Uploaded by Dev Patel

Python Network Socket Code & Port Scan Results

Dev Patel (100828640)
screenshot of 3 results from the 3 tests:
import socket
# Here I am importing the socket module from Python library
def handle(req):
# defining a function named handle that takes one arguments called req
"""Handle a request to the function
req (str): request body containing the port number
udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Useing IPv4 address by adding
socket.AF_INET and creating a socket for UDP communication with IP.
# setting a timeout of 1 second to block operations on the
tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Useing IPv4 address by adding
socket.AF_INET and creating a socket for TCP communication with IP.
print("Dev Patel")
# Printing my name as per assignment requirement
hostname = socket.gethostname()
# The hostname will stores the hostname retrieved
from gethostname function via socket module
udp.connect(('', 1))
address '' on port 1.
ip = udp.getsockname()[0]
assigned to the socket
# it will establish a connection from socket to the IP
# The ip will stores the retrieved local IP address which was
port = int(req)
to port
# it will convert the variable req into an integer and assigns
if 0 <= port <= 65535:
between 0 to 65535
# setting a range for allowed ports which is anywhere
udp_result = udp.connect_ex((ip, port))
# it will try to connect UDP connection via ip
and provided port number useing connect_ex of UDP socket
tcp_result = tcp.connect_ex(('localhost', port)) # it will try to connect TCP connection to the
localhost ip via provided port number useing connect_ex of TCP socket
if udp_result == 0:
# If udp_result is 0, it means that the UDP connection was
response = "Port {}: UDP OPEN".format(port)
# And it will print port number with UDP
OPEN text
elif tcp_result == 0:
# If tcp_result is 0, it means that the TCP connection was
response = "Port {}: TCP OPEN".format(port)
# And it will print port number with TCP
OPEN text
# if anything other than 0 then
response = "Port {}: UDP CLOSED and TCP CLOSED".format(port) # it will print port is closed
# if prot is not in range than
response = "Port not in range"
except ValueError:
response = "Sorry, invalid port number"
# it will print port is not in range
# if input is not valid integer than
# it will print invalid port number
hostname = 'Unknown'
# it print will unknown in hostname variable if no host
response = "Unable to get host name"
ip = ''
# print statement if no host found.
# it will ensures that ip has a default value of
print("(Hostname):", hostname)
print("ip:", ip)
# closing the socket udp variable
# closing the socket tcp variable
# Printing the hostname as per assignment requirement
# Printing IP as per assignment requirement
# It prints the response message like error message
return response
# it will returns the req