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Private Life Vocabulary & Grammar Worksheet

Wybierz prawidłowy wyraz.
1. Melanie turned 13 yesterday so she is now elderly / an adult / a teenager .
2. I'd like to go to Hawaii to my grave / invitation / honeymoon .
3. My mum got married for a second time. I really like my new step father / father in law / father.
4. Dinner was great, I'll do the cooking / homework / the washing-up.
5. We watch fireworks display on New Year's Eve / New Year's Day / All Saint's Day.
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wpisując brakujące litery słowa. Pierwsza litera została podana.
1. When you meet a girl or a boy you like, you can go on a D _ _ _
with him/her.
2. When a couple gets married, they have a W _ _ _ _ _ _ .
3. When you clean your room or wash the dishes, you do the H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. The brother of your mother or father is your U _ _ _ _ .
5. When someone dies, other people go to their F _ _ _ _ _ _
Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź:
1. Drake is unhappy because he’s broken out | up with his girlfriend
2. Agnes looks for | after her younger brother when their parents go out.
3. I’m sorry about | for your blouse. I didn’t mean to ruin it.
4. Mike got up | to know Mary better at the camp.
5. I'm very keen on | in social networking. I lobve chatting online.
GRAMMAR Uzupełnij zdania, używając czasowników podanych w nawiasach we właściwych
formach czasu Present Perfect.
1. My brother _______________________ (just / wash) the car, that’s why it looks so clean.
2. I am so hungry! I ____________________ (not / eat) all day.
3. ________________________ (your parents / meet) your girlfriend yet?
4. It _______________________ (rain) for three days.
5. I _______________________ (never / see) a James Bond film.
Complete the sentences with for/since/ever/never.
1. We’ve been here ______ an hour, and the train hasn’t arrived yet!
2.There has been a cinema here _______ 2002.
3. We haven’t had any homework ________ Monday.
4. Mr Thomas has_______ been to Alaska but he hopes he can go this summer.
5.Have you ________ tried sea food? I think it's awful.
6. I’ve had this doll _____ childhood.
7. We have known each other ____ 20 years and we are still best friends.
Complete the sentences with already, just or yet.
1. I haven’t seen Jasmine ______ – is she at school today?
A He was so happy
2. Pascale has _______ phoned – she’s going to be late.
when she said ‘Yes’.
3. I’ve _______ downloaded the film – I did it this morning.
4. Have you finished cooking ______ ? I’m really hungry!
B He was so sad.
5. Manuel has _______ lost three hats this year and it’s only March!
6. I’ve ______ seen this film with my class – I don't want to watch again.
C Peter made sure Brian
7. Oh no, our bus has ____ left! It left only a minute ago!
didn’t think about Chemistry.
Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź:
D He felt he was falling
in love with her.
1. Kolega ma przed sobą trudny egzamin. Co mu powiesz?
a) Well done!
b) Congratulations!
c) I wish you luck.
2. Nie dosłyszałeś, co powiedział twój kolega. Jak zareagujesz?
a) Sorry, I didn’t apologise.
b) Pardon? Sorry? c) No problem.
E Soon he was in front of
Jessica’s house and rang the bell.
3. Życzysz koledze z USA szczęśliwego Nowego Roku. Jak to powiesz?
a) Happy New Year!
b) Happy Year!
c) Happy New Year’s Eve!
4. Kolega zgubił twój długopis. Nie stanowi to dla ciebie problemu.
F He got her mobile
number from Peter.
Jak zareagujesz na przeprosiny?
a) Nothing terrible! b) Don't say sorry. c)No problem.
5. Pogratuluj koleżance zdobycia pierwszego miejsca na zawodach.
a) Well done!
b) May all your dreams come true!
c)The same to you!
Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie dopasuj zdania A–F do luk 1–5, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny
tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Brian was unhappy. He failed his Chemistry test. He couldn’t stand the way Mrs Plobbings, his
Chemistry teacher, looked at him after the test – as if to say that she was very disappointed. In the
evening he went to a party at his best friend, Peter’s house. (1) ____ So, Brian soon forgot about the
test, especially when he met Jessica, who was a very nice girl. They talked and danced. (2) ____ Brian
couldn’t stop thinking about Jessica. He wanted to get to know her better. (3) _____ With his heart
beating,he rang her and invited her to the cinema. (4) _____ He couldn’t believe his luck. They met the
next day and had a great time together. At school Brian couldn’t concentrate. He kept thinking about
his first date with the girl. He was meeting Jessica again
at her home at the weekend. (5) _____The door opened and he saw Mrs Plobbings’ face – she was
Jessica’s mother! She was as shocked as he was and asked: ‘Have you come to retake the test?’