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Night Essay: Elie Wiesel's Impact

Joey D. Kertes
Honors English 2: Informative Writing #1
15 September 2023
Many horrifying things happened in Night by Elie Wiesel. The thing I'm going to remember
longest is the ending when he looked in the mirror. During this part on page 115 he wrote ¨From
the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me
has never left me.¨ And I think that is an awful way to see yourself.
Images that will stick with me are the babies getting thrown into fire, and the dead bodies that
were left in the snow. On page 32 he says ¨A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small
children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes . . . children thrown into the flames.¨ I
think that this is the most horrifying part of the book because they were innocent. Then later in
the book on page 105 Elie says ¨I pointed to the corpses around him; they too had wanted to rest
here.¨ This part is just terrible, people being so tired that they want to rest, but then they die out
in the snow.
The book changed my way of thinking because while reading I thought about, what if I was in
that situation, how would I survive, could I even survive.
I think the saddest part is when someone tells Wiesel that he has more faith in Hitler than
anyone else. I also find this angering because no one was helping them. I thought it was most
touching that Wiesel is so determined to keep his father alive. I did find it very surprising and
confusing when they let Elie´s father stay on the train even though he was in poor health.
In conclusion, many horrific things happened in Night. Like babies getting thrown into fire
and someone having more faith in Hitler than anyone else.