IB School Lyceum 6 PYP 4 Weekly Newsle er # 2 (October 16 – October 20, 2023) Unit of Inquiry (UOI) – How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Government systems influence the lives of ci zens. During this unit, students will explore the concept of ci zenship, governance, law and poli cs. They will embark into journey of understanding more about how government system func ons, the impact of government on ci zens and the rights and responsibili es of ci zens. LINE OF INQUIRY #1 How Government Systems Func on. TRANSDISCIPLINARY LEARNING WRITING – ESL Assessment 20.10.2023 SPELLING AND VOCABULARY - Language Assessment 19.10.2023 GRAMMAR FOCUS - Language Assessment 18.10.2023 MATHS - Assessment 17.10.2023 READING FOCUS – Mar n Luther King BOOKS TO READ (Raz-Kids) – Level Books Homework is posted on the MANAGEBAC on Tuesdays and Fridays. Reading RazKids book every day for 20 minutes is necessary. Wri ng a summary of RazKids level book on a daily basis is necessary. Spelling and Vocabulary words should be prac ced every day to be ready for the Spelling test on Friday /Monday. The class brings in tablets everyday fully charged. Wearing a uniform is compulsory. - - ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti Homeroom Teacher: LINE OF INQUIRY #2 Impact of government on ci zens LINE OF INQUIRY #3 The rights and responsibili es of ci zenship Key Concepts: func on, perspec ve, responsibility Related Concepts: ci zenship, equality, fairness Essen al Skills of the Week: SOCIAL SKILLS, COMMUNICATION SKILLS, SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS