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Synaptic Transmission: Neuroscience Presentation

Synaptic transmission
Yang Zhou
10,13, 2023
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
1852 –1934
Charles Scott Sherrington
1857 – 1952
propagation of nervous action is made
by contacts at the level of certain
“Such a special connection of one
nerve cell with another might be
called synapse”
apparatuses or dispositions of
engagement ”
The War of the Soups and the Sparks: The Discovery of
Neurotransmitters and the Dispute Over How Nerves Communicate
John Eccles
Henry Dale
Penton Elliott (Langley)1904 “Adrenaline might be the chemical stimulant
liberated on each occasion when the impulse arrives at the periphery”
Otto Loewi
Otto Loewi 1873-1961
Stephen Kuffler: Convincing evidence of chemical transmission in
neural-muscular junction (single nerve fiber)
Synapses Are Predominantly Electrical or Chemical
Electrical synaptic transmission was first described by Edwin Furshpan
and David Potter in the giant motor synapse of the crayfish.
Electrical Synapses Provide Rapid Signal Transmission
During excitatory synaptic transmission at an electrical synapse, voltage-gated ion channels in the
presynaptic cell generate the current that depolarizes the postsynaptic cell, the presynaptic terminal must
be big enough for its membrane to contain many ion channels , the postsynaptic cell must be relatively
The synaptic delay— the time between the presynaptic spike and the postsynaptic potential—is remarkably
The change in potential of the postsynaptic cell is directly related to the size and shape of the change in
potential of the presynaptic cell.
Most electrical synapses can transmit both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currents.
Electrical transmission is graded
It occurs even when the current in the presynaptic cell is below the threshold for an action potential.
Cells at an Electrical Synapse Are Connected by Gap-Junction
At an electrical synapse, the pre- and postsynaptic components are apposed at the gap junction--specialized protein structures that conduct ionic current directly from the presynaptic to the postsynaptic cell.
A gap-junction channel consists of a pair of hemichannels, or connexons (连接子), one in the presynaptic and
the other in the postsynaptic cell membrane. Each connexon is composed of six identical subunits, called
connexins (连接蛋白).
The large pore of gap-junction channels does not discriminate among inorganic ions and is even wide
enough to permit small organic molecules pass through.
Many gap-junction channels in different cell types are formed by the products of different connexin genes and
thus respond differently to modulatory factors that control their opening and closing
pH, Ca2+ and neurotransmitters released from nearby chemical synapses can modulate the opening of
gap-junction channels.
A three-dimensional model of the gap-junction channel
Electrical Transmission Allows Rapid and Synchronous Firing
of Interconnected Cells
Fast response,
such as escape
Orchestrating the actions
of groups of neurons,
which produce
synchronous behaviors
The fine structure of a presynaptic terminal
The separation between the two cells at a
chemical synapse---the synaptic cleft, is usually
slightly wider (20–40 nm) than the nonsynaptic
intercellular space (20 nm). Chemical synaptic
transmission depends on a neurotransmitter,
Transmitter is released from specialized
swellings of the presynaptic axon—synaptic
boutons—that typically contain 100 to 200
synaptic vesicles, each of which is filled with
several thousand molecules of neurotransmitter
The synaptic vesicles are clustered at
specialized regions of the synaptic bouton
called active zones.
Synaptic transmission at chemical synapses involves several steps
Influx of Ca2+
binding of transmitter
The Action of a Neurotransmitter Depends on the Properties
of the Postsynaptic Receptor
Chemical synaptic transmission can be divided into two steps: a transmitting step---the presynaptic cell
releases a chemical messenger, and a receptive step---the transmitter binds to and activates the receptor
molecules in the postsynaptic cell.
The action of a transmitter depends on the properties of the postsynaptic receptors that recognize and bind
the transmitter.
In vertebrates, ACh acts on excitatory Ach receptors at all neuromuscular junctions to trigger
contraction while also acting on inhibitory ACh receptors to slow the heart.
All receptors for chemical transmitters have two biochemical features in common:
1. They are membrane-spanning proteins.
2. They carry out an effector function within the target cell.
Neurotransmitters open postsynaptic ion channels either
directly or indirectly
Two classes of transmitter actions are
mediated by receptor proteins :
ionotropic receptors--the receptor directly controls ion flux.
ligand-gated ion channels., binding of transmitter
to an extracellular binding site triggers a
conformational change that opens the channel pore,
Neurotransmitters open postsynaptic ion channels either
directly or indirectly
Metabotropic receptors--activate intracellular metabolic signaling
pathways, often leading to the synthesis of
second messengers, such as cAMP, that
regulate levels of protein phosphorylation.
Electrical and Chemical Synapses Can Coexist and Interact
Both forms of synaptic transmission can coexist in the same neuron and that electrical and chemical
synapses can modify each other’s efficacy.
Directly Gated Transmission:
The Nerve-Muscle Synapse
The Neuromuscular Junction Has Specialized Presynaptic
and Postsynaptic Structures
The neuromuscular junction
Synaptic boutons
The Postsynaptic Potential Results From a Local Change in
Membrane Permeability
Once ACh is released, the resulting excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is very large. At the nervemuscle synapse, the EPSP is also referred to as the end-plate potential . This change in membrane potential
usually is large enough to rapidly activate the voltage-gated Na+ channels in the muscle membrane,
converting the endplate potential into an action potential.
The end-plate potential was first studied in detail in the 1950s by Paul Fatt and Bernard Katz using
intracellular voltage recordings.
The end-plate potential
Fatt and Katz found that the EPSP is
maximal at the end-plate and decreases
progressively with distance In addition,
the time course of the EPSP slows
progressively with distance.
From this, Fatt and Katz concluded that
the endplate potential is generated by
an inward ionic current that is confined
to the end-plate and then spreads
passively away.
Electrophysiological evidence that the
ACh receptors are localized to the
end-plate was provided by Stephen
Kuffler and his colleagues.
Individual Acetylcholine Receptor-Channels Conduct All-or乙酰胆碱
None Currents
The patch-clamp technique is used to record currents from single ACh receptor-channels.
1976, Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann
The time course of the total current at the endplate reflects the summation of
contributions of many individual acetylcholine receptor-channels
The end-plate potential resulting from the opening of acetylcholine
receptor-channels opens voltage-gated sodium channels
The nicotinic ACh receptor-channel is a pentameric macromolecule
A high-resolution three-dimensional structural model of a
neuronal nicotinic ACh receptor channel
Synaptic Integration in the Central
Nervous System
synaptic transmission between central neurons is more complex
1. Although most muscle fibers are typically innervated by only one motor neuron, a central
nerve cell receives connections from thousands of neurons.
2. Muscle fibers receive only excitatory inputs, whereas central neurons receive both excitatory
and inhibitory inputs.
3. All synaptic actions on muscle fibers are mediated by one neurotransmitter ---ACh, which
activates only one type of receptor; a single central neuron can respond to many different
types of inputs, each mediated by a distinct transmitter that activates a specific type of
receptor .
4. Every AP in the motor neuron produces an action potential in the muscle fiber; connections
made by a presynaptic neuron onto a central neuron are only modestly effective—in many
cases at least 50 to 100 excitatory neurons must fire together to trigger an action
potential in postsynaptic neurons.
stretch reflex
The first insights into synaptic transmission in the central nervous system came from experiments by John Eccles
and his colleagues in the 1950s on the synaptic inputs onto spinal motor neurons that control the stretch reflex.
The combination of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections
mediating the stretch reflex
The two most common morphological types of synapses in
the central nervous system
Type I synapses are mostly glutamatergic and
excitatory, have round synaptic vesicles, an
electron-dense region (the active zone) on the
presynaptic membrane, and an even larger
electron dense region in the postsynaptic
membrane (postsynaptic density),
asymmetric appearance.
Type II synapses are GABAergic and
inhibitory. have oval or flattened synaptic
vesicles , less obvious presynaptic membrane
specializations and postsynaptic densities,
resulting in a more symmetric appearance
The proximity of a synapse to the axon initial
segment is thought to determine its effectiveness.
Excitatory Synaptic Transmission Is Mediated by Ionotropic
Glutamate Receptor-Channels Permeable to Cations
The EPSP in spinal motor cells results from the opening of ionotropic glutamate receptorchannels, which are permeable to both Na+ and K+. This ionic mechanism is similar to that
produced by ACh at the neuromuscular junction.
Glutamate receptors can be divided into two broad categories: ionotropic receptors and
metabotropic Receptors. There are three major types of ionotropic glutamate receptors: AMPA ,
kainate, and NMDA.
The NMDA receptor channel is highly permeable to Ca2+, whereas most non-NMDA
receptors are not.
Different classes of glutamate receptors
The action of all ionotropic glutamate receptors is excitatory or depolarizing , metabotropic receptors
can produce either excitation or inhibition , depending on the reversal potential of the ionic currents that
they regulate and whether they promote channel opening or channel closing.
NMDA and AMPA Receptors Are Organized by a Network
of Proteins at the Postsynaptic Density
NMDA Receptors Have Unique Biophysical and Pharmacological
Opening of NMDA
receptor depends
on membrane
voltage as well as
transmitter binding.
The contributions of the AMPA and NMDA receptorchannels to the excitatory postsynaptic current
The Properties of the NMDA Receptor Underlie Long-Term
Synaptic Plasticity
In 1973, Tim Bliss and Terje Lomo found that a brief period of high-intensity and high-frequency synaptic
stimulation leads to long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus.
LTP is completely blocked when the tetanus is delivered in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonist
NMDA Receptors Contribute to Neuropsychiatric Disease
A model for the mechanism of long-term potentiation
Fast Inhibitory Synaptic Actions Are Mediated by Ionotropic
GABA and Glycine Receptor- Channels Permeable to Chloride
GABA acts on both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors:
The GABA A receptor is an ionotropic receptor that directly opens a Cl− channel;
The GABA B receptor is a metabotropic receptor that activates a second-messenger cascade,
which often indirectly activates a K+ channel.
Glycine, a less common inhibitory transmitter in the brain, also activates ionotropic receptors
that directly open Cl− channels.
Glycine is the major transmitter released in the spinal cord.
Fast Inhibitory Synaptic Actions Are Mediated by Ionotropic
GABA and Glycine Receptor- Channels Permeable to Chloride
Inhibition can shape the firing pattern of a spontaneously
active neuron
Synaptic Inputs Are Integrated at the Axon Initial Segment
Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Actions Are
Integrated by Neurons Into a Single Output.
The net effect of the inputs at any individual
excitatory or inhibitory synapse will therefore
depend on several factors: the location, size, and
shape of the synapse; the proximity and relative
strength of other synergistic or antagonistic
synapses; and the resting potential of the cell.
In most neurons, AP output is initiated at the
axon initial Segment, which has a lower
threshold for AP generation than at the cell
body or dendrites because of higher density
of voltage-dependent Na+ channels。
Central neurons are able to integrate a variety of synaptic inputs
through temporal and spatial summation of synaptic potentials
Temporal summation , ---the process by
which consecutive synaptic potentials are
added together in the postsynaptic cell。
Spatial summation
---the inputs from many presynaptic
neurons acting at different sites on the
postsynaptic neuron are added together
Dendritic spines compartmentalize calcium influx through
NMDA receptors
Transmitter Release
Chemical neurotransmission is the primary mechanism by which neurons communicate, and
process information; it occurs throughout the nervous system
Transmitter release is triggered by changes in presynaptic
membrane potential
Transmitter release is not directly triggered by the opening
of presynaptic voltage-gated Na+ or K+ channels
Transmitter release is regulated by Ca2+ influx into the
presynaptic terminals through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
Graded depolarizations activated a graded
inward Ca2+ current, which in turn resulted in
graded release of transmitter. The Ca2+ current
is graded because the Ca2+ channels are
voltage-dependent and stay open as long as
the presynaptic depolarization lasts.
Calcium channels are largely localized in presynaptic
terminals at active zones
Calcium flowing into the presynaptic site during synaptic transmission
at the neuromuscular junction is concentrated at the active zone.
These channels are
concentrated at presynaptic
“active zones,” very close to
the sites at which release
The precise relation between presynaptic Ca2+ and transmitter
release at a central synapse
The calyx synapse includes almost a
thousand active zones that function as
independent release sites
The synaptic delay is largely attributable
to the time required to open Ca2+
Several Classes of Calcium Channels Mediate Transmitter Release
Neurons contain five broad classes of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels: the L-type, P/Q-type,
N-type, R-type, and T-type, which are encoded by distinct but closely related genes.
Transmitter Is Released in Quantal Units
Katz and his colleagues showed that transmitter is released in discrete amounts they called quanta. Each
quantum of transmitter produces a postsynaptic potential of fixed size, called the quantal synaptic potential.
Transmitter Is Stored and Released by Synaptic Vesicles
Del Castillo and Katz speculated that the vesicles (囊泡) were organelles for the storage of transmitter, each
vesicle stored one quantum of transmitter.
The efficacy of transmitter release from a single presynaptic cell onto a single postsynaptic cell varies
widely in the nervous system and depends on several factors:
(1) the number of individual synapses between a pair of presynaptic and postsynaptic cells;
(2) the number of active zones in an individual synaptic terminal;
(3) the probability that a presynaptic action potential will trigger release of one or more quanta of
Synaptic Vesicles Discharge Transmitter by Exocytosis and
Are Recycled by Endocytosis
Vesicles release their contents by directly
fusing with the presynaptic membrane, a
process termed exocytosis.
freeze-fracture electron microscopy,
Capacitance Measurements Provide Insight Into the Kinetics
of Exocytosis and Endocytosis
The Synaptic Vesicle Cycle
Exocytosis of Synaptic Vesicles Relies on a Highly Conserved
Protein Machinery
SNARE Proteins Catalyze Fusion of Vesicles With the Plasma Membrane
Calcium Binding to Synaptotagmin Triggers Transmitter Release
The synaptotagmins, have
been identified as the major
Ca2+ sensors that trigger
fusion of synaptic vesicles.
Modulation of Transmitter Release Underlies Synaptic Plasticity
The effectiveness of chemical synapses can be modulated dramatically and rapidly—by several-fold in a
matter of seconds—and this change can be maintained for seconds, to hours, or even days or longer, a
property called synaptic plasticity.
Synaptic strength can be modified presynaptically, by altering the release of neurotransmitter,
postsynaptically, by modulating the response to transmitter, or both.
Modulation of Transmitter Release Underlies Synaptic Plasticity
Axo-axonic Synapses on Presynaptic Terminals Regulate
Transmitter Release
Four steps for chemical synaptic transmission
• (1) synthesis and storage of a transmitter substance,
• (2) release of the transmitter,
• (3) interaction of the transmitter with receptors at the postsynaptic
• (4)removal of the transmitter from the synapse.
Four Criteria to Be Considered a Neurotransmitter
1. It is synthesized in the presynaptic neuron.
2. It is accumulated within vesicles present in presynaptic release sites and is released via
exocytosis in amounts sufficient to exert a defined action on the postsynaptic neuron or effector
3. When administered exogenously in reasonable concentrations, it mimics the action of the
endogenous transmitter .
4. A specific mechanism usually exists for removing the substance from the extracellular
Two main classes of neurotransmitter
Two main classes of neurotransmitter:
Neuropeptides (神经肽) are short
polymers of amino acids processed in the
Golgi apparatus, where they are packaged
in large dense-core vesicles.
Small-molecule transmitters are
packaged in small vesicles.
Acetylcholine is the only low-molecular-weight aminergic transmitter substance that is not an
amino acid or derived directly from one.
Acetylcholine is released at all vertebrate neuromuscular junctions by spinal motor neurons .
Cholinergic neurons form synapses throughout the brain; those in the nucleus basalis (基底核)
have particularly widespread projections to the cerebral cortex.
Acetylcholine is one of the principal neurotransmitter of the reticular activating system (网状激活
系统), which modulates arousal, sleep, wakefulness, and other critical aspects of human
Biogenic Amine Transmitters
Includes the catecholamines (儿茶酚胺), serotonin (五羟色胺), and histamine (组胺).
The catecholamine transmitters—dopamine (多巴胺), norepinephrine (去甲肾上腺素), and
epinephrine (肾上腺素)—are all synthesized from the essential amino acid tyrosine (络氨酸)
Biogenic Amine Transmitters
Four major dopaminergic nerve tracts:
Dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (黑质) that project to the striatum are
important for the control of movement and are affected in Parkinson disease and other
disorders of movement, but projections to the associative striatum have also been implicated
more recently in dopamine dysfunction in schizophrenia.
The mesolimbic (中脑边缘系统通道) and mesocortical tracts (中脑皮层通路) are critical
for affect, emotion, attention, and motivation and are implicated in drug addiction and
The tuberoinfundibular pathway, originates in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
(下丘脑) and projects to the pituitary gland (脑垂体), where it regulates secretion of hormones.
Biogenic Amine Transmitters
Norepinephrinergic (adrenergic ) neurons --- cell bodies
locate in the locus coeruleus (蓝斑), a nucleus of the brain
stem with many complex modulatory functions; they project
widely throughout the cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and
spinal cord.
Serotonergic neurons --- cell bodies locate in and
around the midline raphe nuclei (中缝核) of the brain
stem and are involved in regulating affect, attention, and
other cognitive functions. They project widely throughout
the brain and spinal cord.
Serotonin and the catecholamines norepinephrine and
dopamine are implicated in depression,
Histamine is concentrated in the hypothalamus, one of the
brain centers for regulating the secretion of hormones
Amino Acid Transmitters
The amino acids glutamate and glycine are not only neurotransmitters but also universal cellular
Glutamate, the neurotransmitter most frequently used at excitatory synapses throughout the
central nervous system.
Glycine is the major transmitter used by inhibitory interneurons of the spinal cord. It is also a
necessary cofactor for activation of NMDA glutamate receptors.
GABA is present at high concentrations throughout the central nervous system.. It is used as a
transmitter by an important class of inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord.
In the brain, GABA is the major transmitter of a wide array of inhibitory neurons and
ATP and Adenosine
ATP and its degradation products (eg, adenosine (腺苷)) act as transmitters at some synapses by
binding to several classes of G protein–coupled receptors (the P1 and P2Y receptors).
ATP can also produce excitatory actions by binding to ionotropic P2X receptors.
Caffeine’s stimulatory effects depend on its inhibition of adenosine binding to the P1
Purinergic transmission is particularly important for nerves mediating pain.
Small-Molecule Transmitters Are Actively Taken Up Into Vesicles
Neurotransmitter substances are
concentrated in vesicles by transporters
that are specific to each type of neuron
and energized by a vacuolar-type H+ATPase (V-ATPase)
Small-molecule transmitters are
transported from the cytosol into vesicles
or from the synaptic cleft to the cytosol
by transporters
Neuroactive Peptides
Neuroactive peptides are derived from
secretory proteins that are formed in the cell
Many neuropeptides act as neurotransmitters 垂体神经肽
when released close to a target neuron, where
they can cause inhibition, excitation, or both.
Neuroactive peptides have been implicated in
modulating sensory perception and affect.
Some peptides, including substance P and the
enkephalins, are preferentially located in
regions of the CNS involved in the perception
of pain. Other neuropeptides regulate complex
responses to stress
Peptides and Small-Molecule Transmitters Differ in Several Ways
1. Formation of the vesicle: Peptides---large dense-core vesicles are formed in the trans-Golgi network,
then transported from the soma to presynaptic sites; whereas small-molecule transmitters --- small
synaptic vesicles are not synthesized in the soma but produced by local processing.
2. Release of vesicle: The large dense-core vesicles release their contents in a way that does not require
active zones; thus take place anywhere along the membrane of the axon; whereas small synaptic vesicles
release the contents at the active zone of synapse.
3. Recycle of the membrane and transmitter: the membrane and peptides are not recycled to form new
large dense core vesicles, and the vesicles must be replaced by transport from the soma; once small
synaptic vesicles are released by exocytosis, synaptic vesicles can be rapidly recycled, and the transmitters
are quickly uptake into the synapse.
4. Efficiency of exocytosis: exocytosis of large dense-core vesicles is slow and requires high stimulation
frequencies to raise Ca2+ to levels sufficient to trigger release; whereas exocytosis of small synaptic
vesicles is rapid following a single action potential.
Removal of Transmitter From the Synaptic Cleft Terminates
Synaptic Transmission
Timely removal of transmitters from the synaptic cleft is critical to synaptic transmission.
Transmitter substances are removed from the cleft by three mechanisms: diffusion, enzymatic
degradation, and reuptake.
Neuropeptides are removed relatively slowly from the synaptic cleft by slow diffusion and
proteolysis by extracellular peptidases.
Small molecule transmitters are removed more quickly from the synaptic cleft and extra
synaptic space through the reuptake at the plasma membrane.
High-affinity uptake is mediated by transporter molecules in the membranes of nerve terminals
and glial cells.
Electron-opaque gold particles linked to antibody are used to locate
antigens in tissue at the ultrastructural level
Fluorescent false neurotransmitter (FFN) labeling permits
optical monitoring of neurotransmitter release
Thank you !
Atomic structure of an ionotropic glutamate receptor
Techniques for visualizing chemical messengers
Gap Junctions Have a Role in Glial Function and Disease
Gap junctions are formed between glial cells as well as between neurons.
In the brain, individual astrocytes are connected to each other through gap junctions forming a glial cell network.
Gap-junction channels also enhance communication within certain glial cells, such as the Schwann cells
The net effect of the inputs at any individual
excitatory or inhibitory synapse will therefore depend
on several factors: the location, size, and shape of the
synapse; the proximity and relative strength of other
synergistic or antagonistic synapses; and the resting
potential of the cell. And, in addition, all of this
is exquisitely dependent on the timing of the excitatory
and inhibitory input. Inputs are coordinated in
the postsynaptic neuron by a process called neuronal
Exocytosis Involves the Formation of a Temporary Fusion Pore
Exocytosis depends on the formation
of a temporary fusion pore that spans
the membranes of the vesicle and
plasma membranes.
The fusion pore can open and close
rapidly and reversibly.
The end-plate current increases and decays more rapidly
than the end-plate potential.