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Student School Rules Questionnaire

What is your age?
What class are you in?
What is your gender?
1. Do you think that our school
has many irrelevant rules?
○Strongly Agree
○Strongly Disagree
2. Do you think students should
abide by the school rules?
○Strongly Agree
○Strongly Disagree
3. "The overall behavior of
students in school is
satisfactory. "
○Strongly Agree
○Strongly Disagree
4. Which do you prefer?
○A rowdy class with no
○An attentive class where
everyone can hear what is
being taught
5. Which of the following
would you consider is
breaking school rules?
□Skipping classes
□Wearing incorrect uniforms
□Using cell phones during
school hours
□Defacing school property
□Roaming in the hallways
during class time
6. What do you think is the
main cause of students
disobeying the school rules?
○Peer pressure
○Not understanding the
consequences of their actions
○Home circumstances left
them undisciplined
○Rules are too strict and
students don't see the point in
obeying all of them
7. What do you think are some
causes of the negative
attitude of students:
□Fear of failure
□Family problems
□Peer pressure
□Other: _______________
8. Why do you think there
are barely any fights in
our school?
9. "School rules teach
students discipline and
shape them into
responsible individuals
for the future"
○Strongly Agree
○Strongly Disagree
10. Do school rules have
an impact on how
students socialize with
each other?
11. What kind of impact
does it have?
○Students would become
○Students would do better
in their work
12. Do you think students
would be able to improve
their academic
capabilities if there were
more rules?
13. Give a reason for your
answer above:
14. What do you think is
an effective punishment
for breaking school rules?
15. Do you think the
school should implement
corporal punishment once
○Strongly Agree
○Strongly Disagree