कक्षा X परियोजना: पारिस्थितिक आवश्यकता - सतत विकास

Subject Enrichment-Art Integrated Interdisciplinary Project
Ecological Need of the Hour-Sustainable Development
● Subject Enrichment Project on the Topic- Ecological Need of the
Hour-Sustainable Development
● Mode of submission Group Project to be submitted after Summer
vacations-July 2023
● Each Group needs to prepare a project based on their own creative perception
(For English, French, Science, Maths and Hindi PDF of the file to be
submitted in the G-Classroom and hard copy of Files to be submitted for
Social Science)
1.Cover page- The Cover page must be designed by the student
which should creatively reflect the topic and mention the
following in bold letters at the bottom of the pageName of all the group members, Class/Section, Roll no.
5.Content includinga) Content includinga) Meaning of Sustainable Development and methods adopted by the state of
Arunachal Pradesh.
b) Challenges faced by the indigenous communities of Arunachal Pradesh.
c) Causes for the challenges faced by the indigenous communities and its
consequences on the environment and settlement.
d) Significance of the dwindling population of the indigenous communities and
their practices of sustainable development. Each group takes a specific
e) To present the pros and cons of the Sustainable Development goals adopted
by the local community for ecological conservation.
f) Counter measures taken by the Union and State Government in accordance
with the local community initiatives.
g) Graphical representation comparing the success and failure of the model of
sustainable development adopted in Arunachal Pradesh.
h) Students to paste relevant pictures and newspaper clippings to support their
i) Students to interview the natives and visit Arunachal Bhavan in Delhi
to gather primary information about the state’s practices and culture
based on the topic and can present the details during the presentation.
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography
● Social Science Rubrics
a) Content Accuracy & Originality- 2 marks4⅙
b) Presentation & Creativity- 2 marks
c) Viva voice- 1 marks
● Group Presentation and Viva Voce of the project will be conducted as per the
date decided by the school
a) content accuracy & originality- 1 mark
b) presentation & creativity- 1 mark
c) viva você- 3 marks
a) content accuracy & originality- 1 mark
b) presentation & creativity- 1 mark
c) viva você- 3 marks
● SCIENCE ASSESSMENT RUBRICSa.Content,Presentation, Accuracy & Originality- 2 marks
b.Scientific aspect (methodology and ways to achieve the goal)-2 marks
c.Futuristic aspect and consequences-1 mark
● Mathematics Assessment Rubrics
1. Content, Presentation , Accuracy and originality - 2 Marks
2. Collection and Organization of Data in Tabular form and Graphically - 2 Marks
3. A Brief Data Analysis (Summary) - 1 Mark
ू यांकन रूब्रिक
● सामग्री सटीकता और मौलिकता- 1 अंक
● प्रस्तति
1 -अंक
ु और रचनात्मकता ● मौखिक मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति- 3- अंक