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CLASS: 4th
TEXTBOOK: Fairyland
UNIT: 8a
LESSON: A little green man, feelings ( vocabulary)
TYPE OF LESSON: Introducing new material
SKILLS: Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening
INTERACTION: Teacher-student, student-teacher, student-student
AIDS: textbook, board, notebooks, video projector, worksheets
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, example, brainstorming
POSSIBLE PROBLEM: Students may have difficulties in communication.
LESSON AIMS: 1. – to talk about feelings
2. – to present and practice new vocabulary
3. – to allow pupils to develop their speaking and writing skills
1. Pupils will get a better awareness of how to express feelings.
2. Pupils will have developed their language skills-particularly
listening and writing.
EVALUATION: - continuous –through observation and analysis of answers
ACTIVITY 1: Warm up
Aims: - to encourage pupils’ involvement
Teacher’s activity: Teacher greets pupils and asks them questions about their mood to
encourage speaking. Pupils answer the teacher’s questions. The pupil on duty tells the absents,
the teacher writes the absents, then she checks homework- they had to learn the past tense use of
to be and rewind the vocabulary connected to animals. T asks pupils to play a game, I was a…,
in order to check these.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss- Ss, whole class
Timing: 5’
ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in
Aims: - to introduce pupils into the new topic
- to present and activate the vocabulary
Teacher’s activity: T tells pupils they are going to watch and listen to a video then she writes a
big 14 on the board and asks the pupils to open their books at page fourteen. T reads the title of
the unit and has the pupils repeat. The teacher writes on the board the title of the lesson and tells
them that they are going to talk about feelings.
Students’ activity: pupils watch, listen, repeat then write the title in their notebooks.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, whole class
Timing: 5’
Aims: - to present and activate the vocabulary
Teacher’s activity: T reads the instructions, explains/elicits the meaning of the phrase A little
green man then asks the pupils who they think the little green man is she does not not say if they
are right or wrong after she goes through the pictures of the dialogue and sets the scene by
asking questions. T asks the pupils to listen to the dialogue while she is reading and mime the
word that she will not read. T writes down the new vocabulary.
Students’ activity: The pupils listen, follow along and complete the task and write down the
new vocabulary.
Interaction: T- Ss, Ss-T, PW, IW
Timing: 15’
Aims: - to allow students to practice vocabulary
-check the pupils’ pronunciation
Teacher’s activity: T plays the recording again with pauses for the pupils to listen and repeat.
Then, the pupils take roles read out the dialogue and are asked to change some words with other
from the new vocabulary. They also do exercise 3 page 15.
Students’ activity: Pupils work and complete the sentences.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss- Ss, IW
Timing: 10’
ACTIVITY 5: Feedback
Aim: - to allow pupils to consolidate their vocabulary
Teacher’s activity: Pupils receive worksheets with Emoji Story and then they are asked to read
it loud.
Students’ activity: Students listen, work and read
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, IW
Timing: 10’
ACTIVITY 6: Assigning homework
Teacher’s activity: T asks pupils to create their own Emoji Story using the new vocabulary and
the workshhet as a model.
Teacher makes some appreciations concerning pupils’ involvement in the lesson and ask them
how did they feel at the beginning/ end of the lesson
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 5’