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Dr. Jethin Antony Reference Form

Applicant details
Applicant name:
Your job title:
Dr Jethin Antony
Dr. Jonathan C. Iledan
Post applied for:
Healthcare Support Worker
AMA School Of Medicine
Senior Medical Professor
Reference form
About the applicant
Please confirm the course on which Doctor Of Medicine
Jethin was registered
Please give the dates Jethin was From August 2018 To: July 2022
studying at your organisation
In what capacity have you known I was one of his medical professors during his study at AMA School Of
Jethin? Medicine.
Please comment on Jethin's Excellent.
timekeeping during academic and
clinical placements
Please confirm what percentage of 100
the core components of the course
has been attended by Jethin
How would you describe Jethin’s For the years 2018-2021, I have had the pleasure of mentoring Mr. Jethin in
standard and quality of work over the his medical. Mr. Jethin has been an active participant in the discussions and
last year? Please describe has always worked well with his peers.
achievements in terms of academic
performance and details of reports
from clinical placements.
Have any practice assessments No
caused you concern?
If yes — please provide details
Please comment on Jethin’s Throughout his medical studies, Mr. Jethin demonstrated his openness to
motivation and attitude towards and empathy for the opinions, feelings, perspectives of others along with
academic and clinical work. insightful powers of observation, all qualities that makes him an outstanding
Do you consider that Jethin will be Yes
able to meet the requirements of this
If no — please provide full reasons
Are you aware of any reasons, in No
terms of academic or clinical
achievements, which will prevent
Jethin from qualifying?
Reference ID: 152960397 / JK02150274
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If yes or not applicable — please
provide full details
At the time of writing this reference, No
has Jethin any outstanding
assignments to submit?
If yes — please provide details of the
number of outstanding assignments
and deadlines given to Jethin for
their submission
At the time of writing this reference, No
does Jethin need to undertake any
outstanding examinations?
If yes — please provide details of the
number of examinations needing to
be undertaken and when the
examination results will be available
Any other comments? (Please I am certain that Mr. Jethin is going to continue to do great things in his
include extra pages with this form if future. I highly recommend him for the post of Healthcare Support Worker.
necessary) He is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated and focused in his pursuits. Mr.
Jethin consistently seeks out constructive feedback so he can improve his
Are you the person named above as Yes
Jethin has stated that the reference covers the period from:
From August 2018 To July 2022
Please confirm the period that this reference relates to:
From August 2018 To July 2022
The above information has been
provided without prejudice and is
correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Data protection
This form contains personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018 (as amended by the General Data
Protection Regulation 2018). This data has been requested by Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
exclusively for the purpose of recruitment. Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust must protect any
information disclosed within this form and ensure that it is not passed to anyone who is not authorised to have this
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Reference ID: 152960397 / JK02150274