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Grade 4 Human Body Systems Unit Plan

Grade 4 Unit of Inquiry
August-September 2015
Enduring Understandings
• Human health and survival is
determined by effective interaction
of human body systems.
• Leading a healthy and balanced
lifestyle contributes to overall
human health.
Central Idea:
The effective interactions
between human body
systems contribute to
health and survival.
Key Concepts
Function- What are the functions of
human body systems?
Connection- How are different human
body systems interdependent and
connected to one another?
Responsibility- What are the
responsibilities of an individual in ensuring
enduring health?
Related Concepts
Systems, interdependence, healthy,
An Inquiry into:
Body systems and how they work
Learner Profile
PYP Attitudes
human body systems
• Knowledgeable
Impact of lifestyle choices
on the body
Principledquestions and provocations
What are the systems involved in a
human body?
How do the systems help in human health
and survival?
What choices do we make throughout the
day for a healthy life?
Field Trip: Jump Street, KL
Guest Speaker: TBC
Unit Assessment
The Assessment tasks will give the students the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of
the Central Idea as well as the enduring understandings, knowledge and skills.
Summative Assessment
Students will hold an exhibition. They will have to distribute brochures and create posters, with words
and pictures to describe the importance of staying healthy. Risks of unhealthy living will also be
presented. Furthermore, students will share their newfound awareness on the close connection of
different human body systems and how caring for these can help minimize different health risks.
Development of Skills
Crosscurricular links
- Designing and conducting surveys about number of organs involved in human body
- Analyzing the survey results and present the findings in whole number
- Reading and analyzing a variety of articles on interaction of human body systems, leading
a balanced lifestyle and health risks
- Communicate effectively on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle using persuasive
skills through public speaking.
Physical Education: Health-related activities (relationship of body systems to physical
Communication Skills
Listen to information shared by group members and evaluate them according to the criteria
Voicing opinion and sharing ideas and information gathered on topics assigned. Also, conduct a
campaign and visit other classrooms to advocate a healthy lifestyle.
Read a variety of passages, texts and books from various sources to expand knowledge on the topic
and make inferences and conclusions on questions posed on a weekly basis.
View videos and images shown and make interpretations on the message conveyed.
Planning, practicing and eventually presenting the summative task to the class.
Self-Management Skills
Time management
Use allocated time effectively and appropriately to complete research and task assigned
Engage in activities that are safe in school and outside school
Healthy lifestyle
Making informed choices to achieve a balance in nutrition, rest, relaxation and exercise; practicing
appropriate hygiene and self-care.
Informed Choices
Make appropriate choices and take apt course of action in daily life to show understanding on the
unit learned.
Tuning In
● KWL Chart: Students will write on pieces of paper what they know and want to
know about human body systems, lifestyle and health.
● Human Body Systems Puzzle
● Handmade posters showing pictures that are considered healthy and unhealthy
Finding Out
● Group research and visual presentation on different body systems: its parts, function,
proper care and diseases related to it
● Guest Speaker: Invite a doctor/nurse who can talk about the food pyramid, common
illnesses of children nowadays and how one should live a healthy lifestyle
Sorting Out
● Fact Finding: brainstorm on what activities are considered healthy and
unhealthy. Survey the school community on the diet / activities that the
students are engaged in. Take action from the survey.
Going Further
● Reading Corners: students will set up reading corners by compiling magazine or
newspaper articles that relate to the central idea.
● Responsibility to self and family: Health is Wealth.
Week 2: esophagus,large intestine,liver ,pancreas, ribs, ulna, carpals, femur,appendix, pharynx
Week 3: patella, tibia, fibula, respiration, exhale, inhale, metatarsals, small intestine, radius, phalanges
Week 4: heart, artery, veins, blood, cells, blood vessels, right ventricles, left ventricles, atrium,plasma
Week 5: spinal cord, sensory nerves, central nervous system, control ,peripheral, cerebellum, cortex,
frontal lobe, neuron