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Bible & Commentary Citation Guide

Citations for Bibles and Commentaries
Common Bible Citations:
Online versions:
The Bible. English Standard Version, Bible Gateway. Harper Collins Christian Publishing, 1993.
www.biblegateway.com. Accessed 5 Nov. 2020.
Print versions:
The Bible. English Standard Version, Crossway Bible, 2002.
Bible Scholars from Commentaries:
Online commentary:
Gill, John. “2 Corinthians.” John Gill’s Commentary of the Bible. Bible Study Tools, Jupiter
Images Corporation, 2008. www.biblstudytools.com. Accessed 5 Nov 2020.
Print commentary:
Silva, Moisès. “Galatians.” New Bible Commentary, edited by G.J. Wenham, et al. IVP
Academic, 1994. pp. 1206-1221.
Boda, Mark. “Judges.” The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Rev. Ed., edited by Tremper
Longman and David E. Garland, Zondervan, 2006. pp. 1000-1020.
Reimer, David. “Joshua.” Expository Commentary, edited by Iain M. Duguid, et al. Crossway,
2021. pp. 311-508.