:s i* :# -. :$j# r#ffi i 4i. ':,:a: # :tl::: l: li*r++: :' '..' a.::: :::a'': =. = =i = UMEC Patient Monitor Ta ki ng h ig h cost o ut of q ua lity h ea lth ca re rnindray healtheane within r**eh Advanced Performance With Mindrays 25-ys3r experience in patient rnonitoring, uMEC series patient monitcrs cater to clinical needs by offering precise and staL:le measurement of essential parameters. When monitoring is reliable, you can naturally be more confident with your clinical decisions. + Mindray's patented Multi-lead ECG Algorithm greatly improrues the accuracy of measurement and reduces false alarms + NIBP quick-mea5urement technique reduces the dlscomfort caused bt, cufl inflation, especially for patients suffering from hypertension or hypolension ;r::! Anti-interference SpO, algorithrn provides acrLrrate rneasurement even when the patient is mobile ::'i. Large capacity for data slorage enables comprehensirre rerriew of patient's history data. and external USB storaEe devices are also supported + 8-hour continuous runtime with one Lithium-ion batterv 'l 2$0++a=:re er*:=*J= 1800r,#c;y:c=-t 'l 6&$*=,*,rSf :e:+:;nesrei=+i3i: 48J:u=::o= i=9f #iseJ+sir:p Essentially advanced measurements t.:r,....,€ :i' .i ':i f E. '&. €r&4sg: $r=!s :ffi iN&. ffi. &%. ffi Huge data capacity Long battery working time .*ffi€*i6. j,%,t 1.1 .. -/r::a.F;:. #€*t=.ffi:i i*:aPS ia a:: 3 La.:Sa ?; 1-.#g;i -1"i. t:!:.-:_i;.-l 1: iB 1i.::'T i:,G"-e"5.,:e:.: f; l-E:B-;; ?:-' ':- -_ E:: :::!. Easy to Use paiient monitor, uMEC helps to simplify workflow and improve eficiency.The monitor provides very intuitive user interface to help faster and easier applications even for new users. caregivers need less time for training, and get more time for pati*nt care. As an user-friendly = inchll 10.4 2. 1 inch high resolution LED screen "= Supports various monitoring screen layouts for different clinical needs, including Iarge font, fulllhalf screen 7-lead monitoring, view olher bed, etc. = Default setlings satisfy eeneral clinical requlrements, no need to adjust the settings before u:ing and helps you get started quickly + slatistics for heart rate changes and ambulalcry blaod pres:ure monitorinq, making ups and downs visible +,i Less than 3.5k9 weight with batiery makes it very portable += Unique accessory cabinet makes accessories managemen{ effective n:' One piece design makes cleaning easier i: : .g .a: +-.:'* -e =, ::d tt'q {u.'*3*u*,,r, a:l al :a: Hffir'#F &**3psi= ...,: User-friendlyinterfaces Uniqueaccessorycarbinet HRIBP Analysis To be efiectirre in different environnrent, ur,4EC has passed strict electrical safety tests and reliabii;ty tests" it is exiremeiy durable and has a long life span. +-= High Durability =: =:: Working lemp€ralure is 0*40'C, unaffected by extremes 0.75 m drop-proteciion and lPXl water resistance slrcng plastic hausing resists aging and yellowing, wiih high ccrrosicn resistance =.-i Lcw polvel consumption and fanless design makes reduces the risk :f it enviro*mentally fiiendly and cross conr-rminalon ':=; Mindray acce:scries are highly reliable vvirh qilaiity nraleriai and production technique ! ; I i : i : .i I I i , t i H ig h-quality Accesscrie: Drop protection Compatible with mulriple cleaning agenis Technical Specifi cations uMEC10 l,4oflitor sizei Weightl li5mmxl55mmx2;0mn Renge: s3.5kJ, Stnnda.d pnrrmelers.onng!ralicn, includinq nlithium battery and a recorder Fesol!rion: uMEC12 J\loniror size: 345mm xl6ilmm \n/eight: <.1k9, Stani{nrd IBP r 2!-imfr parimer.rs conliquration,rn(luding ;lirhium b3tter Display H-esolutioni 4".olor I Fi) LrMECi2:l2l"coiorLED pixels 80t x 600 Exrernal di5play: ui."4ECl0: !p to 7 UMECI 2: up to 3 1 display Ihrough VGA Typei uIvlECi 0: 10 Tl, T: andTD 0 lo 50'C (32 lo i l: "F) 0.1"4 t0.l "C 6r a0.2 'F lwithour probe) (for UMEC 1 2 only) Channei: Henqe: Resoluiionr Aaauiia!' Sensilivity: lnpeda,)ce range: 3-ieidr l, ll, ,^relhod: R"f" in 5we_"p.peed: Bandlvi.lth: .0..r" lli 5 | anelv5ir: Atr nnaiy!i3: QTanalysi!: Dlegnosii: iiloder il05'1 50Hz $4.Ditor l./ode: 0.5-40H2 Surqical Morjer 1 20Hz tu1ode: Range: Ac.ufacy: Re!olutlon: S,!ee! speed: Refeshin.r rate: Pulse Rate Hange: 01- -..ro. 10.4% i7 rc gretrter (.0.8 ro r0.3 mV) Sarpie fiorrrate: SC Sample flowrate 5Grt-ufJ time: Ar.!ra.y:il Adui 0 to 120 rpm Pe.llNeo:0 ro liC rpln 1 rpm 7 to I 50 .prrr *2 rpm or 129i, \.rhi.heve. is grearer 0 tc 6 rrmi llot \pecifed or Il Jmm/5,6 25 mffi,/r, 12.5 mm/s,:5 mm/5 or sommls t0 I e0th AWRR fange: AI"{RR pre.isirl <50rpmi11 60 I 50 rpm: f2 1C s, I 5 s, ?0 Trend datdl I I I 5,4C 5 200h rs {inter."rl l aml nj, 1 f0 hrr {;nterva l I min),4 h15 iinterva 800 e/enir :nd assc(ietea vlevclorma 28 Art e,reilts ;nd associeted *:vetb.ir5 I Build-ln chargrabie Lithium-lo!1 liaftery t'ollagE: CiFacity: ,504 s2s Rerharqe time: 450i mAh: 4 h6i?500 mAh). I hrs i5000 mAhl 2500 mAhr4 hrimax;munr ipowe. oll 3 hr:marimunr ipo,+er cif ) to 100 bprn (ffcm 5pC") bpm iirom NiBPj 3i0 bFm (fr0m IBP) z3 bpm lfrom 5pO,) t3bpm or a39i, vfhi.hEver 1:i br,m cI tlc/D, u/hich+vef lnterfacing {0ilneaiois: 2Q to:flil !r 1 1 AC I is i5 greater (from UtBp) ilRnler (irorn lfiP) prifrt-.r: po,.\€r aonne<Ioa R1,15 neiw.rk con.ector (cutput ECG,riuise call anC Defil: Suppcd Support i ),pel 5F'eed: I l Neo::5 to 140 mmHq Adil:l0tc:5CmmHq Power Bequiremen!s ACVohage: l0 io 200 mmllq Neo:1Cto 115 r\m119 Adui l5 ro 250 HmHq ired: 15 lo 2l5 .n{H* Neo: I 5 to i;i rnnr|-ig ,(nlax ffiean errcr:a5 riln)Hq Fedr Current: ThPtrnal a..ay ?.5ffmls 25 mfi,/!,50 mm/s I 00 10:.1cvAC,50/d0H? 15A. Environmental Requirements SioEoe: N4;x glard3rd clevtationt 3 ntfiHg Resolulroni I irmHq ilumiiil:y: {fp+raainot 5to'a9e: Eirofi+irlc "'ei T6mperature Op.raiin!: + ro 4a"a(32 io I 0:l ".) -2Cro60"C l-4i,r r40'F) I 5 Io g5 _qi inor ccnden!rng) l0 to !15 95 inon condensingj CLEratiIrE:427.5 .o 805.5 mrnHg {57.i1ro I0i..:1 kpa) Siffao--: I20 ro 8C5 5 inmH! il 6 0 to I C7.4 kp;l *i.lol (ul',1ECl:l Registered Office : Mindray Medical lndia Pvt. Ltd. 8-404, City Point, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai felj +91 22 4020 0000, Fax : +91 22 4O2O OO11 ) Syrich 5i!l,rals) i,es.5G./24G dual hand lii{el l-.h {:!00 mAh optioBll Recorder blrllo lLrt"lEC1 0), rnAl-r I rr!ltiauncional outpu!.c.n.ci.r V/iFl suppor[ garcocie Sa,anrlen 5 -ch 1.1 VDC 2 LISS 2.C (on.ectcf I VGA oulput acnrra(toi PPi: i'5 I ili of the functlons aie av"ilabl* ln al1 4eoqraohies, pjease .cilta€t wilh locil Mindfay ralei repre!entilivp for more inforn:tion. 4OO 059, lndia Corporate Office : Mindray Medical lndia Pvt. Ltd. I 6th Floor, Building 98, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase til, Gurgaon, Haryana-i 22002 Ph.:O124-4632488 Fax:0124-4632499,Toll Free i{o.: t8OO tO 20 300 Mindray Buildinq, K€ji 1 zth Road south, High-tech industrial ParL Nanshan, Shenzhen 518057. AF. China Tel: +86 755 8 l 88 8998 Faxr +86 755 26582680 E-mait: ; se.) Bafiery Typel To 24+ l I600 me3sur-omeni! lil3v 43 hrs full di5ciosure wavefcrms NIBPr lvlai!;1. Alitq STAT Sysioli j, Dinrtoli.. ilean Adur 15 E 29.J mnluq Channel: i,:5 !,30 s,35 Data storage r2s6 i70-l 007i, Adl,Ped) rl.'i, iTal-1 oCPr, Neo] Urrspe(dred iC-69En) 1 <2 liie <4.5se90r-rl/.niil l.ietwork analvsi!: gferter When using ior, fl or", 3ccessorie! <5 !@ 50 mi,/trin 0 to I 54 ri:rn Oper;ticn mede N|SP l5 <90s Aulomtrrlc O(:l,onietric Meaar range: nil/min (Sidestream) rnllmin (Lov; flo#) or t15 mllmin, i{hi.h-.vEr 59a, Wh*n using ;Jult sraier lr:p ailJ 2 5 m aCLlli 5ampiiir! line <5.s s €Jl20 ml,/,nirl \.!hen ilsrnq neonat-l waterirep an.l 2.5 m leontrtal sampiina NIBP Diaitolic Gnge: eri6) 1 qtr, l2C t'4ethodl S!/stoli. Gnqe: grcni.r Unspecilied (ovef lot/..i is Anu i5 to 30il bFni Ped/Ne$:15 to 150 bpnr I bpnr t I hilm or 1 I 9i, vrhr(h€ver ir greater 0 i5 I 9!{,1 10.5-o{ {1? to i:.q9'c) iiC4:;^a+8c/orEl) il I ro 2go6: s Diagncstlc t4ode >90clB r'*orlitct 5uioicel, 5T l.lode: ;1 0;dB llange 2.C lc.2 0 .nV A.cura(yrllJ.C2 mVor 110 ah, whi*ever fiesolulior i: 0.0 I mV Yes. hriiri-lend. 2.4 riassti.aiicns :i0 25 Reireliri.g r:rel "(: a).1 r0.1o,t(.:l.cil tC 2Dli (1 ro 4 401-iz 5po, Ran!el Re!oluiron: TB,rlr Withnand 5000!' i360.lldef briliaricn liF innlysi.: LeaJ: L,/,ni.r Sidesilerln, Lcwi]orli Re5pjra!iafi Ranqe: a-.O_r 11.l !lblt9iiCiS:mmHgund-"rsrnn.iafdatmosphe.i.i)rlsure) Heart Bata Pange: .a I L,hir. lihichevel lli t0.l'C ii'rjrhout seilsoij TB. CO?(foruMEC 12 ofllyJ <l0 CMRR :C0 er 10004 Thermodilutron 5-iea{i: l, ll, lll, aVft,:VL, aVF,V Aulomatic lead rercqniiion x0.l 25, x0.25,xC.5, xl. x2, x4, Alrto 6.25 nrnrs, I2.5 mm,/i,l5 mm/5, 50 mm,/s Si iiode:0.05 L1.fib pr0tection: r2%oftlmmHq,whlche\€risqreater{w-lthoutsenlorl 5llVll/mn1g T3r 23:o 43"C Ti:0 ic 27"4 (O.: t5t1o or a0. 3/; Gn -54 C.O. (lo. uMEC 12 only) IcG Leaci 5et: 2 .harnels to 3CC mml-lg mffHg ijp ro l intl-oa.ket@mindrey.com www.mindray.com mlndray i'",'.-."" ".'.re reghtered kademark ar hadrmarkt owned by Shen?he* M,ndray Eio-medi.at Et€.tioni(s Co., itDc201!ShenzhenMindrayBio-MedicalEledroni(rCo..Lid.Alldghtsrese.ved. Specdicationrsubje.trochsnqerwithourpriornotlde P/N:ENG-UMEC-21 0285x4P-201 60509 mindray