Unicorn Editable Board Game ©2019 FunLearningForKids.com Font from: KimberlyGeswein.com Clip art from: Thank You! Thank you for downloading this product! I hope you find it useful and fun, and I hope it saves you a ton of time. If you like this product, be sure to check out all of my other printables at: Printables – Fun Learning for Kids ____________________________________________________ Please follow me via social media as well, and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can find other activities and resources to use with your kids. Fun Learning for Kids Blog Fun Learning for Kids Newsletter Fun Learning for Kids Facebook Page Fun Learning for Kids on Pinterest Terms and Conditions of Use This file is for personal, classroom or public library use only. By using them, you agree that you will not copy or reproduce the files except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Modification of terms. I have the right to modify the terms of this Agreement at any time; the modification will be effective immediately and shall replace all prior Agreements. You may… You may NOT… •Print as many copies as you’d like to use in your classroom, home or public library. •Post online about a printable (for example—take a picture of your child or student using it), giving proper credit to FunLearningForKids.com and must link back to the original source for downloading. •Claim my files as your own. •Alter my electronic files in any way. •Sell or in anyway profit from my electronic files. •Print my files and then sell the printed copies to others. •Store or distribute my files on any other website or another location where others are able to electronically retrieve them (for example: Dropbox, 4Shared, Mediafire, Facebook groups and forums, etc.). •Email my files to anyone or transmit them in any other fashion HOW TO BEGIN: Instructions: 1. Type one word/number/letter into each of the boxes below, for a total of 12. They will automatically be plugged into the board game. 2. To do this for additional sets of words/numbers/letters, just save the file with a different file name. For example, the first one will be “Sight Word Game - List 1” and the next “Sight Word Game – List 2” and so on. d n j f m h b l e r i g Having problems? Make sure you are opening the file with Adobe Reader. If you aren’t, you will have issues with the formatting and the font won't be the same. You can get it for free here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/ Save the file to your computer. Then find the file on your computer and right click on it. Finally, choose Open With > Adobe Reader. HOW TO USE: Prep: Print and laminate or stick in a write and wipe pocket. How to use: Type the words, letters, numbers, etc. that you want to work on into the boxes on the first page. The board game will auto populate with the things you typed in. Students will roll a dice and move through the game, in any way you would like. Ways to differentiate: Students roll a dice, move that many spaces, land on a letter and say its sound. Students will roll a dice and move to the space with the same number on it. (Can use 6-sided dice, 10-sided dice, or even ten frame dice.) Students will roll a dice, move that many spaces, land on a word and read it out loud. Students will roll a cube with a letter written on each side and then move to space that matches the letter rolled. Students will roll a cube with blends or digraphs written on each side. Students roll the cube and move to a space with a word that includes that blend or digraph. On a cueb, write 1 on two sides, 2 on two more sides and 3 on the remaining two sides. Students roll a 1, 2 or a 3 and move to a word with that many syllables. Students roll two dice, add the numbers together and move to a space with that sum on it. End b f d g e h j i l m n r b f j h e g d ©2019 FunLearningForKids.com Start d f b r n m l i End b f d g e h j i l m n r b f j h e g d ©2019 FunLearningForKids.com Start d f b r n m l i Unicorn Board Game Each time you or your partner land on a space on the game board, write it in the correct column below. PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 ©2019 FunLearningForKids.com