\ FORM NO. Fl EVAL / 0O2 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 ."ffi" iqi/ Dn llll.G,R. IIII$TITUTE g,t'ffh' EI}UCATIOT{AL AilI} iA, lSO NE$TAHCH aardilv hitn&ionl @!&@!@ ]t*rduff!$}!l, (}Eftnri_95. I}&ill6dtr. xldia- t'4ririu [Yr{, gi*h R$ad, CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT SECTION (CAS) MODEL EXAM . QUESTION PAPER REQUEST Academic Year Ref.No: : 2023 -2024 ,ODD - (JUN 2023 - DEC 2023) B.ARCH/ODD12023!00 The IVIODEL EXAM for B.ARCH ll,lll,lv,V Year Course 01.1 1.2023 (Wednesday) Portion Duration of Test Test : Date: 17'10'2023 "orr"nJ". from 30.10.2023 (Monday) to ALL UNITS :3 HOURS The staif members are requested to hand over the error free neatly printed copy of the question paper along with Answer key in prescribed format to the Continuous Assessment Section on or before 25.10.2023. Answer papers along with the marks to be submitted on or before 08.11.2023. The Question paper should be handed over either in person or authorized person to the HOD. Encl: 1. Question paper pattern & Answer key format, 2. Timetable The following information need to be given in the back side of the question paper Name of the staff: Dept: Number of pages in the question paper: Total number of students in the class: Date of Submission: Signature of the staff: Signature of the HoD. of the Staff concern lVlobile Number of the Staff. \r t/ \o \ L} Coordinator (CAS) Note : Question paper without answer key will not be accepted FORM NO. Fl EVAL I O02 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 ,1.odt \qrs Br. M,G.R. ISIJcATIST'IAL AilCI RT$SANCH IH$TITUTE DTEMIS TO BT {JHIVEft*ITY 1An lSO $n(iu l\iS[$Str\ lierila ,/fr\ \""f'' @i@ldad{rnto9il. (:honnBi"!S. IamilMdu. lraltu' li.v,It, HiEh Ron& CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT SECTION (CAS) MODEL EXAM . QUESTION PAPER REQUEST Academic Year Ref.No: : 2023 -2024,ODD - (JUN.2023 -DEC2023) Date: 17'10'2023 B.DES/ODD12O231OO The MODEL EXAM for B.DES IIl,lV Year Course commences from 30.10.2023 (Monday) & 01.11.2023 (Wednesday) Portion Duration of Test :ALL UNITS Test :3 HOURS The staff members are requested to hand over the error free neatly printed copy of the question paper albng with Answer key in prescribed format to the Continuous Assessment Section on or before 2S.1O.2O23.Answer papers along with the marks to be submitted on or before 08.11.2023- The euestion paper should be handed over either in person or authorized person to the HOD' Encl: 1. Question paper pattern & Answer key format, 2. Timetable The following information need to be given in the back side of the question paper Name of the staff: Dept: Number of pages in the question paper: Total number of students in the class: Date of Submission: Signature of the staff: Signature of the HoD. of the Staff concern Mobile Number of the Staff: t \o \ 1-,> "I.J Coordinator (CAS) Dean Note : Question paper without answer key will not be accepted FORMNO. Fl EVAL /O02 Rev00 Date 20,03.2020 '1ilQ\ {I4iv \:1f Dr. M.G,R, EOUCATX}HAL AilD RT$SAHCH IH$TITUTE tl,t!! Bt.r'' DfTT'T* TO BT UHIYEfiSITY lAn tso a{{ili& tNtnail!4) rr1i?.E&!firirr"l!rr{!. perila [y1,fl i*li Rr.d, itladusrbyal.(henfrni-95,'llmilnadu. lt]dia, CONTINUOUS ASS NT SECTION (CAS) MODEL EXAM . QUESTION PAPER REQUEST Academic Year Ref.No: : 2023 -2024,ODD - (JUN 2023 - DEC 2023) M.ARCH/ODOI2023I00 The MODEL EXAM for M.ARCH ll Year Course 04.11.2023 (Thursday) Portion Duration of Test Test : Date: 17'10'2023 "orr"n""l from 30.10.2023 (Monday) to ALL UNITS :3 HOURS The staff members are requested to hand over the error free neatly printed copy of the question paper along with Answer key in prescribed format to the Continuous Assessment Section on or before 25.10.2023. Answer papers along with the marks to be submitted on or before 08.11.2023. The Question paper should be handed over either in person or authorized person to the HOD. Encl: 1. Question paper pattern & Answer key format, 2. Timetable The following information need to be given in the back side of the question paper Name of the staff: Dept: Number of pages in the question paper: Total number of students in the class: Date of Submission; Signature of the staff: Signature of the HoD. of the Staff concern Ivlobile Number of the Staff: r1 \'."\'> \1 Coordinator (CAS) Dean Note : Question paper without answer key will not be accepted FORMNO. F/ EVAL /003 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 Page .' rit 1 of 4 irl+& M.7 'trt-v :lii; Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024,ODD/EYEN - ODD (JIII\ 2023 -DEC 2023) Time: FN - 9:30 am - 12.30 pm Department /Degree / Branch lYear lSemester / B.Arch I 1l yr I III Architecture Sem Subject Name Subject Code Date Day 30.t0.2023 MONDAY 8AR21004 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE - 31.10.2023 TUESDAY 8AR21005 VALUE & CHARACTER EDUCATION 01.lt.2023 WEDNESDAY BCE2IAOT MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES - II Date: Revision level - 00 Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) \w Department Head III l7 -10-2023 ffi1;* Approved by Dean u Note : This l'ime table has to be circulatedconcerned staff & students and displayednotice board e__ FORMNO. F/ EVAL /003 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 PaEe2 p' €J"" of 4 #:{ii\ q;..r, Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 Department /Degree / Branch I Yeat Architecture / B.Arch lllly.r lV 2024 , ODD / EVEN - ODD (JUN 2023 - DEC lsemester 2023 ) Time: FN - 9:30 am MONDAY BAR2l008 CLIMATOLOGY 31.10.2423 TUESDAY BAR21009 BUILDING SERVICES -II 01.11.2023 WEDNESDAY BCE2lAO4 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES -II Date:17 -10-2023 Revision level - 00 \xod\' Coordinator (CAS) Reviewed by Department Head mrt\u Approved by Dean u Note : 12'30 pm Subject Name Subject Code 30.10.2023 Prepared by - Sem Day Date - This Time table has to be circulated concemed staff & students and displayed notice board FORMNO. F/ EVAL /OO3 Reuoo Date 2O.O3.2O20 Page '"'ril". 3 of 4 ,,14+& #i." Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024 , ODD / EVEN - ODD (JLIN 2023 -DEC 2023) Department /Degree / Branch lYear Time: FN - 9:30 am * 12.30 pm lsemester Architecture / B.Arch i IV yr / VII Sem Date Subject Name Subject Code Day & SCHEDULING 30.10.2023 MONDAY BAR17025 COST ESTIMATING 31.10.2023 TI.IESDAY BARl7026 URBAN DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE 0t.11.2423 WEDNESDAY BARl7E14 SMART CITIES Date:77 -10-2023 Revision level - 00 \\.6'D Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) 7q5ffi\a Approved by Reviewed by Department Head Dean u Note : This Time table has to be circulated concerned staff & students and displayed notice board FORMNO. F/ EVAL /OO3 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 Page4 of 4 l.'h+& '"1.fr'r" w.-/ "s*i Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024 , ODD / EVEN - ODD (JLIN 2023 -DEC 2023) Department /Degree / Branch lYear Architecture / B.Arch /Y Yr IIX Sem Subject Name Subject Code Day Date Time: FN - 9:30 am - 12'30 pm lsemester 30.10.2023 MONDAY BAF.l7027 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 31.10.202',3 TUESDAY BARITEOS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Date: 17 -10-2023 Revision level - 00 ffi{,"\o \qd,v Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) Approved by Reviewed by Department Head Dean U, Note : This Time table has to be circulated concemed staff & students and displayed notice board FORM NO. F/ EVAL / 003 R€u00 Date 20.03.2020 Page 1 of 2 '! t& €j- #A+q Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024 , ODD / EVEN - ODD (J[IN 2023 - DEC 2023 \ Time: FN - 9:30 am Department /Degree / Branch /Year /Semester Architecture / B.Des I Date lll - yr I V Sem Subject Name Subject Code Day 30.10.2023 MONDAY BDEl7110 ESTIMATION & COSTING 3r.10.2023 TUESDAY 8DE17111 CONTEMPORARY INTERIOR DESIGNERS 01.11.2023 WEDNESDAY BDEl7EO2 ADAPTIVE RE-USE & RECYCLE Date:17-10-2023 Revision level - 00 \ Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) :{-Note : 12.30 pm -6e r\ r. \ 1,.3 Approved by Reviewed by Department Head Dean t/ This Time table has to be circulated concerned staff & students and displayed notice board FORM NO. F/ EVAL. 1003 Rev.00 Dare 20.03.2020 Page2 ol 2 ."'rreruc*rtof{Al Eir-AHDIYI-G-F[RESEARcH lt{srtrurg i'"n+\ "'rT, Eq-j.:d' .,.i#&?.. oEEsiEo r0 BE ut{tvExlrlTY "W!k&+ - @ {Ah l9O Al8O1 I ?OJ6 gadfid lnsti&lls} a,rd@, a.gti. fitS ha.rrl ff!dtr{v€/5t. C&e\.u.95,'ir,ilL8J!, trdti- Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024 , ODD / EVEN - ODD (J[IN 2023 Department /Degree / Branch lYear lsemester - DEC 2023\ Time: FN - 9:30 am - 12'30 pm Architecture / B.Des / IV yr / VII Sem Subject Name Subject Code Day Date 30.10.2023 MONDAY BDE17115 31.10.2023 TTIESDAY BDEITEOS 0t.11.2023 WEDNESDAY BDE17EO4 PARAMETERS OF INTERIOR DESIGN & COMPONENTS ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRADITIONAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES Date: 17-10-2023 Revision levei - 00 Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) \K\P Department Head ffi'{"v Approved by Dean J,,-- Lr Note : This Time table has to be circulated concemed staff & students and displayed notice board a. FORMNO. F/ EVAL /003 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 Page 1 of 3 ,-ilF' s.i# ,.{i*\ "q@*J Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024,ODD/EVEN -bOn(JUN2023 -DEC 2023) Time: FN - 9:30 am Department /Degree / Branch lYear lSemester Architecture / M.Arch / CPM I llyr I III )ay Date - 12.30 pm Sem Subject Name Subject Code 01.1r.2023 WEDNESDAY MAR21CO1O RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 02.lt.2023 THURSDAY MAR21COO9 03.11.2023 FRIDAY MAR2ICEO2 ECONOMICS AND FINANCE MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE AND REI{ABILITATION OF STRUCTURES 04.lt.2023 SATURDAY MAR21CEO3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT Date:17-10-2023 Revision lcvel - 00 Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) \vds Reviewed by Department Head ffi'dra Approved by Dean l--- 11 Note : This Time table has to be circulated concerned staff & students and displayed notice board FORMNO. F/ EVAL /oo3 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 Page2 of 3 ':f IKA;' l;rjl ,rHe l: Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year: 2023 -2024,ODD/EVEN -ODD(J[IN2023 Time: FN - 9:30 am - 12.30 Pm Department /Degree / Branch /Year lSemester Architecture / M.Arch / Interior MONDAY 30.10.2023 lllyr IIII Sem Subject Name Subject Code Day Date MAR21IOO3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES IN ARCHITECTURE Date: 17-10-2023 Revision level - 00 \KV Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) -DEC 2023) Reviewed by Department Head \1 ta \,a Approved by Dean u Note : This Time table has to be circulated concerned staff & students and displayed notice board FORMNO. F/ EVAL /OO3 Rev.00 Date 20.03.2020 Page ,fiHn rtlt* sp 3 of 3 -r#& -6{&;-ri d Timetable- MODEL EXAM Academic Year : 2023 -2024 ,ODD / EVEN - ODD (JLTN 2023 -DEC 2023 ) Time: FN - 9:30 am - 12.30 pm Department /Degree / Branch lYear lSemester Architecture / M.Arch / Landscape / Sem Subject Name Subject Code Day Date II yr / III 30.1A.2023 MONDAY MAR21LOO9 URBAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN 31.10.2023 TUESDAY MAR2ILEl LANDSCAPE RESOURCES-II a1..11.2023 WEDNESDAY MAR21LO11 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES MAR21LO1O LANDSCAPE ECONOMICS, ESTIMATION AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT 02.11.2023 THURSDAY Dare: 17-10-2023 Revision level - 00 Prepared by Coordinator (CAS) 4:- 1/ Note : ).w ffit^{"\a Approved by Dean Department Head This Time table has to be circulated concerned staff & students and displayed notice board #T[T&} ,.":, t*\, I m ffi :rc -ffi;_,._:1 ;.';;'t:':i;;'; I latll M. ARCH DEGREE EXAMINATIONS NOV IDEC 2022 MAR2 1 CEO3_QUALITY MANAGEMENT REGISTER NUMBER Maximum Marks: 100 Time: Three Hours PART- A (8X5 = 40 MARKS) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PART- B (4X15 = 60 MARKS) ANSWER AI{Y FOUR QUESTIONS 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ,r rr rr rr r( ?t dfilh, "sirl;-;;jd "..1:,.riir ''ffis+" BAR2 OOs-VALUE AND REGISTER NUMBER Maximum Marks: IS$ Time: Three Hours Part-A(10x4:40Marks) Answer Anv TEN Ouestions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1i tt t2. 11 lJ. t4. 15. ParI-:I (5x12 :60 Marks) Answer Anv FIVE Ouestions t6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22. 23. EDUCATION