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Security Guard Test: Duties, Laws, and Procedures

1. _____ Which of the following are basic duties a security guard may be expected to
A. Enforcing traffic rules on public streets
B. Patrolling public parks and enforcing laws in other public places
C. Enforcing rules and policies at a location where they are acting as an
D. All of the Above
2. _____ Which of the following are surveillance techniques?
A. Observing physical environment
B. Situational awareness
C. Attending to environmental details
D. All of the above
3. _____ Which of the following is a benefit of mobile patrol over foot patrol?
A. Greater access to equipment and gear
B. Ability to cover a much larger distance for individual officers
C. Ability to respond faster to remote areas
D. All of the above
4. _____ The criminal code of Canada
A. Allows special rights and authorities for police officers and security
B. Allows a security guard the same legal authorities as any other private
C. Allows a security guard legal authority to use reasonable force to arrest a
person wanted on a warrant
D. Prevents security guards from using force to remove trespassers from
properties they are protecting
5. _____ What is the best form of statement to take from a witness to an event when
you are certain there will be court proceedings on the matter?
A. Verbatim
B. Paraphrased
C. Abbreviated
D. All of the above
6. _____ Which of the following are duties required by employers according to the
occupational Health and safety Act?
A. That equipment, materials and protective devices as prescribed are
B. That the measures and procedures prescribed are carried out in the
C. That equipment, materials and protective devices provided by the
employer are in good condition.
D. All of the Above
7. _____ Which of the following would be an appropriate step to take in the event of a
bomb threat?
A. Remove any suspicious packages to a secure location.
B. Perform a search of the area for any unusual packages, vehicles or
C. Prevent any evacuation to ensure there is no panic.
D. All of the above
8. _____ What is first priority when responding to any emergency situation?
A. Preserve evidence and ensure the scene is not contaminated.
B. Assess hazards and make the area safe to operate in.
C. Treat life threatening injuries immediately and triage victims as required.
D. Set up a command post and begin organizing people as they arrive.
9. _____ Which of the following assumptions are made in criminal law?
A. The burden of proof is on the crown.
B. There is a presumption of innocence with accused people.
C. Defendants only have to provide reasonable doubt in order to be acquitted.
D. All of the above
10._____ Which of the following is NOT a duty that a Security Guard may be expected
to perform?
A. Prevent Crime
B. Enforce Access controls
C. Control vehicle traffic
D. High speed vehicle pursuit
E. Protect life and property
11._____ When in full security uniform, which of the following must be clearly visible
to everyone?
A. A name tag with your name on it
B. The name of the company that employs you
C. The word SECURITY
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
12._____ While on patrol the following might be considered a fire hazard.
A. Slippery floor
B. Damaged handrail on stairwell
C. Coffee machine left on with no coffee
D. None of the above
13._____ Why should you carry an Evidence Notebook with you at all times while on
You might forget important details by the time you write the report
The notebook takes the place of a report
You might see something you like and need to get their details
All of the above
14._____ Which of the following is not an example of an alarm device?
A. Motion detectors
B. Vibration sensors
C. Pressure mats
D. Emergency exit signs
15._____ To restore order in a Canadian Courtroom, a judge will do so by:
A. Using a gavel
B. Raising his/her voice
C. Turning his/her back
D. Exiting the courtroom until order is restored
16._____ Who developed WHIMIS
A. Private industry
B. The security industry
D. Jointly developed by labour, industry, and federal, provincial, and
territorial governments.
17._____ What does the acronym WHIMIS stand for?
A. Work Health Ministry Insurance Services
B. When Hazards Meet Industrial Sites
C. Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
D. Work Hard Means Insecure Safety
18._____ Breaking/entering, arson, assault, murder, kidnapping are all examples of
which offense?
A. Summary conviction offense
B. Indictable offense
C. Dual or hybrid offense
D. None of the above
19._____ Which of the following are common municipal by-laws that a security guard
should be familiar with?
A. Noise by-laws
B. Occupancy limits
C. Parking by-laws
D. All of the above
20._____ Which of the following are covered under the Employment Standards Act?
A. Payment of Wages
B. Hours of work and eating periods
C. Overtime pay and Public holidays
D. All of the above
21._____ Which of the following must be done to affect an arrest?
A. Touch to gain physical control and inform the person that they are
under arrest
B. Simply taking physical control of a person without informing them that
they are under arrest
C. An appearance notice requiring a person to attend court is sent to a
person's home
D. All of the above
22._____ What are three types of evidence?
A. Physical, hearsay and inadmissible
B. Hearsay, admissible and prohibited
C. Real, testimony and documentary
D. None of the above
23._____ What questions are important when filling out written reports?
A. Who, when
B. What, why
C. Where, how
D. All of the above
24._____ The term office may only be used when you are:
A. Patrolling a government building
B. Dealing with people who don't know your level of authority
C. When you are licensed as a security guard
D. You may never use the term officer
E. Only if you are speaking with someone who does not know the language
25._____ The section of the criminal code which gives you the power of a citizen's
arrest is:
A. 949
B. 456
C. 494
D. None of the above
26._____ Under the criminal code, all licensed security guards in Canada have the same
legal authorities as:
A. Members of the general public
B. Special constables
C. Municipal law enforcement
D. Provincial law enforcement
27._____ The acronym CPTED stands for:
A. Canadian private training and education designation
B. Corporate practices towards enhanced defense
C. Creating protection through every department
D. Crime prevention through environmental design
28._____ Effective security patrols:
A. Should always be reactive rather than proactive
B. Should always be proactive rather than reactive
C. Can be either reactive or proactive
D. Should always be random
E. Should always follow a prescribed patrol route
29._____ According to the liquor license act the legal drinking age & to serve liquor in
Ontario is:
A. Legal drinking age is 18 and to serve liquor is 19
B. Legal drinking age is 19 and to serve liquor is 20
C. Legal drinking age is 21 and to serve liquor is 21
D. Legal drinking age is 19 and to serve liquor is 17
E. Legal drinking age is 19 & above and to serve liquor is 18& above
30._____ A security guard who is unfit to perform his/her duties because he/she arrives
at work intoxicated is in violation of :
A. The criminal code
B. The controlled drug and substances act
C. The employment standards act
D. The liquor control act
E. The code of conduct
31._____ Good listening skills are demonstrated when a security guard
A. Finishes someone's sentences for them
B. Writes while a person talks to them
C. Makes and maintains eye contact
D. Interrupts to ask relevant questions
32._____ When dealing with an aggressive person the first thing you should consider
doing is:
A. Deter
B. Defend
C. Deny
D. Diffuse
33._____ The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms states that everyone has the right
to ________, _________ and ________ of the person and the right to not be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principal of fundamental
A. Life, Liberty and Security
B. Food, water and shelter
C. Do, say and ignore
D. Wealth fortune and lawyers
34._____ A security guard on duty must always carry:
A. Security guard license
B. Communication equipment (cell phone/radio)
C. Flashlight and writing material
D. Identity document (drivers license)
35._____ While on duty who has the ability to check your license.
A. Client you are working for
B. Your supervisor
C. Police officer
D. Any member of the public
36._____ What term best describes para-verbal communication?
A. Tone, pitch, octave
B. Intonation, intention, body language, tone, volume
C. Smile, nod, wave
D. Tone, volume, cadence
37._____ If a security guard has trouble hearing a radio transmission and needed the
dispatcher to repeat the message, what 10 code would the guard use?
A. 10-0
B. 10-1
C. 10-4
D. 10-9
38._____ What is the best agent to extinguish a class C fire
A. Water
B. Dry Chemicals
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Baking soda
39._____ You are on patrol and you find a contractor working on the roof. You were
unaware that contractors would be working there today. What steps should the
security guard follow?
A. Tell him to stop working. If he refuses arrest him under the Trespass to
Property act
B. Ask him for ID, and verify the contractors presence with your
supervisor. Have the contractor stop their work until the supervisor
has returned with an answer. If the contractor is allowed to work,
leave the area and document the event fully.
C. Allow them to continue, they look like contractors
D. Continue with your patrol but be sure to ask your supervisor about it when
you get back to the security desk
40._____ You are working in an industrial site that works with lots of toxic chemicals.
When your are patrolling you notice a container in the warehouse that is
leaking fluid. What steps do you follow?
A. Dip your finger in it and smell it, if the smell is strong leave the area
B. Cordon off the area immediately. When it is safe to do so follow
WHIMIS guidelines, check your sites MSDS and call the company
who is responsible for the product for safe handling procedures
C. Leave the area immediately and check your sites MSDS, tell the client
D. WHIMIS does not protect security guards who work in the warehouse
41._____ What is the best example of excited delirium?
A. Your partner before they take a vacation
B. A substance abuser who is displaying bizarre behavior combined with
unexpected physical strength
C. Someone who is new to the city and eagerly asks you for directions
D. The client who is reprimanding you for not doing the correct amount of
42._____ What is the definition of asphyxia?
A. When the position of the body interferes with its ability to breathe
B. When someone faints and falls to the ground
C. When the position of the body doesn't allow the subject to move freely
D. When it becomes difficult to breathe
43._____ What is the difference between covert and overt security surveillance?
A. Covert is done with a vehicle, overt is done outside
B. Covert is done at night, overt is done during the day
C. Covert is where the security guard is an obvious person in uniform, overt
is when the guard isn't immediately visible to the subject/public
D. Covert is when the guard isn't immediately visible to the
subject/public, overt is when where the security guard is an obvious
person in uniform
44._____ What is the best agent to extinguish a typical fire?
A. Water
B. Dry chemicals
C. Baking Soda
D. Carbon dioxide
45._____ When a security guard enters and emergency situation, what is the MOST
important thing to consider?
A. Safety of the guard
B. Protection of evidence
C. Finding the perpetrator of the crime and arresting them
D. Giving first aid to the victim
46._____ What tasks should the officer in charge of a crime scene assign?
A. Obtaining names, addresses and phone numbers of all people present
including firefighters, police officers and security guards
B. Ensure that the route to the crime scene by the first responder is not
contaminated. Other routes should be used
C. Making as small a perimeter as possible and expanding it out afterwards as
D. All of the above
47._____ If you as a security guard are involved in a lawful arrest you must adhere to
the provisions in
A. Landlord tenant Act
B. Post orders or Standing orders
C. Ontario Health and Safety Act
D. Criminal code of Canada
48._____ When attempting to enforce the rules and regulations of a site, a security
guard should always avoid
A. Ego
B. Aggressive demeanor
C. Emotion
D. All of the above
49._____ Which of the following actions are licensee holders under the PSISA
prohibited from doing
A. Preventing squatters from entering vacant land owned by their employers
B. Following someone without their consent to report on their activities to a
third party
C. Knowingly locate or gather information for the purpose of locating
any person know or suspected by the licensee to be a member of a
witness protection program
D. Forcibly removing an unwelcome patron from a night club even if they are
not drunk
50._____ What are following methods of ingestion that drug users may utilize while
using illegal drugs?
A. Smoking
B. Orally
C. Snorting
D. All of the above