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Our team gives 110% to guarantee and improve the quality of services. After a few month of
Research and Development we have come across an eco friendly formula and create a multi purpose
cleaning soap to apply during cleaning process. We have launched “SPOTLESS SOAP”, an eco-friendly
product made primarily from natural, plant-based ingredients. Spotless Soap's effective ingredients
are olive oil and coconut oil, which can removes dirt thoroughly without second try. Spotless Soap is
a natural and gentle cleaner for all your indoor furnitures, especially wooden furniture. The active
ingredients, olive oil and coconut oil, will leave an invisible film barrier on your wood surface which
conditions and strengthens the finish. Regular use helps the wood surface become more water
resistant and longlasting. Other than remove stains on furnitures, you can also apply Spotless Soap
during washing cars, mopping floor, cleaning windows even washing dishes! In addition, Spotless
Soap can also become a spare soap to keep your hands free from germs. You may not believe it right?
Let me explain to you. Spotless Soap can be apply during cleaning hands because it is skin-friendly as
it made from plant-based products and no harsh chemical residue. It is really vital to always keep
your hands clean especially during this pandemic.
Unlike other cleaning products in market, we applied plant based formula and minimize the use of
chemical substances. Spotless Soap primarily made from plant-based ingredients such as olive oil
and coconut oil meanwhile other cleaning products in market mostly contains lots of chemical
substance such as ammonia, phosphate and 2-Butoxyethanol which will cause lots of negative
impacts. There is a great deals of benefit of Spotless Soap.
First and foremost, Spotless Soap is definitely an eco-friendly product. This is because Spotless Soap
derived from natural and organic ingredients, and most importantly is biodegradable so it doesn’t
negatively impact the environment. The high biodegradability of Spotless Soap’s ingredients make
sure that our products are going to breakdown quickly and not hang around forever after get into
waterways. On the other hand, chemical cleaning products are often harmful to the environment.
Once harmful chemicals residue have entered the water cycle through draining system, they could
go on to pollute streams and rivers. For example, phosphates could cause damaging to the
environment as they can reduce the oxygen levels in water which harming aquatic wildlife. By using
Spotless soap, you can help contribute to the decrease in water pollution level. When you choose
our products, you are choosing to protect the environment.
Next, Spotless Soap will not negatively impact your health. Spotless Soap helps to protect your
circulatory system . When we are carring out cleaning tasks, the chemical molecules will penetrate
through skin and quickly absorb by our organs. As a result, our organ function and overall health will
be affected negatively. Spotless Soap, as a natural cleaning product, protects you from exposure to
dangerous chemicals. You can perform common household cleaning tasks, such as washing the
dishes, knowing your dishes will be clean without the use of dangerous chemicals by using Spotless
Soap. Futhermore, Spotless Soap also helps to protect your respiratory system. Fumes from chemical
substances will affect respiratory system negatively. For example, breathing in the Ammonia residue
left behind from spray cleaners can increase the risk of asthma. Thus, Spotless Soap, as an eco-
friendly cleaners will reduce the amount of chemicals residue released in your home, so less
harmful chemicals are inhaled. Apart from that, Spotless Soap minimise the risk of allergic.
Toxic chemical ingredients such as 2-Butoxyethanol irritates your skin and leads to skin
allergies. Spotless Soap with natural ingredients are skin friendly and no harsh chemical
substance. Therefore, risk of skin allergies and irritations reduced. To conclude, when you
are investing in our products, your are investing for your health at the same time.
Lastly, Spotless Soap available in varies of fragrance such as Lavander, Lemon and Apple as
we included natural essentials oil in our production formula. No more worrying about the
pungent chemical odour from cleaning products.
In conclusion, Spotless Soap not only able to help you to remove tough stains at every
counter space thoroughly, it can helps to maintain your health condition and also protect
the environment at the same time! For your information, we will only use Spotless Soap in
our cleaning services. However, you can also get Spotless Soap from our offline and online
shop for only RM29.90. You’re getting a product that’s good for your health and the health
of the planet with only RM29.90! its either buy now or regret later, grab it before out of
Spotless Soap made from plant-based ingredients and minimize the use of chemical substances
meanwhile other cleaning products mostly contain harsh chemical substances such as ammonia
and phosphate.