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What Does Love Look Like? Essay on Love and Self-Love

What does love look like?
Only a person who is experiencing love or has experienced it, can tell.
Sometimes it looks like stabbing your own self, sometimes it feels like
falling into the middle of an ocean. What does love look like to me? It looks
like everything I’ve ever lost is coming back to me. It looks like my perfectly
arranged bookshelf, it feels like all classes on Monday are cancelled.
Sometimes I wish to have a clear definition for love and we can define love
a number of ways or maybe we cannot define love at all. Maybe it is
something that falls under the “I know it when I see it, but I can’t describe or
define it” type of thing. Everyone and anyone in love, unknowingly scratch a
piece of their heart for their lover. Some express it in the form of writing.
“And what if I write of you, is that more love than you can handle?" Writing
is such an intimate process. Every poem/ letter is the lover exposing their
heart to you.
When one’s in love, they start spending more time with themselves, just
looking for that one person. "I look for you in the middle of the light. in the
west of the day. in the warm memory of the water." When you are in love,
you do not have to go far to find it. It is with you, within you and always
there by you. Eventually we’re all wanderers and nomads on this planet,
looking for home. You will know they are the one when they remind you of
home. To personify this person is difficult. They ultimately become your
everything. "I am your friend,a soul for soul, a place for your life, home
know this. Sun or water. Here or away. We are a lighthouse. We leave and
we stay." The love of your life will feel like your best friend, lover, and
everything in between.
It sounds too modern to think that we’re not made for love. Maybe we were
meant to be single, maybe I’, heartless, maybe the kind of people I like
aren’t made anymore. But does the same go for love? Whether you want it
to or not, love will conquer all of us happily. “You might be afraid of love.
but love is not afraid of you.”
Ummm, maybe that’s all that you’d want to read about someone fantasizing
about love, being optimistic about everyone finding it and leaving. Love
may be unconditional, look very undemanding and sometimes that’s true
but not always. The only condition love requires, the only question love
asks is self love. Do you love yourself enough to handle rejection? Do you
love yourself enough, that even if someone walks off from your life, you will
still have a life left for yourself? "If someone does not want me it is not the
end of the world. but if i do not want me the world is nothing but an end."
Sometimes you become so connected to another soul that you fuse
together. To leave the other is to undo the stitches. To be able to undo
these stitches, you should love yourself enough. Just like, "I am mine
before anyone else's."Fall in love with yourself before you fall in love with
anyone else.
Love is like a fragrance, before you spray it on others, make sure you smell
of it. Whether with a lover or none, one should always reek and stink of
love. Love is like a fragrance, it is impossible to spray it on others and not
get a few droplets on yourself.
And Oh!what a beautiful fragrance love is!
Aastha Chopra