What is your age? ○14 ○15 ○16 ○17 What class are you in? ○4A ○4B ○4C ○4D What is your gender? ○Male ○Female 1. Do you think that our school has many irrelevant rules? ○Agree ○Strongly Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree ○Strongly Disagree 2. Do you think students should abide by the school rules? ○Agree ○Strongly Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree ○Strongly Disagree 3. "The overall behavior of students in school is satisfactory. " ○Agree ○Strongly Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree ○Strongly Disagree 4. Which do you prefer? ○A rowdy class with no behavior ○An attentive class where everyone can hear what is being taught 5. Which of the following would you consider is breaking school rules? □Skipping classes □Wearing incorrect uniforms □Using cell phones during school hours □Defacing school property □Roaming in the hallways during class time □Other: ______________________ 6. What do you think is the main cause of students disobeying the school rules? ○Peer pressure ○Not understanding the consequences of their actions ○Home circumstances left them undisciplined ○Rules are too strict and students don't see the point in obeying all of them 7. What do you think are some causes of the negative attitude of students: □Fear of failure □Family problems □Peer pressure □Other: _______________ 8. Why do you think there are barely any fights in our school? ________________ 9. "School rules teach students discipline and shape them into responsible individuals for the future" ○Agree ○Strongly Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree ○Strongly Disagree 10. Do school rules have an impact on how students socialize with each other? ○Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree 11. What kind of impact does it have? ○Students would become ruthless ○Students would do better in their work 12. Do you think students would be able to improve their academic capabilities if there were more rules? ○Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree 13. Give a reason for your answer above: _______________ 14. What do you think is an effective punishment for breaking school rules? ______________ 15. Do you think the school should implement corporal punishment once again? ○Agree ○Strongly Agree ○Neutral ○Disagree ○Strongly Disagree