remove remove all all check check valves valves except upstream check check valve. valve. (a) open or except the the upstream (b) Install Install the specimen in Clause (b) the specimen in accordance accordance with with Clause (c) Conduct the test test in in accordance accordance with Clause (c) Conduct the with Clause Downstream check check valves valves Downstream The check submersible outlet shall be be conducted conducted as as The check valve valve leakage leakagetest testfor forsingle-outlet single-outlet fittings fittings with with aa submersible outlet shall follows: follows: (a) Block Block open or remove remove all all check check valves valves except check valve. valve. (a) open or except the the downstream downstream check (b) Install Install the specimen in Clause (b) the specimen in accordance accordance with with Clause (c) Conduct the test test in in accordance accordance with Clause (c) Conduct the with Clause Test set-up set-up Test The specimen shall be as follows: The specimen shall be set set up up as follows: (a) Mount Mount the the specimen specimen in in its its normal normal operating operating position, position, in in accordance accordance with the manufacturer's manufacturer’s (a) with the instructions and and using using the the test test set-up set-up shown Figure 6. instructions shown in in Figure 6. (b) Connect Connect the inlet pipe(s) pipe(s) collectively collectively to a water can deliver the specimen specimen (b) the inlet to a water supply supply that that can deliver water water through through the at normal normal flow flow and and to to the the atmosphere. atmosphere. at (c) Connect a pressurized pressurized water a leak-proof (c) Connect a water supply, supply, as asshown shownin inFigure Figure6, 6,to to the the specimen specimen outlet outlet in in a leak-proof manner. manner. Test procedure procedure Test The check as follows (see Figure The check valve valve leakage leakage test test shall shall be be conducted conducted as follows (see Figure 6): 6): (a) Mount the specimen specimen in in accordance accordance with Clause (a) Mount the with Clause (b) Seal (b) Seal all all atmospheric atmospheric vents. vents. (c) Open Valve 11 and the system. system. (c) Open Valve and purge purge the the air air from from the Close Valve Valve 1. 1. (d) Close (d) (e) Open Valve 22 to (e) Open Valve to reduce reduce the the water water pressure pressure on on the the inlet inlet side side to to 0. 0. pressure to kPa (0.2 (f) Gradually (f) Gradually raise raise the the outlet outlet pressure to 1.4 1.4 kPa (0.2 psi). psi). (g) Isolate Isolate the pressure source (g) the pressure sourcefor for 55 min. min. (h) Increase Increase the pressure to 35 kPa kPa (5 (h) the outlet outlet pressure to 35 (5 psi). psi). (i) Isolate Isolate the pressure source (i) the pressure sourcefor for 55 min. min. December 2012 $ECEMBER 27 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © Adequacy of atmospheric vent Adequacy of the the atmospheric vent General General For fittings incorporating an an atmospheric atmospheric vent, vent, the the adequacy adequacy of of the the atmospheric atmospheric vent vent shall shall be For fittings incorporating be verified verified by by performing the test test specified specified in in Clause Clause performing the Performance requirements requirements Performance The maximum The maximum allowable allowable rise rise in in water water level levelin inthe thesight sighttube tubeshall shallbe beto towithin within ±25 ±25 mm mm (±1.0 (±1.0 in) in) of of the the critical level level of the device device when when the the test test is is performed performed as as specified specified in Clause critical of the in Clause .OTE The 4HE LOCATION OF the THE critical CRITICAL level LEVEL of OF the THE device DEVICE MAY BE DETERMINED ACCORDANCE WITH #LAUSE !3-% ! Note: location of may be determined IN in accordance with Clause 16 OF of ASME A112.18.3. Test procedure procedure Test The test the adequacy adequacy of of the the atmospheric atmospheric vent vent shall shall be be conducted conducted as as follows: The test for for verifying verifying the follows: (a) Connect a leak-proof of the the specimen. specimen. (a) Connect aa sight sight tube tube in in a leak-proof manner manner to to the the outlet outlet of all check check valves valveswith withaa0.81 0.81mm mm (0.032 (0.032 in) in) wire. wire. (b) Foul Foul all (b) (c) Leave (c) Leave the the atmospheric atmospheric vents vents open. open. (d) Install Install the specimen in Clause (d) the specimen in accordance accordance with with Clause (e) Conduct the test test in in accordance accordance with Clause (e) Conduct the with Clause Back siphonage siphonage prevention prevention in in side side spray spray diverters diverters Back General General Fittings incorporating side spray performance requirements Fittings incorporating aa side spray diverter diverter shall shallcomply comply with with the the performance requirements of of Clause accordance with Clause Clause when when tested tested in in accordance with Clause Performance requirements requirements Performance During testing testing in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause, shall not an During, water water shall not rise rise in in the the sight sight tube tube except except for for an upward bowing bowing of of the the meniscus meniscus of upward of not not more more than than 33 mm mm (0.12 (0.12 in). in). Test procedure procedure Test The test as follows follows (see (see Figure The test shall shall be be conducted conducted as Figure 5): 5): (a) Remove Remove the spray head. (a) the spray head. (b) Connect a sight in aa leak-proof leak-proof manner manner to to the the spray spray hose hose outlet of the the specimen. specimen. (b) Connect a sight tube tube in outlet of (c) Install Install the specimen in Clause (c) the specimen in accordance accordance with with Clause Open Valve 1. (d) Open Valve 1. (d) the specimen specimenwith with water water for for 55 min. min. (e) Flush Flush the (e) Close Valve Valve 1. 1. (f) Close (f) the device device and the hose. hose. (g) Open (g) Open Valve Valve 22 to to the the atmosphere atmosphere and and allow allow water water to to drain drain from from the and from from the (h) Conduct the test test in in accordance accordance with Clause (h) Conduct the with Clause 5.10 Lawn faucets faucets 5.10 Lawn 5.10.1 Performance 5.10.1 Performance requirements requirements When tested tested in accordance with Clause 5.10.2, faucets shall When in accordance with Clause 5.10.2, lawn lawn faucets shall drain drain at at least least50% 50% of of the the volume volume of of the the inlet shank shank and inlet and pipe. pipe. 5.10.2 Test procedure procedure 5.10.2 Test Lawn faucets faucets shall as follows: Lawn shall be be tested tested as follows: (a) Connect length of of standard-weight standard-weight pipe pipe of of the the same same nominal diameter (a) Connect the the faucet faucet to to aa 1.2 1.2 m m (48 (48 in) in) length nominal diameter as the faucet. as the inlet inlet of of the the faucet. (b) Install Install the faucet. (b) the assembly assembly(faucet (faucetand andpipe) pipe)with with aa downward downward slope slope of of 1% 1% toward toward the the faucet. 28 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings (c) Close (c) Close the the faucet, faucet, fill fill the the assembly assemblywith with water, water, and and measure measurethe theamount amountof of water water required required to to fill fill the the assembly. assembly. (d) Open faucet and water that that drains. drains. (d) Open the the faucet and allow allow the the assembly assemblyto to drain drain for for 55 min, min, collecting collecting the the water (e) Measure (e) Measure the the amount amount of of water water drained. drained. 5.11 Alternative materials materials test 5.11 Alternative test 5.11.1 5.11.1 Performance Performance requirements requirements Coupling nuts, locknuts, locknuts, and and spout-holding spout-holdingnuts nutsshall shallnot notbe beadversely adversely affected affected when when tested tested in in accordance accordance Coupling nuts, with Clause Clause 5.11.2. Fittings shall shall be be capable capable of being disassembled disassembled and with 5.11.2. Fittings of being and reassembled reassembledand and continue continue to to comply with Clause Clause 5.3.1. comply with 5.3.1. 5.11.2 Test procedure procedure 5.11.2 Test The specimen specimen shall shall The (a) be (a) be aa complete complete fitting; fitting; (b) be in its its intended intended operating operating position; position; and and (b) be mounted mounted in (c) have the maximum maximum torque torqueas as specified specified by the manufacturer. manufacturer. (c) have its its parts parts tightened tightened to to the by the The specimen ASTM B117 After exposure, exposure, it shall The specimen shall shall be be tested tested in in accordance accordance with with ASTM B117 (neutral (neutral salt) salt) for for 96 96 h. h. After it shall be dry for for aa minimum minimum of of24 24hhat atambient ambientlaboratory laboratoryconditions. conditions.The Thespecimen specimen shall shall then be be left left to to dry then be disassembled disassembled and and reassembled reassembled using using standard standard tools. tools. 5.12 5.12 High-efficiency High-efficiency shower shower heads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers 5.12.1 General 5.12.1 General High-efficiency shower shower heads Clauses 5.12.2 High-efficiency heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers shall shallcomply comply with with Clauses 5.12.2 to to 5.12.4. 5.12.4. If the the shower shower head head or hand-held shower shower has has more one mode, mode, the the manufacturer manufacturer shall shall specify specify the If or hand-held more than than one the mode or modes modes that with the the high-efficiency high-efficiency requirements. requirements. mode or that are are intended intended to to comply comply with The flow rate tests The flow rate tests shall shallbe beconducted conducted with with water water at at 38 38 ± ±6 6 °C °C (100 (100 ±± 10°F) 10°F) and and the the flow flow maintained maintained for for at least least 11 min. at min. 5.12.2 5.12.2 Flow Flow rate rate Maximum Maximum The maximum flow The maximum flow rate rate for forhigh-efficiency high-efficiencyshower showerheads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers shall shall be be (a) specified specified by in no no case case shall at each each test test (a) by the the manufacturer manufacturer but but in shallbe bemore morethan than 7.6 7.6 L/min L/min (2.0 (2.0 gpm) gpm) at pressure; pressure; (b) verified verified through testing at at flowing flowingpressures pressures of 310, and and 550 550 ±± 77 kPa kPa (20, and 80 80 ± ±1 1 psi); psi); (b) through testing of 140, 140, 310, (20, 45, 45, and and and in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause (c) used used for the minimum minimum flow flowrates rates in (c) for determining determining the Minimum Minimum If the the shower shower head flow rate rate shall shall be be If head or or hand-held hand-held shower shower has hasmore more than than one one mode, mode, the the minimum minimum flow determined at aa flowing flowingpressure pressure of of 310 310 ±± 77 kPa kPa (45 psi) in all modes. modes. determined at (45 ± ±1 1 psi) in all Pause or gpm) at at 550 550 kPa kPa (80 (80 psi) psi) shall shall be Pause ortrickle trickle modes modesdesigned designedto to flow flow at at less lessthan than1.9 1.9 L/min L/min (0.5 (0.5 gpm) be excluded from the the minimum minimum flow requirements. excluded from flow requirements. .OTE The 4HE INTENT OF this THIS Clause #LAUSE IS THE selection SELECTION OF COMPENSATING valve. VALVE Note: intent of is TO to AID aid IN in the of AN an APPROPRIATE appropriate AUTOMATIC automatic compensating December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 29 !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © The minimum flow rate rate for for the the manufacturer's manufacturer’s specified specified mode or modes modes shall The minimum flow mode or shall be be determined determined through through testing and shall shall be be not not less less than testing and than (a) 60% of the the maximum maximumflow flowrate ratespecified specified in in Clause Clause when tested tested at at aa flowing flowing pressure pressure of (a) 60% of when of 140 ± ± 77 kPa kPa (20 psi); and 140 (20 ± ±1 1 psi); and at flowing flowingpressures pressures of (b) 75% of the the maximum maximumflow flowrate ratespecified specified in in Clause Clause when when tested tested at (b) 75% of of 310 ±7 7 kPa kPa (45 ± 77 kPa kPa (80 310 ± (45 ± ±1 1 psi) psi) and and 550 550 ± (80 ± ±1 1 psi). psi). 5.12.3 Spray force 5.12.3 Spray force Performance Performance requirement requirement When tested tested in accordance with Clause, spray force force for high-efficiency shower shower When in accordance with Clause, the the minimum minimum spray for high-efficiency heads showers shall ozf) at at aa flowing flowingpressure pressure of of 140 140 ±± 77 kPa kPa heads and and hand-held hand-held showers shall be be not not less lessthan than 0.56 0.56 N N (2.0 (2.0 ozf) (20 ± ±1 1 psi) psi) at (20 at the the inlet. inlet. force-balance The specimen the force-balance The specimen shall shallbe bedeemed deemedto to exceed exceedthe theminimum minimum spray spray force force requirement requirement when when the fixture rotates rotates past past 0.0 fixture 0.0 ± ± 0.1°. 0.1°. Set-up Set-up The specimen specimen shall shall The (a) be flushed before before measuring measuring the the spray spray force; force; (a) be thoroughly thoroughly flushed (b) be pipe or or tube tube with with aa length lengthequal equal to toat atleast least 20 20 times times the the inside inside (b) be connected connected to to a a smooth-interior smooth-interior pipe diameter of the the inlet(s) inlet(s) of of the the specimen; specimen; diameter of (c) be to aa pipe pipe or or tubing tubingofofthe thesame samenominal nominalsize size as as the the specimen specimen connections; connections; (c) be connected connected to (d) have (d) have its its standard standard components components installed; installed; and and (e) be an apparatus apparatus that that utilizes utilizes aa force force balance balance fixture, as illustrated (e) be tested tested with with an fixture, as illustrated in in Figure Figure 7, 7, in in accordance with Clauses accordance with Clauses to to See See Figure Figure 10. 10. Spray force-balance Spray force-balance test test fixture fixture The force-balance The force-balance test test fixture fixture shall shallhave haveaameans meansfor formeasuring measuringthe therotation rotationfrom from the the horizontal horizontal or or for for determining the point pointof ofbalance, balance, or or both, both,and andshall shall be be calibrated calibrated as as follows: follows: determining the (a) establish establish the and the the force-balance force-balance (a) the zero zero angle angle position position when when the the target target is is at at 45 45 ± ± 1° 1° to to the the horizontal horizontal and fixture is is balanced; balanced; fixture (b) position a force the centre centre of of the the target, target, as as illustrated (b) position a force gauge gauge to to be be in in contact contact perpendicularly perpendicularly with with the illustrated in in Figure 8(a); Figure 8(a); (c) zero zero the force gauge; gauge; (c) the force (d) place on the the force-balance force-balance fixture fixture so so that that itit balances balances the the force force specified specified in (d) place counterweights counterweights on in Clause Clause5.12.3.1 applied applied at at the the centre centreand andperpendicular perpendicularto to the the target, target, while while maintaining maintaining the the 0.0 ± ± 0.1° 0.1° position, position, as as shown Figure 8(b); and 0.0 shown in in Figure 8(b); and (e) remove force gauge the force-balance force-balance fixture. (e) remove the the force gauge from from the fixture. The final shall be be a a non-zero the force force specified specified in in Clause Clause The final angle angle position position shall non-zero value, value, calibrated calibrated to to the Additional test Additional test conditions conditions Additional test test conditions conditions shall shall be be as as follows: Additional follows: (a) the upstream pressure pressure gauge (a) the upstream gauge shall shallbe belocated located200 200±±50 50mm mm (8 (8 ±± 22 in) in) upstream upstream of of the the specimen specimen inlet; inlet; (b) the pressure gauge shall comply comply with withASME ASME PTC PTC 19.2 or ANSI/ISA-75.02; ANSI/ISA-75.02; (b) the pressure gauge size sizeand and configuration configuration shall 19.2 or (c) ifif a a fluid meter is is used used to measure the shall be (c) fluid meter to measure the flow flow rate, rate, the the installation installation shall be in in accordance accordance with with ASME PTC ASME PTC 19.5; 19.5; (d) the water temperature temperature shall shall be be 38 38 ± ±6 6 °C °C (100 (100 ± ± 10°F) 10°F) and least 11 min; (d) the water and shall shall be be maintained maintained for for at at least min; and and (e) the flowing pressure pressure shall shall be (e) the flowing be 140 140 ± ±7 7 kPa kPa (20 (20 ±± 11 psi) psi) at at the the inlet. inlet. 30 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings Test procedure procedure Test The test shall be be as as follows: The test procedure procedure shall follows: (a) mount thespecimen specimen so so the the force force target target surface surface and and shower shower head head faceplate faceplate are are parallel, (a) mount the parallel, and and the the centre of force target and the the centre centre of of the the shower shower head head are centre of the the force target and are aligned aligned and and 455 455 ±± 66 mm mm (18 ± ± 0.25 0.25 in) in) apart, apart, measured measured before (18 before the the water water flow flow is is initiated; initiated; (b) once adjust the the specimen specimen using using only the standard standard components components so so once the water flow flow has has been been initiated, (b) the water initiated, adjust only the that the centre centre of of the the spray spray pattern that the pattern aligns aligns with with the the centre centre of of the the target; target; (c) maintain water 1 min; min; and (c) maintain water flow flow for for at at least least 1 and (d) verify the spray meets the requirement specified specified in in Clause Clause spray force force meets (d) verify that that the the performance performance requirement If the the centre centre of of the the spray spray pattern hit the the centre centre of of the the target, target, the the specimen specimen shall shall be If pattern cannot cannot hit be deemed deemed to to have the spray spray force have not not met met the force performance performance requirement. requirement. 5.12.4 Spray coverage coverage 5.12.4 Spray Performance criteria Performance criteria The maximum volume of of water water collected collected in in the the 50 50 and and 100 100 mm mm (2 (2 and and 44 in) in) rings rings shall shall not exceed 75% The maximum volume not exceed 75% of of the volume of of water water collected volume of of water water collected collected in the total total volume collected and and the the total total combined combined minimum minimum volume in the the 50, 50, 100, and and 150 150 mm mm (2, (2, 4, 4, and and 66 in) in) rings rings shall shall be be not not less less than volume of of water water collected. collected. 100, than 25% 25% of of the the total total volume Set-up Set-up The The specimen specimen shall shall (a) be flushed before before measuring measuring the the spray spray coverage; coverage; (a) be thoroughly thoroughly flushed (b) be pipe or or tube tube with with aa length lengthequal equal to toat atleast least 20 20 times times the the inside inside (b) be connected connected to to a a smooth-interior smooth-interior pipe diameter of the the inlet(s) inlet(s) of of the the specimen; specimen; diameter of (c) be to aa pipe pipe or or tubing tubingofofthe thesame samenominal nominalsize size as as the the specimen specimen connections; connections; (c) be connected connected to (d) have (d) have its its standard standard components components installed; installed; and and (e) be an annular annular ring ring test test apparatus apparatus as as illustrated Figures 99 to (e) be tested tested with with an illustrated in in Figures to 11. 11. Test fixture Test fixture The test The test fixture fixture annular annular rings rings shall shall have haveaadimensional dimensionaltolerance toleranceofof±1.5 ±1.5mm mm(±0.06 (±0.06 in). in). Material Material for for the the test should be be 0.75 0.75 mm mm (0.03 (0.03in) in)thick thickType Type304 304stainless stainless steel. steel. test fixture fixture should Other test Other test conditions conditions Other test conditions conditions shall shall be be as as follows: Other test follows: (a) the upstream pressure specimen inlet; (a) the upstream pressuretap tap shall shallbe belocated located200 200±±50 50 mm mm (8 (8 ±± 22 in) in) upstream upstream of of the the specimen inlet; (b) the pressure tap shall comply comply with withASME ASME PTC PTC 19.2 or ANSI/ISA-75.02; ANSI/ISA-75.02; (b) the pressure tap size size and and configuration configuration shall 19.2 or (c) ifif a a fluid meter is is used used to measure the installation shall shall be (c) fluid meter to measure the flow flow rate, rate, the the installation be in in accordance accordance with with ASME PTC ASME PTC 19.5; 19.5; (d) ifif the the volume/time volume/timemethod methodisisused used for for the the flow flowrate rate measurement, measurement, the the container container shall shall be be of sufficient (d) of sufficient size to at least least 11 min; size to hold hold water water collected collected for for at min; (e) the water temperature temperature shall shall be be 38 38 ± ±6 6 °C °C (100 (100 ± ± 10°F) 10°F) and least 11 min; (e) the water and shall shall be be maintained maintained for for at at least min; and and (f) the flowing pressure pressure shall shall be (f) the flowing be 310 310 ± ±7 7 kPa kPa (45 (45 ±± 11 psi) psi) at at the the inlet. inlet. Test procedure procedure Test The test shall be be as as follows: The test procedure procedure shall follows: (a) mount the specimen specimen so so that its faceplate faceplate is top surface surface of (a) mount the that its is horizontal horizontal and and parallel parallel with with the the top of the the annular annular rings; rings; (b) position the annular annular rings rings underneath underneath the the specimen specimen so so the centre line the faceplate faceplate and (b) position the the centre line of of the and the the centre centre ring are in vertical vertical alignment alignment and and the the top top of gauge is is 450 450 ±± 66 mm mm (18 (18 ±± 0.25 0.25 in) in) from from the the of the the annular annular gauge ring are in faceplate (see (see Figure faceplate Figure 11); 11); (c) cover cover the of the the annular annular rings rings and and adjust adjust the the flowing flowing pressure pressure until stabilized; (c) the top top of until stabilized; (d) remove the specimen specimen and the annular annular rings (d) remove the the cover cover and and allow allow the the water water to to flow flow through through the and into into the rings for for at at least 11 min; min; least December 2012 $ECEMBER --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 31 !3-% !#3! B125.1-12 " ASMEA112.18.1-2012/CSA © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © (e) record the measured measured flow rate and, the time time to to the thenearest nearest second; second; (e) record the flow rate and, using using a a stopwatch, stopwatch, the (f) collect, collect, measure, measure, and and record record the the volume volume of of water water in in each each annular annular ring ring and and determine determine the the total total (f) volume collected collected in all of the rings; rings; volume in all of the (g) calculate calculate and and record record the the percentage percentage collected collected in in each eachring ring relative relative to to the the total total recorded recorded volume volume (g) collected; and and collected; (h) if if the the total total volume volume collected collected varies varies by volume calculated calculated from (h) by more more than than ±5% ±5% of of the the total total volume from the the recorded rate and repeat the procedure. recorded flow flow rate and time, time, repeat the procedure. 6 Markings, packaging, 6 Markings, packaging, and and installation installation instructions instructions 6.1 General General 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.1 Products covered this Standard Standard shall shall be Products covered by by and and complying complying with with this be marked marked with with (a) the manufacturer’s recognized (a) the manufacturer's recognized name, name, trademark, trademark, or or other other mark; mark; or or (b) in in the the case case of (b) of private private labelling, labelling, the the name, name, trademark, trademark, or or other other mark mark of of the the customer customer for for whom whom the the fitting was was manufactured. manufactured. fitting Markings Markings shall shall be be accomplished accomplished by by use useof of aapermanent permanent mark mark or or by by placing placing aa permanent permanent label label on on the the product. product. Markings shall be such aa way they are are visible Markings shall be located located in in such way that that they visible after after installation. installation. 6.1.2 6.1.2 Shower Shower heads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showersshall shallbe bemarked markedwith with the the manufacturer’s manufacturer's specified specifiedmaximum maximum flow flow rate, and gpm, gpm, in inaccordance accordance with with Clause Clause rate, in in L/min L/min and 6.2 Temperature Temperature identification 6.2 identification The following bath and and shower shower mixing mixingvalves valves shall shall have The following bath have their their temperature temperature control control settings settings identified identified alphabetically, numerically, alphabetically, numerically, or or graphically: graphically: (a) single-handle single-handle valves; valves; and (a) and (b) single-control single-control valves. valves. (b) .OTE Graphically 'RAPHICALLY includes INCLUDES colour. COLOUR Note: 6.3 Packaging Packaging 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.1 Packaging shall Packaging shall be be marked marked with with (a) the manufacturer’s recognized mark as as well (a) the manufacturer's recognized name, name, trademark, trademark, or or other other mark well as asthe the model model number; number; or or (b) in in the the case case of (b) of private private labelling, labelling, the the name, name, trademark, trademark, or or other other mark mark of of the the customer customer for for whom whom the the fittingwas was manufactured manufactured as as well well as as the fitting the model model number. number. 6.3.2 6.3.2 Packaging or literature for for shower shower heads heads and hand-held showers showers shall Packaging or other other included included literature and hand-held shall be be marked marked with with (a) the manufacturer’s specified rate determined determined in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause; (a) the manufacturer's specified maximum maximum flow flow rate; and and (b) the statement “For use with automatic compensating compensating valves valves rated or less", less”, (b) the statement "For use with automatic rated at at xxx xxx L/min L/min (yyy (yyy gpm) gpm) or where xxx L/min L/min (yyy minimum flow with gpm) is is the the lowest lowest minimum flow rate rate recorded recorded in in accordance accordance with where xxx (yyy gpm) Clause Clause 32 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 6.4 6.4 High-efficiency High-efficiency shower shower heads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers 6.4.1 6.4.1 High-efficiency shower shower heads heads and showers shall the manufacturer's manufacturer’s specified specified High-efficiency and hand-held hand-held showers shall be be marked marked with with the maximum flow rate rate determined determined in in accordance accordance with with Clause Clause maximum flow and and expressed expressedin inL/min L/min (gpm). (gpm). 6.4.2 6.4.2 Packaging or literature for for high-efficiency high-efficiencyshower showerheads heads and and hand-held hand-held showers showers shall shall be Packaging or other other included included literature be marked marked with with the the (a) manufacturer’s rate in in accordance accordance with Clause; (a) manufacturer's specified specified maximum maximum flow flow rate with Clause; (b) (b) minimum flowrate rateat at310 310±±77kPa kPa (45 (45 ± ± 11 psi) psi) determined determined in in accordance accordance with Clause; and minimum flow with Clause; and following statement statement "For “For use use with automatic compensating compensating valves valves rated (c) following (c) with automatic ratedat atxxx xxxL/min L/min (xxx (xxx gpm) gpm) or or less”, is the flow rate rate determined determined in in accordance accordance with less", where where xxx xxx L/min L/min (xxx (xxx gpm) gpm) is the lowest lowest minimum minimum flow with Clause Clause 6.4.3 6.4.3 High-efficiency shower shower heads, heads, body sprays, and showers shall High-efficiency body sprays, and hand-held hand-held showers shall not not be be packaged, packaged, marked, marked, or or provided with instructions instructions directing directing the the user user to to an an alternative alternative water-use water-use setting override the provided with setting that that would would override the maximum flow rate rate specified specified in in Clause Clause Instructions related related to the maintenance maintenance of of the the devices, devices, maximum flow Instructions to the including changing changing or or cleaning cleaning shower shower head head components, including components, shall shall direct direct the the user useron on how how to to return return the the device rate. device to to its its intended intended maximum maximum flow flow rate. December 2012 $ECEMBER 33 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 Table 1 Minimum and maximum maximum flow rates 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses 3, 5.4.1, AND and &ITTING Fitting OR or ACCESSORY accessory Minimum, L/min (gpm) -INIMUM ,MIN GPM Maximum, L/min (gpm) -AXIMUM ,MIN GPM Bathtub Bathtub 9.0 (2.4) 9.0 (2.4) — Bidet Bidet 5.7 (1.5) (1.5) 5.7 — Commercial pre-rinse spray spray valve valve Commercial pre-rinse — 6.0 6.0 (1.6) (1.6) — 4.7 (1.25) (1.25) 4.7 Laundry Laundry tray tray 15 (4.0) (4.0) 15 — Lavatory public lavatory lavatory Lavatory(other (other than than public or or metering) metering) — — 8.3 (2.2) (2.2) 8.3 Low-flow Low-flowcommercial commercial pre-rinse pre-rinse spray valve valve spray High-efficiency High-efficiency lavatory lavatory faucet faucet 3.0 3.0 (0.8) (0.8) 5.7 (1.5) 5.7 (1.5) Lawn Lawn or or sediment sediment faucet faucet 15 (4.0) (4.0) 15 — — Metering Metering — — 1.0 L/cycle L/cycle (0.25 gal/cycle) 1.0 (0.25 gal/cycle) Public Public lavatory lavatory(other (other than than metering) metering) — — 1.9 (0.5) (0.5) 1.9 Service sink Service sink 15 (4.0) (4.0) 15 — — Shower Shower head* head* See See Clause Clause 4.11.1 4.11.1 9.5 (2.5) 9.5 (2.5) See See Clause Clause See See Clause Clause — — 8.3 (2.2) (2.2) 8.3 3/8 in (pipe) (pipe) 3/8 in 21 (5.5) (5.5) 21 — — 3/8 in (compression) (compression) 3/8 in 15 (4.0) (4.0) 15 — — 1/2 in in (pipe) (pipe) 1/2 36 36 (9.5) (9.5) — 1/2 in in (compression) (compression) 1/2 21 (5.5) (5.5) 21 — — High-efficiency High-efficiencyshower shower head head and and hand-held shower hand-held shower Sink Sink Supply stop† Supply stopt )NCLUDES *IncludesHANDHELD hand-heldSHOWER showerHEADS headsAND and BODY body SPRAYS sprays. 3AFETY Safety SHOWER shower HEADS heads SHALL shallBE beEXEMPT exempt FROM from THE the MAXIMUM FLOW rate RATE requirements REQUIREMENTS specified SPECIFIED in IN this THIS Table. 4ABLE maximum flow †3UPPLY stop STOP sizing SIZING shall SHALL be BE based BASED on ON the THE nominal NOMINAL size SIZE for FOR the THE outlet OUTLET indicated INDICATED IN MANUFACTURERS tSupply in THE the manufacturer's LITERATURE literature. .OTE OR CALCULATED Note: &OR ForPURPOSES purposesOFofDETERMINING determining COMPLIANCE compliance WITH with THESE these SPECIFICATIONS specifications, AN an OBSERVED observed or calculated VALUE value SHOULD ROUNDED hTO THE nearest NEAREST unit" UNITvin INthe THElast LASTright-hand RIGHTHANDdigit DIGITused USEDinINexpressing EXPRESSING the THEspecification SPECIFICATION limit LIMIT should BE be rounded "to the IN 2OUNDING Method -ETHOD of OF ASTM !34- E29. % in ACCORDANCE accordance WITH with THE the Rounding 34 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING supply SUPPLY FITTINGS Plumbing fittings Table 2 Operating requirements 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses 5.5.1,,,, AND and /PERATING CONTROL Operating control ,INEAR force, FORCE Linear N . (lbf) LBF /PERATING torque, TORQUE Operating N•m .sM (lbf•in) LBFsIN Accessible design Accessible design See See Clause Clause 5.5.2 5.5.2 — — All other operating controls* controls* All other operating 45 (10) (10) 45 1.7 1.7 (15) (15) NPS-1/2 and smaller smaller NPS-1/2 and 67 67 (15) (15) 1.7 1.7 (15) (15) Larger than Larger than NPS-1/2 NPS-1/2 110 110 (25) (25) 2.8 (25) 2.8 (25) Supply stop Supply stop *&OR self-closing SELFCLOSING VALVES *For valves, THE the SPECIFIED specifiedTORQUES torquesAND and FORCES forcesSHALL shallAPPLY applyONLY onlyTO to THE the OPENING opening OPERATION operation OF the THE valves. VALVES of Table 3 Life cycle test 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses AND and Fitting &ITTING #YCLES Cycles Bath or shower shower fitting* fitting* Bath or 250 250 000 000 Bidet fitting Bidet fitting 50 000 000 50 Body spray, Body spray, hand hand shower, shower, or or shower shower head head adjusting adjusting mechanism mechanism (flow (flow or or function function control) control) 10 000 000 10 Body spray Body spray or or shower shower head head ball ball joint joint 10 000 10 000 Diverter shower-to-shower, tub shampoo, Diverter (tub-to-shower, (tub-to-shower, shower-to-shower, tub spout, spout, bidet, bidet, shampoo, shower-to-body spray, spray, or control device) device) shower-to-body or in-line in-line flow flow control 15 000 15 000 Laundry Laundry tub tub fitting fitting 250 000 250 000 Lavatory Lavatory or or sink sink fitting* fitting* 500 000 500 000 Lawn Lawn or or sediment sediment faucet faucet or or hydrant hydrant 150 000 150 000 Metering faucet* Metering faucet* 150 000 150 000 Self-closing Self-closing faucet* faucet* 150 000 150 000 Side Side spray spray assembly, assembly,including includingthe the diverter diverter (pullout (pullout spout spout handpiece handpiece function control control or aerator) function or multi-function multi-function aerator) 10 10 000 000 Supply Supply stop† stopt 2 2 000 000 Swing spout Swing spout 50 000 50 000 *)NCLUDES electronic ELECTRONIC FITTINGS *Includes fittings. AUTOMATICcompensating COMPENSATING valves VALVES are ARE not NOT subject SUBJECT to TO the THE life LIFE cycle CYCLE test. TEST t†3UPPLY Supply STOPS stops INTEGRAL integral WITH with automatic December 2012 $ECEMBER 35 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 Table 4 Table 4 Thread torque Thread torque strength strength 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause 4HREAD SIZE Thread size 4ORQUE .sM Torque, N•m LBFsFT (lbf•ft) 3/8 NPT 3/8 NPT 43 43 (32) (32) 1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT 61 (45) 61 (45) 3/4 NPT 3/4 NPT 88 (65) (65) 88 1 NPT 1 NPT 129 (95) 129 (95) .OTE 4HE THREADASSEMBLING REQUIREMENTS APPLY Note: The thread-assembling TORQUE torque requirements apply ONLY only TO .04 supply SUPPLY connections. CONNECTIONS to NPT Aerator Aerator Cover plate EE Mounng /-Mounting surface surface D 1/2-14 NPSM B B C -4- C A 4YPE OF Type of FITTING fitting ! A MAXIMUM maximum " B # C MINIMUM minimum MINIMUM minimum $ D !IR GAP Air gap % E 100 100 (4) (4) centre set centre set 170 (6.75) (6.75) 170 102 ± ±2 102 2 (4.00 ± ± 0.08) (4.00 0.08) 44 (1.73) (1.73) 44 44.5 (1.75) (1.75) 44.5 See See Clause Clause 200 (8) 200 (8) deck deck fitting fitting 285 (11.25) 285 (11.25) 204 ± ±2 204 2 (8.00 ± ± 0.08) (8.00 0.08) 44 (1.73) (1.73) 44 44.5 (1.75) (1.75) 44.5 See See Clause Clause Single Single lavatory lavatory faucet faucet — — 44 (1.73) (1.73) 44 44.5 (1.75) (1.75) 44.5 See See Clause Clause Figure 1 Figure 1 Deck-mounted lavatory and Deck-mounted lavatory and sink sink supply supply fittings fittings 4.8.1, AND and 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses 4.4.7, --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 1/2-14 NPSM NPSM 1/2-14 Maximum lead of Maximum thread thread lead of 2.0 2.0 mm mm (0.079 (0.079 in) in) 15 ± 0.5° 13.1 to 13.1 to 13.4 13.4 mm mm (0.515 to 0.528 in) (0.515 to 0.528 in) diameter diameter 14.4 to 14.4 to 15.2 15.2 mm mm (0.565 to 0.600 in) (0.565 to 0.600 in) diameter diameter (a) Shank with coupling nut connecon (a) Shank with coupling nut and and tailpiece tailpiece connection 1/2-14 NPSM NPSM 1/2-14 Maximum Maximum thread thread lead lead of of 2.0 2.0 mm mm (0.079 (0.079 in) in) 1/2 nominal nominal size size 1/2 copper copper water water tube tube (b) nominal size size copper copper water tube connection connecon (b) Shank Shank with with 1/2 1/2 nominal water tube Figure 2 Figure 2 Dimensions shanks Dimensions for for 1/2-14 1/2-14NPSM NPSM shanks 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause 4.4.7.) December 2012 $ECEMBER 37 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 Flow Flow meter meter 11111 7 _ (6) SSpecimen pecimen • Pressure gauge Pressure gauge Specimen Specimen Alternave Alternative volume/me volume/time measurement measurement Collector Collector 0.5 to to 2.5 0.5 2.5 pipe pipe diameters diameters Mi Specimen Specimen ni/* m um It/ oop 0 f st 20/2,_ ip strai pwe ght ee dia igh pip met 12(00 ers, e /iiete„ s Devices with atmospheric discharge discharge Devices with atmospheric and or two two supplies supplies and one one or Pressure Pressure gauge gauge Specimen Mi 41/, n?1,7) imu m dia % ooff s at)? me 20 pi pe te t stp re aig. ete ht p rs°ape /ebt ipe pip 0.5 to ed iam 2.5 ete rs Devices with no atmospheric atmospheric discharge discharge Devices with no and one or or two two supplies supplies and one Flow Flow meter meter 4 to pip 6 dia e me ters M 4147 • iniirti m uorp m2 oOf f st 0 p3ip• e str.,• raig dia ht ph .weom me leht ipe -ters ters !oe - Figure 3 Figure 3 Discharge Discharge capacity capacity test test schematics schematics 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses AND and 38 December 2012 $ECEMBER %NGINEERS -ECHANICAL Engineers OF Mechanical 3OCIETY of !MERICAN Society 4HE American © The © 'ROUP #3! Group CSA © 2012 © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings Secon being Section being tested tested D Force Force applied applied 3D and 3D 2D and between between 2D 2D 2D 3D 3D &ITTING Fitting SIZE size -ETAL BENDING Metal bending MOMENT moment, FTsLBF N•m .sM (ft•lbf) Plastic BENDING bending MOMENT moment, 0LASTIC N•m FTsLBF .sM (ft•lbf) NPS-3/8 N PS-3/8 (30) 40 (30) 40 (30) 40 40 (30) NPS-1/2 NPS-1/2 60 60 (44) (44) (30) 40 (30) 40 NPS-3/4 NPS-3/4 (60) 80 (60) 80 (30) 40 (30) 40 NPS-1 NPS-1 (74) 100 100 (74) (30) 40 (30) 40 Figure 4 Figure 4 Bending loads on on supply supply fittings fittings Bending loads 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause $ECEMBER December 2012 39 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 Specimen Specimen / ii // ii / / // / / / / / / // / ii // Sight tube Sight tube Deck Deck level level (mounng surface) surface) (mounting Vacuum/pressure Vacuum/pressure 0 gauge gauge Coloured Coloured water water Inlets Inlets 13 13 mm mm (0.5 (0.5 in) in) submersion submersion Vacuum Vacuum (Valve (Valve 3) 3) Vacuum pump Vacuum pump and tank and tank Atmosphere Atmosphere (Valve 2) (Valve 2) Water Water (Valve 1) (Valve 1) Drain Vacuum regulator Vacuum regulator Figure 5 Set-up for Set-up for back back siphonage siphonage and and hidden hidden check valve test 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses,, AND and 40 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings Outlet Outlet Specimen Specimen Pressure gauge gauge Pressure A/* 0 C4 Deck Deck level level (mounng surface) surface) (mounting Vacuum/pressure Vacuum/pressure gauge gauge 0 Vacuum Vacuum (Valve 3) (Valve 3) • II Atmosphere Atmosphere (Valve 2) (Valve 2) It 411111111111/4 :. k Inlets Inlets Pressurized Pressurized water supply water supply (outlet) (outlet) Discharge Discharge Water Water (Valve 1) (Valve 1) 0 AM& Vacuum pump Vacuum pump and and tank tank mk Vacuum regulator Vacuum regulator Figure 6 Set-up for Set-up for check check valve valve leakage leakage test 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses AND and December 2012 $ECEMBER 41 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 Target Target Counterweight Counterweight 450 ±±66 mm mm 450 (18.00 ± ± 0.25 (18.00 0.25 in) in) Figure Figure 7 7 Spray force-balance Spray force-balance test test fixture fixture 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause 42 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings 0 oz) 0N N (0 (0 oz) Angle meter Angle meter Force Force gauge gauge Temporary Temporary work stand work stand 90° Temporary Temporary clamp clamp Target Target Posion stand force force gauge gauge Position work work stand to read read 0 0N angle pointer to N (0 (0 o) o) at at 0.0° 0.0' angle pointer (a) (a) 0.5 N oz) 0.5 N (1.8 (1.8 oz) Angle meter Angle meter Force Force gauge gauge Add sufficient Add sufficient counterweight counterweight to read read 0.56 0.56 N to N (2.0 (2.0 oz) oz) on on force gauge gauge while force while holding holding 0.0° 0.00 reading on reading on angle angle pointer. pointer. Temporary Temporary work stand work stand 90° Target Target Note: Temporary work stand may may be be repositioned reposioned Note: achieve 0.0° angle me to a 0.0' reading at any time without without impacng calibration. calibraon. impacting (b) (b) Figure 8 Figure 8 Spray force set-up Spray force test test fixture fixture set-up 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause December 2012 $ECEMBER 43 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 Figure 9 Figure 9 Spray coverage Spray coverage test test fixture fixture 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause 44 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER z 10eJaq UJapaa © 4HE !MERICAN 3OCIETY OF -ECHANICAL %NGINEERS © #3! 'ROUP $ECEMBER 250 mm mm 250 (10 (10 in) in) 500 mm (20 in) 400 mm (16 in) 100 mm (4 in) 150 mm (6 in) 200 mm (8 in) 50 mm (2 in) 50 mm (2 in) 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses AND and 250 250 mm mm (10 in) (10 in) 0LUMBING SUPPLY FITTINGS Figure 10 Spray coverage Spray coverage test test fixture fixture set-up ring 1 450 mm (18 in) 350 mm (14 in) s6upy Aiddns 6u!qtunid --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 300 mm (12 in) © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% !#3! ASME A112.18.1-2012/CSA " B125.1-12 450 ±±66 mm 450 mm (18 ± ± 0.25 (18 0.25 in) in) I V Figure 11 Spray coverage Spray coverage test test fixture fixture set-up 3EE (See #LAUSES Clauses AND and 46 --``,`,,`,,``````,`,`,``,,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING SUPPLY Plumbing supply FITTINGS fittings !NNEX ! (informative) INFORMATIVE Annex A 5NIT Unit CONVERSION conversion AND and ROUNDING rounding CRITERIA criteria .OTE This 4HIS !NNEX OF this THIS Standard. 3TANDARD Note: Annex ISisAN anINFORMATIVE informative NONMANDATORY (non-mandatory) PART part of A.1 Conversion Conversion A.1 The following conversion rules rules are are used used in this Standard: Standard: The following conversion in this (a) Zeros are not significant. (a) Zeros to to the the left left of of the the first first non-zero non-zero digit digit are not significant. (b) If If the the number number is is greater decimal point are significant. significant. (b) greater than than 1, 1, all all zeros zerosto to the the right right of of the the decimal point are (c) In In multiplication multiplication and and division, division, the the original original number number with with the the smallest smallest number of significant significant digits (c) number of digits determines the determines the number number of of significant significant digits digits in in the the product product or or quotient. quotient. (d) If If an an exact (d) exact constant constant is is used used(e.g., (e.g.,33ftft==11yd), yd), itit does doesnot not affect affect the the number number of of significant significant digits digits in in the the calculated value. value. calculated (e) If If inexact inexact constants constants are are used used (e.g., == 3.1416), the constant constant with at least least one (e) (e.g., 7C 3.1416), the with at one more more significant significant digit digit smallest number significant digits digits in in the the original original data data is is used. used. than the smallest than the number of of significant A.2 A.2 Rounding Rounding The following roundingrules rules are are used used in in this this Standard: Standard: The following rounding (a) The The digits follow the the last last significant significant digit digit are are dropped dropped ifif the the first first digit digitisis less less than (a) digits that that follow than 5. 5. (b) If If the the first first digit digit dropped droppedisis greater greater than than 5, 5, the the preceding preceding digit digitisis increased increased by (b) by 1. 1. (c) If If the the first first digit dropped is is 55 and and there there are are non-zero is (c) digit dropped non-zero digits digits following following the the 5, 5, the the preceding preceding digit digit is increased by increased by 1. 1. and there there are are only is rounded to the the even even (d) If If the the first first digit digit dropped droppedisis 55 and (d) only zeros zeros following following the the 5, 5, the the digit digit is rounded to number (e.g., for for three three significant significant digits, digits, 1.655000 1.655000 becomes becomes 1.66, 1.625000 becomes becomes 1.62). number (e.g., 1.66, 1.625000 1.62). (e) For For maximums the range range of and (e) maximums and and minimums, minimums, rounding rounding is is performed performed within within the of the the maximum maximum and minimum values in minimum values in a a way way that that does does not not violate violate the the original original limits. limits. December 2012 $ECEMBER 47 © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © !3-% ASME!#3! A112.18.1-2012/CSA " 8125.1-12 !NNEX " (normative) NORMATIVE Annex B 4ESTS Tests BY by FITTING fitting TYPE type .OTE Note: 4HIS This !NNEX Annex ISis Aa MANDATORY mandatory PART part OF of THIS this 3TANDARD Standard. Table B.1 Tests by Tests by fitting fitting type 5.3.5 5.3.5 Burst Burst pressure pressure 5.3.2 5.3.2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Burst — Burst pressure pressure — hose assembly hose assembly X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Coatings Coatings 5.2 5.2 X X X X X X X X X X X X Diverter — Diverter leakage leakage — bath/shower bath/shower Diverter — Diverter leakage leakage — kitchen/lavatory kitchen/lavatory Drainage Drainage test test 5.10 5.10 Flow Flow rate rate 5.4 5.4 X X X X X X X X X X X X Life Life cycle cycle 5.6 5.6 X X X X X X X X X X X X Life Life cycle cycle — — swing spouts swing spouts X X X X X X X X Life Lifecycle cycle — — hoses hoses X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0ULLOUT Pullout SPOUT spout FAUCET faucet Ball Ball joint joint leakage leakage X X X X 3HOWER Shower HEAD head, HAND hand SHOWER shower, OR or BODY body SPRAY spray ADJUSTING adjusting MECHANISMS OR FUNCTION mechanisms or function CONTROL control 5.9 5.9 (AND Hand SHOWER shower X X Backflow Backflow prevention prevention "a 3HOWER BODY SPRAY Shower HEAD head OR or body spray +ITCHEN AND LAVATORY Kitchen and lavatory SIDE SPRAY DIVERTER side spray diverter X X #LAUSES Clause(s) -ETERING Metering OR or SELFCLOSING self-closing +ITCHEN X X 4EST Test ,AWN Lawn AND and SEDIMENT sediment "IDET Bidet WITH withDIVERTER diverter X X ++ ,AVATORY BAR Lavatory AND andbar "IDET X X 0 a., 4 u ,AUNDRY Laundry "ATH OR SHOWER Bath or shower WITH withDIVERTER diverter X X 4-) 6) V +ITCHEN AND LAVATORY Kitchen and lavatory SIDE side SPRAY CONTROL spray FUNCTION function control "ATH OR SHOWER Bath or shower !UTOMATIC Automatic COMPENSATING compensating VALVE valve Fitting TYPE type &ITTING 3UPPLY STOP Supply stop 3EE (See #LAUSE Clause 5.1.4.) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X #ONTINUED (Continued) 48 December 2012 $ECEMBER © The 4HE American !MERICAN Society 3OCIETY of OF Mechanical -ECHANICAL Engineers %NGINEERS © © 2012 CSA #3! Group 'ROUP © 0LUMBING Plumbing SUPPLY supply FITTINGS fittings X X X X X X 0ULLOUT Pullout SPOUT spout FAUCET faucet 3HOWER Shower HEAD head, HAND hand SHOWER shower, OR or BODY body SPRAY spray ADJUSTING adjusting MECHANISMS OR FUNCTION mechanisms or function CONTROL control (AND Hand SHOWER shower 3HOWER BODY SPRAY Shower HEAD head OR or body spray -ETERING Metering OR or SELFCLOSING self-closing ,AWN AND SEDIMENT Lawn and sediment ,AVATORY Lavatory AND andBAR bar Pressure Pressure and and temperature — — temperature outlet blocked blocked outlet ,AUNDRY Laundry 5.1.1 and 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 5.1.2 ++ +ITCHEN AND LAVATORY Kitchen and lavatory SIDE side SPRAY CONTROL spray FUNCTION function control Preconditioning Preconditioning and and installation installation 0 0., 4 u +ITCHEN AND LAVATORY Kitchen and lavatory SIDE SPRAY DIVERTER side spray diverter 5.5 5.5 "a +ITCHEN Operating Operating requirements requirements a) 'V "IDET Bidet WITH withDIVERTER diverter 4-) "IDET Mandrel Mandrel strength strength "ATH SHOWER WITH Bath OR or shower withDIVERTER diverter #LAUSES Clause(s) "ATH SHOWER Bath OR or shower 4EST Test !UTOMATIC COMPENSATING VALVE Automatic compensating valve Fitting TYPE type &ITTING 3UPPLY Supply STOP stop Table B.1 (Concluded) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pressure Pressure and and temperature — — temperature valve closed valve closed X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pullout Pullout strength strength X X X X Resistance Resistance to to installation — installation loading loading — bending strength bending strength 5.7.1 5.7.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Resistance Resistance to to installation installation loading loading — — thread torque thread torque strength strength 5.7.2 5.7.2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Resistance Resistance to to use use loading loading 5.8 5.8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Threaded Threaded connections connections 4.4 4.4 X X X X X X X XXXXXXX Torque Torque X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .OTE SPECIFIED IN BE conducted CONDUCTED in IN aA particular PARTICULAR Note: 4HE The TESTS tests specified in THIS this 4ABLE TableARE areTHE the APPLICABLE applicableTESTS testsBY byFITTING fittingTYPE type. 4HEY They NEED need NOT not be ORDER ORDER IS order UNLESS unless AN an order is SPECIFIED specified IN in THIS this 3TANDARD Standard. December 2012 $ECEMBER 49 R 0 ..k''o DA IMP IM E D I N CA DA PRI TE NA N #3! CONTAINS 100% recycled RECYCLED post-consumer POSTCONSUMER fibre, FIBRE is IS CSA'ROUP Group PRINTS prints ITS its PUBLICATIONS publications ON on 2OLLAND Rolland %NVIRO Enviro100, WHICH which contains %CO,OGO AND ENERGY EcoLogo and 0ROCESSED Processed#HLORINE Chlorine&REE FreeCERTIFIED certified,AND andWAS wasMANUFACTURED manufactured USING using BIOGAS biogas energy. A , AU CAN 131.9. ,q,A S *kv.r.0 100% ISBN ISBN978-1-77139-020-0 978-1-77139-020-0